I was going to add another DBus property to signal when the shell was done loading and was idle, and while implementing that I noticed we aren't emitting PropertyChanged for, well, any property. Let's fix OverviewActive. It's unfortunate it's so tedious to correctly implement a DBus property =/ https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=704163
458 lines
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458 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Config = imports.misc.config;
const ExtensionSystem = imports.ui.extensionSystem;
const ExtensionDownloader = imports.ui.extensionDownloader;
const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Screenshot = imports.ui.screenshot;
const ViewSelector = imports.ui.viewSelector;
const GnomeShellIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.Shell"> \
<method name="Eval"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="script" /> \
<arg type="b" direction="out" name="success" /> \
<arg type="s" direction="out" name="result" /> \
</method> \
<method name="FocusSearch"/> \
<method name="ShowOSD"> \
<arg type="a{sv}" direction="in" name="params"/> \
</method> \
<method name="FocusApp"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="id"/> \
</method> \
<method name="ShowApplications" /> \
<method name="GrabAccelerator"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="accelerator"/> \
<arg type="u" direction="in" name="flags"/> \
<arg type="u" direction="out" name="action"/> \
</method> \
<method name="GrabAccelerators"> \
<arg type="a(su)" direction="in" name="accelerators"/> \
<arg type="au" direction="out" name="actions"/> \
</method> \
<method name="UngrabAccelerator"> \
<arg type="u" direction="in" name="action"/> \
<arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> \
</method> \
<signal name="AcceleratorActivated"> \
<arg name="action" type="u" /> \
<arg name="deviceid" type="u" /> \
<arg name="timestamp" type="u" /> \
</signal> \
<property name="Mode" type="s" access="read" /> \
<property name="OverviewActive" type="b" access="readwrite" /> \
<property name="ShellVersion" type="s" access="read" /> \
</interface> \
const ScreenSaverIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.ScreenSaver"> \
<method name="Lock"> \
</method> \
<method name="GetActive"> \
<arg name="active" direction="out" type="b" /> \
</method> \
<method name="SetActive"> \
<arg name="value" direction="in" type="b" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetActiveTime"> \
<arg name="value" direction="out" type="u" /> \
</method> \
<signal name="ActiveChanged"> \
<arg name="new_value" type="b" /> \
</signal> \
<signal name="WakeUpScreen" /> \
</interface> \
const GnomeShell = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'GnomeShellDBus',
_init: function() {
this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(GnomeShellIface, this);
this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell');
this._extensionsService = new GnomeShellExtensions();
this._screenshotService = new Screenshot.ScreenshotService();
this._grabbedAccelerators = new Map();
this._grabbers = new Map();
global.display.connect('accelerator-activated', Lang.bind(this,
function(display, action, deviceid, timestamp) {
this._emitAcceleratorActivated(action, deviceid, timestamp);
this._cachedOverviewVisible = false;
Lang.bind(this, this._checkOverviewVisibleChanged));
Lang.bind(this, this._checkOverviewVisibleChanged));
* Eval:
* @code: A string containing JavaScript code
* This function executes arbitrary code in the main
* loop, and returns a boolean success and
* JSON representation of the object as a string.
* If evaluation completes without throwing an exception,
* then the return value will be [true, JSON.stringify(result)].
* If evaluation fails, then the return value will be
* [false, JSON.stringify(exception)];
Eval: function(code) {
if (!global.settings.get_boolean('development-tools'))
return [false, ''];
let returnValue;
let success;
try {
returnValue = JSON.stringify(eval(code));
// A hack; DBus doesn't have null/undefined
if (returnValue == undefined)
returnValue = '';
success = true;
} catch (e) {
returnValue = '' + e;
success = false;
return [success, returnValue];
FocusSearch: function() {
ShowOSD: function(params) {
for (let param in params)
params[param] = params[param].deep_unpack();
let monitorIndex = -1;
if (params['monitor'] >= 0)
monitorIndex = params['monitor'];
let icon = null;
if (params['icon'])
icon = Gio.Icon.new_for_string(params['icon']);
Main.osdWindowManager.show(monitorIndex, icon, params['label'], params['level']);
FocusApp: function(id) {
ShowApplications: function() {
GrabAcceleratorAsync: function(params, invocation) {
let [accel, flags] = params;
let sender = invocation.get_sender();
let bindingAction = this._grabAcceleratorForSender(accel, flags, sender);
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(u)', [bindingAction]));
GrabAcceleratorsAsync: function(params, invocation) {
let [accels] = params;
let sender = invocation.get_sender();
let bindingActions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < accels.length; i++) {
let [accel, flags] = accels[i];
bindingActions.push(this._grabAcceleratorForSender(accel, flags, sender));
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(au)', [bindingActions]));
UngrabAcceleratorAsync: function(params, invocation) {
let [action] = params;
let grabbedBy = this._grabbedAccelerators.get(action);
if (invocation.get_sender() != grabbedBy)
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [false]));
let ungrabSucceeded = global.display.ungrab_accelerator(action);
if (ungrabSucceeded)
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [ungrabSucceeded]));
_emitAcceleratorActivated: function(action, deviceid, timestamp) {
let destination = this._grabbedAccelerators.get(action);
if (!destination)
let connection = this._dbusImpl.get_connection();
let info = this._dbusImpl.get_info();
info ? info.name : null,
GLib.Variant.new('(uuu)', [action, deviceid, timestamp]));
_grabAcceleratorForSender: function(accelerator, flags, sender) {
let bindingAction = global.display.grab_accelerator(accelerator);
if (bindingAction == Meta.KeyBindingAction.NONE)
return Meta.KeyBindingAction.NONE;
let bindingName = Meta.external_binding_name_for_action(bindingAction);
Main.wm.allowKeybinding(bindingName, flags);
this._grabbedAccelerators.set(bindingAction, sender);
if (!this._grabbers.has(sender)) {
let id = Gio.bus_watch_name(Gio.BusType.SESSION, sender, 0, null,
Lang.bind(this, this._onGrabberBusNameVanished));
this._grabbers.set(sender, id);
return bindingAction;
_ungrabAccelerator: function(action) {
let ungrabSucceeded = global.display.ungrab_accelerator(action);
if (ungrabSucceeded)
_onGrabberBusNameVanished: function(connection, name) {
let grabs = this._grabbedAccelerators.entries();
for (let [action, sender] of grabs) {
if (sender == name)
Mode: global.session_mode,
_checkOverviewVisibleChanged: function() {
if (Main.overview.visible !== this._cachedOverviewVisible) {
this._cachedOverviewVisible = Main.overview.visible;
this._dbusImpl.emit_property_changed('OverviewActive', new GLib.Variant('b', this._cachedOverviewVisible));
get OverviewActive() {
return this._cachedOverviewVisible;
set OverviewActive(visible) {
if (visible)
ShellVersion: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION
const GnomeShellExtensionsIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.Shell.Extensions"> \
<method name="ListExtensions"> \
<arg type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" name="extensions" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetExtensionInfo"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="extension" /> \
<arg type="a{sv}" direction="out" name="info" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetExtensionErrors"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="extension" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="out" name="errors" /> \
</method> \
<signal name="ExtensionStatusChanged"> \
<arg type="s" name="uuid"/> \
<arg type="i" name="state"/> \
<arg type="s" name="error"/> \
</signal> \
<method name="InstallRemoteExtension"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
<arg type="s" direction="out" name="result"/> \
</method> \
<method name="UninstallExtension"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
<arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> \
</method> \
<method name="LaunchExtensionPrefs"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
</method> \
<method name="ReloadExtension"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
</method> \
<method name="CheckForUpdates"> \
</method> \
<property name="ShellVersion" type="s" access="read" /> \
</interface> \
const GnomeShellExtensions = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'GnomeShellExtensionsDBus',
_init: function() {
this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(GnomeShellExtensionsIface, this);
this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell');
Lang.bind(this, this._extensionStateChanged));
ListExtensions: function() {
let out = {};
for (let uuid in ExtensionUtils.extensions) {
let dbusObj = this.GetExtensionInfo(uuid);
out[uuid] = dbusObj;
return out;
GetExtensionInfo: function(uuid) {
let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid];
if (!extension)
return {};
let obj = {};
Lang.copyProperties(extension.metadata, obj);
// Only serialize the properties that we actually need.
const serializedProperties = ["type", "state", "path", "error", "hasPrefs"];
serializedProperties.forEach(function(prop) {
obj[prop] = extension[prop];
let out = {};
for (let key in obj) {
let val = obj[key];
let type;
switch (typeof val) {
case 'string':
type = 's';
case 'number':
type = 'd';
case 'boolean':
type = 'b';
out[key] = GLib.Variant.new(type, val);
return out;
GetExtensionErrors: function(uuid) {
let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid];
if (!extension)
return [];
if (!extension.errors)
return [];
return extension.errors;
InstallRemoteExtensionAsync: function([uuid], invocation) {
return ExtensionDownloader.installExtension(uuid, invocation);
UninstallExtension: function(uuid) {
return ExtensionDownloader.uninstallExtension(uuid);
LaunchExtensionPrefs: function(uuid) {
let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
let app = appSys.lookup_app('gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop');
let info = app.get_app_info();
let timestamp = global.display.get_current_time_roundtrip();
info.launch_uris(['extension:///' + uuid],
global.create_app_launch_context(timestamp, -1));
ReloadExtension: function(uuid) {
let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid];
if (!extension)
CheckForUpdates: function() {
ShellVersion: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION,
_extensionStateChanged: function(_, newState) {
GLib.Variant.new('(sis)', [newState.uuid, newState.state, newState.error]));
const ScreenSaverDBus = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'ScreenSaverDBus',
_init: function(screenShield) {
this._screenShield = screenShield;
screenShield.connect('active-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(shield) {
this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('ActiveChanged', GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [shield.active]));
screenShield.connect('wake-up-screen', Lang.bind(this, function(shield) {
this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('WakeUpScreen', null);
this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(ScreenSaverIface, this);
this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/ScreenSaver');
Gio.DBus.session.own_name('org.gnome.ScreenSaver', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE, null, null);
LockAsync: function(parameters, invocation) {
let tmpId = this._screenShield.connect('lock-screen-shown', Lang.bind(this, function() {
SetActive: function(active) {
if (active)
GetActive: function() {
return this._screenShield.active;
GetActiveTime: function() {
let started = this._screenShield.activationTime;
if (started > 0)
return Math.floor((GLib.get_monotonic_time() - started) / 1000000);
return 0;