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/* Clutter.
* An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library.
* Authored By Matthew Allum <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 OpenedHand
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "clutter-backend-win32.h"
#include "clutter-stage-win32.h"
#include "clutter-win32.h"
#include "../clutter-stage-window.h"
#include "../clutter-main.h"
#include "../clutter-feature.h"
#include "../clutter-color.h"
#include "../clutter-util.h"
#include "../clutter-event.h"
#include "../clutter-enum-types.h"
#include "../clutter-private.h"
#include "../clutter-debug.h"
#include "../clutter-units.h"
#include "../clutter-shader.h"
#include "../clutter-stage.h"
#include "cogl/cogl.h"
#include <windows.h>
static void clutter_stage_window_iface_init (ClutterStageWindowIface *iface);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_show (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
gboolean do_raise)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
if (stage_win32->hwnd)
ShowWindow (stage_win32->hwnd, do_raise ? SW_SHOW : SW_SHOWNA);
clutter_stage_ensure_viewport (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage_win32->wrapper));
clutter_actor_map (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stage_win32->wrapper));
static void
clutter_stage_win32_hide (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
if (stage_win32->hwnd)
clutter_actor_unmap (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stage_win32->wrapper));
ShowWindow (stage_win32->hwnd, SW_HIDE);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_get_geometry (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
ClutterGeometry *geometry)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
if ((stage_win32->state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN))
geometry->width = (stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.right
- stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.left);
geometry->height = (stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.bottom
- stage_win32->;
geometry->width = stage_win32->win_width;
geometry->height = stage_win32->win_height;
static void
get_fullscreen_rect (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32)
HMONITOR monitor;
MONITORINFO monitor_info;
/* If we already have a window then try to use the same monitor that
is already on */
if (stage_win32->hwnd)
monitor = MonitorFromWindow (stage_win32->hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
/* Otherwise just guess that they will want the monitor where
the cursor is */
POINT cursor;
GetCursorPos (&cursor);
monitor = MonitorFromPoint (cursor, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
monitor_info.cbSize = sizeof (monitor_info);
GetMonitorInfoW (monitor, &monitor_info);
stage_win32->fullscreen_rect = monitor_info.rcMonitor;
static void
get_full_window_size (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32,
int width_in, int height_in,
int *width_out, int *height_out)
gboolean resizable
= clutter_stage_get_user_resizable (stage_win32->wrapper);
/* The window size passed to CreateWindow includes the window
decorations */
*width_out = width_in + GetSystemMetrics (resizable ? SM_CXSIZEFRAME
*height_out = height_in + GetSystemMetrics (resizable ? SM_CYSIZEFRAME
+ GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION);
_clutter_stage_win32_get_min_max_info (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32,
MINMAXINFO *min_max_info)
/* If the window isn't resizable then set the max and min size to
the current size */
if (!clutter_stage_get_user_resizable (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage_win32->wrapper)))
int full_width, full_height;
get_full_window_size (stage_win32,
stage_win32->win_width, stage_win32->win_height,
&full_width, &full_height);
min_max_info->ptMaxTrackSize.x = full_width;
min_max_info->ptMinTrackSize.x = full_width;
min_max_info->ptMaxTrackSize.y = full_height;
min_max_info->ptMinTrackSize.y = full_height;
static void
clutter_stage_win32_resize (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
gint width,
gint height)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
gboolean resize;
resize = clutter_stage_get_user_resizable (stage_win32->wrapper);
if (width != stage_win32->win_width || height != stage_win32->win_height)
/* Ignore size requests if we are in full screen mode */
if ((stage_win32->state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN) == 0)
stage_win32->win_width = width;
stage_win32->win_height = height;
if (stage_win32->hwnd != NULL && !stage_win32->is_foreign_win)
int full_width, full_height;
get_full_window_size (stage_win32,
width, height,
&full_width, &full_height);
SetWindowPos (stage_win32->hwnd, NULL,
0, 0,
full_width, full_height,
CLUTTER_SET_PRIVATE_FLAGS (stage_win32->wrapper,
static void
clutter_stage_win32_set_title (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
const gchar *title)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
/* Empty window titles not allowed, so set it to just a period. */
if (title == NULL || !title[0])
title = ".";
if (stage_win32->wtitle != NULL)
g_free (stage_win32->wtitle);
stage_win32->wtitle = g_utf8_to_utf16 (title, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* If the window is not yet created, the title will be set during the
window creation */
if (stage_win32->hwnd != NULL)
SetWindowTextW (stage_win32->hwnd, stage_win32->wtitle);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_set_cursor_visible (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
gboolean cursor_visible)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
if (stage_win32->is_cursor_visible != cursor_visible &&
ShowCursor (cursor_visible);
stage_win32->is_cursor_visible = cursor_visible;
static LONG
get_window_style (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32)
ClutterStage *wrapper = stage_win32->wrapper;
/* Fullscreen mode shouldn't have any borders */
if ((stage_win32->state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN))
return WS_POPUP;
/* Otherwise it's an overlapped window but if it isn't resizable
then it shouldn't have a thick frame */
else if (clutter_stage_get_user_resizable (wrapper))
static void
clutter_stage_win32_set_user_resize (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
gboolean value)
HWND hwnd = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window)->hwnd;
LONG old_style = GetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
/* Update the window style but preserve the visibility */
SetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE,
get_window_style (CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window))
| (old_style & WS_VISIBLE));
/* Queue a redraw of the frame */
static ClutterActor *
clutter_stage_win32_get_wrapper (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window)
return CLUTTER_ACTOR (CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window)->wrapper);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_set_fullscreen (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window,
gboolean value)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
HWND hwnd = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window)->hwnd;
LONG old_style = GetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
ClutterStageStateEvent event;
if (value)
stage_win32->state &= ~CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN;
if (hwnd)
/* Update the window style but preserve the visibility */
SetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE,
get_window_style (stage_win32)
| (old_style & WS_VISIBLE));
/* Update the window size */
if (value)
get_fullscreen_rect (stage_win32);
SetWindowPos (hwnd, HWND_TOP,
- stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.left,
- stage_win32->,
int full_width, full_height;
get_full_window_size (stage_win32,
&full_width, &full_height);
SetWindowPos (stage_win32->hwnd, NULL,
0, 0,
full_width, full_height,
CLUTTER_SET_PRIVATE_FLAGS (stage_win32->wrapper,
/* Report the state change */
memset (&event, 0, sizeof (event));
event.stage = CLUTTER_STAGE (stage_win32->wrapper);
event.new_state = stage_win32->state;
clutter_event_put ((ClutterEvent *) &event);
static ATOM
clutter_stage_win32_get_window_class ()
static ATOM klass = 0;
if (klass == 0)
WNDCLASSW wndclass;
memset (&wndclass, 0, sizeof (wndclass)); = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = _clutter_stage_win32_window_proc;
wndclass.cbWndExtra = sizeof (LONG_PTR);
wndclass.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW (NULL);
wndclass.hIcon = LoadIconW (NULL, (LPWSTR) IDI_APPLICATION);
wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursorW (NULL, (LPWSTR) IDC_ARROW);
wndclass.hbrBackground = NULL;
wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wndclass.lpszClassName = L"ClutterStageWin32";
klass = RegisterClassW (&wndclass);
return klass;
static gboolean
clutter_stage_win32_check_gl_version ()
const char *version_string, *major_end, *minor_end;
int major = 0, minor = 0;
/* Get the OpenGL version number */
if ((version_string = (const char *) glGetString (GL_VERSION)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
/* Extract the major number */
for (major_end = version_string; *major_end >= '0'
&& *major_end <= '9'; major_end++)
major = (major * 10) + *major_end - '0';
/* If there were no digits or the major number isn't followed by a
dot then it is invalid */
if (major_end == version_string || *major_end != '.')
return FALSE;
/* Extract the minor number */
for (minor_end = major_end + 1; *minor_end >= '0'
&& *minor_end <= '9'; minor_end++)
minor = (minor * 10) + *minor_end - '0';
/* If there were no digits or there is an unexpected character then
it is invalid */
if (minor_end == major_end + 1
|| (*minor_end && *minor_end != ' ' && *minor_end != '.'))
return FALSE;
/* Accept OpenGL 1.2 or later */
return major > 1 || (major == 1 && minor >= 2);
static gboolean
clutter_stage_win32_pixel_format_is_better (const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfa,
/* Always prefer a format with a stencil buffer */
if (pfa->cStencilBits == 0)
if (pfb->cStencilBits > 0)
return TRUE;
else if (pfb->cStencilBits == 0)
return FALSE;
/* Prefer a bigger color buffer */
if (pfb->cColorBits > pfa->cColorBits)
return TRUE;
else if (pfb->cColorBits < pfa->cColorBits)
return FALSE;
/* Prefer a bigger depth buffer */
return pfb->cDepthBits > pfa->cDepthBits;
static int
clutter_stage_win32_choose_pixel_format (HDC dc, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd)
int i, num_formats, best_pf = 0;
num_formats = DescribePixelFormat (dc, 0, sizeof (best_pfd), NULL);
for (i = 1; i <= num_formats; i++)
memset (pfd, 0, sizeof (*pfd));
if (DescribePixelFormat (dc, i, sizeof (best_pfd), pfd)
/* Check whether this format is useable by Clutter */
&& ((pfd->dwFlags & (PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL
&& pfd->iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA
&& pfd->cColorBits >= 16 && pfd->cColorBits <= 32
&& pfd->cDepthBits >= 16 && pfd->cDepthBits <= 32
/* Check whether this is a better format than one we've
already found */
&& (best_pf == 0
|| clutter_stage_win32_pixel_format_is_better (&best_pfd, pfd)))
best_pf = i;
best_pfd = *pfd;
*pfd = best_pfd;
return best_pf;
static gboolean
clutter_stage_win32_realize (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
ClutterBackendWin32 *backend_win32;
int pf;
CLUTTER_NOTE (MISC, "Realizing main stage");
backend_win32 = CLUTTER_BACKEND_WIN32 (clutter_get_default_backend ());
if (stage_win32->hwnd == NULL)
ATOM window_class = clutter_stage_win32_get_window_class ();
int win_xpos, win_ypos, win_width, win_height;
if (window_class == 0)
g_critical ("Unable to register window class");
goto fail;
/* If we're in fullscreen mode then use the fullscreen rect
instead */
if ((stage_win32->state & CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_FULLSCREEN))
get_fullscreen_rect (stage_win32);
win_xpos = stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.left;
win_ypos = stage_win32->;
win_width = stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.right - win_xpos;
win_height = stage_win32->fullscreen_rect.left - win_ypos;
win_xpos = win_ypos = CW_USEDEFAULT;
get_full_window_size (stage_win32,
&win_width, &win_height);
if (stage_win32->wtitle == NULL)
stage_win32->wtitle = g_utf8_to_utf16 (".", -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
stage_win32->hwnd = CreateWindowW ((LPWSTR) MAKEINTATOM (window_class),
get_window_style (stage_win32),
GetModuleHandle (NULL),
if (stage_win32->hwnd == NULL)
g_critical ("Unable to create stage window");
goto fail;
/* Store a pointer to the actor in the extra bytes of the window
so we can quickly access it in the window procedure */
SetWindowLongPtrW (stage_win32->hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) stage_win32);
if (stage_win32->client_dc)
ReleaseDC (stage_win32->hwnd, stage_win32->client_dc);
stage_win32->client_dc = GetDC (stage_win32->hwnd);
pf = clutter_stage_win32_choose_pixel_format (stage_win32->client_dc, &pfd);
if (pf == 0 || !SetPixelFormat (stage_win32->client_dc, pf, &pfd))
g_critical ("Unable to find suitable GL pixel format");
goto fail;
if (backend_win32->gl_context == NULL)
backend_win32->gl_context = wglCreateContext (stage_win32->client_dc);
if (backend_win32->gl_context == NULL)
g_critical ("Unable to create suitable GL context");
goto fail;
/* Make the context current so we can check the GL version */
wglMakeCurrent (stage_win32->client_dc, backend_win32->gl_context);
if (!clutter_stage_win32_check_gl_version ())
g_critical ("OpenGL version number is too low");
goto fail;
CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "Successfully realized stage");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void
clutter_stage_win32_unprepare_window (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32)
if (stage_win32->client_dc)
ReleaseDC (stage_win32->hwnd, stage_win32->client_dc);
stage_win32->client_dc = NULL;
if (!stage_win32->is_foreign_win && stage_win32->hwnd)
/* Drop the pointer to this stage in the window so that any
further messages won't be processed. The stage might be being
destroyed so otherwise the messages would be handled with an
invalid stage instance */
SetWindowLongPtrW (stage_win32->hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) 0);
DestroyWindow (stage_win32->hwnd);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_unrealize (ClutterStageWindow *stage_window)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (stage_window);
CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "Unrealizing stage");
clutter_stage_win32_unprepare_window (stage_win32);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_dispose (GObject *gobject)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (gobject);
/* Make sure that context and window are destroyed in case unrealize
* hasn't been called yet.
if (stage_win32->hwnd)
clutter_stage_win32_unprepare_window (stage_win32);
if (stage_win32->wtitle)
g_free (stage_win32->wtitle);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (clutter_stage_win32_parent_class)->dispose (gobject);
static void
clutter_stage_win32_class_init (ClutterStageWin32Class *klass)
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
gobject_class->dispose = clutter_stage_win32_dispose;
static void
clutter_stage_win32_init (ClutterStageWin32 *stage)
stage->hwnd = NULL;
stage->client_dc = NULL;
stage->win_width = 640;
stage->win_height = 480;
stage->backend = NULL;
stage->scroll_pos = 0;
stage->is_foreign_win = FALSE;
stage->wtitle = NULL;
stage->is_cursor_visible = TRUE;
stage->wrapper = NULL;
static void
clutter_stage_window_iface_init (ClutterStageWindowIface *iface)
iface->get_wrapper = clutter_stage_win32_get_wrapper;
iface->set_title = clutter_stage_win32_set_title;
iface->set_fullscreen = clutter_stage_win32_set_fullscreen;
iface->set_cursor_visible = clutter_stage_win32_set_cursor_visible;
iface->set_user_resizable = clutter_stage_win32_set_user_resize;
iface->show = clutter_stage_win32_show;
iface->hide = clutter_stage_win32_hide;
iface->resize = clutter_stage_win32_resize;
iface->get_geometry = clutter_stage_win32_get_geometry;
iface->realize = clutter_stage_win32_realize;
iface->unrealize = clutter_stage_win32_unrealize;
* clutter_win32_get_stage_window:
* @stage: a #ClutterStage
* Gets the stage's window handle
* Return value: An HWND for the stage window.
* Since: 0.8
clutter_win32_get_stage_window (ClutterStage *stage)
ClutterStageWindow *impl;
g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_STAGE (stage), NULL);
impl = _clutter_stage_get_window (stage);
g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_STAGE_WIN32 (impl), NULL);
return CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (impl)->hwnd;
* clutter_win32_get_stage_from_window:
* @hwnd: a window handle
* Gets the stage for a particular window.
* Return value: The stage or NULL if a stage does not exist for the
* window.
* Since: 0.8
ClutterStage *
clutter_win32_get_stage_from_window (HWND hwnd)
/* Check whether the window handle is an instance of the stage
window class */
if ((ATOM) GetClassLongPtrW (hwnd, GCW_ATOM)
== clutter_stage_win32_get_window_class ())
/* If it is there should be a pointer to the stage in the window
extra data */
return CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (GetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, 0))->wrapper;
/* Otherwise it might be a foreign window so we should check the
stage list */
ClutterStageManager *stage_manager;
const GSList *stages, *l;
stage_manager = clutter_stage_manager_get_default ();
stages = clutter_stage_manager_peek_stages (stage_manager);
for (l = stages; l != NULL; l = l->next)
ClutterStage *stage = l->data;
ClutterStageWindow *impl;
impl = _clutter_stage_get_window (stage);
g_assert (CLUTTER_IS_STAGE_WIN32 (impl));
if (CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (impl)->hwnd == hwnd)
return stage;
return NULL;
* clutter_win32_set_stage_foreign:
* @stage: a #ClutterStage
* @hwnd: an existing window handle
* Target the #ClutterStage to use an existing external window handle.
* Return value: %TRUE if foreign window is valid
* Since: 0.8
clutter_win32_set_stage_foreign (ClutterStage *stage,
HWND hwnd)
ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32;
ClutterStageWindow *impl;
ClutterActor *actor;
RECT client_rect;
POINT window_pos;
ClutterGeometry geom;
g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_STAGE (stage), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (hwnd != NULL, FALSE);
actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (stage);
impl = _clutter_stage_get_window (stage);
stage_win32 = CLUTTER_STAGE_WIN32 (impl);
Enforce invariants on mapped, realized, visibility states Bug 1138 - No trackable "mapped" state * Add a VISIBLE flag tracking application programmer's expected showing-state for the actor, allowing us to always ensure we keep what the app wants while tracking internal implementation state separately. * Make MAPPED reflect whether the actor will be painted; add notification on a ClutterActor::mapped property. Keep MAPPED state updated as the actor is shown, ancestors are shown, actor is reparented, etc. * Require a stage and realized parents to realize; this means at realization time the correct window system and GL resources are known. But unparented actors can no longer be realized. * Allow children to be unrealized even if parent is realized. Otherwise in effect either all actors or no actors are realized, i.e. it becomes a stage-global flag. * Allow clutter_actor_realize() to "fail" if not inside a toplevel * Rework clutter_actor_unrealize() so internally we have a flavor that does not mess with visibility flag * Add _clutter_actor_rerealize() to encapsulate a somewhat tricky operation we were doing in a couple of places * Do not realize/unrealize children in ClutterGroup, ClutterActor already does it * Do not realize impl by hand in clutter_stage_show(), since showing impl already does that * Do not unrealize in various dispose() methods, since ClutterActor dispose implementation already does it and chaining up is mandatory * ClutterTexture uses COGL while unrealizable (before it's added to a stage). Previously this breakage was affecting ClutterActor because we had to allow realize outside a stage. Move the breakage to ClutterTexture, by making ClutterTexture just use COGL while not realized. * Unrealize before we set parent to NULL in clutter_actor_unparent(). This means unrealize() implementations can get to the stage. Because actors need the stage in order to detach from stage. * Update clutter-actor-invariants.txt to reflect latest changes * Remove explicit hide/unrealize from ClutterActor::dispose since unparent already forces those Instead just assert that unparent() occurred and did the right thing. * Check whether parent implements unrealize before chaining up Needed because ClutterGroup no longer has to implement unrealize. * Perform unrealize in the default handler for the signal. This allows non-containers that have children to work properly, and allows containers to override how it's done. * Add map/unmap virtual methods and set MAPPED flag on self and children in there. This allows subclasses to hook map/unmap. These are not signals, because notify::mapped is better for anything it's legitimate for a non-subclass to do. Signed-off-by: Emmanuele Bassi <>
2009-04-02 09:16:43 -04:00
/* FIXME this needs updating to use _clutter_actor_rerealize(),
* see the analogous code in x11 backend. Probably best if
* win32 maintainer does it so they can be sure it compiles
* and works.
clutter_actor_unrealize (actor);
if (!GetClientRect (hwnd, &client_rect))
g_warning ("Unable to retrieve the new window geometry");
return FALSE;
window_pos.x = client_rect.left;
window_pos.y = client_rect.right;
ClientToScreen (hwnd, &window_pos);
CLUTTER_NOTE (BACKEND, "Setting foreign window (0x%x)", (int) hwnd);
stage_win32->hwnd = hwnd;
stage_win32->is_foreign_win = TRUE;
geom.x = 0;
geom.y = 0;
geom.width = client_rect.right - client_rect.left;
geom.height = client_rect.bottom -;
clutter_actor_set_geometry (actor, &geom);
clutter_actor_realize (actor);
return TRUE;
clutter_stage_win32_map (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32)
clutter_actor_map (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stage_win32->wrapper));
clutter_actor_queue_relayout (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stage_win32->wrapper));
clutter_stage_win32_unmap (ClutterStageWin32 *stage_win32)
clutter_actor_unmap (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stage_win32->wrapper));