This adds a custom "rows" property, that allows to define the rows of a
ClutterModel. A single row can either an array of all columns or an
object with column-name : column-value pairs.
Allow a ClutterModel to be constructed through the ClutterScript API.
Currently this allows a model to be generated like like this:
"id" : "test-model",
"type" : "ClutterListModel",
"columns" : [
[ "text-column", "gchararray" ],
[ "int-column", "gint" ],
[ "actor-column", "ClutterRectangle" ]
where 'columns' is an array containing arrays of column-name,
column-type pairs.
ClutterModel has an interactive test but lacks a conformance
unit for automatic testing.
This is the beginning of that unit, which covers the population
and iteration over a ListModel.