const Atk =; const Clutter =; const Gio =; const GLib =; const GObject =; const Lang = imports.lang; const Main = imports.ui.main; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const Meta =; const Pango =; const Signals = imports.signals; const St =; const Calendar = imports.ui.calendar; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const Util = imports.misc.util; const MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.1; const DEFAULT_EXPAND_LINES = 6; function _fixMarkup(text, allowMarkup) { if (allowMarkup) { // Support &, ", ', < and >, escape all other // occurrences of '&'. let _text = text.replace(/&(?!amp;|quot;|apos;|lt;|gt;)/g, '&'); // Support <b>, <i>, and <u>, escape anything else // so it displays as raw markup. _text = _text.replace(/<(?!\/?[biu]>)/g, '<'); try { Pango.parse_markup(_text, -1, ''); return _text; } catch (e) {} } // !allowMarkup, or invalid markup return GLib.markup_escape_text(text, -1); } const URLHighlighter = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'URLHighlighter', _init: function(text, lineWrap, allowMarkup) { if (!text) text = ''; = new St.Label({ reactive: true, style_class: 'url-highlighter', x_expand: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START }); this._linkColor = '#ccccff';'style-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() { let [hasColor, color] ='link-color', false); if (hasColor) { let linkColor = color.to_string().substr(0, 7); if (linkColor != this._linkColor) { this._linkColor = linkColor; this._highlightUrls(); } } })); = lineWrap; = Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR; this.setMarkup(text, allowMarkup);'button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, function(actor, event) { // Don't try to URL highlight when invisible. // The MessageTray doesn't actually hide us, so // we need to check for paint opacities as well. if (!actor.visible || actor.get_paint_opacity() == 0) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; // Keep from seeing this and taking // a pointer grab, which would block our button-release-event // handler, if an URL is clicked return this._findUrlAtPos(event) != -1; }));'button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function (actor, event) { if (!actor.visible || actor.get_paint_opacity() == 0) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let urlId = this._findUrlAtPos(event); if (urlId != -1) { let url = this._urls[urlId].url; if (url.indexOf(':') == -1) url = 'http://' + url; Gio.app_info_launch_default_for_uri(url, global.create_app_launch_context(0, -1)); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }));'motion-event', Lang.bind(this, function(actor, event) { if (!actor.visible || actor.get_paint_opacity() == 0) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let urlId = this._findUrlAtPos(event); if (urlId != -1 && !this._cursorChanged) { global.screen.set_cursor(Meta.Cursor.POINTING_HAND); this._cursorChanged = true; } else if (urlId == -1) { global.screen.set_cursor(Meta.Cursor.DEFAULT); this._cursorChanged = false; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }));'leave-event', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (! || == 0) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (this._cursorChanged) { this._cursorChanged = false; global.screen.set_cursor(Meta.Cursor.DEFAULT); } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; })); }, setMarkup: function(text, allowMarkup) { text = text ? _fixMarkup(text, allowMarkup) : ''; this._text = text;; /* clutter_text.text contain text without markup */ this._urls = Util.findUrls(; this._highlightUrls(); }, _highlightUrls: function() { // text here contain markup let urls = Util.findUrls(this._text); let markup = ''; let pos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { let url = urls[i]; let str = this._text.substr(pos, url.pos - pos); markup += str + '<span foreground="' + this._linkColor + '"><u>' + url.url + '</u></span>'; pos = url.pos + url.url.length; } markup += this._text.substr(pos);; }, _findUrlAtPos: function(event) { let success; let [x, y] = event.get_coords(); [success, x, y] =, y); let find_pos = -1; for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let [success, px, py, line_height] =; if (py > y || py + line_height < y || x < px) continue; find_pos = i; } if (find_pos != -1) { for (let i = 0; i < this._urls.length; i++) if (find_pos >= this._urls[i].pos && this._urls[i].pos + this._urls[i].url.length > find_pos) return i; } return -1; } }); const ScaleLayout = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ScaleLayout', Extends: Clutter.BinLayout, _connectContainer: function(container) { if (this._container == container) return; if (this._container) for (let id of this._signals) this._container.disconnect(id); this._container = container; this._signals = []; if (this._container) for (let signal of ['notify::scale-x', 'notify::scale-y']) { let id = this._container.connect(signal, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.layout_changed(); })); this._signals.push(id); } }, vfunc_get_preferred_width: function(container, forHeight) { this._connectContainer(container); let [min, nat] = this.parent(container, forHeight); return [Math.floor(min * container.scale_x), Math.floor(nat * container.scale_x)]; }, vfunc_get_preferred_height: function(container, forWidth) { this._connectContainer(container); let [min, nat] = this.parent(container, forWidth); return [Math.floor(min * container.scale_y), Math.floor(nat * container.scale_y)]; } }); const LabelExpanderLayout = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'LabelExpanderLayout', Extends: Clutter.LayoutManager, Properties: { 'expansion': GObject.ParamSpec.double('expansion', 'Expansion', 'Expansion of the layout, between 0 (collapsed) ' + 'and 1 (fully expanded', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE, 0, 1, 0)}, _init: function(params) { this._expansion = 0; this._expandLines = DEFAULT_EXPAND_LINES; this.parent(params); }, get expansion() { return this._expansion; }, set expansion(v) { if (v == this._expansion) return; this._expansion = v; this.notify('expansion'); let visibleIndex = this._expansion > 0 ? 1 : 0; for (let i = 0; this._container && i < this._container.get_n_children(); i++) this._container.get_child_at_index(i).visible = (i == visibleIndex); this.layout_changed(); }, set expandLines(v) { if (v == this._expandLines) return; this._expandLines = v; if (this._expansion > 0) this.layout_changed(); }, vfunc_set_container: function(container) { this._container = container; }, vfunc_get_preferred_width: function(container, forHeight) { let [min, nat] = [0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < container.get_n_children(); i++) { if (i > 1) break; // we support one unexpanded + one expanded child let child = container.get_child_at_index(i); let [childMin, childNat] = child.get_preferred_width(forHeight); [min, nat] = [Math.max(min, childMin), Math.max(nat, childNat)]; } return [min, nat]; }, vfunc_get_preferred_height: function(container, forWidth) { let [min, nat] = [0, 0]; let children = container.get_children(); if (children[0]) [min, nat] = children[0].get_preferred_height(forWidth); if (children[1]) { let [min2, nat2] = children[1].get_preferred_height(forWidth); let [expMin, expNat] = [Math.min(min2, min * this._expandLines), Math.min(nat2, nat * this._expandLines)]; [min, nat] = [min + this._expansion * (expMin - min), nat + this._expansion * (expNat - nat)]; } return [min, nat]; }, vfunc_allocate: function(container, box, flags) { for (let i = 0; i < container.get_n_children(); i++) { let child = container.get_child_at_index(i); if (child.visible) child.allocate(box, flags); } } }); const Message = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'Message', _init: function(title, body) { this.expanded = false; = new St.Button({ style_class: 'message', accessible_role: Atk.Role.NOTIFICATION, can_focus: true, x_expand: true, x_fill: true });'key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyPressed)); let vbox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true });; let hbox = new St.BoxLayout(); vbox.add_actor(hbox); this._actionBin = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new ScaleLayout(), visible: false }); vbox.add_actor(this._actionBin); this._iconBin = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'message-icon-bin', y_expand: true, y_align: St.Align.START, visible: false }); hbox.add_actor(this._iconBin); let contentBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'message-content', vertical: true, x_expand: true }); hbox.add_actor(contentBox); this._mediaControls = new St.BoxLayout(); hbox.add_actor(this._mediaControls); let titleBox = new St.BoxLayout(); contentBox.add_actor(titleBox); this.titleLabel = new St.Label({ style_class: 'message-title' }); this.setTitle(title); titleBox.add_actor(this.titleLabel); this._secondaryBin = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'message-secondary-bin', x_expand: true, y_expand: true, x_fill: true, y_fill: true }); titleBox.add_actor(this._secondaryBin); let closeIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'window-close-symbolic', icon_size: 16 }); this._closeButton = new St.Button({ child: closeIcon, opacity: 0 }); titleBox.add_actor(this._closeButton); this._bodyStack = new St.Widget({ x_expand: true }); this._bodyStack.layout_manager = new LabelExpanderLayout(); contentBox.add_actor(this._bodyStack); this.bodyLabel = new URLHighlighter('', false, this._useBodyMarkup);'message-body'); this._bodyStack.add_actor(; this.setBody(body); this._closeButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.close));'notify::hover', Lang.bind(this, this._sync));'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onClicked));'destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); this._sync(); }, close: function() { this.emit('close'); }, setIcon: function(actor) { this._iconBin.child = actor; this._iconBin.visible = (actor != null); }, setSecondaryActor: function(actor) { this._secondaryBin.child = actor; }, setTitle: function(text) { let title = text ? _fixMarkup(text.replace(/\n/g, ' '), false) : ''; this.titleLabel.clutter_text.set_markup(title); }, setBody: function(text) { this._bodyText = text; this.bodyLabel.setMarkup(text ? text.replace(/\n/g, ' ') : '', this._useBodyMarkup); if (this._expandedLabel) this._expandedLabel.setMarkup(text, this._useBodyMarkup); }, setUseBodyMarkup: function(enable) { if (this._useBodyMarkup === enable) return; this._useBodyMarkup = enable; if (this.bodyLabel) this.setBody(this._bodyText); }, setActionArea: function(actor) { if (actor == null) { if (this._actionBin.get_n_children() > 0) this._actionBin.get_child_at_index(0).destroy(); return; } if (this._actionBin.get_n_children() > 0) throw new Error('Message already has an action area'); this._actionBin.add_actor(actor); this._actionBin.visible = this.expanded; }, addMediaControl: function(iconName, callback) { let icon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: iconName, icon_size: 16 }); let button = new St.Button({ style_class: 'message-media-control', child: icon }); button.connect('clicked', callback); this._mediaControls.add_actor(button); return button; }, setExpandedBody: function(actor) { if (actor == null) { if (this._bodyStack.get_n_children() > 1) this._bodyStack.get_child_at_index(1).destroy(); return; } if (this._bodyStack.get_n_children() > 1) throw new Error('Message already has an expanded body actor'); this._bodyStack.insert_child_at_index(actor, 1); }, setExpandedLines: function(nLines) { this._bodyStack.layout_manager.expandLines = nLines; }, expand: function(animate) { this.expanded = true; this._actionBin.visible = (this._actionBin.get_n_children() > 0); if (this._bodyStack.get_n_children() < 2) { this._expandedLabel = new URLHighlighter(this._bodyText, true, this._useBodyMarkup); this.setExpandedBody(; } if (animate) { Tweener.addTween(this._bodyStack.layout_manager, { expansion: 1, time: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); this._actionBin.scale_y = 0; Tweener.addTween(this._actionBin, { scale_y: 1, time: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } else { this._bodyStack.layout_manager.expansion = 1; this._actionBin.scale_y = 1; } this.emit('expanded'); }, unexpand: function(animate) { if (animate) { Tweener.addTween(this._bodyStack.layout_manager, { expansion: 0, time: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); Tweener.addTween(this._actionBin, { scale_y: 0, time: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onCompleteScope: this, onComplete: function() { this._actionBin.hide(); this.expanded = false; }}); } else { this._bodyStack.layout_manager.expansion = 0; this._actionBin.scale_y = 0; this.expanded = false; } this.emit('unexpanded'); }, canClose: function() { return this._mediaControls.get_n_children() == 0; }, _sync: function() { let visible = && this.canClose(); this._closeButton.opacity = visible ? 255 : 0; }, _onClicked: function() { }, _onDestroy: function() { }, _onKeyPressed: function(a, event) { let keysym = event.get_key_symbol(); if (keysym == Clutter.KEY_Delete || keysym == Clutter.KEY_KP_Delete) { this.close(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(Message.prototype); const MessageListSection = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'MessageListSection', _init: function() { = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'message-list-section', clip_to_allocation: true, x_expand: true, vertical: true }); this._list = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'message-list-section-list', vertical: true });; this._list.connect('actor-added', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._list.connect('actor-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); let id = Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', Lang.bind(this, this._sync));'destroy', function() { Main.sessionMode.disconnect(id); }); this._messages = new Map(); this._date = new Date(); this.empty = true; this.canClear = false; this._sync(); }, _onKeyFocusIn: function(actor) { this.emit('key-focus-in', actor); }, get allowed() { return true; }, setDate: function(date) { if (Calendar.sameDay(date, this._date)) return; this._date = date; this._sync(); }, addMessage: function(message, animate) { this.addMessageAtIndex(message, -1, animate); }, addMessageAtIndex: function(message, index, animate) { let obj = { container: null, destroyId: 0, keyFocusId: 0, closeId: 0 }; let pivot = new Clutter.Point({ x: .5, y: .5 }); let scale = animate ? 0 : 1; obj.container = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new ScaleLayout(), pivot_point: pivot, scale_x: scale, scale_y: scale }); obj.keyFocusId ='key-focus-in', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyFocusIn)); obj.destroyId ='destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.removeMessage(message, false); })); obj.closeId = message.connect('close', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.removeMessage(message, true); })); this._messages.set(message, obj); obj.container.add_actor(; this._list.insert_child_at_index(obj.container, index); if (animate) Tweener.addTween(obj.container, { scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, time: MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); }, moveMessage: function(message, index, animate) { let obj = this._messages.get(message); if (!animate) { this._list.set_child_at_index(obj.container, index); return; } let onComplete = Lang.bind(this, function() { this._list.set_child_at_index(obj.container, index); Tweener.addTween(obj.container, { scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, time: MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); }); Tweener.addTween(obj.container, { scale_x: 0, scale_y: 0, time: MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: onComplete }); }, removeMessage: function(message, animate) { let obj = this._messages.get(message);;; message.disconnect(obj.closeId); this._messages.delete(message); if (animate) { Tweener.addTween(obj.container, { scale_x: 0, scale_y: 0, time: MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { obj.container.destroy(); global.sync_pointer(); }}); } else { obj.container.destroy(); global.sync_pointer(); } }, clear: function() { let messages = [...this._messages.keys()].filter(function(message) { return message.canClose(); }); // If there are few messages, letting them all zoom out looks OK if (messages.length < 2) { messages.forEach(function(message) { message.close(); }); } else { // Otherwise we slide them out one by one, and then zoom them // out "off-screen" in the end to smoothly shrink the parent let delay = MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME / Math.max(messages.length, 5); for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { let message = messages[i]; let obj = this._messages.get(message); Tweener.addTween(obj.container, { anchor_x: this._list.width, opacity: 0, time: MESSAGE_ANIMATION_TIME, delay: i * delay, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { message.close(); }}); } } }, _canClear: function() { for (let message of this._messages.keys()) if (message.canClose()) return true; return false; }, _shouldShow: function() { return !this.empty; }, _sync: function() { let empty = this._list.get_n_children() == 0; let changed = this.empty !== empty; this.empty = empty; if (changed) this.emit('empty-changed'); let canClear = this._canClear(); changed = this.canClear !== canClear; this.canClear = canClear; if (changed) this.emit('can-clear-changed'); = this.allowed && this._shouldShow(); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(MessageListSection.prototype);