Marina Zhurakhinskaya 703b21cef0 Don't use double quotes for things that don't need to be translated
This is our convention.

The only exceptions are double quotes for words in comments that give
them a special meaning (though beware that these quotes are not truly
necessary most of the time) and double quotes that need to be a part
of the output string.
2010-05-13 16:00:38 -04:00

519 lines
19 KiB

/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Clutter =;
const Gio =;
const Gtk =;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Pango =;
const Shell =;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const St =;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell');
const _ = Gettext.gettext;
const DocInfo = imports.misc.docInfo;
const DND = imports.ui.dnd;
const GenericDisplay = imports.ui.genericDisplay;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Search =;
const MAX_DASH_DOCS = 50;
/* This class represents a single display item containing information about a document.
* We take the current number of seconds in the constructor to avoid looking up the current
* time for every item when they are created in a batch.
* docInfo - DocInfo object containing information about the document
* currentSeconds - current number of seconds since the epoch
function DocDisplayItem(docInfo, currentSecs) {
this._init(docInfo, currentSecs);
DocDisplayItem.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericDisplay.GenericDisplayItem.prototype,
_init : function(docInfo, currentSecs) {;
this._docInfo = docInfo;
this._setItemInfo(, '');
this._timeoutTime = -1;
//// Public methods ////
getUpdateTimeoutTime: function() {
return this._timeoutTime;
// Update any relative-time based displays for this item.
redisplay: function(currentSecs) {
//// Public method overrides ////
// Opens a document represented by this display item.
launch : function() {
//// Protected method overrides ////
// Returns an icon for the item.
_createIcon : function() {
return this._docInfo.createIcon(GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_ICON_SIZE);
// Returns a preview icon for the item.
_createPreviewIcon : function() {
return this._docInfo.createIcon(GenericDisplay.PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE);
// Creates and returns a large preview icon, but only if this._docInfo is an image file
// and we were able to generate a pixbuf from it successfully.
_createLargePreviewIcon : function() {
if (this._docInfo.mimeType == null || this._docInfo.mimeType.indexOf('image/') != 0)
return null;
try {
return St.TextureCache.get_default().load_uri_sync(St.TextureCachePolicy.NONE,
this._docInfo.uri, -1, -1);
} catch (e) {
// An exception will be raised when the image format isn't know
/* FIXME: should
return null;
//// Drag and Drop ////
shellWorkspaceLaunch: function() {
//// Private Methods ////
// Updates the last visited time displayed in the description text for the item.
_resetTimeDisplay: function(currentSecs) {
let lastSecs = this._docInfo.timestamp;
let timeDelta = currentSecs - lastSecs;
let [text, nextUpdate] = global.format_time_relative_pretty(timeDelta);
this._timeoutTime = currentSecs + nextUpdate;
/* This class represents a display containing a collection of document items.
* The documents are sorted by how recently they were last visited.
function DocDisplay(flags) {
DocDisplay.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericDisplay.GenericDisplay.prototype,
_init : function(flags) {, flags);
// We keep a single timeout callback for updating last visited times
// for all the items in the display. This avoids creating individual
// callbacks for each item in the display. So proper time updates
// for individual items and item details depend on the item being
// associated with one of the displays.
this._updateTimeoutTargetTime = -1;
this._updateTimeoutId = 0;
this._docManager = DocInfo.getDocManager();
this._docsStale = true;
this._docManager.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function(mgr, userData) {
this._docsStale = true;
// Changes in local recent files should not happen when we are in the Overview mode,
// but redisplaying right away is cool when we use Zephyr.
// Also, we might be displaying remote documents, like Google Docs, in the future
// which might be edited by someone else.
this.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function (o) {
if (this._updateTimeoutId > 0)
//// Protected method overrides ////
// Gets the list of recent items from the recent items manager.
_refreshCache : function() {
if (!this._docsStale)
return true;
this._allItems = {};
Lang.copyProperties(this._docManager.getInfosByUri(), this._allItems);
this._docsStale = false;
return false;
// Sets the list of the displayed items based on how recently they were last visited.
_setDefaultList : function() {
// It seems to be an implementation detail of the Mozilla JavaScript that object
// properties are returned during the iteration in the same order in which they were
// defined, but it is not a guarantee according to this
// While this._allItems associative array seems to always be ordered by last added,
// as the results of this._recentManager.get_items() based on which it is constructed are,
// we should do the sorting manually because we want the order to be based on last visited.
// This function is called each time the search string is set back to '' or we display
// the Overview, so we are doing the sorting over the same items multiple times if the list
// of recent items didn't change. We could store an additional array of doc ids and sort
// them once when they are returned by this._recentManager.get_items() to avoid having to do
// this sorting each time, but the sorting seems to be very fast anyway, so there is no need
// to introduce an additional class variable.
this._matchedItems = {};
this._matchedItemKeys = [];
let docIdsToRemove = [];
for (docId in this._allItems) {
this._matchedItems[docId] = 1;
for (docId in docIdsToRemove) {
delete this._allItems[docId];
this._matchedItemKeys.sort(Lang.bind(this, this._compareItems));
// Compares items associated with the item ids based on how recently the items
// were last visited.
// Returns an integer value indicating the result of the comparison.
_compareItems : function(itemIdA, itemIdB) {
let docA = this._allItems[itemIdA];
let docB = this._allItems[itemIdB];
return docB.timestamp - docA.timestamp;
// Checks if the item info can be a match for the search string by checking
// the name of the document. Item info is expected to be GtkRecentInfo.
// Returns a boolean flag indicating if itemInfo is a match.
_isInfoMatching : function(itemInfo, search) {
if (!itemInfo.exists())
return false;
if (search == null || search == '')
return true;
let name =;
if (name.indexOf(search) >= 0)
return true;
// TODO: we can also check doc URIs, so that
// if you search for a directory name, we display recent files from it
return false;
// Creates a DocDisplayItem based on itemInfo, which is expected to be a DocInfo object.
_createDisplayItem: function(itemInfo) {
let currentSecs = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
let docDisplayItem = new DocDisplayItem(itemInfo, currentSecs);
this._updateTimeoutCallback(docDisplayItem, currentSecs);
return docDisplayItem;
//// Private Methods ////
// A callback function that redisplays the items, updating their descriptions,
// and sets up a new timeout callback.
_docTimeout: function () {
let currentSecs = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
this._updateTimeoutId = 0;
this._updateTimeoutTargetTime = -1;
for (let docId in this._displayedItems) {
let docDisplayItem = this._displayedItems[docId];
this._updateTimeoutCallback(docDisplayItem, currentSecs);
return false;
// Updates the timeout callback if the timeout time for the docDisplayItem
// is earlier than the target time for the current timeout callback.
_updateTimeoutCallback: function (docDisplayItem, currentSecs) {
let timeoutTime = docDisplayItem.getUpdateTimeoutTime();
if (this._updateTimeoutTargetTime < 0 || timeoutTime < this._updateTimeoutTargetTime) {
if (this._updateTimeoutId > 0)
this._updateTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(timeoutTime - currentSecs, Lang.bind(this, this._docTimeout));
this._updateTimeoutTargetTime = timeoutTime;
function DashDocDisplayItem(docInfo) {
DashDocDisplayItem.prototype = {
_init: function(docInfo) {
this._info = docInfo;
this._icon = docInfo.createIcon(DASH_DOCS_ICON_SIZE); = new St.Clickable({ style_class: 'recent-docs-item',
reactive: true,
x_align: St.Align.START });
let box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'recent-docs-item-box' });;
let text = new St.Label({ text: });
box.add(text);'clicked', Lang.bind(this, function () {
})); = this;
let draggable = DND.makeDraggable(;
getUri: function() {
return this._info.uri;
getDragActorSource: function() {
return this._icon;
getDragActor: function(stageX, stageY) {
this.dragActor = this._info.createIcon(DASH_DOCS_ICON_SIZE);
return this.dragActor;
//// Drag and drop functions ////
shellWorkspaceLaunch: function () {
* Class used to display two column recent documents in the dash
function DashDocDisplay() {
DashDocDisplay.prototype = {
_init: function() { = new Shell.GenericContainer();'get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));'get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));'allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
this._workId = Main.initializeDeferredWork(, Lang.bind(this, this._redisplay));
this._actorsByUri = {};
this._docManager = DocInfo.getDocManager();
this._docManager.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onDocsChanged));
this._pendingDocsChange = true;
this._checkDocExistence = false;
_getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) {
let children = actor.get_children();
// We use two columns maximum. Just take the min and natural size of the
// first two items, even though strictly speaking it's not correct; we'd
// need to calculate how many items we could fit for the height, then
// take the biggest preferred width for each column.
// In practice the dash gets a fixed width anyways.
// If we have one child, add its minimum and natural size
if (children.length > 0) {
let [minSize, naturalSize] = children[0].get_preferred_width(forHeight);
alloc.min_size += minSize;
alloc.natural_size += naturalSize;
// If we have two, add its size, plus DEFAULT_SPACING
if (children.length > 1) {
let [minSize, naturalSize] = children[1].get_preferred_width(forHeight);
alloc.min_size += DEFAULT_SPACING + minSize;
alloc.natural_size += DEFAULT_SPACING + naturalSize;
_getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) {
let children = actor.get_children();
// The width of an item is our allocated width, minus spacing, divided in half.
this._itemWidth = Math.floor((forWidth - DEFAULT_SPACING) / 2);
let maxNatural = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let child = children[i];
let [minSize, naturalSize] = child.get_preferred_height(this._itemWidth);
maxNatural = Math.max(maxNatural, naturalSize);
this._itemHeight = maxNatural;
let firstColumnChildren = Math.ceil(children.length / 2);
alloc.natural_size = (firstColumnChildren * maxNatural +
(firstColumnChildren - 1) * DEFAULT_SPACING);
_allocate: function(actor, box, flags) {
let width = box.x2 - box.x1;
let height = box.y2 - box.y1;
// Make sure this._itemWidth/Height have been computed, even
// if the parent actor didn't check our size before allocating.
// (Not clear if that is required or not as a Clutter
// invariant; this is safe and cheap because of caching.)
let children = actor.get_children();
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let columnIndex = 0;
let i = 0;
// Loop over the children, going vertically down first. When we run
// out of vertical space (our y variable is bigger than box.y2), switch
// to the second column.
while (i < children.length) {
let child = children[i];
if (y + this._itemHeight > box.y2) {
// Is this the second column, or we're in
// the first column and can't even fit one
// item? In that case, break.
if (columnIndex == 1 || i == 0) {
// Set x to the halfway point.
columnIndex += 1;
x = x + this._itemWidth + DEFAULT_SPACING;
// And y is back to the top.
y = 0;
// Retry this same item, now that we're in the second column.
// By looping back to the top here, we re-test the size
// again for the second column.
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
childBox.x1 = x;
childBox.y1 = y;
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + this._itemWidth;
childBox.y2 = y + this._itemHeight;
y = childBox.y2 + DEFAULT_SPACING;
child.allocate(childBox, flags);, false);
if (this._checkDocExistence) {
// Now we know how many docs we are displaying, queue a check to see if any of them
// have been deleted. If they are deleted, then we'll get a 'changed' signal; since
// we'll now be displaying items we weren't previously, we'll check again to see
// if they were deleted, and so forth and so on.
// TODO: We should change this to ask for as many as we can fit in the given space:
this._checkDocExistence = false;
for (; i < children.length; i++)[i], true);
_onDocsChanged: function() {
this._checkDocExistence = true;
_redisplay: function() {
// Should be kept alive by the _actorsByUri;
let docs = this._docManager.getTimestampOrderedInfos();
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length && i < MAX_DASH_DOCS; i++) {
let doc = docs[i];
let display = this._actorsByUri[doc.uri];
if (display) {;
} else {
let display = new DashDocDisplayItem(doc);;
this._actorsByUri[doc.uri] = display;
// Any unparented actors must have been deleted
for (let uri in this._actorsByUri) {
let display = this._actorsByUri[uri];
if ( == null) {;
delete this._actorsByUri[uri];
function DocSearchProvider() {
DocSearchProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: Search.SearchProvider.prototype,
_init: function(name) {, _("RECENT ITEMS"));
this._docManager = DocInfo.getDocManager();
getResultMeta: function(resultId) {
let docInfo = this._docManager.lookupByUri(resultId);
if (!docInfo)
return null;
return { 'id': resultId,
'icon': docInfo.createIcon(Search.RESULT_ICON_SIZE)};
activateResult: function(id) {
let docInfo = this._docManager.lookupByUri(id);
getInitialResultSet: function(terms) {
return this._docManager.initialSearch(terms);
getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, terms) {
return this._docManager.subsearch(previousResults, terms);
expandSearch: function(terms) {
log('TODO expand docs search');