#include #include #include "tests/clutter-test-utils.h" #define RECT_SIZE 128 #define H_PADDING 32 #define V_PADDING 32 enum { NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast, N_RECTS }; static ClutterActor *rects[N_RECTS] = { NULL, }; static const gchar *colors[N_RECTS] = { "#8ae234", "#73d216", "#4e9a06", "#729fcf", "#3465a4", "#204a87", "#ef2929", "#cc0000", "#a40000" }; static const gchar *names[N_RECTS] = { "North West", "North", "North East", "West", "Center", "East", "South West", "South", "South East" }; static const gchar *desaturare_glsl_shader = "uniform sampler2D tex;\n" "uniform float factor;\n" "\n" "vec3 desaturate (const vec3 color, const float desaturation)\n" "{\n" " const vec3 gray_conv = vec3 (0.299, 0.587, 0.114);\n" " vec3 gray = vec3 (dot (gray_conv, color));\n" " return vec3 (mix (color.rgb, gray, desaturation));\n" "}\n" "\n" "void main ()\n" "{\n" " vec4 color = cogl_color_in * texture2D (tex, vec2 (cogl_tex_coord_in[0].xy));\n" " color.rgb = desaturate (color.rgb, factor);\n" " cogl_color_out = color;\n" "}\n"; static gboolean is_expanded = FALSE; const char * test_bind_constraint_describe (void); int test_bind_constraint_main (int argc, char *argv[]); static gboolean on_button_release (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterEvent *event, gpointer data G_GNUC_UNUSED) { if (!is_expanded) { gfloat north_offset, south_offset; gfloat west_offset, east_offset; /* expand the 8 rectangles by animating the offset of the * bind constraints */ north_offset = (clutter_actor_get_height (rects[Center]) + V_PADDING) * -1.0f; south_offset = (clutter_actor_get_height (rects[Center]) + V_PADDING); west_offset = (clutter_actor_get_width (rects[Center]) + H_PADDING) * -1.0f; east_offset = (clutter_actor_get_width (rects[Center]) + H_PADDING); clutter_actor_animate (rects[NorthWest], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", west_offset, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", north_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[North], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", north_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[NorthEast], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", east_offset, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", north_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[West], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", west_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); /* turn on the desaturation effect and set the center * rectangle not reactive */ clutter_actor_animate (rects[Center], CLUTTER_LINEAR, 500, "@effects.desaturate.enabled", TRUE, "reactive", FALSE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[East], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", east_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[SouthWest], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", west_offset, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", south_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[South], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", south_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); clutter_actor_animate (rects[SouthEast], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 255, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", east_offset, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", south_offset, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); } else { gint i; clutter_actor_animate (rects[Center], CLUTTER_LINEAR, 500, "@effects.desaturate.enabled", FALSE, "reactive", TRUE, NULL); for (i = NorthWest; i < N_RECTS; i++) { if (i == Center) continue; /* put the 8 rectangles back into their initial state */ clutter_actor_animate (rects[i], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO, 500, "opacity", 0, "@constraints.x-bind.offset", 0.0f, "@constraints.y-bind.offset", 0.0f, "reactive", FALSE, NULL); } } is_expanded = !is_expanded; g_print ("Selected: [%s]\n", clutter_actor_get_name (actor)); return TRUE; } G_MODULE_EXPORT const char * test_bind_constraint_describe (void) { return "Demonstrate the usage of ClutterBindConstraint"; } G_MODULE_EXPORT int test_bind_constraint_main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterActor *stage, *rect; ClutterConstraint *constraint; ClutterEffect *effect; ClutterColor rect_color; gint i; clutter_test_init (&argc, &argv); stage = clutter_test_get_stage (); g_signal_connect (stage, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (clutter_test_quit), NULL); clutter_stage_set_title (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), "Constraints"); clutter_actor_set_size (stage, 800, 600); /* main rectangle */ clutter_color_from_string (&rect_color, "#3465a4"); rect = clutter_actor_new (); g_signal_connect (rect, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK (on_button_release), NULL); clutter_actor_set_background_color (rect, &rect_color); clutter_actor_set_size (rect, RECT_SIZE, RECT_SIZE); clutter_actor_set_reactive (rect, TRUE); clutter_actor_set_name (rect, names[Center]); clutter_actor_add_child (stage, rect); /* align the center rectangle to the center of the stage */ constraint = clutter_align_constraint_new (stage, CLUTTER_ALIGN_BOTH, 0.5); clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name (rect, "align", constraint); /* this is the equivalent of the DesaturateEffect; we cannot animate * the factor because the animation API only understands GObject * properties; so we use the ActorMeta:enabled property to toggle * the shader */ effect = clutter_shader_effect_new (CLUTTER_FRAGMENT_SHADER); clutter_shader_effect_set_shader_source (CLUTTER_SHADER_EFFECT (effect), desaturare_glsl_shader); clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (CLUTTER_SHADER_EFFECT (effect), "tex", G_TYPE_INT, 1, 0); clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (CLUTTER_SHADER_EFFECT (effect), "factor", G_TYPE_FLOAT, 1, 0.66); clutter_actor_meta_set_enabled (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect), FALSE); clutter_actor_add_effect_with_name (rect, "desaturate", effect); rects[Center] = rect; /* build the other rectangles, and bind their position and size * to the center rectangle. we are going to animate the offset * of the BindConstraints */ for (i = 0; i < N_RECTS; i++) { if (i == Center) continue; clutter_color_from_string (&rect_color, colors[i]); rect = clutter_actor_new (); clutter_actor_set_background_color (rect, &rect_color); clutter_actor_set_opacity (rect, 0); clutter_actor_set_name (rect, names[i]); clutter_actor_add_child (stage, rect); constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (rects[Center], CLUTTER_BIND_X, 0.0); clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name (rect, "x-bind", constraint); constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (rects[Center], CLUTTER_BIND_Y, 0.0); clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name (rect, "y-bind", constraint); constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (rects[Center], CLUTTER_BIND_SIZE, 0.0); clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name (rect, "size-bind", constraint); g_signal_connect (rect, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK (on_button_release), NULL); rects[i] = rect; } clutter_actor_show (stage); clutter_test_main (); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }