// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; var POPUP_DELAY_TIMEOUT = 150; // milliseconds var POPUP_SCROLL_TIME = 0.10; // seconds var POPUP_FADE_OUT_TIME = 0.1; // seconds var DISABLE_HOVER_TIMEOUT = 500; // milliseconds var NO_MODS_TIMEOUT = 1500; // milliseconds function mod(a, b) { return (a + b) % b; } function primaryModifier(mask) { if (mask == 0) return 0; let primary = 1; while (mask > 1) { mask >>= 1; primary <<= 1; } return primary; } var SwitcherPopup = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'SwitcherPopup', Abstract: true, _init(items) { this._switcherList = null; this._items = items || []; this._selectedIndex = 0; this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer({ style_class: 'switcher-popup', reactive: true, visible: false }); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', this._getPreferredWidth.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', this._getPreferredHeight.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('allocate', this._allocate.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this.actor); this._haveModal = false; this._modifierMask = 0; this._motionTimeoutId = 0; this._initialDelayTimeoutId = 0; this._noModsTimeoutId = 0; // Initially disable hover so we ignore the enter-event if // the switcher appears underneath the current pointer location this._disableHover(); }, _getPreferredWidth(actor, forHeight, alloc) { let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; alloc.min_size = primary.width; alloc.natural_size = primary.width; }, _getPreferredHeight(actor, forWidth, alloc) { let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; alloc.min_size = primary.height; alloc.natural_size = primary.height; }, _allocate(actor, box, flags) { let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; let leftPadding = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.LEFT); let rightPadding = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT); let hPadding = leftPadding + rightPadding; // Allocate the switcherList // We select a size based on an icon size that does not overflow the screen let [childMinHeight, childNaturalHeight] = this._switcherList.actor.get_preferred_height(primary.width - hPadding); let [childMinWidth, childNaturalWidth] = this._switcherList.actor.get_preferred_width(childNaturalHeight); childBox.x1 = Math.max(primary.x + leftPadding, primary.x + Math.floor((primary.width - childNaturalWidth) / 2)); childBox.x2 = Math.min(primary.x + primary.width - rightPadding, childBox.x1 + childNaturalWidth); childBox.y1 = primary.y + Math.floor((primary.height - childNaturalHeight) / 2); childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + childNaturalHeight; this._switcherList.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); }, _initialSelection(backward, binding) { if (backward) this._select(this._items.length - 1); else if (this._items.length == 1) this._select(0); else this._select(1); }, show(backward, binding, mask) { if (this._items.length == 0) return false; if (!Main.pushModal(this.actor)) { // Probably someone else has a pointer grab, try again with keyboard only if (!Main.pushModal(this.actor, { options: Meta.ModalOptions.POINTER_ALREADY_GRABBED })) { return false; } } this._haveModal = true; this._modifierMask = primaryModifier(mask); this.actor.connect('key-press-event', this._keyPressEvent.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('key-release-event', this._keyReleaseEvent.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('button-press-event', this._clickedOutside.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('scroll-event', this._scrollEvent.bind(this)); this.actor.add_actor(this._switcherList.actor); this._switcherList.connect('item-activated', this._itemActivated.bind(this)); this._switcherList.connect('item-entered', this._itemEntered.bind(this)); this._switcherList.connect('item-removed', this._itemRemoved.bind(this)); // Need to force an allocation so we can figure out whether we // need to scroll when selecting this.actor.opacity = 0; this.actor.show(); this.actor.get_allocation_box(); this._initialSelection(backward, binding); // There's a race condition; if the user released Alt before // we got the grab, then we won't be notified. (See // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=596695 for // details.) So we check now. (Have to do this after updating // selection.) if (this._modifierMask) { let [x, y, mods] = global.get_pointer(); if (!(mods & this._modifierMask)) { this._finish(global.get_current_time()); return false; } } else { this._resetNoModsTimeout(); } // We delay showing the popup so that fast Alt+Tab users aren't // disturbed by the popup briefly flashing. this._initialDelayTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(POPUP_DELAY_TIMEOUT, () => { Main.osdWindowManager.hideAll(); this.actor.opacity = 255; this._initialDelayTimeoutId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._initialDelayTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell] Main.osdWindow.cancel'); return true; }, _next() { return mod(this._selectedIndex + 1, this._items.length); }, _previous() { return mod(this._selectedIndex - 1, this._items.length); }, _keyPressHandler(keysym, action) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }, _keyPressEvent(actor, event) { let keysym = event.get_key_symbol(); let action = global.display.get_keybinding_action(event.get_key_code(), event.get_state()); this._disableHover(); if (this._keyPressHandler(keysym, action) != Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE) return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; // Note: pressing one of the below keys will destroy the popup only if // that key is not used by the active popup's keyboard shortcut if (keysym == Clutter.Escape || keysym == Clutter.Tab) this.destroy(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _keyReleaseEvent(actor, event) { if (this._modifierMask) { let [x, y, mods] = global.get_pointer(); let state = mods & this._modifierMask; if (state == 0) this._finish(event.get_time()); } else { this._resetNoModsTimeout(); } return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _clickedOutside(actor, event) { this.destroy(); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, _scrollHandler(direction) { if (direction == Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP) this._select(this._previous()); else if (direction == Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN) this._select(this._next()); }, _scrollEvent(actor, event) { this._scrollHandler(event.get_scroll_direction()); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, _itemActivatedHandler(n) { this._select(n); }, _itemActivated(switcher, n) { this._itemActivatedHandler(n); this._finish(global.get_current_time()); }, _itemEnteredHandler(n) { this._select(n); }, _itemEntered(switcher, n) { if (!this.mouseActive) return; this._itemEnteredHandler(n); }, _itemRemovedHandler(n) { if (this._items.length > 0) { let newIndex = Math.min(n, this._items.length - 1); this._select(newIndex); } else { this.actor.destroy(); } }, _itemRemoved(switcher, n) { this._itemRemovedHandler(n); }, _disableHover() { this.mouseActive = false; if (this._motionTimeoutId != 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._motionTimeoutId); this._motionTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(DISABLE_HOVER_TIMEOUT, this._mouseTimedOut.bind(this)); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._motionTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell] this._mouseTimedOut'); }, _mouseTimedOut() { this._motionTimeoutId = 0; this.mouseActive = true; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }, _resetNoModsTimeout() { if (this._noModsTimeoutId != 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._noModsTimeoutId); this._noModsTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(NO_MODS_TIMEOUT, () => { this._finish(global.get_current_time()); this._noModsTimeoutId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); }, _popModal() { if (this._haveModal) { Main.popModal(this.actor); this._haveModal = false; } }, destroy() { this._popModal(); if (this.actor.visible) { Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { opacity: 0, time: POPUP_FADE_OUT_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: () => { this.actor.destroy(); } }); } else this.actor.destroy(); }, _finish(timestamp) { this.destroy(); }, _onDestroy() { this._popModal(); if (this._motionTimeoutId != 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._motionTimeoutId); if (this._initialDelayTimeoutId != 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._initialDelayTimeoutId); if (this._noModsTimeoutId != 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._noModsTimeoutId); }, _select(num) { this._selectedIndex = num; this._switcherList.highlight(num); } }); var SwitcherList = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'SwitcherList', _init(squareItems) { this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer({ style_class: 'switcher-list' }); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', this._getPreferredWidth.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', this._getPreferredHeight.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('allocate', this._allocateTop.bind(this)); // Here we use a GenericContainer so that we can force all the // children to have the same width. this._list = new Shell.GenericContainer({ style_class: 'switcher-list-item-container' }); this._list.spacing = 0; this._list.connect('style-changed', () => { this._list.spacing = this._list.get_theme_node().get_length('spacing'); }); this._list.connect('get-preferred-width', this._getPreferredWidth.bind(this)); this._list.connect('get-preferred-height', this._getPreferredHeight.bind(this)); this._list.connect('allocate', this._allocate.bind(this)); this._scrollView = new St.ScrollView({ style_class: 'hfade', enable_mouse_scrolling: false }); this._scrollView.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER); let scrollBox = new St.BoxLayout(); scrollBox.add_actor(this._list); this._scrollView.add_actor(scrollBox); this.actor.add_actor(this._scrollView); // Those arrows indicate whether scrolling in one direction is possible this._leftArrow = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'switcher-arrow', pseudo_class: 'highlighted' }); this._leftArrow.connect('repaint', () => { drawArrow(this._leftArrow, St.Side.LEFT); }); this._rightArrow = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'switcher-arrow', pseudo_class: 'highlighted' }); this._rightArrow.connect('repaint', () => { drawArrow(this._rightArrow, St.Side.RIGHT); }); this.actor.add_actor(this._leftArrow); this.actor.add_actor(this._rightArrow); this._items = []; this._highlighted = -1; this._squareItems = squareItems; this._minSize = 0; this._scrollableRight = true; this._scrollableLeft = false; }, _allocateTop(actor, box, flags) { let leftPadding = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.LEFT); let rightPadding = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT); let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let scrollable = this._minSize > box.x2 - box.x1; box.y1 -= this.actor.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.TOP); box.y2 += this.actor.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.BOTTOM); this._scrollView.allocate(box, flags); let arrowWidth = Math.floor(leftPadding / 3); let arrowHeight = arrowWidth * 2; childBox.x1 = leftPadding / 2; childBox.y1 = this.actor.height / 2 - arrowWidth; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + arrowWidth; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + arrowHeight; this._leftArrow.allocate(childBox, flags); this._leftArrow.opacity = (this._scrollableLeft && scrollable) ? 255 : 0; arrowWidth = Math.floor(rightPadding / 3); arrowHeight = arrowWidth * 2; childBox.x1 = this.actor.width - arrowWidth - rightPadding / 2; childBox.y1 = this.actor.height / 2 - arrowWidth; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + arrowWidth; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + arrowHeight; this._rightArrow.allocate(childBox, flags); this._rightArrow.opacity = (this._scrollableRight && scrollable) ? 255 : 0; }, addItem(item, label) { let bbox = new St.Button({ style_class: 'item-box', reactive: true }); bbox.set_child(item); this._list.add_actor(bbox); let n = this._items.length; bbox.connect('clicked', () => { this._onItemClicked(n); }); bbox.connect('motion-event', () => this._onItemEnter(n)); bbox.label_actor = label; this._items.push(bbox); return bbox; }, removeItem(index) { let item = this._items.splice(index, 1); item[0].destroy(); this.emit('item-removed', index); }, _onItemClicked(index) { this._itemActivated(index); }, _onItemEnter(index) { // Avoid reentrancy if (index != this._currentItemEntered) { this._currentItemEntered = index; this._itemEntered(index); } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, highlight(index, justOutline) { if (this._items[this._highlighted]) { this._items[this._highlighted].remove_style_pseudo_class('outlined'); this._items[this._highlighted].remove_style_pseudo_class('selected'); } if (this._items[index]) { if (justOutline) this._items[index].add_style_pseudo_class('outlined'); else this._items[index].add_style_pseudo_class('selected'); } this._highlighted = index; let adjustment = this._scrollView.hscroll.adjustment; let [value, lower, upper, stepIncrement, pageIncrement, pageSize] = adjustment.get_values(); let [absItemX, absItemY] = this._items[index].get_transformed_position(); let [result, posX, posY] = this.actor.transform_stage_point(absItemX, 0); let [containerWidth, containerHeight] = this.actor.get_transformed_size(); if (posX + this._items[index].get_width() > containerWidth) this._scrollToRight(); else if (this._items[index].allocation.x1 - value < 0) this._scrollToLeft(); }, _scrollToLeft() { let adjustment = this._scrollView.hscroll.adjustment; let [value, lower, upper, stepIncrement, pageIncrement, pageSize] = adjustment.get_values(); let item = this._items[this._highlighted]; if (item.allocation.x1 < value) value = Math.min(0, item.allocation.x1); else if (item.allocation.x2 > value + pageSize) value = Math.max(upper, item.allocation.x2 - pageSize); this._scrollableRight = true; Tweener.addTween(adjustment, { value: value, time: POPUP_SCROLL_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: () => { if (this._highlighted == 0) this._scrollableLeft = false; this.actor.queue_relayout(); } }); }, _scrollToRight() { let adjustment = this._scrollView.hscroll.adjustment; let [value, lower, upper, stepIncrement, pageIncrement, pageSize] = adjustment.get_values(); let item = this._items[this._highlighted]; if (item.allocation.x1 < value) value = Math.max(0, item.allocation.x1); else if (item.allocation.x2 > value + pageSize) value = Math.min(upper, item.allocation.x2 - pageSize); this._scrollableLeft = true; Tweener.addTween(adjustment, { value: value, time: POPUP_SCROLL_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: () => { if (this._highlighted == this._items.length - 1) this._scrollableRight = false; this.actor.queue_relayout(); } }); }, _itemActivated(n) { this.emit('item-activated', n); }, _itemEntered(n) { this.emit('item-entered', n); }, _maxChildWidth(forHeight) { let maxChildMin = 0; let maxChildNat = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { let [childMin, childNat] = this._items[i].get_preferred_width(forHeight); maxChildMin = Math.max(childMin, maxChildMin); maxChildNat = Math.max(childNat, maxChildNat); if (this._squareItems) { let [childMin, childNat] = this._items[i].get_preferred_height(-1); maxChildMin = Math.max(childMin, maxChildMin); maxChildNat = Math.max(childNat, maxChildNat); } } return [maxChildMin, maxChildNat]; }, _getPreferredWidth(actor, forHeight, alloc) { let [maxChildMin, maxChildNat] = this._maxChildWidth(forHeight); let totalSpacing = Math.max(this._list.spacing * (this._items.length - 1), 0); alloc.min_size = this._items.length * maxChildMin + totalSpacing; alloc.natural_size = alloc.min_size; this._minSize = alloc.min_size; }, _getPreferredHeight(actor, forWidth, alloc) { let maxChildMin = 0; let maxChildNat = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { let [childMin, childNat] = this._items[i].get_preferred_height(-1); maxChildMin = Math.max(childMin, maxChildMin); maxChildNat = Math.max(childNat, maxChildNat); } if (this._squareItems) { let [childMin, childNat] = this._maxChildWidth(-1); maxChildMin = Math.max(childMin, maxChildMin); maxChildNat = maxChildMin; } alloc.min_size = maxChildMin; alloc.natural_size = maxChildNat; }, _allocate(actor, box, flags) { let childHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let [maxChildMin, maxChildNat] = this._maxChildWidth(childHeight); let totalSpacing = Math.max(this._list.spacing * (this._items.length - 1), 0); let childWidth = Math.floor(Math.max(0, box.x2 - box.x1 - totalSpacing) / this._items.length); let x = 0; let children = this._list.get_children(); let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; let parentRightPadding = this.actor.get_parent().get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (this._items.indexOf(children[i]) != -1) { let [childMin, childNat] = children[i].get_preferred_height(childWidth); let vSpacing = (childHeight - childNat) / 2; childBox.x1 = x; childBox.y1 = vSpacing; childBox.x2 = x + childWidth; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + childNat; children[i].allocate(childBox, flags); x += this._list.spacing + childWidth; } else { // Something else, eg, AppSwitcher's arrows; // we don't allocate it. } } } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(SwitcherList.prototype); function drawArrow(area, side) { let themeNode = area.get_theme_node(); let borderColor = themeNode.get_border_color(side); let bodyColor = themeNode.get_foreground_color(); let [width, height] = area.get_surface_size (); let cr = area.get_context(); cr.setLineWidth(1.0); Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, borderColor); switch (side) { case St.Side.TOP: cr.moveTo(0, height); cr.lineTo(Math.floor(width * 0.5), 0); cr.lineTo(width, height); break; case St.Side.BOTTOM: cr.moveTo(width, 0); cr.lineTo(Math.floor(width * 0.5), height); cr.lineTo(0, 0); break; case St.Side.LEFT: cr.moveTo(width, height); cr.lineTo(0, Math.floor(height * 0.5)); cr.lineTo(width, 0); break; case St.Side.RIGHT: cr.moveTo(0, 0); cr.lineTo(width, Math.floor(height * 0.5)); cr.lineTo(0, height); break; } cr.strokePreserve(); Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, bodyColor); cr.fill(); cr.$dispose(); }