It makes sure we do not forget to zero the id and lets us avoid zero checks before. We use it for all new code, lets clean up the existing code base. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/845
775 lines
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775 lines
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/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <meta/display.h>
#include <meta/group.h>
#include <meta/window.h>
#include "shell-app-usage.h"
#include "shell-window-tracker.h"
#include "shell-global.h"
/* This file includes modified code from
* desktop-data-engine/engine-dbus/hippo-application-monitor.c
* in the functions collecting application usage data.
* Written by Owen Taylor, originally licensed under LGPL 2.1.
* Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2006-2008
* SECTION:shell-app-usage
* @short_description: Track application usage/state data
* This class maintains some usage and state statistics for
* applications by keeping track of the approximate time an application's
* windows are focused, as well as the last workspace it was seen on.
* This time tracking is implemented by watching for focus notifications,
* and computing a time delta between them. Also we watch the
* GNOME Session "StatusChanged" signal which by default is emitted after 5
* minutes to signify idle.
#define PRIVACY_SCHEMA "org.gnome.desktop.privacy"
#define ENABLE_MONITORING_KEY "remember-app-usage"
#define FOCUS_TIME_MIN_SECONDS 7 /* Need 7 continuous seconds of focus */
#define USAGE_CLEAN_DAYS 7 /* If after 7 days we haven't seen an app, purge it */
/* Data is saved to file SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/DATA_FILENAME */
#define DATA_FILENAME "application_state"
#define IDLE_TIME_TRANSITION_SECONDS 30 /* If we transition to idle, only count
* this many seconds of usage */
/* The ranking algorithm we use is: every time an app score reaches SCORE_MAX,
* divide all scores by 2. Scores are raised by 1 unit every SAVE_APPS_TIMEOUT
* seconds. This mechanism allows the list to update relatively fast when
* a new app is used intensively.
* To keep the list clean, and avoid being Big Brother, apps that have not been
* seen for a week and whose score is below SCORE_MIN are removed.
/* How often we save internally app data, in seconds */
/* With this value, an app goes from bottom to top of the
* usage list in 50 hours of use */
#define SCORE_MAX (3600 * 50 / FOCUS_TIME_MIN_SECONDS)
/* If an app's score in lower than this and the app has not been used in a week,
* remove it */
#define SCORE_MIN (SCORE_MAX >> 3)
/* http://www.gnome.org/~mccann/gnome-session/docs/gnome-session.html#org.gnome.SessionManager.Presence */
typedef struct UsageData UsageData;
struct _ShellAppUsage
GObject parent;
GFile *configfile;
GDBusProxy *session_proxy;
GSettings *privacy_settings;
guint idle_focus_change_id;
guint save_id;
gboolean currently_idle;
gboolean enable_monitoring;
long watch_start_time;
ShellApp *watched_app;
/* <char *appid, UsageData *usage> */
GHashTable *app_usages;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (ShellAppUsage, shell_app_usage, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
/* Represents an application record for a given context */
struct UsageData
gdouble score; /* Based on the number of times we'e seen the app and normalized */
long last_seen; /* Used to clear old apps we've only seen a few times */
static void shell_app_usage_finalize (GObject *object);
static void on_session_status_changed (GDBusProxy *proxy, guint status, ShellAppUsage *self);
static void on_focus_app_changed (ShellWindowTracker *tracker, GParamSpec *spec, ShellAppUsage *self);
static void ensure_queued_save (ShellAppUsage *self);
static gboolean idle_save_application_usage (gpointer data);
static void restore_from_file (ShellAppUsage *self);
static void update_enable_monitoring (ShellAppUsage *self);
static void on_enable_monitoring_key_changed (GSettings *settings,
const gchar *key,
ShellAppUsage *self);
static long
get_time (void)
return g_get_real_time () / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND;
static void
shell_app_usage_class_init (ShellAppUsageClass *klass)
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
gobject_class->finalize = shell_app_usage_finalize;
static UsageData *
get_usage_for_app (ShellAppUsage *self,
ShellApp *app)
UsageData *usage;
const char *appid = shell_app_get_id (app);
usage = g_hash_table_lookup (self->app_usages, appid);
if (usage)
return usage;
usage = g_new0 (UsageData, 1);
g_hash_table_insert (self->app_usages, g_strdup (appid), usage);
return usage;
/* Limit the score to a certain level so that most used apps can change */
static void
normalize_usage (ShellAppUsage *self)
GHashTableIter iter;
UsageData *usage;
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->app_usages);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &usage))
usage->score /= 2;
static void
increment_usage_for_app_at_time (ShellAppUsage *self,
ShellApp *app,
long time)
UsageData *usage;
guint elapsed;
guint usage_count;
usage = get_usage_for_app (self, app);
usage->last_seen = time;
elapsed = time - self->watch_start_time;
usage_count = elapsed / FOCUS_TIME_MIN_SECONDS;
if (usage_count > 0)
usage->score += usage_count;
if (usage->score > SCORE_MAX)
normalize_usage (self);
ensure_queued_save (self);
static void
increment_usage_for_app (ShellAppUsage *self,
ShellApp *app)
long curtime = get_time ();
increment_usage_for_app_at_time (self, app, curtime);
static void
on_app_state_changed (ShellAppSystem *app_system,
ShellApp *app,
gpointer user_data)
ShellAppUsage *self = SHELL_APP_USAGE (user_data);
UsageData *usage;
gboolean running;
if (shell_app_is_window_backed (app))
usage = get_usage_for_app (self, app);
running = shell_app_get_state (app) == SHELL_APP_STATE_RUNNING;
if (running)
usage->last_seen = get_time ();
static void
on_focus_app_changed (ShellWindowTracker *tracker,
GParamSpec *spec,
ShellAppUsage *self)
if (self->watched_app != NULL)
increment_usage_for_app (self, self->watched_app);
if (self->watched_app)
g_object_unref (self->watched_app);
g_object_get (tracker, "focus-app", &(self->watched_app), NULL);
self->watch_start_time = get_time ();
static void
on_session_status_changed (GDBusProxy *proxy,
guint status,
ShellAppUsage *self)
gboolean idle;
idle = (status >= GNOME_SESSION_STATUS_IDLE);
if (self->currently_idle == idle)
self->currently_idle = idle;
if (idle)
long end_time;
/* The GNOME Session signal we watch is 5 minutes, but that's a long
* time for this purpose. Instead, just add a base 30 seconds.
if (self->watched_app)
end_time = self->watch_start_time + IDLE_TIME_TRANSITION_SECONDS;
increment_usage_for_app_at_time (self, self->watched_app, end_time);
/* Transitioning to !idle, reset the start time */
self->watch_start_time = get_time ();
static void
session_proxy_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy, gchar *sender_name, gchar *signal_name, GVariant *parameters, gpointer user_data)
if (g_str_equal (signal_name, "StatusChanged"))
guint status;
g_variant_get (parameters, "(u)", &status);
on_session_status_changed (proxy, status, SHELL_APP_USAGE (user_data));
static void
shell_app_usage_init (ShellAppUsage *self)
ShellGlobal *global;
char *shell_userdata_dir, *path;
GDBusConnection *session_bus;
ShellWindowTracker *tracker;
ShellAppSystem *app_system;
global = shell_global_get ();
self->app_usages = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
tracker = shell_window_tracker_get_default ();
g_signal_connect (tracker, "notify::focus-app", G_CALLBACK (on_focus_app_changed), self);
app_system = shell_app_system_get_default ();
g_signal_connect (app_system, "app-state-changed", G_CALLBACK (on_app_state_changed), self);
session_bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, NULL);
self->session_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (session_bus,
NULL, /* interface info */
NULL, /* cancellable */
NULL /* error */);
g_signal_connect (self->session_proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK (session_proxy_signal), self);
g_object_unref (session_bus);
self->currently_idle = FALSE;
self->enable_monitoring = FALSE;
g_object_get (global, "userdatadir", &shell_userdata_dir, NULL),
path = g_build_filename (shell_userdata_dir, DATA_FILENAME, NULL);
g_free (shell_userdata_dir);
self->configfile = g_file_new_for_path (path);
g_free (path);
restore_from_file (self);
self->privacy_settings = g_settings_new(PRIVACY_SCHEMA);
g_signal_connect (self->privacy_settings,
G_CALLBACK (on_enable_monitoring_key_changed),
update_enable_monitoring (self);
static void
shell_app_usage_finalize (GObject *object)
ShellAppUsage *self = SHELL_APP_USAGE (object);
g_clear_handle_id (&self->save_id, g_source_remove);
g_object_unref (self->privacy_settings);
g_object_unref (self->configfile);
g_object_unref (self->session_proxy);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (shell_app_usage_parent_class)->finalize(object);
static int
sort_apps_by_usage (gconstpointer a,
gconstpointer b,
gpointer datap)
ShellAppUsage *self = datap;
ShellApp *app_a, *app_b;
UsageData *usage_a, *usage_b;
app_a = (ShellApp*)a;
app_b = (ShellApp*)b;
usage_a = g_hash_table_lookup (self->app_usages, shell_app_get_id (app_a));
usage_b = g_hash_table_lookup (self->app_usages, shell_app_get_id (app_b));
return usage_b->score - usage_a->score;
* shell_app_usage_get_most_used:
* @usage: the usage instance to request
* Returns: (element-type ShellApp) (transfer full): List of applications
GSList *
shell_app_usage_get_most_used (ShellAppUsage *self)
GSList *apps;
char *appid;
ShellAppSystem *appsys;
GHashTableIter iter;
appsys = shell_app_system_get_default ();
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->app_usages);
apps = NULL;
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *) &appid, NULL))
ShellApp *app;
app = shell_app_system_lookup_app (appsys, appid);
if (!app)
apps = g_slist_prepend (apps, g_object_ref (app));
apps = g_slist_sort_with_data (apps, sort_apps_by_usage, self);
return apps;
* shell_app_usage_compare:
* @self: the usage instance to request
* @id_a: ID of first app
* @id_b: ID of second app
* Compare @id_a and @id_b based on frequency of use.
* Returns: -1 if @id_a ranks higher than @id_b, 1 if @id_b ranks higher
* than @id_a, and 0 if both rank equally.
shell_app_usage_compare (ShellAppUsage *self,
const char *id_a,
const char *id_b)
UsageData *usage_a, *usage_b;
usage_a = g_hash_table_lookup (self->app_usages, id_a);
usage_b = g_hash_table_lookup (self->app_usages, id_b);
if (usage_a == NULL && usage_b == NULL)
return 0;
else if (usage_a == NULL)
return 1;
else if (usage_b == NULL)
return -1;
return usage_b->score - usage_a->score;
static void
ensure_queued_save (ShellAppUsage *self)
if (self->save_id != 0)
self->save_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (SAVE_APPS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, idle_save_application_usage, self);
g_source_set_name_by_id (self->save_id, "[gnome-shell] idle_save_application_usage");
/* Clean up apps we see rarely.
* The logic behind this is that if an app was seen less than SCORE_MIN times
* and not seen for a week, it can probably be forgotten about.
* This should much reduce the size of the list and avoid 'pollution'. */
static gboolean
idle_clean_usage (ShellAppUsage *self)
GHashTableIter iter;
UsageData *usage;
long current_time;
long week_ago;
current_time = get_time ();
week_ago = current_time - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->app_usages);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &usage))
if ((usage->score < SCORE_MIN) &&
(usage->last_seen < week_ago))
g_hash_table_iter_remove (&iter);
return FALSE;
static gboolean
write_escaped (GDataOutputStream *stream,
const char *str,
GError **error)
gboolean ret;
char *quoted = g_markup_escape_text (str, -1);
ret = g_data_output_stream_put_string (stream, quoted, NULL, error);
g_free (quoted);
return ret;
static gboolean
write_attribute_string (GDataOutputStream *stream,
const char *elt_name,
const char *str,
GError **error)
gboolean ret = FALSE;
char *elt;
elt = g_strdup_printf (" %s=\"", elt_name);
ret = g_data_output_stream_put_string (stream, elt, NULL, error);
g_free (elt);
if (!ret)
goto out;
ret = write_escaped (stream, str, error);
if (!ret)
goto out;
ret = g_data_output_stream_put_string (stream, "\"", NULL, error);
return ret;
static gboolean
write_attribute_uint (GDataOutputStream *stream,
const char *elt_name,
guint value,
GError **error)
gboolean ret;
char *buf;
buf = g_strdup_printf ("%u", value);
ret = write_attribute_string (stream, elt_name, buf, error);
g_free (buf);
return ret;
static gboolean
write_attribute_double (GDataOutputStream *stream,
const char *elt_name,
double value,
GError **error)
gboolean ret;
g_ascii_dtostr (buf, sizeof (buf), value);
ret = write_attribute_string (stream, elt_name, buf, error);
return ret;
/* Save app data lists to file */
static gboolean
idle_save_application_usage (gpointer data)
ShellAppUsage *self = SHELL_APP_USAGE (data);
char *id;
GHashTableIter iter;
UsageData *usage;
GFileOutputStream *output;
GOutputStream *buffered_output;
GDataOutputStream *data_output;
GError *error = NULL;
self->save_id = 0;
/* Parent directory is already created by shell-global */
output = g_file_replace (self->configfile, NULL, FALSE, G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, NULL, &error);
if (!output)
g_debug ("Could not save applications usage data: %s", error->message);
g_error_free (error);
return FALSE;
buffered_output = g_buffered_output_stream_new (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (output));
g_object_unref (output);
data_output = g_data_output_stream_new (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (buffered_output));
g_object_unref (buffered_output);
if (!g_data_output_stream_put_string (data_output, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<application-state>\n", NULL, &error))
goto out;
if (!g_data_output_stream_put_string (data_output, " <context id=\"\">\n", NULL, &error))
goto out;
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->app_usages);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *) &id, (gpointer *) &usage))
ShellApp *app;
app = shell_app_system_lookup_app (shell_app_system_get_default(), id);
if (!app)
if (!g_data_output_stream_put_string (data_output, " <application", NULL, &error))
goto out;
if (!write_attribute_string (data_output, "id", id, &error))
goto out;
if (!write_attribute_double (data_output, "score", usage->score, &error))
goto out;
if (!write_attribute_uint (data_output, "last-seen", usage->last_seen, &error))
goto out;
if (!g_data_output_stream_put_string (data_output, "/>\n", NULL, &error))
goto out;
if (!g_data_output_stream_put_string (data_output, " </context>\n", NULL, &error))
goto out;
if (!g_data_output_stream_put_string (data_output, "</application-state>\n", NULL, &error))
goto out;
if (!error)
g_output_stream_close_async (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (data_output), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
g_object_unref (data_output);
if (error)
g_debug ("Could not save applications usage data: %s", error->message);
g_error_free (error);
return FALSE;
static void
shell_app_usage_start_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context,
const gchar *element_name,
const gchar **attribute_names,
const gchar **attribute_values,
gpointer user_data,
GError **error)
ShellAppUsage *self = user_data;
if (strcmp (element_name, "application-state") == 0)
else if (strcmp (element_name, "context") == 0)
else if (strcmp (element_name, "application") == 0)
const char **attribute;
const char **value;
UsageData *usage;
char *appid = NULL;
for (attribute = attribute_names, value = attribute_values; *attribute; attribute++, value++)
if (strcmp (*attribute, "id") == 0)
appid = g_strdup (*value);
if (!appid)
g_set_error (error,
"Missing attribute id on <%s> element",
usage = g_new0 (UsageData, 1);
g_hash_table_insert (self->app_usages, appid, usage);
for (attribute = attribute_names, value = attribute_values; *attribute; attribute++, value++)
if (strcmp (*attribute, "score") == 0)
usage->score = g_ascii_strtod (*value, NULL);
else if (strcmp (*attribute, "last-seen") == 0)
usage->last_seen = (guint) g_ascii_strtoull (*value, NULL, 10);
g_set_error (error,
"Unknown element <%s>",
static GMarkupParser app_state_parse_funcs =
/* Load data about apps usage from file */
static void
restore_from_file (ShellAppUsage *self)
GFileInputStream *input;
GMarkupParseContext *parse_context;
GError *error = NULL;
char buf[1024];
input = g_file_read (self->configfile, NULL, &error);
if (error)
if (error->code != G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
g_warning ("Could not load applications usage data: %s", error->message);
g_error_free (error);
parse_context = g_markup_parse_context_new (&app_state_parse_funcs, 0, self, NULL);
while (TRUE)
gssize count = g_input_stream_read ((GInputStream*) input, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, &error);
if (count <= 0)
goto out;
if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (parse_context, buf, count, &error))
goto out;
g_markup_parse_context_free (parse_context);
g_input_stream_close ((GInputStream*)input, NULL, NULL);
g_object_unref (input);
idle_clean_usage (self);
if (error)
g_warning ("Could not load applications usage data: %s", error->message);
g_error_free (error);
/* Enable or disable the timers, depending on the value of ENABLE_MONITORING_KEY
* and taking care of the previous state. If selfing is disabled, we still
* report apps usage based on (possibly) saved data, but don't collect data.
static void
update_enable_monitoring (ShellAppUsage *self)
gboolean enable;
enable = g_settings_get_boolean (self->privacy_settings,
/* Be sure not to start the timers if they were already set */
if (enable && !self->enable_monitoring)
on_focus_app_changed (shell_window_tracker_get_default (), NULL, self);
/* ...and don't try to stop them if they were not running */
else if (!enable && self->enable_monitoring)
if (self->watched_app)
g_object_unref (self->watched_app);
self->watched_app = NULL;
g_clear_handle_id (&self->save_id, g_source_remove);
self->enable_monitoring = enable;
/* Called when the ENABLE_MONITORING_KEY boolean has changed */
static void
on_enable_monitoring_key_changed (GSettings *settings,
const gchar *key,
ShellAppUsage *self)
update_enable_monitoring (self);
* shell_app_usage_get_default:
* Return Value: (transfer none): The global #ShellAppUsage instance
ShellAppUsage *
shell_app_usage_get_default (void)
static ShellAppUsage *instance;
if (instance == NULL)
instance = g_object_new (SHELL_TYPE_APP_USAGE, NULL);
return instance;