include $(top_srcdir)/build/autotools/ NULL = noinst_PROGRAMS = test-conformance common_sources = \ test-utils.h \ test-utils.c \ test-conform-main.c \ $(NULL) unported_test_sources = \ test-fixed.c \ test-materials.c \ test-viewport.c \ test-multitexture.c \ test-npot-texture.c \ test-object.c \ test-readpixels.c \ test-texture-mipmaps.c \ test-texture-pixmap-x11.c \ test-texture-rectangle.c \ test-vertex-buffer-contiguous.c \ test-vertex-buffer-interleved.c \ test-vertex-buffer-mutability.c \ $(NULL) test_sources = \ test-atlas-migration.c \ test-bitmask.c \ test-blend-strings.c \ test-depth-test.c \ test-color-mask.c \ test-backface-culling.c \ test-just-vertex-shader.c \ test-path.c \ test-pipeline-user-matrix.c \ test-pipeline-uniforms.c \ test-pixel-buffer.c \ test-premult.c \ test-snippets.c \ test-wrap-modes.c \ test-sub-texture.c \ test-custom-attributes.c \ test-offscreen.c \ test-primitive.c \ test-texture-3d.c \ test-sparse-pipeline.c \ test-read-texture-formats.c \ test-write-texture-formats.c \ test-point-size.c \ test-point-sprite.c \ test-no-gl-header.c \ test-version.c \ test-gles2-context.c \ test-euler-quaternion.c \ test-layer-remove.c \ test-alpha-test.c \ test-map-buffer-range.c \ test-npot-texture.c \ test-alpha-textures.c \ test-wrap-rectangle-textures.c \ test-texture-get-set-data.c \ test-framebuffer-get-bits.c \ $(NULL) test_conformance_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(test_sources) if OS_WIN32 SHEXT = else SHEXT = $(EXEEXT) endif # For convenience, this provides a way to easily run individual unit tests: .PHONY: wrappers clean-wrappers wrappers: stamp-test-conformance @true stamp-test-conformance: Makefile $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c @mkdir -p wrappers @sed -n -e 's/^ \{1,\}ADD_TEST *( *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\1/p' $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c > unit-tests @chmod +x @( echo "/stamp-test-conformance" ; \ echo "/test-conformance$(EXEEXT)" ; \ echo "*.o" ; \ echo ".gitignore" ; \ echo "unit-tests" ; ) > .gitignore @for i in `cat unit-tests`; \ do \ unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \ echo " GEN $$unit"; \ ( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "$(abs_builddir)/ '$$i' \"\$$@\"" ) > $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \ chmod +x $$unit$(SHEXT); \ echo "/$$unit$(SHEXT)" >> .gitignore; \ done \ && echo timestamp > $(@F) clean-wrappers: @for i in `cat unit-tests`; \ do \ unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \ echo " RM $$unit"; \ rm -f $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \ done \ && rm -f unit-tests \ && rm -f stamp-test-conformance # NB: BUILT_SOURCES here a misnomer. We aren't building source, just inserting # a phony rule that will generate symlink scripts for running individual tests BUILT_SOURCES = wrappers # The include of the $(buildir)/cogl directory here is to make it so # that tests that directly include Cogl source code for whitebox # testing (such as test-bitmask) will still compile AM_CPPFLAGS = \ -I$(top_srcdir) \ -I$(top_builddir)/cogl if !USE_GLIB AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_builddir)/deps/glib endif AM_CPPFLAGS += \ -DCOGL_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API \ -DCOGL_DISABLE_DEPRECATED \ -DTESTS_DATADIR=\""$(top_srcdir)/tests/data"\" \ -DCOGL_COMPILATION test_conformance_CFLAGS = -g3 -O0 $(COGL_DEP_CFLAGS) $(COGL_EXTRA_CFLAGS) test_conformance_LDADD = $(COGL_DEP_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/cogl/ if !USE_GLIB test_conformance_LDADD += $(top_builddir)/deps/glib/ endif test_conformance_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic test: wrappers @$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/ $(abs_builddir)/config.env # XXX: we could prevent the conformance test suite from running # by simply defining this variable conditionally TEST_PROGS = test-conformance .PHONY: test EXTRA_DIST = DISTCLEANFILES = .gitignore dist-hook: ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcprojin for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \ case $$F in \ *.c) echo ' <File RelativePath="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \ ;; \ esac; \ done >testconformance.sourcefiles $(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcprojin >$@ rm testconformance.sourcefiles ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxprojin for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \ case $$F in \ *.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \ ;; \ esac; \ done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles $(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxprojin >$@ rm testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filtersin for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \ case $$F in \ *.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'"><Filter>Sources</Filter></ClCompile>' \ ;; \ esac; \ done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters $(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filtersin >$@ rm testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters # Let the VS9/VS10 Project files be cleared out before they are re-expanded... DISTCLEANFILES += ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj \ ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj \ ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters # we override the clean-generic target to clean up the wrappers so # we cannot use CLEANFILES clean-generic: clean-wrappers $(QUIET_RM)rm -f .log