/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* Metacity Session Management */ /* * Copyright (C) 2001 Havoc Pennington (some code in here from * libgnomeui, (C) Tom Tromey, Carsten Schaar) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Elijah Newren * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "session.h" #include #include #ifndef HAVE_SM void meta_session_init (const char *client_id, const char *save_file) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Compiled without session management support\n"); } void meta_session_shutdown (void) { /* nothing */ } const MetaWindowSessionInfo* meta_window_lookup_saved_state (MetaWindow *window) { return NULL; } void meta_window_release_saved_state (const MetaWindowSessionInfo *info) { ; } #else /* HAVE_SM */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "util.h" #include "display.h" #include "workspace.h" static void ice_io_error_handler (IceConn connection); static void new_ice_connection (IceConn connection, IcePointer client_data, Bool opening, IcePointer *watch_data); static void save_state (void); static char* load_state (const char *previous_save_file); static void regenerate_save_file (void); static const char* full_save_file (void); static void warn_about_lame_clients_and_finish_interact (gboolean shutdown); /* This is called when data is available on an ICE connection. */ static gboolean process_ice_messages (GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer client_data) { IceConn connection = (IceConn) client_data; IceProcessMessagesStatus status; /* This blocks infinitely sometimes. I don't know what * to do about it. Checking "condition" just breaks * session management. */ status = IceProcessMessages (connection, NULL, NULL); if (status == IceProcessMessagesIOError) { #if 0 IcePointer context = IceGetConnectionContext (connection); #endif /* We were disconnected */ IceSetShutdownNegotiation (connection, False); IceCloseConnection (connection); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* This is called when a new ICE connection is made. It arranges for the ICE connection to be handled via the event loop. */ static void new_ice_connection (IceConn connection, IcePointer client_data, Bool opening, IcePointer *watch_data) { guint input_id; if (opening) { /* Make sure we don't pass on these file descriptors to any * exec'ed children */ GIOChannel *channel; fcntl (IceConnectionNumber (connection), F_SETFD, fcntl (IceConnectionNumber (connection), F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC); channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (IceConnectionNumber (connection)); input_id = g_io_add_watch (channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR, process_ice_messages, connection); g_io_channel_unref (channel); *watch_data = (IcePointer) GUINT_TO_POINTER (input_id); } else { input_id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT ((gpointer) *watch_data); g_source_remove (input_id); } } static IceIOErrorHandler ice_installed_handler; /* We call any handler installed before (or after) gnome_ice_init but avoid calling the default libICE handler which does an exit() */ static void ice_io_error_handler (IceConn connection) { if (ice_installed_handler) (*ice_installed_handler) (connection); } static void ice_init (void) { static gboolean ice_initted = FALSE; if (! ice_initted) { IceIOErrorHandler default_handler; ice_installed_handler = IceSetIOErrorHandler (NULL); default_handler = IceSetIOErrorHandler (ice_io_error_handler); if (ice_installed_handler == default_handler) ice_installed_handler = NULL; IceAddConnectionWatch (new_ice_connection, NULL); ice_initted = TRUE; } } typedef enum { STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_IDLE, STATE_SAVING_PHASE_1, STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHASE_2, STATE_SAVING_PHASE_2, STATE_WAITING_FOR_INTERACT, STATE_DONE_WITH_INTERACT, STATE_SKIPPING_GLOBAL_SAVE, STATE_FROZEN, STATE_REGISTERING } ClientState; static void save_phase_2_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data); static void interact_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data); static void shutdown_cancelled_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data); static void save_complete_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data); static void die_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data); static void save_yourself_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data, int save_style, Bool shutdown, int interact_style, Bool fast); static void set_clone_restart_commands (void); static char *client_id = NULL; static gpointer session_connection = NULL; static ClientState current_state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; static gboolean interaction_allowed = FALSE; void meta_session_init (const char *previous_client_id, const char *previous_save_file) { /* Some code here from twm */ char buf[256]; unsigned long mask; SmcCallbacks callbacks; char *saved_client_id; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Initializing session with save file '%s'\n", previous_save_file ? previous_save_file : "(none)"); if (previous_save_file) { saved_client_id = load_state (previous_save_file); previous_client_id = saved_client_id; } else if (previous_client_id) { char *save_file = g_strconcat (previous_client_id, ".ms", NULL); saved_client_id = load_state (save_file); g_free (save_file); } else { saved_client_id = NULL; } ice_init (); mask = SmcSaveYourselfProcMask | SmcDieProcMask | SmcSaveCompleteProcMask | SmcShutdownCancelledProcMask; callbacks.save_yourself.callback = save_yourself_callback; callbacks.save_yourself.client_data = NULL; callbacks.die.callback = die_callback; callbacks.die.client_data = NULL; callbacks.save_complete.callback = save_complete_callback; callbacks.save_complete.client_data = NULL; callbacks.shutdown_cancelled.callback = shutdown_cancelled_callback; callbacks.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = NULL; session_connection = SmcOpenConnection (NULL, /* use SESSION_MANAGER env */ NULL, /* means use existing ICE connection */ SmProtoMajor, SmProtoMinor, mask, &callbacks, (char*) previous_client_id, &client_id, 255, buf); if (session_connection == NULL) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Failed to a open connection to a session manager, so window positions will not be saved: %s\n", buf); goto out; } else { if (client_id == NULL) meta_bug ("Session manager gave us a NULL client ID?"); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Obtained session ID '%s'\n", client_id); } if (previous_client_id && strcmp (previous_client_id, client_id) == 0) current_state = STATE_IDLE; else current_state = STATE_REGISTERING; { SmProp prop1, prop2, prop3, prop4, prop5, prop6, *props[6]; SmPropValue prop1val, prop2val, prop3val, prop4val, prop5val, prop6val; char pid[32]; char hint = SmRestartImmediately; char priority = 20; /* low to run before other apps */ prop1.name = SmProgram; prop1.type = SmARRAY8; prop1.num_vals = 1; prop1.vals = &prop1val; prop1val.value = "metacity"; prop1val.length = strlen ("metacity"); /* twm sets getuid() for this, but the SM spec plainly * says pw_name, twm is on crack */ prop2.name = SmUserID; prop2.type = SmARRAY8; prop2.num_vals = 1; prop2.vals = &prop2val; prop2val.value = (char*) g_get_user_name (); prop2val.length = strlen (prop2val.value); prop3.name = SmRestartStyleHint; prop3.type = SmCARD8; prop3.num_vals = 1; prop3.vals = &prop3val; prop3val.value = &hint; prop3val.length = 1; sprintf (pid, "%d", getpid ()); prop4.name = SmProcessID; prop4.type = SmARRAY8; prop4.num_vals = 1; prop4.vals = &prop4val; prop4val.value = pid; prop4val.length = strlen (prop4val.value); /* Always start in home directory */ prop5.name = SmCurrentDirectory; prop5.type = SmARRAY8; prop5.num_vals = 1; prop5.vals = &prop5val; prop5val.value = (char*) g_get_home_dir (); prop5val.length = strlen (prop5val.value); prop6.name = "_GSM_Priority"; prop6.type = SmCARD8; prop6.num_vals = 1; prop6.vals = &prop6val; prop6val.value = &priority; prop6val.length = 1; props[0] = &prop1; props[1] = &prop2; props[2] = &prop3; props[3] = &prop4; props[4] = &prop5; props[5] = &prop6; SmcSetProperties (session_connection, 6, props); } out: g_free (saved_client_id); } void meta_session_shutdown (void) { /* Change our restart mode to IfRunning */ SmProp prop1; SmPropValue prop1val; SmProp *props[1]; char hint = SmRestartIfRunning; if (session_connection == NULL) return; prop1.name = SmRestartStyleHint; prop1.type = SmCARD8; prop1.num_vals = 1; prop1.vals = &prop1val; prop1val.value = &hint; prop1val.length = 1; props[0] = &prop1; SmcSetProperties (session_connection, 1, props); } static void disconnect (void) { SmcCloseConnection (session_connection, 0, NULL); session_connection = NULL; current_state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; } static void save_yourself_possibly_done (gboolean shutdown, gboolean successful) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "save possibly done shutdown = %d success = %d\n", shutdown, successful); if (current_state == STATE_SAVING_PHASE_1) { Status status; status = SmcRequestSaveYourselfPhase2 (session_connection, save_phase_2_callback, GINT_TO_POINTER (shutdown)); if (status) current_state = STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHASE_2; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Requested phase 2, status = %d\n", status); } if (current_state == STATE_SAVING_PHASE_2 && interaction_allowed) { Status status; status = SmcInteractRequest (session_connection, /* ignore this feature of the protocol by always * claiming normal */ SmDialogNormal, interact_callback, GINT_TO_POINTER (shutdown)); if (status) current_state = STATE_WAITING_FOR_INTERACT; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Requested interact, status = %d\n", status); } if (current_state == STATE_SAVING_PHASE_1 || current_state == STATE_SAVING_PHASE_2 || current_state == STATE_DONE_WITH_INTERACT || current_state == STATE_SKIPPING_GLOBAL_SAVE) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Sending SaveYourselfDone\n"); SmcSaveYourselfDone (session_connection, successful); if (shutdown) current_state = STATE_FROZEN; else current_state = STATE_IDLE; } } static void save_phase_2_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data) { gboolean shutdown; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Phase 2 save"); shutdown = GPOINTER_TO_INT (client_data); current_state = STATE_SAVING_PHASE_2; save_state (); save_yourself_possibly_done (shutdown, TRUE); } static void save_yourself_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data, int save_style, Bool shutdown, int interact_style, Bool fast) { gboolean successful; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "SaveYourself received"); successful = TRUE; /* The first SaveYourself after registering for the first time * is a special case (SM specs 7.2). */ #if 0 /* I think the GnomeClient rationale for this doesn't apply */ if (current_state == STATE_REGISTERING) { current_state = STATE_IDLE; /* Double check that this is a section 7.2 SaveYourself: */ if (save_style == SmSaveLocal && interact_style == SmInteractStyleNone && !shutdown && !fast) { /* The protocol requires this even if xsm ignores it. */ SmcSaveYourselfDone (session_connection, successful); return; } } #endif /* ignore Global style saves * * This interpretaion of the Local/Global/Both styles * was discussed extensively on the xdg-list. See: * * https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/xdg-list/2002-July/000615.html */ if (save_style == SmSaveGlobal) { current_state = STATE_SKIPPING_GLOBAL_SAVE; save_yourself_possibly_done (shutdown, successful); return; } interaction_allowed = interact_style != SmInteractStyleNone; current_state = STATE_SAVING_PHASE_1; regenerate_save_file (); set_clone_restart_commands (); save_yourself_possibly_done (shutdown, successful); } static void die_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Exiting at request of session manager\n"); disconnect (); meta_quit (META_EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void save_complete_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data) { /* nothing */ meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "SaveComplete received\n"); } static void shutdown_cancelled_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Shutdown cancelled received\n"); if (session_connection != NULL && (current_state != STATE_IDLE && current_state != STATE_FROZEN)) { SmcSaveYourselfDone (session_connection, True); current_state = STATE_IDLE; } } static void interact_callback (SmcConn smc_conn, SmPointer client_data) { /* nothing */ gboolean shutdown; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Interaction permission received\n"); shutdown = GPOINTER_TO_INT (client_data); current_state = STATE_DONE_WITH_INTERACT; warn_about_lame_clients_and_finish_interact (shutdown); } static void set_clone_restart_commands (void) { char *restartv[10]; char *clonev[10]; char *discardv[10]; int i; SmProp prop1, prop2, prop3, *props[3]; /* Restart (use same client ID) */ prop1.name = SmRestartCommand; prop1.type = SmLISTofARRAY8; g_return_if_fail (client_id); i = 0; restartv[i] = "metacity"; ++i; restartv[i] = "--sm-client-id"; ++i; restartv[i] = client_id; ++i; restartv[i] = NULL; prop1.vals = g_new (SmPropValue, i); i = 0; while (restartv[i]) { prop1.vals[i].value = restartv[i]; prop1.vals[i].length = strlen (restartv[i]); ++i; } prop1.num_vals = i; /* Clone (no client ID) */ i = 0; clonev[i] = "metacity"; ++i; clonev[i] = NULL; prop2.name = SmCloneCommand; prop2.type = SmLISTofARRAY8; prop2.vals = g_new (SmPropValue, i); i = 0; while (clonev[i]) { prop2.vals[i].value = clonev[i]; prop2.vals[i].length = strlen (clonev[i]); ++i; } prop2.num_vals = i; /* Discard */ i = 0; discardv[i] = "rm"; ++i; discardv[i] = "-f"; ++i; discardv[i] = (char*) full_save_file (); ++i; discardv[i] = NULL; prop3.name = SmDiscardCommand; prop3.type = SmLISTofARRAY8; prop3.vals = g_new (SmPropValue, i); i = 0; while (discardv[i]) { prop3.vals[i].value = discardv[i]; prop3.vals[i].length = strlen (discardv[i]); ++i; } prop3.num_vals = i; props[0] = &prop1; props[1] = &prop2; props[2] = &prop3; SmcSetProperties (session_connection, 3, props); g_free (prop1.vals); g_free (prop2.vals); g_free (prop3.vals); } /* The remaining code in this file actually loads/saves the session, * while the code above this comment handles chatting with the * session manager. */ static const char* window_type_to_string (MetaWindowType type) { switch (type) { case META_WINDOW_NORMAL: return "normal"; case META_WINDOW_DESKTOP: return "desktop"; case META_WINDOW_DOCK: return "dock"; case META_WINDOW_DIALOG: return "dialog"; case META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG: return "modal_dialog"; case META_WINDOW_TOOLBAR: return "toolbar"; case META_WINDOW_MENU: return "menu"; case META_WINDOW_SPLASHSCREEN: return "splashscreen"; case META_WINDOW_UTILITY: return "utility"; } return ""; } static MetaWindowType window_type_from_string (const char *str) { if (strcmp (str, "normal") == 0) return META_WINDOW_NORMAL; else if (strcmp (str, "desktop") == 0) return META_WINDOW_DESKTOP; else if (strcmp (str, "dock") == 0) return META_WINDOW_DOCK; else if (strcmp (str, "dialog") == 0) return META_WINDOW_DIALOG; else if (strcmp (str, "modal_dialog") == 0) return META_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG; else if (strcmp (str, "toolbar") == 0) return META_WINDOW_TOOLBAR; else if (strcmp (str, "menu") == 0) return META_WINDOW_MENU; else if (strcmp (str, "utility") == 0) return META_WINDOW_UTILITY; else if (strcmp (str, "splashscreen") == 0) return META_WINDOW_SPLASHSCREEN; else return META_WINDOW_NORMAL; } static int window_gravity_from_string (const char *str) { if (strcmp (str, "NorthWestGravity") == 0) return NorthWestGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "NorthGravity") == 0) return NorthGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "NorthEastGravity") == 0) return NorthEastGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "WestGravity") == 0) return WestGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "CenterGravity") == 0) return CenterGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "EastGravity") == 0) return EastGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "SouthWestGravity") == 0) return SouthWestGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "SouthGravity") == 0) return SouthGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "SouthEastGravity") == 0) return SouthEastGravity; else if (strcmp (str, "StaticGravity") == 0) return StaticGravity; else return NorthWestGravity; } static char* encode_text_as_utf8_markup (const char *text) { /* text can be any encoding, and is nul-terminated. * we pretend it's Latin-1 and encode as UTF-8 */ GString *str; const char *p; char *escaped; str = g_string_new (""); p = text; while (*p) { g_string_append_unichar (str, *p); ++p; } escaped = g_markup_escape_text (str->str, str->len); g_string_free (str, TRUE); return escaped; } static char* decode_text_from_utf8 (const char *text) { /* Convert back from the encoded (but not escaped) UTF-8 */ GString *str; const char *p; str = g_string_new (""); p = text; while (*p) { /* obviously this barfs if the UTF-8 contains chars > 255 */ g_string_append_c (str, g_utf8_get_char (p)); p = g_utf8_next_char (p); } return g_string_free (str, FALSE); } static void save_state (void) { char *metacity_dir; char *session_dir; FILE *outfile; GSList *displays; GSList *display_iter; g_assert (client_id); outfile = NULL; metacity_dir = g_strconcat (g_get_home_dir (), "/.metacity", NULL); session_dir = g_strconcat (metacity_dir, "/sessions", NULL); if (mkdir (metacity_dir, 0700) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { meta_warning (_("Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"), metacity_dir, g_strerror (errno)); } if (mkdir (session_dir, 0700) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { meta_warning (_("Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"), session_dir, g_strerror (errno)); } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Saving session to '%s'\n", full_save_file ()); outfile = fopen (full_save_file (), "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { meta_warning (_("Could not open session file '%s' for writing: %s\n"), full_save_file (), g_strerror (errno)); goto out; } /* The file format is: * * * * * * * * * * Note that attributes on are the match info we use to * see if the saved state applies to a restored window, and * child elements are the saved state to be applied. * */ fprintf (outfile, "\n", client_id); displays = meta_displays_list (); display_iter = displays; while (display_iter != NULL) { GSList *windows; GSList *tmp; int stack_position; windows = meta_display_list_windows (display_iter->data); windows = g_slist_sort (windows, meta_display_stack_cmp); stack_position = 0; tmp = windows; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; if (window->sm_client_id) { char *sm_client_id; char *res_class; char *res_name; char *role; char *title; /* client id, class, name, role are not expected to be * in UTF-8 (I think they are in XPCS which is Latin-1? * in practice they are always ascii though.) */ sm_client_id = encode_text_as_utf8_markup (window->sm_client_id); res_class = window->res_class ? encode_text_as_utf8_markup (window->res_class) : NULL; res_name = window->res_name ? encode_text_as_utf8_markup (window->res_name) : NULL; role = window->role ? encode_text_as_utf8_markup (window->role) : NULL; if (window->title) title = g_markup_escape_text (window->title, -1); else title = NULL; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Saving session managed window %s, client ID '%s'\n", window->desc, window->sm_client_id); fprintf (outfile, " \n", sm_client_id, res_class ? res_class : "", res_name ? res_name : "", title ? title : "", role ? role : "", window_type_to_string (window->type), stack_position); g_free (sm_client_id); g_free (res_class); g_free (res_name); g_free (role); g_free (title); /* Sticky */ if (window->on_all_workspaces) fputs (" \n", outfile); /* Minimized */ if (window->minimized) fputs (" \n", outfile); /* Maximized */ if (META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (window)) { fprintf (outfile, " \n", window->saved_rect.x, window->saved_rect.y, window->saved_rect.width, window->saved_rect.height); } /* Workspaces we're on */ { int n; n = meta_workspace_index (window->workspace); fprintf (outfile, " \n", n); } /* Gravity */ { int x, y, w, h; meta_window_get_geometry (window, &x, &y, &w, &h); fprintf (outfile, " \n", x, y, w, h, meta_gravity_to_string (window->size_hints.win_gravity)); } fputs (" \n", outfile); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Not saving window '%s', not session managed\n", window->desc); } tmp = tmp->next; ++stack_position; } g_slist_free (windows); display_iter = display_iter->next; } /* don't need to free displays */ displays = NULL; fputs ("\n", outfile); out: if (outfile) { /* FIXME need a dialog for this */ if (ferror (outfile)) { meta_warning (_("Error writing session file '%s': %s\n"), full_save_file (), g_strerror (errno)); } if (fclose (outfile)) { meta_warning (_("Error closing session file '%s': %s\n"), full_save_file (), g_strerror (errno)); } } g_free (metacity_dir); g_free (session_dir); } typedef enum { WINDOW_TAG_NONE, WINDOW_TAG_DESKTOP, WINDOW_TAG_STICKY, WINDOW_TAG_MINIMIZED, WINDOW_TAG_MAXIMIZED, WINDOW_TAG_GEOMETRY } WindowTag; typedef struct { MetaWindowSessionInfo *info; char *previous_id; } ParseData; static void session_info_free (MetaWindowSessionInfo *info); static MetaWindowSessionInfo* session_info_new (void); static void start_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error); static void end_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error); static void text_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data, GError **error); static GMarkupParser metacity_session_parser = { start_element_handler, end_element_handler, text_handler, NULL, NULL }; static GSList *window_info_list = NULL; static char* load_state (const char *previous_save_file) { GMarkupParseContext *context; GError *error; ParseData parse_data; char *text; gsize length; char *session_file; session_file = g_strconcat (g_get_home_dir (), "/.metacity/sessions/", previous_save_file, NULL); error = NULL; if (!g_file_get_contents (session_file, &text, &length, &error)) { meta_warning (_("Failed to read saved session file %s: %s\n"), session_file, error->message); g_error_free (error); g_free (session_file); return NULL; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Parsing saved session file %s\n", session_file); g_free (session_file); session_file = NULL; parse_data.info = NULL; parse_data.previous_id = NULL; context = g_markup_parse_context_new (&metacity_session_parser, 0, &parse_data, NULL); error = NULL; if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (context, text, length, &error)) goto error; error = NULL; if (!g_markup_parse_context_end_parse (context, &error)) goto error; g_markup_parse_context_free (context); goto out; error: meta_warning (_("Failed to parse saved session file: %s\n"), error->message); g_error_free (error); if (parse_data.info) session_info_free (parse_data.info); g_free (parse_data.previous_id); parse_data.previous_id = NULL; out: g_free (text); return parse_data.previous_id; } /* FIXME this isn't very robust against bogus session files */ static void start_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseData *pd; pd = user_data; if (strcmp (element_name, "metacity_session") == 0) { /* Get previous ID */ int i; i = 0; while (attribute_names[i]) { const char *name; const char *val; name = attribute_names[i]; val = attribute_values[i]; if (pd->previous_id) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _(" attribute seen but we already have the session ID")); return; } if (strcmp (name, "id") == 0) { pd->previous_id = decode_text_from_utf8 (val); } else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, _("Unknown attribute %s on element"), name); return; } ++i; } } else if (strcmp (element_name, "window") == 0) { int i; if (pd->info) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("nested tag")); return; } pd->info = session_info_new (); i = 0; while (attribute_names[i]) { const char *name; const char *val; name = attribute_names[i]; val = attribute_values[i]; if (strcmp (name, "id") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->id = decode_text_from_utf8 (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "class") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->res_class = decode_text_from_utf8 (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "name") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->res_name = decode_text_from_utf8 (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "title") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->title = g_strdup (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "role") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->role = decode_text_from_utf8 (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "type") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->type = window_type_from_string (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "stacking") == 0) { if (*val) { pd->info->stack_position = atoi (val); pd->info->stack_position_set = TRUE; } } else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, _("Unknown attribute %s on element"), name); session_info_free (pd->info); pd->info = NULL; return; } ++i; } } else if (strcmp (element_name, "workspace") == 0) { int i; i = 0; while (attribute_names[i]) { const char *name; name = attribute_names[i]; if (strcmp (name, "index") == 0) { pd->info->workspace_indices = g_slist_prepend (pd->info->workspace_indices, GINT_TO_POINTER (atoi (attribute_values[i]))); } else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, _("Unknown attribute %s on element"), name); session_info_free (pd->info); pd->info = NULL; return; } ++i; } } else if (strcmp (element_name, "sticky") == 0) { pd->info->on_all_workspaces = TRUE; pd->info->on_all_workspaces_set = TRUE; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "minimized") == 0) { pd->info->minimized = TRUE; pd->info->minimized_set = TRUE; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "maximized") == 0) { int i; i = 0; pd->info->maximized = TRUE; pd->info->maximized_set = TRUE; while (attribute_names[i]) { const char *name; const char *val; name = attribute_names[i]; val = attribute_values[i]; if (strcmp (name, "saved_x") == 0) { if (*val) { pd->info->saved_rect.x = atoi (val); pd->info->saved_rect_set = TRUE; } } else if (strcmp (name, "saved_y") == 0) { if (*val) { pd->info->saved_rect.y = atoi (val); pd->info->saved_rect_set = TRUE; } } else if (strcmp (name, "saved_width") == 0) { if (*val) { pd->info->saved_rect.width = atoi (val); pd->info->saved_rect_set = TRUE; } } else if (strcmp (name, "saved_height") == 0) { if (*val) { pd->info->saved_rect.height = atoi (val); pd->info->saved_rect_set = TRUE; } } else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, _("Unknown attribute %s on element"), name); return; } ++i; } if (pd->info->saved_rect_set) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Saved unmaximized size %d,%d %dx%d \n", pd->info->saved_rect.x, pd->info->saved_rect.y, pd->info->saved_rect.width, pd->info->saved_rect.height); } else if (strcmp (element_name, "geometry") == 0) { int i; pd->info->geometry_set = TRUE; i = 0; while (attribute_names[i]) { const char *name; const char *val; name = attribute_names[i]; val = attribute_values[i]; if (strcmp (name, "x") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->rect.x = atoi (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "y") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->rect.y = atoi (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "width") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->rect.width = atoi (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "height") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->rect.height = atoi (val); } else if (strcmp (name, "gravity") == 0) { if (*val) pd->info->gravity = window_gravity_from_string (val); } else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, _("Unknown attribute %s on element"), name); return; } ++i; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Loaded geometry %d,%d %dx%d gravity %s\n", pd->info->rect.x, pd->info->rect.y, pd->info->rect.width, pd->info->rect.height, meta_gravity_to_string (pd->info->gravity)); } else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT, _("Unknown element %s"), element_name); return; } } static void end_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseData *pd; pd = user_data; if (strcmp (element_name, "window") == 0) { g_assert (pd->info); window_info_list = g_slist_prepend (window_info_list, pd->info); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Loaded window info from session with class: %s name: %s role: %s\n", pd->info->res_class ? pd->info->res_class : "(none)", pd->info->res_name ? pd->info->res_name : "(none)", pd->info->role ? pd->info->role : "(none)"); pd->info = NULL; } } static void text_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { /* Right now we don't have any elements where we care about their * content */ } static gboolean both_null_or_matching (const char *a, const char *b) { if (a == NULL && b == NULL) return TRUE; else if (a && b && strcmp (a, b) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } static GSList* get_possible_matches (MetaWindow *window) { /* Get all windows with this client ID */ GSList *retval; GSList *tmp; gboolean ignore_client_id; retval = NULL; ignore_client_id = g_getenv ("METACITY_DEBUG_SM") != NULL; tmp = window_info_list; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindowSessionInfo *info; info = tmp->data; if ((ignore_client_id || both_null_or_matching (info->id, window->sm_client_id)) && both_null_or_matching (info->res_class, window->res_class) && both_null_or_matching (info->res_name, window->res_name) && both_null_or_matching (info->role, window->role)) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s may match saved window with class: %s name: %s role: %s\n", window->desc, info->res_class ? info->res_class : "(none)", info->res_name ? info->res_name : "(none)", info->role ? info->role : "(none)"); retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, info); } else { if (meta_is_verbose ()) { if (!both_null_or_matching (info->id, window->sm_client_id)) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s has SM client ID %s, saved state has %s, no match\n", window->desc, window->sm_client_id ? window->sm_client_id : "(none)", info->id ? info->id : "(none)"); else if (!both_null_or_matching (info->res_class, window->res_class)) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s has class %s doesn't match saved class %s, no match\n", window->desc, window->res_class ? window->res_class : "(none)", info->res_class ? info->res_class : "(none)"); else if (!both_null_or_matching (info->res_name, window->res_name)) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s has name %s doesn't match saved name %s, no match\n", window->desc, window->res_name ? window->res_name : "(none)", info->res_name ? info->res_name : "(none)"); else if (!both_null_or_matching (info->role, window->role)) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s has role %s doesn't match saved role %s, no match\n", window->desc, window->role ? window->role : "(none)", info->role ? info->role : "(none)"); else meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "???? should not happen - window %s doesn't match saved state %s for no good reason\n", window->desc, info->id); } } tmp = tmp->next; } return retval; } static const MetaWindowSessionInfo* find_best_match (GSList *infos, MetaWindow *window) { GSList *tmp; const MetaWindowSessionInfo *matching_title; const MetaWindowSessionInfo *matching_type; matching_title = NULL; matching_type = NULL; tmp = infos; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindowSessionInfo *info; info = tmp->data; if (matching_title == NULL && both_null_or_matching (info->title, window->title)) matching_title = info; if (matching_type == NULL && info->type == window->type) matching_type = info; tmp = tmp->next; } /* Prefer same title, then same type of window, then * just pick something. Eventually we could enhance this * to e.g. break ties by geometry hint similarity, * or other window features. */ if (matching_title) return matching_title; else if (matching_type) return matching_type; else return infos->data; } const MetaWindowSessionInfo* meta_window_lookup_saved_state (MetaWindow *window) { GSList *possibles; const MetaWindowSessionInfo *info; /* Window is not session managed. * I haven't yet figured out how to deal with these * in a way that doesn't cause broken side effects in * situations other than on session restore. */ if (window->sm_client_id == NULL) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s is not session managed, not checking for saved state\n", window->desc); return NULL; } possibles = get_possible_matches (window); if (possibles == NULL) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_SM, "Window %s has no possible matches in the list of saved window states\n", window->desc); return NULL; } info = find_best_match (possibles, window); g_slist_free (possibles); return info; } void meta_window_release_saved_state (const MetaWindowSessionInfo *info) { /* We don't want to use the same saved state again for another * window. */ window_info_list = g_slist_remove (window_info_list, info); session_info_free ((MetaWindowSessionInfo*) info); } static void session_info_free (MetaWindowSessionInfo *info) { g_free (info->id); g_free (info->res_class); g_free (info->res_name); g_free (info->title); g_free (info->role); g_slist_free (info->workspace_indices); g_free (info); } static MetaWindowSessionInfo* session_info_new (void) { MetaWindowSessionInfo *info; info = g_new0 (MetaWindowSessionInfo, 1); info->type = META_WINDOW_NORMAL; info->gravity = NorthWestGravity; return info; } static char* full_save_path = NULL; static void regenerate_save_file (void) { g_free (full_save_path); if (client_id) full_save_path = g_strconcat (g_get_home_dir (), "/.metacity/sessions/", client_id, ".ms", NULL); else full_save_path = NULL; } static const char* full_save_file (void) { return full_save_path; } static int windows_cmp_by_title (MetaWindow *a, MetaWindow *b) { return g_utf8_collate (a->title, b->title); } typedef struct { int child_pid; int child_pipe; gboolean shutdown; } LameClientsDialogData; static void finish_interact (gboolean shutdown) { if (current_state == STATE_DONE_WITH_INTERACT) /* paranoia */ { SmcInteractDone (session_connection, False /* don't cancel logout */); save_yourself_possibly_done (shutdown, TRUE); } } static gboolean io_from_warning_dialog (GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { LameClientsDialogData *d; d = data; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "IO handler from lame clients dialog, condition = %x\n", condition); if (condition & (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR)) { finish_interact (d->shutdown); /* Remove the callback, freeing data */ return FALSE; } else if (condition & G_IO_IN) { /* Check for EOF */ char buf[16]; int ret; ret = read (d->child_pipe, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (ret == 0) { finish_interact (d->shutdown); return FALSE; } } /* Keep callback installed */ return TRUE; } static void warn_about_lame_clients_and_finish_interact (gboolean shutdown) { GSList *displays; GSList *display_iter; GSList *lame; char **argv; int i; GSList *tmp; int len; int child_pid; int child_pipe; GError *err; GIOChannel *channel; LameClientsDialogData *d; guint32 timestamp; char timestampbuf[32]; lame = NULL; displays = meta_displays_list (); display_iter = displays; while (display_iter != NULL) { GSList *windows; windows = meta_display_list_windows (display_iter->data); tmp = windows; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *window; window = tmp->data; /* only complain about normal windows, the others * are kind of dumb to worry about */ if (window->sm_client_id == NULL && window->type == META_WINDOW_NORMAL) lame = g_slist_prepend (lame, window); tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (windows); display_iter = display_iter->next; } /* don't need to free displays */ displays = NULL; if (lame == NULL) { /* No lame apps. */ finish_interact (shutdown); return; } lame = g_slist_sort (lame, (GCompareFunc) windows_cmp_by_title); timestamp = meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (displays->data); sprintf (timestampbuf, "%u", timestamp); len = g_slist_length (lame); len *= 2; /* titles and also classes */ len += 2; /* --timestamp flag and actual timestamp */ len += 1; /* NULL term */ len += 2; /* metacity-dialog command and option */ argv = g_new0 (char*, len); i = 0; argv[i] = METACITY_LIBEXECDIR"/metacity-dialog"; ++i; argv[i] = "--timestamp"; ++i; argv[i] = timestampbuf; ++i; argv[i] = "--warn-about-no-sm-support"; ++i; tmp = lame; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *w = tmp->data; argv[i] = w->title; ++i; argv[i] = w->res_class ? w->res_class : ""; ++i; tmp = tmp->next; } child_pipe = -1; child_pid = -1; err = NULL; if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes ("/", argv, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &child_pid, NULL, &child_pipe, NULL, &err)) { meta_warning (_("Error launching metacity-dialog to warn about apps that don't support session management: %s\n"), err->message); g_error_free (err); } g_free (argv); g_slist_free (lame); d = g_new0 (LameClientsDialogData, 1); d->child_pipe = child_pipe; d->child_pid = child_pid; d->shutdown = shutdown; channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (d->child_pipe); g_io_add_watch_full (channel, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, io_from_warning_dialog, d, g_free); g_io_channel_unref (channel); } #endif /* HAVE_SM */