// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Soup from 'gi://Soup'; import * as Config from '../misc/config.js'; import * as Dialog from './dialog.js'; import * as ExtensionUtils from '../misc/extensionUtils.js'; import * as FileUtils from '../misc/fileUtils.js'; import * as Main from './main.js'; import * as ModalDialog from './modalDialog.js'; import {ExtensionErrors, ExtensionError} from '../misc/dbusErrors.js'; Gio._promisify(Soup.Session.prototype, 'send_and_read_async'); Gio._promisify(Gio.OutputStream.prototype, 'write_bytes_async'); Gio._promisify(Gio.IOStream.prototype, 'close_async'); Gio._promisify(Gio.Subprocess.prototype, 'wait_check_async'); const REPOSITORY_URL_DOWNLOAD = 'https://extensions.gnome.org/download-extension/%s.shell-extension.zip'; const REPOSITORY_URL_INFO = 'https://extensions.gnome.org/extension-info/'; const REPOSITORY_URL_UPDATE = 'https://extensions.gnome.org/update-info/'; let _httpSession; /** * @param {string} uuid - extension uuid * @param {Gio.DBusMethodInvocation} invocation - the caller * @returns {void} */ export async function installExtension(uuid, invocation) { const params = { uuid, shell_version: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION, }; const message = Soup.Message.new_from_encoded_form('GET', REPOSITORY_URL_INFO, Soup.form_encode_hash(params)); let info; try { const bytes = await _httpSession.send_and_read_async( message, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); checkResponse(message); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); info = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(bytes.get_data())); } catch (e) { Main.extensionManager.logExtensionError(uuid, e); invocation.return_error_literal( ExtensionErrors, ExtensionError.INFO_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, e.message); return; } const dialog = new InstallExtensionDialog(uuid, info, invocation); dialog.open(global.get_current_time()); } /** * @param {string} uuid */ export function uninstallExtension(uuid) { let extension = Main.extensionManager.lookup(uuid); if (!extension) return false; // Don't try to uninstall system extensions if (extension.type !== ExtensionUtils.ExtensionType.PER_USER) return false; if (!Main.extensionManager.unloadExtension(extension)) return false; FileUtils.recursivelyDeleteDir(extension.dir, true); try { const updatesDir = Gio.File.new_for_path(GLib.build_filenamev( [global.userdatadir, 'extension-updates', extension.uuid])); FileUtils.recursivelyDeleteDir(updatesDir, true); } catch (e) { // not an error } return true; } /** * Check return status of reponse * * @param {Soup.Message} message - an http response * @returns {void} * @throws */ function checkResponse(message) { const {statusCode} = message; const phrase = Soup.Status.get_phrase(statusCode); if (statusCode !== Soup.Status.OK) throw new Error(`Unexpected response: ${phrase}`); } /** * @param {GLib.Bytes} bytes - archive data * @param {Gio.File} dir - target directory * @returns {void} */ async function extractExtensionArchive(bytes, dir) { if (!dir.query_exists(null)) dir.make_directory_with_parents(null); const [file, stream] = Gio.File.new_tmp('XXXXXX.shell-extension.zip'); await stream.output_stream.write_bytes_async(bytes, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); stream.close_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); const unzip = Gio.Subprocess.new( ['unzip', '-uod', dir.get_path(), '--', file.get_path()], Gio.SubprocessFlags.NONE); await unzip.wait_check_async(null); const schemasPath = dir.get_child('schemas'); try { const info = await schemasPath.query_info_async( Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_TYPE, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); if (info.get_file_type() !== Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY) throw new Error('schemas is not a directory'); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND)) console.warn(`Error while looking for schema for extension ${dir.get_basename()}: ${e.message}`); return; } const compileSchema = Gio.Subprocess.new( ['glib-compile-schemas', '--strict', schemasPath.get_path()], Gio.SubprocessFlags.NONE); try { await compileSchema.wait_check_async(null); } catch (e) { log(`Error while compiling schema for extension ${dir.get_basename()}: (${e.message})`); } } /** * @param {string} uuid - extension uuid * @returns {void} */ export async function downloadExtensionUpdate(uuid) { if (!Main.extensionManager.updatesSupported) return; const dir = Gio.File.new_for_path( GLib.build_filenamev([global.userdatadir, 'extension-updates', uuid])); const params = {shell_version: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION}; const message = Soup.Message.new_from_encoded_form('GET', REPOSITORY_URL_DOWNLOAD.format(uuid), Soup.form_encode_hash(params)); try { const bytes = await _httpSession.send_and_read_async( message, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); checkResponse(message); await extractExtensionArchive(bytes, dir); Main.extensionManager.notifyExtensionUpdate(uuid); } catch (e) { log(`Error while downloading update for extension ${uuid}: (${e.message})`); } } /** * Check extensions.gnome.org for updates * * @returns {void} */ export async function checkForUpdates() { if (!Main.extensionManager.updatesSupported) return; let metadatas = {}; Main.extensionManager.getUuids().forEach(uuid => { let extension = Main.extensionManager.lookup(uuid); if (extension.type !== ExtensionUtils.ExtensionType.PER_USER) return; if (extension.hasUpdate) return; metadatas[uuid] = { version: extension.metadata.version, }; }); if (Object.keys(metadatas).length === 0) return; // nothing to update const versionCheck = global.settings.get_boolean( 'disable-extension-version-validation'); const params = { shell_version: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION, disable_version_validation: `${versionCheck}`, }; const requestBody = new GLib.Bytes(JSON.stringify(metadatas)); const message = Soup.Message.new('POST', `${REPOSITORY_URL_UPDATE}?${Soup.form_encode_hash(params)}`); message.set_request_body_from_bytes('application/json', requestBody); let json; try { const bytes = await _httpSession.send_and_read_async( message, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); checkResponse(message); json = new TextDecoder().decode(bytes.get_data()); } catch (e) { log(`Update check failed: ${e.message}`); return; } const operations = JSON.parse(json); const updates = []; for (const uuid in operations) { const operation = operations[uuid]; if (operation === 'upgrade' || operation === 'downgrade') updates.push(uuid); } try { await Promise.allSettled( updates.map(uuid => downloadExtensionUpdate(uuid))); } catch (e) { log(`Some extension updates failed to download: ${e.message}`); } } class ExtractError extends Error { get name() { return 'ExtractError'; } } class EnableError extends Error { get name() { return 'EnableError'; } } const InstallExtensionDialog = GObject.registerClass( class InstallExtensionDialog extends ModalDialog.ModalDialog { _init(uuid, info, invocation) { super._init({styleClass: 'extension-dialog'}); this._uuid = uuid; this._info = info; this._invocation = invocation; this.setButtons([{ label: _('Cancel'), action: this._onCancelButtonPressed.bind(this), key: Clutter.KEY_Escape, }, { label: _('Install'), action: this._onInstallButtonPressed.bind(this), default: true, }]); let content = new Dialog.MessageDialogContent({ title: _('Install Extension'), description: _('Download and install ā%sā from extensions.gnome.org?').format(info.name), }); this.contentLayout.add_child(content); } _onCancelButtonPressed() { this.close(); this._invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new('(s)', ['cancelled'])); } async _onInstallButtonPressed() { this.close(); const params = {shell_version: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION}; const message = Soup.Message.new_from_encoded_form('GET', REPOSITORY_URL_DOWNLOAD.format(this._uuid), Soup.form_encode_hash(params)); const dir = Gio.File.new_for_path( GLib.build_filenamev([global.userdatadir, 'extensions', this._uuid])); try { const bytes = await _httpSession.send_and_read_async( message, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); checkResponse(message); try { await extractExtensionArchive(bytes, dir); } catch (e) { throw new ExtractError(e.message); } const extension = Main.extensionManager.createExtensionObject( this._uuid, dir, ExtensionUtils.ExtensionType.PER_USER); Main.extensionManager.loadExtension(extension); if (!Main.extensionManager.enableExtension(this._uuid)) throw new EnableError(`Cannot enable ${this._uuid}`); this._invocation.return_value(new GLib.Variant('(s)', ['successful'])); } catch (e) { let code; if (e instanceof ExtractError) code = ExtensionError.EXTRACT_FAILED; else if (e instanceof EnableError) code = ExtensionError.ENABLE_FAILED; else code = ExtensionError.DOWNLOAD_FAILED; log(`Error while installing ${this._uuid}: ${e.message}`); this._invocation.return_error_literal( ExtensionErrors, code, e.message); } } }); export function init() { _httpSession = new Soup.Session(); }