We have made good progress on object literals as well, although there are still a lot that use the old style, given how ubiquitous object literals are. But the needed reindentation isn't overly intrusive, as changes are limited to the object literals themselves (i.e. they don't affect surrounding code). And given that object literals account for quite a bit of the remaining differences between regular and legacy rules, doing the transition now is still worthwhile. Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/merge_requests/2200>
354 lines
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354 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/* exported sleep, waitLeisure, createTestWindow, waitTestWindows,
destroyTestWindows, defineScriptEvent, scriptEvent,
collectStatistics, runPerfScript */
const { Gio, GLib, Meta, Shell } = imports.gi;
const Config = imports.misc.config;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Params = imports.misc.params;
const Util = imports.misc.util;
const { loadInterfaceXML } = imports.misc.fileUtils;
// This module provides functionality for driving the shell user interface
// in an automated fashion. The primary current use case for this is
// automated performance testing (see runPerfScript()), but it could
// be applied to other forms of automation, such as testing for
// correctness as well.
// When scripting an automated test we want to make a series of calls
// in a linear fashion, but we also want to be able to let the main
// loop run so actions can finish. For this reason we write the script
// as an async function that uses await when it wants to let the main
// loop run.
// await Scripting.sleep(1000);
// main.overview.show();
// await Scripting.waitLeisure();
* sleep:
* @param {number} milliseconds - number of milliseconds to wait
* @returns {Promise} that resolves after @milliseconds ms
* Used within an automation script to pause the the execution of the
* current script for the specified amount of time. Use as
* 'yield Scripting.sleep(500);'
function sleep(milliseconds) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let id = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, milliseconds, () => {
GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(id, '[gnome-shell] sleep');
* waitLeisure:
* @returns {Promise} that resolves when the shell is idle
* Used within an automation script to pause the the execution of the
* current script until the shell is completely idle. Use as
* 'yield Scripting.waitLeisure();'
function waitLeisure() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const PerfHelperIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Shell.PerfHelper');
var PerfHelperProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(PerfHelperIface);
function PerfHelper() {
return new PerfHelperProxy(Gio.DBus.session, 'org.gnome.Shell.PerfHelper', '/org/gnome/Shell/PerfHelper');
let _perfHelper = null;
function _getPerfHelper() {
if (_perfHelper == null)
_perfHelper = new PerfHelper();
return _perfHelper;
function _spawnPerfHelper() {
let path = Config.LIBEXECDIR;
let command = `${path}/gnome-shell-perf-helper`;
function _callRemote(obj, method, ...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
args.push((result, excp) => {
if (excp)
method.apply(obj, args);
* createTestWindow:
* @param {Object} params: options for window creation.
* {number} [params.width=640] - width of window, in pixels
* {number} [params.height=480] - height of window, in pixels
* {bool} [params.alpha=false] - whether the window should have an alpha channel
* {bool} [params.maximized=false] - whether the window should be created maximized
* {bool} [params.redraws=false] - whether the window should continually redraw itself
* @returns {Promise}
* Creates a window using gnome-shell-perf-helper for testing purposes.
* While this function can be used with yield in an automation
* script to pause until the D-Bus call to the helper process returns,
* because of the normal X asynchronous mapping process, to actually wait
* until the window has been mapped and exposed, use waitTestWindows().
function createTestWindow(params) {
params = Params.parse(params, {
width: 640,
height: 480,
alpha: false,
maximized: false,
redraws: false,
let perfHelper = _getPerfHelper();
return _callRemote(perfHelper, perfHelper.CreateWindowRemote,
params.width, params.height,
params.alpha, params.maximized, params.redraws);
* waitTestWindows:
* @returns {Promise}
* Used within an automation script to pause until all windows previously
* created with createTestWindow have been mapped and exposed.
function waitTestWindows() {
let perfHelper = _getPerfHelper();
return _callRemote(perfHelper, perfHelper.WaitWindowsRemote);
* destroyTestWindows:
* @returns {Promise}
* Destroys all windows previously created with createTestWindow().
* While this function can be used with yield in an automation
* script to pause until the D-Bus call to the helper process returns,
* this doesn't guarantee that Mutter has actually finished the destroy
* process because of normal X asynchronicity.
function destroyTestWindows() {
let perfHelper = _getPerfHelper();
return _callRemote(perfHelper, perfHelper.DestroyWindowsRemote);
* defineScriptEvent
* @param {string} name: The event will be called script.<name>
* @param {string} description: Short human-readable description of the event
* Convenience function to define a zero-argument performance event
* within the 'script' namespace that is reserved for events defined locally
* within a performance automation script
function defineScriptEvent(name, description) {
* scriptEvent
* @param {string} name: Name registered with defineScriptEvent()
* Convenience function to record a script-local performance event
* previously defined with defineScriptEvent
function scriptEvent(name) {
* collectStatistics
* Convenience function to trigger statistics collection
function collectStatistics() {
function _collect(scriptModule, outputFile) {
let eventHandlers = {};
for (let f in scriptModule) {
let m = /([A-Za-z]+)_([A-Za-z]+)/.exec(f);
if (m)
eventHandlers[`${m[1]}.${m[2]}`] = scriptModule[f];
(time, eventName, signature, arg) => {
if (eventName in eventHandlers)
eventHandlers[eventName](time, arg);
if ('finish' in scriptModule)
if (outputFile) {
let f = Gio.file_new_for_path(outputFile);
let raw = f.replace(null, false,
let out = Gio.BufferedOutputStream.new_sized(raw, 4096);
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, "{\n");
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, '"events":\n');
let monitors = Main.layoutManager.monitors;
let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex;
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n"monitors":\n[');
for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) {
let monitor = monitors[i];
if (i != 0)
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ', ');
const prefix = i === primary ? '*' : '';
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ' ]');
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n"metrics":\n[ ');
let first = true;
for (let name in scriptModule.METRICS) {
let metric = scriptModule.METRICS[name];
// Extra checks here because JSON.stringify generates
// invalid JSON for undefined values
if (metric.description == null) {
log(`Error: No description found for metric ${name}`);
if (metric.units == null) {
log(`Error: No units found for metric ${name}`);
if (metric.value == null) {
log(`Error: No value found for metric ${name}`);
if (!first)
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n ');
first = false;
`{ "name": ${JSON.stringify(name)},\n` +
` "description": ${JSON.stringify(metric.description)},\n` +
` "units": ${JSON.stringify(metric.units)},\n` +
` "value": ${JSON.stringify(metric.value)} }`);
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ' ]');
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n"log":\n');
Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, '\n}\n');
} else {
let metrics = [];
for (let metric in scriptModule.METRICS)
for (let i = 0; i < metrics.length; i++) {
let metric = metrics[i];
print(`# ${scriptModule.METRICS[metric].description}`);
print(`${metric}: ${scriptModule.METRICS[metric].value}${scriptModule.METRICS[metric].units}`);
async function _runPerfScript(scriptModule, outputFile) {
try {
await scriptModule.run();
} catch (err) {
log(`Script failed: ${err}\n${err.stack}`);
try {
_collect(scriptModule, outputFile);
} catch (err) {
log(`Script failed: ${err}\n${err.stack}`);
* runPerfScript
* @param {Object} scriptModule: module object with run and finish
* functions and event handlers
* @param {string} outputFile: path to write output to
* Runs a script for automated collection of performance data. The
* script is defined as a Javascript module with specified contents.
* First the run() function within the module will be called as a
* generator to automate a series of actions. These actions will
* trigger performance events and the script can also record its
* own performance events.
* Then the recorded event log is replayed using handler functions
* within the module. The handler for the event 'foo.bar' is called
* foo_bar().
* Finally if the module has a function called finish(), that will
* be called.
* The event handler and finish functions are expected to fill in
* metrics to an object within the module called METRICS. Each
* property of this object represents an individual metric. The
* name of the property is the name of the metric, the value
* of the property is an object with the following properties:
* description: human readable description of the metric
* units: a string representing the units of the metric. It has
* the form '<unit> <unit> ... / <unit> / <unit> ...'. Certain
* unit values are recognized: s, ms, us, B, KiB, MiB. Other
* values can appear but are uninterpreted. Examples 's',
* '/ s', 'frames', 'frames / s', 'MiB / s / frame'
* value: computed value of the metric
* The resulting metrics will be written to @outputFile as JSON, or,
* if @outputFile is not provided, logged.
* After running the script and collecting statistics from the
* event log, GNOME Shell will exit.
function runPerfScript(scriptModule, outputFile) {
() => _runPerfScript(scriptModule, outputFile),