Apparently importers for the 'same' path are shared, even when the relative paths resolve to different absolute ones. Until this bug is fixed properly, we can work around this by expressing the current extension path as the UUID relative to the parent directory. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=772386
193 lines
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193 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
// Common utils for the extension system and the extension
// preferences tool
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const Config = imports.misc.config;
const FileUtils = imports.misc.fileUtils;
const ExtensionType = {
// Maps uuid -> metadata object
const extensions = {};
* getCurrentExtension:
* Returns the current extension, or null if not called from an extension.
function getCurrentExtension() {
let stack = (new Error()).stack.split('\n');
let extensionStackLine;
// Search for an occurrence of an extension stack frame
// Start at 1 because 0 is the stack frame of this function
for (let i = 1; i < stack.length; i++) {
if (stack[i].indexOf('/gnome-shell/extensions/') > -1) {
extensionStackLine = stack[i];
if (!extensionStackLine)
return null;
// The stack line is like:
// init([object Object])@/home/user/data/gnome-shell/extensions/u@u.id/prefs.js:8
// In the case that we're importing from
// module scope, the first field is blank:
// @/home/user/data/gnome-shell/extensions/u@u.id/prefs.js:8
let match = new RegExp('@(.+):\\d+').exec(extensionStackLine);
if (!match)
return null;
let path = match[1];
let file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path);
// Walk up the directory tree, looking for an extension with
// the same UUID as a directory name.
while (file != null) {
let extension = extensions[file.get_basename()];
if (extension !== undefined)
return extension;
file = file.get_parent();
return null;
* versionCheck:
* @required: an array of versions we're compatible with
* @current: the version we have
* Check if a component is compatible for an extension.
* @required is an array, and at least one version must match.
* @current must be in the format <major>.<minor>.<point>.<micro>
* <micro> is always ignored
* <point> is ignored if <minor> is even (so you can target the
* whole stable release)
* <minor> and <major> must match
* Each target version must be at least <major> and <minor>
function versionCheck(required, current) {
let currentArray = current.split('.');
let major = currentArray[0];
let minor = currentArray[1];
let point = currentArray[2];
for (let i = 0; i < required.length; i++) {
let requiredArray = required[i].split('.');
if (requiredArray[0] == major &&
requiredArray[1] == minor &&
(requiredArray[2] == point ||
(requiredArray[2] == undefined && parseInt(minor) % 2 == 0)))
return true;
return false;
function isOutOfDate(extension) {
if (!versionCheck(extension.metadata['shell-version'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION))
return true;
return false;
function createExtensionObject(uuid, dir, type) {
let info;
let metadataFile = dir.get_child('metadata.json');
if (!metadataFile.query_exists(null)) {
throw new Error('Missing metadata.json');
let metadataContents, success, tag;
try {
[success, metadataContents, tag] = metadataFile.load_contents(null);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Failed to load metadata.json: ' + e);
let meta;
try {
meta = JSON.parse(metadataContents);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Failed to parse metadata.json: ' + e);
let requiredProperties = ['uuid', 'name', 'description', 'shell-version'];
for (let i = 0; i < requiredProperties.length; i++) {
let prop = requiredProperties[i];
if (!meta[prop]) {
throw new Error('missing "' + prop + '" property in metadata.json');
if (uuid != meta.uuid) {
throw new Error('uuid "' + meta.uuid + '" from metadata.json does not match directory name "' + uuid + '"');
let extension = {};
extension.metadata = meta;
extension.uuid = meta.uuid;
extension.type = type;
extension.dir = dir;
extension.path = dir.get_path();
extension.error = '';
extension.hasPrefs = dir.get_child('prefs.js').query_exists(null);
extensions[uuid] = extension;
return extension;
function installImporter(extension) {
let oldSearchPath = imports.searchPath.slice(); // make a copy
imports.searchPath = [extension.dir.get_parent().get_path()];
// importing a "subdir" creates a new importer object that doesn't affect
// the global one
extension.imports = imports[extension.uuid];
imports.searchPath = oldSearchPath;
const ExtensionFinder = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'ExtensionFinder',
_loadExtension: function(extensionDir, info, perUserDir) {
let fileType = info.get_file_type();
if (fileType != Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY)
let uuid = info.get_name();
let existing = extensions[uuid];
if (existing) {
log('Extension %s already installed in %s. %s will not be loaded'.format(uuid, existing.path, extensionDir.get_path()));
let extension;
let type = extensionDir.has_prefix(perUserDir) ? ExtensionType.PER_USER
: ExtensionType.SYSTEM;
try {
extension = createExtensionObject(uuid, extensionDir, type);
} catch(e) {
logError(e, 'Could not load extension %s'.format(uuid));
this.emit('extension-found', extension);
scanExtensions: function() {
let perUserDir = Gio.File.new_for_path(global.userdatadir);
FileUtils.collectFromDatadirs('extensions', true, Lang.bind(this, this._loadExtension, perUserDir));