import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import { ExtensionState, ExtensionType, deserializeExtension } from './misc/extensionUtils.js'; const GnomeShellIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Shell.Extensions'); const GnomeShellProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(GnomeShellIface); let shellVersion; function loadInterfaceXML(iface) { const uri = `resource:///org/gnome/Extensions/dbus-interfaces/${iface}.xml`; const f = Gio.File.new_for_uri(uri); try { let [ok_, bytes] = f.load_contents(null); return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to load D-Bus interface ${iface}`); } return null; } class Extension { constructor(variant) { this.update(variant); } update(variant) { const deserialized = deserializeExtension(variant); const { uuid, type, state, error, hasPrefs, hasUpdate, canChange, metadata, } = deserialized; if (!this._uuid) this._uuid = uuid; if (this._uuid !== uuid) throw new Error(`Invalid update of extension ${this._uuid} with data from ${uuid}`); const {name} = metadata; this._name = name; [this._keywords] = GLib.str_tokenize_and_fold(name, null); const [desc] = metadata.description.split('\n'); this._description = desc; this._type = type; this._errorDetail = error; this._state = state; const creator = metadata.creator ?? ''; this._creator = creator; const url = metadata.url ?? ''; this._url = url; const version = String( metadata['version-name'] || metadata['version'] || ''); this._version = version; this._hasPrefs = hasPrefs; this._hasUpdate = hasUpdate; this._canChange = canChange; } get uuid() { return this._uuid; } get name() { return this._name; } get description() { return this._description; } get state() { return this._state; } get creator() { return this._creator; } get url() { return this._url; } get version() { return this._version; } get keywords() { return this._keywords; } get error() { if (!this.hasError) return ''; if (this.state === ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE) { return this.version !== '' ? _('The installed version of this extension (%s) is incompatible with the current version of GNOME (%s). The extension has been disabled.').format(this.version, shellVersion) : _('The installed version of this extension is incompatible with the current version of GNOME (%s). The extension has been disabled.').format(shellVersion); } const message = [ _('An error has occurred in this extension. This could cause issues elsewhere in the system. It is recommended to turn the extension off until the error is resolved.'), ]; if (this._errorDetail) { message.push( // translators: Details for an extension error _('Error details:'), this._errorDetail); } return message.join('\n\n'); } get hasError() { return this.state === ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE || this.state === ExtensionState.ERROR; } get hasPrefs() { return this._hasPrefs; } get hasUpdate() { return this._hasUpdate; } get hasVersion() { return this._version !== ''; } get canChange() { return this._canChange; } get isUser() { return this._type === ExtensionType.PER_USER; } } export const ExtensionManager = GObject.registerClass({ Properties: { 'user-extensions-enabled': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean( 'user-extensions-enabled', null, null, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, true), 'n-updates': 'n-updates', null, null, GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE, 0, 999, 0), 'failed': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean( 'failed', null, null, GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE, false), }, Signals: { 'extension-added': {param_types: [GObject.TYPE_JSOBJECT]}, 'extension-removed': {param_types: [GObject.TYPE_JSOBJECT]}, 'extension-changed': {param_types: [GObject.TYPE_JSOBJECT], flags: GObject.SignalFlags.DETAILED}, 'extensions-loaded': {}, }, }, class ExtensionManager extends GObject.Object { constructor() { super(); this._extensions = new Map(); this._proxyReady = false; this._shellProxy = new GnomeShellProxy(Gio.DBus.session, 'org.gnome.Shell.Extensions', '/org/gnome/Shell/Extensions', () => { this._proxyReady = true; shellVersion = this._shellProxy.ShellVersion; this._shellProxy.connect('notify::g-name-owner', () => this.notify('failed')); this.notify('failed'); }); this._shellProxy.connect('g-properties-changed', (proxy, properties) => { const enabledChanged = !!properties.lookup_value('UserExtensionsEnabled', null); if (enabledChanged) this.notify('user-extensions-enabled'); }); this._shellProxy.connectSignal( 'ExtensionStateChanged', this._onExtensionStateChanged.bind(this)); this._loadExtensions().catch(console.error); } get userExtensionsEnabled() { return this._shellProxy.UserExtensionsEnabled ?? false; } set userExtensionsEnabled(enabled) { this._shellProxy.UserExtensionsEnabled = enabled; } get nUpdates() { let nUpdates = 0; for (const ext of this._extensions.values()) { if (ext.isUser && ext.hasUpdate) nUpdates++; } return nUpdates; } get failed() { return this._proxyReady && this._shellProxy.gNameOwner === null; } enableExtension(uuid) { this._shellProxy.EnableExtensionAsync(uuid).catch(console.error); } disableExtension(uuid) { this._shellProxy.DisableExtensionAsync(uuid).catch(console.error); } uninstallExtension(uuid) { this._shellProxy.UninstallExtensionAsync(uuid).catch(console.error); } openExtensionPrefs(uuid, parentHandle) { this._shellProxy.OpenExtensionPrefsAsync(uuid, parentHandle, {modal: new GLib.Variant('b', true)}).catch(console.error); } checkForUpdates() { this._shellProxy.CheckForUpdatesAsync().catch(console.error); } _addExtension(extension) { const {uuid} = extension; if (this._extensions.has(uuid)) return; this._extensions.set(uuid, extension); this.emit('extension-added', extension); } _removeExtension(extension) { const {uuid} = extension; if (this._extensions.delete(uuid)) this.emit('extension-removed', extension); } async _loadExtensions() { const [extensionsMap] = await this._shellProxy.ListExtensionsAsync(); for (let uuid in extensionsMap) { const extension = new Extension(extensionsMap[uuid]); this._addExtension(extension); } this.emit('extensions-loaded'); } _onExtensionStateChanged(p, sender, [uuid, newState]) { const extension = this._extensions.get(uuid); if (extension) extension.update(newState); if (!extension) this._addExtension(new Extension(newState)); else if (extension.state === ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED) this._removeExtension(extension); else this.emit(`extension-changed::${uuid}`, extension); if (this._updatesCheckId) return; this._updatesCheckId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 1, () => { this.notify('n-updates'); delete this._updatesCheckId; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } });