Making a release === To make a release of metacity, do the following: - check out a fresh copy from CVS - increment the version number in, see the comment above the version for the next fibonacci number - update the file NEWS based on the ChangeLog - add a ChangeLog entry containing the version number you're releasing ("Released 2.5.4" or something) so people can see which changes were before and after a given release. - "make distcheck" (DO NOT just "make dist" - pass the check!) - if make distcheck fails, fix it. - once distcheck succeeds, "cvs commit" - if someone else made changes and the commit fails, you have to "cvs up" and run "make distcheck" again - once the commit succeeds, WITHOUT cvs updating, "cvs tag METACITY_X_Y_Z" where X_Y_Z map to version X.Y.Z - scp the tarball to - run install-module on to install the tarball on the ftp site Misc stuff === Don't commit substantive code in here without asking me, Adding translations, no-brainer typo fixes, etc. is fine. The script src/ is useful to hack on the window manager. It runs metacity in an Xnest. e.g.: CLIENTS=3 ./ or DEBUG=memprof ./ or DEBUG_TEST=1 ./run-metacity-sh or whatever. The tool metacity-message can be used as follows: metacity-message reload-theme metacity-message restart metacity-message enable-keybindings metacity-message disable-keybindings metacity-window-demo is good for trying behavior of various kinds of window without launching a full desktop. src/window.c is where all the guts of the window manager live. This is basically the only remotely scary file. src/frames.c is the GtkWidget that handles drawing window frames. src/core.h defines the interface used by the GTK portion of the window manager to talk to the other portions. There's some cruft in here that's unused, since nearly all window operations have moved out of this file so frameless apps can have window operations. src/ui.h defines the interface the plain Xlib portion of the window manager uses to talk to the GTK portion. Files that include gdk.h or gtk.h are not supposed to include display.h or window.h or other core files. Files in the core (display.[hc], window.[hc]) are not supposed to include gdk.h or gtk.h. src/theme.c and src/theme-parser.c have the theme system; this is well-modularized from the rest of the code, since the theme viewer app links to these files in addition to the WM itself. When hacking, remember that you can have multiple screens. The code is also written to support multiple displays, but this is useless, since you can just run two copies of the WM. Also, an XKillClient() or shutdown on any display causes Xlib to exit the app, so it would be broken. So the multi-display thing is mostly just for code cleanliness. Multi-screen on the other hand is important for some people. Remember that strings stored in X properties are not in UTF-8, and they have to end up in UTF-8 before we try putting them through Pango. If you make any X request involving a client window, you have to meta_error_trap_push() around the call; this is not necessary for X requests on the frame windows. Remember that not all windows have frames, and window->frame can be NULL. The code could use cleanup in a lot of places, feel free to do so.