Florian Müllner 71759a0769 cleanup: Mark unused (but useful) variables as ignored
While we aren't using those destructured variables, they are still useful
to document the meaning of those elements. We don't want eslint to keep
warning about them though, so mark them accordingly.
2019-07-24 00:28:45 +02:00

243 lines
7.7 KiB

/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// Returns a list of potential completions for text. Completions either
// follow a dot (e.g. -> bar) or they are picked from globalCompletionList (e.g. fo -> foo)
// commandHeader is prefixed on any expression before it is eval'ed. It will most likely
// consist of global constants that might not carry over from the calling environment.
// This function is likely the one you want to call from external modules
function getCompletions(text, commandHeader, globalCompletionList) {
let methods = [];
let expr_, base;
let attrHead = '';
if (globalCompletionList == null) {
globalCompletionList = [];
let offset = getExpressionOffset(text, text.length - 1);
if (offset >= 0) {
text = text.slice(offset);
// Look for expressions like "" and match Main.panel and foo
let matches = text.match(/(.*)\.(.*)/);
if (matches) {
[expr_, base, attrHead] = matches;
methods = getPropertyNamesFromExpression(base, commandHeader).filter(
attr => attr.slice(0, attrHead.length) == attrHead
// Look for the empty expression or partially entered words
// not proceeded by a dot and match them against global constants
matches = text.match(/^(\w*)$/);
if (text == '' || matches) {
[expr_, attrHead] = matches;
methods = globalCompletionList.filter(
attr => attr.slice(0, attrHead.length) == attrHead
return [methods, attrHead];
// A few functions for parsing strings of javascript code.
// Identify characters that delimit an expression. That is,
// if we encounter anything that isn't a letter, '.', ')', or ']',
// we should stop parsing.
function isStopChar(c) {
return !c.match(/[\w.)\]]/);
// Given the ending position of a quoted string, find where it starts
function findMatchingQuote(expr, offset) {
let quoteChar = expr.charAt(offset);
for (let i = offset - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (expr.charAt(i) == quoteChar && expr.charAt(i - 1) != '\\') {
return i;
return -1;
// Given the ending position of a regex, find where it starts
function findMatchingSlash(expr, offset) {
for (let i = offset - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (expr.charAt(i) == '/' && expr.charAt(i - 1) != '\\') {
return i;
return -1;
// If expr.charAt(offset) is ')' or ']',
// return the position of the corresponding '(' or '[' bracket.
// This function does not check for syntactic correctness. e.g.,
// findMatchingBrace("[(])", 3) returns 1.
function findMatchingBrace(expr, offset) {
let closeBrace = expr.charAt(offset);
let openBrace = ({ ')': '(', ']': '[' })[closeBrace];
function findTheBrace(expr, offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
return -1;
if (expr.charAt(offset) == openBrace) {
return offset;
if (expr.charAt(offset).match(/['"]/)) {
return findTheBrace(expr, findMatchingQuote(expr, offset) - 1);
if (expr.charAt(offset) == '/') {
return findTheBrace(expr, findMatchingSlash(expr, offset) - 1);
if (expr.charAt(offset) == closeBrace) {
return findTheBrace(expr, findTheBrace(expr, offset - 1) - 1);
return findTheBrace(expr, offset - 1);
return findTheBrace(expr, offset - 1);
// Walk expr backwards from offset looking for the beginning of an
// expression suitable for passing to eval.
// There is no guarantee of correct javascript syntax between the return
// value and offset. This function is meant to take a string like
// "foo(Obj.We.Are.Completing" and allow you to extract "Obj.We.Are.Completing"
function getExpressionOffset(expr, offset) {
while (offset >= 0) {
let currChar = expr.charAt(offset);
if (isStopChar(currChar)) {
return offset + 1;
if (currChar.match(/[)\]]/)) {
offset = findMatchingBrace(expr, offset);
return offset + 1;
// Things with non-word characters or that start with a number
// are not accessible via .foo notation and so aren't returned
function isValidPropertyName(w) {
return !(w.match(/\W/) || w.match(/^\d/));
// To get all properties (enumerable and not), we need to walk
// the prototype chain ourselves
function getAllProps(obj) {
if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
return [];
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).concat( getAllProps(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) );
// Given a string _expr_, returns all methods
// that can be accessed via '.' notation.
// e.g., expr="({ foo: null, bar: null, 4: null })" will
// return ["foo", "bar", ...] but the list will not include "4",
// since methods accessed with '.' notation must star with a letter or _.
function getPropertyNamesFromExpression(expr, commandHeader = '') {
let obj = {};
if (!isUnsafeExpression(expr)) {
try {
obj = eval(commandHeader + expr);
} catch (e) {
return [];
} else {
return [];
let propsUnique = {};
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
let allProps = getAllProps(obj);
// Get only things we are allowed to complete following a '.'
allProps = allProps.filter( isValidPropertyName );
// Make sure propsUnique contains one key for every
// property so we end up with a unique list of properties => propsUnique[p] = null);
return Object.keys(propsUnique).sort();
// Given a list of words, returns the longest prefix they all have in common
function getCommonPrefix(words) {
let word = words[0];
for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
for (let w = 1; w < words.length; w++) {
if (words[w].charAt(i) != word.charAt(i))
return word.slice(0, i);
return word;
// Returns true if there is reason to think that eval(str)
// will modify the global scope
function isUnsafeExpression(str) {
// Remove any blocks that are quoted or are in a regex
function removeLiterals(str) {
if (str.length == 0) {
return '';
let currChar = str.charAt(str.length - 1);
if (currChar == '"' || currChar == '\'') {
return removeLiterals(str.slice(0, findMatchingQuote(str, str.length - 1)));
} else if (currChar == '/') {
return removeLiterals(str.slice(0, findMatchingSlash(str, str.length - 1)));
return removeLiterals(str.slice(0, str.length - 1)) + currChar;
// Check for any sort of assignment
// The strategy used is dumb: remove any quotes
// or regexs and comparison operators and see if there is an '=' character.
// If there is, it might be an unsafe assignment.
let prunedStr = removeLiterals(str);
prunedStr = prunedStr.replace(/[=!]==/g, ''); //replace === and !== with nothing
prunedStr = prunedStr.replace(/[=<>!]=/g, ''); //replace ==, <=, >=, != with nothing
if (prunedStr.match(/=/)) {
return true;
} else if (prunedStr.match(/;/)) {
// If we contain a semicolon not inside of a quote/regex, assume we're unsafe as well
return true;
return false;
// Returns a list of global keywords derived from str
function getDeclaredConstants(str) {
let ret = [];
str.split(';').forEach(s => {
let base_, keyword;
let match = s.match(/const\s+(\w+)\s*=/);
if (match) {
[base_, keyword] = match;
return ret;