Jonas Ådahl ff705fa902 shell: Make singletons owned by ShellGlobal
This means also means they will be cleaned up when disposing
ShellGlobal, which will then mean signals tied to the GObject lifetime
will be disconnected.

Part-of: <>
2023-04-20 14:49:38 +02:00

399 lines
10 KiB

/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
#include "config.h"
#include "shell-app-cache-private.h"
#include "shell-global-private.h"
* SECTION:shell-app-cache
* @title: ShellAppCache
* @short_description: application information cache
* The #ShellAppCache is responsible for caching information about #GAppInfo
* to ensure that the compositor thread never needs to perform disk reads to
* access them. All of the work is done off-thread. When the new data has
* been loaded, a #ShellAppCache::changed signal is emitted.
* Additionally, the #ShellAppCache caches information about translations for
* directories. This allows translation provided in [Desktop Entry] GKeyFiles
* to be available when building StLabel and other elements without performing
* costly disk reads.
* Various monitors are used to keep this information up to date while the
* Shell is running.
struct _ShellAppCache
GObject parent_instance;
GAppInfoMonitor *monitor;
GPtrArray *dir_monitors;
GHashTable *folders;
GCancellable *cancellable;
GList *app_infos;
guint queued_update;
typedef struct
GList *app_infos;
GHashTable *folders;
} CacheState;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (ShellAppCache, shell_app_cache, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
enum {
static guint signals [N_SIGNALS];
static void
cache_state_free (CacheState *state)
g_clear_pointer (&state->folders, g_hash_table_unref);
g_list_free_full (state->app_infos, g_object_unref);
g_free (state);
static CacheState *
cache_state_new (void)
CacheState *state;
state = g_new0 (CacheState, 1);
state->folders = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
return g_steal_pointer (&state);
* shell_app_cache_get_default:
* Gets the default #ShellAppCache.
* Returns: (transfer none): a #ShellAppCache
ShellAppCache *
shell_app_cache_get_default (void)
return shell_global_get_app_cache (shell_global_get ());
static void
load_folder (GHashTable *folders,
const char *path)
g_autoptr(GDir) dir = NULL;
const char *name;
g_assert (folders != NULL);
g_assert (path != NULL);
dir = g_dir_open (path, 0, NULL);
if (dir == NULL)
while ((name = g_dir_read_name (dir)))
g_autofree gchar *filename = NULL;
g_autoptr(GKeyFile) keyfile = NULL;
/* First added wins */
if (g_hash_table_contains (folders, name))
filename = g_build_filename (path, name, NULL);
keyfile = g_key_file_new ();
if (g_key_file_load_from_file (keyfile, filename, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL))
gchar *translated;
translated = g_key_file_get_locale_string (keyfile,
"Desktop Entry", "Name",
if (translated != NULL)
g_hash_table_insert (folders, g_strdup (name), translated);
static void
load_folders (GHashTable *folders)
const char * const *dirs;
g_autofree gchar *userdir = NULL;
guint i;
g_assert (folders != NULL);
userdir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_data_dir (), "desktop-directories", NULL);
load_folder (folders, userdir);
dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs ();
for (i = 0; dirs[i] != NULL; i++)
g_autofree gchar *sysdir = g_build_filename (dirs[i], "desktop-directories", NULL);
load_folder (folders, sysdir);
static void
shell_app_cache_worker (GTask *task,
gpointer source_object,
gpointer task_data,
GCancellable *cancellable)
CacheState *state;
g_assert (G_IS_TASK (task));
g_assert (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (source_object));
state = cache_state_new ();
state->app_infos = g_app_info_get_all ();
load_folders (state->folders);
g_task_return_pointer (task, state, (GDestroyNotify) cache_state_free);
static void
apply_update_cb (GObject *object,
GAsyncResult *result,
gpointer user_data)
ShellAppCache *cache = (ShellAppCache *)object;
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
CacheState *state;
g_assert (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (cache));
g_assert (G_IS_TASK (result));
g_assert (user_data == NULL);
state = g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), &error);
if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
g_list_free_full (cache->app_infos, g_object_unref);
cache->app_infos = g_steal_pointer (&state->app_infos);
g_clear_pointer (&cache->folders, g_hash_table_unref);
cache->folders = g_steal_pointer (&state->folders);
g_signal_emit (cache, signals[CHANGED], 0);
cache_state_free (state);
static gboolean
shell_app_cache_do_update (gpointer user_data)
ShellAppCache *cache = user_data;
g_autoptr(GTask) task = NULL;
cache->queued_update = 0;
/* Reset the cancellable state so we don't race with
* two updates coming back overlapped and applying the
* information in the wrong order.
g_cancellable_cancel (cache->cancellable);
g_clear_object (&cache->cancellable);
cache->cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
task = g_task_new (cache, cache->cancellable, apply_update_cb, NULL);
g_task_set_source_tag (task, shell_app_cache_do_update);
g_task_run_in_thread (task, shell_app_cache_worker);
static void
shell_app_cache_queue_update (ShellAppCache *self)
g_assert (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (self));
if (self->queued_update != 0)
g_source_remove (self->queued_update);
self->queued_update = g_timeout_add_seconds (DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
static void
monitor_desktop_directories_for_data_dir (ShellAppCache *self,
const gchar *directory)
g_autofree gchar *subdir = NULL;
g_autoptr(GFile) file = NULL;
g_autoptr(GFileMonitor) monitor = NULL;
g_assert (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (self));
if (directory == NULL)
subdir = g_build_filename (directory, "desktop-directories", NULL);
file = g_file_new_for_path (subdir);
monitor = g_file_monitor_directory (file, G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, NULL, NULL);
if (monitor != NULL)
g_file_monitor_set_rate_limit (monitor, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000);
g_signal_connect_object (monitor,
G_CALLBACK (shell_app_cache_queue_update),
g_ptr_array_add (self->dir_monitors, g_steal_pointer (&monitor));
static void
shell_app_cache_finalize (GObject *object)
ShellAppCache *self = (ShellAppCache *)object;
g_clear_object (&self->monitor);
if (self->queued_update)
g_source_remove (self->queued_update);
self->queued_update = 0;
g_clear_pointer (&self->dir_monitors, g_ptr_array_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&self->folders, g_hash_table_unref);
g_list_free_full (self->app_infos, g_object_unref);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (shell_app_cache_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
shell_app_cache_class_init (ShellAppCacheClass *klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->finalize = shell_app_cache_finalize;
* ShellAppCache::changed:
* The "changed" signal is emitted when the cache has updated
* information about installed applications.
signals [CHANGED] =
g_signal_new ("changed",
static void
shell_app_cache_init (ShellAppCache *self)
const gchar * const *sysdirs;
guint i;
/* Monitor directories for translation changes */
self->dir_monitors = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref);
monitor_desktop_directories_for_data_dir (self, g_get_user_data_dir ());
sysdirs = g_get_system_data_dirs ();
for (i = 0; sysdirs[i] != NULL; i++)
monitor_desktop_directories_for_data_dir (self, sysdirs[i]);
/* Load translated directory names immediately */
self->folders = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
load_folders (self->folders);
/* Setup AppMonitor to track changes */
self->monitor = g_app_info_monitor_get ();
g_signal_connect_object (self->monitor,
G_CALLBACK (shell_app_cache_queue_update),
self->app_infos = g_app_info_get_all ();
* shell_app_cache_get_all:
* @cache: (nullable): a #ShellAppCache or %NULL
* Like g_app_info_get_all() but always returns a
* cached set of application info so the caller can be
* sure that I/O will not happen on the current thread.
* Returns: (transfer none) (element-type GAppInfo):
* a #GList of references to #GAppInfo.
GList *
shell_app_cache_get_all (ShellAppCache *cache)
g_return_val_if_fail (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (cache), NULL);
return cache->app_infos;
* shell_app_cache_get_info:
* @cache: (nullable): a #ShellAppCache or %NULL
* @id: the application id
* A replacement for g_desktop_app_info_new() that will lookup the
* information from the cache instead of (re)loading from disk.
* Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): a #GDesktopAppInfo or %NULL
GDesktopAppInfo *
shell_app_cache_get_info (ShellAppCache *cache,
const char *id)
const GList *iter;
g_return_val_if_fail (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (cache), NULL);
for (iter = cache->app_infos; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
GAppInfo *info = iter->data;
if (g_strcmp0 (id, g_app_info_get_id (info)) == 0)
return G_DESKTOP_APP_INFO (info);
return NULL;
* shell_app_cache_translate_folder:
* @cache: (nullable): a #ShellAppCache or %NULL
* @name: the folder name
* Gets the translated folder name for @name if any exists.
* Returns: (nullable): the translated string or %NULL if there is no
* translation.
char *
shell_app_cache_translate_folder (ShellAppCache *cache,
const char *name)
g_return_val_if_fail (SHELL_IS_APP_CACHE (cache), NULL);
if (name == NULL)
return NULL;
return g_strdup (g_hash_table_lookup (cache->folders, name));