// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Lang = imports.lang; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Config = imports.misc.config; const ExtensionSystem = imports.ui.extensionSystem; const ExtensionDownloader = imports.ui.extensionDownloader; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Screenshot = imports.ui.screenshot; const GnomeShellIface = <interface name="org.gnome.Shell"> <method name="Eval"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="script" /> <arg type="b" direction="out" name="success" /> <arg type="s" direction="out" name="result" /> </method> <property name="Mode" type="s" access="read" /> <property name="OverviewActive" type="b" access="readwrite" /> <property name="ShellVersion" type="s" access="read" /> </interface>; const ScreenSaverIface = <interface name="org.gnome.ScreenSaver"> <method name="Lock"> </method> <method name="GetActive"> <arg name="active" direction="out" type="b" /> </method> <method name="SetActive"> <arg name="value" direction="in" type="b" /> </method> <method name="GetActiveTime"> <arg name="value" direction="out" type="u" /> </method> <signal name="ActiveChanged"> <arg name="new_value" type="b" /> </signal> </interface>; const GnomeShell = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'GnomeShellDBus', _init: function() { this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(GnomeShellIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell'); this._extensionsSerivce = new GnomeShellExtensions(); this._screenshotService = new Screenshot.ScreenshotService(); }, /** * Eval: * @code: A string containing JavaScript code * * This function executes arbitrary code in the main * loop, and returns a boolean success and * JSON representation of the object as a string. * * If evaluation completes without throwing an exception, * then the return value will be [true, JSON.stringify(result)]. * If evaluation fails, then the return value will be * [false, JSON.stringify(exception)]; * */ Eval: function(code) { if (!global.settings.get_boolean('development-tools')) return [false, null]; let returnValue; let success; try { returnValue = JSON.stringify(eval(code)); // A hack; DBus doesn't have null/undefined if (returnValue == undefined) returnValue = ''; success = true; } catch (e) { returnValue = JSON.stringify(e); success = false; } return [success, returnValue]; }, Mode: global.session_mode, get OverviewActive() { return Main.overview.visible; }, set OverviewActive(visible) { if (visible) Main.overview.show(); else Main.overview.hide(); }, ShellVersion: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION }); const GnomeShellExtensionsIface = <interface name="org.gnome.Shell.Extensions"> <method name="ListExtensions"> <arg type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" name="extensions" /> </method> <method name="GetExtensionInfo"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="extension" /> <arg type="a{sv}" direction="out" name="info" /> </method> <method name="GetExtensionErrors"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="extension" /> <arg type="as" direction="out" name="errors" /> </method> <signal name="ExtensionStatusChanged"> <arg type="s" name="uuid"/> <arg type="i" name="state"/> <arg type="s" name="error"/> </signal> <method name="InstallRemoteExtension"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> <arg type="s" direction="out" name="result"/> </method> <method name="UninstallExtension"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> <arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> </method> <method name="LaunchExtensionPrefs"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> </method> <method name="ReloadExtension"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="uuid"/> </method> <method name="CheckForUpdates"> </method> <property name="ShellVersion" type="s" access="read" /> </interface>; const GnomeShellExtensions = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'GnomeShellExtensionsDBus', _init: function() { this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(GnomeShellExtensionsIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell'); ExtensionSystem.connect('extension-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._extensionStateChanged)); }, ListExtensions: function() { let out = {}; for (let uuid in ExtensionUtils.extensions) { let dbusObj = this.GetExtensionInfo(uuid); out[uuid] = dbusObj; } return out; }, GetExtensionInfo: function(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return {}; let obj = {}; Lang.copyProperties(extension.metadata, obj); // Only serialize the properties that we actually need. const serializedProperties = ["type", "state", "path", "error", "hasPrefs"]; serializedProperties.forEach(function(prop) { obj[prop] = extension[prop]; }); let out = {}; for (let key in obj) { let val = obj[key]; let type; switch (typeof val) { case 'string': type = 's'; break; case 'number': type = 'd'; break; case 'boolean': type = 'b'; break; default: continue; } out[key] = GLib.Variant.new(type, val); } return out; }, GetExtensionErrors: function(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return []; if (!extension.errors) return []; return extension.errors; }, InstallRemoteExtensionAsync: function([uuid], invocation) { return ExtensionDownloader.installExtension(uuid, invocation); }, UninstallExtension: function(uuid) { return ExtensionDownloader.uninstallExtension(uuid); }, LaunchExtensionPrefs: function(uuid) { let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); let app = appSys.lookup_app('gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop'); app.launch(global.display.get_current_time_roundtrip(), ['extension:///' + uuid], -1, null); }, ReloadExtension: function(uuid) { let extension = ExtensionUtils.extensions[uuid]; if (!extension) return; ExtensionSystem.reloadExtension(extension); }, CheckForUpdates: function() { ExtensionDownloader.checkForUpdates(); }, ShellVersion: Config.PACKAGE_VERSION, _extensionStateChanged: function(_, newState) { this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('ExtensionStatusChanged', GLib.Variant.new('(sis)', [newState.uuid, newState.state, newState.error])); } }); const ScreenSaverDBus = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ScreenSaverDBus', _init: function(screenShield) { this.parent(); this._screenShield = screenShield; screenShield.connect('active-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(shield) { this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('ActiveChanged', GLib.Variant.new('(b)', [shield.active])); })); this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(ScreenSaverIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/ScreenSaver'); Gio.DBus.session.own_name('org.gnome.ScreenSaver', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE, null, null); }, LockAsync: function(parameters, invocation) { let tmpId = this._screenShield.connect('lock-screen-shown', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._screenShield.disconnect(tmpId); invocation.return_value(null); })); this._screenShield.lock(true); }, SetActive: function(active) { if (active) this._screenShield.activate(true); else this._screenShield.unlock(false); }, GetActive: function() { return this._screenShield.active; }, GetActiveTime: function() { let started = this._screenShield.activationTime; if (started > 0) return Math.floor((GLib.get_monotonic_time() - started) / 1000000); else return 0; }, });