/* * SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008) * Copyright (C) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and * either this permission notice or a reference to * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or * other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from * Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ /* ** Author: Eric Veach, July 1994. ** */ #include "gluos.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> /* LONG_MAX */ #include "memalloc.h" /* Include all the code for the regular heap-based queue here. */ #include "priorityq-heap.c" /* Now redefine all the function names to map to their "Sort" versions. */ #include "priorityq-sort.h" /* really __gl_pqSortNewPriorityQ */ PriorityQ *pqNewPriorityQ( int (*leq)(PQkey key1, PQkey key2) ) { PriorityQ *pq = (PriorityQ *)memAlloc( sizeof( PriorityQ )); if (pq == NULL) return NULL; pq->heap = __gl_pqHeapNewPriorityQ( leq ); if (pq->heap == NULL) { memFree(pq); return NULL; } pq->keys = (PQHeapKey *)memAlloc( INIT_SIZE * sizeof(pq->keys[0]) ); if (pq->keys == NULL) { __gl_pqHeapDeletePriorityQ(pq->heap); memFree(pq); return NULL; } pq->order = NULL; pq->size = 0; pq->max = INIT_SIZE; pq->initialized = FALSE; pq->leq = leq; return pq; } /* really __gl_pqSortDeletePriorityQ */ void pqDeletePriorityQ( PriorityQ *pq ) { assert(pq != NULL); if (pq->heap != NULL) __gl_pqHeapDeletePriorityQ( pq->heap ); if (pq->order != NULL) memFree( pq->order ); if (pq->keys != NULL) memFree( pq->keys ); memFree( pq ); } #define LT(x,y) (! LEQ(y,x)) #define GT(x,y) (! LEQ(x,y)) #define Swap(a,b) do{PQkey *tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp;}while(0) /* really __gl_pqSortInit */ int pqInit( PriorityQ *pq ) { PQkey **p, **r, **i, **j, *piv; struct { PQkey **p, **r; } Stack[50], *top = Stack; unsigned long seed = 2016473283; /* Create an array of indirect pointers to the keys, so that we * the handles we have returned are still valid. */ /* pq->order = (PQHeapKey **)memAlloc( (size_t) (pq->size * sizeof(pq->order[0])) ); */ pq->order = (PQHeapKey **)memAlloc( (size_t) ((pq->size+1) * sizeof(pq->order[0])) ); /* the previous line is a patch to compensate for the fact that IBM */ /* machines return a null on a malloc of zero bytes (unlike SGI), */ /* so we have to put in this defense to guard against a memory */ /* fault four lines down. from fossum@austin.ibm.com. */ if (pq->order == NULL) return 0; p = pq->order; r = p + pq->size - 1; for( piv = pq->keys, i = p; i <= r; ++piv, ++i ) { *i = piv; } /* Sort the indirect pointers in descending order, * using randomized Quicksort */ top->p = p; top->r = r; ++top; while( --top >= Stack ) { p = top->p; r = top->r; while( r > p + 10 ) { seed = seed * 1539415821 + 1; i = p + seed % (r - p + 1); piv = *i; *i = *p; *p = piv; i = p - 1; j = r + 1; do { do { ++i; } while( GT( **i, *piv )); do { --j; } while( LT( **j, *piv )); Swap( i, j ); } while( i < j ); Swap( i, j ); /* Undo last swap */ if( i - p < r - j ) { top->p = j+1; top->r = r; ++top; r = i-1; } else { top->p = p; top->r = i-1; ++top; p = j+1; } } /* Insertion sort small lists */ for( i = p+1; i <= r; ++i ) { piv = *i; for( j = i; j > p && LT( **(j-1), *piv ); --j ) { *j = *(j-1); } *j = piv; } } pq->max = pq->size; pq->initialized = TRUE; __gl_pqHeapInit( pq->heap ); /* always succeeds */ #ifndef NDEBUG p = pq->order; r = p + pq->size - 1; for( i = p; i < r; ++i ) { assert( LEQ( **(i+1), **i )); } #endif return 1; } /* really __gl_pqSortInsert */ /* returns LONG_MAX iff out of memory */ PQhandle pqInsert( PriorityQ *pq, PQkey keyNew ) { long curr; if( pq->initialized ) { return __gl_pqHeapInsert( pq->heap, keyNew ); } curr = pq->size; if( ++ pq->size >= pq->max ) { PQkey *saveKey= pq->keys; /* If the heap overflows, double its size. */ pq->max <<= 1; pq->keys = (PQHeapKey *)memRealloc( pq->keys, (size_t) (pq->max * sizeof( pq->keys[0] ))); if (pq->keys == NULL) { pq->keys = saveKey; /* restore ptr to free upon return */ return LONG_MAX; } } assert(curr != LONG_MAX); pq->keys[curr] = keyNew; /* Negative handles index the sorted array. */ return -(curr+1); } /* really __gl_pqSortExtractMin */ PQkey pqExtractMin( PriorityQ *pq ) { PQkey sortMin, heapMin; if( pq->size == 0 ) { return __gl_pqHeapExtractMin( pq->heap ); } sortMin = *(pq->order[pq->size-1]); if( ! __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty( pq->heap )) { heapMin = __gl_pqHeapMinimum( pq->heap ); if( LEQ( heapMin, sortMin )) { return __gl_pqHeapExtractMin( pq->heap ); } } do { -- pq->size; } while( pq->size > 0 && *(pq->order[pq->size-1]) == NULL ); return sortMin; } /* really __gl_pqSortMinimum */ PQkey pqMinimum( PriorityQ *pq ) { PQkey sortMin, heapMin; if( pq->size == 0 ) { return __gl_pqHeapMinimum( pq->heap ); } sortMin = *(pq->order[pq->size-1]); if( ! __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty( pq->heap )) { heapMin = __gl_pqHeapMinimum( pq->heap ); if( LEQ( heapMin, sortMin )) { return heapMin; } } return sortMin; } /* really __gl_pqSortIsEmpty */ int pqIsEmpty( PriorityQ *pq ) { return (pq->size == 0) && __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty( pq->heap ); } /* really __gl_pqSortDelete */ void pqDelete( PriorityQ *pq, PQhandle curr ) { if( curr >= 0 ) { __gl_pqHeapDelete( pq->heap, curr ); return; } curr = -(curr+1); assert( curr < pq->max && pq->keys[curr] != NULL ); pq->keys[curr] = NULL; while( pq->size > 0 && *(pq->order[pq->size-1]) == NULL ) { -- pq->size; } }