We had one osdWindow that we displayed either on the primary monitor or on whatever monitor index got passed over dbus. Change that to show the osd on all monitors when no explicit monitor is requested. A monitor should be requested in cases like display brightness where it makes sense to only show the osd on the affected monitor. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=722684
445 lines
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445 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Config = imports.misc.config;
const ExtensionSystem = imports.ui.extensionSystem;
const ExtensionDownloader = imports.ui.extensionDownloader;
const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Screenshot = imports.ui.screenshot;
const ViewSelector = imports.ui.viewSelector;
const GnomeShellIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.Shell"> \
<method name="Eval"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="script" /> \
<arg type="b" direction="out" name="success" /> \
<arg type="s" direction="out" name="result" /> \
</method> \
<method name="FocusSearch"/> \
<method name="ShowOSD"> \
<arg type="a{sv}" direction="in" name="params"/> \
</method> \
<method name="FocusApp"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="id"/> \
</method> \
<method name="ShowApplications" /> \
<method name="GrabAccelerator"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="accelerator"/> \
<arg type="u" direction="in" name="flags"/> \
<arg type="u" direction="out" name="action"/> \
</method> \
<method name="GrabAccelerators"> \
<arg type="a(su)" direction="in" name="accelerators"/> \
<arg type="au" direction="out" name="actions"/> \
</method> \
<method name="UngrabAccelerator"> \
<arg type="u" direction="in" name="action"/> \
<arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> \
</method> \
<signal name="AcceleratorActivated"> \
<arg name="action" type="u" /> \
<arg name="deviceid" type="u" /> \
<arg name="timestamp" type="u" /> \
</signal> \
<property name="Mode" type="s" access="read" /> \
<property name="OverviewActive" type="b" access="readwrite" /> \
<property name="ShellVersion" type="s" access="read" /> \
</interface> \
const ScreenSaverIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.ScreenSaver"> \
<method name="Lock"> \
</method> \
<method name="GetActive"> \
<arg name="active" direction="out" type="b" /> \
</method> \
<method name="SetActive"> \
<arg name="value" direction="in" type="b" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetActiveTime"> \
<arg name="value" direction="out" type="u" /> \
</method> \
<signal name="ActiveChanged"> \
<arg name="new_value" type="b" /> \
</signal> \
<signal name="WakeUpScreen" /> \
</interface> \
const GnomeShell = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'GnomeShellDBus',
_init: function() {
this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(GnomeShellIface, this);
this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell');
this._extensionsService = new GnomeShellExtensions();
this._screenshotService = new Screenshot.ScreenshotService();
this._grabbedAccelerators = new Map();
this._grabbers = new Map();
global.display.connect('accelerator-activated', Lang.bind(this,
function(display, action, deviceid, timestamp) {
this._emitAcceleratorActivated(action, deviceid, timestamp);
* Eval:
* @code: A string containing JavaScript code
* This function executes arbitrary code in the main
* loop, and returns a boolean success and
* JSON representation of the object as a string.
* If evaluation completes without throwing an exception,
* then the return value will be [true, JSON.stringify(result)].
* If evaluation fails, then the return value will be
* [false, JSON.stringify(exception)];
Eval: function(code) {
if (!global.settings.get_boolean('development-tools'))
return [false, ''];
let returnValue;
let success;
try {
returnValue = JSON.stringify(eval(code));
// A hack; DBus doesn't have null/undefined
if (returnValue == undefined)
returnValue = '';
success = true;
} catch (e) {
returnValue = '' + e;
success = false;
return [success, returnValue];
FocusSearch: function() {
ShowOSD: function(params) {
for (let param in params)
params[param] = params[param].deep_unpack();
let monitorIndex = -1;
if (params['monitor'])
monitorIndex = params['monitor'];
let icon = null;
if (params['icon'])
icon = Gio.Icon.new_for_string(params['icon']);
Main.osdWindowManager.show(monitorIndex, icon, params['label'], params['level']);
FocusApp: function(id) {
ShowApplications: function() {
GrabAcceleratorAsync: function(params, invocation) {
let [accel, flags] = params;
let sender = invocation.get_sender();
let bindingAction = this._grabAcceleratorForSender(accel, flags, sender);
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(u)', [bindingAction]));
GrabAcceleratorsAsync: function(params, invocation) {
let [accels] = params;
let sender = invocation.get_sender();
let bindingActions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < accels.length; i++) {
let [accel, flags] = accels[i];
bindingActions.push(this._grabAcceleratorForSender(accel, flags, sender));
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(au)', [bindingActions]));
UngrabAcceleratorAsync: function(params, invocation) {
let [action] = params;
let grabbedBy = this._grabbedAccelerators.get(action);
if (invocation.get_sender() != grabbedBy)
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [false]));
let ungrabSucceeded = global.display.ungrab_accelerator(action);
if (ungrabSucceeded)
return invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [ungrabSucceeded]));
_emitAcceleratorActivated: function(action, deviceid, timestamp) {
let destination = this._grabbedAccelerators.get(action);
if (!destination)
let connection = this._dbusImpl.get_connection();
let info = this._dbusImpl.get_info();
info ? info.name : null,
GLib.Variant.new('(uuu)', [action, deviceid, timestamp]));
_grabAcceleratorForSender: function(accelerator, flags, sender) {
let bindingAction = global.display.grab_accelerator(accelerator);
if (bindingAction == Meta.KeyBindingAction.NONE)
return Meta.KeyBindingAction.NONE;
let bindingName = Meta.external_binding_name_for_action(bindingAction);
Main.wm.allowKeybinding(bindingName, flags);
this._grabbedAccelerators.set(bindingAction, sender);
if (!this._grabbers.has(sender)) {
let id = Gio.bus_watch_name(Gio.BusType.SESSION, sender, 0, null,
Lang.bind(this, this._onGrabberBusNameVanished));
this._grabbers.set(sender, id);
return bindingAction;
_ungrabAccelerator: function(action) {
let ungrabSucceeded = global.display.ungrab_accelerator(action);
if (ungrabSucceeded)
_onGrabberBusNameVanished: function(connection, name) {
let grabs = this._grabbedAccelerators.entries();
for (let [action, sender] of grabs) {
if (sender == name)
Mode: global.session_mode,
get OverviewActive() {
return Main.overview.visible;
set OverviewActive(visible) {
if (visible)
ShellVersion: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION
const GnomeShellExtensionsIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.Shell.Extensions"> \
<method name="ListExtensions"> \
<arg type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" name="extensions" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetExtensionInfo"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="extension" /> \
<arg type="a{sv}" direction="out" name="info" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetExtensionErrors"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="extension" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="out" name="errors" /> \
</method> \
<signal name="ExtensionStatusChanged"> \
<arg type="s" name="uuid"/> \
<arg type="i" name="state"/> \
<arg type="s" name="error"/> \
</signal> \
<method name="InstallRemoteExtension"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
<arg type="s" direction="out" name="result"/> \
</method> \
<method name="UninstallExtension"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
<arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> \
</method> \
<method name="LaunchExtensionPrefs"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
</method> \
<method name="ReloadExtension"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> \
</method> \
<method name="CheckForUpdates"> \
</method> \
<property name="ShellVersion" type="s" access="read" /> \
</interface> \
const GnomeShellExtensions = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'GnomeShellExtensionsDBus',
_init: function() {
this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(GnomeShellExtensionsIface, this);
this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell');
Lang.bind(this, this._extensionStateChanged));
ListExtensions: function() {
let out = {};
for (let uuid in ExtensionUtils.extensions) {
let dbusObj = this.GetExtensionInfo(uuid);
out[uuid] = dbusObj;
return out;
GetExtensionInfo: function(uuid) {
let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid];
if (!extension)
return {};
let obj = {};
Lang.copyProperties(extension.metadata, obj);
// Only serialize the properties that we actually need.
const serializedProperties = ["type", "state", "path", "error", "hasPrefs"];
serializedProperties.forEach(function(prop) {
obj[prop] = extension[prop];
let out = {};
for (let key in obj) {
let val = obj[key];
let type;
switch (typeof val) {
case 'string':
type = 's';
case 'number':
type = 'd';
case 'boolean':
type = 'b';
out[key] = GLib.Variant.new(type, val);
return out;
GetExtensionErrors: function(uuid) {
let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid];
if (!extension)
return [];
if (!extension.errors)
return [];
return extension.errors;
InstallRemoteExtensionAsync: function([uuid], invocation) {
return ExtensionDownloader.installExtension(uuid, invocation);
UninstallExtension: function(uuid) {
return ExtensionDownloader.uninstallExtension(uuid);
LaunchExtensionPrefs: function(uuid) {
let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
let app = appSys.lookup_app('gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop');
let info = app.get_app_info();
let timestamp = global.display.get_current_time_roundtrip();
info.launch_uris(['extension:///' + uuid],
global.create_app_launch_context(timestamp, -1));
ReloadExtension: function(uuid) {
let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid];
if (!extension)
CheckForUpdates: function() {
ShellVersion: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION,
_extensionStateChanged: function(_, newState) {
GLib.Variant.new('(sis)', [newState.uuid, newState.state, newState.error]));
const ScreenSaverDBus = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'ScreenSaverDBus',
_init: function(screenShield) {
this._screenShield = screenShield;
screenShield.connect('active-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(shield) {
this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('ActiveChanged', GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [shield.active]));
screenShield.connect('wake-up-screen', Lang.bind(this, function(shield) {
this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('WakeUpScreen', null);
this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(ScreenSaverIface, this);
this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/ScreenSaver');
Gio.DBus.session.own_name('org.gnome.ScreenSaver', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE, null, null);
LockAsync: function(parameters, invocation) {
let tmpId = this._screenShield.connect('lock-screen-shown', Lang.bind(this, function() {
SetActive: function(active) {
if (active)
GetActive: function() {
return this._screenShield.active;
GetActiveTime: function() {
let started = this._screenShield.activationTime;
if (started > 0)
return Math.floor((GLib.get_monotonic_time() - started) / 1000000);
return 0;