2020-03-02 11:59:43 +01:00

47 lines
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<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
@short_description: D-Bus proxy to access dual-GPU controls.
After checking the availability of two switchable GPUs in the machine,
check the value of net.hadess.SwitcherooControl.HasDualGpu to see
if running applications on the discrete GPU should be offered.
The object path will be "/net/hadess/SwitcherooControl".
<interface name="net.hadess.SwitcherooControl">
Whether two switchable GPUs are present on the system. This property
has been obsoleted in favour of the "NumGPUs" property.
<property name="HasDualGpu" type="b" access="read"/>
The number of GPUs available on the system. Note that while having no
GPUs is unlikely, consumers of this API should probably not throw errors
if that were the case.
<property name="NumGPUs" type="u" access="read"/>
An array of key-pair values representing each GPU. The key named "Name" (s)
will contain a user-facing name for the GPU, the "Environment" (as) key will
contain an array of even number of strings, each being an environment
variable to set to use the GPU, followed by its value, the "Default" (b) key
will tag the default (usually integrated) GPU.
<property name="GPUs" type="aa{sv}" access="read"/>