This is a start towards implementing the 02 overlay design. The default applications has moved into GConf. We keep around an AppDisplay instance for handling the right side behavior.
628 lines
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628 lines
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Big = imports.gi.Big;
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Pango = imports.gi.Pango;
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const Tidy = imports.gi.Tidy;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const AppInfo = imports.misc.appInfo;
const DND = imports.ui.dnd;
const GenericDisplay = imports.ui.genericDisplay;
const ENTERED_MENU_COLOR = new Clutter.Color();
const APP_ICON_SIZE = 48;
const MENU_ICON_SIZE = 24;
const MENU_SPACING = 15;
const MAX_ITEMS = 30;
/* This class represents a single display item containing information about an application.
* appInfo - AppInfo object containing information about the application
* availableWidth - total width available for the item
function AppDisplayItem(appInfo, availableWidth) {
this._init(appInfo, availableWidth);
AppDisplayItem.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericDisplay.GenericDisplayItem.prototype,
_init : function(appInfo, availableWidth) {
GenericDisplay.GenericDisplayItem.prototype._init.call(this, availableWidth);
this._appInfo = appInfo;
this._setItemInfo(appInfo.name, appInfo.description,
//// Public method overrides ////
// Opens an application represented by this display item.
launch : function() {
//// Protected method overrides ////
// Ensures the preview icon is created.
_ensurePreviewIconCreated : function() {
if (!this._showPreview || this._previewIcon)
let previewIconPath = this._appInfo.getIconPath(GenericDisplay.PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE);
if (previewIconPath) {
try {
this._previewIcon = new Clutter.Texture({ width: GenericDisplay.PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE, height: GenericDisplay.PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE});
} catch (e) {
// we can get an error here if the file path doesn't exist on the system
log('Error loading AppDisplayItem preview icon ' + e);
const MENU_SELECTED = 1;
const MENU_ENTERED = 2;
function MenuItem(name, id, iconName) {
this._init(name, id, iconName);
* MenuItem:
* Shows the list of menus in the sidebar.
MenuItem.prototype = {
_init: function(name, id, iconName) {
this.id = id;
this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL,
spacing: 4,
corner_radius: 4,
padding_right: 4,
reactive: true });
this.actor.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, function (a, e) {
let iconTheme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default();
let pixbuf = null;
this._icon = new Clutter.Texture({ width: MENU_ICON_SIZE,
height: MENU_ICON_SIZE });
// Wine manages not to have an icon
try {
pixbuf = iconTheme.load_icon(iconName, MENU_ICON_SIZE, 0 /* flags */);
} catch (e) {
pixbuf = iconTheme.load_icon('gtk-file', MENU_ICON_SIZE, 0);
if (pixbuf != null)
Shell.clutter_texture_set_from_pixbuf(this._icon, pixbuf);
this.actor.append(this._icon, 0);
this._text = new Clutter.Text({ color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
font_name: "Sans 14px",
ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END,
text: name });
this.actor.append(this._text, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
let box = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL,
y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER
this._arrow = new Shell.Arrow({ surface_width: MENU_ICON_SIZE/2,
surface_height: MENU_ICON_SIZE/2,
direction: Gtk.ArrowType.RIGHT,
opacity: 0
box.append(this._arrow, 0);
this.actor.append(box, 0);
getState: function() {
return this._state;
setState: function (state) {
if (state == this._state)
this._state = state;
if (this._state == MENU_UNSELECTED) {
this.actor.background_color = null;
} else if (this._state == MENU_ENTERED) {
this.actor.background_color = ENTERED_MENU_COLOR;
} else {
this.actor.background_color = GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR;
/* This class represents a display containing a collection of application items.
* The applications are sorted based on their popularity by default, and based on
* their name if some search filter is applied.
* width - width available for the display
* height - height available for the display
function AppDisplay(width, height, numberOfColumns, columnGap) {
this._init(width, height, numberOfColumns, columnGap);
AppDisplay.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericDisplay.GenericDisplay.prototype,
_init : function(width, height, numberOfColumns, columnGap) {
GenericDisplay.GenericDisplay.prototype._init.call(this, width, height, numberOfColumns, columnGap);
this._menus = [];
this._menuDisplays = [];
// map<itemId, array of category names>
this._appCategories = {};
this._appMonitor = Shell.AppMonitor.get_default();
this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
this._appsStale = true;
this._appSystem.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function(appSys) {
this._appsStale = true;
// We still need to determine what events other than search can trigger
// a change in the set of applications that are being shown while the
// user in in the overlay mode, however let's redisplay just in case.
this._appMonitor.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function(monitor) {
this._appsStale = true;
// Load the GAppInfos now so it doesn't slow down the first
// transition into the overlay
this._focusInMenus = true;
this._activeMenuIndex = -1;
this._activeMenu = null;
this._activeMenuApps = null;
this._menuDisplay = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
this.connect('expanded', Lang.bind(this, function (self) {
moveRight: function() {
if (this._expanded && this._focusInMenu) {
this._focusInMenu = false;
moveLeft: function() {
if (this._expanded && !this._focusInMenu) {
this._focusInMenu = true;
// Override genericDisplay.js
getSideArea: function() {
return this._menuDisplay;
selectUp: function() {
if (!(this._expanded && this._focusInMenu))
return GenericDisplay.GenericDisplay.prototype.selectUp.call(this);
this._selectMenuIndex(this._activeMenuIndex - 1);
return true;
selectDown: function() {
if (!(this._expanded && this._focusInMenu))
return GenericDisplay.GenericDisplay.prototype.selectDown.call(this);
return true;
// Protected overrides
_filterActive: function() {
return !!this._search || this._activeMenuIndex >= 0;
_filterReset: function() {
if (this._activeMenu != null)
this._activeMenuIndex = -1;
this._activeMenu = null;
this._focusInMenu = true;
//// Private ////
_emitStateChange: function() {
_selectMenuIndex: function(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this._menus.length)
_redisplayMenus: function() {
for (let i = 0; i < this._menus.length; i++) {
let menu = this._menus[i];
let display = new MenuItem(menu.name, menu.id, menu.icon);
let menuIndex = i;
display.connect('state-changed', Lang.bind(this, function (display) {
let activated = display.getState() != MENU_UNSELECTED;
if (!activated && display == this._activeMenu) {
this._activeMenuIndex = -1;
this._activeMenu = null;
} else if (activated) {
if (display != this._activeMenu && this._activeMenu != null)
this._activeMenuIndex = menuIndex;
this._activeMenu = display;
this._activeMenuApps = this._appSystem.get_applications_for_menu(menu.id);
this._menuDisplay.append(display.actor, 0);
_addAppForId: function(appId) {
let appInfo = AppInfo.getAppInfo(appId);
if (appInfo != null) {
} else {
log("appInfo for " + appId + " was not found.");
_addApp: function(appInfo) {
let appId = appInfo.id;
this._allItems[appId] = appInfo;
// [] is returned if we could not get the categories or the list of categories was empty
let categories = Shell.get_categories_for_desktop_file(appId);
this._appCategories[appId] = categories;
// Gets information about all applications by calling Gio.app_info_get_all().
_refreshCache : function() {
let me = this;
if (!this._appsStale)
this._allItems = {};
this._appCategories = {};
this._menus = this._appSystem.get_menus();
// Loop over the toplevel menu items, load the set of desktop file ids
// associated with each one
for (let i = 0; i < this._menus.length; i++) {
let menu = this._menus[i];
let menuApps = this._appSystem.get_applications_for_menu(menu.id);
for (let j = 0; j < menuApps.length; j++) {
let appId = menuApps[j];
// Now grab the desktop file ids for settings/preferences.
// These show up in search, but not with the rest of apps.
let settings = this._appSystem.get_all_settings();
for (let i = 0; i < settings.length; i++) {
let appId = settings[i];
// Some applications, such as Evince, might not be in the menus,
// but might be returned by the applications monitor as most used
// applications, in which case we include them.
let mostUsedAppInfos = AppInfo.getMostUsedApps(MAX_ITEMS);
for (let i = 0; i < mostUsedAppInfos.length; i++) {
let appInfo = mostUsedAppInfos[i];
this._appsStale = false;
// Sets the list of the displayed items based on the most used apps.
_setDefaultList : function() {
let matchedInfos = AppInfo.getMostUsedApps(MAX_ITEMS);
this._matchedItems = matchedInfos.map(function(info) { return info.appId; });
// Compares items associated with the item ids based on the alphabetical order
// of the item names.
// Returns an integer value indicating the result of the comparison.
_compareItems : function(itemIdA, itemIdB) {
let appA = this._allItems[itemIdA];
let appB = this._allItems[itemIdB];
return appA.name.localeCompare(appB.name);
// Checks if the item info can be a match for the search string by checking
// the name, description, execution command, and categories for the application.
// Item info is expected to be GAppInfo.
// Returns a boolean flag indicating if itemInfo is a match.
_isInfoMatching : function(itemInfo, search) {
// Search takes precedence; not typically useful to search within a
// menu
if (this._activeMenu == null || search != "")
return this._isInfoMatchingSearch(itemInfo, search);
return this._isInfoMatchingMenu(itemInfo, search);
_isInfoMatchingMenu : function(itemInfo, search) {
let id = itemInfo.id;
for (let i = 0; i < this._activeMenuApps.length; i++) {
let activeId = this._activeMenuApps[i];
if (activeId == id)
return true;
return false;
_isInfoMatchingSearch: function(itemInfo, search) {
if (search == null || search == '')
return true;
let name = itemInfo.name.toLowerCase();
if (name.indexOf(search) >= 0)
return true;
let description = itemInfo.description;
if (description) {
description = description.toLowerCase();
if (description.indexOf(search) >= 0)
return true;
if (itemInfo.executable == null) {
log("Missing an executable for " + itemInfo.name);
} else {
let exec = itemInfo.executable.toLowerCase();
if (exec.indexOf(search) >= 0)
return true;
// we expect this._appCategories.hasOwnProperty(itemInfo.id) to always be true here
let categories = this._appCategories[itemInfo.id];
for (let i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
let category = categories[i].toLowerCase();
if (category.indexOf(search) >= 0)
return true;
return false;
// Creates an AppDisplayItem based on itemInfo, which is expected be an AppInfo object.
_createDisplayItem: function(itemInfo) {
return new AppDisplayItem(itemInfo, this._columnWidth);
function WellDisplayItem(appInfo, isFavorite) {
this._init(appInfo, isFavorite);
WellDisplayItem.prototype = {
_init : function(appInfo, isFavorite) {
this.appInfo = appInfo;
this.isFavorite = isFavorite;
this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
reactive: true });
this.actor._delegate = this;
this.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function (b, e) {
let draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this.actor);
this._icon = appInfo.getIcon(APP_ICON_SIZE);
this.actor.append(this._icon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
let count = Shell.AppMonitor.get_default().get_window_count(appInfo.appId);
this._name = new Clutter.Text({ color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
font_name: "Sans 12px",
ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END,
text: appInfo.name });
if (count > 0) {
let runningBox = new Big.Box({ /* border_color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
border: 1,
padding: 1 */ });
runningBox.append(this._name, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
this.actor.append(runningBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
} else {
this.actor.append(this._name, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
// Opens an application represented by this display item.
launch : function() {
// Draggable interface - FIXME deduplicate with GenericDisplay
getDragActor: function(stageX, stageY) {
this.dragActor = new Clutter.Clone({ source: this._icon });
[this.dragActor.width, this.dragActor.height] = this._icon.get_transformed_size();
// If the user dragged from the icon itself, then position
// the dragActor over the original icon. Otherwise center it
// around the pointer
let [iconX, iconY] = this._icon.get_transformed_position();
let [iconWidth, iconHeight] = this._icon.get_transformed_size();
if (stageX > iconX && stageX <= iconX + iconWidth &&
stageY > iconY && stageY <= iconY + iconHeight)
this.dragActor.set_position(iconX, iconY);
this.dragActor.set_position(stageX - this.dragActor.width / 2, stageY - this.dragActor.height / 2);
return this.dragActor;
// Returns the original icon that is being used as a source for the cloned texture
// that represents the item as it is being dragged.
getDragActorSource: function() {
return this._icon;
function WellArea(width, isFavorite) {
this._init(width, isFavorite);
WellArea.prototype = {
_init : function(width, isFavorite) {
this.isFavorite = isFavorite;
this.actor = new Tidy.Grid({ width: width });
this.actor._delegate = this;
redisplay: function (infos) {
let children;
children = this.actor.get_children();
children.forEach(Lang.bind(this, function (v) {
for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
let display = new WellDisplayItem(infos[i], this.isFavorite);
display.connect('activated', Lang.bind(this, function (display) {
this.emit('activated', display);
// Draggable target interface
acceptDrop : function(source, actor, x, y, time) {
let global = Shell.Global.get();
if (!(source instanceof WellDisplayItem)) {
return false;
let appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
let id = source.appInfo.appId;
if (source.isFavorite && (!this.isFavorite)) {
Mainloop.idle_add(function () {
} else if ((!source.isFavorite) && this.isFavorite) {
Mainloop.idle_add(function () {
return true;
function AppWell(width) {
AppWell.prototype = {
_init : function(width) {
this._menus = [];
this._menuDisplays = [];
this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
width: width });
this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
this._appMonitor = Shell.AppMonitor.get_default();
this._appSystem.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function(appSys) {
this._appMonitor.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function(monitor) {
this._favoritesArea = new WellArea(width, true);
this._favoritesArea.connect('activated', Lang.bind(this, function (a, display) {
this.actor.append(this._favoritesArea.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
this._runningBox = new Big.Box({ border_color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
border: 1,
corner_radius: 3,
padding: GenericDisplay.PREVIEW_BOX_PADDING });
this._runningArea = new WellArea(width, false);
this._runningArea.connect('activated', Lang.bind(this, function (a, display) {
this._runningBox.append(this._runningArea.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
this.actor.append(this._runningBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
_redisplay: function() {
let arrayToObject = function(a) {
let o = {};
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
o[a[i]] = 1;
return o;
let favorites = AppInfo.getFavorites();
let favoriteIds = arrayToObject(favorites.map(function (e) { return e.appId; }));
let running = AppInfo.getRunning().filter(function (e) {
return !(e.appId in favoriteIds);