/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const DBus = imports.dbus; const Lang = imports.lang; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Main = imports.ui.main; const AVATAR_SIZE = 24; const TELEPATHY = "org.freedesktop.Telepathy."; const CONN = TELEPATHY + "Connection"; const CHANNEL = TELEPATHY + "Channel"; const CHANNELTEXT = CHANNEL + ".Type.Text"; const ClientIface = { name: TELEPATHY + "Client", properties: [{ name: "Interfaces", signature: "as", access: "read" }] }; const ClientObserverIface = { name: TELEPATHY + "Client.Observer", methods: [{ name: "ObserveChannels", inSignature: "ooa(oa{sv})oaoa{sv}", outSignature: "" }], properties: [{ name: "ObserverChannelFilter", signature: "aa{sv}", access: "read" }] }; const ConnectionIface = { name: CONN, signals: [ { name: 'StatusChanged', inSignature: 'u' } ] }; const ConnectionAvatarsIface = { name: CONN + '.Interface.Avatars', methods: [ { name: 'RequestAvatar', inSignature: 'u', outSignature: 'ays' } ] }; function Connection(path) { this._init(path); }; Connection.prototype = { _init: function(path) { DBus.session.proxifyObject(this, nameify(path), path); } }; DBus.proxifyPrototype(Connection.prototype, ConnectionIface); DBus.proxifyPrototype(Connection.prototype, ConnectionAvatarsIface); const ChannelIface = { name: CHANNEL, signals: [ { name: 'Closed', inSignature: '' } ] }; function Channel(name, path) { this._init(name, path); }; Channel.prototype = { _init: function(name, path) { DBus.session.proxifyObject(this, name, path); } }; DBus.proxifyPrototype(Channel.prototype, ChannelIface); const ChannelTextIface = { name: CHANNELTEXT, methods: [ { name: 'ListPendingMessages', inSignature: 'b', outSignature: 'a(uuuuus)' } ], signals: [ { name: 'Received', inSignature: 'uuuuus' } ] }; function ChannelText(name, path) { this._init(name, path); }; ChannelText.prototype = { _init: function(name, path) { DBus.session.proxifyObject(this, name, path); } }; DBus.proxifyPrototype(ChannelText.prototype, ChannelTextIface); let nameify = function(path) { return path.substr(1).replace('/', '.', 'g'); }; let pathify = function(name) { return '/' + name.replace('.', '/', 'g'); }; function Messaging() { this._init(); }; Messaging.prototype = { _init : function() { let name = TELEPATHY + "Client.GnomeShell"; DBus.session.exportObject(pathify(name), this); DBus.session.acquire_name(name, DBus.SINGLE_INSTANCE, function(name){log("Acquired name " + name);}, function(name){log("Lost name " + name);}); this._conns = {}; }, get Interfaces() { return [TELEPATHY + "Client.Observer"]; }, get ObserverChannelFilter() { return [ { 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType': CHANNELTEXT } ]; }, ObserveChannels: function(account, conn_path, channels, dispatch_operation, requests_satisfied, observer_info) { let conn = this._conns[conn_path]; if (!conn) { conn = new Connection(conn_path); conn.connect('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, this._connectionStatusChanged)); } let conn_name = nameify(conn_path); for (let i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { new Source(conn, conn_name, channels[i][0], channels[i][1]); } return [true]; }, _connectionStatusChanged: function(connection, status) { if (status == Connection_Status.Disconnected) { delete this._conns[connection.getPath()]; } } }; DBus.conformExport(Messaging.prototype, ClientIface); DBus.conformExport(Messaging.prototype, ClientObserverIface); function Source(conn, conn_name, channel_path, channel_props) { this._init(conn, conn_name, channel_path, channel_props); } Source.prototype = { _init: function(conn, conn_name, channel_path, channel_props) { this._targetId = channel_props[CHANNEL + '.TargetID']; log('channel for ' + this._targetId); this._pendingMessages = null; // FIXME: RequestAvatar is deprecated in favor of // RequestAvatars; but RequestAvatars provides no explicit // indication of "no avatar available", so there's no way we // can reliably wait for it to finish before displaying a // message. So we use RequestAvatar() instead. let targethandle = channel_props[CHANNEL + '.TargetHandle']; conn.RequestAvatarRemote(targethandle, Lang.bind(this, this._gotAvatar)); this._channel = new Channel(conn_name, channel_path); this._closedId = this._channel.connect('Closed', Lang.bind(this, this._channelClosed)); this._channelText = new ChannelText(conn_name, channel_path); this._receivedId = this._channelText.connect('Received', Lang.bind(this, this._receivedMessage)); this._channelText.ListPendingMessagesRemote(false, Lang.bind(this, function(msgs, excp) { if (msgs) { log('got pending messages for ' + this._targetId); this._pendingMessages = msgs; this._processPendingMessages(); } })); }, _gotAvatar: function(result, excp) { if (result) { let bytes = result[0]; this._avatar = Shell.TextureCache.get_default().load_from_data(bytes, bytes.length, AVATAR_SIZE, AVATAR_SIZE); log('got avatar for ' + this._targetId); } else { // fallback avatar (FIXME) this._avatar = Shell.TextureCache.get_default().load_icon_name("stock_person", AVATAR_SIZE); log('using default avatar for ' + this._targetId); } this._processPendingMessages(); }, _processPendingMessages: function() { if (!this._avatar || !this._pendingMessages) return; for (let i = 0; i < this._pendingMessages.length; i++) this._receivedMessage.apply(this, [this._channel].concat(this._pendingMessages[i])); this._pendingMessages = null; }, _channelClosed: function() { log('closed'); this._channel.disconnect(this._closedId); this._channelText.disconnect(this._receivedId); }, _receivedMessage: function(channel, id, timestamp, sender, type, flags, text) { log('Received: id ' + id + ', time ' + timestamp + ', sender ' + sender + ', type ' + type + ', flags ' + flags + ': ' + text); Main.notificationPopup.show(text); } };