// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported LoginDialog */ /* * Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ const { AccountsService, Atk, Clutter, Gdm, Gio, GLib, GObject, Meta, Pango, Shell, St, } = imports.gi; const AuthPrompt = imports.gdm.authPrompt; const Batch = imports.gdm.batch; const BoxPointer = imports.ui.boxpointer; const CtrlAltTab = imports.ui.ctrlAltTab; const GdmUtil = imports.gdm.util; const Layout = imports.ui.layout; const LoginManager = imports.misc.loginManager; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Realmd = imports.gdm.realmd; const UserWidget = imports.ui.userWidget; const _FADE_ANIMATION_TIME = 250; const _SCROLL_ANIMATION_TIME = 500; const _TIMED_LOGIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD = 5.0; var UserListItem = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'activate': {} }, }, class UserListItem extends St.Button { _init(user) { let layout = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, }); super._init({ style_class: 'login-dialog-user-list-item', button_mask: St.ButtonMask.ONE | St.ButtonMask.THREE, can_focus: true, x_expand: true, child: layout, reactive: true, }); this.user = user; this.user.connectObject('changed', this._onUserChanged.bind(this), this); this.connect('notify::hover', () => { this._setSelected(this.hover); }); this._userWidget = new UserWidget.UserWidget(this.user); layout.add(this._userWidget); this._userWidget.bind_property('label-actor', this, 'label-actor', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); this._timedLoginIndicator = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'login-dialog-timed-login-indicator', scale_x: 0, visible: false, }); layout.add(this._timedLoginIndicator); this._onUserChanged(); } vfunc_key_focus_in() { super.vfunc_key_focus_in(); this._setSelected(true); } vfunc_key_focus_out() { super.vfunc_key_focus_out(); this._setSelected(false); } _onUserChanged() { this._updateLoggedIn(); } _updateLoggedIn() { if (this.user.is_logged_in()) this.add_style_pseudo_class('logged-in'); else this.remove_style_pseudo_class('logged-in'); } vfunc_clicked() { this.emit('activate'); } _setSelected(selected) { if (selected) { this.add_style_pseudo_class('selected'); this.grab_key_focus(); } else { this.remove_style_pseudo_class('selected'); } } showTimedLoginIndicator(time) { let hold = new Batch.Hold(); this.hideTimedLoginIndicator(); this._timedLoginIndicator.visible = true; let startTime = GLib.get_monotonic_time(); this._timedLoginTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 33, () => { let currentTime = GLib.get_monotonic_time(); let elapsedTime = (currentTime - startTime) / GLib.USEC_PER_SEC; this._timedLoginIndicator.scale_x = elapsedTime / time; if (elapsedTime >= time) { this._timedLoginTimeoutId = 0; hold.release(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; } return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._timedLoginTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell] this._timedLoginTimeoutId'); return hold; } hideTimedLoginIndicator() { if (this._timedLoginTimeoutId) { GLib.source_remove(this._timedLoginTimeoutId); this._timedLoginTimeoutId = 0; } this._timedLoginIndicator.visible = false; this._timedLoginIndicator.scale_x = 0.; } }); var UserList = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'activate': { param_types: [UserListItem.$gtype] }, 'item-added': { param_types: [UserListItem.$gtype] }, }, }, class UserList extends St.ScrollView { _init() { super._init({ style_class: 'login-dialog-user-list-view', x_expand: true, y_expand: true, }); this.set_policy(St.PolicyType.NEVER, St.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); this._box = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'login-dialog-user-list', pseudo_class: 'expanded', }); this.add_actor(this._box); this._items = {}; } vfunc_key_focus_in() { super.vfunc_key_focus_in(); this._moveFocusToItems(); } _moveFocusToItems() { let hasItems = Object.keys(this._items).length > 0; if (!hasItems) return; if (global.stage.get_key_focus() != this) return; let focusSet = this.navigate_focus(null, St.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false); if (!focusSet) { const laters = global.compositor.get_laters(); laters.add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { this._moveFocusToItems(); return false; }); } } _onItemActivated(activatedItem) { this.emit('activate', activatedItem); } updateStyle(isExpanded) { if (isExpanded) this._box.add_style_pseudo_class('expanded'); else this._box.remove_style_pseudo_class('expanded'); for (let userName in this._items) { let item = this._items[userName]; item.sync_hover(); } } scrollToItem(item) { let box = item.get_allocation_box(); let adjustment = this.get_vscroll_bar().get_adjustment(); let value = (box.y1 + adjustment.step_increment / 2.0) - (adjustment.page_size / 2.0); adjustment.ease(value, { mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, duration: _SCROLL_ANIMATION_TIME, }); } jumpToItem(item) { let box = item.get_allocation_box(); let adjustment = this.get_vscroll_bar().get_adjustment(); let value = (box.y1 + adjustment.step_increment / 2.0) - (adjustment.page_size / 2.0); adjustment.set_value(value); } getItemFromUserName(userName) { let item = this._items[userName]; if (!item) return null; return item; } containsUser(user) { return this._items[user.get_user_name()] != null; } addUser(user) { if (!user.is_loaded) return; if (user.is_system_account()) return; if (user.locked) return; let userName = user.get_user_name(); if (!userName) return; this.removeUser(user); let item = new UserListItem(user); this._box.add_child(item); this._items[userName] = item; item.connect('activate', this._onItemActivated.bind(this)); // Try to keep the focused item front-and-center item.connect('key-focus-in', () => this.scrollToItem(item)); this._moveFocusToItems(); this.emit('item-added', item); } removeUser(user) { if (!user.is_loaded) return; let userName = user.get_user_name(); if (!userName) return; let item = this._items[userName]; if (!item) return; item.destroy(); delete this._items[userName]; } numItems() { return Object.keys(this._items).length; } }); var SessionMenuButton = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'session-activated': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_STRING] } }, }, class SessionMenuButton extends St.Bin { _init() { let button = new St.Button({ style_class: 'login-dialog-button login-dialog-session-list-button', icon_name: 'emblem-system-symbolic', reactive: true, track_hover: true, can_focus: true, accessible_name: _("Choose Session"), accessible_role: Atk.Role.MENU, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); super._init({ child: button }); this._button = button; this._menu = new PopupMenu.PopupMenu(this._button, 0, St.Side.BOTTOM); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this._menu.actor); this._menu.actor.hide(); this._menu.connect('open-state-changed', (menu, isOpen) => { if (isOpen) this._button.add_style_pseudo_class('active'); else this._button.remove_style_pseudo_class('active'); }); this._manager = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuManager(this._button, { actionMode: Shell.ActionMode.NONE }); this._manager.addMenu(this._menu); this._button.connect('clicked', () => this._menu.toggle()); this._items = {}; this._activeSessionId = null; this._populate(); } updateSensitivity(sensitive) { this._button.reactive = sensitive; this._button.can_focus = sensitive; this.opacity = sensitive ? 255 : 0; this._menu.close(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE); } _updateOrnament() { let itemIds = Object.keys(this._items); for (let i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) { if (itemIds[i] == this._activeSessionId) this._items[itemIds[i]].setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.DOT); else this._items[itemIds[i]].setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.NONE); } } setActiveSession(sessionId) { if (sessionId == this._activeSessionId) return; this._activeSessionId = sessionId; this._updateOrnament(); } close() { this._menu.close(); } _populate() { let ids = Gdm.get_session_ids(); ids.sort(); if (ids.length <= 1) { this._button.hide(); return; } for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { let [sessionName, sessionDescription_] = Gdm.get_session_name_and_description(ids[i]); let id = ids[i]; let item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(sessionName); this._menu.addMenuItem(item); this._items[id] = item; item.connect('activate', () => { this.setActiveSession(id); this.emit('session-activated', this._activeSessionId); }); } } }); var LoginDialog = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'failed': {}, 'wake-up-screen': {}, }, }, class LoginDialog extends St.Widget { _init(parentActor) { super._init({ style_class: 'login-dialog', visible: false }); this.get_accessible().set_role(Atk.Role.WINDOW); this.add_constraint(new Layout.MonitorConstraint({ primary: true })); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); parentActor.add_child(this); this._userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default(); this._gdmClient = new Gdm.Client(); try { this._gdmClient.set_enabled_extensions([Gdm.UserVerifierChoiceList.interface_info().name]); } catch (e) { } this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: GdmUtil.LOGIN_SCREEN_SCHEMA }); this._settings.connect(`changed::${GdmUtil.BANNER_MESSAGE_KEY}`, this._updateBanner.bind(this)); this._settings.connect(`changed::${GdmUtil.BANNER_MESSAGE_TEXT_KEY}`, this._updateBanner.bind(this)); this._settings.connect(`changed::${GdmUtil.DISABLE_USER_LIST_KEY}`, this._updateDisableUserList.bind(this)); this._settings.connect(`changed::${GdmUtil.LOGO_KEY}`, this._updateLogo.bind(this)); this._textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default(); this._textureCache.connectObject('texture-file-changed', this._updateLogoTexture.bind(this), this); this._userSelectionBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'login-dialog-user-selection-box', x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, vertical: true, visible: false, }); this.add_child(this._userSelectionBox); this._userList = new UserList(); this._userSelectionBox.add_child(this._userList); this._authPrompt = new AuthPrompt.AuthPrompt(this._gdmClient, AuthPrompt.AuthPromptMode.UNLOCK_OR_LOG_IN); this._authPrompt.connect('prompted', this._onPrompted.bind(this)); this._authPrompt.connect('reset', this._onReset.bind(this)); this._authPrompt.hide(); this.add_child(this._authPrompt); // translators: this message is shown below the user list on the // login screen. It can be activated to reveal an entry for // manually entering the username. let notListedLabel = new St.Label({ text: _("Not listed?"), style_class: 'login-dialog-not-listed-label', }); this._notListedButton = new St.Button({ style_class: 'login-dialog-not-listed-button', button_mask: St.ButtonMask.ONE | St.ButtonMask.THREE, can_focus: true, child: notListedLabel, reactive: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START, label_actor: notListedLabel, }); this._notListedButton.connect('clicked', this._hideUserListAskForUsernameAndBeginVerification.bind(this)); this._notListedButton.hide(); this._userSelectionBox.add_child(this._notListedButton); this._bannerView = new St.ScrollView({ style_class: 'login-dialog-banner-view', opacity: 0, vscrollbar_policy: St.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, hscrollbar_policy: St.PolicyType.NEVER, }); this.add_child(this._bannerView); let bannerBox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); this._bannerView.add_actor(bannerBox); this._bannerLabel = new St.Label({ style_class: 'login-dialog-banner', text: '', }); this._bannerLabel.clutter_text.line_wrap = true; this._bannerLabel.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE; bannerBox.add_child(this._bannerLabel); this._updateBanner(); this._sessionMenuButton = new SessionMenuButton(); this._sessionMenuButton.connect('session-activated', (list, sessionId) => { this._greeter.call_select_session_sync(sessionId, null); }); this._sessionMenuButton.opacity = 0; this._sessionMenuButton.show(); this.add_child(this._sessionMenuButton); this._logoBin = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'login-dialog-logo-bin', x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.END, }); this._logoBin.connect('resource-scale-changed', () => { this._updateLogoTexture(this._textureCache, this._logoFile); }); this.add_child(this._logoBin); this._updateLogo(); this._userList.connect('activate', (userList, item) => { this._onUserListActivated(item); }); this._disableUserList = undefined; this._userListLoaded = false; this._realmManager = new Realmd.Manager(); this._realmManager.connectObject('login-format-changed', this._showRealmLoginHint.bind(this), this); this._getGreeterSessionProxy(); // If the user list is enabled, it should take key focus; make sure the // screen shield is initialized first to prevent it from stealing the // focus later Main.layoutManager.connectObject('startup-complete', this._updateDisableUserList.bind(this), this); } _getBannerAllocation(dialogBox) { let actorBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [, , natWidth, natHeight] = this._bannerView.get_preferred_size(); let centerX = dialogBox.x1 + (dialogBox.x2 - dialogBox.x1) / 2; actorBox.x1 = Math.floor(centerX - natWidth / 2); actorBox.y1 = dialogBox.y1 + Main.layoutManager.panelBox.height; actorBox.x2 = actorBox.x1 + natWidth; actorBox.y2 = actorBox.y1 + natHeight; return actorBox; } _getLogoBinAllocation(dialogBox) { let actorBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [, , natWidth, natHeight] = this._logoBin.get_preferred_size(); let centerX = dialogBox.x1 + (dialogBox.x2 - dialogBox.x1) / 2; actorBox.x1 = Math.floor(centerX - natWidth / 2); actorBox.y1 = dialogBox.y2 - natHeight; actorBox.x2 = actorBox.x1 + natWidth; actorBox.y2 = actorBox.y1 + natHeight; return actorBox; } _getSessionMenuButtonAllocation(dialogBox) { let actorBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [, , natWidth, natHeight] = this._sessionMenuButton.get_preferred_size(); if (this.get_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) actorBox.x1 = dialogBox.x1 + natWidth; else actorBox.x1 = dialogBox.x2 - (natWidth * 2); actorBox.y1 = dialogBox.y2 - (natHeight * 2); actorBox.x2 = actorBox.x1 + natWidth; actorBox.y2 = actorBox.y1 + natHeight; return actorBox; } _getCenterActorAllocation(dialogBox, actor) { let actorBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [, , natWidth, natHeight] = actor.get_preferred_size(); let centerX = dialogBox.x1 + (dialogBox.x2 - dialogBox.x1) / 2; let centerY = dialogBox.y1 + (dialogBox.y2 - dialogBox.y1) / 2; natWidth = Math.min(natWidth, dialogBox.x2 - dialogBox.x1); natHeight = Math.min(natHeight, dialogBox.y2 - dialogBox.y1); actorBox.x1 = Math.floor(centerX - natWidth / 2); actorBox.y1 = Math.floor(centerY - natHeight / 2); actorBox.x2 = actorBox.x1 + natWidth; actorBox.y2 = actorBox.y1 + natHeight; return actorBox; } vfunc_allocate(dialogBox) { this.set_allocation(dialogBox); let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); dialogBox = themeNode.get_content_box(dialogBox); let dialogWidth = dialogBox.x2 - dialogBox.x1; let dialogHeight = dialogBox.y2 - dialogBox.y1; // First find out what space the children require let bannerAllocation = null; let bannerHeight = 0; if (this._bannerView.visible) { bannerAllocation = this._getBannerAllocation(dialogBox); bannerHeight = bannerAllocation.y2 - bannerAllocation.y1; } let authPromptAllocation = null; let authPromptWidth = 0; if (this._authPrompt.visible) { authPromptAllocation = this._getCenterActorAllocation(dialogBox, this._authPrompt); authPromptWidth = authPromptAllocation.x2 - authPromptAllocation.x1; } let userSelectionAllocation = null; let userSelectionHeight = 0; if (this._userSelectionBox.visible) { userSelectionAllocation = this._getCenterActorAllocation(dialogBox, this._userSelectionBox); userSelectionHeight = userSelectionAllocation.y2 - userSelectionAllocation.y1; } let logoAllocation = null; let logoHeight = 0; if (this._logoBin.visible) { logoAllocation = this._getLogoBinAllocation(dialogBox); logoHeight = logoAllocation.y2 - logoAllocation.y1; } let sessionMenuButtonAllocation = null; if (this._sessionMenuButton.visible) sessionMenuButtonAllocation = this._getSessionMenuButtonAllocation(dialogBox); // Then figure out if we're overly constrained and need to // try a different layout, or if we have what extra space we // can hand out if (bannerAllocation) { let bannerSpace; if (authPromptAllocation) bannerSpace = authPromptAllocation.y1 - bannerAllocation.y1; else bannerSpace = 0; let leftOverYSpace = bannerSpace - bannerHeight; if (leftOverYSpace > 0) { // First figure out how much left over space is up top let leftOverTopSpace = leftOverYSpace / 2; // Then, shift the banner into the middle of that extra space let yShift = Math.floor(leftOverTopSpace / 2); bannerAllocation.y1 += yShift; bannerAllocation.y2 += yShift; } else { // Then figure out how much space there would be if we switched to a // wide layout with banner on one side and authprompt on the other. let leftOverXSpace = dialogWidth - authPromptWidth; // In a wide view, half of the available space goes to the banner, // and the other half goes to the margins. let wideBannerWidth = leftOverXSpace / 2; let wideSpacing = leftOverXSpace - wideBannerWidth; // If we do go with a wide layout, we need there to be at least enough // space for the banner and the auth prompt to be the same width, // so it doesn't look unbalanced. if (authPromptWidth > 0 && wideBannerWidth > authPromptWidth) { let centerX = dialogBox.x1 + dialogWidth / 2; let centerY = dialogBox.y1 + dialogHeight / 2; // A small portion of the spacing goes down the center of the // screen to help delimit the two columns of the wide view let centerGap = wideSpacing / 8; // place the banner along the left edge of the center margin bannerAllocation.x2 = Math.floor(centerX - centerGap / 2); bannerAllocation.x1 = Math.floor(bannerAllocation.x2 - wideBannerWidth); // figure out how tall it would like to be and try to accommodate // but don't let it get too close to the logo let [, wideBannerHeight] = this._bannerView.get_preferred_height(wideBannerWidth); let maxWideHeight = dialogHeight - 3 * logoHeight; wideBannerHeight = Math.min(maxWideHeight, wideBannerHeight); bannerAllocation.y1 = Math.floor(centerY - wideBannerHeight / 2); bannerAllocation.y2 = bannerAllocation.y1 + wideBannerHeight; // place the auth prompt along the right edge of the center margin authPromptAllocation.x1 = Math.floor(centerX + centerGap / 2); authPromptAllocation.x2 = authPromptAllocation.x1 + authPromptWidth; } else { // If we aren't going to do a wide view, then we need to limit // the height of the banner so it will present scrollbars // First figure out how much space there is without the banner leftOverYSpace += bannerHeight; // Then figure out how much of that space is up top let availableTopSpace = Math.floor(leftOverYSpace / 2); // Then give all of that space to the banner bannerAllocation.y2 = bannerAllocation.y1 + availableTopSpace; } } } else if (userSelectionAllocation) { // Grow the user list to fill the space let leftOverYSpace = dialogHeight - userSelectionHeight - logoHeight; if (leftOverYSpace > 0) { let topExpansion = Math.floor(leftOverYSpace / 2); let bottomExpansion = topExpansion; userSelectionAllocation.y1 -= topExpansion; userSelectionAllocation.y2 += bottomExpansion; } } // Finally hand out the allocations if (bannerAllocation) this._bannerView.allocate(bannerAllocation); if (authPromptAllocation) this._authPrompt.allocate(authPromptAllocation); if (userSelectionAllocation) this._userSelectionBox.allocate(userSelectionAllocation); if (logoAllocation) this._logoBin.allocate(logoAllocation); if (sessionMenuButtonAllocation) this._sessionMenuButton.allocate(sessionMenuButtonAllocation); } _ensureUserListLoaded() { if (!this._userManager.is_loaded) { this._userManager.connectObject('notify::is-loaded', () => { if (this._userManager.is_loaded) { this._userManager.disconnectObject(this); this._loadUserList(); } }); } else { let id = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._loadUserList.bind(this)); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(id, '[gnome-shell] _loadUserList'); } } _updateDisableUserList() { let disableUserList = this._settings.get_boolean(GdmUtil.DISABLE_USER_LIST_KEY); // Disable user list when there are no users. if (this._userListLoaded && this._userList.numItems() == 0) disableUserList = true; if (disableUserList != this._disableUserList) { this._disableUserList = disableUserList; if (this._authPrompt.verificationStatus == AuthPrompt.AuthPromptStatus.NOT_VERIFYING) this._authPrompt.reset(); if (this._disableUserList && this._timedLoginUserListHold) this._timedLoginUserListHold.release(); } } _updateCancelButton() { let cancelVisible; // Hide the cancel button if the user list is disabled and we're asking for // a username if (this._authPrompt.verificationStatus == AuthPrompt.AuthPromptStatus.NOT_VERIFYING && this._disableUserList) cancelVisible = false; else cancelVisible = true; this._authPrompt.cancelButton.visible = cancelVisible; } _updateBanner() { let enabled = this._settings.get_boolean(GdmUtil.BANNER_MESSAGE_KEY); let text = this._settings.get_string(GdmUtil.BANNER_MESSAGE_TEXT_KEY); if (enabled && text) { this._bannerLabel.set_text(text); this._bannerLabel.show(); } else { this._bannerLabel.hide(); } } _fadeInBannerView() { this._bannerView.show(); this._bannerView.ease({ opacity: 255, duration: _FADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); } _hideBannerView() { this._bannerView.remove_all_transitions(); this._bannerView.opacity = 0; this._bannerView.hide(); } _updateLogoTexture(cache, file) { if (this._logoFile && !this._logoFile.equal(file)) return; this._logoBin.destroy_all_children(); const resourceScale = this._logoBin.get_resource_scale(); if (this._logoFile) { let scaleFactor = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage).scale_factor; this._logoBin.add_child(this._textureCache.load_file_async(this._logoFile, -1, -1, scaleFactor, resourceScale)); } } _updateLogo() { let path = this._settings.get_string(GdmUtil.LOGO_KEY); this._logoFile = path ? Gio.file_new_for_path(path) : null; this._updateLogoTexture(this._textureCache, this._logoFile); } _onPrompted() { const showSessionMenu = this._shouldShowSessionMenuButton(); this._sessionMenuButton.updateSensitivity(showSessionMenu); this._sessionMenuButton.visible = showSessionMenu; this._showPrompt(); } _resetGreeterProxy() { if (GLib.getenv('GDM_GREETER_TEST') != '1') { if (this._greeter) this._greeter.run_dispose(); this._greeter = this._gdmClient.get_greeter_sync(null); this._greeter.connectObject( 'default-session-name-changed', this._onDefaultSessionChanged.bind(this), 'session-opened', this._onSessionOpened.bind(this), 'timed-login-requested', this._onTimedLoginRequested.bind(this), this); } } _onReset(authPrompt, beginRequest) { this._resetGreeterProxy(); this._sessionMenuButton.updateSensitivity(true); const previousUser = this._user; this._user = null; if (this._nextSignalId) { this._authPrompt.disconnect(this._nextSignalId); this._nextSignalId = 0; } if (previousUser && beginRequest === AuthPrompt.BeginRequestType.REUSE_USERNAME) { this._user = previousUser; this._authPrompt.setUser(this._user); this._authPrompt.begin({ userName: previousUser.get_user_name() }); } else if (beginRequest === AuthPrompt.BeginRequestType.PROVIDE_USERNAME) { if (!this._disableUserList) this._showUserList(); else this._hideUserListAskForUsernameAndBeginVerification(); } else { this._hideUserListAndBeginVerification(); } } _onDefaultSessionChanged(client, sessionId) { this._sessionMenuButton.setActiveSession(sessionId); } _shouldShowSessionMenuButton() { if (this._authPrompt.verificationStatus != AuthPrompt.AuthPromptStatus.VERIFYING && this._authPrompt.verificationStatus != AuthPrompt.AuthPromptStatus.VERIFICATION_FAILED) return false; if (this._user && this._user.is_loaded && this._user.is_logged_in()) return false; return true; } _showPrompt() { if (this._authPrompt.visible) return; this._authPrompt.opacity = 0; this._authPrompt.show(); this._authPrompt.ease({ opacity: 255, duration: _FADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); this._fadeInBannerView(); } _showRealmLoginHint(realmManager, hint) { if (!hint) return; hint = hint.replace(/%U/g, 'user'); hint = hint.replace(/%D/g, 'DOMAIN'); hint = hint.replace(/%[^UD]/g, ''); // Translators: this message is shown below the username entry field // to clue the user in on how to login to the local network realm this._authPrompt.setMessage(_("(e.g., user or %s)").format(hint), GdmUtil.MessageType.HINT); } _askForUsernameAndBeginVerification() { this._authPrompt.setUser(null); this._authPrompt.setQuestion(_('Username')); this._showRealmLoginHint(this._realmManager.loginFormat); if (this._nextSignalId) this._authPrompt.disconnect(this._nextSignalId); this._nextSignalId = this._authPrompt.connect('next', () => { this._authPrompt.disconnect(this._nextSignalId); this._nextSignalId = 0; this._authPrompt.updateSensitivity(false); let answer = this._authPrompt.getAnswer(); this._user = this._userManager.get_user(answer); this._authPrompt.clear(); this._authPrompt.begin({ userName: answer }); this._updateCancelButton(); }); this._updateCancelButton(); this._sessionMenuButton.updateSensitivity(false); this._authPrompt.updateSensitivity(true); this._showPrompt(); } _bindOpacity() { this._bindings = Main.layoutManager.uiGroup.get_children() .filter(c => c != Main.layoutManager.screenShieldGroup) .map(c => this.bind_property('opacity', c, 'opacity', 0)); } _unbindOpacity() { this._bindings.forEach(b => b.unbind()); } _loginScreenSessionActivated() { if (this.opacity == 255 && this._authPrompt.verificationStatus == AuthPrompt.AuthPromptStatus.NOT_VERIFYING) return; if (this._authPrompt.verificationStatus !== AuthPrompt.AuthPromptStatus.NOT_VERIFYING) this._authPrompt.reset(); this._bindOpacity(); this.ease({ opacity: 255, duration: _FADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => this._unbindOpacity(), }); } async _getGreeterSessionProxy() { const loginManager = LoginManager.getLoginManager(); this._greeterSessionProxy = await loginManager.getCurrentSessionProxy(); this._greeterSessionProxy?.connectObject('g-properties-changed', (proxy, properties) => { const activeChanged = !!properties.lookup_value('Active', null); if (activeChanged && proxy.Active) this._loginScreenSessionActivated(); }, this); } _startSession(serviceName) { this._bindOpacity(); this.ease({ opacity: 0, duration: _FADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => { this._greeter.call_start_session_when_ready_sync(serviceName, true, null); this._unbindOpacity(); }, }); } _onSessionOpened(client, serviceName) { this._authPrompt.finish(() => this._startSession(serviceName)); } _waitForItemForUser(userName) { let item = this._userList.getItemFromUserName(userName); if (item) return null; let hold = new Batch.Hold(); let signalId = this._userList.connect('item-added', () => { item = this._userList.getItemFromUserName(userName); if (item) hold.release(); }); hold.connect('release', () => this._userList.disconnect(signalId)); return hold; } _blockTimedLoginUntilIdle() { let hold = new Batch.Hold(); this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, _TIMED_LOGIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD, () => { this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId = 0; hold.release(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId, '[gnome-shell] this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId'); return hold; } _startTimedLogin(userName, delay) { let firstRun = true; // Cancel execution of old batch if (this._timedLoginBatch) { this._timedLoginBatch.cancel(); this._timedLoginBatch = null; firstRun = false; } // Reset previous idle-timeout if (this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId) { GLib.source_remove(this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId); this._timedLoginIdleTimeOutId = 0; } let loginItem = null; let animationTime; let tasks = [ () => { if (this._disableUserList) return null; this._timedLoginUserListHold = this._waitForItemForUser(userName); return this._timedLoginUserListHold; }, () => { this._timedLoginUserListHold = null; if (this._disableUserList) loginItem = this._authPrompt; else loginItem = this._userList.getItemFromUserName(userName); // If there is an animation running on the item, reset it. loginItem.hideTimedLoginIndicator(); }, () => { if (this._disableUserList) return; // If we're just starting out, start on the right item. if (!this._userManager.is_loaded) this._userList.jumpToItem(loginItem); }, () => { // This blocks the timed login animation until a few // seconds after the user stops interacting with the // login screen. // We skip this step if the timed login delay is very short. if (delay > _TIMED_LOGIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD) { animationTime = delay - _TIMED_LOGIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD; return this._blockTimedLoginUntilIdle(); } else { animationTime = delay; return null; } }, () => { if (this._disableUserList) return; // If idle timeout is done, make sure the timed login indicator is shown if (delay > _TIMED_LOGIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD && this._authPrompt.visible) this._authPrompt.cancel(); if (delay > _TIMED_LOGIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD || firstRun) { this._userList.scrollToItem(loginItem); loginItem.grab_key_focus(); } }, () => loginItem.showTimedLoginIndicator(animationTime), () => { this._timedLoginBatch = null; this._greeter.call_begin_auto_login_sync(userName, null); }, ]; this._timedLoginBatch = new Batch.ConsecutiveBatch(this, tasks); return this._timedLoginBatch.run(); } _onTimedLoginRequested(client, userName, seconds) { if (this._timedLoginBatch) return; this._startTimedLogin(userName, seconds); // Restart timed login on user interaction global.stage.connect('captured-event', (actor, event) => { if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS || event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS) this._startTimedLogin(userName, seconds); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }); } _setUserListExpanded(expanded) { this._userList.updateStyle(expanded); this._userSelectionBox.visible = expanded; } _hideUserList() { this._setUserListExpanded(false); if (this._userSelectionBox.visible) GdmUtil.cloneAndFadeOutActor(this._userSelectionBox); } _hideUserListAskForUsernameAndBeginVerification() { this._hideUserList(); this._askForUsernameAndBeginVerification(); } _hideUserListAndBeginVerification() { this._hideUserList(); this._authPrompt.begin(); } _showUserList() { this._ensureUserListLoaded(); this._authPrompt.hide(); this._hideBannerView(); this._sessionMenuButton.close(); this._sessionMenuButton.hide(); this._setUserListExpanded(true); this._notListedButton.show(); this._userList.grab_key_focus(); } _beginVerificationForItem(item) { this._authPrompt.setUser(item.user); let userName = item.user.get_user_name(); let hold = new Batch.Hold(); this._authPrompt.begin({ userName, hold }); return hold; } _onUserListActivated(activatedItem) { this._user = activatedItem.user; this._updateCancelButton(); const batch = new Batch.ConcurrentBatch(this, [ GdmUtil.cloneAndFadeOutActor(this._userSelectionBox), this._beginVerificationForItem(activatedItem), ]); batch.run(); } _onDestroy() { if (this._settings) { this._settings.run_dispose(); this._settings = null; } this._greeter = null; this._greeterSessionProxy = null; this._realmManager?.release(); this._realmManager = null; } _loadUserList() { if (this._userListLoaded) return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; this._userListLoaded = true; let users = this._userManager.list_users(); for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) this._userList.addUser(users[i]); this._updateDisableUserList(); this._userManager.connectObject( 'user-added', (userManager, user) => { this._userList.addUser(user); this._updateDisableUserList(); }, 'user-removed', (userManager, user) => { this._userList.removeUser(user); this._updateDisableUserList(); }, 'user-changed', (userManager, user) => { if (this._userList.containsUser(user) && user.locked) this._userList.removeUser(user); else if (!this._userList.containsUser(user) && !user.locked) this._userList.addUser(user); this._updateDisableUserList(); }, this); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; } activate() { this._userList.grab_key_focus(); this.show(); } open() { Main.ctrlAltTabManager.addGroup(this, _("Login Window"), 'dialog-password-symbolic', { sortGroup: CtrlAltTab.SortGroup.MIDDLE }); this.activate(); this.opacity = 0; this._grab = Main.pushModal(global.stage, { actionMode: Shell.ActionMode.LOGIN_SCREEN }); this.ease({ opacity: 255, duration: 1000, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD, }); return true; } close() { Main.popModal(this._grab); this._grab = null; Main.ctrlAltTabManager.removeGroup(this); } cancel() { this._authPrompt.cancel(); } addCharacter(_unichar) { // Don't allow type ahead at the login screen } finish(onComplete) { this._authPrompt.finish(onComplete); } });