// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported getIBusManager */ const { Gio, GLib, IBus, Meta, Shell } = imports.gi; const Signals = imports.misc.signals; const IBusCandidatePopup = imports.ui.ibusCandidatePopup; Gio._promisify(IBus.Bus.prototype, 'list_engines_async', 'list_engines_async_finish'); Gio._promisify(IBus.Bus.prototype, 'request_name_async', 'request_name_async_finish'); Gio._promisify(IBus.Bus.prototype, 'get_global_engine_async', 'get_global_engine_async_finish'); Gio._promisify(IBus.Bus.prototype, 'set_global_engine_async', 'set_global_engine_async_finish'); Gio._promisify(Shell, 'util_systemd_unit_exists'); // Ensure runtime version matches _checkIBusVersion(1, 5, 2); let _ibusManager = null; const IBUS_SYSTEMD_SERVICE = 'org.freedesktop.IBus.session.GNOME.service'; const TYPING_BOOSTER_ENGINE = 'typing-booster'; const IBUS_TYPING_BOOSTER_SCHEMA = 'org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.typing-booster'; const KEY_EMOJIPREDICTIONS = 'emojipredictions'; const KEY_DICTIONARY = 'dictionary'; const KEY_INLINECOMPLETION = 'inlinecompletion'; const KEY_INPUTMETHOD = 'inputmethod'; function _checkIBusVersion(requiredMajor, requiredMinor, requiredMicro) { if ((IBus.MAJOR_VERSION > requiredMajor) || (IBus.MAJOR_VERSION == requiredMajor && IBus.MINOR_VERSION > requiredMinor) || (IBus.MAJOR_VERSION == requiredMajor && IBus.MINOR_VERSION == requiredMinor && IBus.MICRO_VERSION >= requiredMicro)) return; throw new Error(`Found IBus version ${ IBus.MAJOR_VERSION}.${IBus.MINOR_VERSION}.${IBus.MINOR_VERSION} ` + `but required is ${requiredMajor}.${requiredMinor}.${requiredMicro}`); } function getIBusManager() { if (_ibusManager == null) _ibusManager = new IBusManager(); return _ibusManager; } var IBusManager = class extends Signals.EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); IBus.init(); // This is the longest we'll keep the keyboard frozen until an input // source is active. this._MAX_INPUT_SOURCE_ACTIVATION_TIME = 4000; // ms this._PRELOAD_ENGINES_DELAY_TIME = 30; // sec this._candidatePopup = new IBusCandidatePopup.CandidatePopup(); this._panelService = null; this._engines = new Map(); this._ready = false; this._registerPropertiesId = 0; this._currentEngineName = null; this._preloadEnginesId = 0; this._ibus = IBus.Bus.new_async(); this._ibus.connect('connected', this._onConnected.bind(this)); this._ibus.connect('disconnected', this._clear.bind(this)); // Need to set this to get 'global-engine-changed' emitions this._ibus.set_watch_ibus_signal(true); this._ibus.connect('global-engine-changed', this._engineChanged.bind(this)); this._queueSpawn(); } async _ibusSystemdServiceExists() { if (this._ibusIsSystemdService) return true; try { this._ibusIsSystemdService = await Shell.util_systemd_unit_exists( IBUS_SYSTEMD_SERVICE, null); } catch (e) { this._ibusIsSystemdService = false; } return this._ibusIsSystemdService; } async _queueSpawn() { const isSystemdService = await this._ibusSystemdServiceExists(); if (!isSystemdService) this._spawn(Meta.is_wayland_compositor() ? [] : ['--xim']); } _tryAppendEnv(env, varname) { const value = GLib.getenv(varname); if (value) env.push(`${varname}=${value}`); } _spawn(extraArgs = []) { try { let cmdLine = ['ibus-daemon', '--panel', 'disable', ...extraArgs]; let env = []; this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'); this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'WAYLAND_DISPLAY'); this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'HOME'); this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'LANG'); this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'LC_CTYPE'); this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'COMPOSE_FILE'); this._tryAppendEnv(env, 'DISPLAY'); // Use DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD to avoid adouble-fork internally // since ibus-daemon refuses to start with init as its parent. const [success_, pid] = GLib.spawn_async( null, cmdLine, env, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, () => { try { global.context.restore_rlimit_nofile(); } catch (err) { } } ); GLib.child_watch_add( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, pid, () => GLib.spawn_close_pid(pid) ); } catch (e) { log(`Failed to launch ibus-daemon: ${e.message}`); } } async restartDaemon(extraArgs = []) { const isSystemdService = await this._ibusSystemdServiceExists(); if (!isSystemdService) this._spawn(['-r', ...extraArgs]); } _clear() { if (this._cancellable) { this._cancellable.cancel(); this._cancellable = null; } if (this._preloadEnginesId) { GLib.source_remove(this._preloadEnginesId); this._preloadEnginesId = 0; } if (this._panelService) this._panelService.destroy(); this._panelService = null; this._candidatePopup.setPanelService(null); this._engines.clear(); this._ready = false; this._registerPropertiesId = 0; this._currentEngineName = null; this.emit('ready', false); } _onConnected() { this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._initEngines(); this._initPanelService(); } async _initEngines() { try { const enginesList = await this._ibus.list_engines_async(-1, this._cancellable); for (let i = 0; i < enginesList.length; ++i) { let name = enginesList[i].get_name(); this._engines.set(name, enginesList[i]); } this._updateReadiness(); } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) return; logError(e); this._clear(); } } async _initPanelService() { try { await this._ibus.request_name_async(IBus.SERVICE_PANEL, IBus.BusNameFlag.REPLACE_EXISTING, -1, this._cancellable); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) { logError(e); this._clear(); } return; } this._panelService = new IBus.PanelService({ connection: this._ibus.get_connection(), object_path: IBus.PATH_PANEL, }); this._candidatePopup.setPanelService(this._panelService); this._panelService.connect('update-property', this._updateProperty.bind(this)); this._panelService.connect('set-cursor-location', (ps, x, y, w, h) => { let cursorLocation = { x, y, width: w, height: h }; this.emit('set-cursor-location', cursorLocation); }); this._panelService.connect('focus-in', (panel, path) => { if (!GLib.str_has_suffix(path, '/InputContext_1')) this.emit('focus-in'); }); this._panelService.connect('focus-out', () => this.emit('focus-out')); try { // IBus versions older than 1.5.10 have a bug which // causes spurious set-content-type emissions when // switching input focus that temporarily lose purpose // and hints defeating its intended semantics and // confusing users. We thus don't use it in that case. _checkIBusVersion(1, 5, 10); this._panelService.connect('set-content-type', this._setContentType.bind(this)); } catch (e) { } this._updateReadiness(); try { // If an engine is already active we need to get its properties const engine = await this._ibus.get_global_engine_async(-1, this._cancellable); this._engineChanged(this._ibus, engine.get_name()); } catch (e) { } } _updateReadiness() { this._ready = this._engines.size > 0 && this._panelService != null; this.emit('ready', this._ready); } _engineChanged(bus, engineName) { if (!this._ready) return; this._currentEngineName = engineName; if (this._registerPropertiesId != 0) return; this._registerPropertiesId = this._panelService.connect('register-properties', (p, props) => { if (!props.get(0)) return; this._panelService.disconnect(this._registerPropertiesId); this._registerPropertiesId = 0; this.emit('properties-registered', this._currentEngineName, props); }); } _updateProperty(panel, prop) { this.emit('property-updated', this._currentEngineName, prop); } _setContentType(panel, purpose, hints) { this.emit('set-content-type', purpose, hints); } activateProperty(key, state) { this._panelService.property_activate(key, state); } getEngineDesc(id) { if (!this._ready || !this._engines.has(id)) return null; return this._engines.get(id); } async setEngine(id, callback) { // Send id even if id == this._currentEngineName // because 'properties-registered' signal can be emitted // while this._ibusSources == null on a lock screen. if (!this._ready) { if (callback) callback(); return; } try { await this._ibus.set_global_engine_async(id, this._MAX_INPUT_SOURCE_ACTIVATION_TIME, this._cancellable); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); } if (callback) callback(); } preloadEngines(ids) { if (!this._ibus || !this._ready) return; if (!ids.includes(TYPING_BOOSTER_ENGINE)) ids.push(TYPING_BOOSTER_ENGINE); if (this._preloadEnginesId != 0) { GLib.source_remove(this._preloadEnginesId); this._preloadEnginesId = 0; } this._preloadEnginesId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._PRELOAD_ENGINES_DELAY_TIME, () => { this._ibus.preload_engines_async( ids, -1, this._cancellable, null); this._preloadEnginesId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } setCompletionEnabled(enabled) { /* Needs typing-booster available */ if (!this._engines.has(TYPING_BOOSTER_ENGINE)) return false; /* Can do only on xkb engines */ if (enabled && !this._currentEngineName.startsWith('xkb:')) return false; if (this._oskCompletion === enabled) return true; this._oskCompletion = enabled; let settings = new Gio.Settings({schema_id: IBUS_TYPING_BOOSTER_SCHEMA}); if (enabled) { this._preOskState = { 'engine': this._currentEngineName, 'emoji': settings.get_value(KEY_EMOJIPREDICTIONS), 'langs': settings.get_value(KEY_DICTIONARY), 'completion': settings.get_value(KEY_INLINECOMPLETION), 'inputMethod': settings.get_value(KEY_INPUTMETHOD), }; settings.reset(KEY_EMOJIPREDICTIONS); const removeEncoding = l => l.replace(/\..*/, ''); const removeDups = (l, pos, arr) => { return !pos || arr[pos - 1] !== l; }; settings.set_string( KEY_DICTIONARY, GLib.get_language_names().map(removeEncoding) .sort().filter(removeDups).join(',')); settings.reset(KEY_INLINECOMPLETION); settings.set_string(KEY_INPUTMETHOD, 'NoIME'); this.setEngine(TYPING_BOOSTER_ENGINE); } else if (this._preOskState) { const {engine, emoji, langs, completion, inputMethod} = this._preOskState; this._preOskState = null; this.setEngine(engine); settings.set_value(KEY_EMOJIPREDICTIONS, emoji); settings.set_value(KEY_DICTIONARY, langs); settings.set_value(KEY_INLINECOMPLETION, completion); settings.set_value(KEY_INPUTMETHOD, inputMethod); } return true; } };