/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const DBus = imports.dbus; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Tpl = imports.gi.TelepathyLogger; const Tp = imports.gi.TelepathyGLib; const History = imports.misc.history; const Main = imports.ui.main; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; // See Notification.appendMessage const SCROLLBACK_IMMEDIATE_TIME = 60; // 1 minute const SCROLLBACK_RECENT_TIME = 15 * 60; // 15 minutes const SCROLLBACK_RECENT_LENGTH = 20; const SCROLLBACK_IDLE_LENGTH = 5; // See Source._displayPendingMessages const SCROLLBACK_HISTORY_LINES = 10; // See Notification._onEntryChanged const COMPOSING_STOP_TIMEOUT = 5; const NotificationDirection = { SENT: 'chat-sent', RECEIVED: 'chat-received' }; let contactFeatures = [Tp.ContactFeature.ALIAS, Tp.ContactFeature.AVATAR_DATA, Tp.ContactFeature.PRESENCE]; // This is GNOME Shell's implementation of the Telepathy 'Client' // interface. Specifically, the shell is a Telepathy 'Observer', which // lets us see messages even if they belong to another app (eg, // Empathy). function makeMessageFromTpMessage(tpMessage, direction) { let [text, flags] = tpMessage.to_text(); return { messageType: tpMessage.get_message_type(), text: text, sender: tpMessage.sender.alias, timestamp: tpMessage.get_received_timestamp(), direction: direction }; } function makeMessageFromTplEvent(event) { let sent = event.get_sender().get_entity_type() == Tpl.EntityType.SELF; let direction = sent ? NotificationDirection.SENT : NotificationDirection.RECEIVED; return { messageType: event.get_message_type(), text: event.get_message(), sender: event.get_sender().get_alias(), timestamp: event.get_timestamp(), direction: direction }; } function Client() { this._init(); }; Client.prototype = { _init : function() { // channel path -> ChatSource this._chatSources = {}; this._chatState = Tp.ChannelChatState.ACTIVE; // Set up a SimpleObserver, which will call _observeChannels whenever a // channel matching its filters is detected. // The second argument, recover, means _observeChannels will be run // for any existing channel as well. let dbus = Tp.DBusDaemon.dup(); this._tpClient = new Shell.TpClient({ 'dbus_daemon': dbus, 'name': 'GnomeShell', 'uniquify-name': true }) this._tpClient.set_observe_channels_func( Lang.bind(this, this._observeChannels)); this._tpClient.set_approve_channels_func( Lang.bind(this, this._approveChannels)); this._tpClient.set_handle_channels_func( Lang.bind(this, this._handleChannels)); try { this._tpClient.register(); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Couldn\'t register Telepathy client. Error: \n' + e); } }, _observeChannels: function(observer, account, conn, channels, dispatchOp, requests, context) { // If the self_contact doesn't have the ALIAS, make sure // to fetch it before trying to grab the channels. let self_contact = conn.get_self_contact(); if (self_contact.has_feature(Tp.ContactFeature.ALIAS)) { this._finishObserveChannels(account, conn, channels, context); } else { Shell.get_self_contact_features(conn, contactFeatures, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._finishObserveChannels(account, conn, channels, context); })); context.delay(); } }, _finishObserveChannels: function(account, conn, channels, context) { let len = channels.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let channel = channels[i]; let [targetHandle, targetHandleType] = channel.get_handle(); /* Only observe contact text channels */ if ((!(channel instanceof Tp.TextChannel)) || targetHandleType != Tp.HandleType.CONTACT) continue; /* Request a TpContact */ Shell.get_tp_contacts(conn, [targetHandle], contactFeatures, Lang.bind(this, function (connection, contacts, failed) { if (contacts.length < 1) return; /* We got the TpContact */ this._createSource(account, conn, channel, contacts[0]); }), null); } context.accept(); }, _createSource: function(account, conn, channel, contact) { if (this._chatSources[channel.get_object_path()]) return; let source = new ChatSource(account, conn, channel, contact, this._tpClient); this._chatSources[channel.get_object_path()] = source; source.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._tpClient.is_handling_channel(channel)) { // The chat box has been destroyed so it can't // handle the channel any more. channel.close_async(function(src, result) { channel.close_finish(result); }); } delete this._chatSources[channel.get_object_path()]; })); }, _handlingChannels: function(account, conn, channels) { let len = channels.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let channel = channels[i]; // We can only handle text channel, so close any other channel if (!(channel instanceof Tp.TextChannel)) { channel.close_async(null); continue; } if (this._tpClient.is_handling_channel(channel)) { // We are already handling the channel, display the source let source = this._chatSources[channel.get_object_path()]; if (source) source.notify(); } } }, _displayRoomInvitation: function(conn, channel, dispatchOp, context) { // We can only approve the rooms if we have been invited to it let selfHandle = channel.group_get_self_handle(); if (selfHandle == 0) { Shell.decline_dispatch_op(context, 'Not invited to the room'); return; } let [invited, inviter, reason, msg] = channel.group_get_local_pending_info(selfHandle); if (!invited) { Shell.decline_dispatch_op(context, 'Not invited to the room'); return; } // Request a TpContact for the inviter Shell.get_tp_contacts(conn, [inviter], contactFeatures, Lang.bind(this, this._createRoomInviteSource, channel, context, dispatchOp)); context.delay(); }, _createRoomInviteSource: function(connection, contacts, failed, channel, context, dispatchOp) { if (contacts.length < 1) { Shell.decline_dispatch_op(context, 'Failed to get inviter'); return; } // We got the TpContact let source = new RoomInviteSource(dispatchOp); Main.messageTray.add(source); let notif = new RoomInviteNotification(source, dispatchOp, channel, contacts[0]); source.notify(notif); context.accept(); }, _approveChannels: function(approver, account, conn, channels, dispatchOp, context) { let channel = channels[0]; let [targetHandle, targetHandleType] = channel.get_handle(); if (targetHandleType == Tp.HandleType.CONTACT) { // Approve private text channels right away as we are going to handle it dispatchOp.claim_with_async(this._tpClient, Lang.bind(this, function(dispatchOp, result) { try { dispatchOp.claim_with_finish(result); this._handlingChannels(account, conn, channels); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Failed to Claim channel: ' + err); }})); context.accept(); } else { this._displayRoomInvitation(conn, channel, dispatchOp, context); } }, _handleChannels: function(handler, account, conn, channels, requests, user_action_time, context) { this._handlingChannels(account, conn, channels); context.accept(); } }; function ChatSource(account, conn, channel, contact, client) { this._init(account, conn, channel, contact, client); } ChatSource.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Source.prototype, _init: function(account, conn, channel, contact, client) { MessageTray.Source.prototype._init.call(this, contact.get_alias()); this.isChat = true; this._account = account; this._contact = contact; this._client = client; this._pendingMessages = []; this._conn = conn; this._channel = channel; this._closedId = this._channel.connect('invalidated', Lang.bind(this, this._channelClosed)); this._notification = new ChatNotification(this); this._notification.setUrgency(MessageTray.Urgency.HIGH); // We ack messages when the message box is collapsed if user has // interacted with it before and so read the messages: // - user clicked on it the tray // - user expanded the notification by hovering over the toaster notification this._shouldAck = false; this.connect('summary-item-clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._summaryItemClicked)); this._notification.connect('expanded', Lang.bind(this, this._notificationExpanded)); this._notification.connect('collapsed', Lang.bind(this, this._notificationCollapsed)); this._presence = contact.get_presence_type(); this._sentId = this._channel.connect('message-sent', Lang.bind(this, this._messageSent)); this._receivedId = this._channel.connect('message-received', Lang.bind(this, this._messageReceived)); this._pendingId = this._channel.connect('pending-message-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._pendingRemoved)); this._setSummaryIcon(this.createNotificationIcon()); this._notifyAliasId = this._contact.connect('notify::alias', Lang.bind(this, this._updateAlias)); this._notifyAvatarId = this._contact.connect('notify::avatar-file', Lang.bind(this, this._updateAvatarIcon)); this._presenceChangedId = this._contact.connect('presence-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._presenceChanged)); // Add ourselves as a source. Main.messageTray.add(this); this.pushNotification(this._notification); this._getLogMessages(); }, _updateAlias: function() { let oldAlias = this.title; this.setTitle(this._contact.get_alias()); this._notification.appendAliasChange(oldAlias, this.title); this.pushNotification(this._notification); }, createNotificationIcon: function() { this._iconBox = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'avatar-box' }); this._iconBox._size = this.ICON_SIZE; this._updateAvatarIcon(); return this._iconBox; }, _updateAvatarIcon: function() { let textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default(); let file = this._contact.get_avatar_file(); if (file) { let uri = file.get_uri(); this._iconBox.child = textureCache.load_uri_async(uri, this._iconBox._size, this._iconBox._size); } else { this._iconBox.child = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'avatar-default', icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR, icon_size: this._iconBox._size }); } }, open: function(notification) { if (this._client.is_handling_channel(this._channel)) { // We are handling the channel, try to pass it to Empathy this._client.delegate_channels_async([this._channel], global.get_current_time(), "", null); } else { // We are not the handler, just ask to present the channel let dbus = Tp.DBusDaemon.dup(); let cd = Tp.ChannelDispatcher.new(dbus); cd.present_channel_async(this._channel, global.get_current_time(), null); } }, _getLogMessages: function() { let logManager = Tpl.LogManager.dup_singleton(); let entity = Tpl.Entity.new_from_tp_contact(this._contact, Tpl.EntityType.CONTACT); Shell.get_contact_events(logManager, this._account, entity, SCROLLBACK_HISTORY_LINES, Lang.bind(this, this._displayPendingMessages)); }, _displayPendingMessages: function(logManager, result) { let [success, events] = logManager.get_filtered_events_finish(result); let logMessages = events.map(makeMessageFromTplEvent); let pendingTpMessages = this._channel.get_pending_messages(); let pendingMessages = []; for (let i = 0; i < pendingTpMessages.length; i++) { let message = pendingTpMessages[i]; if (message.get_message_type() == Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.DELIVERY_REPORT) continue; pendingMessages.push(makeMessageFromTpMessage(message, NotificationDirection.RECEIVED)); this._pendingMessages.push(message); } this._updateCount(); let showTimestamp = false; for (let i = 0; i < logMessages.length; i++) { let logMessage = logMessages[i]; let isPending = false; // Skip any log messages that are also in pendingMessages for (let j = 0; j < pendingMessages.length; j++) { let pending = pendingMessages[j]; if (logMessage.timestamp == pending.timestamp && logMessage.text == pending.text) { isPending = true; break; } } if (!isPending) { showTimestamp = true; this._notification.appendMessage(logMessage, true, ['chat-log-message']); } } if (showTimestamp) this._notification.appendTimestamp(); for (let i = 0; i < pendingMessages.length; i++) this._notification.appendMessage(pendingMessages[i], true); if (pendingMessages.length > 0) this.notify(); }, _channelClosed: function() { this._channel.disconnect(this._closedId); this._channel.disconnect(this._receivedId); this._channel.disconnect(this._pendingId); this._channel.disconnect(this._sentId); this._contact.disconnect(this._notifyAliasId); this._contact.disconnect(this._notifyAvatarId); this._contact.disconnect(this._presenceChangedId); this.destroy(); }, _updateCount: function() { this._setCount(this._pendingMessages.length, this._pendingMessages.length > 0); }, _messageReceived: function(channel, message) { if (message.get_message_type() == Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.DELIVERY_REPORT) return; this._pendingMessages.push(message); this._updateCount(); message = makeMessageFromTpMessage(message, NotificationDirection.RECEIVED); this._notification.appendMessage(message); this.notify(); }, // This is called for both messages we send from // our client and other clients as well. _messageSent: function(channel, message, flags, token) { message = makeMessageFromTpMessage(message, NotificationDirection.SENT); this._notification.appendMessage(message); }, notify: function() { MessageTray.Source.prototype.notify.call(this, this._notification); }, respond: function(text) { let type; if (text.slice(0, 4) == '/me ') { type = Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.ACTION; text = text.slice(4); } else { type = Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.NORMAL; } let msg = Tp.ClientMessage.new_text(type, text); this._channel.send_message_async(msg, 0, Lang.bind(this, function (src, result) { this._channel.send_message_finish(result); })); }, setChatState: function(state) { // We don't want to send COMPOSING every time a letter is typed into // the entry. We send the state only when it changes. Telepathy/Empathy // might change it behind our back if the user is using both // gnome-shell's entry and the Empathy conversation window. We could // keep track of it with the ChatStateChanged signal but it is good // enough right now. if (state != this._chatState) { this._chatState = state; this._channel.set_chat_state_async(state, null); } }, _presenceChanged: function (contact, presence, status, message) { let msg, shouldNotify, title; if (this._presence == presence) return; title = GLib.markup_escape_text(this.title, -1); if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE) { msg = _("%s is online.").format(title); shouldNotify = (this._presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE); } else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE || presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.EXTENDED_AWAY) { presence = Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE; msg = _("%s is offline.").format(title); shouldNotify = (this._presence != Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE); } else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AWAY) { msg = _("%s is away.").format(title); shouldNotify = false; } else if (presence == Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.BUSY) { msg = _("%s is busy.").format(title); shouldNotify = false; } else return; this._presence = presence; if (message) msg += ' (' + GLib.markup_escape_text(message, -1) + ')'; this._notification.appendPresence(msg, shouldNotify); if (shouldNotify) this.notify(); }, _pendingRemoved: function(channel, message) { let idx = this._pendingMessages.indexOf(message); if (idx >= 0) { this._pendingMessages.splice(idx, 1); this._updateCount(); } else throw new Error('Message not in our pending list: ' + message); }, _ackMessages: function() { if (this._pendingMessages.length == 0) return; // Don't clear our messages here, tp-glib will send a // 'pending-message-removed' for each one. this._channel.ack_messages_async(this._pendingMessages, Lang.bind(this, function(src, result) { this._channel.ack_messages_finish(result);})); }, _summaryItemClicked: function(source, button) { if (button != 1) return; this._shouldAck = true; }, _notificationExpanded: function() { this._shouldAck = true; }, _notificationCollapsed: function() { if (this._shouldAck) this._ackMessages(); this._shouldAck = false; } }; function ChatNotification(source) { this._init(source); } ChatNotification.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Notification.prototype, _init: function(source) { MessageTray.Notification.prototype._init.call(this, source, source.title, null, { customContent: true }); this.setResident(true); this._responseEntry = new St.Entry({ style_class: 'chat-response', can_focus: true }); this._responseEntry.clutter_text.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onEntryActivated)); this._responseEntry.clutter_text.connect('text-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onEntryChanged)); this.setActionArea(this._responseEntry); this._oldMaxScrollAdjustment = 0; this._createScrollArea(); this._scrollArea.vscroll.adjustment.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function(adjustment) { let currentValue = adjustment.value + adjustment.page_size; if (currentValue == this._oldMaxScrollAdjustment) this.scrollTo(St.Side.BOTTOM); this._oldMaxScrollAdjustment = adjustment.upper; })); this._inputHistory = new History.HistoryManager({ entry: this._responseEntry.clutter_text }); this._history = []; this._timestampTimeoutId = 0; this._composingTimeoutId = 0; }, /** * appendMessage: * @message: An object with the properties: * text: the body of the message, * messageType: a #Tp.ChannelTextMessageType, * sender: the name of the sender, * timestamp: the time the message was sent * direction: a #NotificationDirection * * @noTimestamp: Whether to add a timestamp. If %true, no timestamp * will be added, regardless of the difference since the * last timestamp * @styles: A list of CSS class names. */ appendMessage: function(message, noTimestamp, styles) { let messageBody = GLib.markup_escape_text(message.text, -1); styles = styles || []; styles.push(message.direction); if (message.messageType == Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.ACTION) { let senderAlias = GLib.markup_escape_text(message.sender, -1); messageBody = '%s %s'.format(senderAlias, messageBody); styles.push('chat-action'); } if (message.direction == NotificationDirection.RECEIVED) { this.update(this.source.title, messageBody, { customContent: true, bannerMarkup: true }); } this._append(messageBody, styles, message.timestamp, noTimestamp); }, _filterMessages: function() { if (this._history.length < 1) return; let lastMessageTime = this._history[0].time; let currentTime = (Date.now() / 1000); // Keep the scrollback from growing too long. If the most // recent message (before the one we just added) is within // SCROLLBACK_RECENT_TIME, we will keep // SCROLLBACK_RECENT_LENGTH previous messages. Otherwise // we'll keep SCROLLBACK_IDLE_LENGTH messages. let maxLength = (lastMessageTime < currentTime - SCROLLBACK_RECENT_TIME) ? SCROLLBACK_IDLE_LENGTH : SCROLLBACK_RECENT_LENGTH; let filteredHistory = this._history.filter(function(item) { return item.realMessage }); if (filteredHistory.length > maxLength) { let lastMessageToKeep = filteredHistory[maxLength]; let expired = this._history.splice(this._history.indexOf(lastMessageToKeep)); for (let i = 0; i < expired.length; i++) expired[i].actor.destroy(); } }, _append: function(text, styles, timestamp, noTimestamp) { let currentTime = (Date.now() / 1000); if (!timestamp) timestamp = currentTime; // Reset the old message timeout if (this._timestampTimeoutId) Mainloop.source_remove(this._timestampTimeoutId); let body = this.addBody(text, true); for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i ++) body.add_style_class_name(styles[i]); this._history.unshift({ actor: body, time: timestamp, realMessage: true }); if (!noTimestamp) { if (timestamp < currentTime - SCROLLBACK_IMMEDIATE_TIME) this.appendTimestamp(); else // Schedule a new timestamp in SCROLLBACK_IMMEDIATE_TIME // from the timestamp of the message. this._timestampTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds( SCROLLBACK_IMMEDIATE_TIME - (currentTime - timestamp), Lang.bind(this, this.appendTimestamp)); } this._filterMessages(); }, _formatTimestamp: function(date) { let now = new Date(); var daysAgo = (now.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); let format; // Show a week day and time if date is in the last week if (daysAgo < 1 || (daysAgo < 7 && now.getDay() != date.getDay())) { /* Translators: this is a time format string followed by a date. If applicable, replace %X with a strftime format valid for your locale, without seconds. */ // xgettext:no-c-format format = _("Sent at %X on %A"); // FIXME: The next two are stolen from calendar.js with the comment to avoid // a string-freeze break. They should be replaced with better strings // with 'Sent at', appropriate context and appropriate translator comment. } else if (date.getYear() == now.getYear()) { /* Translators: Shown on calendar heading when selected day occurs on current year */ format = C_("calendar heading", "%A, %B %d"); } else { /* Translators: Shown on calendar heading when selected day occurs on different year */ format = C_("calendar heading", "%A, %B %d, %Y"); } return date.toLocaleFormat(format); }, appendTimestamp: function() { let lastMessageTime = this._history[0].time; let lastMessageDate = new Date(lastMessageTime * 1000); let timeLabel = this.addBody(this._formatTimestamp(lastMessageDate), false, { expand: true, x_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.END }); timeLabel.add_style_class_name('chat-meta-message'); this._history.unshift({ actor: timeLabel, time: lastMessageTime, realMessage: false }); this._timestampTimeoutId = 0; this._filterMessages(); return false; }, appendPresence: function(text, asTitle) { if (asTitle) this.update(text, null, { customContent: true, titleMarkup: true }); else this.update(this.source.title, null, { customContent: true }); let label = this.addBody(text, true); label.add_style_class_name('chat-meta-message'); this._history.unshift({ actor: label, time: (Date.now() / 1000), realMessage: false}); this._filterMessages(); }, appendAliasChange: function(oldAlias, newAlias) { oldAlias = GLib.markup_escape_text(oldAlias, -1); newAlias = GLib.markup_escape_text(newAlias, -1); /* Translators: this is the other person changing their old IM name to their new IM name. */ let message = '' + _("%s is now known as %s").format(oldAlias, newAlias) + ''; let label = this.addBody(message, true); label.add_style_class_name('chat-meta-message'); this._history.unshift({ actor: label, time: (Date.now() / 1000), realMessage: false }); this.update(newAlias, null, { customContent: true }); this._filterMessages(); }, _onEntryActivated: function() { let text = this._responseEntry.get_text(); if (text == '') return; this._inputHistory.addItem(text); // Telepathy sends out the Sent signal for us. // see Source._messageSent this._responseEntry.set_text(''); this.source.respond(text); }, _composingStopTimeout: function() { this._composingTimeoutId = 0; this.source.setChatState(Tp.ChannelChatState.PAUSED); return false; }, _onEntryChanged: function() { let text = this._responseEntry.get_text(); // If we're typing, we want to send COMPOSING. // If we empty the entry, we want to send ACTIVE. // If we've stopped typing for COMPOSING_STOP_TIMEOUT // seconds, we want to send PAUSED. // Remove composing timeout. if (this._composingTimeoutId > 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._composingTimeoutId); this._composingTimeoutId = 0; } if (text != '') { this.source.setChatState(Tp.ChannelChatState.COMPOSING); this._composingTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds( COMPOSING_STOP_TIMEOUT, Lang.bind(this, this._composingStopTimeout)); } else { this.source.setChatState(Tp.ChannelChatState.ACTIVE); } } }; function RoomInviteSource(dispatchOp) { this._init(dispatchOp); } RoomInviteSource.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Source.prototype, _init: function(dispatchOp) { MessageTray.Source.prototype._init.call(this, _("Invitation")); this._setSummaryIcon(this.createNotificationIcon()); this._dispatchOp = dispatchOp; // Destroy the source if the channel dispatch operation is invalidated // as we can't approve any more. this._invalidId = dispatchOp.connect('invalidated', Lang.bind(this, function(domain, code, msg) { this.destroy(); })); }, destroy: function() { if (this._invalidId != 0) { this._dispatchOp.disconnect(this._invalidId); this._invalidId = 0; } MessageTray.Source.prototype.destroy.call(this); }, createNotificationIcon: function() { // FIXME: We don't have a 'chat room' icon (bgo #653737) use // system-users for now as Empathy does. return new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'system-users', icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR, icon_size: this.ICON_SIZE }); } } function RoomInviteNotification(source, dispatchOp, channel, inviter) { this._init(source, dispatchOp, channel, inviter); } RoomInviteNotification.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Notification.prototype, _init: function(source, dispatchOp, channel, inviter) { MessageTray.Notification.prototype._init.call(this, source, /* translators: argument is a room name like * room@jabber.org for example. */ _("Invitation to %s").format(channel.get_identifier()), null, { customContent: true }); this.setResident(true); /* translators: first argument is the name of a contact and the second * one the name of a room. "Alice is inviting you to join room@jabber.org * for example. */ this.addBody(_("%s is inviting you to join %s").format(inviter.get_alias(), channel.get_identifier())); this.addButton('decline', _("Decline")); this.addButton('accept', _("Accept")); this.connect('action-invoked', Lang.bind(this, function(self, action) { switch (action) { case 'decline': dispatchOp.leave_channels_async(Tp.ChannelGroupChangeReason.NONE, '', function(src, result) { src.leave_channels_finish(result)}); break; case 'accept': dispatchOp.handle_with_time_async('', global.get_current_time(), function(src, result) { src.handle_with_time_finish(result)}); break; } this.destroy(); })); } };