Mainly due to StTextureCache's way of handling fallback icons, an implementation of BaseIcon.createIcon() may return an icon smaller than the requested size. Given that BaseIcon is not used for isolated elements, but rather for groups of related items (App view, Dash, Search Results, ...), having some elements end up with the wrong size is more annoying than having some elements end up ugly due to scaling, so explicitly enforce the requested icon size. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642043
322 lines
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322 lines
11 KiB
/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Params = imports.misc.params;
const ICON_SIZE = 48;
function BaseIcon(label, createIcon) {
this._init(label, createIcon);
BaseIcon.prototype = {
_init : function(label, params) {
params = Params.parse(params, { createIcon: null,
setSizeManually: false,
showLabel: true });
this.actor = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'overview-icon',
x_fill: true,
y_fill: true });
this.actor._delegate = this;
Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged));
this._spacing = 0;
let box = new Shell.GenericContainer();
box.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));
Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));
this.iconSize = ICON_SIZE;
this._iconBin = new St.Bin();
if (params.showLabel) {
this._name = new St.Label({ text: label });
} else {
this._name = null;
if (params.createIcon)
this.createIcon = params.createIcon;
this._setSizeManually = params.setSizeManually;
this.icon = this.createIcon(this.iconSize);
_allocate: function(actor, box, flags) {
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let iconSize = availHeight;
let [iconMinHeight, iconNatHeight] = this._iconBin.get_preferred_height(-1);
let [iconMinWidth, iconNatWidth] = this._iconBin.get_preferred_width(-1);
let preferredHeight = iconNatHeight;
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
if (this._name) {
let [labelMinHeight, labelNatHeight] = this._name.get_preferred_height(-1);
preferredHeight += this._spacing + labelNatHeight;
let labelHeight = availHeight >= preferredHeight ? labelNatHeight
: labelMinHeight;
iconSize -= this._spacing + labelHeight;
childBox.x1 = 0;
childBox.x2 = availWidth;
childBox.y1 = iconSize + this._spacing;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + labelHeight;
this._name.allocate(childBox, flags);
childBox.x1 = Math.floor((availWidth - iconNatWidth) / 2);
childBox.y1 = Math.floor((iconSize - iconNatHeight) / 2);
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + iconNatWidth;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + iconNatHeight;
this._iconBin.allocate(childBox, flags);
_getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) {
this._getPreferredHeight(actor, -1, alloc);
_getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) {
let [iconMinHeight, iconNatHeight] = this._iconBin.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
alloc.min_size = iconMinHeight;
alloc.natural_size = iconNatHeight;
if (this._name) {
let [labelMinHeight, labelNatHeight] = this._name.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
alloc.min_size += this._spacing + labelMinHeight;
alloc.natural_size += this._spacing + labelNatHeight;
// This can be overridden by a subclass, or by the createIcon
// parameter to _init()
createIcon: function(size) {
throw new Error('no implementation of createIcon in ' + this);
setIconSize: function(size) {
if (!this._setSizeManually)
throw new Error('setSizeManually has to be set to use setIconsize');
_setIconSize: function(size) {
if (size == this.iconSize)
this.iconSize = size;
this.icon = this.createIcon(this.iconSize);
// The icon returned by createIcon() might actually be smaller than
// the requested icon size (for instance StTextureCache does this
// for fallback icons), so set the size explicitly.
this.icon.set_size(this.iconSize, this.iconSize);
this._iconBin.child = this.icon;
_onStyleChanged: function() {
let node = this.actor.get_theme_node();
this._spacing = node.get_length('spacing');
if (this._setSizeManually)
let len = node.get_length('icon-size');
if (len > 0)
function IconGrid(params) {
IconGrid.prototype = {
_init: function(params) {
params = Params.parse(params, { rowLimit: null,
columnLimit: null,
xAlign: St.Align.MIDDLE });
this._rowLimit = params.rowLimit;
this._colLimit = params.columnLimit;
this._xAlign = params.xAlign;
this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'icon-grid',
vertical: true });
// Pulled from CSS, but hardcode some defaults here
this._spacing = 0;
this._item_size = ICON_SIZE;
this._grid = new Shell.GenericContainer();
this.actor.add(this._grid, { expand: true, y_align: St.Align.START });
this.actor.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged));
this._grid.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));
this._grid.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));
this._grid.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
_getPreferredWidth: function (grid, forHeight, alloc) {
let children = this._grid.get_children();
let nColumns = this._colLimit ? Math.min(this._colLimit,
: children.length;
let totalSpacing = Math.max(0, nColumns - 1) * this._spacing;
// Kind of a lie, but not really an issue right now. If
// we wanted to support some sort of hidden/overflow that would
// need higher level design
alloc.min_size = this._item_size;
alloc.natural_size = nColumns * this._item_size + totalSpacing;
_getVisibleChildren: function() {
let children = this._grid.get_children();
children = children.filter(function(actor) {
return actor.visible;
return children;
_getPreferredHeight: function (grid, forWidth, alloc) {
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(forWidth);
let nRows;
if (nColumns > 0)
nRows = Math.ceil(children.length / nColumns);
nRows = 0;
if (this._rowLimit)
nRows = Math.min(nRows, this._rowLimit);
let totalSpacing = Math.max(0, nRows - 1) * this._spacing;
let height = nRows * this._item_size + totalSpacing;
alloc.min_size = height;
alloc.natural_size = height;
_allocate: function (grid, box, flags) {
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(availWidth);
let leftPadding;
switch(this._xAlign) {
case St.Align.START:
leftPadding = 0;
case St.Align.MIDDLE:
leftPadding = Math.floor((availWidth - usedWidth) / 2);
case St.Align.END:
leftPadding = availWidth - usedWidth;
let x = box.x1 + leftPadding;
let y = box.y1;
let columnIndex = 0;
let rowIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let [childMinWidth, childMinHeight, childNaturalWidth, childNaturalHeight]
= children[i].get_preferred_size();
/* Center the item in its allocation horizontally */
let width = Math.min(this._item_size, childNaturalWidth);
let childXSpacing = Math.max(0, width - childNaturalWidth) / 2;
let height = Math.min(this._item_size, childNaturalHeight);
let childYSpacing = Math.max(0, height - childNaturalHeight) / 2;
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
if (St.Widget.get_default_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL) {
let _x = box.x2 - (x + width);
childBox.x1 = Math.floor(_x - childXSpacing);
} else {
childBox.x1 = Math.floor(x + childXSpacing);
childBox.y1 = Math.floor(y + childYSpacing);
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + width;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + height;
if (this._rowLimit && rowIndex >= this._rowLimit) {
this._grid.set_skip_paint(children[i], true);
} else {
children[i].allocate(childBox, flags);
this._grid.set_skip_paint(children[i], false);
if (columnIndex == nColumns) {
columnIndex = 0;
if (columnIndex == 0) {
y += this._item_size + this._spacing;
x = box.x1 + leftPadding;
} else {
x += this._item_size + this._spacing;
_computeLayout: function (forWidth) {
let children = this._grid.get_children();
let nColumns = 0;
let usedWidth = 0;
while ((this._colLimit == null || nColumns < this._colLimit) &&
(usedWidth + this._item_size <= forWidth)) {
usedWidth += this._item_size + this._spacing;
nColumns += 1;
if (nColumns > 0)
usedWidth -= this._spacing;
return [nColumns, usedWidth];
_onStyleChanged: function() {
let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node();
this._spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing');
this._item_size = themeNode.get_length('-shell-grid-item-size');
removeAll: function () {
this._grid.get_children().forEach(Lang.bind(this, function (child) {
addItem: function(actor) {
getItemAtIndex: function(index) {
return this._grid.get_children()[index];
visibleItemsCount: function() {
return this._grid.get_children().length - this._grid.get_n_skip_paint();