// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Lang = imports.lang; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const St = imports.gi.St; const GnomeSession = imports.misc.gnomeSession; const Lightbox = imports.ui.lightbox; const LoginDialog = imports.gdm.loginDialog; const Main = imports.ui.main; const SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.screensaver'; const LOCK_ENABLED_KEY = 'lock-enabled'; /** * To test screen shield, make sure to kill gnome-screensaver. * * If you are setting org.gnome.desktop.session.idle-delay directly in dconf, * rather than through System Settings, you also need to set * org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power.sleep-display-ac and * org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power.sleep-display-battery to the same value. * This will ensure that the screen blanks at the right time when it fades out. * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=668703 explains the dependance. */ const ScreenShield = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ScreenShield', _init: function() { this._presence = new GnomeSession.Presence(Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, error) { this._onStatusChanged(proxy.status); })); this._presence.connectSignal('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, senderName, [status]) { this._onStatusChanged(status); })); this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA }); this._group = new St.Group({ x: 0, y: 0 }); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this._group); let constraint = new Clutter.BindConstraint({ source: global.stage, coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.POSITION | Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE }); this._group.add_constraint(constraint); this._group.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyPressEvent)); this._group.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonPressEvent)); this._lightbox = new Lightbox.Lightbox(this._group, { inhibitEvents: true, fadeInTime: 10, fadeFactor: 1 }); this._background = Meta.BackgroundActor.new_for_screen(global.screen); this._background.hide(); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this._background); }, _onStatusChanged: function(status) { log ("in _onStatusChanged"); if (status == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.IDLE) { log("session gone idle"); this._group.reactive = true; Main.pushModal(this._group); this._lightbox.show(); } else { let lightboxWasShown = this._lightbox.shown; log("this._lightbox.shown " + this._lightbox.shown); this._lightbox.hide(); if (lightboxWasShown && this._settings.get_boolean(LOCK_ENABLED_KEY)) { this._background.show(); this._background.raise_top(); } else { this._popModal(); } } }, _popModal: function() { this._group.reactive = false; if (Main.isInModalStack(this._group)) Main.popModal(this._group); this._background.hide(); }, _onKeyPressEvent: function(object, keyPressEvent) { log("in _onKeyPressEvent - lock is enabled: " + this._settings.get_boolean(LOCK_ENABLED_KEY)); this._popModal(); }, _onButtonPressEvent: function(object, buttonPressEvent) { log("in _onButtonPressEvent - lock is enabled: " + this._settings.get_boolean(LOCK_ENABLED_KEY)); this._popModal(); }, });