#!/usr/bin/python import atexit import optparse import os import random import re import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import termios import time import errno import dbus def find_cmd (cmd_list): """ Takes a list of command candidates and returns the first one that exists. Raises a system exit if none of the commands exist. """ for cmd in cmd_list: if os.path.exists(cmd): return cmd raise SystemExit("None of the commands %s exist" % cmd_list) def pidof(command): pidof_cmd = find_cmd(["/sbin/pidof", "/bin/pidof", "/usr/bin/pidof"]) pidof = subprocess.Popen([pidof_cmd, command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pids = pidof.communicate()[0].split() pidof.wait() # pidof doesn't have a "current user only" option, so we may have # gotten the pids of other users' processes. Fix that. for pid in pids: try: os.kill(int(pid), 0) return pid except Exception, e: pass return None def kill_gnome_panel(pid): if options.verbose: print "Terminating panel process %s" % pid devnull = open("/dev/null", "w") subprocess.call(["gdb", "-batch-silent", "-ex", "call panel_session_do_not_restart()", "-ex", "call exit(0)", "-p", pid], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) devnull.close() def start_xephyr(): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp("", "gnome-shell.") atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir) display = ":" + str(random.randint(10, 99)) xauth_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "database") # Create a random 128-bit key and format it as hex f = open("/dev/urandom", "r") key = f.read(16) f.close() hexkey = "".join(("%02x" % ord(byte) for byte in key)) # Store that in an xauthority file as the key for connecting to our Xephyr retcode = subprocess.call(["xauth", "-f", xauth_file, "add", display, "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1", hexkey]) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError("xauth failed") # Launch Xephyr try: xephyr = subprocess.Popen(["Xephyr", display, "-auth", xauth_file, "-screen", options.geometry, "-host-cursor"]) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: print "Could not find Xephyr." sys.exit(1) else: raise os.environ['DISPLAY'] = display os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = xauth_file # Wait for server to get going: LAME time.sleep(1) # Start some windows in our session. subprocess.Popen(["xterm", "-geometry", "+30+30"]) subprocess.Popen(["xlogo", "-geometry", "-0-0"]) subprocess.Popen(["xeyes", "-geometry", "-0+30"]) return xephyr; GLXINFO_RE = re.compile(r"^(\S.*):\s*\n((?:^\s+.*\n)*)", re.MULTILINE) def _get_glx_extensions(): """Return a tuple of server, client, and effective GLX extensions""" glxinfo = subprocess.Popen(["glxinfo"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) glxinfo_output = glxinfo.communicate()[0] glxinfo.wait() glxinfo_map = {} for m in GLXINFO_RE.finditer(glxinfo_output): glxinfo_map[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) server_glx_extensions = set(re.split("\s*,\s*", glxinfo_map['server glx extensions'].strip())) client_glx_extensions = set(re.split("\s*,\s*", glxinfo_map['client glx extensions'].strip())) glx_extensions = set(re.split("\s*,\s*", glxinfo_map['GLX extensions'].strip())) return (server_glx_extensions, client_glx_extensions, glx_extensions) def start_shell(): bin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(bin_dir, 'gnome-shell.in')): running_from_source_tree = True top_dir = os.path.dirname(bin_dir) plugin = os.path.join(top_dir, 'src', 'libgnome-shell.la') typelib_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, "src") js_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, "js") data_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, "data") else: running_from_source_tree = False plugin = 'libgnome-shell' js_dir = os.path.join('@pkgdatadir@', 'js') # Set up environment env = dict(os.environ) env.update({'GNOME_SHELL_JS' : '@GJS_JS_DIR@:@GJS_JS_NATIVE_DIR@:' + js_dir, 'PATH' : '@MUTTER_BIN_DIR@:' + os.environ.get('PATH', ''), 'GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG' : '1'}) if running_from_source_tree: env.update({'GNOME_SHELL_DATADIR' : data_dir, 'GI_TYPELIB_PATH' : typelib_dir}) jhbuild_gconf_source = os.path.join('@sysconfdir@', 'gconf/2/path.jhbuild') if os.path.exists(jhbuild_gconf_source): env['GCONF_DEFAULT_SOURCE_PATH'] = jhbuild_gconf_source # Work around Ubuntu xulrunner bug, # http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573413 pkgconfig = subprocess.Popen(['pkg-config', '--variable=sdkdir', 'mozilla-js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) mozjs_sdkdir = pkgconfig.communicate()[0].strip() pkgconfig.wait() if pkgconfig.returncode == 0: mozjs_libdir = re.sub('-(sdk|devel)', '', mozjs_sdkdir) if os.path.exists(mozjs_libdir + '/libmozjs.so'): env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '') + ':' + mozjs_libdir # Log everything to stderr (make stderr our "log file") env['GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT'] = 'stderr' if not options.verbose: # Unless verbose() is specified, only let gjs show errors and # things that are explicitly logged via log() from javascript env['GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS'] = 'JS ERROR;JS LOG' if use_tfp: # Decide if we need to set LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 to get the # texture_from_pixmap extension; we take having the extension # be supported on both the client and server but not in the # list of effective extensions as a signal of needing to force # indirect rendering. # # Note that this check would give the wrong answer for Xephyr, # but since we force !use_tfp there anyway, it doesn't matter. (server_glx_extensions, client_glx_extensions, glx_extensions) = _get_glx_extensions() if ("GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap" in server_glx_extensions and "GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap" in client_glx_extensions and (not "GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap" in glx_extensions)): if options.verbose: print "Forcing indirect GL" # This is Mesa specific; the NVIDIA proprietary drivers # drivers use __GL_FORCE_INDIRECT=1 instead. But we don't # need to force indirect rendering for NVIDIA. env['LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT'] = '1' if options.debug: debug_command = options.debug_command.split() args = list(debug_command) else: args = [] args.extend(['mutter', '--mutter-plugins=' + plugin, '--replace']) if options.sync: args.append('--sync') return subprocess.Popen(args, env=env) # Main program parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-r", "--replace", action="store_true", help="Replace the running metacity/gnome-panel") parser.add_option("-g", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Run under a debugger") parser.add_option("", "--debug-command", metavar="COMMAND", help="Command to use for debugging (defaults to 'gdb --args')") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--sync", action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--geometry", metavar="GEOMETRY", help="Specify Xephyr screen geometry", default="1024x768"); parser.add_option("-w", "--wide", action="store_true", help="Use widescreen (1280x800) with Xephyr") options, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if options.debug_command: options.debug = True elif options.debug: options.debug_command = "gdb --args" if options.wide: options.geometry = "1280x800" metacity_pid = pidof("metacity") compiz_pid = pidof("compiz.real") or pidof("compiz") # In Gnome 2.26 the panel grabs a dbus name and allows replacement; use that. bus = dbus.Interface(dbus.SessionBus().get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus'), 'org.freedesktop.DBus') names = bus.ListNames() gnome_panel_dbus = 'org.gnome.Panel' in names if gnome_panel_dbus: gnome_panel_pid = None else: gnome_panel_pid = pidof("gnome-panel") # Run in Xephyr if gnome-panel is already running and the user didn't # specify --replace. Otherwise, run fullscreen if options.replace: run_in_xephyr = False else: run_in_xephyr = (metacity_pid != None or compiz_pid != None or gnome_panel_pid != None) # Figure out whether or not to use GL_EXT_texture_from_pixmap. By default # we use it iff we aren't running Xephyr, but we allow the user to # explicitly disable it. # FIXME: Move this to ClutterGlxPixmap like # CLUTTER_PIXMAP_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE=disable. if 'GNOME_SHELL_DISABLE_TFP' in os.environ and \ os.environ['GNOME_SHELL_DISABLE_TFP'] != '': use_tfp = False else: # tfp does not work correctly in Xephyr use_tfp = not run_in_xephyr if options.verbose: print "Starting shell" if options.debug: # Record initial terminal state so we can reset it to that # later, in case we kill gdb at a bad time termattrs = termios.tcgetattr(0); try: if run_in_xephyr: shell = start_xephyr() # This makes us not grab the org.gnome.Panel name os.environ['GNOME_SHELL_NO_REPLACE_PANEL'] = '1' start_shell() else: if gnome_panel_pid is not None: kill_gnome_panel(gnome_panel_pid) shell = start_shell() # Wait for shell to exit if options.verbose: print "Waiting for shell to exit" shell.wait() if options.verbose: print "Shell is dead" except KeyboardInterrupt, e: try: os.kill(shell.pid, signal.SIGKILL) except: pass shell.wait() if options.verbose: print "Shell killed" finally: if options.debug: termios.tcsetattr(0, termios.TCSANOW, termattrs); if not run_in_xephyr: # Restart gnome-panel and window manager if metacity_pid: if options.verbose: print "Restarting Metacity" subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/metacity"]) elif compiz_pid: if options.verbose: print "Restarting Compiz" subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/compiz"]) if gnome_panel_dbus or gnome_panel_pid: if options.verbose: print "Restarting gnome-panel" subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/gnome-panel"])