import Adw from 'gi://Adw?version=1'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk?version=4.0'; import Shew from 'gi://Shew'; import {setConsoleLogDomain} from 'console'; import * as Gettext from 'gettext'; const Package = imports.package; Package.initFormat(); import * as Config from './misc/config.js'; import * as ExtensionUtils from './misc/extensionUtils.js'; import {ExtensionState, ExtensionType} from './misc/extensionUtils.js'; const GnomeShellIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Shell.Extensions'); const GnomeShellProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(GnomeShellIface); Gio._promisify(Gio.DBusConnection.prototype, 'call'); Gio._promisify(Shew.WindowExporter.prototype, 'export'); function loadInterfaceXML(iface) { const uri = `resource:///org/gnome/Extensions/dbus-interfaces/${iface}.xml`; const f = Gio.File.new_for_uri(uri); try { let [ok_, bytes] = f.load_contents(null); return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to load D-Bus interface ${iface}`); } return null; } function toggleState(action) { let state = action.get_state(); action.change_state(new GLib.Variant('b', !state.get_boolean())); } var Application = GObject.registerClass( class Application extends Adw.Application { _init() { GLib.set_prgname('gnome-extensions-app'); super._init({application_id:}); this.connect('window-removed', (a, window) => window.run_dispose()); } get shellProxy() { return this._shellProxy; } vfunc_activate() { this._shellProxy.CheckForUpdatesAsync().catch(console.error); this._window.present(); } vfunc_startup() { super.vfunc_startup(); this.add_action_entries( [{ name: 'quit', activate: () => this._window.close(), }]); this.set_accels_for_action('app.quit', ['q']); this._shellProxy = new GnomeShellProxy(Gio.DBus.session, 'org.gnome.Shell.Extensions', '/org/gnome/Shell/Extensions'); this._window = new ExtensionsWindow({application: this}); } }); var ExtensionsWindow = GObject.registerClass({ GTypeName: 'ExtensionsWindow', Template: 'resource:///org/gnome/Extensions/ui/extensions-window.ui', InternalChildren: [ 'userGroup', 'userList', 'systemGroup', 'systemList', 'mainStack', 'searchBar', 'searchButton', 'searchEntry', 'updatesBanner', ], }, class ExtensionsWindow extends Adw.ApplicationWindow { _init(params) { super._init(params); if (Config.PROFILE === 'development') this.add_css_class('devel'); this._updatesCheckId = 0; this._exporter = new Shew.WindowExporter({window: this}); this._exportedHandle = ''; this.add_action_entries( [{ name: 'show-about', activate: () => this._showAbout(), }, { name: 'logout', activate: () => this._logout(), }, { name: 'user-extensions-enabled', state: 'false', change_state: (a, state) => { this._shellProxy.UserExtensionsEnabled = state.get_boolean(); }, }]); this._searchTerms = []; this._searchEntry.connect('search-changed', () => { const {text} = this._searchEntry; if (text === '') this._searchTerms = []; else [this._searchTerms] = GLib.str_tokenize_and_fold(text, null); this._userList.invalidate_filter(); this._systemList.invalidate_filter(); }); this._userList.set_sort_func(this._sortList.bind(this)); this._userList.set_filter_func(this._filterList.bind(this)); this._userList.set_placeholder(new Gtk.Label({ label: _('No Matches'), margin_start: 12, margin_end: 12, margin_top: 12, margin_bottom: 12, })); this._userList.connect('row-activated', (_list, row) => row.activate()); this._systemList.set_sort_func(this._sortList.bind(this)); this._systemList.set_filter_func(this._filterList.bind(this)); this._systemList.set_placeholder(new Gtk.Label({ label: _('No Matches'), margin_start: 12, margin_end: 12, margin_top: 12, margin_bottom: 12, })); this._systemList.connect('row-activated', (_list, row) => row.activate()); this._shellProxy.connectSignal('ExtensionStateChanged', this._onExtensionStateChanged.bind(this)); this._shellProxy.connect('g-properties-changed', this._onUserExtensionsEnabledChanged.bind(this)); this._onUserExtensionsEnabledChanged(); this._scanExtensions(); } get _shellProxy() { return this.application.shellProxy; } uninstall(uuid) { let row = this._findExtensionRow(uuid); let dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog({ transient_for: this, modal: true, text: _('Remove “%s”?').format(, secondary_text: _('If you remove the extension, you need to return to download it if you want to enable it again'), }); dialog.add_button(_('_Cancel'), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL); dialog.add_button(_('_Remove'), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) .get_style_context().add_class('destructive-action'); dialog.connect('response', (dlg, response) => { if (response === Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) this._shellProxy.UninstallExtensionAsync(uuid).catch(console.error); dialog.destroy(); }); dialog.present(); } async openPrefs(uuid) { if (!this._exportedHandle) { try { this._exportedHandle = await this._exporter.export(); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Failed to export window: ${e.message}`); } } this._shellProxy.OpenExtensionPrefsAsync(uuid, this._exportedHandle, {modal: new GLib.Variant('b', true)}).catch(console.error); } _showAbout() { let aboutWindow = new Adw.AboutWindow({ developers: [ 'Florian Müllner ', 'Jasper St. Pierre ', 'Didier Roche ', 'Romain Vigier ', ], designers: [ 'Allan Day ', 'Tobias Bernard ', ], translator_credits: _('translator-credits'), application_name: _('Extensions'), license_type: Gtk.License.GPL_2_0, application_icon:, version: Package.version, developer_name: _('The GNOME Project'), website: '', issue_url: '', transient_for: this, }); aboutWindow.present(); } _logout() { this.application.get_dbus_connection().call( 'org.gnome.SessionManager', '/org/gnome/SessionManager', 'org.gnome.SessionManager', 'Logout', new GLib.Variant('(u)', [0]), null, Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, null); } _sortList(row1, row2) { return; } _filterList(row) { return this._searchTerms.every( t => row.keywords.some(k => k.startsWith(t))); } _findExtensionRow(uuid) { return [ ...this._userList, ...this._systemList, ].find(c => c.uuid === uuid); } _onUserExtensionsEnabledChanged() { let action = this.lookup_action('user-extensions-enabled'); action.set_state( new GLib.Variant('b', this._shellProxy.UserExtensionsEnabled)); } _onExtensionStateChanged(proxy, senderName, [uuid, newState]) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.deserializeExtension(newState); let row = this._findExtensionRow(uuid); this._queueUpdatesCheck(); // the extension's type changed; remove the corresponding row // and reset the variable to null so that we create a new row // below and add it to the appropriate list if (row && row.type !== extension.type) { row.get_parent().remove(row); row = null; } if (row) { if (extension.state === ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED) row.get_parent().remove(row); } else { this._addExtensionRow(extension); } this._syncListVisibility(); } async _scanExtensions() { try { const [extensionsMap] = await this._shellProxy.ListExtensionsAsync(); for (let uuid in extensionsMap) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.deserializeExtension(extensionsMap[uuid]); this._addExtensionRow(extension); } this._extensionsLoaded(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Gio.DBusError) { console.log(`Failed to connect to shell proxy: ${e}`); this._mainStack.visible_child_name = 'noshell'; } else { throw e; } } } _addExtensionRow(extension) { let row = new ExtensionRow(extension); if (row.type === ExtensionType.PER_USER) this._userList.append(row); else this._systemList.append(row); } _queueUpdatesCheck() { if (this._updatesCheckId) return; this._updatesCheckId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 1, () => { this._checkUpdates(); this._updatesCheckId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } _syncListVisibility() { this._userGroup.visible = [...this._userList].length > 1; this._systemGroup.visible = [...this._systemList].length > 1; if (this._userGroup.visible || this._systemGroup.visible) this._mainStack.visible_child_name = 'main'; else this._mainStack.visible_child_name = 'placeholder'; } _checkUpdates() { let nUpdates = [...this._userList].filter(c => c.hasUpdate).length; this._updatesBanner.title = Gettext.ngettext( '%d extension will be updated on next login.', '%d extensions will be updated on next login.', nUpdates).format(nUpdates); this._updatesBanner.revealed = nUpdates > 0; } _extensionsLoaded() { this._syncListVisibility(); this._checkUpdates(); } }); var ExtensionRow = GObject.registerClass({ GTypeName: 'ExtensionRow', Template: 'resource:///org/gnome/Extensions/ui/extension-row.ui', InternalChildren: [ 'detailsPopover', 'descriptionLabel', 'versionLabel', 'errorLabel', 'errorButton', 'updatesButton', 'switch', 'actionsBox', ], }, class ExtensionRow extends Adw.ActionRow { _init(extension) { super._init(); this._app = Gio.Application.get_default(); this._extension = extension; this._prefsModule = null; [this._keywords] = GLib.str_tokenize_and_fold(, null); this._actionGroup = new Gio.SimpleActionGroup(); this.insert_action_group('row', this._actionGroup); let action; action = new Gio.SimpleAction({ name: 'show-prefs', enabled: this.hasPrefs, }); action.connect('activate', () => { this._detailsPopover.popdown(); this.get_root().openPrefs(this.uuid); }); this._actionGroup.add_action(action); action = new Gio.SimpleAction({ name: 'show-url', enabled: this.url !== '', }); action.connect('activate', () => { this._detailsPopover.popdown(); Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri( this.url, this.get_display().get_app_launch_context()); }); this._actionGroup.add_action(action); action = new Gio.SimpleAction({ name: 'uninstall', enabled: this.type === ExtensionType.PER_USER, }); action.connect('activate', () => { this._detailsPopover.popdown(); this.get_root().uninstall(this.uuid); }); this._actionGroup.add_action(action); action = new Gio.SimpleAction({ name: 'enabled', state: new GLib.Variant('b', false), }); action.connect('activate', toggleState); action.connect('change-state', (a, state) => { if (state.get_boolean()) this._app.shellProxy.EnableExtensionAsync(this.uuid).catch(console.error); else this._app.shellProxy.DisableExtensionAsync(this.uuid).catch(console.error); }); this._actionGroup.add_action(action); this.title =; const desc = this._extension.metadata.description.split('\n')[0]; this._descriptionLabel.label = desc; this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); this._extensionStateChangedId = this._app.shellProxy.connectSignal( 'ExtensionStateChanged', (p, sender, [uuid, newState]) => { if (this.uuid !== uuid) return; this._extension = ExtensionUtils.deserializeExtension(newState); this._updateState(); }); this._updateState(); } get uuid() { return this._extension.uuid; } get name() { return; } get hasPrefs() { return this._extension.hasPrefs; } get hasUpdate() { return this._extension.hasUpdate || false; } get hasError() { const {state} = this._extension; return state === ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE || state === ExtensionState.ERROR; } get type() { return this._extension.type; } get creator() { return this._extension.metadata.creator || ''; } get url() { return this._extension.metadata.url || ''; } get version() { return this._extension.metadata['version-name'] || this._extension.metadata.version || ''; } get error() { if (!this.hasError) return ''; if (this._extension.state === ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE) { const {ShellVersion: shellVersion} = this._app.shellProxy; return this.version !== '' ? _('The installed version of this extension (%s) is incompatible with the current version of GNOME (%s). The extension has been disabled.').format(this.version, shellVersion) : _('The installed version of this extension is incompatible with the current version of GNOME (%s). The extension has been disabled.').format(shellVersion); } const message = [ _('An error has occurred in this extension. This could cause issues elsewhere in the system. It is recommended to turn the extension off until the error is resolved.'), ]; if (this._extension.error) { message.push( // translators: Details for an extension error _('Error details:'), this._extension.error); } return message.join('\n\n'); } get keywords() { return this._keywords; } _updateState() { let state = this._extension.state === ExtensionState.ENABLED; let action = this._actionGroup.lookup('enabled'); action.set_state(new GLib.Variant('b', state)); action.enabled = this._canToggle(); if (!action.enabled) = state; this._updatesButton.visible = this.hasUpdate; this._errorButton.visible = this.hasError; this._errorLabel.label = this.error; this._versionLabel.label = _('Version %s').format(this.version.toString()); this._versionLabel.visible = this.version !== ''; } _onDestroy() { if (!this._app.shellProxy) return; if (this._extensionStateChangedId) this._app.shellProxy.disconnectSignal(this._extensionStateChangedId); this._extensionStateChangedId = 0; } _canToggle() { return this._extension.canChange; } }); /** * Main entrypoint for the app * * @param {string[]} argv - command line arguments * @returns {void} */ export async function main(argv) { Package.initGettext(); setConsoleLogDomain('Extensions'); await new Application().runAsync(argv); }