/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2001 Havoc Pennington, Anders Carlsson * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2003 Rob Adams * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Elijah Newren * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ /** * SECTION:window * @title: MetaWindow * @short_description: Mutter X managed windows */ #include #include "window-private.h" #include "boxes-private.h" #include "edge-resistance.h" #include "util-private.h" #include "frame.h" #include #include "workspace-private.h" #include "stack.h" #include "keybindings-private.h" #include "ui.h" #include "place.h" #include #include #include "constraints.h" #include #include "core.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "meta/compositor-mutter.h" #include "x11/window-x11.h" #include "x11/window-props.h" #include "x11/xprops.h" #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND #include "wayland/meta-window-wayland.h" #include "wayland/meta-window-xwayland.h" #include "wayland/meta-wayland-surface.h" #include "wayland/meta-wayland-private.h" #endif #include "backends/meta-backend-private.h" #include "backends/meta-logical-monitor.h" /* Windows that unmaximize to a size bigger than that fraction of the workarea * will be scaled down to that size (while maintaining aspect ratio). * Windows that cover an area greater then this size are automaximized on map. */ #define MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA .8 #define SNAP_SECURITY_LABEL_PREFIX "snap." static int destroying_windows_disallowed = 0; /* Each window has a "stamp" which is a non-recycled 64-bit ID. They * start after the end of the XID space so that, for stacking * we can keep a guint64 that represents one or the other */ static guint64 next_window_stamp = G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(0x100000000); static void invalidate_work_areas (MetaWindow *window); static void set_wm_state (MetaWindow *window); static void set_net_wm_state (MetaWindow *window); static void meta_window_set_above (MetaWindow *window, gboolean new_value); static void meta_window_show (MetaWindow *window); static void meta_window_hide (MetaWindow *window); static void meta_window_save_rect (MetaWindow *window); static void ensure_mru_position_after (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *after_this_one); static void meta_window_move_resize_now (MetaWindow *window); static void meta_window_unqueue (MetaWindow *window, guint queuebits); static void update_move (MetaWindow *window, gboolean snap, int x, int y); static gboolean update_move_timeout (gpointer data); static void update_resize (MetaWindow *window, gboolean snap, int x, int y, gboolean force); static gboolean update_resize_timeout (gpointer data); static gboolean should_be_on_all_workspaces (MetaWindow *window); static void meta_window_flush_calc_showing (MetaWindow *window); static gboolean queue_calc_showing_func (MetaWindow *window, void *data); static void meta_window_move_between_rects (MetaWindow *window, const MetaRectangle *old_area, const MetaRectangle *new_area); static void unmaximize_window_before_freeing (MetaWindow *window); static void unminimize_window_and_all_transient_parents (MetaWindow *window); static void meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (MetaWindow *window, gboolean focused); static void meta_window_update_icon_now (MetaWindow *window, gboolean force); static void set_workspace_state (MetaWindow *window, gboolean on_all_workspaces, MetaWorkspace *workspace); static MetaWindow * meta_window_find_tile_match (MetaWindow *window, MetaTileMode mode); static void update_edge_constraints (MetaWindow *window); /* Idle handlers for the three queues (run with meta_later_add()). The * "data" parameter in each case will be a GINT_TO_POINTER of the * index into the queue arrays to use. * * TODO: Possibly there is still some code duplication among these, which we * need to sort out at some point. */ static gboolean idle_calc_showing (gpointer data); static gboolean idle_move_resize (gpointer data); static gboolean idle_update_icon (gpointer data); G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE (MetaWindow, meta_window, G_TYPE_OBJECT); enum { PROP_0, PROP_TITLE, PROP_ICON, PROP_MINI_ICON, PROP_DECORATED, PROP_FULLSCREEN, PROP_MAXIMIZED_HORIZONTALLY, PROP_MAXIMIZED_VERTICALLY, PROP_MINIMIZED, PROP_WINDOW_TYPE, PROP_USER_TIME, PROP_DEMANDS_ATTENTION, PROP_URGENT, PROP_SKIP_TASKBAR, PROP_MUTTER_HINTS, PROP_APPEARS_FOCUSED, PROP_RESIZEABLE, PROP_ABOVE, PROP_WM_CLASS, PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_ID, PROP_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME, PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH, PROP_GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH, PROP_GTK_APP_MENU_OBJECT_PATH, PROP_GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH, PROP_ON_ALL_WORKSPACES, PROP_LAST, }; static GParamSpec *obj_props[PROP_LAST]; enum { WORKSPACE_CHANGED, FOCUS, RAISED, UNMANAGED, SIZE_CHANGED, POSITION_CHANGED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint window_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; static void prefs_changed_callback (MetaPreference pref, gpointer data) { MetaWindow *window = data; if (pref == META_PREF_WORKSPACES_ONLY_ON_PRIMARY) { meta_window_on_all_workspaces_changed (window); } else if (pref == META_PREF_ATTACH_MODAL_DIALOGS && window->type == META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG) { window->attached = meta_window_should_attach_to_parent (window); meta_window_recalc_features (window); meta_window_queue (window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE); } } static void meta_window_real_grab_op_began (MetaWindow *window, MetaGrabOp op) { } static void meta_window_real_grab_op_ended (MetaWindow *window, MetaGrabOp op) { window->shaken_loose = FALSE; } static void meta_window_real_current_workspace_changed (MetaWindow *window) { } static gboolean meta_window_real_update_struts (MetaWindow *window) { return FALSE; } static void meta_window_real_get_default_skip_hints (MetaWindow *window, gboolean *skip_taskbar_out, gboolean *skip_pager_out) { *skip_taskbar_out = FALSE; *skip_pager_out = FALSE; } static gboolean meta_window_real_update_icon (MetaWindow *window, cairo_surface_t **icon, cairo_surface_t **mini_icon) { *icon = NULL; *mini_icon = NULL; return FALSE; } static uint32_t meta_window_real_get_client_pid (MetaWindow *window) { return 0; } static void meta_window_finalize (GObject *object) { MetaWindow *window = META_WINDOW (object); if (window->icon) cairo_surface_destroy (window->icon); if (window->mini_icon) cairo_surface_destroy (window->mini_icon); if (window->frame_bounds) cairo_region_destroy (window->frame_bounds); if (window->shape_region) cairo_region_destroy (window->shape_region); if (window->opaque_region) cairo_region_destroy (window->opaque_region); if (window->input_region) cairo_region_destroy (window->input_region); if (window->transient_for) g_object_unref (window->transient_for); g_free (window->sm_client_id); g_free (window->wm_client_machine); g_free (window->startup_id); g_free (window->role); g_free (window->res_class); g_free (window->res_name); g_free (window->title); g_free (window->desc); g_free (window->sandboxed_app_id); g_free (window->gtk_theme_variant); g_free (window->gtk_application_id); g_free (window->gtk_unique_bus_name); g_free (window->gtk_application_object_path); g_free (window->gtk_window_object_path); g_free (window->gtk_app_menu_object_path); g_free (window->gtk_menubar_object_path); g_free (window->placement_rule); G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_window_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void meta_window_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MetaWindow *win = META_WINDOW (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TITLE: g_value_set_string (value, win->title); break; case PROP_ICON: g_value_set_pointer (value, win->icon); break; case PROP_MINI_ICON: g_value_set_pointer (value, win->mini_icon); break; case PROP_DECORATED: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->decorated); break; case PROP_FULLSCREEN: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->fullscreen); break; case PROP_MAXIMIZED_HORIZONTALLY: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->maximized_horizontally); break; case PROP_MAXIMIZED_VERTICALLY: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->maximized_vertically); break; case PROP_MINIMIZED: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->minimized); break; case PROP_WINDOW_TYPE: g_value_set_enum (value, win->type); break; case PROP_USER_TIME: g_value_set_uint (value, win->net_wm_user_time); break; case PROP_DEMANDS_ATTENTION: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->wm_state_demands_attention); break; case PROP_URGENT: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->urgent); break; case PROP_SKIP_TASKBAR: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->skip_taskbar); break; case PROP_MUTTER_HINTS: g_value_set_string (value, win->mutter_hints); break; case PROP_APPEARS_FOCUSED: g_value_set_boolean (value, meta_window_appears_focused (win)); break; case PROP_WM_CLASS: g_value_set_string (value, win->res_class); break; case PROP_RESIZEABLE: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->has_resize_func); break; case PROP_ABOVE: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->wm_state_above); break; case PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_ID: g_value_set_string (value, win->gtk_application_id); break; case PROP_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME: g_value_set_string (value, win->gtk_unique_bus_name); break; case PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, win->gtk_application_object_path); break; case PROP_GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, win->gtk_window_object_path); break; case PROP_GTK_APP_MENU_OBJECT_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, win->gtk_app_menu_object_path); break; case PROP_GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, win->gtk_menubar_object_path); break; case PROP_ON_ALL_WORKSPACES: g_value_set_boolean (value, win->on_all_workspaces); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void meta_window_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { switch (prop_id) { default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void meta_window_class_init (MetaWindowClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = meta_window_finalize; object_class->get_property = meta_window_get_property; object_class->set_property = meta_window_set_property; klass->grab_op_began = meta_window_real_grab_op_began; klass->grab_op_ended = meta_window_real_grab_op_ended; klass->current_workspace_changed = meta_window_real_current_workspace_changed; klass->update_struts = meta_window_real_update_struts; klass->get_default_skip_hints = meta_window_real_get_default_skip_hints; klass->update_icon = meta_window_real_update_icon; klass->get_client_pid = meta_window_real_get_client_pid; obj_props[PROP_TITLE] = g_param_spec_string ("title", "Title", "The title of the window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_ICON] = g_param_spec_pointer ("icon", "Icon", "Normal icon, usually 96x96 pixels", G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_MINI_ICON] = g_param_spec_pointer ("mini-icon", "Mini Icon", "Mini icon, usually 16x16 pixels", G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_DECORATED] = g_param_spec_boolean ("decorated", "Decorated", "Whether window is decorated", TRUE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_FULLSCREEN] = g_param_spec_boolean ("fullscreen", "Fullscreen", "Whether window is fullscreened", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_MAXIMIZED_HORIZONTALLY] = g_param_spec_boolean ("maximized-horizontally", "Maximized horizontally", "Whether window is maximized horizontally", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_MAXIMIZED_VERTICALLY] = g_param_spec_boolean ("maximized-vertically", "Maximizing vertically", "Whether window is maximized vertically", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_MINIMIZED] = g_param_spec_boolean ("minimized", "Minimizing", "Whether window is minimized", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_WINDOW_TYPE] = g_param_spec_enum ("window-type", "Window Type", "The type of the window", META_TYPE_WINDOW_TYPE, META_WINDOW_NORMAL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_USER_TIME] = g_param_spec_uint ("user-time", "User time", "Timestamp of last user interaction", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_DEMANDS_ATTENTION] = g_param_spec_boolean ("demands-attention", "Demands Attention", "Whether the window has _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION set", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_URGENT] = g_param_spec_boolean ("urgent", "Urgent", "Whether the urgent flag of WM_HINTS is set", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_SKIP_TASKBAR] = g_param_spec_boolean ("skip-taskbar", "Skip taskbar", "Whether the skip-taskbar flag of WM_HINTS is set", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_MUTTER_HINTS] = g_param_spec_string ("mutter-hints", "_MUTTER_HINTS", "Contents of the _MUTTER_HINTS property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_APPEARS_FOCUSED] = g_param_spec_boolean ("appears-focused", "Appears focused", "Whether the window is drawn as being focused", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_RESIZEABLE] = g_param_spec_boolean ("resizeable", "Resizeable", "Whether the window can be resized", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_ABOVE] = g_param_spec_boolean ("above", "Above", "Whether the window is shown as always-on-top", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_WM_CLASS] = g_param_spec_string ("wm-class", "WM_CLASS", "Contents of the WM_CLASS property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_ID] = g_param_spec_string ("gtk-application-id", "_GTK_APPLICATION_ID", "Contents of the _GTK_APPLICATION_ID property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME] = g_param_spec_string ("gtk-unique-bus-name", "_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME", "Contents of the _GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH] = g_param_spec_string ("gtk-application-object-path", "_GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH", "Contents of the _GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH] = g_param_spec_string ("gtk-window-object-path", "_GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH", "Contents of the _GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_GTK_APP_MENU_OBJECT_PATH] = g_param_spec_string ("gtk-app-menu-object-path", "_GTK_APP_MENU_OBJECT_PATH", "Contents of the _GTK_APP_MENU_OBJECT_PATH property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH] = g_param_spec_string ("gtk-menubar-object-path", "_GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH", "Contents of the _GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH property of this window", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); obj_props[PROP_ON_ALL_WORKSPACES] = g_param_spec_boolean ("on-all-workspaces", "On all workspaces", "Whether the window is set to appear on all workspaces", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, PROP_LAST, obj_props); window_signals[WORKSPACE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("workspace-changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); window_signals[FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("focus", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); window_signals[RAISED] = g_signal_new ("raised", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); window_signals[UNMANAGED] = g_signal_new ("unmanaged", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * MetaWindow::position-changed: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * This is emitted when the position of a window might * have changed. Specifically, this is emitted when the * position of the toplevel window has changed, or when * the position of the client window has changed. */ window_signals[POSITION_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("position-changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * MetaWindow::size-changed: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * This is emitted when the position of a window might * have changed. Specifically, this is emitted when the * size of the toplevel window has changed, or when the * size of the client window has changed. */ window_signals[SIZE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("size-changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } static void meta_window_init (MetaWindow *self) { self->stamp = next_window_stamp++; meta_prefs_add_listener (prefs_changed_callback, self); } static gboolean is_desktop_or_dock_foreach (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { gboolean *result = data; *result = window->type == META_WINDOW_DESKTOP || window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK; if (*result) return FALSE; /* stop as soon as we find one */ else return TRUE; } /* window is the window that's newly mapped provoking * the possible change */ static void maybe_leave_show_desktop_mode (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean is_desktop_or_dock; if (!window->screen->active_workspace->showing_desktop) return; /* If the window is a transient for the dock or desktop, don't * leave show desktop mode when the window opens. That's * so you can e.g. hide all windows, manipulate a file on * the desktop via a dialog, then unshow windows again. */ is_desktop_or_dock = FALSE; is_desktop_or_dock_foreach (window, &is_desktop_or_dock); meta_window_foreach_ancestor (window, is_desktop_or_dock_foreach, &is_desktop_or_dock); if (!is_desktop_or_dock) { meta_screen_minimize_all_on_active_workspace_except (window->screen, window); meta_screen_unshow_desktop (window->screen); } } gboolean meta_window_should_attach_to_parent (MetaWindow *window) { MetaWindow *parent; if (!meta_prefs_get_attach_modal_dialogs () || window->type != META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG) return FALSE; parent = meta_window_get_transient_for (window); if (!parent) return FALSE; switch (parent->type) { case META_WINDOW_NORMAL: case META_WINDOW_DIALOG: case META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } static gboolean client_window_should_be_mapped (MetaWindow *window) { #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND && !meta_wayland_surface_get_buffer (window->surface)) return FALSE; #endif return !window->shaded; } static void sync_client_window_mapped (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean should_be_mapped = client_window_should_be_mapped (window); g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); if (window->mapped == should_be_mapped) return; window->mapped = should_be_mapped; meta_error_trap_push (window->display); if (should_be_mapped) { XMapWindow (window->display->xdisplay, window->xwindow); } else { XUnmapWindow (window->display->xdisplay, window->xwindow); window->unmaps_pending ++; } meta_error_trap_pop (window->display); } static gboolean meta_window_update_flatpak_id (MetaWindow *window, uint32_t pid) { g_autoptr(GKeyFile) key_file = NULL; g_autofree char *info_filename = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (pid != 0, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (window->sandboxed_app_id == NULL, FALSE); key_file = g_key_file_new (); info_filename = g_strdup_printf ("/proc/%u/root/.flatpak-info", pid); if (!g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, info_filename, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL)) return FALSE; window->sandboxed_app_id = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Application", "name", NULL); return TRUE; } static gboolean meta_window_update_snap_id (MetaWindow *window, uint32_t pid) { g_autofree char *security_label_filename = NULL; g_autofree char *security_label_contents = NULL; gsize i, security_label_contents_size = 0; char *contents_start; char *contents_end; char *sandboxed_app_id; g_return_val_if_fail (pid != 0, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (window->sandboxed_app_id == NULL, FALSE); security_label_filename = g_strdup_printf ("/proc/%u/attr/current", pid); if (!g_file_get_contents (security_label_filename, &security_label_contents, &security_label_contents_size, NULL)) return FALSE; if (!g_str_has_prefix (security_label_contents, SNAP_SECURITY_LABEL_PREFIX)) return FALSE; /* We need to translate the security profile into the desktop-id. * The profile is in the form of 'snap.name-space.binary-name (current)' * while the desktop id will be name-space_binary-name. */ security_label_contents_size -= sizeof (SNAP_SECURITY_LABEL_PREFIX) - 1; contents_start = security_label_contents + sizeof (SNAP_SECURITY_LABEL_PREFIX) - 1; contents_end = strchr (contents_start, ' '); if (contents_end) security_label_contents_size = contents_end - contents_start; for (i = 0; i < security_label_contents_size; ++i) { if (contents_start[i] == '.') contents_start[i] = '_'; } sandboxed_app_id = g_malloc0 (security_label_contents_size + 1); memcpy (sandboxed_app_id, contents_start, security_label_contents_size); window->sandboxed_app_id = sandboxed_app_id; return TRUE; } static void meta_window_update_sandboxed_app_id (MetaWindow *window) { uint32_t pid; g_clear_pointer (&window->sandboxed_app_id, g_free); pid = meta_window_get_client_pid (window); if (pid == 0) return; if (meta_window_update_flatpak_id (window, pid)) return; if (meta_window_update_snap_id (window, pid)) return; } static void meta_window_update_desc (MetaWindow *window) { g_autofree gchar *title = NULL; g_clear_pointer (&window->desc, g_free); if (window->title) title = g_utf8_substring (window->title, 0, MIN (10, g_utf8_strlen (window->title, -1))); if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) { if (title) window->desc = g_strdup_printf ("0x%lx (%s)", window->xwindow, title); else window->desc = g_strdup_printf ("0x%lx", window->xwindow); } else { guint64 small_stamp = window->stamp - G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(0x100000000); if (title) window->desc = g_strdup_printf ("W%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)", small_stamp, title); else window->desc = g_strdup_printf ("W%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT , small_stamp); } } static void meta_window_main_monitor_changed (MetaWindow *window, const MetaLogicalMonitor *old) { META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->main_monitor_changed (window, old); if (old) g_signal_emit_by_name (window->screen, "window-left-monitor", old->number, window); if (window->monitor) g_signal_emit_by_name (window->screen, "window-entered-monitor", window->monitor->number, window); } MetaLogicalMonitor * meta_window_calculate_main_logical_monitor (MetaWindow *window) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaRectangle window_rect; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &window_rect); return meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_from_rect (monitor_manager, &window_rect); } MetaWindow * _meta_window_shared_new (MetaDisplay *display, MetaScreen *screen, MetaWindowClientType client_type, MetaWaylandSurface *surface, Window xwindow, gulong existing_wm_state, MetaCompEffect effect, XWindowAttributes *attrs) { MetaWindow *window; g_assert (attrs != NULL); meta_verbose ("attrs->map_state = %d (%s)\n", attrs->map_state, (attrs->map_state == IsUnmapped) ? "IsUnmapped" : (attrs->map_state == IsViewable) ? "IsViewable" : (attrs->map_state == IsUnviewable) ? "IsUnviewable" : "(unknown)"); if (client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11 && !meta_is_wayland_compositor ()) window = g_object_new (META_TYPE_WINDOW_X11, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND else if (client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) window = g_object_new (META_TYPE_WINDOW_XWAYLAND, NULL); else if (client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND) window = g_object_new (META_TYPE_WINDOW_WAYLAND, NULL); #endif else g_assert_not_reached (); window->constructing = TRUE; window->client_type = client_type; window->surface = surface; window->xwindow = xwindow; /* this is in window->screen->display, but that's too annoying to * type */ window->display = display; meta_display_register_stamp (window->display, &window->stamp, window); window->workspace = NULL; window->sync_request_counter = None; window->sync_request_serial = 0; window->sync_request_timeout_id = 0; window->sync_request_alarm = None; window->screen = screen; meta_window_update_sandboxed_app_id (window); meta_window_update_desc (window); window->override_redirect = attrs->override_redirect; /* avoid tons of stack updates */ meta_stack_freeze (window->screen->stack); window->rect.x = attrs->x; window->rect.y = attrs->y; window->rect.width = attrs->width; window->rect.height = attrs->height; /* size_hints are the "request" */ window->size_hints.x = attrs->x; window->size_hints.y = attrs->y; window->size_hints.width = attrs->width; window->size_hints.height = attrs->height; /* initialize the remaining size_hints as if size_hints.flags were zero */ meta_set_normal_hints (window, NULL); /* And this is our unmaximized size */ window->saved_rect = window->rect; window->unconstrained_rect = window->rect; window->depth = attrs->depth; window->xvisual = attrs->visual; window->title = NULL; window->icon = NULL; window->mini_icon = NULL; window->frame = NULL; window->has_focus = FALSE; window->attached_focus_window = NULL; window->maximized_horizontally = FALSE; window->maximized_vertically = FALSE; window->maximize_horizontally_after_placement = FALSE; window->maximize_vertically_after_placement = FALSE; window->minimize_after_placement = FALSE; window->fullscreen = FALSE; window->require_fully_onscreen = TRUE; window->require_on_single_monitor = TRUE; window->require_titlebar_visible = TRUE; window->on_all_workspaces = FALSE; window->on_all_workspaces_requested = FALSE; window->tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; window->tile_monitor_number = -1; window->tile_hfraction = -1.; window->shaded = FALSE; window->initially_iconic = FALSE; window->minimized = FALSE; window->tab_unminimized = FALSE; window->iconic = FALSE; window->mapped = attrs->map_state != IsUnmapped; window->hidden = FALSE; window->known_to_compositor = FALSE; window->visible_to_compositor = FALSE; window->pending_compositor_effect = effect; /* if already mapped, no need to worry about focus-on-first-time-showing */ window->showing_for_first_time = !window->mapped; /* if already mapped we don't want to do the placement thing; * override-redirect windows are placed by the app */ window->placed = ((window->mapped && !window->hidden) || window->override_redirect); window->denied_focus_and_not_transient = FALSE; window->unmanaging = FALSE; window->is_in_queues = 0; window->keys_grabbed = FALSE; window->grab_on_frame = FALSE; window->all_keys_grabbed = FALSE; window->withdrawn = FALSE; window->initial_workspace_set = FALSE; window->initial_timestamp_set = FALSE; window->net_wm_user_time_set = FALSE; window->user_time_window = None; window->take_focus = FALSE; window->delete_window = FALSE; window->can_ping = FALSE; window->input = TRUE; window->calc_placement = FALSE; window->shaken_loose = FALSE; window->have_focus_click_grab = FALSE; window->disable_sync = FALSE; window->unmaps_pending = 0; window->mwm_decorated = TRUE; window->mwm_border_only = FALSE; window->mwm_has_close_func = TRUE; window->mwm_has_minimize_func = TRUE; window->mwm_has_maximize_func = TRUE; window->mwm_has_move_func = TRUE; window->mwm_has_resize_func = TRUE; if (client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) window->decorated = TRUE; else window->decorated = FALSE; window->has_close_func = TRUE; window->has_minimize_func = TRUE; window->has_maximize_func = TRUE; window->has_move_func = TRUE; window->has_resize_func = TRUE; window->has_shade_func = TRUE; window->has_fullscreen_func = TRUE; window->always_sticky = FALSE; window->skip_taskbar = FALSE; window->skip_pager = FALSE; window->wm_state_above = FALSE; window->wm_state_below = FALSE; window->wm_state_demands_attention = FALSE; window->res_class = NULL; window->res_name = NULL; window->role = NULL; window->sm_client_id = NULL; window->wm_client_machine = NULL; window->is_remote = FALSE; window->startup_id = NULL; window->net_wm_pid = -1; window->xtransient_for = None; window->xclient_leader = None; window->type = META_WINDOW_NORMAL; window->struts = NULL; window->layer = META_LAYER_LAST; /* invalid value */ window->stack_position = -1; window->initial_workspace = 0; /* not used */ window->initial_timestamp = 0; /* not used */ window->compositor_private = NULL; window->monitor = meta_window_calculate_main_logical_monitor (window); if (window->monitor) window->preferred_output_winsys_id = window->monitor->winsys_id; else window->preferred_output_winsys_id = UINT_MAX; window->tile_match = NULL; /* Assign this #MetaWindow a sequence number which can be used * for sorting. */ window->stable_sequence = ++display->window_sequence_counter; window->opacity = 0xFF; if (window->override_redirect) { window->decorated = FALSE; window->always_sticky = TRUE; window->has_close_func = FALSE; window->has_shade_func = FALSE; window->has_move_func = FALSE; window->has_resize_func = FALSE; } META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->manage (window); if (!window->override_redirect) meta_window_update_icon_now (window, TRUE); if (window->initially_iconic) { /* WM_HINTS said minimized */ window->minimized = TRUE; meta_verbose ("Window %s asked to start out minimized\n", window->desc); } if (existing_wm_state == IconicState) { /* WM_STATE said minimized */ window->minimized = TRUE; meta_verbose ("Window %s had preexisting WM_STATE = IconicState, minimizing\n", window->desc); /* Assume window was previously placed, though perhaps it's * been iconic its whole life, we have no way of knowing. */ window->placed = TRUE; } /* Apply any window attributes such as initial workspace * based on startup notification */ meta_screen_apply_startup_properties (window->screen, window); /* Try to get a "launch timestamp" for the window. If the window is * a transient, we'd like to be able to get a last-usage timestamp * from the parent window. If the window has no parent, there isn't * much we can do...except record the current time so that any children * can use this time as a fallback. */ if (!window->override_redirect && !window->net_wm_user_time_set) { /* First, maybe the app was launched with startup notification using an * obsolete version of the spec; use that timestamp if it exists. */ if (window->initial_timestamp_set) /* NOTE: Do NOT toggle net_wm_user_time_set to true; this is just * being recorded as a fallback for potential transients */ window->net_wm_user_time = window->initial_timestamp; else if (window->transient_for != NULL) meta_window_set_user_time (window, window->transient_for->net_wm_user_time); else /* NOTE: Do NOT toggle net_wm_user_time_set to true; this is just * being recorded as a fallback for potential transients */ window->net_wm_user_time = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); } window->attached = meta_window_should_attach_to_parent (window); if (window->attached) meta_window_recalc_features (window); if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DESKTOP || window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK) { /* Change the default, but don't enforce this if the user * focuses the dock/desktop and unsticks it using key shortcuts. * Need to set this before adding to the workspaces so the MRU * lists will be updated. */ window->on_all_workspaces_requested = TRUE; } window->on_all_workspaces = should_be_on_all_workspaces (window); /* For the workspace, first honor hints, * if that fails put transients with parents, * otherwise put window on active space */ if (window->initial_workspace_set) { gboolean on_all_workspaces = window->on_all_workspaces; MetaWorkspace *workspace = NULL; if (window->initial_workspace == (int) 0xFFFFFFFF) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PLACEMENT, "Window %s is initially on all spaces\n", window->desc); /* need to set on_all_workspaces first so that it will be * added to all the MRU lists */ window->on_all_workspaces_requested = TRUE; on_all_workspaces = TRUE; } else if (!on_all_workspaces) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PLACEMENT, "Window %s is initially on space %d\n", window->desc, window->initial_workspace); workspace = meta_screen_get_workspace_by_index (window->screen, window->initial_workspace); } set_workspace_state (window, on_all_workspaces, workspace); } /* override-redirect windows are subtly different from other windows * with window->on_all_workspaces == TRUE. Other windows are part of * some workspace (so they can return to that if the flag is turned off), * but appear on other workspaces. override-redirect windows are part * of no workspace. */ if (!window->override_redirect && window->workspace == NULL) { if (window->transient_for != NULL) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PLACEMENT, "Putting window %s on same workspace as parent %s\n", window->desc, window->transient_for->desc); set_workspace_state (window, window->transient_for->on_all_workspaces_requested, window->transient_for->workspace); } if (window->on_all_workspaces) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PLACEMENT, "Putting window %s on all workspaces\n", window->desc); set_workspace_state (window, TRUE, NULL); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PLACEMENT, "Putting window %s on active workspace\n", window->desc); set_workspace_state (window, FALSE, window->screen->active_workspace); } meta_window_update_struts (window); } meta_window_main_monitor_changed (window, NULL); /* Must add window to stack before doing move/resize, since the * window might have fullscreen size (i.e. should have been * fullscreen'd; acrobat is one such braindead case; it withdraws * and remaps its window whenever trying to become fullscreen...) * and thus constraints may try to auto-fullscreen it which also * means restacking it. */ if (meta_window_is_stackable (window)) meta_stack_add (window->screen->stack, window); else if (window->override_redirect) window->layer = META_LAYER_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT; /* otherwise set by MetaStack */ if (!window->override_redirect) { /* FIXME we have a tendency to set this then immediately * change it again. */ set_wm_state (window); set_net_wm_state (window); } meta_compositor_add_window (screen->display->compositor, window); window->known_to_compositor = TRUE; /* Sync stack changes */ meta_stack_thaw (window->screen->stack); /* Usually the we'll have queued a stack sync anyways, because we've * added a new frame window or restacked. But if an undecorated * window is mapped, already stacked in the right place, then we * might need to do this explicitly. */ meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack (window->screen->stack_tracker); /* disable show desktop mode unless we're a desktop component */ maybe_leave_show_desktop_mode (window); meta_window_queue (window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); /* See bug 303284; a transient of the given window can already exist, in which * case we think it should probably be shown. */ meta_window_foreach_transient (window, queue_calc_showing_func, NULL); /* See bug 334899; the window may have minimized ancestors * which need to be shown. * * However, we shouldn't unminimize windows here when opening * a new display because that breaks passing _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN * between window managers when replacing them; see bug 358042. * * And we shouldn't unminimize windows if they were initially * iconic. */ if (!window->override_redirect && !display->display_opening && !window->initially_iconic) unminimize_window_and_all_transient_parents (window); window->constructing = FALSE; meta_display_notify_window_created (display, window); if (window->wm_state_demands_attention) g_signal_emit_by_name (window->display, "window-demands-attention", window); return window; } static gboolean detach_foreach_func (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { GList **children = data; MetaWindow *parent; if (window->attached) { /* Only return the immediate children of the window being unmanaged */ parent = meta_window_get_transient_for (window); if (parent->unmanaging) *children = g_list_prepend (*children, window); } return TRUE; } void meta_window_unmanage (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { GList *tmp; meta_verbose ("Unmanaging %s\n", window->desc); window->unmanaging = TRUE; #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND /* This needs to happen for both Wayland and XWayland clients, * so it can't be in MetaWindowWayland. */ if (window->surface) { meta_wayland_surface_set_window (window->surface, NULL); window->surface = NULL; } #endif if (window->visible_to_compositor) { window->visible_to_compositor = FALSE; meta_compositor_hide_window (window->display->compositor, window, META_COMP_EFFECT_DESTROY); } meta_compositor_remove_window (window->display->compositor, window); window->known_to_compositor = FALSE; if (destroying_windows_disallowed > 0) meta_bug ("Tried to destroy window %s while destruction was not allowed\n", window->desc); meta_display_unregister_stamp (window->display, window->stamp); if (meta_prefs_get_attach_modal_dialogs ()) { GList *attached_children = NULL, *iter; /* Detach any attached dialogs by unmapping and letting them * be remapped after @window is destroyed. */ meta_window_foreach_transient (window, detach_foreach_func, &attached_children); for (iter = attached_children; iter; iter = iter->next) meta_window_unmanage (iter->data, timestamp); g_list_free (attached_children); } /* Make sure to only show window on all workspaces if requested, to * not confuse other window managers that may take over */ if (window->screen->closing && meta_prefs_get_workspaces_only_on_primary ()) meta_window_on_all_workspaces_changed (window); if (window->fullscreen) { MetaGroup *group; /* If the window is fullscreen, it may be forcing * other windows in its group to a higher layer */ meta_stack_freeze (window->screen->stack); group = meta_window_get_group (window); if (group) meta_group_update_layers (group); meta_stack_thaw (window->screen->stack); } meta_display_remove_pending_pings_for_window (window->display, window); /* safe to do this early as group.c won't re-add to the * group if window->unmanaging */ meta_window_shutdown_group (window); /* If we have the focus, focus some other window. * This is done first, so that if the unmap causes * an EnterNotify the EnterNotify will have final say * on what gets focused, maintaining sloppy focus * invariants. */ if (meta_window_appears_focused (window)) meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (window, FALSE); if (window->has_focus) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing default window since we're unmanaging %s\n", window->desc); meta_workspace_focus_default_window (window->screen->active_workspace, NULL, timestamp); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Unmanaging window %s which doesn't currently have focus\n", window->desc); } g_assert (window->display->focus_window != window); if (window->struts) { meta_free_gslist_and_elements (window->struts); window->struts = NULL; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WORKAREA, "Unmanaging window %s which has struts, so invalidating work areas\n", window->desc); invalidate_work_areas (window); } if (window->sync_request_timeout_id) { g_source_remove (window->sync_request_timeout_id); window->sync_request_timeout_id = 0; } if (window->display->grab_window == window) meta_display_end_grab_op (window->display, timestamp); g_assert (window->display->grab_window != window); if (window->maximized_horizontally || window->maximized_vertically) unmaximize_window_before_freeing (window); meta_window_unqueue (window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING | META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE | META_QUEUE_UPDATE_ICON); meta_window_free_delete_dialog (window); set_workspace_state (window, FALSE, NULL); g_assert (window->workspace == NULL); #ifndef G_DISABLE_CHECKS tmp = window->screen->workspaces; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWorkspace *workspace = tmp->data; g_assert (g_list_find (workspace->windows, window) == NULL); g_assert (g_list_find (workspace->mru_list, window) == NULL); tmp = tmp->next; } #endif if (window->monitor) { const MetaLogicalMonitor *old = window->monitor; window->monitor = NULL; meta_window_main_monitor_changed (window, old); } if (meta_window_is_in_stack (window)) meta_stack_remove (window->screen->stack, window); /* If an undecorated window is being withdrawn, that will change the * stack as presented to the compositing manager, without actually * changing the stacking order of X windows. */ meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack (window->screen->stack_tracker); if (window->display->autoraise_window == window) meta_display_remove_autoraise_callback (window->display); META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->unmanage (window); meta_prefs_remove_listener (prefs_changed_callback, window); meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[UNMANAGED], 0); g_object_unref (window); } static void set_wm_state (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) meta_window_x11_set_wm_state (window); } static void set_net_wm_state (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) meta_window_x11_set_net_wm_state (window); } static void set_allowed_actions_hint (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) meta_window_x11_set_allowed_actions_hint (window); } /** * meta_window_located_on_workspace: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @workspace: a #MetaWorkspace * * Returns: whether @window is displayed on @workspace, or whether it * will be displayed on all workspaces. */ gboolean meta_window_located_on_workspace (MetaWindow *window, MetaWorkspace *workspace) { return (window->on_all_workspaces) || (window->workspace == workspace); } static gboolean is_minimized_foreach (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { gboolean *result = data; *result = window->minimized; if (*result) return FALSE; /* stop as soon as we find one */ else return TRUE; } static gboolean ancestor_is_minimized (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean is_minimized; is_minimized = FALSE; meta_window_foreach_ancestor (window, is_minimized_foreach, &is_minimized); return is_minimized; } /** * meta_window_showing_on_its_workspace: * @window: A #MetaWindow * * Returns: %TRUE if window would be visible, if its workspace was current */ gboolean meta_window_showing_on_its_workspace (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean showing; gboolean is_desktop_or_dock; MetaWorkspace* workspace_of_window; showing = TRUE; /* 1. See if we're minimized */ if (window->minimized) showing = FALSE; /* 2. See if we're in "show desktop" mode */ is_desktop_or_dock = FALSE; is_desktop_or_dock_foreach (window, &is_desktop_or_dock); meta_window_foreach_ancestor (window, is_desktop_or_dock_foreach, &is_desktop_or_dock); if (window->on_all_workspaces) workspace_of_window = window->screen->active_workspace; else if (window->workspace) workspace_of_window = window->workspace; else /* This only seems to be needed for startup */ workspace_of_window = NULL; if (showing && workspace_of_window && workspace_of_window->showing_desktop && !is_desktop_or_dock) { meta_verbose ("We're showing the desktop on the workspace(s) that window %s is on\n", window->desc); showing = FALSE; } /* 3. See if an ancestor is minimized (note that * ancestor's "mapped" field may not be up to date * since it's being computed in this same idle queue) */ if (showing) { if (ancestor_is_minimized (window)) showing = FALSE; } return showing; } gboolean meta_window_should_be_showing (MetaWindow *window) { #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND && !meta_wayland_surface_get_buffer (window->surface)) return FALSE; #endif /* Windows should be showing if they're located on the * active workspace and they're showing on their own workspace. */ return (meta_window_located_on_workspace (window, window->screen->active_workspace) && meta_window_showing_on_its_workspace (window)); } static void implement_showing (MetaWindow *window, gboolean showing) { /* Actually show/hide the window */ meta_verbose ("Implement showing = %d for window %s\n", showing, window->desc); /* Some windows are not stackable until being showed, so add those now. */ if (meta_window_is_stackable (window) && !meta_window_is_in_stack (window)) meta_stack_add (window->screen->stack, window); if (!showing) { /* When we manage a new window, we normally delay placing it * until it is is first shown, but if we're previewing hidden * windows we might want to know where they are on the screen, * so we should place the window even if we're hiding it rather * than showing it. * Force placing windows only when they should be already mapped, * see #751887 */ if (!window->placed && client_window_should_be_mapped (window)) meta_window_force_placement (window, FALSE); meta_window_hide (window); } else meta_window_show (window); if (!window->override_redirect) sync_client_window_mapped (window); } static void meta_window_calc_showing (MetaWindow *window) { implement_showing (window, meta_window_should_be_showing (window)); } static guint queue_later[NUMBER_OF_QUEUES] = {0, 0, 0}; static GSList *queue_pending[NUMBER_OF_QUEUES] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; static int stackcmp (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { MetaWindow *aw = (gpointer) a; MetaWindow *bw = (gpointer) b; if (aw->screen != bw->screen) return 0; /* don't care how they sort with respect to each other */ else return meta_stack_windows_cmp (aw->screen->stack, aw, bw); } static gboolean idle_calc_showing (gpointer data) { GSList *tmp; GSList *copy; GSList *should_show; GSList *should_hide; GSList *unplaced; GSList *displays; guint queue_index = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data); g_return_val_if_fail (queue_pending[queue_index] != NULL, FALSE); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE, "Clearing the calc_showing queue\n"); /* Work with a copy, for reentrancy. The allowed reentrancy isn't * complete; destroying a window while we're in here would result in * badness. But it's OK to queue/unqueue calc_showings. */ copy = g_slist_copy (queue_pending[queue_index]); g_slist_free (queue_pending[queue_index]); queue_pending[queue_index] = NULL; queue_later[queue_index] = 0; destroying_windows_disallowed += 1; /* We map windows from top to bottom and unmap from bottom to * top, to avoid extra expose events. The exception is * for unplaced windows, which have to be mapped from bottom to * top so placement works. */ should_show = NULL; should_hide = NULL; unplaced = NULL; displays = NULL; tmp = copy; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; if (!window->placed) unplaced = g_slist_prepend (unplaced, window); else if (meta_window_should_be_showing (window)) should_show = g_slist_prepend (should_show, window); else should_hide = g_slist_prepend (should_hide, window); tmp = tmp->next; } /* bottom to top */ unplaced = g_slist_sort (unplaced, stackcmp); should_hide = g_slist_sort (should_hide, stackcmp); /* top to bottom */ should_show = g_slist_sort (should_show, stackcmp); should_show = g_slist_reverse (should_show); tmp = unplaced; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; meta_window_calc_showing (window); tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = should_show; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; implement_showing (window, TRUE); tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = should_hide; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; implement_showing (window, FALSE); tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = copy; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; /* important to set this here for reentrancy - * if we queue a window again while it's in "copy", * then queue_calc_showing will just return since * we are still in the calc_showing queue */ window->is_in_queues &= ~META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING; tmp = tmp->next; } if (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode () != G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK) { /* When display->mouse_mode is false, we want to ignore * EnterNotify events unless they come from mouse motion. To do * that, we set a sentinel property on the root window if we're * not in mouse_mode. */ tmp = should_show; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window = tmp->data; if (!window->display->mouse_mode) meta_display_increment_focus_sentinel (window->display); tmp = tmp->next; } } g_slist_free (copy); g_slist_free (unplaced); g_slist_free (should_show); g_slist_free (should_hide); g_slist_free (displays); destroying_windows_disallowed -= 1; return FALSE; } #ifdef WITH_VERBOSE_MODE static const gchar* meta_window_queue_names[NUMBER_OF_QUEUES] = {"calc_showing", "move_resize", "update_icon"}; #endif static void meta_window_unqueue (MetaWindow *window, guint queuebits) { gint queuenum; for (queuenum=0; queuenumis_in_queues & 1<desc, meta_window_queue_names[queuenum]); /* Note that window may not actually be in the queue * because it may have been in "copy" inside the idle handler */ queue_pending[queuenum] = g_slist_remove (queue_pending[queuenum], window); window->is_in_queues &= ~(1<is_in_queues & META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING) { meta_window_unqueue (window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); meta_window_calc_showing (window); } } void meta_window_queue (MetaWindow *window, guint queuebits) { guint queuenum; /* Easier to debug by checking here rather than in the idle */ g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect || (queuebits & META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE) == 0); for (queuenum=0; queuenumunmanaging) break; /* If the window already claims to be in that queue, there's no * point putting it in the queue. */ if (window->is_in_queues & 1<desc, meta_window_queue_names[queuenum]); /* So, mark it as being in this queue. */ window->is_in_queues |= 1<display->focus_window; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "COMPARISON:\n" " net_wm_user_time_set : %d\n" " net_wm_user_time : %u\n" " initial_timestamp_set: %d\n" " initial_timestamp : %u\n", window->net_wm_user_time_set, window->net_wm_user_time, window->initial_timestamp_set, window->initial_timestamp); if (focus_window != NULL) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "COMPARISON (continued):\n" " focus_window : %s\n" " fw->net_wm_user_time_set : %d\n" " fw->net_wm_user_time : %u\n", focus_window->desc, focus_window->net_wm_user_time_set, focus_window->net_wm_user_time); } /* We expect the most common case for not focusing a new window * to be when a hint to not focus it has been set. Since we can * deal with that case rapidly, we use special case it--this is * merely a preliminary optimization. :) */ if ( ((window->net_wm_user_time_set == TRUE) && (window->net_wm_user_time == 0)) || ((window->initial_timestamp_set == TRUE) && (window->initial_timestamp == 0))) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "window %s explicitly requested no focus\n", window->desc); return TRUE; } if (!(window->net_wm_user_time_set) && !(window->initial_timestamp_set)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "no information about window %s found\n", window->desc); return FALSE; } if (focus_window != NULL && !focus_window->net_wm_user_time_set) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "focus window, %s, doesn't have a user time set yet!\n", window->desc); return FALSE; } /* To determine the "launch" time of an application, * startup-notification can set the TIMESTAMP and the * application (usually via its toolkit such as gtk or qt) can * set the _NET_WM_USER_TIME. If both are set, we need to be * using the newer of the two values. * * See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573922 */ compare = 0; if (window->net_wm_user_time_set && window->initial_timestamp_set) compare = XSERVER_TIME_IS_BEFORE (window->net_wm_user_time, window->initial_timestamp) ? window->initial_timestamp : window->net_wm_user_time; else if (window->net_wm_user_time_set) compare = window->net_wm_user_time; else if (window->initial_timestamp_set) compare = window->initial_timestamp; if ((focus_window != NULL) && XSERVER_TIME_IS_BEFORE (compare, focus_window->net_wm_user_time)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "window %s focus prevented by other activity; %u < %u\n", window->desc, compare, focus_window->net_wm_user_time); return TRUE; } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "new window %s with no intervening events\n", window->desc); return FALSE; } } /* This function is an ugly hack. It's experimental in nature and ought to be * replaced by a real hint from the app to the WM if we decide the experimental * behavior is worthwhile. The basic idea is to get more feedback about how * usage scenarios of "strict" focus users and what they expect. See #326159. */ static gboolean window_is_terminal (MetaWindow *window) { if (window == NULL || window->res_class == NULL) return FALSE; /* * Compare res_class, which is not user-settable, and thus theoretically * a more-reliable indication of term-ness. */ /* gnome-terminal -- if you couldn't guess */ if (strcmp (window->res_class, "Gnome-terminal") == 0) return TRUE; /* xterm, rxvt, aterm */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "XTerm") == 0) return TRUE; /* konsole, KDE's terminal program */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "Konsole") == 0) return TRUE; /* rxvt-unicode */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "URxvt") == 0) return TRUE; /* eterm */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "Eterm") == 0) return TRUE; /* KTerm -- some terminal not KDE based; so not like Konsole */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "KTerm") == 0) return TRUE; /* Multi-gnome-terminal */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "Multi-gnome-terminal") == 0) return TRUE; /* mlterm ("multi lingual terminal emulator on X") */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "mlterm") == 0) return TRUE; /* Terminal -- XFCE Terminal */ else if (strcmp (window->res_class, "Terminal") == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* This function determines what state the window should have assuming that it * and the focus_window have no relation */ static void window_state_on_map (MetaWindow *window, gboolean *takes_focus, gboolean *places_on_top) { gboolean intervening_events; intervening_events = intervening_user_event_occurred (window); *takes_focus = !intervening_events; *places_on_top = *takes_focus; /* don't initially focus windows that are intended to not accept * focus */ if (!(window->input || window->take_focus)) { *takes_focus = FALSE; return; } /* Terminal usage may be different; some users intend to launch * many apps in quick succession or to just view things in the new * window while still interacting with the terminal. In that case, * apps launched from the terminal should not take focus. This * isn't quite the same as not allowing focus to transfer from * terminals due to new window map, but the latter is a much easier * approximation to enforce so we do that. */ if (*takes_focus && meta_prefs_get_focus_new_windows () == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_NEW_WINDOWS_STRICT && !window->display->allow_terminal_deactivation && window_is_terminal (window->display->focus_window) && !meta_window_is_ancestor_of_transient (window->display->focus_window, window)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "focus_window is terminal; not focusing new window.\n"); *takes_focus = FALSE; *places_on_top = FALSE; } switch (window->type) { case META_WINDOW_UTILITY: case META_WINDOW_TOOLBAR: *takes_focus = FALSE; *places_on_top = FALSE; break; case META_WINDOW_DOCK: case META_WINDOW_DESKTOP: case META_WINDOW_SPLASHSCREEN: case META_WINDOW_MENU: /* override redirect types: */ case META_WINDOW_DROPDOWN_MENU: case META_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU: case META_WINDOW_TOOLTIP: case META_WINDOW_NOTIFICATION: case META_WINDOW_COMBO: case META_WINDOW_DND: case META_WINDOW_OVERRIDE_OTHER: /* don't focus any of these; places_on_top may be irrelevant for some of * these (e.g. dock)--but you never know--the focus window might also be * of the same type in some weird situation... */ *takes_focus = FALSE; break; case META_WINDOW_NORMAL: case META_WINDOW_DIALOG: case META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG: /* The default is correct for these */ break; } } static gboolean windows_overlap (const MetaWindow *w1, const MetaWindow *w2) { MetaRectangle w1rect, w2rect; meta_window_get_frame_rect (w1, &w1rect); meta_window_get_frame_rect (w2, &w2rect); return meta_rectangle_overlap (&w1rect, &w2rect); } /* Returns whether a new window would be covered by any * existing window on the same workspace that is set * to be "above" ("always on top"). A window that is not * set "above" would be underneath the new window anyway. * * We take "covered" to mean even partially covered, but * some people might prefer entirely covered. I think it * is more useful to behave this way if any part of the * window is covered, because a partial coverage could be * (say) ninety per cent and almost indistinguishable from total. */ static gboolean window_would_be_covered (const MetaWindow *newbie) { MetaWorkspace *workspace = meta_window_get_workspace ((MetaWindow *)newbie); GList *tmp, *windows; windows = meta_workspace_list_windows (workspace); tmp = windows; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *w = tmp->data; if (w->wm_state_above && w != newbie) { /* We have found a window that is "above". Perhaps it overlaps. */ if (windows_overlap (w, newbie)) { g_list_free (windows); /* clean up... */ return TRUE; /* yes, it does */ } } tmp = tmp->next; } g_list_free (windows); return FALSE; /* none found */ } void meta_window_force_placement (MetaWindow *window, gboolean force_move) { MetaMoveResizeFlags flags; if (window->placed) return; /* We have to recalc the placement here since other windows may * have been mapped/placed since we last did constrain_position */ /* calc_placement is an efficiency hack to avoid * multiple placement calculations before we finally * show the window. */ window->calc_placement = TRUE; flags = META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION; if (force_move) flags |= META_MOVE_RESIZE_FORCE_MOVE; meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, flags, NorthWestGravity, window->unconstrained_rect); window->calc_placement = FALSE; /* don't ever do the initial position constraint thing again. * This is toggled here so that initially-iconified windows * still get placed when they are ultimately shown. */ window->placed = TRUE; /* Don't want to accidentally reuse the fact that we had been denied * focus in any future constraints unless we're denied focus again. */ window->denied_focus_and_not_transient = FALSE; } static void meta_window_show (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean did_show; gboolean takes_focus_on_map; gboolean place_on_top_on_map; gboolean needs_stacking_adjustment; MetaWindow *focus_window; gboolean notify_demands_attention = FALSE; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE, "Showing window %s, shaded: %d iconic: %d placed: %d\n", window->desc, window->shaded, window->iconic, window->placed); focus_window = window->display->focus_window; /* May be NULL! */ did_show = FALSE; window_state_on_map (window, &takes_focus_on_map, &place_on_top_on_map); needs_stacking_adjustment = FALSE; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE, "Window %s %s focus on map, and %s place on top on map.\n", window->desc, takes_focus_on_map ? "does" : "does not", place_on_top_on_map ? "does" : "does not"); /* Now, in some rare cases we should *not* put a new window on top. * These cases include certain types of windows showing for the first * time, and any window which would be covered because of another window * being set "above" ("always on top"). * * FIXME: Although "place_on_top_on_map" and "takes_focus_on_map" are * generally based on the window type, there is a special case when the * focus window is a terminal for them both to be false; this should * probably rather be a term in the "if" condition below. */ if ( focus_window != NULL && window->showing_for_first_time && ( (!place_on_top_on_map && !takes_focus_on_map) || window_would_be_covered (window) ) ) { if (!meta_window_is_ancestor_of_transient (focus_window, window)) { needs_stacking_adjustment = TRUE; if (!window->placed) window->denied_focus_and_not_transient = TRUE; } } if (!window->placed) { if (window->monitor && meta_prefs_get_auto_maximize() && window->showing_for_first_time && window->has_maximize_func) { MetaRectangle work_area; meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->monitor->number, &work_area); /* Automaximize windows that map with a size > MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA of the work area */ if (window->rect.width * window->rect.height > work_area.width * work_area.height * MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA) { window->maximize_horizontally_after_placement = TRUE; window->maximize_vertically_after_placement = TRUE; } } meta_window_force_placement (window, FALSE); } if (needs_stacking_adjustment) { gboolean overlap; /* This window isn't getting focus on map. We may need to do some * special handing with it in regards to * - the stacking of the window * - the MRU position of the window * - the demands attention setting of the window * * Firstly, set the flag so we don't give the window focus anyway * and confuse people. */ takes_focus_on_map = FALSE; overlap = windows_overlap (window, focus_window); /* We want alt tab to go to the denied-focus window */ ensure_mru_position_after (window, focus_window); /* We don't want the denied-focus window to obscure the focus * window, and if we're in both click-to-focus mode and * raise-on-click mode then we want to maintain the invariant * that MRU order == stacking order. The need for this if * comes from the fact that in sloppy/mouse focus the focus * window may not overlap other windows and also can be * considered "below" them; this combination means that * placing the denied-focus window "below" the focus window * in the stack when it doesn't overlap it confusingly places * that new window below a lot of other windows. */ if (overlap || (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode () == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK && meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ())) meta_window_stack_just_below (window, focus_window); /* If the window will be obscured by the focus window, then the * user might not notice the window appearing so set the * demands attention hint. * * We set the hint ourselves rather than calling * meta_window_set_demands_attention() because that would cause * a recalculation of overlap, and a call to set_net_wm_state() * which we are going to call ourselves here a few lines down. */ if (overlap) { if (!window->wm_state_demands_attention) { window->wm_state_demands_attention = TRUE; notify_demands_attention = TRUE; } } } if (window->hidden) { meta_stack_freeze (window->screen->stack); window->hidden = FALSE; meta_stack_thaw (window->screen->stack); did_show = TRUE; } if (window->iconic) { window->iconic = FALSE; set_wm_state (window); } if (!window->visible_to_compositor) { MetaCompEffect effect = META_COMP_EFFECT_NONE; window->visible_to_compositor = TRUE; switch (window->pending_compositor_effect) { case META_COMP_EFFECT_CREATE: case META_COMP_EFFECT_UNMINIMIZE: effect = window->pending_compositor_effect; break; case META_COMP_EFFECT_NONE: case META_COMP_EFFECT_DESTROY: case META_COMP_EFFECT_MINIMIZE: break; } meta_compositor_show_window (window->display->compositor, window, effect); window->pending_compositor_effect = META_COMP_EFFECT_NONE; } /* We don't want to worry about all cases from inside * implement_showing(); we only want to worry about focus if this * window has not been shown before. */ if (window->showing_for_first_time) { window->showing_for_first_time = FALSE; if (takes_focus_on_map) { guint32 timestamp; timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); meta_window_focus (window, timestamp); } else { /* Prevent EnterNotify events in sloppy/mouse focus from * erroneously focusing the window that had been denied * focus. FIXME: This introduces a race; I have a couple * ideas for a better way to accomplish the same thing, but * they're more involved so do it this way for now. */ meta_display_increment_focus_sentinel (window->display); } } set_net_wm_state (window); if (did_show && window->struts) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WORKAREA, "Mapped window %s with struts, so invalidating work areas\n", window->desc); invalidate_work_areas (window); } if (did_show) meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND if (did_show && window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND) meta_wayland_compositor_repick (meta_wayland_compositor_get_default ()); #endif /* * Now that we have shown the window, we no longer want to consider the * initial timestamp in any subsequent deliberations whether to focus this * window or not, so clear the flag. * * See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573922 */ window->initial_timestamp_set = FALSE; if (notify_demands_attention) { g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_DEMANDS_ATTENTION]); g_signal_emit_by_name (window->display, "window-demands-attention", window); } } static void meta_window_hide (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean did_hide; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE, "Hiding window %s\n", window->desc); if (window->visible_to_compositor) { MetaCompEffect effect = META_COMP_EFFECT_NONE; window->visible_to_compositor = FALSE; switch (window->pending_compositor_effect) { case META_COMP_EFFECT_CREATE: case META_COMP_EFFECT_UNMINIMIZE: case META_COMP_EFFECT_NONE: break; case META_COMP_EFFECT_DESTROY: case META_COMP_EFFECT_MINIMIZE: effect = window->pending_compositor_effect; break; } meta_compositor_hide_window (window->display->compositor, window, effect); window->pending_compositor_effect = META_COMP_EFFECT_NONE; } did_hide = FALSE; if (!window->hidden) { meta_stack_freeze (window->screen->stack); window->hidden = TRUE; meta_stack_thaw (window->screen->stack); did_hide = TRUE; } if (!window->iconic) { window->iconic = TRUE; set_wm_state (window); } set_net_wm_state (window); if (did_hide && window->struts) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WORKAREA, "Unmapped window %s with struts, so invalidating work areas\n", window->desc); invalidate_work_areas (window); } if (window->has_focus) { MetaWindow *not_this_one = NULL; MetaWorkspace *my_workspace = meta_window_get_workspace (window); guint32 timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); /* * If this window is modal, passing the not_this_one window to * _focus_default_window() makes the focus to be given to this window's * ancestor. This can only be the case if the window is on the currently * active workspace; when it is not, we need to pass in NULL, so as to * focus the default window for the active workspace (this scenario * arises when we are switching workspaces). * We also pass in NULL if we are in the process of hiding all non-desktop * windows to avoid unexpected changes to the stacking order. */ if (my_workspace == window->screen->active_workspace && !my_workspace->showing_desktop) not_this_one = window; meta_workspace_focus_default_window (window->screen->active_workspace, not_this_one, timestamp); } if (did_hide) meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); } static gboolean queue_calc_showing_func (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { meta_window_queue(window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); return TRUE; } void meta_window_minimize (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); if (!window->minimized) { window->minimized = TRUE; window->pending_compositor_effect = META_COMP_EFFECT_MINIMIZE; meta_window_queue(window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); meta_window_foreach_transient (window, queue_calc_showing_func, NULL); if (window->has_focus) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing default window due to minimization of focus window %s\n", window->desc); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Minimizing window %s which doesn't have the focus\n", window->desc); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MINIMIZED]); } } void meta_window_unminimize (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); if (window->minimized) { window->minimized = FALSE; window->pending_compositor_effect = META_COMP_EFFECT_UNMINIMIZE; meta_window_queue(window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); meta_window_foreach_transient (window, queue_calc_showing_func, NULL); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MINIMIZED]); } } static void ensure_size_hints_satisfied (MetaRectangle *rect, const XSizeHints *size_hints) { int minw, minh, maxw, maxh; /* min/max width/height */ int basew, baseh, winc, hinc; /* base width/height, width/height increment */ int extra_width, extra_height; minw = size_hints->min_width; minh = size_hints->min_height; maxw = size_hints->max_width; maxh = size_hints->max_height; basew = size_hints->base_width; baseh = size_hints->base_height; winc = size_hints->width_inc; hinc = size_hints->height_inc; /* First, enforce min/max size constraints */ rect->width = CLAMP (rect->width, minw, maxw); rect->height = CLAMP (rect->height, minh, maxh); /* Now, verify size increment constraints are satisfied, or make them be */ extra_width = (rect->width - basew) % winc; extra_height = (rect->height - baseh) % hinc; rect->width -= extra_width; rect->height -= extra_height; /* Adjusting width/height down, as done above, may violate minimum size * constraints, so one last fix. */ if (rect->width < minw) rect->width += ((minw - rect->width)/winc + 1)*winc; if (rect->height < minh) rect->height += ((minh - rect->height)/hinc + 1)*hinc; } static void meta_window_save_rect (MetaWindow *window) { if (!(META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (window) || META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window) || window->fullscreen)) { /* save size/pos as appropriate args for move_resize */ if (!window->maximized_horizontally) { window->saved_rect.x = window->rect.x; window->saved_rect.width = window->rect.width; } if (!window->maximized_vertically) { window->saved_rect.y = window->rect.y; window->saved_rect.height = window->rect.height; } } } void meta_window_maximize_internal (MetaWindow *window, MetaMaximizeFlags directions, MetaRectangle *saved_rect) { /* At least one of the two directions ought to be set */ gboolean maximize_horizontally, maximize_vertically; maximize_horizontally = directions & META_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL; maximize_vertically = directions & META_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL; g_assert (maximize_horizontally || maximize_vertically); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Maximizing %s%s\n", window->desc, maximize_horizontally && maximize_vertically ? "" : maximize_horizontally ? " horizontally" : maximize_vertically ? " vertically" : "BUGGGGG"); if (saved_rect != NULL) window->saved_rect = *saved_rect; else meta_window_save_rect (window); if (maximize_horizontally && maximize_vertically) window->saved_maximize = TRUE; window->maximized_horizontally = window->maximized_horizontally || maximize_horizontally; window->maximized_vertically = window->maximized_vertically || maximize_vertically; /* Update the edge constraints */ update_edge_constraints (window);; meta_window_recalc_features (window); set_net_wm_state (window); if (window->monitor->in_fullscreen) meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MAXIMIZED_HORIZONTALLY]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MAXIMIZED_VERTICALLY]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); } void meta_window_maximize (MetaWindow *window, MetaMaximizeFlags directions) { MetaRectangle *saved_rect = NULL; gboolean maximize_horizontally, maximize_vertically; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); /* At least one of the two directions ought to be set */ maximize_horizontally = directions & META_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL; maximize_vertically = directions & META_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL; g_assert (maximize_horizontally || maximize_vertically); /* Only do something if the window isn't already maximized in the * given direction(s). */ if ((maximize_horizontally && !window->maximized_horizontally) || (maximize_vertically && !window->maximized_vertically)) { if (window->shaded && maximize_vertically) { /* Shading sucks anyway; I'm not adding a timestamp argument * to this function just for this niche usage & corner case. */ guint32 timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); meta_window_unshade (window, timestamp); } /* if the window hasn't been placed yet, we'll maximize it then */ if (!window->placed) { window->maximize_horizontally_after_placement = window->maximize_horizontally_after_placement || maximize_horizontally; window->maximize_vertically_after_placement = window->maximize_vertically_after_placement || maximize_vertically; return; } if (window->tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE) { saved_rect = &window->saved_rect; window->maximized_vertically = FALSE; window->tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; } meta_window_maximize_internal (window, directions, saved_rect); MetaRectangle old_frame_rect, old_buffer_rect; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old_frame_rect); meta_window_get_buffer_rect (window, &old_buffer_rect); meta_compositor_size_change_window (window->display->compositor, window, META_SIZE_CHANGE_MAXIMIZE, &old_frame_rect, &old_buffer_rect); meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_STATE_CHANGED), NorthWestGravity, window->unconstrained_rect); } } /** * meta_window_get_maximized: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets the current maximization state of the window, as combination * of the %META_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL and %META_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL flags; * * Return value: current maximization state */ MetaMaximizeFlags meta_window_get_maximized (MetaWindow *window) { return ((window->maximized_horizontally ? META_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL : 0) | (window->maximized_vertically ? META_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL : 0)); } /** * meta_window_is_fullscreen: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: %TRUE if the window is currently fullscreen */ gboolean meta_window_is_fullscreen (MetaWindow *window) { return window->fullscreen; } /** * meta_window_is_screen_sized: * @window: A #MetaWindow * * Return value: %TRUE if the window is occupies the * the whole screen (all monitors). */ gboolean meta_window_is_screen_sized (MetaWindow *window) { MetaRectangle window_rect; int screen_width, screen_height; meta_screen_get_size (window->screen, &screen_width, &screen_height); meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &window_rect); if (window_rect.x == 0 && window_rect.y == 0 && window_rect.width == screen_width && window_rect.height == screen_height) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * meta_window_is_monitor_sized: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: %TRUE if the window is occupies an entire monitor or * the whole screen. */ gboolean meta_window_is_monitor_sized (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window->monitor) return FALSE; if (window->fullscreen) return TRUE; if (meta_window_is_screen_sized (window)) return TRUE; if (window->override_redirect) { MetaRectangle window_rect, monitor_rect; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &window_rect); meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (window->screen, window->monitor->number, &monitor_rect); if (meta_rectangle_equal (&window_rect, &monitor_rect)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * meta_window_is_on_primary_monitor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: %TRUE if the window is on the primary monitor */ gboolean meta_window_is_on_primary_monitor (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (window->monitor, FALSE); return window->monitor->is_primary; } /** * meta_window_requested_bypass_compositor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: %TRUE if the window requested to bypass the compositor */ gboolean meta_window_requested_bypass_compositor (MetaWindow *window) { return window->bypass_compositor == _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR_HINT_ON; } /** * meta_window_requested_dont_bypass_compositor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: %TRUE if the window requested to opt out of unredirecting */ gboolean meta_window_requested_dont_bypass_compositor (MetaWindow *window) { return window->bypass_compositor == _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR_HINT_OFF; } static void meta_window_get_tile_fraction (MetaWindow *window, MetaTileMode tile_mode, double *fraction) { MetaWindow *tile_match; /* Make sure the tile match is up-to-date and matches the * passed in mode rather than the current state */ tile_match = meta_window_find_tile_match (window, tile_mode); if (tile_mode == META_TILE_NONE) *fraction = -1.; else if (tile_mode == META_TILE_MAXIMIZED) *fraction = 1.; else if (tile_match) *fraction = 1. - tile_match->tile_hfraction; else if (META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window)) { if (window->tile_mode != tile_mode) *fraction = 1. - window->tile_hfraction; else *fraction = window->tile_hfraction; } else *fraction = .5; } static void meta_window_update_tile_fraction (MetaWindow *window, int new_w, int new_h) { MetaWindow *tile_match = window->tile_match; MetaRectangle work_area; if (!META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window)) return; meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->tile_monitor_number, &work_area); window->tile_hfraction = (double)new_w / work_area.width; if (tile_match && window->display->grab_window == window) meta_window_tile (tile_match, tile_match->tile_mode); } static void update_edge_constraints (MetaWindow *window) { switch (window->tile_mode) { case META_TILE_NONE: window->edge_constraints[0] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; window->edge_constraints[1] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; window->edge_constraints[2] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; window->edge_constraints[3] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; break; case META_TILE_MAXIMIZED: window->edge_constraints[0] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[1] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[2] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[3] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; break; case META_TILE_LEFT: window->edge_constraints[0] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; if (window->tile_match) window->edge_constraints[1] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_WINDOW; else window->edge_constraints[1] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; window->edge_constraints[2] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[3] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; break; case META_TILE_RIGHT: window->edge_constraints[0] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[1] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[2] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; if (window->tile_match) window->edge_constraints[3] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_WINDOW; else window->edge_constraints[3] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; break; } /* h/vmaximize also modify the edge constraints */ if (window->maximized_vertically) { window->edge_constraints[0] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[2] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; } if (window->maximized_horizontally) { window->edge_constraints[1] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; window->edge_constraints[3] = META_EDGE_CONSTRAINT_MONITOR; } } void meta_window_tile (MetaWindow *window, MetaTileMode tile_mode) { MetaMaximizeFlags directions; MetaRectangle old_frame_rect, old_buffer_rect; meta_window_get_tile_fraction (window, tile_mode, &window->tile_hfraction); window->tile_mode = tile_mode; /* Don't do anything if no tiling is requested */ if (window->tile_mode == META_TILE_NONE) return; if (window->tile_mode == META_TILE_MAXIMIZED) directions = META_MAXIMIZE_BOTH; else directions = META_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL; meta_window_maximize_internal (window, directions, NULL); meta_screen_update_tile_preview (window->screen, FALSE); /* Setup the edge constraints */ update_edge_constraints (window); meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old_frame_rect); meta_window_get_buffer_rect (window, &old_buffer_rect); meta_compositor_size_change_window (window->display->compositor, window, META_SIZE_CHANGE_MAXIMIZE, &old_frame_rect, &old_buffer_rect); meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_STATE_CHANGED), NorthWestGravity, window->unconstrained_rect); if (window->frame) meta_frame_queue_draw (window->frame); } void meta_window_restore_tile (MetaWindow *window, MetaTileMode mode, int width, int height) { meta_window_update_tile_fraction (window, width, height); meta_window_tile (window, mode); } static gboolean meta_window_can_tile_maximized (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_maximize_func; } gboolean meta_window_can_tile_side_by_side (MetaWindow *window) { int monitor; MetaRectangle tile_area; MetaRectangle client_rect; if (!meta_window_can_tile_maximized (window)) return FALSE; monitor = meta_screen_get_current_monitor (window->screen); meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, monitor, &tile_area); /* Do not allow tiling in portrait orientation */ if (tile_area.height > tile_area.width) return FALSE; tile_area.width /= 2; meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (window, &tile_area, &client_rect); return client_rect.width >= window->size_hints.min_width && client_rect.height >= window->size_hints.min_height; } static void unmaximize_window_before_freeing (MetaWindow *window) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Unmaximizing %s just before freeing\n", window->desc); window->maximized_horizontally = FALSE; window->maximized_vertically = FALSE; if (window->withdrawn) /* See bug #137185 */ { window->rect = window->saved_rect; set_net_wm_state (window); } else if (window->screen->closing /* See bug #358042 */ #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND && !meta_is_wayland_compositor () #endif ) { /* Do NOT update net_wm_state: this screen is closing, * it likely will be managed by another window manager * that will need the current _NET_WM_STATE atoms. * Moreover, it will need to know the unmaximized geometry, * therefore move_resize the window to saved_rect here * before closing it. */ meta_window_move_resize_frame (window, FALSE, window->saved_rect.x, window->saved_rect.y, window->saved_rect.width, window->saved_rect.height); } } void meta_window_unmaximize (MetaWindow *window, MetaMaximizeFlags directions) { gboolean unmaximize_horizontally, unmaximize_vertically; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); /* At least one of the two directions ought to be set */ unmaximize_horizontally = directions & META_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL; unmaximize_vertically = directions & META_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL; g_assert (unmaximize_horizontally || unmaximize_vertically); if (unmaximize_horizontally && unmaximize_vertically) window->saved_maximize = FALSE; /* Only do something if the window isn't already maximized in the * given direction(s). */ if ((unmaximize_horizontally && window->maximized_horizontally) || (unmaximize_vertically && window->maximized_vertically)) { MetaRectangle *desired_rect; MetaRectangle target_rect; MetaRectangle work_area; MetaRectangle old_frame_rect, old_buffer_rect; meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->monitor->number, &work_area); meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old_frame_rect); meta_window_get_buffer_rect (window, &old_buffer_rect); if (unmaximize_vertically) window->tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Unmaximizing %s%s\n", window->desc, unmaximize_horizontally && unmaximize_vertically ? "" : unmaximize_horizontally ? " horizontally" : unmaximize_vertically ? " vertically" : "BUGGGGG"); window->maximized_horizontally = window->maximized_horizontally && !unmaximize_horizontally; window->maximized_vertically = window->maximized_vertically && !unmaximize_vertically; /* Update the edge constraints */ update_edge_constraints (window); /* recalc_features() will eventually clear the cached frame * extents, but we need the correct frame extents in the code below, * so invalidate the old frame extents manually up front. */ meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); desired_rect = &window->saved_rect; /* Unmaximize to the saved_rect position in the direction(s) * being unmaximized. */ target_rect = old_frame_rect; /* Avoid unmaximizing to "almost maximized" size when the previous size * is greater then 80% of the work area use MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA of the work area as upper limit * while maintaining the aspect ratio. */ if (unmaximize_horizontally && unmaximize_vertically && desired_rect->width * desired_rect->height > work_area.width * work_area.height * MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA) { if (desired_rect->width > desired_rect->height) { float aspect = (float)desired_rect->height / (float)desired_rect->width; desired_rect->width = MAX (work_area.width * sqrt (MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA), window->size_hints.min_width); desired_rect->height = MAX (desired_rect->width * aspect, window->size_hints.min_height); } else { float aspect = (float)desired_rect->width / (float)desired_rect->height; desired_rect->height = MAX (work_area.height * sqrt (MAX_UNMAXIMIZED_WINDOW_AREA), window->size_hints.min_height); desired_rect->width = MAX (desired_rect->height * aspect, window->size_hints.min_width); } } if (unmaximize_horizontally) { target_rect.x = desired_rect->x; target_rect.width = desired_rect->width; } if (unmaximize_vertically) { target_rect.y = desired_rect->y; target_rect.height = desired_rect->height; } /* Window's size hints may have changed while maximized, making * saved_rect invalid. #329152 */ meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (window, &target_rect, &target_rect); ensure_size_hints_satisfied (&target_rect, &window->size_hints); meta_window_client_rect_to_frame_rect (window, &target_rect, &target_rect); meta_compositor_size_change_window (window->display->compositor, window, META_SIZE_CHANGE_UNMAXIMIZE, &old_frame_rect, &old_buffer_rect); meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_STATE_CHANGED | META_MOVE_RESIZE_UNMAXIMIZE), NorthWestGravity, target_rect); /* When we unmaximize, if we're doing a mouse move also we could * get the window suddenly jumping to the upper left corner of * the workspace, since that's where it was when the grab op * started. So we need to update the grab anchor position. */ if (meta_grab_op_is_moving (window->display->grab_op) && window->display->grab_window == window) { window->display->grab_anchor_window_pos = target_rect; } meta_window_recalc_features (window); set_net_wm_state (window); if (!window->monitor->in_fullscreen) meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); } g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MAXIMIZED_HORIZONTALLY]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MAXIMIZED_VERTICALLY]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); } void meta_window_make_above (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_window_set_above (window, TRUE); meta_window_raise (window); } void meta_window_unmake_above (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_window_set_above (window, FALSE); meta_window_raise (window); } static void meta_window_set_above (MetaWindow *window, gboolean new_value) { new_value = new_value != FALSE; if (new_value == window->wm_state_above) return; window->wm_state_above = new_value; meta_window_update_layer (window); set_net_wm_state (window); meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_ABOVE]); } void meta_window_make_fullscreen_internal (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window->fullscreen) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Fullscreening %s\n", window->desc); if (window->shaded) { /* Shading sucks anyway; I'm not adding a timestamp argument * to this function just for this niche usage & corner case. */ guint32 timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); meta_window_unshade (window, timestamp); } meta_window_save_rect (window); window->fullscreen = TRUE; meta_stack_freeze (window->screen->stack); meta_window_raise (window); meta_stack_thaw (window->screen->stack); meta_window_recalc_features (window); set_net_wm_state (window); /* For the auto-minimize feature, if we fail to get focus */ meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_FULLSCREEN]); } } void meta_window_make_fullscreen (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); if (!window->fullscreen) { MetaRectangle old_frame_rect, old_buffer_rect; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old_frame_rect); meta_window_get_buffer_rect (window, &old_buffer_rect); meta_compositor_size_change_window (window->display->compositor, window, META_SIZE_CHANGE_FULLSCREEN, &old_frame_rect, &old_buffer_rect); meta_window_make_fullscreen_internal (window); meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_STATE_CHANGED), NorthWestGravity, window->unconstrained_rect); } } void meta_window_unmake_fullscreen (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); if (window->fullscreen) { MetaRectangle old_frame_rect, old_buffer_rect, target_rect; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Unfullscreening %s\n", window->desc); window->fullscreen = FALSE; target_rect = window->saved_rect; meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old_frame_rect); meta_window_get_buffer_rect (window, &old_buffer_rect); /* Window's size hints may have changed while maximized, making * saved_rect invalid. #329152 */ meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (window, &target_rect, &target_rect); ensure_size_hints_satisfied (&target_rect, &window->size_hints); meta_window_client_rect_to_frame_rect (window, &target_rect, &target_rect); /* Need to update window->has_resize_func before we move_resize() */ meta_window_recalc_features (window); set_net_wm_state (window); meta_compositor_size_change_window (window->display->compositor, window, META_SIZE_CHANGE_UNFULLSCREEN, &old_frame_rect, &old_buffer_rect); meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_STATE_CHANGED), NorthWestGravity, target_rect); meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_FULLSCREEN]); } } static void meta_window_clear_fullscreen_monitors (MetaWindow *window) { window->fullscreen_monitors.top = NULL; window->fullscreen_monitors.bottom = NULL; window->fullscreen_monitors.left = NULL; window->fullscreen_monitors.right = NULL; } void meta_window_update_fullscreen_monitors (MetaWindow *window, MetaLogicalMonitor *top, MetaLogicalMonitor *bottom, MetaLogicalMonitor *left, MetaLogicalMonitor *right) { if (top && bottom && left && right) { window->fullscreen_monitors.top = top; window->fullscreen_monitors.bottom = bottom; window->fullscreen_monitors.left = left; window->fullscreen_monitors.right = right; } else { meta_window_clear_fullscreen_monitors (window); } if (window->fullscreen) { meta_window_queue(window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE); } } gboolean meta_window_has_fullscreen_monitors (MetaWindow *window) { return window->fullscreen_monitors.top != NULL; } void meta_window_shade (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Shading %s\n", window->desc); if (!window->shaded) { window->shaded = TRUE; meta_window_queue(window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE | META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); /* After queuing the calc showing, since _focus flushes it, * and we need to focus the frame */ meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Re-focusing window %s after shading it\n", window->desc); meta_window_focus (window, timestamp); set_net_wm_state (window); } } void meta_window_unshade (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Unshading %s\n", window->desc); if (window->shaded) { window->shaded = FALSE; meta_window_queue(window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE | META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); /* focus the window */ meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing window %s after unshading it\n", window->desc); meta_window_focus (window, timestamp); set_net_wm_state (window); } } static gboolean unminimize_func (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { meta_window_unminimize (window); return TRUE; } static void unminimize_window_and_all_transient_parents (MetaWindow *window) { meta_window_unminimize (window); meta_window_foreach_ancestor (window, unminimize_func, NULL); } void meta_window_activate_full (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp, MetaClientType source_indication, MetaWorkspace *workspace) { gboolean allow_workspace_switch; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message sent for %s at time %u " "by client type %u.\n", window->desc, timestamp, source_indication); allow_workspace_switch = (timestamp != 0); if (timestamp != 0 && XSERVER_TIME_IS_BEFORE (timestamp, window->display->last_user_time)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "last_user_time (%u) is more recent; ignoring " " _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message.\n", window->display->last_user_time); meta_window_set_demands_attention(window); return; } if (timestamp == 0) timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); meta_window_set_user_time (window, timestamp); /* disable show desktop mode unless we're a desktop component */ maybe_leave_show_desktop_mode (window); /* Get window on current or given workspace */ if (workspace == NULL) workspace = window->screen->active_workspace; /* For non-transient windows, we just set up a pulsing indicator, rather than move windows or workspaces. See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482354 */ if (window->transient_for == NULL && !allow_workspace_switch && !meta_window_located_on_workspace (window, workspace)) { meta_window_set_demands_attention (window); /* We've marked it as demanding, don't need to do anything else. */ return; } else if (window->transient_for != NULL) { /* Move transients to current workspace - preference dialogs should appear over the source window. */ meta_window_change_workspace (window, workspace); } if (window->shaded) meta_window_unshade (window, timestamp); unminimize_window_and_all_transient_parents (window); if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click () || source_indication == META_CLIENT_TYPE_PAGER) meta_window_raise (window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing window %s due to activation\n", window->desc); if (meta_window_located_on_workspace (window, workspace)) meta_window_focus (window, timestamp); else meta_workspace_activate_with_focus (window->workspace, window, timestamp); meta_window_check_alive (window, timestamp); } /* This function exists since most of the functionality in window_activate * is useful for Mutter, but Mutter shouldn't need to specify a client * type for itself. ;-) */ void meta_window_activate (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); /* We're not really a pager, but the behavior we want is the same as if * we were such. If we change the pager behavior later, we could revisit * this and just add extra flags to window_activate. */ meta_window_activate_full (window, timestamp, META_CLIENT_TYPE_PAGER, NULL); } void meta_window_activate_with_workspace (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp, MetaWorkspace *workspace) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_window_activate_full (window, timestamp, META_CLIENT_TYPE_APPLICATION, workspace); } /** * meta_window_updates_are_frozen: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets whether the compositor should be updating the window contents; * window content updates may be frozen at client request by setting * an odd value in the extended _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER counter * by the window manager during a resize operation while waiting for * the client to redraw. * * Return value: %TRUE if updates are currently frozen */ gboolean meta_window_updates_are_frozen (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->extended_sync_request_counter && window->sync_request_serial % 2 == 1) return TRUE; if (window->sync_request_serial < window->sync_request_wait_serial) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static gboolean maybe_move_attached_dialog (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { if (meta_window_is_attached_dialog (window)) /* It ignores x,y for such a dialog */ meta_window_move_frame (window, FALSE, 0, 0); return FALSE; } /** * meta_window_get_monitor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets index of the monitor that this window is on. * * Return Value: The index of the monitor in the screens monitor list */ int meta_window_get_monitor (MetaWindow *window) { return window->monitor->number; } MetaLogicalMonitor * meta_window_get_main_logical_monitor (MetaWindow *window) { return window->monitor; } static MetaLogicalMonitor * find_monitor_by_winsys_id (MetaWindow *window, guint winsys_id) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); GList *logical_monitors, *l; logical_monitors = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitors (monitor_manager); for (l = logical_monitors; l; l = l->next) { MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor = l->data; if (logical_monitor->winsys_id == winsys_id) return logical_monitor; } return NULL; } /* This is called when the monitor setup has changed. The window->monitor * reference is still "valid", but refer to the previous monitor setup */ void meta_window_update_for_monitors_changed (MetaWindow *window) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); const MetaLogicalMonitor *old, *new; if (meta_window_has_fullscreen_monitors (window)) meta_window_clear_fullscreen_monitors (window); if (window->override_redirect || window->type == META_WINDOW_DESKTOP) { meta_window_update_monitor (window, META_WINDOW_UPDATE_MONITOR_FLAGS_NONE); return; } old = window->monitor; /* Try the preferred output first */ new = find_monitor_by_winsys_id (window, window->preferred_output_winsys_id); /* Otherwise, try to find the old output on a new monitor */ if (old && !new) new = find_monitor_by_winsys_id (window, old->winsys_id); /* Fall back to primary if everything else failed */ if (!new) new = meta_monitor_manager_get_primary_logical_monitor (monitor_manager); if (new && old) { if (window->tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE) window->tile_monitor_number = new->number; /* This will eventually reach meta_window_update_monitor that * will send leave/enter-monitor events. The old != new monitor * check will always fail (due to the new logical_monitors set) so * we will always send the events, even if the new and old monitor * index is the same. That is right, since the enumeration of the * monitors changed and the same index could be refereing * to a different monitor. */ meta_window_move_between_rects (window, &old->rect, &new->rect); } else { meta_window_update_monitor (window, META_WINDOW_UPDATE_MONITOR_FLAGS_NONE); } } void meta_window_update_monitor (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindowUpdateMonitorFlags flags) { const MetaLogicalMonitor *old; old = window->monitor; META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->update_main_monitor (window, flags); if (old != window->monitor) { meta_window_on_all_workspaces_changed (window); /* If workspaces only on primary and we moved back to primary due to a user action, * ensure that the window is now in that workspace. We do this because while * the window is on a non-primary monitor it is always visible, so it would be * very jarring if it disappeared when it crossed the monitor border. * The one time we want it to both change to the primary monitor and a non-active * workspace is when dropping the window on some other workspace thumbnail directly. * That should be handled by explicitly moving the window before changing the * workspace. */ if (meta_prefs_get_workspaces_only_on_primary () && flags & META_WINDOW_UPDATE_MONITOR_FLAGS_USER_OP && meta_window_is_on_primary_monitor (window) && window->screen->active_workspace != window->workspace) meta_window_change_workspace (window, window->screen->active_workspace); meta_window_main_monitor_changed (window, old); /* If we're changing monitors, we need to update the has_maximize_func flag, * as the working area has changed. */ meta_window_recalc_features (window); } } void meta_window_move_resize_internal (MetaWindow *window, MetaMoveResizeFlags flags, int gravity, MetaRectangle frame_rect) { /* The rectangle here that's passed in *always* in "frame rect" * coordinates. That means the position of the frame's visible bounds, * with x and y being absolute (root window) coordinates. * * For an X11 framed window, the client window's server rectangle is * inset from this rectangle by the frame's visible borders, and the * frame window's server rectangle is outset by the invisible borders. * * For an X11 unframed window, the rectangle here directly matches * the server's rectangle, since the visible and invisible borders * are both 0. * * For an X11 CSD window, the client window's server rectangle is * outset from this rectagle by the client-specified frame extents. * * For a Wayland window, this rectangle can simply be sent directly * to the client. */ gboolean did_placement; MetaRectangle unconstrained_rect; MetaRectangle constrained_rect; MetaMoveResizeResultFlags result = 0; gboolean moved_or_resized = FALSE; MetaWindowUpdateMonitorFlags update_monitor_flags; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); /* The action has to be a move, a resize or the wayland client * acking our choice of size. */ g_assert (flags & (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_WAYLAND_RESIZE)); did_placement = !window->placed && window->calc_placement; /* We don't need it in the idle queue anymore. */ meta_window_unqueue (window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE); if ((flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION) && (flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION)) { /* We're both moving and resizing. Just use the passed in rect. */ unconstrained_rect = frame_rect; } else if ((flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION)) { /* If this is only a resize, then ignore the position given in * the parameters and instead calculate the new position from * resizing the old rectangle with the given gravity. */ meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&window->rect, &unconstrained_rect, gravity, frame_rect.width, frame_rect.height); } else if ((flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION)) { /* If this is only a move, then ignore the passed in size and * just use the existing size of the window. */ unconstrained_rect.x = frame_rect.x; unconstrained_rect.y = frame_rect.y; unconstrained_rect.width = window->rect.width; unconstrained_rect.height = window->rect.height; } else if ((flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_WAYLAND_RESIZE)) { /* This is a Wayland buffer acking our size. The new rect is * just the existing one we have. Ignore the passed-in rect * completely. */ unconstrained_rect = window->rect; } else g_assert_not_reached (); constrained_rect = unconstrained_rect; if (flags & (META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION) && window->monitor) { MetaRectangle old_rect; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old_rect); meta_window_constrain (window, flags, gravity, &old_rect, &constrained_rect); } /* If we did placement, then we need to save the position that the window * was placed at to make sure that meta_window_move_resize_now places the * window correctly. */ if (did_placement) { unconstrained_rect.x = constrained_rect.x; unconstrained_rect.y = constrained_rect.y; } /* Do the protocol-specific move/resize logic */ META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->move_resize_internal (window, gravity, unconstrained_rect, constrained_rect, flags, &result); if (result & META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESULT_MOVED) { moved_or_resized = TRUE; g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[POSITION_CHANGED], 0); } if (result & META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESULT_RESIZED) { moved_or_resized = TRUE; g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[SIZE_CHANGED], 0); } if (moved_or_resized || did_placement) window->unconstrained_rect = unconstrained_rect; if ((moved_or_resized || did_placement || (result & META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESULT_STATE_CHANGED) != 0) && window->known_to_compositor) { meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry (window->display->compositor, window, did_placement); } update_monitor_flags = META_WINDOW_UPDATE_MONITOR_FLAGS_NONE; if (flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_USER_ACTION) update_monitor_flags |= META_WINDOW_UPDATE_MONITOR_FLAGS_USER_OP; if (window->monitor) { guint old_output_winsys_id; old_output_winsys_id = window->monitor->winsys_id; meta_window_update_monitor (window, update_monitor_flags); if (old_output_winsys_id != window->monitor->winsys_id && flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION && flags & META_MOVE_RESIZE_USER_ACTION) window->preferred_output_winsys_id = window->monitor->winsys_id; } else { meta_window_update_monitor (window, update_monitor_flags); } if ((result & META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESULT_FRAME_SHAPE_CHANGED) && window->frame_bounds) { cairo_region_destroy (window->frame_bounds); window->frame_bounds = NULL; } meta_window_foreach_transient (window, maybe_move_attached_dialog, NULL); meta_stack_update_window_tile_matches (window->screen->stack, window->screen->active_workspace); } /** * meta_window_move_frame: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @user_op: bool to indicate whether or not this is a user operation * @root_x_nw: desired x pos * @root_y_nw: desired y pos * * Moves the window to the desired location on window's assigned * workspace, using the northwest edge of the frame as the reference, * instead of the actual window's origin, but only if a frame is present. * Otherwise, acts identically to meta_window_move(). */ void meta_window_move_frame (MetaWindow *window, gboolean user_op, int root_x_nw, int root_y_nw) { MetaMoveResizeFlags flags; MetaRectangle rect = { root_x_nw, root_y_nw, 0, 0 }; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); flags = (user_op ? META_MOVE_RESIZE_USER_ACTION : 0) | META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION; meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, flags, NorthWestGravity, rect); } static void meta_window_move_between_rects (MetaWindow *window, const MetaRectangle *old_area, const MetaRectangle *new_area) { int rel_x, rel_y; double scale_x, scale_y; if (old_area) { rel_x = window->unconstrained_rect.x - old_area->x; rel_y = window->unconstrained_rect.y - old_area->y; scale_x = (double)new_area->width / old_area->width; scale_y = (double)new_area->height / old_area->height; } else { rel_x = rel_y = scale_x = scale_y = 0; } window->unconstrained_rect.x = new_area->x + rel_x * scale_x; window->unconstrained_rect.y = new_area->y + rel_y * scale_y; window->saved_rect.x = window->unconstrained_rect.x; window->saved_rect.y = window->unconstrained_rect.y; meta_window_move_resize_now (window); } /** * meta_window_move_resize_frame: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @user_op: bool to indicate whether or not this is a user operation * @root_x_nw: new x * @root_y_nw: new y * @w: desired width * @h: desired height * * Resizes the window so that its outer bounds (including frame) * fit within the given rect */ void meta_window_move_resize_frame (MetaWindow *window, gboolean user_op, int root_x_nw, int root_y_nw, int w, int h) { MetaMoveResizeFlags flags; MetaRectangle rect = { root_x_nw, root_y_nw, w, h }; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); flags = (user_op ? META_MOVE_RESIZE_USER_ACTION : 0) | META_MOVE_RESIZE_MOVE_ACTION | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION; meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, flags, NorthWestGravity, rect); } /** * meta_window_move_to_monitor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @monitor: desired monitor index * * Moves the window to the monitor with index @monitor, keeping * the relative position of the window's top left corner. */ void meta_window_move_to_monitor (MetaWindow *window, int monitor) { MetaRectangle old_area, new_area; if (window->tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE) window->tile_monitor_number = monitor; meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->monitor->number, &old_area); meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, monitor, &new_area); if (window->unconstrained_rect.width == 0 || window->unconstrained_rect.height == 0 || !meta_rectangle_overlap (&window->unconstrained_rect, &old_area)) { meta_window_move_between_rects (window, NULL, &new_area); } else { if (monitor == window->monitor->number) return; meta_window_move_between_rects (window, &old_area, &new_area); } window->preferred_output_winsys_id = window->monitor->winsys_id; if (window->fullscreen || window->override_redirect) meta_screen_queue_check_fullscreen (window->screen); } static void adjust_size_for_tile_match (MetaWindow *window, int *new_w, int *new_h) { MetaRectangle work_area, rect; MetaWindow *tile_match = window->tile_match; if (!META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window) || !tile_match) return; meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->tile_monitor_number, &work_area); /* Make sure the resize does not break minimum sizes */ rect = work_area; rect.width = *new_w; meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (window, &rect, &rect); *new_w += MAX(0, window->size_hints.min_width - rect.width); /* Make sure we're not resizing the tile match below its min width */ rect = work_area; rect.width = work_area.width - *new_w; meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (tile_match, &rect, &rect); *new_w -= MAX(0, tile_match->size_hints.min_width - rect.width); } void meta_window_resize_frame_with_gravity (MetaWindow *window, gboolean user_op, int w, int h, int gravity) { MetaMoveResizeFlags flags; MetaRectangle rect; rect.width = w; rect.height = h; if (user_op) { /* When resizing in-tandem with a tile match, we need to respect * its minimum width */ if (window->display->grab_window == window) adjust_size_for_tile_match (window, &w, &h); meta_window_update_tile_fraction (window, w, h); } flags = (user_op ? META_MOVE_RESIZE_USER_ACTION : 0) | META_MOVE_RESIZE_RESIZE_ACTION; meta_window_move_resize_internal (window, flags, gravity, rect); } static void meta_window_move_resize_now (MetaWindow *window) { meta_window_move_resize_frame (window, FALSE, window->unconstrained_rect.x, window->unconstrained_rect.y, window->unconstrained_rect.width, window->unconstrained_rect.height); } static gboolean idle_move_resize (gpointer data) { GSList *tmp; GSList *copy; guint queue_index = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_GEOMETRY, "Clearing the move_resize queue\n"); /* Work with a copy, for reentrancy. The allowed reentrancy isn't * complete; destroying a window while we're in here would result in * badness. But it's OK to queue/unqueue move_resizes. */ copy = g_slist_copy (queue_pending[queue_index]); g_slist_free (queue_pending[queue_index]); queue_pending[queue_index] = NULL; queue_later[queue_index] = 0; destroying_windows_disallowed += 1; tmp = copy; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; /* As a side effect, sets window->move_resize_queued = FALSE */ meta_window_move_resize_now (window); tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (copy); destroying_windows_disallowed -= 1; return FALSE; } void meta_window_get_gravity_position (MetaWindow *window, int gravity, int *root_x, int *root_y) { MetaRectangle frame_extents; int w, h; int x, y; w = window->rect.width; h = window->rect.height; if (gravity == StaticGravity) { frame_extents = window->rect; if (window->frame) { frame_extents.x = window->frame->rect.x + window->frame->child_x; frame_extents.y = window->frame->rect.y + window->frame->child_y; } } else { if (window->frame == NULL) frame_extents = window->rect; else frame_extents = window->frame->rect; } x = frame_extents.x; y = frame_extents.y; switch (gravity) { case NorthGravity: case CenterGravity: case SouthGravity: /* Find center of frame. */ x += frame_extents.width / 2; /* Center client window on that point. */ x -= w / 2; break; case SouthEastGravity: case EastGravity: case NorthEastGravity: /* Find right edge of frame */ x += frame_extents.width; /* Align left edge of client at that point. */ x -= w; break; default: break; } switch (gravity) { case WestGravity: case CenterGravity: case EastGravity: /* Find center of frame. */ y += frame_extents.height / 2; /* Center client window there. */ y -= h / 2; break; case SouthWestGravity: case SouthGravity: case SouthEastGravity: /* Find south edge of frame */ y += frame_extents.height; /* Place bottom edge of client there */ y -= h; break; default: break; } if (root_x) *root_x = x; if (root_y) *root_y = y; } void meta_window_get_session_geometry (MetaWindow *window, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height) { meta_window_get_gravity_position (window, window->size_hints.win_gravity, x, y); *width = (window->rect.width - window->size_hints.base_width) / window->size_hints.width_inc; *height = (window->rect.height - window->size_hints.base_height) / window->size_hints.height_inc; } /** * meta_window_get_buffer_rect: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @rect: (out): pointer to an allocated #MetaRectangle * * Gets the rectangle that the pixmap or buffer of @window occupies. * * For X11 windows, this is the server-side geometry of the toplevel * window. * * For Wayland windows, this is the bounding rectangle of the attached * buffer. */ void meta_window_get_buffer_rect (const MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *rect) { *rect = window->buffer_rect; } /** * meta_window_client_rect_to_frame_rect: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @client_rect: client rectangle in root coordinates * @frame_rect: (out): location to store the computed corresponding frame bounds. * * Converts a desired bounds of the client window into the corresponding bounds * of the window frame (excluding invisible borders and client side shadows.) */ void meta_window_client_rect_to_frame_rect (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *client_rect, MetaRectangle *frame_rect) { if (!frame_rect) return; *frame_rect = *client_rect; /* The support for G_MAXINT here to mean infinity is a convenience for * constraints.c:get_size_limits() and not something that we provide * in other locations or document. */ if (window->frame) { MetaFrameBorders borders; meta_frame_calc_borders (window->frame, &borders); frame_rect->x -= borders.visible.left; frame_rect->y -= borders.visible.top; if (frame_rect->width != G_MAXINT) frame_rect->width += borders.visible.left + borders.visible.right; if (frame_rect->height != G_MAXINT) frame_rect->height += borders.visible.top + borders.visible.bottom; } else { const GtkBorder *extents = &window->custom_frame_extents; frame_rect->x += extents->left; frame_rect->y += extents->top; if (frame_rect->width != G_MAXINT) frame_rect->width -= extents->left + extents->right; if (frame_rect->height != G_MAXINT) frame_rect->height -= extents->top + extents->bottom; } } /** * meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @frame_rect: desired frame bounds for the window * @client_rect: (out): location to store the computed corresponding client rectangle. * * Converts a desired frame bounds for a window into the bounds of the client * window. */ void meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *frame_rect, MetaRectangle *client_rect) { if (!client_rect) return; *client_rect = *frame_rect; if (window->frame) { MetaFrameBorders borders; meta_frame_calc_borders (window->frame, &borders); client_rect->x += borders.visible.left; client_rect->y += borders.visible.top; client_rect->width -= borders.visible.left + borders.visible.right; client_rect->height -= borders.visible.top + borders.visible.bottom; } else { const GtkBorder *extents = &window->custom_frame_extents; client_rect->x -= extents->left; client_rect->y -= extents->top; client_rect->width += extents->left + extents->right; client_rect->height += extents->top + extents->bottom; } } /** * meta_window_get_frame_rect: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @rect: (out): pointer to an allocated #MetaRectangle * * Gets the rectangle that bounds @window that is what the user thinks of * as the edge of the window. This doesn't include any extra reactive * area that we or the client adds to the window, or any area that the * client adds to draw a client-side shadow. */ void meta_window_get_frame_rect (const MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *rect) { *rect = window->rect; } /** * meta_window_get_client_area_rect: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @rect: (out): pointer to a cairo rectangle * * Gets the rectangle for the boundaries of the client area, relative * to the buffer rect. If the window is shaded, the height of the * rectangle is 0. */ void meta_window_get_client_area_rect (const MetaWindow *window, cairo_rectangle_int_t *rect) { MetaFrameBorders borders; meta_frame_calc_borders (window->frame, &borders); rect->x = borders.total.left; rect->y = borders.total.top; rect->width = window->buffer_rect.width - borders.total.left - borders.total.right; if (window->shaded) rect->height = 0; else rect->height = window->buffer_rect.height - borders.total.top - borders.total.bottom; } void meta_window_get_titlebar_rect (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *rect) { meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, rect); /* The returned rectangle is relative to the frame rect. */ rect->x = 0; rect->y = 0; if (window->frame) { rect->height = window->frame->child_y; } else { /* Pick an arbitrary height for a titlebar. We might want to * eventually have CSD windows expose their borders to us. */ rect->height = 50; } } const char* meta_window_get_startup_id (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->startup_id == NULL) { MetaGroup *group; group = meta_window_get_group (window); if (group != NULL) return meta_group_get_startup_id (group); } return window->startup_id; } static MetaWindow* get_modal_transient (MetaWindow *window) { GSList *windows; GSList *tmp; MetaWindow *modal_transient; /* A window can't be the transient of itself, but this is just for * convenience in the loop below; we manually fix things up at the * end if no real modal transient was found. */ modal_transient = window; windows = meta_display_list_windows (window->display, META_LIST_DEFAULT); tmp = windows; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *transient = tmp->data; if (transient->transient_for == modal_transient && transient->type == META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG) { modal_transient = transient; tmp = windows; continue; } tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (windows); if (window == modal_transient) modal_transient = NULL; return modal_transient; } static gboolean meta_window_transient_can_focus (MetaWindow *window) { #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND) return meta_wayland_surface_get_buffer (window->surface) != NULL; #endif return TRUE; } /* XXX META_EFFECT_FOCUS */ void meta_window_focus (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { MetaWindow *modal_transient; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Setting input focus to window %s, input: %d take_focus: %d\n", window->desc, window->input, window->take_focus); if (window->display->grab_window && window->display->grab_window->all_keys_grabbed && !window->display->grab_window->unmanaging) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Current focus window %s has global keygrab, not focusing window %s after all\n", window->display->grab_window->desc, window->desc); return; } modal_transient = get_modal_transient (window); if (modal_transient != NULL && !modal_transient->unmanaging && meta_window_transient_can_focus (modal_transient)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "%s has %s as a modal transient, so focusing it instead.\n", window->desc, modal_transient->desc); if (!meta_window_located_on_workspace (modal_transient, window->screen->active_workspace)) meta_window_change_workspace (modal_transient, window->screen->active_workspace); window = modal_transient; } meta_window_flush_calc_showing (window); if ((!window->mapped || window->hidden) && !window->shaded) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Window %s is not showing, not focusing after all\n", window->desc); return; } META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->focus (window, timestamp); if (window->display->event_route == META_EVENT_ROUTE_NORMAL) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); ClutterStage *stage = CLUTTER_STAGE (meta_backend_get_stage (backend)); clutter_stage_set_key_focus (stage, NULL); } if (window->close_dialog && meta_close_dialog_is_visible (window->close_dialog)) meta_close_dialog_focus (window->close_dialog); if (window->wm_state_demands_attention) meta_window_unset_demands_attention(window); /* meta_effect_run_focus(window, NULL, NULL); */ } /* Workspace management. Invariants: * * - window->workspace describes the workspace the window is on. * * - workspace->windows is a list of windows that is located on * that workspace. * * - If the window is on_all_workspaces, then * window->workspace == NULL, but workspace->windows contains * the window. */ static void set_workspace_state (MetaWindow *window, gboolean on_all_workspaces, MetaWorkspace *workspace) { /* If we're on all workspaces, then our new workspace must be NULL. */ if (on_all_workspaces) g_assert (workspace == NULL); /* If this is an override-redirect window, ensure that the only * times we're setting the workspace state is either during construction * to mark as on_all_workspaces, or when unmanaging to remove all the * workspaces. */ if (window->override_redirect) g_return_if_fail ((window->constructing && on_all_workspaces) || window->unmanaging); if (on_all_workspaces == window->on_all_workspaces && workspace == window->workspace && !window->constructing) return; if (window->workspace) meta_workspace_remove_window (window->workspace, window); else if (window->on_all_workspaces) { GList *l; for (l = window->screen->workspaces; l != NULL; l = l->next) { MetaWorkspace *ws = l->data; meta_workspace_remove_window (ws, window); } } window->on_all_workspaces = on_all_workspaces; window->workspace = workspace; if (window->workspace) meta_workspace_add_window (window->workspace, window); else if (window->on_all_workspaces) { GList *l; for (l = window->screen->workspaces; l != NULL; l = l->next) { MetaWorkspace *ws = l->data; meta_workspace_add_window (ws, window); } } /* queue a move_resize since changing workspaces may change * the relevant struts */ if (!window->override_redirect) meta_window_queue (window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE); meta_window_queue (window, META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); meta_window_current_workspace_changed (window); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_ON_ALL_WORKSPACES]); g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[WORKSPACE_CHANGED], 0); } static gboolean should_be_on_all_workspaces (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->always_sticky) return TRUE; if (window->on_all_workspaces_requested) return TRUE; if (window->override_redirect) return TRUE; if (meta_prefs_get_workspaces_only_on_primary () && !window->unmanaging && window->monitor && !meta_window_is_on_primary_monitor (window)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void meta_window_on_all_workspaces_changed (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean on_all_workspaces = should_be_on_all_workspaces (window); if (window->on_all_workspaces == on_all_workspaces) return; MetaWorkspace *workspace; if (on_all_workspaces) { workspace = NULL; } else { /* We're coming out of the sticky state. Put the window on * the currently active workspace. */ workspace = window->screen->active_workspace; } set_workspace_state (window, on_all_workspaces, workspace); } static void meta_window_change_workspace_without_transients (MetaWindow *window, MetaWorkspace *workspace) { /* Try to unstick the window if it's stuck. This doesn't * have any guarantee that we'll actually unstick the * window, since it could be stuck for other reasons. */ if (window->on_all_workspaces_requested) meta_window_unstick (window); /* We failed to unstick the window. */ if (window->on_all_workspaces) return; if (window->workspace == workspace) return; set_workspace_state (window, FALSE, workspace); } static gboolean change_workspace_foreach (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { meta_window_change_workspace_without_transients (window, data); return TRUE; } void meta_window_change_workspace (MetaWindow *window, MetaWorkspace *workspace) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_window_change_workspace_without_transients (window, workspace); meta_window_foreach_transient (window, change_workspace_foreach, workspace); meta_window_foreach_ancestor (window, change_workspace_foreach, workspace); } static void window_stick_impl (MetaWindow *window) { meta_verbose ("Sticking window %s current on_all_workspaces = %d\n", window->desc, window->on_all_workspaces); if (window->on_all_workspaces_requested) return; /* We don't change window->workspaces, because we revert * to that original workspace list if on_all_workspaces is * toggled back off. */ window->on_all_workspaces_requested = TRUE; meta_window_on_all_workspaces_changed (window); } static void window_unstick_impl (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window->on_all_workspaces_requested) return; /* Revert to window->workspaces */ window->on_all_workspaces_requested = FALSE; meta_window_on_all_workspaces_changed (window); } static gboolean stick_foreach_func (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { gboolean stick; stick = *(gboolean*)data; if (stick) window_stick_impl (window); else window_unstick_impl (window); return TRUE; } void meta_window_stick (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean stick = TRUE; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); window_stick_impl (window); meta_window_foreach_transient (window, stick_foreach_func, &stick); } void meta_window_unstick (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean stick = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); window_unstick_impl (window); meta_window_foreach_transient (window, stick_foreach_func, &stick); } void meta_window_current_workspace_changed (MetaWindow *window) { META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->current_workspace_changed (window); } static gboolean find_root_ancestor (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { MetaWindow **ancestor = data; /* Overwrite the previously "most-root" ancestor with the new one found */ *ancestor = window; /* We want this to continue until meta_window_foreach_ancestor quits because * there are no more valid ancestors. */ return TRUE; } /** * meta_window_find_root_ancestor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Follow the chain of parents of @window, skipping transient windows, * and return the "root" window which has no non-transient parent. * * Returns: (transfer none): The root ancestor window */ MetaWindow * meta_window_find_root_ancestor (MetaWindow *window) { MetaWindow *ancestor; ancestor = window; meta_window_foreach_ancestor (window, find_root_ancestor, &ancestor); return ancestor; } void meta_window_raise (MetaWindow *window) { MetaWindow *ancestor; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); ancestor = meta_window_find_root_ancestor (window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Raising window %s, ancestor of %s\n", ancestor->desc, window->desc); /* Raise the ancestor of the window (if the window has no ancestor, * then ancestor will be set to the window itself); do this because * it's weird to see windows from other apps stacked between a child * and parent window of the currently active app. The stacking * constraints in stack.c then magically take care of raising all * the child windows appropriately. */ if (window->screen->stack == ancestor->screen->stack) meta_stack_raise (window->screen->stack, ancestor); else { meta_warning ( "Either stacks aren't per screen or some window has a weird " "transient_for hint; window->screen->stack != " "ancestor->screen->stack. window = %s, ancestor = %s.\n", window->desc, ancestor->desc); /* We could raise the window here, but don't want to do that twice and * so we let the case below handle that. */ } /* Okay, so stacking constraints misses one case: If a window has * two children and we want to raise one of those children, then * raising the ancestor isn't enough; we need to also raise the * correct child. See bug 307875. */ if (window != ancestor) meta_stack_raise (window->screen->stack, window); g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[RAISED], 0); } void meta_window_lower (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Lowering window %s\n", window->desc); meta_stack_lower (window->screen->stack, window); } /* * Move window to the requested workspace; append controls whether new WS * should be created if one does not exist. */ void meta_window_change_workspace_by_index (MetaWindow *window, gint space_index, gboolean append) { MetaWorkspace *workspace; MetaScreen *screen; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); if (space_index == -1) { meta_window_stick (window); return; } screen = window->screen; workspace = meta_screen_get_workspace_by_index (screen, space_index); if (!workspace && append) workspace = meta_screen_append_new_workspace (screen, FALSE, CurrentTime); if (workspace) meta_window_change_workspace (window, workspace); } static void meta_window_appears_focused_changed (MetaWindow *window) { set_net_wm_state (window); meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_APPEARS_FOCUSED]); if (window->frame) meta_frame_queue_draw (window->frame); } static gboolean should_propagate_focus_appearance (MetaWindow *window) { /* Parents of attached modal dialogs should appear focused. */ if (meta_window_is_attached_dialog (window)) return TRUE; /* Parents of these sorts of override-redirect windows should * appear focused. */ switch (window->type) { case META_WINDOW_DROPDOWN_MENU: case META_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU: case META_WINDOW_COMBO: case META_WINDOW_TOOLTIP: case META_WINDOW_NOTIFICATION: case META_WINDOW_DND: case META_WINDOW_OVERRIDE_OTHER: return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } /** * meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance: * @window: the window to start propagating from * @focused: %TRUE if @window's ancestors should appear focused, * %FALSE if they should not. * * Adjusts the value of #MetaWindow:appears-focused on @window's * ancestors (but not @window itself). If @focused is %TRUE, each of * @window's ancestors will have its %attached_focus_window field set * to the current %focus_window. If @focused if %FALSE, each of * @window's ancestors will have its %attached_focus_window field * cleared if it is currently %focus_window. */ static void meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (MetaWindow *window, gboolean focused) { MetaWindow *child, *parent, *focus_window; focus_window = window->display->focus_window; child = window; parent = meta_window_get_transient_for (child); while (parent && (!focused || should_propagate_focus_appearance (child))) { gboolean child_focus_state_changed; if (focused) { if (parent->attached_focus_window == focus_window) break; child_focus_state_changed = (parent->attached_focus_window == NULL); parent->attached_focus_window = focus_window; } else { if (parent->attached_focus_window != focus_window) break; child_focus_state_changed = (parent->attached_focus_window != NULL); parent->attached_focus_window = NULL; } if (child_focus_state_changed && !parent->has_focus) { meta_window_appears_focused_changed (parent); } child = parent; parent = meta_window_get_transient_for (child); } } void meta_window_set_focused_internal (MetaWindow *window, gboolean focused) { if (focused) { window->has_focus = TRUE; if (window->override_redirect) return; /* Move to the front of the focusing workspace's MRU list. * We should only be "removing" it from the MRU list if it's * not already there. Note that it's possible that we might * be processing this FocusIn after we've changed to a * different workspace; we should therefore update the MRU * list only if the window is actually on the active * workspace. */ if (window->screen->active_workspace && meta_window_located_on_workspace (window, window->screen->active_workspace)) { GList* link; link = g_list_find (window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list, window); g_assert (link); window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list = g_list_remove_link (window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list, link); g_list_free (link); window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list = g_list_prepend (window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list, window); } if (window->frame) meta_frame_queue_draw (window->frame); /* Ungrab click to focus button since the sync grab can interfere * with some things you might do inside the focused window, by * causing the client to get funky enter/leave events. * * The reason we usually have a passive grab on the window is * so that we can intercept clicks and raise the window in * response. For click-to-focus we don't need that since the * focused window is already raised. When raise_on_click is * FALSE we also don't need that since we don't do anything * when the window is clicked. * * There is dicussion in bugs 102209, 115072, and 461577 */ if (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode () == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK || !meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click()) { meta_display_ungrab_focus_window_button (window->display, window); /* Since we ungrab with XIAnyModifier above, all button grabs go way so we need to re-grab the window buttons. */ meta_display_grab_window_buttons (window->display, window->xwindow); } g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[FOCUS], 0); if (!window->attached_focus_window) meta_window_appears_focused_changed (window); meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (window, TRUE); } else { window->has_focus = FALSE; if (window->override_redirect) return; meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (window, FALSE); if (!window->attached_focus_window) meta_window_appears_focused_changed (window); /* Re-grab for click to focus and raise-on-click, if necessary */ if (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode () == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK || !meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ()) meta_display_grab_focus_window_button (window->display, window); } } /** * meta_window_get_icon_geometry: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @rect: (out): rectangle into which to store the returned geometry. * * Gets the location of the icon corresponding to the window. The location * will be provided set by the task bar or other user interface element * displaying the icon, and is relative to the root window. * * Return value: %TRUE if the icon geometry was succesfully retrieved. */ gboolean meta_window_get_icon_geometry (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *rect) { g_return_val_if_fail (!window->override_redirect, FALSE); if (window->icon_geometry_set) { if (rect) *rect = window->icon_geometry; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * meta_window_set_icon_geometry: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @rect: (nullable): rectangle with the desired geometry or %NULL. * * Sets or unsets the location of the icon corresponding to the window. If * set, the location should correspond to a dock, task bar or other user * interface element displaying the icon, and is relative to the root window. */ void meta_window_set_icon_geometry (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *rect) { if (rect) { window->icon_geometry = *rect; window->icon_geometry_set = TRUE; } else { window->icon_geometry_set = FALSE; } } static void redraw_icon (MetaWindow *window) { /* We could probably be smart and just redraw the icon here, * instead of the whole frame. */ if (window->frame) meta_frame_queue_draw (window->frame); } static cairo_surface_t * load_default_window_icon (int size) { GtkIconTheme *theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default (); g_autoptr (GdkPixbuf) pixbuf = NULL; const char *icon_name; if (gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (theme, META_DEFAULT_ICON_NAME)) icon_name = META_DEFAULT_ICON_NAME; else icon_name = "image-missing"; pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (theme, icon_name, size, 0, NULL); return gdk_cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf (pixbuf, 1, NULL); } static cairo_surface_t * get_default_window_icon (void) { static cairo_surface_t *default_icon = NULL; if (default_icon == NULL) { default_icon = load_default_window_icon (META_ICON_WIDTH); g_assert (default_icon); } return cairo_surface_reference (default_icon); } static cairo_surface_t * get_default_mini_icon (void) { static cairo_surface_t *default_icon = NULL; if (default_icon == NULL) { default_icon = load_default_window_icon (META_MINI_ICON_WIDTH); g_assert (default_icon); } return cairo_surface_reference (default_icon); } static void meta_window_update_icon_now (MetaWindow *window, gboolean force) { gboolean changed; cairo_surface_t *icon = NULL; cairo_surface_t *mini_icon; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); changed = META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->update_icon (window, &icon, &mini_icon); if (changed || force) { if (window->icon) cairo_surface_destroy (window->icon); if (icon) window->icon = icon; else window->icon = get_default_window_icon (); if (window->mini_icon) cairo_surface_destroy (window->mini_icon); if (mini_icon) window->mini_icon = mini_icon; else window->mini_icon = get_default_mini_icon (); g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_ICON]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_MINI_ICON]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); redraw_icon (window); } g_assert (window->icon); g_assert (window->mini_icon); } static gboolean idle_update_icon (gpointer data) { GSList *tmp; GSList *copy; guint queue_index = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_GEOMETRY, "Clearing the update_icon queue\n"); /* Work with a copy, for reentrancy. The allowed reentrancy isn't * complete; destroying a window while we're in here would result in * badness. But it's OK to queue/unqueue update_icons. */ copy = g_slist_copy (queue_pending[queue_index]); g_slist_free (queue_pending[queue_index]); queue_pending[queue_index] = NULL; queue_later[queue_index] = 0; destroying_windows_disallowed += 1; tmp = copy; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; meta_window_update_icon_now (window, FALSE); window->is_in_queues &= ~META_QUEUE_UPDATE_ICON; tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (copy); destroying_windows_disallowed -= 1; return FALSE; } GList* meta_window_get_workspaces (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->on_all_workspaces) return window->screen->workspaces; else if (window->workspace != NULL) return window->workspace->list_containing_self; else if (window->constructing) return NULL; else g_assert_not_reached (); } static void invalidate_work_areas (MetaWindow *window) { GList *tmp; tmp = meta_window_get_workspaces (window); while (tmp != NULL) { meta_workspace_invalidate_work_area (tmp->data); tmp = tmp->next; } } void meta_window_update_struts (MetaWindow *window) { if (META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->update_struts (window)) invalidate_work_areas (window); } static void meta_window_type_changed (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean old_decorated = window->decorated; GObject *object = G_OBJECT (window); window->attached = meta_window_should_attach_to_parent (window); meta_window_recalc_features (window); if (!window->override_redirect) set_net_wm_state (window); /* Update frame */ if (window->decorated) meta_window_ensure_frame (window); else meta_window_destroy_frame (window); /* update stacking constraints */ meta_window_update_layer (window); meta_window_grab_keys (window); g_object_freeze_notify (object); if (old_decorated != window->decorated) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_DECORATED]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_WINDOW_TYPE]); g_object_thaw_notify (object); } void meta_window_set_type (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindowType type) { if (window->type == type) return; window->type = type; meta_window_type_changed (window); } void meta_window_frame_size_changed (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->frame) meta_frame_clear_cached_borders (window->frame); } static void meta_window_get_default_skip_hints (MetaWindow *window, gboolean *skip_taskbar_out, gboolean *skip_pager_out) { META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->get_default_skip_hints (window, skip_taskbar_out, skip_pager_out); } static void meta_window_recalc_skip_features (MetaWindow *window) { switch (window->type) { /* Force skip taskbar/pager on these window types */ case META_WINDOW_DESKTOP: case META_WINDOW_DOCK: case META_WINDOW_TOOLBAR: case META_WINDOW_MENU: case META_WINDOW_UTILITY: case META_WINDOW_SPLASHSCREEN: case META_WINDOW_DROPDOWN_MENU: case META_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU: case META_WINDOW_TOOLTIP: case META_WINDOW_NOTIFICATION: case META_WINDOW_COMBO: case META_WINDOW_DND: case META_WINDOW_OVERRIDE_OTHER: window->skip_taskbar = TRUE; window->skip_pager = TRUE; break; case META_WINDOW_DIALOG: case META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG: /* only skip taskbar if we have a real transient parent (and ignore the application hints) */ if (window->transient_for != NULL) window->skip_taskbar = TRUE; else window->skip_taskbar = FALSE; break; case META_WINDOW_NORMAL: { gboolean skip_taskbar_hint, skip_pager_hint; meta_window_get_default_skip_hints (window, &skip_taskbar_hint, &skip_pager_hint); window->skip_taskbar = skip_taskbar_hint; window->skip_pager = skip_pager_hint; } break; } } void meta_window_recalc_features (MetaWindow *window) { gboolean old_has_close_func; gboolean old_has_minimize_func; gboolean old_has_move_func; gboolean old_has_resize_func; gboolean old_has_shade_func; gboolean old_always_sticky; gboolean old_skip_taskbar; old_has_close_func = window->has_close_func; old_has_minimize_func = window->has_minimize_func; old_has_move_func = window->has_move_func; old_has_resize_func = window->has_resize_func; old_has_shade_func = window->has_shade_func; old_always_sticky = window->always_sticky; old_skip_taskbar = window->skip_taskbar; /* Use MWM hints initially */ if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) window->decorated = window->mwm_decorated; else window->decorated = FALSE; window->border_only = window->mwm_border_only; window->has_close_func = window->mwm_has_close_func; window->has_minimize_func = window->mwm_has_minimize_func; window->has_maximize_func = window->mwm_has_maximize_func; window->has_move_func = window->mwm_has_move_func; window->has_resize_func = TRUE; /* If min_size == max_size, then don't allow resize */ if (window->size_hints.min_width == window->size_hints.max_width && window->size_hints.min_height == window->size_hints.max_height) window->has_resize_func = FALSE; else if (!window->mwm_has_resize_func) { /* We ignore mwm_has_resize_func because WM_NORMAL_HINTS is the * authoritative source for that info. Some apps such as mplayer or * xine disable resize via MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS, but that * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows. Apps that set * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain * about these apps but make them work. */ meta_warning ("Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size %d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n", window->desc, window->size_hints.min_width, window->size_hints.min_height, window->size_hints.max_width, window->size_hints.max_height); } window->has_shade_func = TRUE; window->has_fullscreen_func = TRUE; window->always_sticky = FALSE; /* Semantic category overrides the MWM hints */ if (window->type == META_WINDOW_TOOLBAR) window->decorated = FALSE; if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DESKTOP || window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK || window->override_redirect) window->always_sticky = TRUE; if (window->override_redirect || meta_window_get_frame_type (window) == META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST) { window->decorated = FALSE; window->has_close_func = FALSE; window->has_shade_func = FALSE; /* FIXME this keeps panels and things from using * NET_WM_MOVERESIZE; the problem is that some * panels (edge panels) have fixed possible locations, * and others ("floating panels") do not. * * Perhaps we should require edge panels to explicitly * disable movement? */ window->has_move_func = FALSE; window->has_resize_func = FALSE; } if (window->type != META_WINDOW_NORMAL) { window->has_minimize_func = FALSE; window->has_maximize_func = FALSE; window->has_fullscreen_func = FALSE; } if (!window->has_resize_func) { window->has_maximize_func = FALSE; /* don't allow fullscreen if we can't resize, unless the size * is entire screen size (kind of broken, because we * actually fullscreen to monitor size not screen size) */ if (window->size_hints.min_width == window->screen->rect.width && window->size_hints.min_height == window->screen->rect.height) ; /* leave fullscreen available */ else window->has_fullscreen_func = FALSE; } /* We leave fullscreen windows decorated, just push the frame outside * the screen. This avoids flickering to unparent them. * * Note that setting has_resize_func = FALSE here must come after the * above code that may disable fullscreen, because if the window * is not resizable purely due to fullscreen, we don't want to * disable fullscreen mode. */ if (window->fullscreen) { window->has_shade_func = FALSE; window->has_move_func = FALSE; window->has_resize_func = FALSE; window->has_maximize_func = FALSE; } if (window->has_maximize_func && window->monitor) { MetaRectangle work_area, client_rect; meta_window_get_work_area_current_monitor (window, &work_area); meta_window_frame_rect_to_client_rect (window, &work_area, &client_rect); if (window->size_hints.min_width >= client_rect.width || window->size_hints.min_height >= client_rect.height) window->has_maximize_func = FALSE; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Window %s fullscreen = %d not resizable, maximizable = %d fullscreenable = %d min size %dx%d max size %dx%d\n", window->desc, window->fullscreen, window->has_maximize_func, window->has_fullscreen_func, window->size_hints.min_width, window->size_hints.min_height, window->size_hints.max_width, window->size_hints.max_height); /* no shading if not decorated */ if (!window->decorated || window->border_only) window->has_shade_func = FALSE; meta_window_recalc_skip_features (window); /* To prevent users from losing windows, let's prevent users from * minimizing skip-taskbar windows through the window decorations. */ if (window->skip_taskbar) window->has_minimize_func = FALSE; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Window %s decorated = %d border_only = %d has_close = %d has_minimize = %d has_maximize = %d has_move = %d has_shade = %d skip_taskbar = %d skip_pager = %d\n", window->desc, window->decorated, window->border_only, window->has_close_func, window->has_minimize_func, window->has_maximize_func, window->has_move_func, window->has_shade_func, window->skip_taskbar, window->skip_pager); if (old_skip_taskbar != window->skip_taskbar) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_SKIP_TASKBAR]); /* FIXME: * Lame workaround for recalc_features being used overzealously. * The fix is to only recalc_features when something has * actually changed. */ if (window->constructing || old_has_close_func != window->has_close_func || old_has_minimize_func != window->has_minimize_func || old_has_move_func != window->has_move_func || old_has_resize_func != window->has_resize_func || old_has_shade_func != window->has_shade_func || old_always_sticky != window->always_sticky) set_allowed_actions_hint (window); if (window->has_resize_func != old_has_resize_func) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_RESIZEABLE]); meta_window_frame_size_changed (window); /* FIXME perhaps should ensure if we don't have a shade func, * we aren't shaded, etc. */ } void meta_window_show_menu (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindowMenuType menu, int x, int y) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_compositor_show_window_menu (window->display->compositor, window, menu, x, y); } void meta_window_show_menu_for_rect (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindowMenuType menu, MetaRectangle *rect) { g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); meta_compositor_show_window_menu_for_rect (window->display->compositor, window, menu, rect); } void meta_window_shove_titlebar_onscreen (MetaWindow *window) { MetaRectangle frame_rect; GList *onscreen_region; int horiz_amount, vert_amount; g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); /* If there's no titlebar, don't bother */ if (!window->frame) return; /* Get the basic info we need */ meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &frame_rect); onscreen_region = window->screen->active_workspace->screen_region; /* Extend the region (just in case the window is too big to fit on the * screen), then shove the window on screen, then return the region to * normal. */ horiz_amount = frame_rect.width; vert_amount = frame_rect.height; meta_rectangle_expand_region (onscreen_region, horiz_amount, horiz_amount, 0, vert_amount); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region(onscreen_region, FIXED_DIRECTION_X, &frame_rect); meta_rectangle_expand_region (onscreen_region, -horiz_amount, -horiz_amount, 0, -vert_amount); meta_window_move_frame (window, FALSE, frame_rect.x, frame_rect.y); } gboolean meta_window_titlebar_is_onscreen (MetaWindow *window) { MetaRectangle titlebar_rect, frame_rect; GList *onscreen_region; gboolean is_onscreen; const int min_height_needed = 8; const float min_width_percent = 0.5; const int min_width_absolute = 50; /* Titlebar can't be offscreen if there is no titlebar... */ if (!window->frame) return TRUE; /* Get the rectangle corresponding to the titlebar */ meta_window_get_titlebar_rect (window, &titlebar_rect); /* Translate into screen coordinates */ meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &frame_rect); titlebar_rect.x = frame_rect.x; titlebar_rect.y = frame_rect.y; /* Run through the spanning rectangles for the screen and see if one of * them overlaps with the titlebar sufficiently to consider it onscreen. */ is_onscreen = FALSE; onscreen_region = window->screen->active_workspace->screen_region; while (onscreen_region) { MetaRectangle *spanning_rect = onscreen_region->data; MetaRectangle overlap; meta_rectangle_intersect (&titlebar_rect, spanning_rect, &overlap); if (overlap.height > MIN (titlebar_rect.height, min_height_needed) && overlap.width > MIN (titlebar_rect.width * min_width_percent, min_width_absolute)) { is_onscreen = TRUE; break; } onscreen_region = onscreen_region->next; } return is_onscreen; } static double timeval_to_ms (const GTimeVal *timeval) { return (timeval->tv_sec * G_USEC_PER_SEC + timeval->tv_usec) / 1000.0; } static double time_diff (const GTimeVal *first, const GTimeVal *second) { double first_ms = timeval_to_ms (first); double second_ms = timeval_to_ms (second); return first_ms - second_ms; } static gboolean check_moveresize_frequency (MetaWindow *window, gdouble *remaining) { GTimeVal current_time; const double max_resizes_per_second = 25.0; const double ms_between_resizes = 1000.0 / max_resizes_per_second; double elapsed; g_get_current_time (¤t_time); /* If we are throttling via _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST, we don't need * an artificial timeout-based throttled */ if (!window->disable_sync && window->sync_request_alarm != None) return TRUE; elapsed = time_diff (¤t_time, &window->display->grab_last_moveresize_time); if (elapsed >= 0.0 && elapsed < ms_between_resizes) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_RESIZING, "Delaying move/resize as only %g of %g ms elapsed\n", elapsed, ms_between_resizes); if (remaining) *remaining = (ms_between_resizes - elapsed); return FALSE; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_RESIZING, " Checked moveresize freq, allowing move/resize now (%g of %g seconds elapsed)\n", elapsed / 1000.0, 1.0 / max_resizes_per_second); return TRUE; } static gboolean update_move_timeout (gpointer data) { MetaWindow *window = data; update_move (window, window->display->grab_last_user_action_was_snap, window->display->grab_latest_motion_x, window->display->grab_latest_motion_y); return FALSE; } static void update_move_maybe_tile (MetaWindow *window, int shake_threshold, int x, int y) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor; MetaScreen *screen = window->screen; MetaRectangle work_area; /* For side-by-side tiling we are interested in the inside vertical * edges of the work area of the monitor where the pointer is located, * and in the outside top edge for maximized tiling. * * For maximized tiling we use the outside edge instead of the * inside edge, because we don't want to force users to maximize * windows they are placing near the top of their screens. * * The "current" idea of meta_window_get_work_area_current_monitor() and * meta_screen_get_current_monitor() is slightly different: the former * refers to the monitor which contains the largest part of the window, * the latter to the one where the pointer is located. */ logical_monitor = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_at (monitor_manager, x, y); if (!logical_monitor) return; meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, logical_monitor->number, &work_area); /* Check if the cursor is in a position which triggers tiling * and set tile_mode accordingly. */ if (meta_window_can_tile_side_by_side (window) && x >= logical_monitor->rect.x && x < (work_area.x + shake_threshold)) screen->preview_tile_mode = META_TILE_LEFT; else if (meta_window_can_tile_side_by_side (window) && x >= work_area.x + work_area.width - shake_threshold && x < (logical_monitor->rect.x + logical_monitor->rect.width)) screen->preview_tile_mode = META_TILE_RIGHT; else if (meta_window_can_tile_maximized (window) && y >= logical_monitor->rect.y && y <= work_area.y) screen->preview_tile_mode = META_TILE_MAXIMIZED; else screen->preview_tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; if (screen->preview_tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE) window->tile_monitor_number = logical_monitor->number; } static void update_move (MetaWindow *window, gboolean snap, int x, int y) { int dx, dy; int new_x, new_y; MetaRectangle old; int shake_threshold; MetaDisplay *display = window->display; MetaScreen *screen = window->screen; display->grab_latest_motion_x = x; display->grab_latest_motion_y = y; dx = x - display->grab_anchor_root_x; dy = y - display->grab_anchor_root_y; new_x = display->grab_anchor_window_pos.x + dx; new_y = display->grab_anchor_window_pos.y + dy; meta_verbose ("x,y = %d,%d anchor ptr %d,%d anchor pos %d,%d dx,dy %d,%d\n", x, y, display->grab_anchor_root_x, display->grab_anchor_root_y, display->grab_anchor_window_pos.x, display->grab_anchor_window_pos.y, dx, dy); /* Don't bother doing anything if no move has been specified. (This * happens often, even in keyboard moving, due to the warping of the * pointer. */ if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; /* Originally for detaching maximized windows, but we use this * for the zones at the sides of the monitor where trigger tiling * because it's about the right size */ #define DRAG_THRESHOLD_TO_SHAKE_THRESHOLD_FACTOR 6 shake_threshold = meta_prefs_get_drag_threshold () * DRAG_THRESHOLD_TO_SHAKE_THRESHOLD_FACTOR; if (snap) { /* We don't want to tile while snapping. Also, clear any previous tile request. */ screen->preview_tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; window->tile_monitor_number = -1; } else if (meta_prefs_get_edge_tiling () && !META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (window) && !META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window)) { update_move_maybe_tile (window, shake_threshold, x, y); } /* shake loose (unmaximize) maximized or tiled window if dragged beyond * the threshold in the Y direction. Tiled windows can also be pulled * loose via X motion. */ if ((META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (window) && ABS (dy) >= shake_threshold) || (META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window) && (MAX (ABS (dx), ABS (dy)) >= shake_threshold))) { double prop; /* Shake loose, so that the window snaps back to maximized * when dragged near the top; do not snap back if tiling * is enabled, as top edge tiling can be used in that case */ window->shaken_loose = !meta_prefs_get_edge_tiling (); window->tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; /* move the unmaximized window to the cursor */ prop = ((double)(x - display->grab_initial_window_pos.x)) / ((double)display->grab_initial_window_pos.width); display->grab_initial_window_pos.x = x - window->saved_rect.width * prop; /* If we started dragging the window from above the top of the window, * pretend like we started dragging from the middle of the titlebar * instead, as the "correct" anchoring looks wrong. */ if (display->grab_anchor_root_y < display->grab_initial_window_pos.y) { MetaRectangle titlebar_rect; meta_window_get_titlebar_rect (window, &titlebar_rect); display->grab_anchor_root_y = display->grab_initial_window_pos.y + titlebar_rect.height / 2; } window->saved_rect.x = display->grab_initial_window_pos.x; window->saved_rect.y = display->grab_initial_window_pos.y; meta_window_unmaximize (window, META_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); return; } /* remaximize window on another monitor if window has been shaken * loose or it is still maximized (then move straight) */ else if ((window->shaken_loose || META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (window)) && window->tile_mode != META_TILE_LEFT && window->tile_mode != META_TILE_RIGHT) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); int n_logical_monitors; const MetaLogicalMonitor *wmonitor; MetaRectangle work_area; int monitor; window->tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; wmonitor = window->monitor; n_logical_monitors = meta_monitor_manager_get_num_logical_monitors (monitor_manager); for (monitor = 0; monitor < n_logical_monitors; monitor++) { meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, monitor, &work_area); /* check if cursor is near the top of a monitor work area */ if (x >= work_area.x && x < (work_area.x + work_area.width) && y >= work_area.y && y < (work_area.y + shake_threshold)) { /* move the saved rect if window will become maximized on an * other monitor so user isn't surprised on a later unmaximize */ if (wmonitor->number != monitor) { window->saved_rect.x = work_area.x; window->saved_rect.y = work_area.y; if (window->frame) { window->saved_rect.x += window->frame->child_x; window->saved_rect.y += window->frame->child_y; } window->unconstrained_rect.x = window->saved_rect.x; window->unconstrained_rect.y = window->saved_rect.y; meta_window_unmaximize (window, META_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); display->grab_initial_window_pos = work_area; display->grab_anchor_root_x = x; display->grab_anchor_root_y = y; window->shaken_loose = FALSE; meta_window_maximize (window, META_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); } return; } } } /* Delay showing the tile preview slightly to make it more unlikely to * trigger it unwittingly, e.g. when shaking loose the window or moving * it to another monitor. */ meta_screen_update_tile_preview (screen, screen->preview_tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE); meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old); /* Don't allow movement in the maximized directions or while tiled */ if (window->maximized_horizontally || META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window)) new_x = old.x; if (window->maximized_vertically) new_y = old.y; /* Do any edge resistance/snapping */ meta_window_edge_resistance_for_move (window, &new_x, &new_y, update_move_timeout, snap, FALSE); meta_window_move_frame (window, TRUE, new_x, new_y); } static gboolean update_resize_timeout (gpointer data) { MetaWindow *window = data; update_resize (window, window->display->grab_last_user_action_was_snap, window->display->grab_latest_motion_x, window->display->grab_latest_motion_y, TRUE); return FALSE; } static void update_resize (MetaWindow *window, gboolean snap, int x, int y, gboolean force) { int dx, dy; int new_w, new_h; int gravity; MetaRectangle old; double remaining = 0; window->display->grab_latest_motion_x = x; window->display->grab_latest_motion_y = y; dx = x - window->display->grab_anchor_root_x; dy = y - window->display->grab_anchor_root_y; /* Attached modal dialogs are special in that size * changes apply to both sides, so that the dialog * remains centered to the parent. */ if (meta_window_is_attached_dialog (window)) { dx *= 2; dy *= 2; } new_w = window->display->grab_anchor_window_pos.width; new_h = window->display->grab_anchor_window_pos.height; /* Don't bother doing anything if no move has been specified. (This * happens often, even in keyboard resizing, due to the warping of the * pointer. */ if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; if (window->display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_KEYBOARD_RESIZING_UNKNOWN) { MetaGrabOp op = META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_BASE | META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_FLAG_KEYBOARD; if (dx > 0) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_EAST; else if (dx < 0) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_WEST; if (dy > 0) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_SOUTH; else if (dy < 0) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_NORTH; window->display->grab_op = op; meta_window_update_keyboard_resize (window, TRUE); } if (window->display->grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_EAST) new_w += dx; else if (window->display->grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_WEST) new_w -= dx; if (window->display->grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_SOUTH) new_h += dy; else if (window->display->grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_NORTH) new_h -= dy; /* If we're waiting for a request for _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST, we'll * resize the window when the window responds, or when we time * the response out. */ if (window->sync_request_timeout_id != 0) return; if (!check_moveresize_frequency (window, &remaining) && !force) { /* we are ignoring an event here, so we schedule a * compensation event when we would otherwise not ignore * an event. Otherwise we can become stuck if the user never * generates another event. */ if (!window->display->grab_resize_timeout_id) { window->display->grab_resize_timeout_id = g_timeout_add ((int)remaining, update_resize_timeout, window); g_source_set_name_by_id (window->display->grab_resize_timeout_id, "[mutter] update_resize_timeout"); } return; } /* Remove any scheduled compensation events */ if (window->display->grab_resize_timeout_id) { g_source_remove (window->display->grab_resize_timeout_id); window->display->grab_resize_timeout_id = 0; } meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &old); /* One sided resizing ought to actually be one-sided, despite the fact that * aspect ratio windows don't interact nicely with the above stuff. So, * to avoid some nasty flicker, we enforce that. */ if ((window->display->grab_op & (META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_WEST | META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_EAST)) == 0) new_w = old.width; if ((window->display->grab_op & (META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_NORTH | META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_SOUTH)) == 0) new_h = old.height; /* compute gravity of client during operation */ gravity = meta_resize_gravity_from_grab_op (window->display->grab_op); g_assert (gravity >= 0); /* Do any edge resistance/snapping */ meta_window_edge_resistance_for_resize (window, &new_w, &new_h, gravity, update_resize_timeout, snap, FALSE); meta_window_resize_frame_with_gravity (window, TRUE, new_w, new_h, gravity); /* Store the latest resize time, if we actually resized. */ if (window->rect.width != old.width || window->rect.height != old.height) g_get_current_time (&window->display->grab_last_moveresize_time); } static void maybe_maximize_tiled_window (MetaWindow *window) { MetaRectangle work_area; gint shake_threshold; if (!META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window)) return; shake_threshold = meta_prefs_get_drag_threshold (); meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->tile_monitor_number, &work_area); if (window->rect.width >= work_area.width - shake_threshold) meta_window_maximize (window, META_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); } void meta_window_update_resize (MetaWindow *window, gboolean snap, int x, int y, gboolean force) { update_resize (window, snap, x, y, force); } static void end_grab_op (MetaWindow *window, const ClutterEvent *event) { ClutterModifierType modifiers; gfloat x, y; clutter_event_get_coords (event, &x, &y); modifiers = clutter_event_get_state (event); meta_display_check_threshold_reached (window->display, x, y); /* If the user was snap moving then ignore the button * release because they may have let go of shift before * releasing the mouse button and they almost certainly do * not want a non-snapped movement to occur from the button * release. */ if (!window->display->grab_last_user_action_was_snap) { if (meta_grab_op_is_moving (window->display->grab_op)) { if (window->screen->preview_tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE) meta_window_tile (window, window->screen->preview_tile_mode); else update_move (window, modifiers & CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK, x, y); } else if (meta_grab_op_is_resizing (window->display->grab_op)) { update_resize (window, modifiers & CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK || window->tile_match != NULL, x, y, TRUE); maybe_maximize_tiled_window (window); } } window->screen->preview_tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; meta_display_end_grab_op (window->display, clutter_event_get_time (event)); } gboolean meta_window_handle_mouse_grab_op_event (MetaWindow *window, const ClutterEvent *event) { ClutterEventSequence *sequence = clutter_event_get_event_sequence (event); ClutterModifierType modifier_state; gfloat x, y; switch (event->type) { case CLUTTER_BUTTON_PRESS: { ClutterModifierType grab_mods = meta_display_get_window_grab_modifiers (window->display); /* This is the keybinding or menu case where we've * been dragging around the window without the button * pressed. */ if ((meta_grab_op_is_mouse (window->display->grab_op) && (event->button.modifier_state & grab_mods) == grab_mods && window->display->grab_button != (int) event->button.button) || meta_grab_op_is_keyboard (window->display->grab_op)) { end_grab_op (window, event); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } case CLUTTER_TOUCH_END: if (meta_display_is_pointer_emulating_sequence (window->display, sequence)) end_grab_op (window, event); return TRUE; case CLUTTER_BUTTON_RELEASE: if (event->button.button == 1 || event->button.button == (unsigned int) meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_resize ()) end_grab_op (window, event); return TRUE; case CLUTTER_TOUCH_BEGIN: /* This will only catch the keybinding and menu cases, just deal with this * like a CLUTTER_TOUCH_UPDATE rather than a CLUTTER_BUTTON_PRESS, and * wait until CLUTTER_TOUCH_END to undo the grab, just so the window * doesn't warp below the finger and remain there. */ case CLUTTER_TOUCH_UPDATE: if (!meta_display_is_pointer_emulating_sequence (window->display, sequence)) return FALSE; /* Fall through */ case CLUTTER_MOTION: modifier_state = clutter_event_get_state (event); clutter_event_get_coords (event, &x, &y); meta_display_check_threshold_reached (window->display, x, y); if (meta_grab_op_is_moving (window->display->grab_op)) { update_move (window, modifier_state & CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK, x, y); } else if (meta_grab_op_is_resizing (window->display->grab_op)) { update_resize (window, modifier_state & CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK || window->tile_match != NULL, x, y, FALSE); } return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } void meta_window_get_work_area_for_logical_monitor (MetaWindow *window, MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor, MetaRectangle *area) { GList *tmp; g_assert (logical_monitor); /* Initialize to the whole monitor */ *area = logical_monitor->rect; tmp = meta_window_get_workspaces (window); while (tmp != NULL) { MetaRectangle workspace_work_area; meta_workspace_get_work_area_for_logical_monitor (tmp->data, logical_monitor, &workspace_work_area); meta_rectangle_intersect (area, &workspace_work_area, area); tmp = tmp->next; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WORKAREA, "Window %s monitor %d has work area %d,%d %d x %d\n", window->desc, logical_monitor->number, area->x, area->y, area->width, area->height); } /** * meta_window_get_work_area_current_monitor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @area: (out): a location to store the work area * * Get the work area for the monitor @window is currently on. */ void meta_window_get_work_area_current_monitor (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *area) { meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, window->monitor->number, area); } /** * meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @which_monitor: a moniotr to get the work area for * @area: (out): a location to store the work area * * Get the work area for @window, given the monitor index * @which_monitor. */ void meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (MetaWindow *window, int which_monitor, MetaRectangle *area) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend); MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor; g_return_if_fail (which_monitor >= 0); logical_monitor = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_from_number (monitor_manager, which_monitor); meta_window_get_work_area_for_logical_monitor (window, logical_monitor, area); } /** * meta_window_get_work_area_all_monitors: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @area: (out): a location to store the work area * * Get the work area for all monitors for @window. */ void meta_window_get_work_area_all_monitors (MetaWindow *window, MetaRectangle *area) { GList *tmp; /* Initialize to the whole screen */ *area = window->screen->rect; tmp = meta_window_get_workspaces (window); while (tmp != NULL) { MetaRectangle workspace_work_area; meta_workspace_get_work_area_all_monitors (tmp->data, &workspace_work_area); meta_rectangle_intersect (area, &workspace_work_area, area); tmp = tmp->next; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WORKAREA, "Window %s has whole-screen work area %d,%d %d x %d\n", window->desc, area->x, area->y, area->width, area->height); } int meta_window_get_current_tile_monitor_number (MetaWindow *window) { int tile_monitor_number = window->tile_monitor_number; if (tile_monitor_number < 0) { meta_warning ("%s called with an invalid monitor number; using 0 instead\n", G_STRFUNC); tile_monitor_number = 0; } return tile_monitor_number; } void meta_window_get_tile_area (MetaWindow *window, MetaTileMode tile_mode, MetaRectangle *tile_area) { MetaRectangle work_area; int tile_monitor_number; double fraction; g_return_if_fail (tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE); tile_monitor_number = meta_window_get_current_tile_monitor_number (window); meta_window_get_work_area_for_monitor (window, tile_monitor_number, &work_area); meta_window_get_tile_fraction (window, tile_mode, &fraction); *tile_area = work_area; tile_area->width = round (tile_area->width * fraction); if (tile_mode == META_TILE_RIGHT) tile_area->x += work_area.width - tile_area->width; } gboolean meta_window_same_application (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *other_window) { MetaGroup *group = meta_window_get_group (window); MetaGroup *other_group = meta_window_get_group (other_window); return group!=NULL && other_group!=NULL && group==other_group; } /** * meta_window_is_client_decorated: * * Check if if the window has decorations drawn by the client. * (window->decorated refers only to whether we should add decorations) */ gboolean meta_window_is_client_decorated (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND) { /* Assume all Wayland clients draw decorations - not strictly * true but good enough for current purposes. */ return TRUE; } else { /* Currently the implementation here is hackish - * has_custom_frame_extents() is set if _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS is set * to any value even 0. GTK+ always sets _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS for * client-side-decorated window, even if the value is 0 because * the window is maxized and has no invisible borders or shadows. */ return window->has_custom_frame_extents; } } /** * meta_window_foreach_transient: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @func: (scope call) (closure user_data): Called for each window which is a transient of @window (transitively) * @user_data: User data * * Call @func for every window which is either transient for @window, or is * a transient of a window which is in turn transient for @window. * The order of window enumeration is not defined. * * Iteration will stop if @func at any point returns %FALSE. */ void meta_window_foreach_transient (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindowForeachFunc func, void *user_data) { GSList *windows; GSList *tmp; windows = meta_display_list_windows (window->display, META_LIST_DEFAULT); tmp = windows; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *transient = tmp->data; if (meta_window_is_ancestor_of_transient (window, transient)) { if (!(* func) (transient, user_data)) break; } tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (windows); } /** * meta_window_foreach_ancestor: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @func: (scope call) (closure user_data): Called for each window which is a transient parent of @window * @user_data: User data * * If @window is transient, call @func with the window for which it's transient, * repeatedly until either we find a non-transient window, or @func returns %FALSE. */ void meta_window_foreach_ancestor (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindowForeachFunc func, void *user_data) { MetaWindow *w; w = window; do { if (w->transient_for == NULL) break; w = w->transient_for; } while (w && (* func) (w, user_data)); } typedef struct { MetaWindow *ancestor; gboolean found; } FindAncestorData; static gboolean find_ancestor_func (MetaWindow *window, void *data) { FindAncestorData *d = data; if (window == d->ancestor) { d->found = TRUE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * meta_window_is_ancestor_of_transient: * @window: a #MetaWindow * @transient: a #MetaWindow * * The function determines whether @window is an ancestor of @transient; it does * so by traversing the @transient's ancestors until it either locates @window * or reaches an ancestor that is not transient. * * Return Value: %TRUE if window is an ancestor of transient. */ gboolean meta_window_is_ancestor_of_transient (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *transient) { FindAncestorData d; d.ancestor = window; d.found = FALSE; meta_window_foreach_ancestor (transient, find_ancestor_func, &d); return d.found; } /* Warp pointer to location appropriate for grab, * return root coordinates where pointer ended up. */ static gboolean warp_grab_pointer (MetaWindow *window, MetaGrabOp grab_op, int *x, int *y) { MetaRectangle rect; MetaDisplay *display; display = window->display; /* We may not have done begin_grab_op yet, i.e. may not be in a grab */ meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &rect); if (grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_WEST) *x = 0; else if (grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_EAST) *x = rect.width - 1; else *x = rect.width / 2; if (grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_NORTH) *y = 0; else if (grab_op & META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_SOUTH) *y = rect.height - 1; else *y = rect.height / 2; *x += rect.x; *y += rect.y; /* Avoid weird bouncing at the screen edge; see bug 154706 */ *x = CLAMP (*x, 0, window->screen->rect.width-1); *y = CLAMP (*y, 0, window->screen->rect.height-1); meta_error_trap_push (display); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Warping pointer to %d,%d with window at %d,%d\n", *x, *y, rect.x, rect.y); /* Need to update the grab positions so that the MotionNotify and other * events generated by the XWarpPointer() call below don't cause complete * funkiness. See bug 124582 and bug 122670. */ display->grab_anchor_root_x = *x; display->grab_anchor_root_y = *y; display->grab_latest_motion_x = *x; display->grab_latest_motion_y = *y; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &display->grab_anchor_window_pos); { MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); meta_backend_warp_pointer (backend, *x, *y); } if (meta_error_trap_pop_with_return (display) != Success) { meta_verbose ("Failed to warp pointer for window %s\n", window->desc); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void meta_window_begin_grab_op (MetaWindow *window, MetaGrabOp op, gboolean frame_action, guint32 timestamp) { int x, y; warp_grab_pointer (window, op, &x, &y); meta_display_begin_grab_op (window->display, window->screen, window, op, FALSE, frame_action, 0 /* button */, 0, timestamp, x, y); } void meta_window_update_keyboard_resize (MetaWindow *window, gboolean update_cursor) { int x, y; warp_grab_pointer (window, window->display->grab_op, &x, &y); if (update_cursor) meta_display_update_cursor (window->display); } void meta_window_update_keyboard_move (MetaWindow *window) { int x, y; warp_grab_pointer (window, window->display->grab_op, &x, &y); } void meta_window_update_layer (MetaWindow *window) { MetaGroup *group; meta_stack_freeze (window->screen->stack); group = meta_window_get_group (window); if (group) meta_group_update_layers (group); else meta_stack_update_layer (window->screen->stack, window); meta_stack_thaw (window->screen->stack); } /* ensure_mru_position_after ensures that window appears after * below_this_one in the active_workspace's mru_list (i.e. it treats * window as having been less recently used than below_this_one) */ static void ensure_mru_position_after (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *after_this_one) { /* This is sort of slow since it runs through the entire list more * than once (especially considering the fact that we expect the * windows of interest to be the first two elements in the list), * but it doesn't matter while we're only using it on new window * map. */ GList* active_mru_list; GList* window_position; GList* after_this_one_position; active_mru_list = window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list; window_position = g_list_find (active_mru_list, window); after_this_one_position = g_list_find (active_mru_list, after_this_one); /* after_this_one_position is NULL when we switch workspaces, but in * that case we don't need to do any MRU shuffling so we can simply * return. */ if (after_this_one_position == NULL) return; if (g_list_length (window_position) > g_list_length (after_this_one_position)) { window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list = g_list_delete_link (window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list, window_position); window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list = g_list_insert_before (window->screen->active_workspace->mru_list, after_this_one_position->next, window); } } gboolean meta_window_is_in_stack (MetaWindow *window) { return window->stack_position >= 0; } void meta_window_stack_just_below (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *below_this_one) { g_return_if_fail (window != NULL); g_return_if_fail (below_this_one != NULL); if (window->stack_position > below_this_one->stack_position) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Setting stack position of window %s to %d (making it below window %s).\n", window->desc, below_this_one->stack_position, below_this_one->desc); meta_window_set_stack_position (window, below_this_one->stack_position); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Window %s was already below window %s.\n", window->desc, below_this_one->desc); } } void meta_window_stack_just_above (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *above_this_one) { g_return_if_fail (window != NULL); g_return_if_fail (above_this_one != NULL); if (window->stack_position < above_this_one->stack_position) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Setting stack position of window %s to %d (making it above window %s).\n", window->desc, above_this_one->stack_position, above_this_one->desc); meta_window_set_stack_position (window, above_this_one->stack_position); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Window %s was already above window %s.\n", window->desc, above_this_one->desc); } } /** * meta_window_get_user_time: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * The user time represents a timestamp for the last time the user * interacted with this window. Note this property is only available * for non-override-redirect windows. * * The property is set by Mutter initially upon window creation, * and updated thereafter on input events (key and button presses) seen by Mutter, * client updates to the _NET_WM_USER_TIME property (if later than the current time) * and when focusing the window. * * Returns: The last time the user interacted with this window. */ guint32 meta_window_get_user_time (MetaWindow *window) { return window->net_wm_user_time; } void meta_window_set_user_time (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { /* FIXME: If Soeren's suggestion in bug 151984 is implemented, it will allow * us to sanity check the timestamp here and ensure it doesn't correspond to * a future time. */ g_return_if_fail (!window->override_redirect); /* Only update the time if this timestamp is newer... */ if (window->net_wm_user_time_set && XSERVER_TIME_IS_BEFORE (timestamp, window->net_wm_user_time)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "Window %s _NET_WM_USER_TIME not updated to %u, because it " "is less than %u\n", window->desc, timestamp, window->net_wm_user_time); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STARTUP, "Window %s has _NET_WM_USER_TIME of %u\n", window->desc, timestamp); window->net_wm_user_time_set = TRUE; window->net_wm_user_time = timestamp; if (XSERVER_TIME_IS_BEFORE (window->display->last_user_time, timestamp)) window->display->last_user_time = timestamp; /* If this is a terminal, user interaction with it means the user likely * doesn't want to have focus transferred for now due to new windows. */ if (meta_prefs_get_focus_new_windows () == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_NEW_WINDOWS_STRICT && window_is_terminal (window)) window->display->allow_terminal_deactivation = FALSE; } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_USER_TIME]); } /** * meta_window_get_stable_sequence: * @window: A #MetaWindow * * The stable sequence number is a monotonicially increasing * unique integer assigned to each #MetaWindow upon creation. * * This number can be useful for sorting windows in a stable * fashion. * * Returns: Internal sequence number for this window */ guint32 meta_window_get_stable_sequence (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), 0); return window->stable_sequence; } /* Sets the demands_attention hint on a window, but only * if it's at least partially obscured (see #305882). */ void meta_window_set_demands_attention (MetaWindow *window) { MetaRectangle candidate_rect, other_rect; GList *stack = window->screen->stack->sorted; MetaWindow *other_window; gboolean obscured = FALSE; MetaWorkspace *workspace = window->screen->active_workspace; if (window->wm_state_demands_attention) return; if (!meta_window_located_on_workspace (window, workspace)) { /* windows on other workspaces are necessarily obscured */ obscured = TRUE; } else if (window->minimized) { obscured = TRUE; } else { meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &candidate_rect); /* The stack is sorted with the top windows first. */ while (stack != NULL && stack->data != window) { other_window = stack->data; stack = stack->next; if (meta_window_located_on_workspace (other_window, workspace)) { meta_window_get_frame_rect (other_window, &other_rect); if (meta_rectangle_overlap (&candidate_rect, &other_rect)) { obscured = TRUE; break; } } } } if (obscured) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Marking %s as needing attention\n", window->desc); window->wm_state_demands_attention = TRUE; set_net_wm_state (window); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_DEMANDS_ATTENTION]); g_signal_emit_by_name (window->display, "window-demands-attention", window); } else { /* If the window's in full view, there's no point setting the flag. */ meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Not marking %s as needing attention because " "it's in full view\n", window->desc); } } void meta_window_unset_demands_attention (MetaWindow *window) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Marking %s as not needing attention\n", window->desc); if (window->wm_state_demands_attention) { window->wm_state_demands_attention = FALSE; set_net_wm_state (window); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_DEMANDS_ATTENTION]); } } /** * meta_window_get_frame: (skip) * @window: a #MetaWindow * */ MetaFrame * meta_window_get_frame (MetaWindow *window) { return window->frame; } /** * meta_window_appears_focused: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Determines if the window should be drawn with a focused appearance. This is * true for focused windows but also true for windows with a focused modal * dialog attached. * * Return value: %TRUE if the window should be drawn with a focused frame */ gboolean meta_window_appears_focused (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_focus || (window->attached_focus_window != NULL); } gboolean meta_window_has_focus (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_focus; } gboolean meta_window_is_shaded (MetaWindow *window) { return window->shaded; } /** * meta_window_is_override_redirect: * @window: A #MetaWindow * * Returns: %TRUE if this window isn't managed by mutter; it will * control its own positioning and mutter won't draw decorations * among other things. In X terminology this is "override redirect". */ gboolean meta_window_is_override_redirect (MetaWindow *window) { return window->override_redirect; } /** * meta_window_is_skip_taskbar: * @window: A #MetaWindow * * Gets whether this window should be ignored by task lists. * * Return value: %TRUE if the skip bar hint is set. */ gboolean meta_window_is_skip_taskbar (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), FALSE); return window->skip_taskbar; } /** * meta_window_get_screen: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets the #MetaScreen that the window is on. * * Return value: (transfer none): the #MetaScreen for the window */ MetaScreen * meta_window_get_screen (MetaWindow *window) { return window->screen; } /** * meta_window_get_display: * @window: A #MetaWindow * * Returns: (transfer none): The display for @window */ MetaDisplay * meta_window_get_display (MetaWindow *window) { return window->display; } /** * meta_window_get_xwindow: (skip) * @window: a #MetaWindow * */ Window meta_window_get_xwindow (MetaWindow *window) { return window->xwindow; } MetaWindowType meta_window_get_window_type (MetaWindow *window) { return window->type; } /** * meta_window_get_workspace: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets the #MetaWorkspace that the window is currently displayed on. * If the window is on all workspaces, returns the currently active * workspace. * * Return value: (transfer none): the #MetaWorkspace for the window */ MetaWorkspace * meta_window_get_workspace (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->on_all_workspaces) return window->screen->active_workspace; else return window->workspace; } gboolean meta_window_is_on_all_workspaces (MetaWindow *window) { return window->on_all_workspaces; } gboolean meta_window_is_hidden (MetaWindow *window) { return window->hidden; } const char * meta_window_get_description (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window) return NULL; return window->desc; } /** * meta_window_get_wm_class: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return the current value of the name part of WM_CLASS X property. */ const char * meta_window_get_wm_class (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window) return NULL; return window->res_class; } /** * meta_window_get_wm_class_instance: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return the current value of the instance part of WM_CLASS X property. */ const char * meta_window_get_wm_class_instance (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window) return NULL; return window->res_name; } /** * meta_window_get_sandboxed_app_id: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets an unique id for a sandboxed app (currently flatpaks and snaps are * supported). * * Return value: (transfer none): the sandboxed application ID or %NULL **/ const char * meta_window_get_sandboxed_app_id (MetaWindow *window) { /* We're abusing this API here not to break the gnome shell assumptions * or adding a new function, to be renamed to generic names in new versions */ return window->sandboxed_app_id; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_theme_variant: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the theme variant or %NULL **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_theme_variant (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_theme_variant; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_application_id: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the application ID **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_application_id (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_application_id; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_unique_bus_name: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the unique name **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_unique_bus_name (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_unique_bus_name; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_application_object_path: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the object path **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_application_object_path (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_application_object_path; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_window_object_path: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the object path **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_window_object_path (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_window_object_path; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_app_menu_object_path: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the object path **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_app_menu_object_path (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_app_menu_object_path; } /** * meta_window_get_gtk_menubar_object_path: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Return value: (transfer none): the object path **/ const char * meta_window_get_gtk_menubar_object_path (MetaWindow *window) { return window->gtk_menubar_object_path; } /** * meta_window_get_compositor_private: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets the compositor's wrapper object for @window. * * Return value: (transfer none): the wrapper object. **/ GObject * meta_window_get_compositor_private (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window) return NULL; return window->compositor_private; } void meta_window_set_compositor_private (MetaWindow *window, GObject *priv) { if (!window) return; window->compositor_private = priv; } const char * meta_window_get_role (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window) return NULL; return window->role; } /** * meta_window_get_title: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns: the current title of the window. */ const char * meta_window_get_title (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL); return window->title; } MetaStackLayer meta_window_get_layer (MetaWindow *window) { return window->layer; } /** * meta_window_get_transient_for: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns the #MetaWindow for the window that is pointed to by the * WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint on this window (see XGetTransientForHint() * or XSetTransientForHint()). Metacity keeps transient windows above their * parents. A typical usage of this hint is for a dialog that wants to stay * above its associated window. * * Return value: (transfer none): the window this window is transient for, or * %NULL if the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint is unset or does not point to a toplevel * window that Metacity knows about. */ MetaWindow * meta_window_get_transient_for (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL); if (window->transient_for) return window->transient_for; else if (window->xtransient_for) return meta_display_lookup_x_window (window->display, window->xtransient_for); else return NULL; } /** * meta_window_get_client_pid: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns the pid of the process that created this window, if available * to the windowing system. * * Return value: the pid, or 0 if not known. */ uint32_t meta_window_get_client_pid (MetaWindow *window) { return META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->get_client_pid (window); } /** * meta_window_get_pid: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns pid of the process that created this window, if known (obtained from * the _NET_WM_PID property). * * Return value: the pid, or -1 if not known. */ int meta_window_get_pid (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), -1); return window->net_wm_pid; } /** * meta_window_get_client_machine: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns name of the client machine from which this windows was created, * if known (obtained from the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property). * * Return value: (transfer none): the machine name, or NULL; the string is * owned by the window manager and should not be freed or modified by the * caller. */ const char * meta_window_get_client_machine (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL); return window->wm_client_machine; } /** * meta_window_is_remote: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns: %TRUE if this window originates from a host * different from the one running mutter. */ gboolean meta_window_is_remote (MetaWindow *window) { return window->is_remote; } /** * meta_window_get_mutter_hints: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets the current value of the _MUTTER_HINTS property. * * The purpose of the hints is to allow fine-tuning of the Window Manager and * Compositor behaviour on per-window basis, and is intended primarily for * hints that are plugin-specific. * * The property is a list of colon-separated key=value pairs. The key names for * any plugin-specific hints must be suitably namespaced to allow for shared * use; 'mutter-' key prefix is reserved for internal use, and must not be used * by plugins. * * Return value: (transfer none): the _MUTTER_HINTS string, or %NULL if no hints * are set. */ const char * meta_window_get_mutter_hints (MetaWindow *window) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL); return window->mutter_hints; } /** * meta_window_get_frame_type: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets the type of window decorations that should be used for this window. * * Return value: the frame type */ MetaFrameType meta_window_get_frame_type (MetaWindow *window) { MetaFrameType base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST; switch (window->type) { case META_WINDOW_NORMAL: base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_NORMAL; break; case META_WINDOW_DIALOG: base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_DIALOG; break; case META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG: if (meta_window_is_attached_dialog (window)) base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_ATTACHED; else base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_MODAL_DIALOG; break; case META_WINDOW_MENU: base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_MENU; break; case META_WINDOW_UTILITY: base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_UTILITY; break; case META_WINDOW_DESKTOP: case META_WINDOW_DOCK: case META_WINDOW_TOOLBAR: case META_WINDOW_SPLASHSCREEN: case META_WINDOW_DROPDOWN_MENU: case META_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU: case META_WINDOW_TOOLTIP: case META_WINDOW_NOTIFICATION: case META_WINDOW_COMBO: case META_WINDOW_DND: case META_WINDOW_OVERRIDE_OTHER: /* No frame */ base_type = META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST; break; } if (base_type == META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST) { /* can't add border if undecorated */ return META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST; } else if (window->border_only || (window->hide_titlebar_when_maximized && META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (window)) || (window->hide_titlebar_when_maximized && META_WINDOW_TILED_SIDE_BY_SIDE (window))) { /* override base frame type */ return META_FRAME_TYPE_BORDER; } else { return base_type; } } /** * meta_window_get_frame_bounds: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Gets a region representing the outer bounds of the window's frame. * * Return value: (transfer none) (nullable): a #cairo_region_t * holding the outer bounds of the window, or %NULL if the window * doesn't have a frame. */ cairo_region_t * meta_window_get_frame_bounds (MetaWindow *window) { if (!window->frame_bounds) { if (window->frame) window->frame_bounds = meta_frame_get_frame_bounds (window->frame); } return window->frame_bounds; } /** * meta_window_is_attached_dialog: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Tests if @window is should be attached to its parent window. * (If the "attach_modal_dialogs" option is not enabled, this will * always return %FALSE.) * * Return value: whether @window should be attached to its parent */ gboolean meta_window_is_attached_dialog (MetaWindow *window) { return window->attached; } /** * meta_window_get_tile_match: * @window: a #MetaWindow * * Returns the matching tiled window on the same monitor as @window. This is * the topmost tiled window in a complementary tile mode that is: * * - on the same monitor; * - on the same workspace; * - spanning the remaining monitor width; * - there is no 3rd window stacked between both tiled windows that's * partially visible in the common edge. * * Return value: (transfer none) (nullable): the matching tiled window or * %NULL if it doesn't exist. */ MetaWindow * meta_window_get_tile_match (MetaWindow *window) { return window->tile_match; } void meta_window_compute_tile_match (MetaWindow *window) { window->tile_match = meta_window_find_tile_match (window, window->tile_mode); } static MetaWindow * meta_window_find_tile_match (MetaWindow *window, MetaTileMode current_mode) { MetaWindow *match; MetaStack *stack; MetaTileMode match_tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE; if (window->shaded || window->minimized) return NULL; if (current_mode == META_TILE_LEFT) match_tile_mode = META_TILE_RIGHT; else if (current_mode == META_TILE_RIGHT) match_tile_mode = META_TILE_LEFT; else return NULL; stack = window->screen->stack; for (match = meta_stack_get_top (stack); match; match = meta_stack_get_below (stack, match, FALSE)) { if (!match->shaded && !match->minimized && match->tile_mode == match_tile_mode && match->tile_monitor_number == window->tile_monitor_number && meta_window_get_workspace (match) == meta_window_get_workspace (window)) break; } if (match) { MetaWindow *above, *bottommost, *topmost; MetaRectangle above_rect, bottommost_rect, topmost_rect; if (meta_stack_windows_cmp (window->screen->stack, match, window) > 0) { topmost = match; bottommost = window; } else { topmost = window; bottommost = match; } meta_window_get_frame_rect (bottommost, &bottommost_rect); meta_window_get_frame_rect (topmost, &topmost_rect); /* * If we are looking for a tile match while actually being tiled, * rather than a match for a potential tile mode, then discard * windows with too much gap or overlap */ if (window->tile_mode == current_mode && !(meta_grab_op_is_resizing (window->display->grab_op) && window->display->grab_window == window && window->tile_match != NULL)) { int threshold = meta_prefs_get_drag_threshold (); if (ABS (topmost_rect.x - bottommost_rect.x - bottommost_rect.width) > threshold && ABS (bottommost_rect.x - topmost_rect.x - topmost_rect.width) > threshold) return NULL; } /* * If there's a window stacked in between which is partially visible * behind the topmost tile we don't consider the tiles to match. */ for (above = meta_stack_get_above (stack, bottommost, FALSE); above && above != topmost; above = meta_stack_get_above (stack, above, FALSE)) { if (above->minimized || above->monitor != window->monitor || meta_window_get_workspace (above) != meta_window_get_workspace (window)) continue; meta_window_get_frame_rect (above, &above_rect); if (meta_rectangle_overlap (&above_rect, &bottommost_rect) && meta_rectangle_overlap (&above_rect, &topmost_rect)) return NULL; } } return match; } void meta_window_set_title (MetaWindow *window, const char *title) { g_free (window->title); window->title = g_strdup (title); if (window->frame) meta_frame_update_title (window->frame); meta_window_update_desc (window); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_TITLE]); } void meta_window_set_wm_class (MetaWindow *window, const char *wm_class, const char *wm_instance) { g_free (window->res_class); g_free (window->res_name); window->res_name = g_strdup (wm_instance); window->res_class = g_strdup (wm_class); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_WM_CLASS]); } void meta_window_set_gtk_dbus_properties (MetaWindow *window, const char *application_id, const char *unique_bus_name, const char *appmenu_path, const char *menubar_path, const char *application_object_path, const char *window_object_path) { g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); g_free (window->gtk_application_id); window->gtk_application_id = g_strdup (application_id); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_ID]); g_free (window->gtk_unique_bus_name); window->gtk_unique_bus_name = g_strdup (unique_bus_name); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME]); g_free (window->gtk_app_menu_object_path); window->gtk_app_menu_object_path = g_strdup (appmenu_path); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_GTK_APP_MENU_OBJECT_PATH]); g_free (window->gtk_menubar_object_path); window->gtk_menubar_object_path = g_strdup (menubar_path); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH]); g_free (window->gtk_application_object_path); window->gtk_application_object_path = g_strdup (application_object_path); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH]); g_free (window->gtk_window_object_path); window->gtk_window_object_path = g_strdup (window_object_path); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (window)); } static gboolean check_transient_for_loop (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *parent) { while (parent) { if (parent == window) return TRUE; parent = parent->transient_for; } return FALSE; } void meta_window_set_transient_for (MetaWindow *window, MetaWindow *parent) { if (check_transient_for_loop (window, parent)) { meta_warning ("Setting %s transient for %s would create a loop.\n", window->desc, parent->desc); return; } if (meta_window_appears_focused (window) && window->transient_for != NULL) meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (window, FALSE); /* may now be a dialog */ if (window->client_type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) { meta_window_x11_recalc_window_type (window); if (!window->constructing) { /* If the window attaches, detaches, or changes attached * parents, we need to destroy the MetaWindow and let a new one * be created (which happens as a side effect of * meta_window_unmanage()). The condition below is correct * because we know window->transient_for has changed. */ if (window->attached || meta_window_should_attach_to_parent (window)) { guint32 timestamp; timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (window->display); meta_window_unmanage (window, timestamp); return; } } } /* We know this won't create a reference cycle because we check for loops */ g_clear_object (&window->transient_for); window->transient_for = parent ? g_object_ref (parent) : NULL; /* update stacking constraints */ if (!window->override_redirect) meta_stack_update_transient (window->screen->stack, window); /* possibly change its group. We treat being a window's transient as * equivalent to making it your group leader, to work around shortcomings * in programs such as xmms-- see #328211. */ if (window->xtransient_for != None && window->xgroup_leader != None && window->xtransient_for != window->xgroup_leader) meta_window_group_leader_changed (window); if (!window->constructing && !window->override_redirect) meta_window_queue (window, META_QUEUE_MOVE_RESIZE | META_QUEUE_CALC_SHOWING); if (meta_window_appears_focused (window) && window->transient_for != NULL) meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance (window, TRUE); } void meta_window_set_opacity (MetaWindow *window, guint8 opacity) { window->opacity = opacity; meta_compositor_window_opacity_changed (window->display->compositor, window); } static void reset_ignored_crossing_serials (MetaDisplay *display) { int i; i = 0; while (i < N_IGNORED_CROSSING_SERIALS) { display->ignored_crossing_serials[i] = 0; ++i; } } typedef struct { MetaWindow *window; int pointer_x; int pointer_y; } MetaFocusData; static void mouse_mode_focus (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp) { MetaDisplay *display = window->display; if (window->override_redirect) return; if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DESKTOP) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing %s at time %u.\n", window->desc, timestamp); meta_window_focus (window, timestamp); if (meta_prefs_get_auto_raise ()) meta_display_queue_autoraise_callback (display, window); else meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Auto raise is disabled\n"); } else { /* In mouse focus mode, we defocus when the mouse *enters* * the DESKTOP window, instead of defocusing on LeaveNotify. * This is because having the mouse enter override-redirect * child windows unfortunately causes LeaveNotify events that * we can't distinguish from the mouse actually leaving the * toplevel window as we expect. But, since we filter out * EnterNotify events on override-redirect windows, this * alternative mechanism works great. */ if (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode() == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_MOUSE && display->focus_window != NULL) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Unsetting focus from %s due to mouse entering " "the DESKTOP window\n", display->focus_window->desc); meta_display_focus_the_no_focus_window (display, window->screen, timestamp); } } } static gboolean window_has_pointer_wayland (MetaWindow *window) { ClutterDeviceManager *dm; ClutterInputDevice *dev; ClutterActor *pointer_actor, *window_actor; dm = clutter_device_manager_get_default (); dev = clutter_device_manager_get_core_device (dm, CLUTTER_POINTER_DEVICE); pointer_actor = clutter_input_device_get_pointer_actor (dev); window_actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (meta_window_get_compositor_private (window)); return pointer_actor && clutter_actor_contains (window_actor, pointer_actor); } static gboolean window_has_pointer_x11 (MetaWindow *window) { MetaDisplay *display = window->display; MetaScreen *screen = window->screen; Window root, child; double root_x, root_y, x, y; XIButtonState buttons; XIModifierState mods; XIGroupState group; meta_error_trap_push (display); XIQueryPointer (display->xdisplay, META_VIRTUAL_CORE_POINTER_ID, screen->xroot, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &buttons, &mods, &group); meta_error_trap_pop (display); free (buttons.mask); return meta_display_lookup_x_window (display, child) == window; } gboolean meta_window_has_pointer (MetaWindow *window) { if (meta_is_wayland_compositor ()) return window_has_pointer_wayland (window); else return window_has_pointer_x11 (window); } static gboolean window_focus_on_pointer_rest_callback (gpointer data) { MetaFocusData *focus_data = data; MetaWindow *window = focus_data->window; MetaDisplay *display = window->display; MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend (); MetaCursorTracker *cursor_tracker = meta_backend_get_cursor_tracker (backend); int root_x, root_y; guint32 timestamp; if (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode () == G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK) goto out; meta_cursor_tracker_get_pointer (cursor_tracker, &root_x, &root_y, NULL); if (root_x != focus_data->pointer_x || root_y != focus_data->pointer_y) { focus_data->pointer_x = root_x; focus_data->pointer_y = root_y; return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } if (!meta_window_has_pointer (window)) goto out; timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (display); mouse_mode_focus (window, timestamp); out: display->focus_timeout_id = 0; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } /* The interval, in milliseconds, we use in focus-follows-mouse * mode to check whether the pointer has stopped moving after a * crossing event. */ #define FOCUS_TIMEOUT_DELAY 25 static void queue_focus_callback (MetaDisplay *display, MetaWindow *window, int pointer_x, int pointer_y) { MetaFocusData *focus_data; focus_data = g_new (MetaFocusData, 1); focus_data->window = window; focus_data->pointer_x = pointer_x; focus_data->pointer_y = pointer_y; if (display->focus_timeout_id != 0) g_source_remove (display->focus_timeout_id); display->focus_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, FOCUS_TIMEOUT_DELAY, window_focus_on_pointer_rest_callback, focus_data, g_free); g_source_set_name_by_id (display->focus_timeout_id, "[mutter] window_focus_on_pointer_rest_callback"); } void meta_window_handle_enter (MetaWindow *window, guint32 timestamp, guint root_x, guint root_y) { MetaDisplay *display = window->display; switch (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode ()) { case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_SLOPPY: case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_MOUSE: display->mouse_mode = TRUE; if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DOCK) { if (meta_prefs_get_focus_change_on_pointer_rest()) queue_focus_callback (display, window, root_x, root_y); else mouse_mode_focus (window, timestamp); /* stop ignoring stuff */ reset_ignored_crossing_serials (display); } break; case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK: break; } if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK) meta_window_raise (window); } void meta_window_handle_leave (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK && !window->has_focus) meta_window_lower (window); } void meta_window_handle_ungrabbed_event (MetaWindow *window, const ClutterEvent *event) { MetaDisplay *display = window->display; gboolean unmodified; gboolean is_window_grab; ClutterModifierType grab_mods, event_mods; gfloat x, y; guint button; if (window->frame && meta_ui_frame_handle_event (window->frame->ui_frame, event)) return; if (event->type != CLUTTER_BUTTON_PRESS && event->type != CLUTTER_TOUCH_BEGIN) return; if (event->type == CLUTTER_TOUCH_BEGIN) { ClutterEventSequence *sequence; button = 1; sequence = clutter_event_get_event_sequence (event); if (!meta_display_is_pointer_emulating_sequence (window->display, sequence)) return; } else button = clutter_event_get_button (event); if (display->grab_op != META_GRAB_OP_NONE) return; /* Some windows might not ask for input, in which case we might be here * because we selected for ButtonPress on the root window. In that case, * we have to take special care not to act for an override-redirect window. */ if (window->override_redirect) return; /* Don't focus panels--they must explicitly request focus. * See bug 160470 */ if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DOCK) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing %s due to button %u press (display.c)\n", window->desc, button); meta_window_focus (window, event->any.time); } else /* However, do allow terminals to lose focus due to new * window mappings after the user clicks on a panel. */ display->allow_terminal_deactivation = TRUE; /* We have three passive button grabs: * - on any button, without modifiers => focuses and maybe raises the window * - on resize button, with modifiers => start an interactive resizing * (normally middle) * - on move button, with modifiers => start an interactive move * (normally left) * - on menu button, with modifiers => show the window menu * (normally right) * * We may get here because we actually have a button * grab on the window, or because we're a wayland * compositor and thus we see all the events, so we * need to check if the event is interesting. * We want an event that is not modified for a window. * * We may have other events on the window, for example * a click on a frame button, but that's not for us to * care about. Just let the event through. */ grab_mods = meta_display_get_window_grab_modifiers (display); event_mods = clutter_event_get_state (event); unmodified = (event_mods & grab_mods) == 0; is_window_grab = (event_mods & grab_mods) == grab_mods; clutter_event_get_coords (event, &x, &y); if (unmodified) { if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ()) meta_window_raise (window); else meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Not raising window on click due to don't-raise-on-click option\n"); } else if (is_window_grab && (int) button == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_resize ()) { if (window->has_resize_func) { gboolean north, south; gboolean west, east; MetaRectangle frame_rect; MetaGrabOp op = META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_BASE; meta_window_get_frame_rect (window, &frame_rect); west = x < (frame_rect.x + 1 * frame_rect.width / 3); east = x > (frame_rect.x + 2 * frame_rect.width / 3); north = y < (frame_rect.y + 1 * frame_rect.height / 3); south = y > (frame_rect.y + 2 * frame_rect.height / 3); if (west) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_WEST; if (east) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_EAST; if (north) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_NORTH; if (south) op |= META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_DIR_SOUTH; if (op != META_GRAB_OP_WINDOW_BASE) meta_display_begin_grab_op (display, window->screen, window, op, TRUE, FALSE, button, 0, event->any.time, x, y); } } else if (is_window_grab && (int) button == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_menu ()) { if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ()) meta_window_raise (window); meta_window_show_menu (window, META_WINDOW_MENU_WM, x, y); } else if (is_window_grab && (int) button == 1) { if (window->has_move_func) { meta_display_begin_grab_op (display, window->screen, window, META_GRAB_OP_MOVING, TRUE, FALSE, button, 0, event->any.time, x, y); } } } gboolean meta_window_can_maximize (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_maximize_func; } gboolean meta_window_can_minimize (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_minimize_func; } gboolean meta_window_can_shade (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_shade_func; } gboolean meta_window_can_close (MetaWindow *window) { return window->has_close_func; } gboolean meta_window_is_always_on_all_workspaces (MetaWindow *window) { return window->always_sticky; } gboolean meta_window_is_above (MetaWindow *window) { return window->wm_state_above; } gboolean meta_window_allows_move (MetaWindow *window) { return META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_MOVE (window); } gboolean meta_window_allows_resize (MetaWindow *window) { return META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_RESIZE (window); } void meta_window_set_urgent (MetaWindow *window, gboolean urgent) { if (window->urgent == urgent) return; window->urgent = urgent; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (window), obj_props[PROP_URGENT]); if (urgent) g_signal_emit_by_name (window->display, "window-marked-urgent", window); } void meta_window_grab_op_began (MetaWindow *window, MetaGrabOp op) { META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->grab_op_began (window, op); } void meta_window_grab_op_ended (MetaWindow *window, MetaGrabOp op) { META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->grab_op_ended (window, op); } void meta_window_emit_size_changed (MetaWindow *window) { g_signal_emit (window, window_signals[SIZE_CHANGED], 0); } MetaPlacementRule * meta_window_get_placement_rule (MetaWindow *window) { return window->placement_rule; } void meta_window_force_restore_shortcuts (MetaWindow *window, ClutterInputDevice *source) { META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->force_restore_shortcuts (window, source); } gboolean meta_window_shortcuts_inhibited (MetaWindow *window, ClutterInputDevice *source) { return META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->shortcuts_inhibited (window, source); } gboolean meta_window_is_stackable (MetaWindow *window) { return META_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (window)->is_stackable (window); }