While we've always considered it good style to initialize JS properties, some code that relies on uninitialized properties having an implicit value of 'undefined' has slipped in over time. The updated SpiderMonkey version used by gjs now warns when accessing those properties, so we should make sure that they are properly initialized to avoid log spam, even though all warnings addressed here occur in conditionals that produce the correct result with 'undefined'. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=781471
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324 lines
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// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
const GdkPixbuf = imports.gi.GdkPixbuf;
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const FileUtils = imports.misc.fileUtils;
const Search = imports.ui.search;
const KEY_FILE_GROUP = 'Shell Search Provider';
const SearchProviderIface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.Shell.SearchProvider"> \
<method name="GetInitialResultSet"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="out" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetSubsearchResultSet"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="out" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetResultMetas"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="aa{sv}" direction="out" /> \
</method> \
<method name="ActivateResult"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" /> \
</method> \
</interface> \
const SearchProvider2Iface = '<node> \
<interface name="org.gnome.Shell.SearchProvider2"> \
<method name="GetInitialResultSet"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="out" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetSubsearchResultSet"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="out" /> \
</method> \
<method name="GetResultMetas"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="aa{sv}" direction="out" /> \
</method> \
<method name="ActivateResult"> \
<arg type="s" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="u" direction="in" /> \
</method> \
<method name="LaunchSearch"> \
<arg type="as" direction="in" /> \
<arg type="u" direction="in" /> \
</method> \
</interface> \
var SearchProviderProxyInfo = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml(SearchProviderIface);
var SearchProvider2ProxyInfo = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml(SearchProvider2Iface);
function loadRemoteSearchProviders(searchSettings, callback) {
let objectPaths = {};
let loadedProviders = [];
function loadRemoteSearchProvider(file) {
let keyfile = new GLib.KeyFile();
let path = file.get_path();
try {
keyfile.load_from_file(path, 0);
} catch(e) {
if (!keyfile.has_group(KEY_FILE_GROUP))
let remoteProvider;
try {
let group = KEY_FILE_GROUP;
let busName = keyfile.get_string(group, 'BusName');
let objectPath = keyfile.get_string(group, 'ObjectPath');
if (objectPaths[objectPath])
let appInfo = null;
try {
let desktopId = keyfile.get_string(group, 'DesktopId');
appInfo = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new(desktopId);
} catch (e) {
log('Ignoring search provider ' + path + ': missing DesktopId');
let version = '1';
try {
version = keyfile.get_string(group, 'Version');
} catch (e) {
// ignore error
if (version >= 2)
remoteProvider = new RemoteSearchProvider2(appInfo, busName, objectPath);
remoteProvider = new RemoteSearchProvider(appInfo, busName, objectPath);
remoteProvider.defaultEnabled = true;
try {
remoteProvider.defaultEnabled = !keyfile.get_boolean(group, 'DefaultDisabled');
} catch(e) {
// ignore error
objectPaths[objectPath] = remoteProvider;
} catch(e) {
log('Failed to add search provider %s: %s'.format(path, e.toString()));
if (searchSettings.get_boolean('disable-external')) {
FileUtils.collectFromDatadirs('search-providers', false, loadRemoteSearchProvider);
let sortOrder = searchSettings.get_strv('sort-order');
// Special case gnome-control-center to be always active and always first
loadedProviders = loadedProviders.filter(function(provider) {
let appId = provider.appInfo.get_id();
if (provider.defaultEnabled) {
let disabled = searchSettings.get_strv('disabled');
return disabled.indexOf(appId) == -1;
} else {
let enabled = searchSettings.get_strv('enabled');
return enabled.indexOf(appId) != -1;
loadedProviders.sort(function(providerA, providerB) {
let idxA, idxB;
let appIdA, appIdB;
appIdA = providerA.appInfo.get_id();
appIdB = providerB.appInfo.get_id();
idxA = sortOrder.indexOf(appIdA);
idxB = sortOrder.indexOf(appIdB);
// if no provider is found in the order, use alphabetical order
if ((idxA == -1) && (idxB == -1)) {
let nameA = providerA.appInfo.get_name();
let nameB = providerB.appInfo.get_name();
return GLib.utf8_collate(nameA, nameB);
// if providerA isn't found, it's sorted after providerB
if (idxA == -1)
return 1;
// if providerB isn't found, it's sorted after providerA
if (idxB == -1)
return -1;
// finally, if both providers are found, return their order in the list
return (idxA - idxB);
const RemoteSearchProvider = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'RemoteSearchProvider',
_init: function(appInfo, dbusName, dbusPath, proxyInfo) {
if (!proxyInfo)
proxyInfo = SearchProviderProxyInfo;
this.proxy = new Gio.DBusProxy({ g_bus_type: Gio.BusType.SESSION,
g_name: dbusName,
g_object_path: dbusPath,
g_interface_info: proxyInfo,
g_interface_name: proxyInfo.name,
this.proxy.init_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null, null);
this.appInfo = appInfo;
this.id = appInfo.get_id();
this.isRemoteProvider = true;
this.canLaunchSearch = false;
createIcon: function(size, meta) {
let gicon = null;
let icon = null;
if (meta['icon']) {
gicon = Gio.icon_deserialize(meta['icon']);
} else if (meta['gicon']) {
gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string(meta['gicon']);
} else if (meta['icon-data']) {
let [width, height, rowStride, hasAlpha,
bitsPerSample, nChannels, data] = meta['icon-data'];
gicon = Shell.util_create_pixbuf_from_data(data, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, hasAlpha,
bitsPerSample, width, height, rowStride);
if (gicon)
icon = new St.Icon({ gicon: gicon,
icon_size: size });
return icon;
filterResults: function(results, maxNumber) {
if (results.length <= maxNumber)
return results;
let regularResults = results.filter(function(r) { return !r.startsWith('special:'); });
let specialResults = results.filter(function(r) { return r.startsWith('special:'); });
return regularResults.slice(0, maxNumber).concat(specialResults.slice(0, maxNumber));
_getResultsFinished: function(results, error, callback) {
if (error) {
if (error.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED))
log('Received error from DBus search provider %s: %s'.format(this.id, String(error)));
getInitialResultSet: function(terms, callback, cancellable) {
Lang.bind(this, this._getResultsFinished, callback),
getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, newTerms, callback, cancellable) {
this.proxy.GetSubsearchResultSetRemote(previousResults, newTerms,
Lang.bind(this, this._getResultsFinished, callback),
_getResultMetasFinished: function(results, error, callback) {
if (error) {
if (!error.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED))
log('Received error from DBus search provider %s during GetResultMetas: %s'.format(this.id, String(error)));
let metas = results[0];
let resultMetas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) {
for (let prop in metas[i]) {
// we can use the serialized icon variant directly
if (prop != 'icon')
metas[i][prop] = metas[i][prop].deep_unpack();
resultMetas.push({ id: metas[i]['id'],
name: metas[i]['name'],
description: metas[i]['description'],
createIcon: Lang.bind(this,
this.createIcon, metas[i]),
clipboardText: metas[i]['clipboardText'] });
getResultMetas: function(ids, callback, cancellable) {
Lang.bind(this, this._getResultMetasFinished, callback),
activateResult: function(id) {
launchSearch: function(terms) {
// the provider is not compatible with the new version of the interface, launch
// the app itself but warn so we can catch the error in logs
log('Search provider ' + this.appInfo.get_id() + ' does not implement LaunchSearch');
this.appInfo.launch([], global.create_app_launch_context(0, -1), false);
const RemoteSearchProvider2 = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'RemoteSearchProvider2',
Extends: RemoteSearchProvider,
_init: function(appInfo, dbusName, dbusPath) {
this.parent(appInfo, dbusName, dbusPath, SearchProvider2ProxyInfo);
this.canLaunchSearch = true;
activateResult: function(id, terms) {
this.proxy.ActivateResultRemote(id, terms, global.get_current_time());
launchSearch: function(terms) {
this.proxy.LaunchSearchRemote(terms, global.get_current_time());