# Esperanto translation for gnome-shell.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-shell package.
# Tiffany ANTOPOLSKI <tiffany.antopolski@gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
# Ryan LORTIE <desrt@desrt.ca>, 2013.
# Daniel PUENTES <blatberk@openmailbox.org>, 2015.
# Nicolas MAIA < >, 2015.
# Kristjan SCHMIDT <kristjan.schmidt@googlemail.com>, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018.
# Carmen Bianca BAKKER <carmen@carmenbianca.eu>, 2018-2019.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-shell master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-08 17:45+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-09 20:12+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carmen Bianca BAKKER <carmen@carmenbianca.eu>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto <gnome-eo-list@gnome.org>\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.32.0\n"
"X-DamnedLies-Scope: partial\n"
"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"

#: data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml:6
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistemo"

#: data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml:9
msgid "Show the notification list"
msgstr "Montri la sciig-liston"

#: data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml:12
msgid "Focus the active notification"
msgstr "Fokusi la aktivan sciigon"

#: data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml:15
msgid "Show the overview"
msgstr "Montri la superrigardon"

#: data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml:18
msgid "Show all applications"
msgstr "Montri ĉiujn aplikaĵojn"

#: data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml:21
msgid "Open the application menu"
msgstr "Malfermi la aplikaĵo-menuon"

#: data/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop.in.in:4
#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:216
msgid "Shell Extensions"
msgstr "Ŝelaj kromprogramoj"

#: data/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop.in.in:5
msgid "Configure GNOME Shell Extensions"
msgstr "Agordi GNOME-ŝelajn kromprogramojn"

#: data/org.gnome.Shell.desktop.in.in:4
msgid "GNOME Shell"
msgstr "GNOME-ŝelo"

#: data/org.gnome.Shell.desktop.in.in:5
msgid "Window management and application launching"
msgstr "Fenestroadministrado kaj aplikaĵo-lanĉado"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:6
msgid "Enable internal tools useful for developers and testers from Alt-F2"
msgstr "Ŝalti internajn ilojn por programistoj kaj testantoj per Alt+F2"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:9
msgid ""
"Allows access to internal debugging and monitoring tools using the Alt-F2 "
msgstr ""
"Permesas aliron al interna sencimigaj kaj kontroladaj iloj uzante la Alt+F2-"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:16
msgid "UUIDs of extensions to enable"
msgstr "UUID-oj de ŝaltendaj kromprogramoj"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:17
msgid ""
"GNOME Shell extensions have a UUID property; this key lists extensions which "
"should be loaded. Any extension that wants to be loaded needs to be in this "
"list. You can also manipulate this list with the EnableExtension and "
"DisableExtension D-Bus methods on org.gnome.Shell."
msgstr ""
"GNOME-ŝelaj kromprogramoj havas UUID-atributon; ĉi tiu ŝlosilo listigas "
"kromprogramojn kiuj devus ŝargitiĝi. Iu ajn kromprogramo kiu volas esti "
"ŝargita devas esti en ĉi tiu listo. Vi povas ankaŭ ŝanĝi ĉi tiun liston per "
"la ‘EnableExtension’- kaj ‘DisableExtension’ D-Bus-metodoj sur org.gnome."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:34
msgid "Disables the validation of extension version compatibility"
msgstr "Malŝaltas la validigadon de kromprogramversia kongrueco"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:35
msgid ""
"GNOME Shell will only load extensions that claim to support the current "
"running version. Enabling this option will disable this check and try to "
"load all extensions regardless of the versions they claim to support."
msgstr ""
"GNOME-ŝelo nur ŝargos kromprogramojn, kiuj asertas subteni la aktualan "
"rulantan version. Ŝaltante tiun ĉi opcion, oni malŝaltas tiun kontrolon kaj "
"ŝargos ĉiujn kromprogramojn, sendepende de la versioj, ke tiuj kromprogramoj "
"asertas subteni."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:43
msgid "List of desktop file IDs for favorite applications"
msgstr ""
"Listo de la identiloj de la labortablaj dosieroj por preferataj aplikaĵoj"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:44
msgid ""
"The applications corresponding to these identifiers will be displayed in the "
"favorites area."
msgstr ""
"La aplikaĵoj kiuj korespondas al tiuj identigiloj estos montrita en la areo "
"de la preferataj aplikaĵoj."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:51
msgid "App Picker View"
msgstr "Aplikaĵa elektila vido"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:52
msgid "Index of the currently selected view in the application picker."
msgstr "Indekso de aktuala elektita vido ĉe la aplikaĵa elektilo."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:58
msgid "History for command (Alt-F2) dialog"
msgstr "Historio de la komando-dialogo (Alt+F2)"

#. Translators: looking glass is a debugger and inspector tool, see https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/LookingGlass
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:63
msgid "History for the looking glass dialog"
msgstr "Historio de la dialogo de ‘looking glass’"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:67
msgid "Always show the “Log out” menu item in the user menu."
msgstr "Ĉiam montri la “Adiaŭi”-menuero en la uzanto-menuo."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:68
msgid ""
"This key overrides the automatic hiding of the “Log out” menu item in single-"
"user, single-session situations."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi ŝlosilo transpasas la aŭtomatan kaŝon de la “Adiaŭi”-menuero por sola-"
"uzanto, sola-seanco situacioj."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:75
msgid ""
"Whether to remember password for mounting encrypted or remote filesystems"
msgstr "Ĉu memorigi pasvorton por surmeti ĉifritajn aŭ forajn dosiersistemojn"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:76
msgid ""
"The shell will request a password when an encrypted device or a remote "
"filesystem is mounted. If the password can be saved for future use a "
"“Remember Password” checkbox will be present. This key sets the default "
"state of the checkbox."
msgstr ""
"La ŝelo petos pasvorton kiam ĉifrita aparato aŭ defora dosiersistemo estas "
"surmetata. Se la pasvorto konserveblas por estonta uzo, “Memorigi pasvorton” "
"markobutono montritos. Ĉi ŝlosilo agordas la implicitan staton de la "

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:109
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu"
msgstr "Klavkombino por malfermi la aplikaĵo-menuon"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:110
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu."
msgstr "Klavkombino por malfermi la aplikaĵo-menuon."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:116
msgid "Keybinding to open the “Show Applications” view"
msgstr "Klavkombino por malfermi la “Montri aplikaĵojn”-vidon"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:117
msgid ""
"Keybinding to open the “Show Applications” view of the Activities Overview."
msgstr ""
"Klavkombino por malfermi la “Montri aplikaĵojn” vidon de la Aktivecoj-"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:124
msgid "Keybinding to open the overview"
msgstr "Klavkombino por malfermi la superrigardon"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:125
msgid "Keybinding to open the Activities Overview."
msgstr "Klavkombino por malfermi la Aktivecoj-Superrigardon."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:131
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the notification list"
msgstr "Klavkombino por baskuligi la videblecon de la sciigolisto"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:132
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the notification list."
msgstr "Klavkombino por baskuligi la videblecon de la sciigolisto."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:138
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification"
msgstr "Klavkombino por fokusi la aktivan sciigon"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:139
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification."
msgstr "Klavkombino por fokusi la aktivan sciigon."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:145
msgid ""
"Keybinding that pauses and resumes all running tweens, for debugging purposes"
msgstr ""
"Klavkombino, kiu paŭzigas kaj malpaŭzigas ĉiujn rulantajn “tween”-oj, por "
"sencimigaj aferoj"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:150
msgid "Switch to application 1"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 1"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:154
msgid "Switch to application 2"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 2"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:158
msgid "Switch to application 3"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 3"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:162
msgid "Switch to application 4"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 4"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:166
msgid "Switch to application 5"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 5"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:170
msgid "Switch to application 6"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 6"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:174
msgid "Switch to application 7"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 7"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:178
msgid "Switch to application 8"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 8"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:182
msgid "Switch to application 9"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi al aplikaĵo 9"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:190
msgid "Which keyboard to use"
msgstr "Uzenda klavaro"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:191
msgid "The type of keyboard to use."
msgstr "La uzenda klavarspeco."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:202
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:229
msgid "Limit switcher to current workspace."
msgstr "Limigi ŝaltilon al aktuala laborspaco."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:203
msgid ""
"If true, only applications that have windows on the current workspace are "
"shown in the switcher. Otherwise, all applications are included."
msgstr ""
"Se vera, nur aplikaĵoj, kiuj havas fenestrojn en la aktuala laborspaco, "
"estas montritaj en la ŝaltilo. Alimaniere, ĉiuj aplikaĵoj estas inkluzivitaj."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:220
msgid "The application icon mode."
msgstr "La aplikaĵo bildsimbola reĝimo."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:221
msgid ""
"Configures how the windows are shown in the switcher. Valid possibilities "
"are “thumbnail-only” (shows a thumbnail of the window), “app-icon-"
"only” (shows only the application icon) or “both”."
msgstr ""
"Agordas kiel la fenestro montritas en la ŝaltilo. Eblaj valoroj estas "
"“thumbnail-only” (nur bildeto), “app-icon-only” (nur aplikaĵa bildsimbolo) "
"aŭ “both” (ambaŭ)."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:230
msgid ""
"If true, only windows from the current workspace are shown in the switcher. "
"Otherwise, all windows are included."
msgstr ""
"Se vera, nur fenestroj de la nuna laborspaco estas montrataj en la ŝaltilo. "
"Alimaniere, ĉiuj fenestroj estas inkluzivitaj."

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:242
msgid "Attach modal dialog to the parent window"
msgstr "Kunligi modalan dialogon al la patra fenestro"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:243
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:252
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:260
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:268
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:276
msgid ""
"This key overrides the key in org.gnome.mutter when running GNOME Shell."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi ŝlosilo transpasas la ŝlosilon en org.gnome.mutter kiam uzanta GNOME-"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:251
msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
msgstr ""
"Aktivigi kahelan aranĝon kiam demetante fenestrojn sur ekranaj borderoj"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:259
msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
msgstr "Laborspacoj administratas dinamike"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:267
msgid "Workspaces only on primary monitor"
msgstr "Laborspacoj nur sur la ĉefa ekrano"

#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:275
msgid "Delay focus changes in mouse mode until the pointer stops moving"
msgstr "En musa reĝimo, prokrasti ŝanĝi fokuson ĝis la musmontrilo haltas"

#: data/org.gnome.Shell.PortalHelper.desktop.in.in:3
msgid "Network Login"
msgstr "Reta saluto"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:116
msgid "Something’s gone wrong"
msgstr "Io fiaskis"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:123
msgid ""
"We’re very sorry, but there’s been a problem: the settings for this "
"extension can’t be displayed. We recommend that you report the issue to the "
"extension authors."
msgstr ""
"Ni pardonpetas, sed estis problemo: la agordoj de ĉi tiu etendaĵo ne "
"montreblas. Ni rekomendas, ke vi raportu la problemon al la aŭtoroj de la "

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:130
msgid "Technical Details"
msgstr "Teĥnikaj detaloj"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:165
msgid "Copy Error"
msgstr "Kopii eraron"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:185
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Hejmpaĝo"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:186
msgid "Visit extension homepage"
msgstr "Viziti hejmpaĝon de etendaĵo"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:449
msgid "No Extensions Installed"
msgstr "Neniu etendaĵo instalita"

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:459
msgid ""
"Extensions can be installed through Software or <a href=\"https://extensions."
msgstr ""
"Oni povas instali etendaĵoj per Programaro aŭ <a href=\"https://extensions."

#: js/extensionPrefs/main.js:474
msgid "Browse in Software"
msgstr "Foliumi en Programaro"

#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:140 js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:55
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:117 js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:136
#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:430 js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:188
#: js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:325 js/ui/status/network.js:889
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Nuligi"

#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:159 js/gdm/authPrompt.js:202 js/gdm/authPrompt.js:434
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Sekva"

#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:198 js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:329
#: js/ui/unlockDialog.js:41
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Malŝlosi"

#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:200
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Saluti"

#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:302
msgid "Choose Session"
msgstr "Elekti seancon"

#. translators: this message is shown below the user list on the
#. login screen. It can be activated to reveal an entry for
#. manually entering the username.
#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:446
msgid "Not listed?"
msgstr "Ĉu ne en listo?"

#. Translators: this message is shown below the username entry field
#. to clue the user in on how to login to the local network realm
#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:884
#, javascript-format
msgid "(e.g., user or %s)"
msgstr "(ekzemple, uzanto aŭ %s)"

#. TTLS and PEAP are actually much more complicated, but this complication
#. is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
#. (and don't even care of which one)
#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:889 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:243
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:263 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:281
msgid "Username: "
msgstr "Uzantonomo: "

#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1227
msgid "Login Window"
msgstr "Salutfenestro"

#: js/gdm/util.js:337
msgid "Authentication error"
msgstr "Aŭtentigo-eraro"

#. We don't show fingerprint messages directly since it's
#. not the main auth service. Instead we use the messages
#. as a cue to display our own message.
#. Translators: this message is shown below the password entry field
#. to indicate the user can swipe their finger instead
#: js/gdm/util.js:477
msgid "(or swipe finger)"
msgstr "(aŭ pasu fingron)"

#. Translators: The name of the power-off action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:88
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the power-off action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:91
msgid "power off;shutdown;reboot;restart"
msgstr "malŝalti;sistemfermo;restartigi;reŝargi"

#. Translators: The name of the lock screen action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:95
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Lock Screen"
msgstr "Ŝlosa ekrano"

#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the lock screen action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:98
msgid "lock screen"
msgstr "ŝlosa ekrano"

#. Translators: The name of the logout action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:102
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Adiaŭi"

#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the logout action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:105
msgid "logout;sign off"
msgstr "adiaŭi"

#. Translators: The name of the suspend action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:109
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Halteti"

#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the suspend action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:112
msgid "suspend;sleep"
msgstr "halteti;dormi;dormeti"

#. Translators: The name of the switch user action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:116
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Switch User"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi uzanton"

#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the switch user action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:119
msgid "switch user"
msgstr "ŝanĝi uzanton"

#. Translators: The name of the lock orientation action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:123
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Lock Orientation"
msgstr "Ŝlosa orientiĝo"

#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the lock orientation action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:126
msgid "lock orientation;screen;rotation"
msgstr "ŝlosa orientiĝo;ekrano;turno;rotacio"

#: js/misc/util.js:117
msgid "Command not found"
msgstr "Komando ne trovita"

#. Replace "Error invoking GLib.shell_parse_argv: " with
#. something nicer
#: js/misc/util.js:150
msgid "Could not parse command:"
msgstr "Ne eblis analizi komandon:"

#: js/misc/util.js:158
#, javascript-format
msgid "Execution of “%s” failed:"
msgstr "Plenumo de “%s” malsukcesis:"

#: js/misc/util.js:175
msgid "Just now"
msgstr "Ĵus"

#: js/misc/util.js:177
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d minute ago"
msgid_plural "%d minutes ago"
msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d minuto"
msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d minutoj"

#: js/misc/util.js:180
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d hour ago"
msgid_plural "%d hours ago"
msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d horo"
msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d horoj"

#: js/misc/util.js:183
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "Hieraŭ"

#: js/misc/util.js:185
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d day ago"
msgid_plural "%d days ago"
msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d tago"
msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d tagoj"

#: js/misc/util.js:188
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d week ago"
msgid_plural "%d weeks ago"
msgstr[0] "Antau %d semajno"
msgstr[1] "Antau %d semajnoj"

#: js/misc/util.js:191
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d month ago"
msgid_plural "%d months ago"
msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d monato"
msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d monatoj"

#: js/misc/util.js:193
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d year ago"
msgid_plural "%d years ago"
msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d jaro"
msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d jaroj"

#. Translators: Time in 24h format
#: js/misc/util.js:223
msgid "%H∶%M"
msgstr "%H∶%M"

#. Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a
#. time string in 24h format. i.e. "Yesterday, 14:30"
#: js/misc/util.js:229
#, no-c-format
msgid "Yesterday, %H∶%M"
msgstr "Hieraŭ, %H∶%M"

#. Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time
#. string in 24h format. i.e. "Monday, 14:30"
#: js/misc/util.js:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A, %H∶%M"
msgstr "%A, %H∶%M"

#. Translators: this is the month name and day number
#. followed by a time string in 24h format.
#. i.e. "May 25, 14:30"
#: js/misc/util.js:241
#, no-c-format
msgid "%B %-d, %H∶%M"
msgstr "%-d-a de %B, %H∶%M"

#. Translators: this is the month name, day number, year
#. number followed by a time string in 24h format.
#. i.e. "May 25 2012, 14:30"
#: js/misc/util.js:247
#, no-c-format
msgid "%B %-d %Y, %H∶%M"
msgstr "%-d-a de %B %Y, %H∶%M"

#. Translators: Time in 12h format
#: js/misc/util.js:252
msgid "%l∶%M %p"
msgstr "%l∶%M %p"

#. Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a
#. time string in 12h format. i.e. "Yesterday, 2:30 pm"
#: js/misc/util.js:258
#, no-c-format
msgid "Yesterday, %l∶%M %p"
msgstr "Hieraŭ, %l:%M %p"

#. Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time
#. string in 12h format. i.e. "Monday, 2:30 pm"
#: js/misc/util.js:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A, %l∶%M %p"
msgstr "%A, %l∶%M %p"

#. Translators: this is the month name and day number
#. followed by a time string in 12h format.
#. i.e. "May 25, 2:30 pm"
#: js/misc/util.js:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "%B %-d, %l∶%M %p"
msgstr "%-d-a de %B, %l∶%M %p"

#. Translators: this is the month name, day number, year
#. number followed by a time string in 12h format.
#. i.e. "May 25 2012, 2:30 pm"
#: js/misc/util.js:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "%B %-d %Y, %l∶%M %p"
msgstr "%-d-a de %B %Y, %l∶%M %p"

#. TRANSLATORS: this is the title of the wifi captive portal login window
#: js/portalHelper/main.js:40
msgid "Hotspot Login"
msgstr "Retkapteja salutado"

#: js/portalHelper/main.js:86
msgid ""
"Your connection to this hotspot login is not secure. Passwords or other "
"information you enter on this page can be viewed by people nearby."
msgstr ""
"Via konekto al ĉi tiu retkapetja salutado ne estas sekura. Pasvortojn kaj "
"aliajn informojn, kiujn vi enigas en ĉi tiu paĝo, apudaj aliuloj povas vidi."

#. No support for non-modal system dialogs, so ignore the option
#. let modal = options['modal'] || true;
#: js/ui/accessDialog.js:37 js/ui/status/location.js:360
msgid "Deny Access"
msgstr "Rifuzi aliron"

#: js/ui/accessDialog.js:38 js/ui/status/location.js:363
msgid "Grant Access"
msgstr "Konsenti aliron"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:660
msgid "Frequently used applications will appear here"
msgstr "Ofte uzataj aplikaĵoj aperos ĉi tie"

# Oftaj aplikaĵoj  --Carmen
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:775
msgid "Frequent"
msgstr "Oftaj"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:782
msgid "All"
msgstr "Ĉiuj"

#. Translators: This is the heading of a list of open windows
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1713 js/ui/panel.js:79
msgid "Open Windows"
msgstr "Malfermaj fenestroj"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1732 js/ui/panel.js:86
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Nova fenestro"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1746
msgid "Launch using Dedicated Graphics Card"
msgstr "Lanĉi uzante dediĉitan vidkarton"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1773 js/ui/dash.js:239
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "Forigi el preferataj"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1779
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "Aldoni al preferataj"

#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1789 js/ui/panel.js:97
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Montri detalojn"

#: js/ui/appFavorites.js:149
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s has been added to your favorites."
msgstr "%s estas aldonita de via preferataj aplikaĵoj."

#: js/ui/appFavorites.js:183
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s has been removed from your favorites."
msgstr "%s estas forigita de via preferataj aplikaĵoj."

#: js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:42
msgid "Select Audio Device"
msgstr "Elekti sonaparaton"

#: js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:53
msgid "Sound Settings"
msgstr "Sonagordoj"

#: js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:62
msgid "Headphones"
msgstr "Kapaŭskultilo"

#: js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:64
msgid "Headset"
msgstr "Kaptelefono"

#: js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:66 js/ui/status/volume.js:247
msgid "Microphone"
msgstr "Mikrofono"

#: js/ui/backgroundMenu.js:13
msgid "Change Background…"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi ekranfonon…"

#: js/ui/backgroundMenu.js:15 js/ui/status/nightLight.js:43
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Ekran-agordoj"

#: js/ui/backgroundMenu.js:16
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Agordoj"

#. Translators: Enter 0-6 (Sunday-Saturday) for non-work days. Examples: "0" (Sunday) "6" (Saturday) "06" (Sunday and Saturday).
#: js/ui/calendar.js:40
msgctxt "calendar-no-work"
msgid "06"
msgstr "06"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Sunday.
#. *
#. * NOTE: These grid abbreviations are always shown together
#. * and in order, e.g. "S M T W T F S".
#: js/ui/calendar.js:69
msgctxt "grid sunday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "d"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Monday
#: js/ui/calendar.js:71
msgctxt "grid monday"
msgid "M"
msgstr "l"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Tuesday
#: js/ui/calendar.js:73
msgctxt "grid tuesday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "m"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Wednesday
#: js/ui/calendar.js:75
msgctxt "grid wednesday"
msgid "W"
msgstr "m"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Thursday
#: js/ui/calendar.js:77
msgctxt "grid thursday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "ĵ"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Friday
#: js/ui/calendar.js:79
msgctxt "grid friday"
msgid "F"
msgstr "v"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Saturday
#: js/ui/calendar.js:81
msgctxt "grid saturday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "s"

#. *
#. * Translators: The header displaying just the month name
#. * standalone, when this is a month of the current year.
#. * "%OB" is the new format specifier introduced in glibc 2.27,
#. * in most cases you should not change it.
#: js/ui/calendar.js:332
msgid "%OB"
msgstr "%OB"

#. *
#. * Translators: The header displaying the month name and the year
#. * number, when this is a month of a different year.  You can
#. * reorder the format specifiers or add other modifications
#. * according to the requirements of your language.
#. * "%OB" is the new format specifier introduced in glibc 2.27,
#. * in most cases you should not use the old "%B" here unless you
#. * absolutely know what you are doing.
#: js/ui/calendar.js:342
msgid "%OB %Y"
msgstr "%OB %Y"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:399
msgid "Previous month"
msgstr "Antaŭa monato"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:410
msgid "Next month"
msgstr "Sekva monato"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:564
#, no-javascript-format
msgctxt "date day number format"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%-d"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:619
msgid "Week %V"
msgstr "Semajno %V"

#. Translators: Shown in calendar event list for all day events
#. * Keep it short, best if you can use less then 10 characters
#: js/ui/calendar.js:687
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "All Day"
msgstr "Tuttaga"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:819
msgctxt "calendar heading"
msgid "%A, %B %-d"
msgstr "%A, %-d-a de %B"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:823
msgctxt "calendar heading"
msgid "%A, %B %-d, %Y"
msgstr "%A, %-d-a de %B %Y"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:1046
msgid "No Notifications"
msgstr "Neniu sciigo"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:1049
msgid "No Events"
msgstr "Neniu evento"

#: js/ui/calendar.js:1075
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Vakigi"

#. Translators: %s is an application name
#: js/ui/closeDialog.js:42
#, javascript-format
msgid "“%s” is not responding."
msgstr "“%s” ne respondas."

#: js/ui/closeDialog.js:43
msgid ""
"You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the "
"application to quit entirely."
msgstr "Vi povas atendi por ke ĝi daŭrigu aŭ devigi ke la aplikaĵo ĉesu."

#: js/ui/closeDialog.js:59
msgid "Force Quit"
msgstr "Devige ĉesigi"

#: js/ui/closeDialog.js:62
msgid "Wait"
msgstr "Atendi"

#: js/ui/components/automountManager.js:86
msgid "External drive connected"
msgstr "Ekstera disko konektitas"

#: js/ui/components/automountManager.js:98
msgid "External drive disconnected"
msgstr "Ekstera disko malkonektitas"

#: js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:334
#, javascript-format
msgid "Open with %s"
msgstr "Malfermi per %s"

#: js/ui/components/keyring.js:77 js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:255
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Pasvorto:"

#: js/ui/components/keyring.js:108
msgid "Type again:"
msgstr "Tajpu denove:"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:102
msgid ""
"Alternatively you can connect by pushing the “WPS” button on your router."
msgstr ""
"Alternative vi povas konekti per premi la “WPS”-butonon de via enkursigilo."

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:112 js/ui/status/network.js:219
#: js/ui/status/network.js:310 js/ui/status/network.js:892
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Konekti"

#. Cisco LEAP
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:211 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:223
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:246 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:265
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:285 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:295
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "Pasvorto: "

#. static WEP
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:216
msgid "Key: "
msgstr "Ŝlosilo: "

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:249 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:271
msgid "Private key password: "
msgstr "Pasvorto por privata ŝlosilo: "

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:269
msgid "Identity: "
msgstr "Identeco: "

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:283
msgid "Service: "
msgstr "Servo: "

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:312 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:685
msgid "Authentication required by wireless network"
msgstr "Sendrata reto bezonas aŭtentigon"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:313 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:686
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network "
msgstr ""
"Pasvortoj aŭ ĉifro-ŝlosiloj estas necesaj por aliro al sendrata reto “%s”."

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:317 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:689
msgid "Wired 802.1X authentication"
msgstr "Dratita 802.1X aŭtentokontrolo"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:319
msgid "Network name: "
msgstr "Reta nomo: "

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:324 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:693
msgid "DSL authentication"
msgstr "DSL-a aŭtentokontrolo"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:331 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:699
msgid "PIN code required"
msgstr "PIN-kodo bezonata"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:332 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:700
msgid "PIN code is needed for the mobile broadband device"
msgstr "PIN-kodo necesas por la portebla larĝkapacita aparato"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:333
msgid "PIN: "
msgstr "PIN: "

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:340 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:706
msgid "Mobile broadband network password"
msgstr "Portebla larĝkapacita retopasvorto"

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:341 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:690
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:694 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:707
#, javascript-format
msgid "A password is required to connect to “%s”."
msgstr "Pasvorto necesas por konekti al “%s”."

#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:674 js/ui/status/network.js:1665
msgid "Network Manager"
msgstr "Retadministrilo"

#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:34
msgid "Authentication Required"
msgstr "Aŭtentigo bezonata"

#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:62
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administranto"

#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:139
msgid "Authenticate"
msgstr "Aŭtentigi"

#. Translators: "that didn't work" refers to the fact that the
#. * requested authentication was not gained; this can happen
#. * because of an authentication error (like invalid password),
#. * for instance.
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:241 js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:309
msgid "Sorry, that didn’t work. Please try again."
msgstr "Pardonon, tio ne funkciis. Bonvolu provi denove."

#. Translators: this is the other person changing their old IM name to their new
#. IM name.
#: js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:778
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s is now known as %s"
msgstr "%s estas nun konata kiel %s"

#: js/ui/ctrlAltTab.js:21 js/ui/viewSelector.js:169
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Fenestroj"

#: js/ui/dash.js:200 js/ui/dash.js:241
msgid "Show Applications"
msgstr "Montri aplikaĵojn"

# Kiel macOS «dock”.  --Carmen
#. Translators: this is the name of the dock/favorites area on
#. the left of the overview
#: js/ui/dash.js:390
msgid "Dash"
msgstr "Doko"

# Komento por tradukantoj estas neĝusta? --Carmen
#. Translators: This is the date format to use when the calendar popup is
#. * shown - it is shown just below the time in the top bar (e.g.,
#. * "Tue 9:29 AM").  The string itself should become a full date, e.g.,
#. * "February 17 2015".
#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:62
msgid "%B %-d %Y"
msgstr "%-d-a de %B %Y"

#. Translators: This is the accessible name of the date button shown
#. * below the time in the shell; it should combine the weekday and the
#. * date, e.g. "Tuesday February 17 2015".
#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:69
msgid "%A %B %e %Y"
msgstr "%A, %-d-a de %B %Y"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:131
msgid "Add world clocks…"
msgstr "Aldoni mondajn horloĝojn…"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:132
msgid "World Clocks"
msgstr "Mondaj horloĝoj"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:228
msgid "Weather"
msgstr "Vetero"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:311
msgid "Select a location…"
msgstr "Elekti lokon…"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:319
msgid "Loading…"
msgstr "Ŝargante…"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:329
msgid "Go online for weather information"
msgstr "Enretigi por veterinformoj"

#: js/ui/dateMenu.js:331
msgid "Weather information is currently unavailable"
msgstr "Veterinformoj ĉimomente nehaveblas"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:42
#, javascript-format
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Log Out %s"
msgstr "Adiaŭi %s"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:43
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Adiaŭi"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:45
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s will be logged out automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "%s will be logged out automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "%s aŭtomate adiaŭos post %d sekundo."
msgstr[1] "%s aŭtomate adiaŭos post %d sekundoj."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "You will be logged out automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "You will be logged out automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Vi aŭtomate adiaŭos post %d sekundo."
msgstr[1] "Vi aŭtomate adiaŭos post %d sekundoj."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:56
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Adiaŭi"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:62
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:63
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Install Updates & Power Off"
msgstr "Instali ĝisdatigojn & malŝalti"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:65
#, javascript-format
msgid "The system will power off automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "The system will power off automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "La sistemo aŭtomate malŝaltiĝos post %d sekundo."
msgstr[1] "La sistemo aŭtomate malŝaltiĝos post %d sekundoj."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:69
msgctxt "checkbox"
msgid "Install pending software updates"
msgstr "Instali okazontajn ĝisdatigojn"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:72 js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:89
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Restartigi"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:74
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:81
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Restartigi"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:83
#, javascript-format
msgid "The system will restart automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "The system will restart automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "La sistemo aŭtomate restartiĝos post %d sekundo."
msgstr[1] "La sistemo aŭtomate restartiĝos post %d sekundoj."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:97
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Restart & Install Updates"
msgstr "Restartigi & instali ĝisdatigojn"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:99
#, javascript-format
msgid "The system will automatically restart and install updates in %d second."
msgid_plural ""
"The system will automatically restart and install updates in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] ""
"La sistemo aŭtomate restartiĝos kaj instalos ĝisdatigojn post %d sekundo."
msgstr[1] ""
"La sistemo aŭtomate restartiĝos kaj instalos ĝisdatigojn post %d sekundoj."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:105 js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:125
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Restart &amp; Install"
msgstr "Restartigi &amp; instali"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:106
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Install &amp; Power Off"
msgstr "Instali &amp; malŝalti"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:107
msgctxt "checkbox"
msgid "Power off after updates are installed"
msgstr "Malŝalti post instalado de ĝisdatigoj"

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:115
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Restart & Install Upgrade"
msgstr "Restarti & instali ĝisdatigon"

#. Translators: This is the text displayed for system upgrades in the
#. shut down dialog. First %s gets replaced with the distro name and
#. second %s with the distro version to upgrade to
#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:120
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"%s %s will be installed after restart. Upgrade installation can take a long "
"time: ensure that you have backed up and that the computer is plugged in."
msgstr ""
"%s %s instaliĝos post restarto. Instalado de tiu ĝisdatigo povas daŭri "
"longe: certigu, ke viaj datumoj sekurkopiiĝis kaj via komputilo konektiĝis."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:309
msgid "Running on battery power: please plug in before installing updates."
msgstr "Uzante baterielektron: bonvolu konekti antaŭ ol instali ĝisdatigojn."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:326
msgid "Some applications are busy or have unsaved work."
msgstr "Iuj aplikaĵoj okupitas aŭ havas nekonservitan laboron."

#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:333
msgid "Other users are logged in."
msgstr "Aliaj uzantoj estas salutitaj."

#. Translators: Remote here refers to a remote session, like a ssh login
#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:614
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s (remote)"
msgstr "%s (defora)"

#. Translators: Console here refers to a tty like a VT console
#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:617
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s (console)"
msgstr "%s (konzolo)"

#: js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:192
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instali"

#: js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:197
#, javascript-format
msgid "Download and install “%s” from extensions.gnome.org?"
msgstr "Ĉu elŝuti kaj instali “%s” de extensions.gnome.org?"

#. Translators: %s is an application name like "Settings"
#: js/ui/inhibitShortcutsDialog.js:78
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s wants to inhibit shortcuts"
msgstr "%s volas malebligi klavkombinojn"

#: js/ui/inhibitShortcutsDialog.js:79
msgid "Application wants to inhibit shortcuts"
msgstr "Aplikaĵo volas malebligi klavkombinojn"

#. Translators: %s is a keyboard shortcut like "Super+x"
#: js/ui/inhibitShortcutsDialog.js:88
#, javascript-format
msgid "You can restore shortcuts by pressing %s."
msgstr "Vi povas restaŭri klavkombinojn per premi %s."

#: js/ui/inhibitShortcutsDialog.js:93
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Rifuzi"

#: js/ui/inhibitShortcutsDialog.js:100
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "Akcepti"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:31
msgid "Slow Keys Turned On"
msgstr "Malrapidaj klavoj ŝaltitaj"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:32
msgid "Slow Keys Turned Off"
msgstr "Malrapidaj klavoj malŝaltitaj"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:33
msgid ""
"You just held down the Shift key for 8 seconds. This is the shortcut for the "
"Slow Keys feature, which affects the way your keyboard works."
msgstr ""
"Vi premis la majuskligan klavon por 8 sekundoj. Ĉi tiu estas la klavkombino "
"por la malrapidaj klavoj funkcio, kiu ŝanĝas la konduton de via klavaro."

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:40
msgid "Sticky Keys Turned On"
msgstr "Fiksaj klavoj ŝaltitaj"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:41
msgid "Sticky Keys Turned Off"
msgstr "Fiksaj klavoj malŝaltitaj"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:43
msgid ""
"You just pressed the Shift key 5 times in a row. This is the shortcut for "
"the Sticky Keys feature, which affects the way your keyboard works."
msgstr ""
"Vi premis la majuskligan klavon kvinfoje. Ĉi tiu estas la klavkombino por la "
"fiksaj klavoj funkcio, kiu ŝanĝas la konduton de via klavaro."

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:45
msgid ""
"You just pressed two keys at once, or pressed the Shift key 5 times in a "
"row. This turns off the Sticky Keys feature, which affects the way your "
"keyboard works."
msgstr ""
"Vi premis du klavojn samtempe, aŭ premis la majuskligan klavon kvinfoje. Ĉi "
"tiu malŝaltas la fiksaj klavoj funkcion, kiu ŝanĝas la konduton de via "

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:57
msgid "Leave On"
msgstr "Lasi ŝaltita"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:57 js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:133
#: js/ui/status/network.js:1264
msgid "Turn On"
msgstr "Ŝalti"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:65 js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:133
#: js/ui/status/network.js:128 js/ui/status/network.js:311
#: js/ui/status/network.js:1264 js/ui/status/network.js:1376
#: js/ui/status/nightLight.js:39 js/ui/status/rfkill.js:79
#: js/ui/status/rfkill.js:106
msgid "Turn Off"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#: js/ui/kbdA11yDialog.js:65
msgid "Leave Off"
msgstr "Lasi malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/keyboard.js:200
msgid "Region & Language Settings"
msgstr "Regiono & lingvo agordoj"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:615
msgid "No extensions installed"
msgstr "Neniu kromprogramo instalita"

#. Translators: argument is an extension UUID.
#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:669
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s has not emitted any errors."
msgstr "%s ne eligintaj ajnaj eraroj."

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:675
msgid "Hide Errors"
msgstr "Kaŝi erarojn"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:679 js/ui/lookingGlass.js:739
msgid "Show Errors"
msgstr "Montri erarojn"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:688
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Enŝaltita"

#. translators:
#. * The device has been disabled
#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:691 subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1864
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Elŝaltita"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:693
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Eraro"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:695
msgid "Out of date"
msgstr "Neaktuala"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:697
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "Elŝutante"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:721
msgid "View Source"
msgstr "Montri fonton"

#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:730
msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Retpaĝo"

#: js/ui/messageTray.js:1479
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "Sisteminformoj"

#: js/ui/mpris.js:177
msgid "Unknown artist"
msgstr "Nekonata artisto"

#: js/ui/mpris.js:178
msgid "Unknown title"
msgstr "Nekonata titolo"

#: js/ui/osdWindow.js:22 js/ui/status/volume.js:199
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Laŭteco"

#: js/ui/overview.js:73
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Malfari"

#. Translators: This is the main view to select
#. activities. See also note for "Activities" string.
#: js/ui/overview.js:100
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Superrigardo"

# Imperativo
#. Translators: this is the text displayed
#. in the search entry when no search is
#. active; it should not exceed ~30
#. characters.
#: js/ui/overview.js:226
msgid "Type to search…"
msgstr "Tajpu por serĉi…"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:92
msgid "New shortcut…"
msgstr "Nova klavkombino…"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:141
msgid "Application defined"
msgstr "Aplikaĵo difinita"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:142
msgid "Show on-screen help"
msgstr "Montri surekranan helpon"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:143
msgid "Switch monitor"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi ekranon"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:144
msgid "Assign keystroke"
msgstr "Asigni klavpremon"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:209
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Plenumita"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:721
msgid "Edit…"
msgstr "Redakti…"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:763 js/ui/padOsd.js:868
msgid "None"
msgstr "Neniu"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:822
msgid "Press a button to configure"
msgstr "Premu klavon por agordi"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:823
msgid "Press Esc to exit"
msgstr "Premu Esk-klavon por ĉesi"

#: js/ui/padOsd.js:826
msgid "Press any key to exit"
msgstr "Premu iun ajn klavon por ĉesi"

#: js/ui/panel.js:113
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Ĉesi"

#. Translators: If there is no suitable word for "Activities"
#. in your language, you can use the word for "Overview".
#: js/ui/panel.js:468
msgid "Activities"
msgstr "Aktivecoj"

#: js/ui/panel.js:743
msgctxt "System menu in the top bar"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistemo"

#: js/ui/panel.js:861
msgid "Top Bar"
msgstr "Supra breto"

#: js/ui/runDialog.js:64
msgid "Enter a Command"
msgstr "Enigu komandon"

#: js/ui/runDialog.js:104 js/ui/windowMenu.js:166
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermi"

#: js/ui/runDialog.js:266
msgid "Restart is not available on Wayland"
msgstr "Restartigado ne disponeblas sur Wayland"

#: js/ui/runDialog.js:271
msgid "Restarting…"
msgstr "Restartante…"

#. Translators: This is a time format for a date in
#. long format
#: js/ui/screenShield.js:77
msgid "%A, %B %d"
msgstr "%A, %-d-a de %B"

#: js/ui/screenShield.js:133
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d new message"
msgid_plural "%d new messages"
msgstr[0] "%d nova mesaĝo"
msgstr[1] "%d novaj mesaĝoj"

#: js/ui/screenShield.js:135
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d new notification"
msgid_plural "%d new notifications"
msgstr[0] "%d nova sciigo"
msgstr[1] "%d novaj sciigoj"

#: js/ui/screenShield.js:449 js/ui/status/system.js:271
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Ŝlosi"

#: js/ui/screenShield.js:713
msgid "GNOME needs to lock the screen"
msgstr "GNOME bezonas ŝlosi la ekranon"

#. We could not become modal, so we can't activate the
#. screenshield. The user is probably very upset at this
#. point, but any application using global grabs is broken
#. Just tell him to stop using this app
#. XXX: another option is to kick the user into the gdm login
#. screen, where we're not affected by grabs
#: js/ui/screenShield.js:826 js/ui/screenShield.js:1299
msgid "Unable to lock"
msgstr "Ne eblas ŝlosi"

#: js/ui/screenShield.js:827 js/ui/screenShield.js:1300
msgid "Lock was blocked by an application"
msgstr "Ŝloso estis blokita de aplikaĵo"

#: js/ui/search.js:635
msgid "Searching…"
msgstr "Serĉante…"

#: js/ui/search.js:637
msgid "No results."
msgstr "Neniuj rezultoj."

#: js/ui/search.js:761
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d more"
msgid_plural "%d more"
msgstr[0] "%d pli"
msgstr[1] "%d pli"

#: js/ui/shellEntry.js:19
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopii"

#: js/ui/shellEntry.js:24
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Alglui"

#: js/ui/shellEntry.js:90
msgid "Show Text"
msgstr "Montri tekston"

#: js/ui/shellEntry.js:92
msgid "Hide Text"
msgstr "Kaŝi tekston"

#: js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:296
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasvorto"

#: js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:317
msgid "Remember Password"
msgstr "Memorigi pasvorton"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:35
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr "Atingeblo"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:50
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Zomi"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:57
msgid "Screen Reader"
msgstr "Ekrana legilo"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:61
msgid "Screen Keyboard"
msgstr "Ekrana klavaro"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:65
msgid "Visual Alerts"
msgstr "Vidaj avertoj"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:68
msgid "Sticky Keys"
msgstr "Fiksaj klavoj"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:71
msgid "Slow Keys"
msgstr "Malrapidaj klavoj"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:74
msgid "Bounce Keys"
msgstr "Saltaj klavoj"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:77
msgid "Mouse Keys"
msgstr "Musklavoj"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:135
msgid "High Contrast"
msgstr "Alta kontrasto"

#: js/ui/status/accessibility.js:177
msgid "Large Text"
msgstr "Granda teksto"

#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:38
msgid "Bluetooth"
msgstr "Bludento"

#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:47 js/ui/status/network.js:586
msgid "Bluetooth Settings"
msgstr "Bludento-agordoj"

#. Translators: this is the number of connected bluetooth devices
#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:127
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d Connected"
msgid_plural "%d Connected"
msgstr[0] "%d Konektita"
msgstr[1] "%d Konektitaj"

#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:129
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:131
msgid "On"
msgstr "Ŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/brightness.js:36
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Brileco"

#: js/ui/status/keyboard.js:812
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Klavaro"

#: js/ui/status/keyboard.js:834
msgid "Show Keyboard Layout"
msgstr "Montri klavararanĝon"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:64 js/ui/status/location.js:172
msgid "Location Enabled"
msgstr "Loko ŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:65 js/ui/status/location.js:173
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:66
msgid "Privacy Settings"
msgstr "Privatecaj agordoj"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:171
msgid "Location In Use"
msgstr "Loko uzata"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:175
msgid "Location Disabled"
msgstr "Loko malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:176
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Ŝalti"

#. Translators: %s is an application name
#: js/ui/status/location.js:353
#, javascript-format
msgid "Give %s access to your location?"
msgstr "Ĉu permesi al %s aliri vian lokon?"

#: js/ui/status/location.js:354
msgid "Location access can be changed at any time from the privacy settings."
msgstr "Loka aliro povas ŝanĝiĝi iam ajn en la privateco-agordoj."

#: js/ui/status/network.js:66
msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<nekonata>"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:417 js/ui/status/network.js:1293
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Off"
msgstr "%s malŝaltita"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:420
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Connected"
msgstr "%s konektita"

#. Translators: this is for network devices that are physically present but are not
#. under NetworkManager's control (and thus cannot be used in the menu);
#. %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:425
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Unmanaged"
msgstr "%s nemastrumita"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:428
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Disconnecting"
msgstr "%s malkonektante"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:435 js/ui/status/network.js:1285
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Connecting"
msgstr "%s konektante"

#. Translators: this is for network connections that require some kind of key or password; %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:438
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Requires Authentication"
msgstr "%s postulas aŭtentigon"

#. Translators: this is for devices that require some kind of firmware or kernel
#. module, which is missing; %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:446
#, javascript-format
msgid "Firmware Missing For %s"
msgstr "Mikroprogramo mankas por %s"

#. Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated (for example it
#. is disabled by rfkill, or it has no coverage; %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Unavailable"
msgstr "%s nedisponebla"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:453
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Connection Failed"
msgstr "%s konekto malsukcesis"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:465
msgid "Wired Settings"
msgstr "Drataj agordoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:507
msgid "Mobile Broadband Settings"
msgstr "Porteblaj larĝkapacitaj agordoj"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:554 js/ui/status/network.js:1290
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Hardware Disabled"
msgstr "%s aparataro malŝaltita"

#. Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated
#. because it's disabled by rfkill (airplane mode); %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:558
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Disabled"
msgstr "%s malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:598
msgid "Connect to Internet"
msgstr "Konekti al interreto"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:787
msgid "Airplane Mode is On"
msgstr "Aviadila reĝimo ŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:788
msgid "Wi-Fi is disabled when airplane mode is on."
msgstr "Vifio malebliĝas se aviadila reĝimo estas ŝaltita."

#: js/ui/status/network.js:789
msgid "Turn Off Airplane Mode"
msgstr "Malŝalti aviadilan reĝimon"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:798
msgid "Wi-Fi is Off"
msgstr "Vifio malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:799
msgid "Wi-Fi needs to be turned on in order to connect to a network."
msgstr "Necesas ŝalti vifion por konekti al reto."

#: js/ui/status/network.js:800
msgid "Turn On Wi-Fi"
msgstr "Ŝalti vifion"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:825
msgid "Wi-Fi Networks"
msgstr "Vifiaj retoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:827
msgid "Select a network"
msgstr "Elekti reton"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:856
msgid "No Networks"
msgstr "Neniu reto"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:877 js/ui/status/rfkill.js:104
msgid "Use hardware switch to turn off"
msgstr "Uzi aparataran ŝaltilon por malŝalti"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1153
msgid "Select Network"
msgstr "Elekti reton"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1159
msgid "Wi-Fi Settings"
msgstr "Vifio-agordoj"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:1281
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Hotspot Active"
msgstr "%s retkaptejo aktiva"

#. Translators: %s is a network identifier
#: js/ui/status/network.js:1296
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Not Connected"
msgstr "%s ne konektita"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1393
msgid "connecting…"
msgstr "konektante…"

#. Translators: this is for network connections that require some kind of key or password
#: js/ui/status/network.js:1396
msgid "authentication required"
msgstr "aŭtentigo necesas"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1398
msgid "connection failed"
msgstr "konekto malsukcesis"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1448
msgid "VPN Settings"
msgstr "VPR-agordoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1465
msgid "VPN"
msgstr "VPR"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1475
msgid "VPN Off"
msgstr "VPR malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1536 js/ui/status/rfkill.js:82
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Ret-agordoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1565
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Wired Connection"
msgid_plural "%s Wired Connections"
msgstr[0] "%s drata konekto"
msgstr[1] "%s drataj konektoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1569
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Wi-Fi Connection"
msgid_plural "%s Wi-Fi Connections"
msgstr[0] "%s vifia konekto"
msgstr[1] "%s vifiaj konektoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1573
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s Modem Connection"
msgid_plural "%s Modem Connections"
msgstr[0] "%s modema konekto"
msgstr[1] "%s modemaj konektoj"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1706
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Konekto malsukcesis"

#: js/ui/status/network.js:1707
msgid "Activation of network connection failed"
msgstr "Aktivigo de reto-konekto malsukcesis"

#: js/ui/status/nightLight.js:60
msgid "Night Light Disabled"
msgstr "Noktlumo malŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/nightLight.js:61
msgid "Night Light On"
msgstr "Noktlumo ŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/nightLight.js:62
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Daŭrigi"

#: js/ui/status/nightLight.js:63
msgid "Disable Until Tomorrow"
msgstr "Malŝalti ĝis morgaŭ"

#: js/ui/status/power.js:45
msgid "Power Settings"
msgstr "Elektro-agordoj"

#: js/ui/status/power.js:61
msgid "Fully Charged"
msgstr "Plene ŝargita"

#: js/ui/status/power.js:67
msgid "Not Charging"
msgstr "Ne ŝargante"

#. 0 is reported when UPower does not have enough data
#. to estimate battery life
#: js/ui/status/power.js:70 js/ui/status/power.js:76
msgid "Estimating…"
msgstr "Taksante…"

#. Translators: this is <hours>:<minutes> Remaining (<percentage>)
#: js/ui/status/power.js:84
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d∶%02d Remaining (%d %%)"
msgstr "Restas %d:%02d (%d %%)"

#. Translators: this is <hours>:<minutes> Until Full (<percentage>)
#: js/ui/status/power.js:89
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d∶%02d Until Full (%d %%)"
msgstr "%d:%02d ĝis plena (%d %%)"

#: js/ui/status/power.js:117 js/ui/status/power.js:119
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d %%"
msgstr "%d %%"

#: js/ui/status/remoteAccess.js:42
msgid "Screen is Being Shared"
msgstr "Ekrano estas kunhavigita"

#: js/ui/status/remoteAccess.js:44
msgid "Turn off"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#. The menu only appears when airplane mode is on, so just
#. statically build it as if it was on, rather than dynamically
#. changing the menu contents.
#: js/ui/status/rfkill.js:77
msgid "Airplane Mode On"
msgstr "Aviadila reĝimo ŝaltita"

#: js/ui/status/system.js:203
msgid "Switch User"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi uzanton"

#: js/ui/status/system.js:215
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Adiaŭi"

#: js/ui/status/system.js:227
msgid "Account Settings"
msgstr "Kontoagordoj"

#: js/ui/status/system.js:256
msgid "Orientation Lock"
msgstr "Orientiĝa ŝloso"

#: js/ui/status/system.js:282
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Dormeti"

#: js/ui/status/system.js:292
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Malŝalti"

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:261
msgid "Thunderbolt"
msgstr "Thunderbolt"

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:322
msgid "Unknown Thunderbolt device"
msgstr "Nekonata Thunderbolt aparato"

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:323
msgid ""
"New device has been detected while you were away. Please disconnect and "
"reconnect the device to start using it."
msgstr ""
"Nova aparato detektiĝis kiam vi estis for. Bonvolu malkonekti kaj rekonekti "
"vian aparaton por uzi ĝin."

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:326
msgid "Unauthorized Thunderbolt device"
msgstr "Ne-aŭtentigita Thunderbolt aparato"

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:327
msgid ""
"New device has been detected and needs to be authorized by an administrator."
msgstr "Detektis novan aparaton kiu bezonas aŭtentigon de administranto."

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:333
msgid "Thunderbolt authorization error"
msgstr "Thunderbolt aŭtentiga eraro"

#: js/ui/status/thunderbolt.js:334
#, javascript-format
msgid "Could not authorize the Thunderbolt device: %s"
msgstr "Ne povis aŭtentigi la Thunderbolt aparaton: %s"

#: js/ui/status/volume.js:133
msgid "Volume changed"
msgstr "Laŭteco ŝanĝita"

#. Translators: this is for display mirroring i.e. cloning.
#. * Try to keep it under around 15 characters.
#: js/ui/switchMonitor.js:16
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "Speguli"

#. Translators: this is for the desktop spanning displays.
#. * Try to keep it under around 15 characters.
#: js/ui/switchMonitor.js:21
msgid "Join Displays"
msgstr "Kunigi ekranojn"

#. Translators: this is for using only an external display.
#. * Try to keep it under around 15 characters.
#: js/ui/switchMonitor.js:26
msgid "External Only"
msgstr "Nur ekstera"

#. Translators: this is for using only the laptop display.
#. * Try to keep it under around 15 characters.
#: js/ui/switchMonitor.js:31
msgid "Built-in Only"
msgstr "Nur integrita"

#: js/ui/unlockDialog.js:49
msgid "Log in as another user"
msgstr "Saluti kiel alia uzanto"

#: js/ui/unlockDialog.js:66
msgid "Unlock Window"
msgstr "Malŝlosi fenestron"

#: js/ui/viewSelector.js:173
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Aplikaĵoj"

#: js/ui/viewSelector.js:177
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Serĉi"

#: js/ui/windowAttentionHandler.js:19
#, javascript-format
msgid "“%s” is ready"
msgstr "“%s” pretas"

#: js/ui/windowManager.js:53
msgid "Do you want to keep these display settings?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi volas konservi ĉi tiujn ekranajn agordojn?"

#. Translators: this and the following message should be limited in lenght,
#. to avoid ellipsizing the labels.
#: js/ui/windowManager.js:65
msgid "Revert Settings"
msgstr "Malfari ŝanĝojn"

#: js/ui/windowManager.js:68
msgid "Keep Changes"
msgstr "Konservi ŝanĝojn"

#: js/ui/windowManager.js:86
#, javascript-format
msgid "Settings changes will revert in %d second"
msgid_plural "Settings changes will revert in %d seconds"
msgstr[0] "Agordaj ŝanĝoj malfaritos post %d sekundo"
msgstr[1] "Agordaj ŝanĝoj malfaritos post %d sekundoj"

#. Translators: This represents the size of a window. The first number is
#. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
#: js/ui/windowManager.js:677
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d × %d"
msgstr "%d × %d"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:26
msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Minimumigi"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:33
msgid "Unmaximize"
msgstr "Malmaksimumigi"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:37
msgid "Maximize"
msgstr "Maksimumigi"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:44
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Movi"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:50
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Regrandigi"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:57
msgid "Move Titlebar Onscreen"
msgstr "Movi titolbreton surekranen"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:62
msgid "Always on Top"
msgstr "Ĉiam supre"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:81
msgid "Always on Visible Workspace"
msgstr "Ĉiam je videbla laborspaco"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:95
msgid "Move to Workspace Left"
msgstr "Movi al maldekstra laborspaco"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:101
msgid "Move to Workspace Right"
msgstr "Movi al dekstra laborspaco"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:107
msgid "Move to Workspace Up"
msgstr "Movi al supra laborspaco"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:113
msgid "Move to Workspace Down"
msgstr "Movi al suba laborspaco"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:131
msgid "Move to Monitor Up"
msgstr "Movi al supra ekrano"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:140
msgid "Move to Monitor Down"
msgstr "Movi al suba ekrano"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:149
msgid "Move to Monitor Left"
msgstr "Movi al maldekstra ekrano"

#: js/ui/windowMenu.js:158
msgid "Move to Monitor Right"
msgstr "Movi al dekstra ekrano"

#: src/calendar-server/evolution-calendar.desktop.in:3
msgid "Evolution Calendar"
msgstr "Evolucio-kalendaro"

#: src/main.c:408
msgid "Print version"
msgstr "Presi version"

#: src/main.c:414
msgid "Mode used by GDM for login screen"
msgstr "Reĝimo uzata de GDM por la salut-ekrano"

#: src/main.c:420
msgid "Use a specific mode, e.g. “gdm” for login screen"
msgstr "Uzi specifan reĝimon, ekz. “gdm” por la salut-ekrano"

#: src/main.c:426
msgid "List possible modes"
msgstr "Listigi eblajn reĝimojn"

#: src/shell-app.c:264
msgctxt "program"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nekonata"

#: src/shell-app.c:515
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to launch “%s”"
msgstr "Malsukcesis lanĉi “%s”"

#: src/shell-keyring-prompt.c:730
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Pasvortoj ne kongruas."

#: src/shell-keyring-prompt.c:738
msgid "Password cannot be blank"
msgstr "Pasvorto ne povas esti malplena"

#: src/shell-polkit-authentication-agent.c:348
msgid "Authentication dialog was dismissed by the user"
msgstr "La uzanto malakceptis la aŭtentigan dialogon"

#. translators:
#. * The number of sound outputs on a particular device
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1871
#, c-format
msgid "%u Output"
msgid_plural "%u Outputs"
msgstr[0] "%u eligo"
msgstr[1] "%u eligoj"

#. translators:
#. * The number of sound inputs on a particular device
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1881
#, c-format
msgid "%u Input"
msgid_plural "%u Inputs"
msgstr[0] "%u enigo"
msgstr[1] "%u enigoj"

#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:2736
msgid "System Sounds"
msgstr "Sistemsonoj"

#~ msgid "toggle-switch-us"
#~ msgstr "toggle-switch-intl"

#~ msgid "network-workgroup"
#~ msgstr "network-workgroup"

#~ msgid "evolution"
#~ msgstr "evolution"

#~ msgid "There was an error loading the preferences dialog for %s:"
#~ msgstr "Eraro okazis dum ŝarĝado de la agorda dialogo de %s:"

#~ msgid "%s all day."
#~ msgstr "%s tuttage."

#~ msgid "%s, then %s later."
#~ msgstr "%s, tiam %s."

#~ msgid "%s, then %s, followed by %s later."
#~ msgstr "%s, tiam %s, sekve %s."

#~ msgid "Feels like %s."
#~ msgstr "Sentas kiel %s."

#~ msgid "GNOME Shell Extension Preferences"
#~ msgstr "Agordoj de kromprogramoj de GNOME-ŝelo"

#~ msgid "Show the week date in the calendar"
#~ msgstr "Montri la semajnajntagon en la kalendaro"

#~ msgid "If true, display the ISO week date in the calendar."
#~ msgstr "Montri la semajndaton laŭ ISO en la kalendaro."

#~ msgid "Web Authentication Redirect"
#~ msgstr "Reta aŭtentokontrola alidirekto"

#~ msgid "Events"
#~ msgstr "Eventoj"

#~ msgid "Notifications"
#~ msgstr "Sciigoj"

#~ msgid "Hide tray"
#~ msgstr "Kaŝi pleton"

#~ msgid "Status Icons"
#~ msgstr "Stato-piktogramoj"

#~ msgid "Clear section"
#~ msgstr "Forviŝi sekcion"

#~ msgid "Not In Use"
#~ msgstr "Ne uzata"

#~ msgid "Use as Internet connection"
#~ msgstr "Uzi kiel interreta konekto"

#~ msgid "%d x %d"
#~ msgstr "%d x %d"

#~ msgid "GNOME Shell (wayland compositor)"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-ŝelo (wayland kunmetilo)"

#~ msgid "Show the message tray"
#~ msgstr "Montri la mesaĝo-pleton"

#~ msgctxt "event list time"
#~ msgid "%H∶%M"
#~ msgstr "%H∶%M"

#~ msgctxt "event list time"
#~ msgid "%l∶%M %p"
#~ msgstr "%l∶%M %p"

#~ msgctxt "list sunday"
#~ msgid "Su"
#~ msgstr "di"

#~ msgctxt "list monday"
#~ msgid "M"
#~ msgstr "lu"

#~ msgctxt "list tuesday"
#~ msgid "T"
#~ msgstr "ma"

#~ msgctxt "list wednesday"
#~ msgid "W"
#~ msgstr "me"

#~ msgctxt "list thursday"
#~ msgid "Th"
#~ msgstr "ĵa"

#~ msgctxt "list friday"
#~ msgid "F"
#~ msgstr "ve"

#~ msgctxt "list saturday"
#~ msgid "S"
#~ msgstr "sa"

#~ msgid "Nothing Scheduled"
#~ msgstr "Nenio estas planita"

#~ msgid "Today"
#~ msgstr "Hodiaŭ"

#~ msgid "Tomorrow"
#~ msgstr "Morgaŭ"

#~ msgid "This week"
#~ msgstr "Ĉi tiu semajno"

#~ msgid "Next week"
#~ msgstr "Sekva semajno"

#~ msgid "Removable Devices"
#~ msgstr "Demeteblaj aparatoj"

#~ msgid "Eject"
#~ msgstr "Elĵeti"

#~ msgid "Invitation"
#~ msgstr "Invito"

#~ msgid "Call"
#~ msgstr "Voki"

#~ msgid "File Transfer"
#~ msgstr "Dosiertransigo"

#~ msgid "Chat"
#~ msgstr "Babili"

#~ msgid "Unmute"
#~ msgstr "Malsilentigi"

#~ msgid "Mute"
#~ msgstr "Silentigi"

#~ msgid "Invitation to %s"
#~ msgstr "Invito al %s"

#~ msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s"
#~ msgstr "%s invitas vin aliĝi al %s"

#~ msgid "Decline"
#~ msgstr "Refuzi"

#~ msgid "Accept"
#~ msgstr "Akcepti"

#~ msgid "Video call from %s"
#~ msgstr "Videa voko de %s"

#~ msgid "Call from %s"
#~ msgstr "Voko de %s"

#~ msgid "Answer"
#~ msgstr "Repondo"

#~ msgid "%s is sending you %s"
#~ msgstr "%s sendas %s al vi"

#~ msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online"
#~ msgstr "%s volus permiso por vidi kiam vi estas konektita"

#~ msgid "Authentication failed"
#~ msgstr "Aŭtentigo malsukcesis"

#~ msgid "Encryption error"
#~ msgstr "Ĉifrado-eraro"

#~ msgid "Certificate not provided"
#~ msgstr "Atestilo ne donita"

#~ msgid "Certificate untrusted"
#~ msgstr "Malfidita atestilo"

#~ msgid "Certificate expired"
#~ msgstr "Posttempa atestilo"

#~ msgid "Certificate not activated"
#~ msgstr "Atestilo ne aktivigita"

#~ msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch"
#~ msgstr "Atestilo-nomo de gastiga komputilo miskongruas"

#~ msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch"
#~ msgstr "Atestilo-fingropremo miskongruas"

#~ msgid "Certificate self-signed"
#~ msgstr "Memsubskribita atestilo"

#~ msgid "Status is set to offline"
#~ msgstr "Stato agordas kiam nekonektita."

#~ msgid "Certificate is invalid"
#~ msgstr "Nevalida atestilo"

#~ msgid "Connection has been refused"
#~ msgstr "Refuzinta konekto"

#~ msgid "Connection can't be established"
#~ msgstr "Ne povas establi konekton"

#~ msgid "Connection has been lost"
#~ msgstr "Konekto perdiĝis"

#~ msgid "This account is already connected to the server"
#~ msgstr "Ĉi tio konto estas jam konektata al servilo"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource"
#~ msgstr "Konekto anstataŭigis per nova konekto uzanta la saman risurcon"

#~ msgid "The account already exists on the server"
#~ msgstr "La konto jam ekzistas sur la servilo"

#~ msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection"
#~ msgstr "Servilo estas nun tro okupata por akcepti la konekton"

#~ msgid "Certificate has been revoked"
#~ msgstr "Atestilo senvalidigita"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atestilo uzas malsekuran ĉifrigan algoritmon aŭ estas kriptografie "
#~ "malforta."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server "
#~ "certificate chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La longeco de la servilo-atestilo, aŭ la profundeco de la servilo-"
#~ "atestilo ĉeno, transpasita la maksimumo altrudis per la biblioteko de "
#~ "kriptografia."

#~ msgid "Internal error"
#~ msgstr "Interna eraro"

#~ msgid "Unable to connect to %s"
#~ msgstr "Ne povas konekti al %s"

#~ msgid "View account"
#~ msgstr "Vidi konton"

#~ msgid "Open Calendar"
#~ msgstr "Malfermi kalendaron"

#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Malfermi"

#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Forigi"

#~ msgid "Clear Messages"
#~ msgstr "Vakigi mesaĝojn"

#~ msgid "Notification Settings"
#~ msgstr "Sciigaj agordoj"

#~ msgid "Tray Menu"
#~ msgstr "Pleto-menuo"

#~ msgid "No Messages"
#~ msgstr "Neniuj mesaĝoj"

#~ msgid "Message Tray"
#~ msgstr "Mesaĝa pleto"

#~ msgid "%d Connected Device"
#~ msgid_plural "%d Connected Devices"
#~ msgstr[0] "%d konektita aparato"
#~ msgstr[1] "%d konektitaj aparatoj"

#~| msgid "authentication required"
#~ msgid "Authentication required"
#~ msgstr "Aŭtentokontrolo estas bezonata"

#~ msgid "UPS"
#~ msgstr "vicnutrilo"

#~ msgid "Battery"
#~ msgstr "Baterio"

#~ msgid "Airplane Mode"
#~ msgstr "Aviadila reĝimo"

#~ msgid "List of categories that should be displayed as folders"
#~ msgstr "Listo de kategorioj kiu devus montriĝi kiel dosierujoj"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Each category name in this list will be represented as folder in the "
#~ "application view, rather than being displayed inline in the main view."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ĉiu kategoria nomo en ĉi listo prezentitos kiel dosierujoj en la aplikaĵa "
#~ "vido anstantaŭ montriĝi entekste en la ĉefa vido."

#~ msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
#~ msgstr "Aranĝo de butonoj sur la titola breto"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This key overrides the key in org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences when "
#~ "running GNOME Shell."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ĉi ŝlosilo atutas la ŝlosilon en 'org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences' kiam "
#~ "uzanta GNOME-ŝelon."

#~ msgid "Select an extension to configure using the combobox above."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Elekti kromprogramon por agordi uzanta la redaktebla falmenuo supre."

#~ msgid "calendar:MY"
#~ msgstr "calendar:MY"

#~ msgid "<b>%A</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>%A</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "
#~ msgstr "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "

#~ msgid "Authorization request from %s"
#~ msgstr "Rajtigpeto de %s"

#~ msgid "Device %s wants to pair with this computer"
#~ msgstr "Aparato %s volas pariĝi kun tiu ĉi komputilo"

#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Aparato '%s' volas aliron al servo '%s'"

#~ msgid "Grant this time only"
#~ msgstr "Konsenti nur ĉi tiun fojon"

#~ msgid "Reject"
#~ msgstr "Rifuzi"

#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for %s"
#~ msgstr "Pariĝ-konfirmo por %s"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please confirm whether the Passkey '%06d' matches the one on the device."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bonvole konfirmu ĉu la PIN-kodo '%06d' kongruas kun tiu sur la aparato."

#~ msgid "Matches"
#~ msgstr "Kongruas"

#~ msgid "Does not match"
#~ msgstr "Ne kongruas"

#~ msgid "Pairing request for %s"
#~ msgstr "Pariĝ-peto por '%s'"

#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on the device."
#~ msgstr "Bonvole enigu la PIN-kodon montranta de la aparato."

#~ msgid "OK"
#~ msgstr "Akcepti"

#~ msgid "unavailable"
#~ msgstr "nedisponebla"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sorry, no wisdom for you today:\n"
#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pardonu, neniu saĝo por vi hodiaŭ:\n"
#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "%s the Oracle says"
#~ msgstr "%s la Orakolo diras"

#~ msgid "Extension"
#~ msgstr "Kromprogramo"

#~ msgctxt "event list time"
#~ msgid "%H\\u2236%M"
#~ msgstr "%H\\u2236%M"

#~ msgctxt "event list time"
#~ msgid "%l\\u2236%M\\u2009%p"
#~ msgstr "%l\\u2236%M\\u2009%p"

#~ msgid "Screenshots"
#~ msgstr "Ekrankopioj"

#~ msgid "Record a screencast"
#~ msgstr "Registri ekrankopion"

#~ msgid "Framerate used for recording screencasts."
#~ msgstr "Bildrapido uzata por ekranregistraĵoj."

#~ msgid "The gstreamer pipeline used to encode the screencast"
#~ msgstr "La ĉenstablo de Gstreamer uzata por kodi la ekranregistraĵon"

#~ msgid "File extension used for storing the screencast"
#~ msgstr "La dosiersufikso uzata por konservi la ekranregistraĵon"

#~ msgid "Session"
#~ msgstr "Seanco"

#~ msgid "Power"
#~ msgstr "kurento"

#~ msgid "Restart"
#~ msgstr "Restartigi"

#~ msgid "Screencast from %d %t"
#~ msgstr "Ekranregistraĵo de %d %t"

#~ msgid "Click Log Out to quit these applications and log out of the system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Alklaku \"Elsaluti\" por ĉesi tiujn aplikaĵojn kaj elsaluti de la sistemo."

#~ msgid "Logging out of the system."
#~ msgstr "Elsalutanta de la sistemo."

#~ msgid "Click Power Off to quit these applications and power off the system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Alklaku \"Elŝalti\" por ĉesi tiujn aplikaĵojn kaj elŝalti la sistemon."

#~ msgid "Powering off the system."
#~ msgstr "Elŝaltanta la sistemon."

#~ msgid "Click Restart to quit these applications and restart the system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Alklaku \"Restartigi\" por ĉesi tiujn aplikaĵojn kaj restartigi la "
#~ "sistemon."

#~ msgid "Restarting the system."
#~ msgstr "Restartiganta la sistemon."

#~ msgid "disabled"
#~ msgstr "elŝaltita"

#~ msgid "Connected (private)"
#~ msgstr "Konektita (private)"

#~ msgid "Wired"
#~ msgstr "Drata"

#~ msgid "Whether to collect stats about applications usage"
#~ msgstr "Ĉu kolekti statistikojn pri uzo de aplikaĵoj?"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The shell normally monitors active applications in order to present the "
#~ "most used ones (e.g. in launchers). While this data will be kept private, "
#~ "you may want to disable this for privacy reasons. Please note that doing "
#~ "so won't remove already saved data."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La ŝelo kutime kontrolas la ruliĝajn aplikaĵojn por montri la plej "
#~ "uzitajn aplikaĵojn (ekz. en lanĉiloj). Kvankam ĉi tiu datumoj estos "
#~ "tenata privata, vi eble volas elŝalti ĉi tion pro privateca kialo. "
#~ "Bonvole atentu ke faranta ĉi tion ne forigos jam konservitajn datumojn."

#~ msgid "disabled OpenSearch providers"
#~ msgstr "elŝaltitaj OpenSearch-provizantoj"

#~ msgid "Show time with seconds"
#~ msgstr "Montri horon kun sekundoj"

#~ msgid "If true, display seconds in time."
#~ msgstr "Se vera, montri sekundojn en horo."

#~ msgid "Show date in clock"
#~ msgstr "Montri daton en horloĝo"

#~ msgid "If true, display date in the clock, in addition to time."
#~ msgstr "Se vera, montri daton en la horloĝo, krom la horo."

#~ msgctxt "title"
#~ msgid "Sign In"
#~ msgstr "Ensaluti"

#~ msgstr "APLIKAĴOJ"

#~ msgid "SETTINGS"
#~ msgstr "AGORDOJ"

#~ msgctxt "event list time"
#~ msgid "%H:%M"
#~ msgstr "%H:%M"