As Gdk.Device.get_state() does not work properly from Javascript, we used to block it in the environment. The method now has been annotated with (skip), causing shell to crash on startup as only existing methods may be blocked. Just remove the block in question, as the annotation prevents the use of that method anyway.
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/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Gettext_gtk30 = imports.gettext.domain('gtk30');
const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener;
const Format = imports.misc.format;
// "monkey patch" in some varargs ClutterContainer methods; we need
// to do this per-container class since there is no representation
// of interfaces in Javascript
function _patchContainerClass(containerClass) {
// This one is a straightforward mapping of the C method
containerClass.prototype.child_set = function(actor, props) {
let meta = this.get_child_meta(actor);
for (prop in props)
meta[prop] = props[prop];
// clutter_container_add() actually is a an add-many-actors
// method. We conveniently, but somewhat dubiously, take the
// this opportunity to make it do something more useful.
containerClass.prototype.add = function(actor, props) {
if (props)
this.child_set(actor, props);
// Replace @method with something that throws an error instead
function _blockMethod(method, replacement, reason) {
let match = method.match(/^(.+)\.([^.]+)$/);
if (!match)
throw new Error('Bad method name "' + method + '"');
let proto = 'imports.gi.' + match[1] + '.prototype';
let property = match[2];
if (!global.set_property_mutable(proto, property, true))
throw new Error('Bad method name "' + method + '"');
// eval() is evil in general, but we know it's safe here since
// set_property_mutable() would have failed if proto was
// malformed.
let node = eval(proto);
let msg = 'Do not use "' + method + '".';
if (replacement)
msg += ' Use "' + replacement + '" instead.';
if (reason)
msg += ' (' + reason + ')';
node[property] = function() {
throw new Error(msg);
global.set_property_mutable(proto, property, false);
function init() {
String.prototype.format = Format.format;
// Set the default direction for St widgets (this needs to be done before any use of St)
if (Gettext_gtk30.gettext('default:LTR') == 'default:RTL') {
let slowdownEnv = GLib.getenv('GNOME_SHELL_SLOWDOWN_FACTOR');
if (slowdownEnv) {
let factor = parseFloat(slowdownEnv);
if (!isNaN(factor) && factor > 0.0)
Clutter.Actor.prototype.toString = function() {
return St.describe_actor(this);
if (window.global === undefined) // test environment
_blockMethod('Clutter.Event.get_state', 'Shell.get_event_state',
'gjs\'s handling of Clutter.ModifierType is broken. See bug 597292.');
_blockMethod('Gdk.Window.get_device_position', 'global.get_pointer',
'gjs\'s handling of Gdk.ModifierType is broken. See bug 597292.');
// Now close the back door to prevent extensions from trying to
// abuse it. We can't actually delete it since
// Shell.Global.prototype itself is read-only.
global.set_property_mutable('imports.gi.Shell.Global.prototype', 'set_property_mutable', true);
Shell.Global.prototype.set_property_mutable = undefined;