// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported RunDialog */ const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const GObject = imports.gi.GObject; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Dialog = imports.ui.dialog; const Main = imports.ui.main; const ModalDialog = imports.ui.modalDialog; const ShellEntry = imports.ui.shellEntry; const Util = imports.misc.util; const History = imports.misc.history; const HISTORY_KEY = 'command-history'; const LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.lockdown'; const DISABLE_COMMAND_LINE_KEY = 'disable-command-line'; const TERMINAL_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal'; const EXEC_KEY = 'exec'; const EXEC_ARG_KEY = 'exec-arg'; var RunDialog = GObject.registerClass( class RunDialog extends ModalDialog.ModalDialog { _init() { super._init({ styleClass: 'run-dialog', destroyOnClose: false, }); this._lockdownSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA }); this._terminalSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: TERMINAL_SCHEMA }); global.settings.connect('changed::development-tools', () => { this._enableInternalCommands = global.settings.get_boolean('development-tools'); }); this._enableInternalCommands = global.settings.get_boolean('development-tools'); this._internalCommands = { 'lg': () => Main.createLookingGlass().open(), 'r': this._restart.bind(this), // Developer brain backwards compatibility 'restart': this._restart.bind(this), 'debugexit': () => global.context.terminate(), // rt is short for "reload theme" 'rt': () => { Main.reloadThemeResource(); Main.loadTheme(); }, 'check_cloexec_fds': () => { Shell.util_check_cloexec_fds(); }, }; let title = _('Run a Command'); let content = new Dialog.MessageDialogContent({ title }); this.contentLayout.add_actor(content); let entry = new St.Entry({ style_class: 'run-dialog-entry', can_focus: true, }); ShellEntry.addContextMenu(entry); this._entryText = entry.clutter_text; content.add_child(entry); this.setInitialKeyFocus(this._entryText); let defaultDescriptionText = _('Press ESC to close'); this._descriptionLabel = new St.Label({ style_class: 'run-dialog-description', text: defaultDescriptionText, }); content.add_child(this._descriptionLabel); this._commandError = false; this._pathCompleter = new Gio.FilenameCompleter(); this._history = new History.HistoryManager({ gsettingsKey: HISTORY_KEY, entry: this._entryText, }); this._entryText.connect('activate', o => { this.popModal(); this._run(o.get_text(), Clutter.get_current_event().get_state() & Clutter.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK); if (!this._commandError || !this.pushModal()) this.close(); }); this._entryText.connect('key-press-event', (o, e) => { let symbol = e.get_key_symbol(); if (symbol === Clutter.KEY_Tab) { let text = o.get_text(); let prefix; if (text.lastIndexOf(' ') == -1) prefix = text; else prefix = text.substr(text.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1); let postfix = this._getCompletion(prefix); if (postfix != null && postfix.length > 0) { o.insert_text(postfix, -1); o.set_cursor_position(text.length + postfix.length); } return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }); this._entryText.connect('text-changed', () => { this._descriptionLabel.set_text(defaultDescriptionText); }); } vfunc_key_release_event(event) { if (event.keyval === Clutter.KEY_Escape) { this.close(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _getCommandCompletion(text) { function _getCommon(s1, s2) { if (s1 == null) return s2; let k = 0; for (; k < s1.length && k < s2.length; k++) { if (s1[k] != s2[k]) break; } if (k == 0) return ''; return s1.substr(0, k); } let paths = GLib.getenv('PATH').split(':'); paths.push(GLib.get_home_dir()); let someResults = paths.map(path => { let results = []; try { let file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path); let fileEnum = file.enumerate_children('standard::name', Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null); let info; while ((info = fileEnum.next_file(null))) { let name = info.get_name(); if (name.slice(0, text.length) == text) results.push(name); } } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND) && !e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_DIRECTORY)) log(e); } return results; }); let results = someResults.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []); if (!results.length) return null; let common = results.reduce(_getCommon, null); return common.substr(text.length); } _getCompletion(text) { if (text.includes('/')) return this._pathCompleter.get_completion_suffix(text); else return this._getCommandCompletion(text); } _run(input, inTerminal) { input = this._history.addItem(input); // trims input let command = input; this._commandError = false; let f; if (this._enableInternalCommands) f = this._internalCommands[input]; else f = null; if (f) { f(); } else { try { if (inTerminal) { let exec = this._terminalSettings.get_string(EXEC_KEY); let execArg = this._terminalSettings.get_string(EXEC_ARG_KEY); command = `${exec} ${execArg} ${input}`; } Util.trySpawnCommandLine(command); } catch (e) { // Mmmh, that failed - see if @input matches an existing file let path = null; if (input.charAt(0) == '/') { path = input; } else if (input) { if (input.charAt(0) == '~') input = input.slice(1); path = `${GLib.get_home_dir()}/${input}`; } if (path && GLib.file_test(path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { let file = Gio.file_new_for_path(path); try { Gio.app_info_launch_default_for_uri(file.get_uri(), global.create_app_launch_context(0, -1)); } catch (err) { // The exception from gjs contains an error string like: // Error invoking Gio.app_info_launch_default_for_uri: No application // is registered as handling this file // We are only interested in the part after the first colon. let message = err.message.replace(/[^:]*: *(.+)/, '$1'); this._showError(message); } } else { this._showError(e.message); } } } } _showError(message) { this._commandError = true; this._descriptionLabel.set_text(message); } _restart() { if (Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) { this._showError(_('Restart is not available on Wayland')); return; } this._shouldFadeOut = false; this.close(); Meta.restart(_('Restarting…'), global.context); } open() { this._history.lastItem(); this._entryText.set_text(''); this._commandError = false; if (this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_COMMAND_LINE_KEY)) return false; return super.open(); } });