// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Lang = imports.lang; const Signals = imports.signals; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const St = imports.gi.St; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Soup = imports.gi.Soup; const Config = imports.misc.config; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const FileUtils = imports.misc.fileUtils; const ModalDialog = imports.ui.modalDialog; const API_VERSION = 1; const ExtensionState = { ENABLED: 1, DISABLED: 2, ERROR: 3, OUT_OF_DATE: 4, DOWNLOADING: 5, INITIALIZED: 6, // Used as an error state for operations on unknown extensions, // should never be in a real extensionMeta object. UNINSTALLED: 99 }; const REPOSITORY_URL_BASE = 'https://extensions.gnome.org'; const REPOSITORY_URL_DOWNLOAD = REPOSITORY_URL_BASE + '/download-extension/%s.shell-extension.zip'; const REPOSITORY_URL_INFO = REPOSITORY_URL_BASE + '/extension-info/'; const _httpSession; // Arrays of uuids var enabledExtensions; // Contains the order that extensions were enabled in. const extensionOrder = []; // We don't really have a class to add signals on. So, create // a simple dummy object, add the signal methods, and export those // publically. var _signals = {}; Signals.addSignalMethods(_signals); const connect = Lang.bind(_signals, _signals.connect); const disconnect = Lang.bind(_signals, _signals.disconnect); const ENABLED_EXTENSIONS_KEY = 'enabled-extensions'; function installExtensionFromUUID(uuid) { let params = { uuid: uuid, shell_version: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION }; let message = Soup.form_request_new_from_hash('GET', REPOSITORY_URL_INFO, params); _httpSession.queue_message(message, function(session, message) { let info = JSON.parse(message.response_body.data); let dialog = new InstallExtensionDialog(uuid, info); dialog.open(global.get_current_time()); }); } function uninstallExtensionFromUUID(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return false; // Try to disable it -- if it's ERROR'd, we can't guarantee that, // but it will be removed on next reboot, and hopefully nothing // broke too much. disableExtension(uuid); // Don't try to uninstall system extensions if (extension.type != ExtensionUtils.ExtensionType.PER_USER) return false; extension.state = ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED; _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', extension); delete ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; FileUtils.recursivelyDeleteDir(Gio.file_new_for_path(extension.path)); return true; } function gotExtensionZipFile(session, message, uuid) { if (message.status_code != Soup.KnownStatusCode.OK) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'downloading extension: ' + message.status_code); return; } let [file, stream] = Gio.File.new_tmp('XXXXXX.shell-extension.zip'); let dir = ExtensionUtils.userExtensionsDir.get_child(uuid); let contents = message.response_body.flatten().as_bytes(); stream.output_stream.write_bytes(contents, null); stream.close(null); let [success, pid] = GLib.spawn_async(null, ['unzip', '-uod', dir.get_path(), '--', file.get_path()], null, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, null); if (!success) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'extract: could not extract'); return; } GLib.child_watch_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, pid, function(pid, status) { GLib.spawn_close_pid(pid); // Add extension to 'enabled-extensions' for the user, always... let enabledExtensions = global.settings.get_strv(ENABLED_EXTENSIONS_KEY); if (enabledExtensions.indexOf(uuid) == -1) { enabledExtensions.push(uuid); global.settings.set_strv(ENABLED_EXTENSIONS_KEY, enabledExtensions); } loadExtension(dir, ExtensionUtils.ExtensionType.PER_USER, true); }); } function disableExtension(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return; if (extension.state != ExtensionState.ENABLED) return; // "Rebase" the extension order by disabling and then enabling extensions // in order to help prevent conflicts. // Example: // order = [A, B, C, D, E] // user disables C // this should: disable E, disable D, disable C, enable D, enable E let orderIdx = extensionOrder.indexOf(uuid); let order = extensionOrder.slice(orderIdx + 1); let orderReversed = order.slice().reverse(); for (let i = 0; i < orderReversed.length; i++) { let uuid = orderReversed[i]; try { ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid].stateObj.disable(); } catch(e) { logExtensionError(uuid, e.toString()); } } try { extension.stateObj.disable(); } catch(e) { logExtensionError(uuid, e.toString()); return; } for (let i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { let uuid = order[i]; try { ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid].stateObj.enable(); } catch(e) { logExtensionError(uuid, e.toString()); } } extensionOrder.splice(orderIdx, 1); extension.state = ExtensionState.DISABLED; _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', extension); } function enableExtension(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return; if (extension.state == ExtensionState.INITIALIZED) initExtension(uuid); if (extension.state != ExtensionState.DISABLED) return; extensionOrder.push(uuid); try { extension.stateObj.enable(); } catch(e) { logExtensionError(uuid, e.toString()); return; } extension.state = ExtensionState.ENABLED; _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', extension); } function logExtensionError(uuid, message, state) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return; if (!extension.errors) extension.errors = []; extension.errors.push(message); log('Extension "%s" had error: %s'.format(uuid, message)); state = state || ExtensionState.ERROR; _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', { uuid: uuid, error: message, state: state }); } function loadExtension(dir, type, enabled) { let uuid = dir.get_basename(); let extension; if (ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid] != undefined) { log('Extension "%s" is already loaded'.format(uuid)); return; } try { extension = ExtensionUtils.createExtensionObject(uuid, dir, type); } catch(e) { logExtensionError(uuid, e.message); return; } // Default to error, we set success as the last step extension.state = ExtensionState.ERROR; if (ExtensionUtils.isOutOfDate(extension)) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'extension is not compatible with current GNOME Shell and/or GJS version', ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE); extension.state = ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE; return; } if (enabled) { initExtension(uuid); if (extension.state == ExtensionState.DISABLED) enableExtension(uuid); } else { extension.state = ExtensionState.INITIALIZED; } _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', extension); } function initExtension(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; let dir = extension.dir; if (!extension) throw new Error("Extension was not properly created. Call loadExtension first"); let extensionJs = dir.get_child('extension.js'); if (!extensionJs.query_exists(null)) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Missing extension.js'); return; } let stylesheetPath = null; let themeContext = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); let theme = themeContext.get_theme(); let stylesheetFile = dir.get_child('stylesheet.css'); if (stylesheetFile.query_exists(null)) { try { theme.load_stylesheet(stylesheetFile.get_path()); } catch (e) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Stylesheet parse error: ' + e); return; } } let extensionModule; let extensionState = null; try { ExtensionUtils.installImporter(extension); extensionModule = extension.imports.extension; } catch (e) { if (stylesheetPath != null) theme.unload_stylesheet(stylesheetPath); logExtensionError(uuid, '' + e); return; } if (!extensionModule.init) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'missing \'init\' function'); return; } try { extensionState = extensionModule.init(extension); } catch (e) { if (stylesheetPath != null) theme.unload_stylesheet(stylesheetPath); logExtensionError(uuid, 'Failed to evaluate init function:' + e); return; } if (!extensionState) extensionState = extensionModule; extension.stateObj = extensionState; if (!extensionState.enable) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'missing \'enable\' function'); return; } if (!extensionState.disable) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'missing \'disable\' function'); return; } extension.state = ExtensionState.DISABLED; _signals.emit('extension-loaded', uuid); } function onEnabledExtensionsChanged() { let newEnabledExtensions = global.settings.get_strv(ENABLED_EXTENSIONS_KEY); // Find and enable all the newly enabled extensions: UUIDs found in the // new setting, but not in the old one. newEnabledExtensions.filter(function(uuid) { return enabledExtensions.indexOf(uuid) == -1; }).forEach(function(uuid) { enableExtension(uuid); }); // Find and disable all the newly disabled extensions: UUIDs found in the // old setting, but not in the new one. enabledExtensions.filter(function(item) { return newEnabledExtensions.indexOf(item) == -1; }).forEach(function(uuid) { disableExtension(uuid); }); enabledExtensions = newEnabledExtensions; } function init() { ExtensionUtils.init(); _httpSession = new Soup.SessionAsync({ ssl_use_system_ca_file: true }); // See: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=655189 for context. // _httpSession.add_feature(new Soup.ProxyResolverDefault()); Soup.Session.prototype.add_feature.call(_httpSession, new Soup.ProxyResolverDefault()); global.settings.connect('changed::' + ENABLED_EXTENSIONS_KEY, onEnabledExtensionsChanged); enabledExtensions = global.settings.get_strv(ENABLED_EXTENSIONS_KEY); } function loadExtensions() { ExtensionUtils.scanExtensions(function(uuid, dir, type) { let enabled = enabledExtensions.indexOf(uuid) != -1; loadExtension(dir, type, enabled); }); } const InstallExtensionDialog = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InstallExtensionDialog', Extends: ModalDialog.ModalDialog, _init: function(uuid, info) { this.parent({ styleClass: 'extension-dialog' }); this._uuid = uuid; this._info = info; this.setButtons([{ label: _("Cancel"), action: Lang.bind(this, this._onCancelButtonPressed), key: Clutter.Escape }, { label: _("Install"), action: Lang.bind(this, this._onInstallButtonPressed) }]); let message = _("Download and install '%s' from extensions.gnome.org?").format(info.name); let box = new St.BoxLayout(); this.contentLayout.add(box); let gicon = new Gio.FileIcon({ file: Gio.File.new_for_uri(REPOSITORY_URL_BASE + info.icon) }) let icon = new St.Icon({ gicon: gicon }); box.add(icon); let label = new St.Label({ text: message }); box.add(label); }, _onCancelButtonPressed: function(button, event) { this.close(global.get_current_time()); // Even though the extension is already "uninstalled", send through // a state-changed signal for any users who want to know if the install // went through correctly -- using proper async DBus would block more // traditional clients like the plugin let meta = { uuid: this._uuid, state: ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED, error: '' }; _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', meta); }, _onInstallButtonPressed: function(button, event) { let state = { uuid: this._uuid, state: ExtensionState.DOWNLOADING, error: '' }; _signals.emit('extension-state-changed', state); let params = { shell_version: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION }; let url = REPOSITORY_URL_DOWNLOAD.format(this._uuid); let message = Soup.form_request_new_from_hash('GET', url, params); _httpSession.queue_message(message, Lang.bind(this, function(session, message) { gotExtensionZipFile(session, message, this._uuid); })); this.close(global.get_current_time()); } });