Events The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden. Except for cheap tricks.
Introduction Once you have set up a scene on the stage, in order to respond to user interaction you will have to handle events coming from the underlying platform. Events are relayed to actors by Clutter in form of signals; signals are a facility provided by the GObject framework to call functions depending on a unique name. A signal can be thought as a message that an object instance broadcasts to various listener functions. There are various events that Clutter will handle: mostly, they deal with input devices, like a mouse pointer or a keyboard; but they can also come from the windowing system, like the delete-event signal that is emitted when the user closes the window of the stage. Each event has a particular source, that is the actor that received the event. The event handling sequence is divided in two phases: the capture phase, which consists in an emission of the captured-event signal starting from the stage to, following the parent-child relationship, the source of the event; the bubble phase, which consists in an emission of the event signal starting from the the source of the event to, following the parent-child relationship, the stage. At any point during the event emission sequence a handler of either the captured-event or the event signals can stop it, by returning a value of TRUE, which means that the event has been handled. If an event hasn't been handled, FALSE should be returned instead.
Handling key events
Problem You want to respond to key presses on an actor.
Solutions There are two possible solutions: Solution 1: Connect a callback to the actor; inside the callback, manually analyse which key and modifier(s) were pressed and react accordingly. Solution 2: Use an actor's ClutterBindingPool to declaratively assign actions to specific key and modifier combinations. Each solution is covered below.
Solution 1 Connect the key-press-event signal for an actor to a callback; then examine the event in the callback to determine which key and modifiers were pressed. First, connect an actor's key-press-event signal to a callback: g_signal_connect (actor, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (_key_press_cb), NULL); Then, in the callback, check which key was pressed and which modifiers were down at the same time. For example, this callback checks for a press on the up arrow key and whether the Shift and/or Ctrl key were down: Clutter provides a range of key value definitions (like CLUTTER_Up, used above). These are generated from the list in the X.Org source code (replace "XK" with "CLUTTER" in the definitions there to get the CLUTTER equivalents; alternatively, look at the clutter-keysyms.h header file for the list). CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK, CLUTTER_CONTROL_MASK and other modifiers are defined in the ClutterModifierType enum.
Solution 2 Assign actions to an actor's ClutterBindingPool. A binding pool stores mappings from a key press (either a single key or a key plus modifiers) to actions; an action is simply a callback function with a specific signature. While this approach is trickier to implement, it is more flexible and removes the drudgery of writing branching code to handle different key presses. See the Discussion section for more details. To use this approach with an actor which will receive key press events, first get that actor's binding pool. In the example below, we're using the binding pool for the default ClutterStage: ClutterBindingPool *binding_pool; GObjectClass *stage_class; stage_class = CLUTTER_STAGE_GET_CLASS (stage); binding_pool = clutter_binding_pool_get_for_class (stage_class); Next, install actions into the binding pool. For example, to install an action bound to the up arrow key, which calls the _move_up() function when that key is pressed, you would do: clutter_binding_pool_install_action (binding_pool, "move-up", /* identifier */ CLUTTER_Up, /* up arrow pressed */ 0, /* no modifiers pressed */ G_CALLBACK (_move_up), NULL, /* no user data passed */ NULL); Another example, binding up arrow + Shift + Ctrl to an action which calls _move_up_shift_control() when activated: clutter_binding_pool_install_action (binding_pool, "move-up-shift-control", CLUTTER_Up, CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK + CLUTTER_CONTROL_MASK, G_CALLBACK (_move_up_shift_control), NULL, NULL); The function called when an action is activated looks like this (for _move_up()): static void _move_up (GObject *instance, const gchar *action_name, guint key_val, ClutterModifierType modifiers, gpointer user_data) { g_debug ("Up pressed"); } Then bind the key-press-event signal for the actor (in our case, the stage) to a callback: g_signal_connect (stage, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (_key_press_cb), NULL); Finally, inside the callback, pass control to the actor's binding pool rather than dissecting the key press event yourself: static gboolean _key_press_cb (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { ClutterBindingPool *pool; pool = clutter_binding_pool_find (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (actor)); return clutter_binding_pool_activate (pool, clutter_event_get_key_symbol (event), clutter_event_get_state (event), G_OBJECT (actor)); } Now, when a key + modifiers that have been bound to an action are pressed on the actor, the appropriate action is activated.
Pros and cons of Solution 1 and Solution 2 Solution 1 is the simplest (in terms of the amount of code you have to write for simple cases), but could quickly turn into a mess if you need many conditions or want to capture many key combinations. Also, if multiple actors need to respond to key press events, you'll need similar event dissection code in each callback. Solution 2 is more complicated to implement, but scales better if you have many different key combinations on multiple actors. The binding pool protects you from the minutiae of detecting which keys were pressed, leaving you to concentrate on the triggered actions instead. This could simplify your control logic. In addition, Solution 2 lets you write a single callback to handle all key press events for all actors. This callback could then use clutter_binding_pool_find() (as in the example code) to determine which binding pool to activate (depending on which actor received the key press event). Finally, a binding pool allows you to block and unblock actions. This means you can make the response to a key press event conditional on application state. For example, let's say you wanted the up arrow key to move an actor, but only when the actor is at the bottom of the stage. To implement this, you could disable the up arrow key action in the binding pool initially; then, once the actor reaches the bottom of the stage, enable the up arrow key action again. While this is possible with Solution 1, you would have to implement more of the state management code yourself.
Other useful things to know about key press events A ClutterKeyEvent contains only a single key value, plus possibly one or more modifier keys (like Shift, Ctrl, Alt etc.). There are no functions in the Clutter API which return events for tracking near-simultaneous presses on multiple keys. By default, the stage receives all key events. To make another actor receive key events, use clutter_stage_set_key_focus(): /* * stage is a ClutterStage instance; * actor is the ClutterActor instance which should receive key events */ clutter_stage_set_key_focus (stage, actor);
Detecting mouse scrolling on an actor
Problem You want to detect when the mouse is scrolled on an actor (e.g. the pointer is over an actor when a mouse wheel is scrolled).
Solution Connect a callback handler to the scroll-event signal of an actor. First, ensure that the actor is reactive (i.e. will respond to events): Next, create a callback handler to examine the scroll event and respond to it: Finally, connect the callback handler to the scroll-event signal of the actor:
Discussion A standard mouse wheel will only return up and down movements; but in cases where the mouse has left and right scrolling (e.g. a trackball mouse or trackpad), left and right scroll events may also be emitted.
Creating a scrolling viewport for an actor While the simple outline above explains the basics of how to connect to scroll events, it doesn't do much to help with really implementing scrolling over an actor. That's what we'll do in this section. The full code for the example we'll walk through here is available in this later section. Scrolling over an actor actually requires coordination between two components: Scrollable actor An actor which is too large to fit on the stage or inside the area of the UI assigned to it (otherwise there's no need to scroll over it...). Viewport This displays a cropped view of part of the scrollable actor, revealing different parts of it as scroll events occur. Here are the steps required to set up the two actors: Create the scrollable actor; it should be larger than the viewport. This example uses a ClutterTexture, but any ClutterActor will work: /* get image file path, set up stage etc. */ ClutterActor *texture; texture = clutter_texture_new (); clutter_texture_set_keep_aspect_ratio (CLUTTER_TEXTURE (texture), TRUE); /* * set the texture's height so it's as tall as the stage * (STAGE_HEIGHT is define'd at the top of the file) */ clutter_actor_set_request_mode (texture, CLUTTER_REQUEST_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT); clutter_actor_set_height (texture, STAGE_HEIGHT); /* * load the image file; * see this recipe for more about loading images into textures */ clutter_texture_set_from_file (CLUTTER_TEXTURE (texture), image_file_path, NULL); Create the viewport. The simplest way to do this is with a ClutterGroup: The key here is calling clutter_actor_set_clip_to_allocation (viewport, TRUE). This configures the viewport group so that any of its children are clipped: i.e. only parts of its children which fit inside its allocation are visible. This in turn requires setting an explicit size on the group, rather than allowing it to size itself to fit its children (the latter is the default). Put the scrollable actor into the viewport; and the viewport into its container (in this case, the default stage): clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (viewport), texture); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), viewport); Create a callback handler for scroll-event signals emitted by the viewport: The approach taken here is to move the scrollable actor up, relative to the viewport. Initially, the scrollable will have a y coordinate value of 0.0 (aligned to the top of the viewport). Scrolling up decrements the y coordinate (down to a minumum of viewport_height - scrollable_height). This moves the top of the scrollable actor "outside" the clip area of the viewport; simultaneously, more of the bottom part of the scrollable moves into the clip area, becoming visible. Scrolling down increments the y coordinate (but only up to a maximum value of 0.0). To see how this works in practice, look at the code sample. There, the height of the scrollable actor is set to 300 and the height of the viewport to 150. This means that the y coordinate value for the scrollable actor will vary between -150.0: 150 (the viewport's height) - 300 (the scrollable actor's height), making its base visible and clipping its top; and 0.0, where its top is visible and its base clipped. Connect the callback handler to the signal; note that we pass the scrollable actor (the texture) to the callback, as we're moving the texture relative to the viewport to create the scrolling effect: g_signal_connect (viewport, "scroll-event", G_CALLBACK (_scroll_event_cb), texture); Here's a video of the result: Video showing a scrollable actor
Full example Mouse scrolling over a <type>ClutterActor</type> a code sample should be here... but isn't