// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported WindowPreview */ const { Atk, Clutter, GLib, GObject, Graphene, Meta, Pango, Shell, St, } = imports.gi; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const OverviewControls = imports.ui.overviewControls; var WINDOW_DND_SIZE = 256; var WINDOW_OVERLAY_IDLE_HIDE_TIMEOUT = 750; var WINDOW_OVERLAY_FADE_TIME = 200; var WINDOW_SCALE_TIME = 200; var WINDOW_ACTIVE_SIZE_INC = 5; // in each direction var DRAGGING_WINDOW_OPACITY = 100; const ICON_SIZE = 64; const ICON_OVERLAP = 0.7; const ICON_TITLE_SPACING = 6; var WindowPreview = GObject.registerClass({ Properties: { 'overlay-enabled': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean( 'overlay-enabled', 'overlay-enabled', 'overlay-enabled', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, true), }, Signals: { 'drag-begin': {}, 'drag-cancelled': {}, 'drag-end': {}, 'selected': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_UINT] }, 'show-chrome': {}, 'size-changed': {}, }, }, class WindowPreview extends Shell.WindowPreview { _init(metaWindow, workspace, overviewAdjustment) { this.metaWindow = metaWindow; this.metaWindow._delegate = this; this._windowActor = metaWindow.get_compositor_private(); this._workspace = workspace; this._overviewAdjustment = overviewAdjustment; super._init({ reactive: true, can_focus: true, accessible_role: Atk.Role.PUSH_BUTTON, offscreen_redirect: Clutter.OffscreenRedirect.AUTOMATIC_FOR_OPACITY, }); const windowContainer = new Clutter.Actor({ pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }), }); this.window_container = windowContainer; windowContainer.connect('notify::scale-x', () => this._adjustOverlayOffsets()); // gjs currently can't handle setting an actors layout manager during // the initialization of the actor if that layout manager keeps track // of its container, so set the layout manager after creating the // container windowContainer.layout_manager = new Shell.WindowPreviewLayout(); this.add_child(windowContainer); this._addWindow(metaWindow); this._delegate = this; this._stackAbove = null; this._cachedBoundingBox = { x: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.x1, y: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.y1, width: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.get_width(), height: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.get_height(), }; windowContainer.layout_manager.connect( 'notify::bounding-box', layout => { this._cachedBoundingBox = { x: layout.bounding_box.x1, y: layout.bounding_box.y1, width: layout.bounding_box.get_width(), height: layout.bounding_box.get_height(), }; // A bounding box of 0x0 means all windows were removed if (layout.bounding_box.get_area() > 0) this.emit('size-changed'); }); this._windowActor.connectObject('destroy', () => this.destroy(), this); this._updateAttachedDialogs(); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); this._draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this, { restoreOnSuccess: true, dragActorMaxSize: WINDOW_DND_SIZE, dragActorOpacity: DRAGGING_WINDOW_OPACITY, }); this._draggable.connect('drag-begin', this._onDragBegin.bind(this)); this._draggable.connect('drag-cancelled', this._onDragCancelled.bind(this)); this._draggable.connect('drag-end', this._onDragEnd.bind(this)); this.inDrag = false; let clickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction(); clickAction.connect('clicked', () => this._activate()); clickAction.connect('long-press', (action, actor, state) => { if (state === Clutter.LongPressState.ACTIVATE) this.showOverlay(true); return true; }); this._draggable.addClickAction(clickAction); this._overlayEnabled = true; this._overlayShown = false; this._closeRequested = false; this._idleHideOverlayId = 0; const tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); const app = tracker.get_window_app(this.metaWindow); this._icon = app.create_icon_texture(ICON_SIZE); this._icon.add_style_class_name('icon-dropshadow'); this._icon.set({ reactive: true, pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }), }); this._icon.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({ source: windowContainer, coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.POSITION, })); this._icon.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({ source: windowContainer, align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, factor: 0.5, })); this._icon.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({ source: windowContainer, align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.Y_AXIS, pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: -1, y: ICON_OVERLAP }), factor: 1, })); const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); this._title = new St.Label({ visible: false, style_class: 'window-caption', text: this._getCaption(), reactive: true, }); this._title.clutter_text.single_line_mode = true; this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({ source: windowContainer, coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.X, })); const iconBottomOverlap = ICON_SIZE * (1 - ICON_OVERLAP); this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({ source: windowContainer, coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.Y, offset: scaleFactor * (iconBottomOverlap + ICON_TITLE_SPACING), })); this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({ source: windowContainer, align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, factor: 0.5, })); this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({ source: windowContainer, align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.Y_AXIS, pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: -1, y: 0 }), factor: 1, })); this._title.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END; this.label_actor = this._title; this.metaWindow.connectObject( 'notify::title', () => (this._title.text = this._getCaption()), this); const layout = Meta.prefs_get_button_layout(); this._closeButtonSide = layout.left_buttons.includes(Meta.ButtonFunction.CLOSE) ? St.Side.LEFT : St.Side.RIGHT; this._closeButton = new St.Button({ visible: false, style_class: 'window-close', icon_name: 'preview-close-symbolic', }); this._closeButton.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({ source: windowContainer, coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.POSITION, })); this._closeButton.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({ source: windowContainer, align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS, pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: -1 }), factor: this._closeButtonSide === St.Side.LEFT ? 0 : 1, })); this._closeButton.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({ source: windowContainer, align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.Y_AXIS, pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: -1, y: 0.5 }), factor: 0, })); this._closeButton.connect('clicked', () => this._deleteAll()); this.add_child(this._title); this.add_child(this._icon); this.add_child(this._closeButton); this._overviewAdjustment.connectObject( 'notify::value', () => this._updateIconScale(), this); this._updateIconScale(); this.connect('notify::realized', () => { if (!this.realized) return; this._title.ensure_style(); this._icon.ensure_style(); }); } _updateIconScale() { const { ControlsState } = OverviewControls; const { currentState, initialState, finalState } = this._overviewAdjustment.getStateTransitionParams(); const visible = initialState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER || finalState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER; const scale = visible ? 1 - Math.abs(ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER - currentState) : 0; this._icon.set({ scale_x: scale, scale_y: scale, }); } _windowCanClose() { return this.metaWindow.can_close() && !this._hasAttachedDialogs(); } _getCaption() { if (this.metaWindow.title) return this.metaWindow.title; let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); let app = tracker.get_window_app(this.metaWindow); return app.get_name(); } overlapHeights() { const [, titleHeight] = this._title.get_preferred_height(-1); const topOverlap = 0; const bottomOverlap = ICON_TITLE_SPACING + titleHeight; return [topOverlap, bottomOverlap]; } chromeHeights() { const [, closeButtonHeight] = this._closeButton.get_preferred_height(-1); const [, iconHeight] = this._icon.get_preferred_height(-1); const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const activeExtraSize = WINDOW_ACTIVE_SIZE_INC * scaleFactor; const topOversize = closeButtonHeight / 2; const bottomOversize = (1 - ICON_OVERLAP) * iconHeight; return [ topOversize + activeExtraSize, bottomOversize + activeExtraSize, ]; } chromeWidths() { const [, closeButtonWidth] = this._closeButton.get_preferred_width(-1); const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const activeExtraSize = WINDOW_ACTIVE_SIZE_INC * scaleFactor; const leftOversize = this._closeButtonSide === St.Side.LEFT ? closeButtonWidth / 2 : 0; const rightOversize = this._closeButtonSide === St.Side.LEFT ? 0 : closeButtonWidth / 2; return [ leftOversize + activeExtraSize, rightOversize + activeExtraSize, ]; } showOverlay(animate) { if (!this._overlayEnabled) return; if (this._overlayShown) return; this._overlayShown = true; this._restack(); // If we're supposed to animate and an animation in our direction // is already happening, let that one continue const ongoingTransition = this._title.get_transition('opacity'); if (animate && ongoingTransition && ongoingTransition.get_interval().peek_final_value() === 255) return; const toShow = this._windowCanClose() ? [this._title, this._closeButton] : [this._title]; toShow.forEach(a => { a.opacity = 0; a.show(); a.ease({ opacity: 255, duration: animate ? WINDOW_OVERLAY_FADE_TIME : 0, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); }); const [width, height] = this.window_container.get_size(); const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const activeExtraSize = WINDOW_ACTIVE_SIZE_INC * 2 * scaleFactor; const origSize = Math.max(width, height); const scale = (origSize + activeExtraSize) / origSize; this.window_container.ease({ scale_x: scale, scale_y: scale, duration: animate ? WINDOW_SCALE_TIME : 0, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); this.emit('show-chrome'); } hideOverlay(animate) { if (!this._overlayShown) return; this._overlayShown = false; this._restack(); // If we're supposed to animate and an animation in our direction // is already happening, let that one continue const ongoingTransition = this._title.get_transition('opacity'); if (animate && ongoingTransition && ongoingTransition.get_interval().peek_final_value() === 0) return; [this._title, this._closeButton].forEach(a => { a.opacity = 255; a.ease({ opacity: 0, duration: animate ? WINDOW_OVERLAY_FADE_TIME : 0, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => a.hide(), }); }); this.window_container.ease({ scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, duration: animate ? WINDOW_SCALE_TIME : 0, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); } _adjustOverlayOffsets() { // Assume that scale-x and scale-y update always set // in lock-step; that allows us to not use separate // handlers for horizontal and vertical offsets const previewScale = this.window_container.scale_x; const [previewWidth, previewHeight] = this.window_container.allocation.get_size(); const heightIncrease = Math.floor(previewHeight * (previewScale - 1) / 2); const widthIncrease = Math.floor(previewWidth * (previewScale - 1) / 2); const closeAlign = this._closeButtonSide === St.Side.LEFT ? -1 : 1; this._icon.translation_y = heightIncrease; this._title.translation_y = heightIncrease; this._closeButton.set({ translation_x: closeAlign * widthIncrease, translation_y: -heightIncrease, }); } _addWindow(metaWindow) { const clone = this.window_container.layout_manager.add_window(metaWindow); if (!clone) return; // We expect this to be used for all interaction rather than // the ClutterClone; as the former is reactive and the latter // is not, this just works for most cases. However, for DND all // actors are picked, so DND operations would operate on the clone. // To avoid this, we hide it from pick. Shell.util_set_hidden_from_pick(clone, true); } vfunc_has_overlaps() { return this._hasAttachedDialogs() || this._icon.visible || this._closeButton.visible; } _deleteAll() { const windows = this.window_container.layout_manager.get_windows(); // Delete all windows, starting from the bottom-most (most-modal) one for (const window of windows.reverse()) window.delete(global.get_current_time()); this._closeRequested = true; } addDialog(win) { let parent = win.get_transient_for(); while (parent.is_attached_dialog()) parent = parent.get_transient_for(); // Display dialog if it is attached to our metaWindow if (win.is_attached_dialog() && parent == this.metaWindow) this._addWindow(win); // The dialog popped up after the user tried to close the window, // assume it's a close confirmation and leave the overview if (this._closeRequested) this._activate(); } _hasAttachedDialogs() { return this.window_container.layout_manager.get_windows().length > 1; } _updateAttachedDialogs() { let iter = win => { let actor = win.get_compositor_private(); if (!actor) return false; if (!win.is_attached_dialog()) return false; this._addWindow(win); win.foreach_transient(iter); return true; }; this.metaWindow.foreach_transient(iter); } get boundingBox() { return { ...this._cachedBoundingBox }; } get windowCenter() { return { x: this._cachedBoundingBox.x + this._cachedBoundingBox.width / 2, y: this._cachedBoundingBox.y + this._cachedBoundingBox.height / 2, }; } get overlayEnabled() { return this._overlayEnabled; } set overlayEnabled(enabled) { if (this._overlayEnabled === enabled) return; this._overlayEnabled = enabled; this.notify('overlay-enabled'); if (!enabled) this.hideOverlay(false); else if (this['has-pointer'] || global.stage.key_focus === this) this.showOverlay(true); } // Find the actor just below us, respecting reparenting done by DND code _getActualStackAbove() { if (this._stackAbove == null) return null; if (this.inDrag) { if (this._stackAbove._delegate) return this._stackAbove._delegate._getActualStackAbove(); else return null; } else { return this._stackAbove; } } setStackAbove(actor) { this._stackAbove = actor; if (this.inDrag) // We'll fix up the stack after the drag return; let parent = this.get_parent(); let actualAbove = this._getActualStackAbove(); if (actualAbove == null) parent.set_child_below_sibling(this, null); else parent.set_child_above_sibling(this, actualAbove); } _onDestroy() { this.metaWindow._delegate = null; this._delegate = null; this._destroyed = true; if (this._longPressLater) { const laters = global.compositor.get_laters(); laters.remove(this._longPressLater); delete this._longPressLater; } if (this._idleHideOverlayId > 0) { GLib.source_remove(this._idleHideOverlayId); this._idleHideOverlayId = 0; } if (this.inDrag) { this.emit('drag-end'); this.inDrag = false; } } _activate() { this.emit('selected', global.get_current_time()); } vfunc_enter_event(crossingEvent) { this.showOverlay(true); return super.vfunc_enter_event(crossingEvent); } vfunc_leave_event(crossingEvent) { if (this._destroyed) return super.vfunc_leave_event(crossingEvent); if ((crossingEvent.flags & Clutter.EventFlags.FLAG_GRAB_NOTIFY) !== 0 && global.stage.get_grab_actor() === this._closeButton) return super.vfunc_leave_event(crossingEvent); if (this._idleHideOverlayId > 0) GLib.source_remove(this._idleHideOverlayId); this._idleHideOverlayId = GLib.timeout_add( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, WINDOW_OVERLAY_IDLE_HIDE_TIMEOUT, () => { if (this._closeButton['has-pointer'] || this._title['has-pointer']) return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE; if (!this['has-pointer']) this.hideOverlay(true); this._idleHideOverlayId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._idleHideOverlayId, '[gnome-shell] this._idleHideOverlayId'); return super.vfunc_leave_event(crossingEvent); } vfunc_key_focus_in() { super.vfunc_key_focus_in(); this.showOverlay(true); } vfunc_key_focus_out() { super.vfunc_key_focus_out(); if (global.stage.get_grab_actor() !== this._closeButton) this.hideOverlay(true); } vfunc_key_press_event(keyEvent) { let symbol = keyEvent.keyval; let isEnter = symbol == Clutter.KEY_Return || symbol == Clutter.KEY_KP_Enter; if (isEnter) { this._activate(); return true; } return super.vfunc_key_press_event(keyEvent); } _restack() { // We may not have a parent if DnD completed successfully, in // which case our clone will shortly be destroyed and replaced // with a new one on the target workspace. const parent = this.get_parent(); if (parent !== null) { if (this._overlayShown) parent.set_child_above_sibling(this, null); else if (this._stackAbove === null) parent.set_child_below_sibling(this, null); else if (!this._stackAbove._overlayShown) parent.set_child_above_sibling(this, this._stackAbove); } } _onDragBegin(_draggable, _time) { this.inDrag = true; this.hideOverlay(false); this.emit('drag-begin'); } handleDragOver(source, actor, x, y, time) { return this._workspace.handleDragOver(source, actor, x, y, time); } acceptDrop(source, actor, x, y, time) { return this._workspace.acceptDrop(source, actor, x, y, time); } _onDragCancelled(_draggable, _time) { this.emit('drag-cancelled'); } _onDragEnd(_draggable, _time, _snapback) { this.inDrag = false; this._restack(); if (this['has-pointer']) this.showOverlay(true); this.emit('drag-end'); } });