/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Big = imports.gi.Big; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const Lang = imports.lang; const AppDisplay = imports.ui.appDisplay; const DocDisplay = imports.ui.docDisplay; const GenericDisplay = imports.ui.genericDisplay; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Panel = imports.ui.panel; const Dash = imports.ui.dash; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const Workspaces = imports.ui.workspaces; const ROOT_OVERVIEW_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); ROOT_OVERVIEW_COLOR.from_pixel(0x000000ff); // Time for initial animation going into Overview mode const ANIMATION_TIME = 0.25; // We divide the screen into a grid of rows and columns, which we use // to help us position the Overview components, such as the side panel // that lists applications and documents, the workspaces display, and // the button for adding additional workspaces. // In the regular mode, the side panel takes up one column on the left, // and the workspaces display takes up the remaining columns. // In the expanded side panel display mode, the side panel takes up two // columns, and the workspaces display slides all the way to the right, // being visible only in the last quarter of the right-most column. // In the future, this mode will have more components, such as a display // of documents which were recently opened with a given application, which // will take up the remaining sections of the display. const WIDE_SCREEN_CUT_OFF_RATIO = 1.4; // A common netbook resolution is 1024x600, which trips the widescreen // ratio. However that leaves way too few pixels for the dash. So // just treat this as a regular screen. const WIDE_SCREEN_MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 768; const COLUMNS_REGULAR_SCREEN = 4; const ROWS_REGULAR_SCREEN = 8; const COLUMNS_WIDE_SCREEN = 5; const ROWS_WIDE_SCREEN = 10; const DEFAULT_PADDING = 4; // Padding around workspace grid / Spacing between Dash and Workspaces const WORKSPACE_GRID_PADDING = 12; const COLUMNS_FOR_WORKSPACES_REGULAR_SCREEN = 3; const ROWS_FOR_WORKSPACES_REGULAR_SCREEN = 6; const COLUMNS_FOR_WORKSPACES_WIDE_SCREEN = 4; const ROWS_FOR_WORKSPACES_WIDE_SCREEN = 8; // A multi-state; PENDING is used during animations const STATE_ACTIVE = true; const STATE_PENDING_INACTIVE = false; const STATE_INACTIVE = false; const SHADOW_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); SHADOW_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000033); const TRANSPARENT_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); TRANSPARENT_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000000); const SHADOW_WIDTH = 6; const NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS_IN_SEARCH = 2; let wideScreen = false; let displayGridColumnWidth = null; let displayGridRowHeight = null; let addRemoveButtonSize = null; function Overview() { this._init(); } Overview.prototype = { _init : function() { this._group = new Clutter.Group(); this._group._delegate = this; this.visible = false; this.animationInProgress = false; this._hideInProgress = false; this._recalculateGridSizes(); this._activeDisplayPane = null; // During transitions, we raise this to the top to avoid having the overview // area be reactive; it causes too many issues such as double clicks on // Dash elements, or mouseover handlers in the workspaces. this._coverPane = new Clutter.Rectangle({ opacity: 0, reactive: true }); this._group.add_actor(this._coverPane); this._coverPane.connect('event', Lang.bind(this, function (actor, event) { return true; })); // Similar to the cover pane but used for dialogs ("panes"); see the comments // in addPane below. this._transparentBackground = new Clutter.Rectangle({ opacity: 0, reactive: true }); this._group.add_actor(this._transparentBackground); // Background color for the Overview this._backOver = new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: ROOT_OVERVIEW_COLOR }); this._group.add_actor(this._backOver); this._group.hide(); global.overlay_group.add_actor(this._group); // TODO - recalculate everything when desktop size changes this._dash = new Dash.Dash(); this._group.add_actor(this._dash.actor); // Container to hold popup pane chrome. this._paneContainer = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: 6 }); // Note here we explicitly don't set the paneContainer to be reactive yet; that's done // inside the notify::visible handler on panes. this._paneContainer.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function(background) { this._activeDisplayPane.close(); return true; })); this._group.add_actor(this._paneContainer); this._transparentBackground.lower_bottom(); this._paneContainer.lower_bottom(); this._coverPane.lower_bottom(); this._workspaces = null; }, _recalculateGridSizes: function () { let primary = global.get_primary_monitor(); wideScreen = (primary.width/primary.height > WIDE_SCREEN_CUT_OFF_RATIO) && (primary.height >= WIDE_SCREEN_MINIMUM_HEIGHT); // We divide the screen into an imaginary grid which helps us determine the layout of // different visual components. if (wideScreen) { displayGridColumnWidth = Math.floor(primary.width / COLUMNS_WIDE_SCREEN); displayGridRowHeight = Math.floor(primary.height / ROWS_WIDE_SCREEN); } else { displayGridColumnWidth = Math.floor(primary.width / COLUMNS_REGULAR_SCREEN); displayGridRowHeight = Math.floor(primary.height / ROWS_REGULAR_SCREEN); } }, relayout: function () { let primary = global.get_primary_monitor(); this._recalculateGridSizes(); this._group.set_position(primary.x, primary.y); let contentY = Panel.PANEL_HEIGHT; let contentHeight = primary.height - contentY; this._coverPane.set_position(0, contentY); this._coverPane.set_size(primary.width, contentHeight); let workspaceColumnsUsed = wideScreen ? COLUMNS_FOR_WORKSPACES_WIDE_SCREEN : COLUMNS_FOR_WORKSPACES_REGULAR_SCREEN; let workspaceRowsUsed = wideScreen ? ROWS_FOR_WORKSPACES_WIDE_SCREEN : ROWS_FOR_WORKSPACES_REGULAR_SCREEN; this._workspacesWidth = displayGridColumnWidth * workspaceColumnsUsed - WORKSPACE_GRID_PADDING * 2; // We scale the vertical padding by (primary.height / primary.width) // so that the workspace preserves its aspect ratio. this._workspacesHeight = Math.floor(displayGridRowHeight * workspaceRowsUsed - WORKSPACE_GRID_PADDING * (primary.height / primary.width) * 2); this._workspacesX = displayGridColumnWidth + WORKSPACE_GRID_PADDING; this._workspacesY = Math.floor(displayGridRowHeight + WORKSPACE_GRID_PADDING * (primary.height / primary.width)); this._dash.actor.set_position(0, contentY); this._dash.actor.set_size(displayGridColumnWidth, contentHeight); this._dash.searchArea.height = this._workspacesY - contentY; this._dash.sectionArea.height = this._workspacesHeight; this._dash.searchResults.actor.height = this._workspacesHeight; // place the 'Add Workspace' button in the bottom row of the grid addRemoveButtonSize = Math.floor(displayGridRowHeight * 3/5); this._addButtonX = this._workspacesX + this._workspacesWidth - addRemoveButtonSize; this._addButtonY = primary.height - Math.floor(displayGridRowHeight * 4/5); // The parent (this._group) is positioned at the top left of the primary monitor // while this._backOver occupies the entire screen. this._backOver.set_position(- primary.x, - primary.y); this._backOver.set_size(global.screen_width, global.screen_height); this._paneContainer.set_position(this._dash.actor.x + this._dash.actor.width + DEFAULT_PADDING, this._workspacesY); // Dynamic width this._paneContainer.height = this._workspacesHeight; this._transparentBackground.set_position(this._paneContainer.x, this._paneContainer.y); this._transparentBackground.set_size(primary.width - this._paneContainer.x, this._paneContainer.height); if (this._activeDisplayPane != null) this._activeDisplayPane.actor.width = displayGridColumnWidth * 2; }, addPane: function (pane) { this._paneContainer.append(pane.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); // When a pane is displayed, we raise the transparent background to the top // and connect to button-release-event on it, then raise the pane above that. // The idea here is that clicking anywhere outside the pane should close it. // When the active pane is closed, undo the effect. let backgroundEventId = null; pane.connect('open-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, function (pane, isOpen) { if (isOpen) { pane.actor.width = displayGridColumnWidth * 2; this._activeDisplayPane = pane; this._transparentBackground.raise_top(); this._paneContainer.raise_top(); if (backgroundEventId != null) this._transparentBackground.disconnect(backgroundEventId); backgroundEventId = this._transparentBackground.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function () { this._activeDisplayPane.close(); return true; })); this._workspaces.actor.opacity = 64; } else if (pane == this._activeDisplayPane) { this._activeDisplayPane = null; if (backgroundEventId != null) { this._transparentBackground.disconnect(backgroundEventId); backgroundEventId = null; } this._transparentBackground.lower_bottom(); this._paneContainer.lower_bottom(); this._workspaces.actor.opacity = 255; } })); }, //// Draggable target interface //// // Closes any active panes if a GenericDisplayItem is being // dragged over the Overview, i.e. as soon as it starts being dragged. // This allows the user to place the item on any workspace. handleDragOver : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (source instanceof GenericDisplay.GenericDisplayItem || source instanceof AppDisplay.AppIcon) { if (this._activeDisplayPane != null) this._activeDisplayPane.close(); return true; } return false; }, //// Public methods //// // Returns the scale the Overview has when we just start zooming out // to overview mode. That is, when just the active workspace is showing. getZoomedInScale : function() { return 1 / this._workspaces.getScale(); }, // Returns the position the Overview has when we just start zooming out // to overview mode. That is, when just the active workspace is showing. getZoomedInPosition : function() { let [posX, posY] = this._workspaces.getActiveWorkspacePosition(); let scale = this.getZoomedInScale(); return [- posX * scale, - posY * scale]; }, // Returns the current scale of the Overview. getScale : function() { return this._group.scaleX; }, // Returns the current position of the Overview. getPosition : function() { return [this._group.x, this._group.y]; }, show : function() { if (this.visible) return; if (!Main.pushModal(this._dash.actor)) return; this.visible = true; this.animationInProgress = true; this._dash.show(); /* TODO: make this stuff dynamic */ this._workspaces = new Workspaces.Workspaces(this._workspacesWidth, this._workspacesHeight, this._workspacesX, this._workspacesY); this._group.add_actor(this._workspaces.actor); // The workspaces actor is as big as the screen, so we have to raise the dash above it // for drag and drop to work. In the future we should fix the workspaces to not // be as big as the screen. this._dash.actor.raise(this._workspaces.actor); // Create (+) button this._addButton = new AddWorkspaceButton(addRemoveButtonSize, this._addButtonX, this._addButtonY, Lang.bind(this, this._acceptNewWorkspaceDrop)); this._addButton.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._addNewWorkspace)); this._group.add_actor(this._addButton.actor); this._addButton.actor.raise(this._workspaces.actor); // All the the actors in the window group are completely obscured, // hiding the group holding them while the Overview is displayed greatly // increases performance of the Overview especially when there are many // windows visible. // // If we switched to displaying the actors in the Overview rather than // clones of them, this would obviously no longer be necessary. global.window_group.hide(); this._group.show(); // Create a zoom out effect. First scale the Overview group up and // position it so that the active workspace fills up the whole screen, // then transform the group to its normal dimensions and position. // The opposite transition is used in hide(). this._group.scaleX = this._group.scaleY = this.getZoomedInScale(); [this._group.x, this._group.y] = this.getZoomedInPosition(); let primary = global.get_primary_monitor(); Tweener.addTween(this._group, { x: primary.x, y: primary.y, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, transition: 'easeOutQuad', time: ANIMATION_TIME, onComplete: this._showDone, onCompleteScope: this }); // Make Dash fade in so that it doesn't appear to big. this._dash.actor.opacity = 0; Tweener.addTween(this._dash.actor, { opacity: 255, transition: 'easeOutQuad', time: ANIMATION_TIME }); this._coverPane.raise_top(); this.emit('showing'); }, hide: function() { if (!this.visible || this._hideInProgress) return; this.animationInProgress = true; this._hideInProgress = true; if (this._activeDisplayPane != null) this._activeDisplayPane.close(); this._workspaces.hide(); this._addButton.actor.destroy(); this._addButton.actor = null; this._addButton = null; // Create a zoom in effect by transforming the Overview group so that // the active workspace fills up the whole screen. The opposite // transition is used in show(). let scale = this.getZoomedInScale(); let [posX, posY] = this.getZoomedInPosition(); Tweener.addTween(this._group, { x: posX, y: posY, scaleX: scale, scaleY: scale, transition: 'easeOutQuad', time: ANIMATION_TIME, onComplete: this._hideDone, onCompleteScope: this }); // Make Dash fade out so that it doesn't appear to big. Tweener.addTween(this._dash.actor, { opacity: 0, transition: 'easeOutQuad', time: ANIMATION_TIME }); this._coverPane.raise_top(); this.emit('hiding'); }, toggle: function() { if (this.visible) this.hide(); else this.show(); }, /** * getWorkspacesForWindow: * @metaWindow: A #MetaWindow * * Returns the Workspaces object associated with the given window. * This method is not be accessible if the overview is not open * and will return %null. */ getWorkspacesForWindow: function(metaWindow) { return this._workspaces; }, /** * activateWindow: * @metaWindow: A #MetaWindow * @time: Event timestamp integer * * Make the given MetaWindow be the focus window, switching * to the workspace it's on if necessary. This function * should only be used when the Overview is currently active; * outside of that, use the relevant methods on MetaDisplay. */ activateWindow: function (metaWindow, time) { this._workspaces.activateWindowFromOverview(metaWindow, time); }, //// Private methods //// _showDone: function() { if (this._hideInProgress) return; this.animationInProgress = false; this._coverPane.lower_bottom(); this.emit('shown'); }, _hideDone: function() { global.window_group.show(); this._workspaces.destroy(); this._workspaces = null; this._dash.hide(); this._group.hide(); this.visible = false; this.animationInProgress = false; this._hideInProgress = false; this._coverPane.lower_bottom(); Main.popModal(this._dash.actor); this.emit('hidden'); }, _addNewWorkspace: function() { global.screen.append_new_workspace(false, global.get_current_time()); }, _acceptNewWorkspaceDrop: function(source, dropActor, x, y, time) { this._addNewWorkspace(); return this._workspaces.acceptNewWorkspaceDrop(source, dropActor, x, y, time); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(Overview.prototype); // Note that mutter has a compile-time limit of 36 const MAX_WORKSPACES = 16; function AddWorkspaceButton(buttonSize, buttonX, buttonY, acceptDropCallback) { this._init(buttonSize, buttonX, buttonY, acceptDropCallback); } AddWorkspaceButton.prototype = { _init: function(buttonSize, buttonX, buttonY, acceptDropCallback) { this.actor = new Clutter.Group({ x: buttonX, y: buttonY, width: global.screen_width - buttonX, height: global.screen_height - buttonY, reactive: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; this._acceptDropCallback = acceptDropCallback; let plus = new Clutter.Texture({ x: 0, y: 0, width: buttonSize, height: buttonSize }); plus.set_from_file(global.imagedir + 'add-workspace.svg'); this.actor.add_actor(plus); global.screen.connect('notify::n-workspaces', Lang.bind(this, this._nWorkspacesChanged)); this._nWorkspacesChanged(); }, _nWorkspacesChanged: function() { let canAddAnother = global.screen.n_workspaces < MAX_WORKSPACES; if (canAddAnother && !this.actor.reactive) { this.actor.reactive = true; this.actor.opacity = 255; } else if (!canAddAnother && this.actor.reactive) { this.actor.reactive = false; this.actor.opacity = 85; } }, // Draggable target interface acceptDrop: function(source, actor, x, y, time) { return this._acceptDropCallback(source, actor, x, y, time); } };