/* * Cogl * * An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer * * Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Intel Corporation. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . * * * Authors: * Neil Roberts */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "cogl.h" #include "cogl-winsys-private.h" #include "cogl-context-private.h" #include "cogl-framebuffer.h" #include "cogl-swap-chain-private.h" #include "cogl-renderer-private.h" #include "cogl-display-private.h" #include "cogl-onscreen-template-private.h" #include "cogl-private.h" #include "cogl-feature-private.h" #include "cogl-win32-renderer.h" typedef struct _CoglRendererWgl { GModule *gl_module; /* Function pointers for GLX specific extensions */ #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_BEGIN(a, b, c, d, e, f) #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_FUNCTION(ret, name, args) \ ret (APIENTRY * pf_ ## name) args; #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_END() #include "cogl-winsys-wgl-feature-functions.h" #undef COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_BEGIN #undef COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_FUNCTION #undef COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_END } CoglRendererWgl; typedef struct _CoglDisplayWgl { ATOM window_class; HGLRC wgl_context; HWND dummy_hwnd; HDC dummy_dc; } CoglDisplayWgl; typedef struct _CoglOnscreenWin32 { HWND hwnd; gboolean is_foreign_hwnd; } CoglOnscreenWin32; typedef struct _CoglContextWgl { HDC current_dc; } CoglContextWgl; typedef struct _CoglOnscreenWgl { CoglOnscreenWin32 _parent; HDC client_dc; gboolean swap_throttled; } CoglOnscreenWgl; /* Define a set of arrays containing the functions required from GL for each winsys feature */ #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_BEGIN(name, namespaces, extension_names, \ feature_flags, feature_flags_private, \ winsys_feature) \ static const CoglFeatureFunction \ cogl_wgl_feature_ ## name ## _funcs[] = { #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_FUNCTION(ret, name, args) \ { G_STRINGIFY (name), G_STRUCT_OFFSET (CoglRendererWgl, pf_ ## name) }, #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_END() \ { NULL, 0 }, \ }; #include "cogl-winsys-wgl-feature-functions.h" /* Define an array of features */ #undef COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_BEGIN #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_BEGIN(name, namespaces, extension_names, \ feature_flags, feature_flags_private, \ winsys_feature) \ { 255, 255, 0, namespaces, extension_names, \ feature_flags, feature_flags_private, \ winsys_feature, \ cogl_wgl_feature_ ## name ## _funcs }, #undef COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_FUNCTION #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_FUNCTION(ret, name, args) #undef COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_END #define COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_END() static const CoglFeatureData winsys_feature_data[] = { #include "cogl-winsys-wgl-feature-functions.h" }; static CoglFuncPtr _cogl_winsys_renderer_get_proc_address (CoglRenderer *renderer, const char *name) { CoglRendererWgl *wgl_renderer = renderer->winsys; void *proc = wglGetProcAddress ((LPCSTR) name); /* The documentation for wglGetProcAddress implies that it only returns pointers to extension functions so if it fails we'll try resolving the symbol directly from the the GL library */ if (proc == NULL) { if (wgl_renderer->gl_module == NULL) wgl_renderer->gl_module = g_module_open ("opengl32", 0); if (wgl_renderer->gl_module) g_module_symbol (wgl_renderer->gl_module, name, &proc); } return proc; } static void _cogl_winsys_renderer_disconnect (CoglRenderer *renderer) { CoglRendererWgl *wgl_renderer = renderer->winsys; if (wgl_renderer->gl_module) g_module_close (wgl_renderer->gl_module); g_slice_free (CoglRendererWgl, renderer->winsys); } static CoglOnscreen * find_onscreen_for_hwnd (CoglContext *context, HWND hwnd) { CoglDisplayWgl *display_wgl = context->display->winsys; GList *l; /* If the hwnd has Cogl's window class then we can lookup the onscreen pointer directly by reading the extra window data */ if (GetClassLongPtr (hwnd, GCW_ATOM) == display_wgl->window_class) { CoglOnscreen *onscreen = (CoglOnscreen *) GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, 0); if (onscreen) return onscreen; } for (l = context->framebuffers; l; l = l->next) { CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer = l->data; if (framebuffer->type == COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE_ONSCREEN) { CoglOnscreenWin32 *win32_onscreen = COGL_ONSCREEN (framebuffer)->winsys; if (win32_onscreen->hwnd == hwnd) return COGL_ONSCREEN (framebuffer); } } return NULL; } static CoglFilterReturn win32_event_filter_cb (MSG *msg, void *data) { CoglContext *context = data; if (msg->message == WM_SIZE) { CoglOnscreen *onscreen = find_onscreen_for_hwnd (context, msg->hwnd); if (onscreen) { CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen); /* Ignore size changes resulting from the stage being minimized - otherwise it will think the window has been resized to 0,0 */ if (msg->wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED) { WORD new_width = LOWORD (msg->lParam); WORD new_height = HIWORD (msg->lParam); _cogl_framebuffer_winsys_update_size (framebuffer, new_width, new_height); } } } return COGL_FILTER_CONTINUE; } static gboolean _cogl_winsys_renderer_connect (CoglRenderer *renderer, GError **error) { renderer->winsys = g_slice_new0 (CoglRendererWgl); return TRUE; } static LRESULT CALLBACK window_proc (HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { gboolean message_handled = FALSE; CoglOnscreen *onscreen; /* It's not clear what the best thing to do with messages sent to the window proc is. We want the application to forward on all messages through Cogl so that it can have a chance to process them which might mean that that in it's GetMessage loop it could call cogl_win32_renderer_handle_event for every message. However the message loop would usually call DispatchMessage as well which mean this window proc would be invoked and Cogl would see the message twice. However we can't just ignore messages in the window proc because some messages are sent directly from windows without going through the message queue. This function therefore just forwards on all messages directly. This means that the application is not expected to forward on messages if it has let Cogl create the window itself because it will already see them via the window proc. This limits the kinds of messages that Cogl can handle to ones that are sent to the windows it creates, but I think that is a reasonable restriction */ /* Convert the message to a MSG struct and pass it through the Cogl message handling mechanism */ /* This window proc is only called for messages created with Cogl's window class so we should be able to work out the corresponding window class by looking in the extra window data. Windows will send some extra messages before we get a chance to set this value so we have to ignore these */ onscreen = (CoglOnscreen *) GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, 0); if (onscreen != NULL) { CoglRenderer *renderer; DWORD message_pos; MSG msg; msg.hwnd = hwnd; msg.message = umsg; msg.wParam = wparam; msg.lParam = lparam; msg.time = GetMessageTime (); /* Neither MAKE_POINTS nor GET_[XY]_LPARAM is defined in MinGW headers so we need to convert to a signed type explicitly */ message_pos = GetMessagePos (); msg.pt.x = (SHORT) LOWORD (message_pos); msg.pt.y = (SHORT) HIWORD (message_pos); renderer = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen)->context->display->renderer; message_handled = cogl_win32_renderer_handle_event (renderer, &msg); } if (!message_handled) return DefWindowProcW (hwnd, umsg, wparam, lparam); else return 0; } static gboolean pixel_format_is_better (const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfa, const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfb) { /* Always prefer a format with a stencil buffer */ if (pfa->cStencilBits == 0) { if (pfb->cStencilBits > 0) return TRUE; } else if (pfb->cStencilBits == 0) return FALSE; /* Prefer a bigger color buffer */ if (pfb->cColorBits > pfa->cColorBits) return TRUE; else if (pfb->cColorBits < pfa->cColorBits) return FALSE; /* Prefer a bigger depth buffer */ return pfb->cDepthBits > pfa->cDepthBits; } static int choose_pixel_format (CoglFramebufferConfig *config, HDC dc, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd) { int i, num_formats, best_pf = 0; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR best_pfd; num_formats = DescribePixelFormat (dc, 0, sizeof (best_pfd), NULL); /* XXX: currently we don't support multisampling on windows... */ if (config->samples_per_pixel) return best_pf; for (i = 1; i <= num_formats; i++) { memset (pfd, 0, sizeof (*pfd)); if (DescribePixelFormat (dc, i, sizeof (best_pfd), pfd) && /* Check whether this format is useable by Cogl */ ((pfd->dwFlags & (PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER | PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT)) == (PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW)) && pfd->iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA && pfd->cColorBits >= 16 && pfd->cColorBits <= 32 && pfd->cDepthBits >= 16 && pfd->cDepthBits <= 32 && /* Check whether this is a better format than one we've already found */ (best_pf == 0 || pixel_format_is_better (&best_pfd, pfd))) { if (config->swap_chain->has_alpha && pfd->cAlphaBits == 0) continue; if (config->need_stencil && pfd->cStencilBits == 0) continue; best_pf = i; best_pfd = *pfd; } } *pfd = best_pfd; return best_pf; } static gboolean create_window_class (CoglDisplay *display, GError **error) { CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display = display->winsys; char *class_name_ascii, *src; WCHAR *class_name_wchar, *dst; WNDCLASSW wndclass; /* We create a window class per display so that we have an opportunity to clean up the class when the display is destroyed */ /* Generate a unique name containing the address of the display */ class_name_ascii = g_strdup_printf ("CoglWindow0x%0*" G_GINTPTR_MODIFIER "x", sizeof (guintptr) * 2, (guintptr) display); /* Convert it to WCHARs */ class_name_wchar = g_malloc ((strlen (class_name_ascii) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); for (src = class_name_ascii, dst = class_name_wchar; *src; src++, dst++) *dst = *src; *dst = L'\0'; memset (&wndclass, 0, sizeof (wndclass)); wndclass.style = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = window_proc; /* We reserve extra space in the window data for a pointer back to the CoglOnscreen */ wndclass.cbWndExtra = sizeof (LONG_PTR); wndclass.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW (NULL); wndclass.hIcon = LoadIconW (NULL, (LPWSTR) IDI_APPLICATION); wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursorW (NULL, (LPWSTR) IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = NULL; wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; wndclass.lpszClassName = class_name_wchar; wgl_display->window_class = RegisterClassW (&wndclass); g_free (class_name_wchar); g_free (class_name_ascii); if (wgl_display->window_class == 0) { g_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR_CREATE_CONTEXT, "Unable to register window class"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean create_context (CoglDisplay *display, GError **error) { CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display = display->winsys; g_return_val_if_fail (wgl_display->wgl_context == NULL, FALSE); /* Cogl assumes that there is always a GL context selected; in order * to make sure that a WGL context exists and is made current, we * use a small dummy window that never gets shown to which we can * always fall back if no onscreen is available */ if (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd == NULL) { wgl_display->dummy_hwnd = CreateWindowW ((LPWSTR) MAKEINTATOM (wgl_display->window_class), L".", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle (NULL), NULL); if (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd == NULL) { g_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR_CREATE_CONTEXT, "Unable to create dummy window"); return FALSE; } } if (wgl_display->dummy_dc == NULL) { PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; int pf; wgl_display->dummy_dc = GetDC (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd); pf = choose_pixel_format (&display->onscreen_template->config, wgl_display->dummy_dc, &pfd); if (pf == 0 || !SetPixelFormat (wgl_display->dummy_dc, pf, &pfd)) { g_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR_CREATE_CONTEXT, "Unable to find suitable GL pixel format"); ReleaseDC (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd, wgl_display->dummy_dc); wgl_display->dummy_dc = NULL; return FALSE; } } if (wgl_display->wgl_context == NULL) { wgl_display->wgl_context = wglCreateContext (wgl_display->dummy_dc); if (wgl_display->wgl_context == NULL) { g_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR_CREATE_CONTEXT, "Unable to create suitable GL context"); return FALSE; } } COGL_NOTE (WINSYS, "Selecting dummy 0x%x for the WGL context", (unsigned int) wgl_display->dummy_hwnd); wglMakeCurrent (wgl_display->dummy_dc, wgl_display->wgl_context); return TRUE; } static void _cogl_winsys_display_destroy (CoglDisplay *display) { CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display = display->winsys; g_return_if_fail (wgl_display != NULL); if (wgl_display->wgl_context) { wglMakeCurrent (NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext (wgl_display->wgl_context); } if (wgl_display->dummy_dc) ReleaseDC (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd, wgl_display->dummy_dc); if (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd) DestroyWindow (wgl_display->dummy_hwnd); if (wgl_display->window_class) UnregisterClassW ((LPWSTR) MAKEINTATOM (wgl_display->window_class), GetModuleHandleW (NULL)); g_slice_free (CoglDisplayWgl, display->winsys); display->winsys = NULL; } static gboolean _cogl_winsys_display_setup (CoglDisplay *display, GError **error) { CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display; g_return_val_if_fail (display->winsys == NULL, FALSE); wgl_display = g_slice_new0 (CoglDisplayWgl); display->winsys = wgl_display; if (!create_window_class (display, error)) goto error; if (!create_context (display, error)) goto error; return TRUE; error: _cogl_winsys_display_destroy (display); return FALSE; } static const char * get_wgl_extensions_string (HDC dc) { const char * (APIENTRY *pf_wglGetExtensionsStringARB) (HDC); const char * (APIENTRY *pf_wglGetExtensionsStringEXT) (void); _COGL_GET_CONTEXT (ctx, NULL); /* According to the docs for these two extensions, you are supposed to use wglGetProcAddress to detect their availability so presumably it will return NULL if they are not available */ pf_wglGetExtensionsStringARB = (void *) wglGetProcAddress ("wglGetExtensionsStringARB"); if (pf_wglGetExtensionsStringARB) return pf_wglGetExtensionsStringARB (dc); pf_wglGetExtensionsStringEXT = (void *) wglGetProcAddress ("wglGetExtensionsStringEXT"); if (pf_wglGetExtensionsStringEXT) return pf_wglGetExtensionsStringEXT (); /* The WGL_EXT_swap_control is also advertised as a GL extension as GL_EXT_SWAP_CONTROL so if the extension to get the list of WGL extensions isn't supported then we can at least fake it to support the swap control extension */ if (_cogl_check_extension ("WGL_EXT_swap_control", (char *) ctx->glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS))) return "WGL_EXT_swap_control"; return NULL; } static gboolean update_winsys_features (CoglContext *context, GError **error) { CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display = context->display->winsys; CoglRendererWgl *wgl_renderer = context->display->renderer->winsys; const char *wgl_extensions; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (wgl_display->wgl_context, FALSE); if (!_cogl_context_update_features (context, error)) return FALSE; memset (context->winsys_features, 0, sizeof (context->winsys_features)); context->feature_flags |= COGL_FEATURE_ONSCREEN_MULTIPLE; COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->features, COGL_FEATURE_ID_ONSCREEN_MULTIPLE, TRUE); COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->winsys_features, COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_MULTIPLE_ONSCREEN, TRUE); wgl_extensions = get_wgl_extensions_string (wgl_display->dummy_dc); if (wgl_extensions) { COGL_NOTE (WINSYS, " WGL Extensions: %s", wgl_extensions); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (winsys_feature_data); i++) if (_cogl_feature_check (context->display->renderer, "WGL", winsys_feature_data + i, 0, 0, COGL_DRIVER_GL, wgl_extensions, wgl_renderer)) { context->feature_flags |= winsys_feature_data[i].feature_flags; if (winsys_feature_data[i].winsys_feature) COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->winsys_features, winsys_feature_data[i].winsys_feature, TRUE); } } return TRUE; } static gboolean _cogl_winsys_context_init (CoglContext *context, GError **error) { CoglContextWgl *wgl_context; wgl_context = context->winsys = g_new0 (CoglContextWgl, 1); cogl_win32_renderer_add_filter (context->display->renderer, win32_event_filter_cb, context); return update_winsys_features (context, error); } static void _cogl_winsys_context_deinit (CoglContext *context) { cogl_win32_renderer_remove_filter (context->display->renderer, win32_event_filter_cb, context); g_free (context->winsys); } static void _cogl_winsys_onscreen_bind (CoglOnscreen *onscreen) { CoglContext *context; CoglContextWgl *wgl_context; CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display; CoglOnscreenWgl *wgl_onscreen; CoglRendererWgl *wgl_renderer; /* The glx backend tries to bind the dummy context if onscreen == NULL, but this isn't really going to work because before checking whether onscreen == NULL it reads the pointer to get the context */ g_return_if_fail (onscreen != NULL); context = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen)->context; wgl_context = context->winsys; wgl_display = context->display->winsys; wgl_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; wgl_renderer = context->display->renderer->winsys; if (wgl_context->current_dc == wgl_onscreen->client_dc) return; wglMakeCurrent (wgl_onscreen->client_dc, wgl_display->wgl_context); /* According to the specs for WGL_EXT_swap_control SwapInterval() * applies to the current window not the context so we apply it here * to ensure its up-to-date even for new windows. */ if (wgl_renderer->pf_wglSwapInterval) { if (onscreen->swap_throttled) wgl_renderer->pf_wglSwapInterval (1); else wgl_renderer->pf_wglSwapInterval (0); } wgl_context->current_dc = wgl_onscreen->client_dc; } static void _cogl_winsys_onscreen_deinit (CoglOnscreen *onscreen) { CoglContext *context = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen)->context; CoglContextWgl *wgl_context = context->winsys; CoglOnscreenWin32 *win32_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; CoglOnscreenWgl *wgl_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; /* If we never successfully allocated then there's nothing to do */ if (wgl_onscreen == NULL) return; if (wgl_onscreen->client_dc) { if (wgl_context->current_dc == wgl_onscreen->client_dc) _cogl_winsys_onscreen_bind (NULL); ReleaseDC (win32_onscreen->hwnd, wgl_onscreen->client_dc); } if (!win32_onscreen->is_foreign_hwnd && win32_onscreen->hwnd) { /* Drop the pointer to the onscreen in the window so that any further messages won't be processed */ SetWindowLongPtrW (win32_onscreen->hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) 0); DestroyWindow (win32_onscreen->hwnd); } g_slice_free (CoglOnscreenWgl, onscreen->winsys); onscreen->winsys = NULL; } static gboolean _cogl_winsys_onscreen_init (CoglOnscreen *onscreen, GError **error) { CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen); CoglContext *context = framebuffer->context; CoglDisplay *display = context->display; CoglDisplayWgl *wgl_display = display->winsys; CoglOnscreenWgl *wgl_onscreen; CoglOnscreenWin32 *win32_onscreen; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; int pf; HWND hwnd; g_return_val_if_fail (wgl_display->wgl_context, FALSE); /* XXX: Note we ignore the user's original width/height when given a * foreign window. */ if (onscreen->foreign_hwnd) { RECT client_rect; hwnd = onscreen->foreign_hwnd; GetClientRect (hwnd, &client_rect); _cogl_framebuffer_winsys_update_size (framebuffer, client_rect.right, client_rect.bottom); } else { int width, height; width = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen)->width; height = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen)->height; /* The size of the window passed to CreateWindow for some reason includes the window decorations so we need to compensate for that */ width += GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSIZEFRAME) * 2; height += (GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSIZEFRAME) * 2 + GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION)); hwnd = CreateWindowW ((LPWSTR) MAKEINTATOM (wgl_display->window_class), L".", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, /* xpos */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* ypos */ width, height, NULL, /* parent */ NULL, /* menu */ GetModuleHandle (NULL), NULL /* lparam for the WM_CREATE message */); if (hwnd == NULL) { g_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR_CREATE_ONSCREEN, "Unable to create window"); return FALSE; } /* Store a pointer back to the onscreen in the window extra data so we can refer back to it quickly */ SetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) onscreen); } onscreen->winsys = g_slice_new0 (CoglOnscreenWgl); win32_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; wgl_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; win32_onscreen->hwnd = hwnd; wgl_onscreen->client_dc = GetDC (hwnd); /* Use the same pixel format as the dummy DC from the renderer */ pf = choose_pixel_format (&framebuffer->config, wgl_onscreen->client_dc, &pfd); if (pf == 0 || !SetPixelFormat (wgl_onscreen->client_dc, pf, &pfd)) { g_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR_CREATE_ONSCREEN, "Error setting pixel format on the window"); _cogl_winsys_onscreen_deinit (onscreen); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_buffers (CoglOnscreen *onscreen) { CoglOnscreenWgl *wgl_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; SwapBuffers (wgl_onscreen->client_dc); } static void _cogl_winsys_onscreen_update_swap_throttled (CoglOnscreen *onscreen) { CoglContext *context = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen)->context; CoglContextWgl *wgl_context = context->winsys; CoglOnscreenWgl *wgl_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; if (wgl_context->current_dc != wgl_onscreen->client_dc) return; /* This will cause it to rebind the context and update the swap interval */ wgl_context->current_dc = NULL; _cogl_winsys_onscreen_bind (onscreen); } static HWND _cogl_winsys_onscreen_win32_get_window (CoglOnscreen *onscreen) { CoglOnscreenWin32 *win32_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; return win32_onscreen->hwnd; } static void _cogl_winsys_onscreen_set_visibility (CoglOnscreen *onscreen, gboolean visibility) { CoglOnscreenWin32 *win32_onscreen = onscreen->winsys; ShowWindow (win32_onscreen->hwnd, visibility ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } const CoglWinsysVtable * _cogl_winsys_wgl_get_vtable (void) { static gboolean vtable_inited = FALSE; static CoglWinsysVtable vtable; /* It would be nice if we could use C99 struct initializers here like the GLX backend does. However this code is more likely to be compiled using Visual Studio which (still!) doesn't support them so we initialize it in code instead */ if (!vtable_inited) { memset (&vtable, 0, sizeof (vtable)); vtable.id = COGL_WINSYS_ID_WGL; vtable.name = "WGL"; vtable.renderer_get_proc_address = _cogl_winsys_renderer_get_proc_address; vtable.renderer_connect = _cogl_winsys_renderer_connect; vtable.renderer_disconnect = _cogl_winsys_renderer_disconnect; vtable.display_setup = _cogl_winsys_display_setup; vtable.display_destroy = _cogl_winsys_display_destroy; vtable.context_init = _cogl_winsys_context_init; vtable.context_deinit = _cogl_winsys_context_deinit; vtable.onscreen_init = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_init; vtable.onscreen_deinit = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_deinit; vtable.onscreen_bind = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_bind; vtable.onscreen_swap_buffers = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_buffers; vtable.onscreen_update_swap_throttled = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_update_swap_throttled; vtable.onscreen_set_visibility = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_set_visibility; vtable.onscreen_win32_get_window = _cogl_winsys_onscreen_win32_get_window; vtable_inited = TRUE; } return &vtable; }