ShellTheme replaces both NbtkStyle and ccss_stylesheet_t. The interface NbtkStylable is replaced by usage of ShellThemeNode. A concrete node class allows some significant optimizations of property inheritance that would have been much more difficult to achieve with the highly abstract pair of NbtkStylable and ccss_node_t. Some operations that were previously on NbtkStylable (like the ::style-changed signal) are directly on NtkWidget. Custom properties are no longer registered as param-specs; instead you call directly into shell theme node to look up a length or color: shell_theme_node_get_length (theme_node, "border-spacing", FALSE, &spacing); The dependency on libccss is dropped, while preserving all existing functionality and adding proper parsing and inheritance of font properties and proper inheritance for the 'color' property. Some more javascript tests for CSS functionality are added; workarounds for a CSS bug where *.some-class was needed instead of .some-class are removed.
304 lines
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304 lines
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk;
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Nbtk = imports.gi.Nbtk;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const Chrome = imports.ui.chrome;
const Environment = imports.ui.environment;
const Overview = imports.ui.overview;
const Panel = imports.ui.panel;
const RunDialog = imports.ui.runDialog;
const LookingGlass = imports.ui.lookingGlass;
const Sidebar = imports.ui.sidebar;
const WindowManager = imports.ui.windowManager;
const DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color();
let chrome = null;
let panel = null;
let sidebar = null;
let overview = null;
let runDialog = null;
let lookingGlass = null;
let wm = null;
let recorder = null;
let modalCount = 0;
let modalActorFocusStack = [];
function start() {
// Add a binding for "global" in the global JS namespace; (gjs
// keeps the web browser convention of having that namespace be
// called "window".)
window.global = Shell.Global.get();
// Ensure ShellAppMonitor is initialized; this will
// also initialize ShellAppSystem first. ShellAppSystem
// needs to load all the .desktop files, and ShellAppMonitor
// will use those to associate with windows. Right now
// the Monitor doesn't listen for installed app changes
// and recalculate application associations, so to avoid
// races for now we initialize it here. It's better to
// be predictable anyways.
// The background color really only matters if there is no desktop
// window (say, nautilus) running. We set it mostly so things look good
// when we are running inside Xephyr.
global.stage.color = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR;
// Mutter currently hardcodes putting "Yessir. The compositor is running""
// in the Overview. Clear that out.
let children = global.overlay_group.get_children();
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
let themeContext = Shell.ThemeContext.get_for_stage (global.stage);
let stylesheetPath = global.datadir + "/theme/gnome-shell.css";
let theme = new Shell.Theme ({ application_stylesheet: stylesheetPath });
themeContext.set_theme (theme);
global.connect('panel-run-dialog', function(panel) {
// Make sure not more than one run dialog is shown.
overview = new Overview.Overview();
chrome = new Chrome.Chrome();
panel = new Panel.Panel();
sidebar = new Sidebar.Sidebar();
wm = new WindowManager.WindowManager();
global.screen.connect('toggle-recording', function() {
if (recorder == null) {
recorder = new Shell.Recorder({ stage: global.stage });
if (recorder.is_recording()) {
} else {
let display = global.screen.get_display();
display.connect('overlay-key', Lang.bind(overview, overview.toggle));
global.connect('panel-main-menu', Lang.bind(overview, overview.toggle));
global.stage.connect('captured-event', _globalKeyPressHandler);
function _relayout() {
panel.actor.set_size(global.screen_width, Panel.PANEL_HEIGHT);
// metacity-clutter currently uses the same prefs as plain metacity,
// which probably means we'll be starting out with multiple workspaces;
// remove any unused ones. (We do this from an idle handler, because
// global.get_windows() still returns NULL at the point when start()
// is called.)
function _removeUnusedWorkspaces() {
let windows = global.get_windows();
let maxWorkspace = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
let win = windows[i];
if (!win.get_meta_window().is_on_all_workspaces() &&
win.get_workspace() > maxWorkspace) {
maxWorkspace = win.get_workspace();
let screen = global.screen;
if (screen.n_workspaces > maxWorkspace) {
for (let w = screen.n_workspaces - 1; w > maxWorkspace; w--) {
let workspace = screen.get_workspace_by_index(w);
screen.remove_workspace(workspace, 0);
return false;
// This function encapsulates hacks to make certain global keybindings
// work even when we are in one of our modes where global keybindings
// are disabled with a global grab. (When there is a global grab, then
// all key events will be delivered to the stage, so ::captured-event
// on the stage can be used for global keybindings.)
// We expect to need to conditionally enable just a few keybindings
// depending on circumstance; the main hackiness here is that we are
// assuming that keybindings have their default values; really we
// should be asking Mutter to resolve the key into an action and then
// base our handling based on the action.
function _globalKeyPressHandler(actor, event) {
if (modalCount == 0)
return false;
let type = event.type();
if (type == Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS) {
let symbol = event.get_key_symbol();
if (symbol == Clutter.Print) {
// We want to be able to take screenshots of the shell at all times
let gconf = Shell.GConf.get_default();
let command = gconf.get_string("/apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_screenshot");
if (command != null && command != "") {
let [ok, len, args] = GLib.shell_parse_argv(command);
let p = new Shell.Process({'args' : args});
return true;
} else if (type == Clutter.EventType.KEY_RELEASE) {
let symbol = event.get_key_symbol();
if (symbol == Clutter.Super_L || symbol == Clutter.Super_R) {
// The super key is the default for triggering the overview, and should
// get us out of the overview when we are already in it.
if (overview.visible)
return true;
} else if (symbol == Clutter.F2 && (event.get_state() & Clutter.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK)) {
return false;
function _findModal(actor) {
for (let i = 0; i < modalActorFocusStack.length; i++) {
let [stackActor, stackFocus] = modalActorFocusStack[i];
if (stackActor == actor) {
return i;
return -1;
* pushModal:
* @actor: #ClutterActor which will be given keyboard focus
* Ensure we are in a mode where all keyboard and mouse input goes to
* the stage. Multiple calls to this function act in a stacking fashion;
* the effect will be undone when an equal number of popModal() invocations
* have been made.
* Next, record the current Clutter keyboard focus on a stack. If the modal stack
* returns to this actor, reset the focus to the actor which was focused
* at the time pushModal() was invoked.
function pushModal(actor) {
let timestamp = global.screen.get_display().get_current_time();
modalCount += 1;
actor.connect('destroy', function() {
let index = _findModal(actor);
if (index >= 0)
modalActorFocusStack.splice(index, 1);
let curFocus = global.stage.get_key_focus();
if (curFocus != null) {
curFocus.connect('destroy', function() {
let index = _findModal(actor);
if (index >= 0)
modalActorFocusStack[index][1] = null;
modalActorFocusStack.push([actor, curFocus]);
if (modalCount > 1)
if (!global.begin_modal(timestamp)) {
log("pushModal: invocation of begin_modal failed");
* popModal:
* @actor: #ClutterActor passed to original invocation of pushModal().
* Reverse the effect of pushModal(). If this invocation is undoing
* the topmost invocation, then the focus will be restored to the
* previous focus at the time when pushModal() was invoked.
function popModal(actor) {
let timestamp = global.screen.get_display().get_current_time();
modalCount -= 1;
let focusIndex = _findModal(actor);
if (focusIndex >= 0) {
if (focusIndex == modalActorFocusStack.length - 1) {
let [stackActor, stackFocus] = modalActorFocusStack[focusIndex];
} else {
// Remove from the middle, shift the focus chain up
for (let i = focusIndex; i < modalActorFocusStack.length - 1; i++) {
modalActorFocusStack[i + 1][1] = modalActorFocusStack[i][1];
modalActorFocusStack.splice(focusIndex, 1);
if (modalCount > 0)
function createLookingGlass() {
if (lookingGlass == null) {
lookingGlass = new LookingGlass.LookingGlass();
return lookingGlass;
function getRunDialog() {
if (runDialog == null) {
runDialog = new RunDialog.RunDialog();
return runDialog;
function createAppLaunchContext() {
let screen = global.screen;
let display = screen.get_display();
let context = new Gdk.AppLaunchContext();
// Make sure that the app is opened on the current workspace even if
// the user switches before it starts
return context;