diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index e7c63f359..0032388fd 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -741,6 +741,8 @@ doc/Makefile
diff --git a/doc/reference/Makefile.am b/doc/reference/Makefile.am
index e13c1b481..fd332b4c6 100644
--- a/doc/reference/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/reference/Makefile.am
@@ -1 +1 @@
-SUBDIRS = cogl
+SUBDIRS = cogl cogl-2.0
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/Makefile.am b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce5b8dacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+# We require automake 1.6 at least.
+# This is a blank Makefile.am for using gtk-doc.
+# Copy this to your project's API docs directory and modify the variables to
+# suit your project. See the GTK+ Makefiles in gtk+/docs/reference for examples
+# of using the various options.
+# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.
+# The top-level SGML file. You can change this if you want to.
+# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(srcdir).
+# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inline comments
+# documenting the functions and macros.
+# e.g. DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../../gtk
+# Extra options to pass to gtkdoc-scangobj. Not normally needed.
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.
+# e.g. SCAN_OPTIONS=--deprecated-guards="GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED"
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
+# e.g. MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml
+MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml --name-space=cogl
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mktmpl
+# e.g. MKTMPL_OPTIONS=--only-section-tmpl
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref. Not normally needed.
+# e.g. FIXXREF_OPTIONS=--extra-dir=../gdk-pixbuf/html --extra-dir=../gdk/html
+ --extra-dir=$(GLIB_PREFIX)/share/gtk-doc/html/glib \
+ --extra-dir=$(GDPIXBUF_PREFIX)/share/gtk-doc/html/gdk-pixbuf
+# Used for dependencies. The docs will be rebuilt if any of these change.
+# e.g. HFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.h
+# e.g. CFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.c
+ $(top_srcdir)/cogl/*.h \
+ $(top_builddir)/cogl/*.h
+# Header files to ignore when scanning.
+# e.g. IGNORE_HFILES=gtkdebug.h gtkintl.h
+ cogl-atlas.h \
+ cogl-atlas-texture-private.h \
+ cogl-bitmap-private.h \
+ cogl-buffer-private.h \
+ cogl-color-private.h \
+ cogl-feature-private.h \
+ cogl-framebuffer-private.h \
+ cogl-gtype-private.h \
+ cogl-index-array-private.h \
+ cogl-indices-private.h \
+ cogl-journal-private.h \
+ cogl-material-compat.h \
+ cogl-matrix-private.h \
+ cogl-object-private.h \
+ cogl-path.h \
+ cogl-path-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-fragend-arbfp-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-fragend-fixed-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-fragend-glsl-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-opengl-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-progend-glsl-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-vertend-fixed-private.h \
+ cogl-pipeline-vertend-glsl-private.h \
+ cogl-pixel-array-private.h \
+ cogl-primitive-private.h \
+ cogl-primitives-private.h \
+ cogl-private.h \
+ cogl-program-private.h \
+ cogl-shader-private.h \
+ cogl-sub-texture-private.h \
+ cogl-texture-2d-private.h \
+ cogl-texture-2d-sliced-private.h \
+ cogl-texture-3d-private.h \
+ cogl-texture-private.h \
+ cogl-texture-rectangle-private.h \
+ cogl-vertex-buffer.h \
+ cogl-vertex-array-private.h \
+ cogl-vertex-attribute-private.h \
+ cogl-vertex-buffer-private.h \
+ cogl-blend-string.h \
+ cogl-clip-stack.h \
+ cogl-context.h \
+ cogl-debug.h \
+ cogl-defines.h \
+ cogl-deprecated.h \
+ cogl-handle.h \
+ cogl-internal.h \
+ cogl-matrix-mesa.h \
+ cogl-matrix-stack.h \
+ cogl-spans.h \
+ cogl-profile.h \
+ cogl-util.h \
+ driver \
+ tesselator \
+ winsys
+# Images to copy into HTML directory.
+# e.g. HTML_IMAGES=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/stock-icons/stock_about_24.png
+ fill-rule-non-zero.png \
+ fill-rule-even-odd.png \
+ quad-indices-order.png \
+ quad-indices-triangles.png \
+ cogl_ortho.png
+# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE).
+# e.g. content_files=running.sgml building.sgml changes-2.0.sgml
+content_files = \
+ blend-strings.xml
+# SGML files where gtk-doc abbrevations (#GtkWidget) are expanded
+# These files must be listed here *and* in content_files
+# e.g. expand_content_files=running.sgml
+expand_content_files = \
+ blend-strings.xml
+# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling gtkdoc-scangobj with your library.
+# Only needed if you are using gtkdoc-scangobj to dynamically query widget
+# signals and properties.
+# e.g. INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) $(GTK_DEBUG_FLAGS)
+# e.g. GTKDOC_LIBS=$(top_builddir)/gtk/$(gtktargetlib)
+INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir)/cogl -DCOGL_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API $(COGL_DEP_CFLAGS)
+GTKDOC_LIBS=$(top_builddir)/cogl/libcogl.la $(COGL_DEP_LIBS)
+# This includes the standard gtk-doc make rules, copied by gtkdocize.
+include $(top_srcdir)/gtk-doc.make
+# Other files to distribute
+# e.g. EXTRA_DIST += version.xml.in
+ fill-rule-non-zero.png \
+ fill-rule-even-odd.png \
+ quad-indices-triangles.png \
+ quad-indices-order.png \
+ cogl_ortho.png
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/blend-strings.xml b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/blend-strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..421ab2353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/blend-strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+Blend Strings
+COGL Library
+Blend Strings
+A simple syntax and grammar for describing blending and texture
+combining functions.
+Cogl Blend Strings
+Describing GPU blending and texture combining states is rather awkward to do
+in a consise but also readable fashion. Cogl helps by supporting
+string based descriptions using a simple syntax.
+Some examples
+Here is an example used for blending:
+In OpenGL terms this replaces glBlendFunc[Separate] and
+Actually in this case it's more verbose than the GL equivalent:
+But unless you are familiar with OpenGL or refer to its API documentation
+you wouldn't know that the default function used by OpenGL is GL_FUNC_ADD
+nor would you know that the above arguments determine what the source color
+and destination color will be multiplied by before being adding.
+Here is an example used for texture combining:
+In OpenGL terms this replaces glTexEnv, and the above example is equivalent
+to this OpenGL code:
+Here's the syntax
+ <channel-mask>=<function-name>(<arg-list>)
+ You can either use a single statement with an RGBA channel-mask or you can use
+ two statements; one with an A channel-mask and the other with an RGB
+ channel-mask.
+ A or RGB or RGBA
+ [A-Za-z_]*
+ <arg>,<arg>
+ or <arg>
+ or ""
+ I.e. functions may take 0 or more arguments
+ <color-source>
+ 1 - <color-source> : Only intended for texture combining
+ <color-source> * ( <factor> ) : Only intended for blending
+ 0 : Only intended for blending
+ See the blending or texture combining sections for further notes and examples.
+ <source-name>[<channel-mask>]
+ <source-name>
+ See the blending or texture combining sections for the list of source-names
+ valid in each context.
+ If a channel mask is not given then the channel mask of the statement
+ is assumed instead.
+ 0
+ 1
+ <color-source>
+ 1-<color-source>
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl-docs.xml.in b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl-docs.xml.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e02ecffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl-docs.xml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ Cogl 2.0 Reference Manual
+ for Cogl 2.0;
+ 2008
+ OpenedHand LTD
+ 2009
+ 2010
+ 2011
+ Intel Corporation
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+ document under the terms of the GNU Free
+ Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later
+ version published by the Free Software Foundation with no
+ Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
+ Texts. You may obtain a copy of the GNU Free
+ Documentation License from the Free Software
+ Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing
+ to:
+ The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ Cogl - a modern 3D graphics API
+ About Cogl
+ Cogl is a modern 3D graphics API with associated utility
+ APIs designed to expose the features of 3D graphics hardware
+ using a more object oriented design than OpenGL. The library has
+ primarily been driven by the practical needs of Clutter but it
+ is not tied to any one toolkit or even constrained to developing
+ UI toolkits.
+ Setting Up A GPU Pipeline
+ Allocating GPU Memory
+ Describing the layout of GPU Memory
+ Binding and Integrating
+ Glossaries
+ Index of all symbols
+ Index of deprecated symbols
+ Index of new symbols in 0.8
+ Index of new symbols in 1.0
+ Index of new symbols in 1.2
+ Index of new symbols in 1.4
+ License
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General
+ Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Library General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You may obtain a copy of the GNU Library General
+ Public License from the Free Software Foundation by
+ visiting their Web
+ site or by writing to:
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl-sections.txt b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl-sections.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e73a3480e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl-sections.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+The Base Object
+The Top-Level Context
+Vertex Arrays
+Index Arrays
+Vertex Attributes
+Primitives (Deprecated)
+Path Primitives
+Draw Vertex Attributes
+The Base Texture
+3D textures
+CoglFramebuffer: The Base Framebuffer Type
+Offscreen Framebuffers
+Color Type
+CoglBuffer: The Base Buffer Type
+3 Component Vectors
+Common Types
+GType Integration API
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl_ortho.png b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl_ortho.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c2a1fd20
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/cogl_ortho.png differ
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/fill-rule-even-odd.png b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/fill-rule-even-odd.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e4fbb0f2
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/fill-rule-even-odd.png differ
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/fill-rule-non-zero.png b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/fill-rule-non-zero.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d8ad314c
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/fill-rule-non-zero.png differ
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/quad-indices-order.png b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/quad-indices-order.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a31d95d48
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/quad-indices-order.png differ
diff --git a/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/quad-indices-triangles.png b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/quad-indices-triangles.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18c42c845
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/reference/cogl-2.0/quad-indices-triangles.png differ