/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Cairo = imports.cairo; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Pango = imports.gi.Pango; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Signals = imports.signals; const Config = imports.misc.config; const CtrlAltTab = imports.ui.ctrlAltTab; const Layout = imports.ui.layout; const Overview = imports.ui.overview; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const StatusMenu = imports.ui.statusMenu; const DateMenu = imports.ui.dateMenu; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const PANEL_ICON_SIZE = 24; const STARTUP_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.2; const BUTTON_DND_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT = 250; const ANIMATED_ICON_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 100; const SPINNER_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.2; const STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER = ['a11y', 'keyboard', 'volume', 'bluetooth', 'network', 'battery']; const STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_SHELL_IMPLEMENTATION = { 'a11y': imports.ui.status.accessibility.ATIndicator, 'volume': imports.ui.status.volume.Indicator, 'battery': imports.ui.status.power.Indicator, 'keyboard': imports.ui.status.keyboard.XKBIndicator }; if (Config.HAVE_BLUETOOTH) STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_SHELL_IMPLEMENTATION['bluetooth'] = imports.ui.status.bluetooth.Indicator; try { STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_SHELL_IMPLEMENTATION['network'] = imports.ui.status.network.NMApplet; } catch(e) { log('NMApplet is not supported. It is possible that your NetworkManager version is too old'); } // To make sure the panel corners blend nicely with the panel, // we draw background and borders the same way, e.g. drawing // them as filled shapes from the outside inwards instead of // using cairo stroke(). So in order to give the border the // appearance of being drawn on top of the background, we need // to blend border and background color together. // For that purpose we use the following helper methods, taken // from st-theme-node-drawing.c function _norm(x) { return Math.round(x / 255); } function _over(srcColor, dstColor) { let src = _premultiply(srcColor); let dst = _premultiply(dstColor); let result = new Clutter.Color(); result.alpha = src.alpha + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.alpha); result.red = src.red + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.red); result.green = src.green + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.green); result.blue = src.blue + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.blue); return _unpremultiply(result); } function _premultiply(color) { return new Clutter.Color({ red: _norm(color.red * color.alpha), green: _norm(color.green * color.alpha), blue: _norm(color.blue * color.alpha), alpha: color.alpha }); }; function _unpremultiply(color) { if (color.alpha == 0) return new Clutter.Color(); let red = Math.min((color.red * 255 + 127) / color.alpha, 255); let green = Math.min((color.green * 255 + 127) / color.alpha, 255); let blue = Math.min((color.blue * 255 + 127) / color.alpha, 255); return new Clutter.Color({ red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: color.alpha }); }; function AnimatedIcon(name, size) { this._init(name, size); } AnimatedIcon.prototype = { _init: function(name, size) { this.actor = new St.Bin({ visible: false }); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); this.actor.connect('notify::visible', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this.actor.visible) { this._timeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(ANIMATED_ICON_UPDATE_TIMEOUT, Lang.bind(this, this._update)); } else { if (this._timeoutId) Mainloop.source_remove(this._timeoutId); this._timeoutId = 0; } })); this._timeoutId = 0; this._i = 0; this._animations = St.TextureCache.get_default().load_sliced_image (global.datadir + '/theme/' + name, size, size); this.actor.set_child(this._animations); }, _update: function() { this._animations.hide_all(); this._animations.show(); if (this._i && this._i < this._animations.get_n_children()) this._animations.get_nth_child(this._i++).show(); else { this._i = 1; if (this._animations.get_n_children()) this._animations.get_nth_child(0).show(); } return true; }, _onDestroy: function() { if (this._timeoutId) Mainloop.source_remove(this._timeoutId); } }; function TextShadower() { this._init(); } TextShadower.prototype = { _init: function() { this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer(); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); this.actor.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); this._label = new St.Label(); this.actor.add_actor(this._label); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let actor = new St.Label({ style_class: 'label-shadow' }); actor.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END; this.actor.add_actor(actor); } this._label.raise_top(); }, setText: function(text) { let children = this.actor.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) children[i].set_text(text); }, _getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) { let [minWidth, natWidth] = this._label.get_preferred_width(forHeight); alloc.min_size = minWidth + 2; alloc.natural_size = natWidth + 2; }, _getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) { let [minHeight, natHeight] = this._label.get_preferred_height(forWidth); alloc.min_size = minHeight + 2; alloc.natural_size = natHeight + 2; }, _allocate: function(actor, box, flags) { let children = this.actor.get_children(); let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let [minChildWidth, minChildHeight, natChildWidth, natChildHeight] = this._label.get_preferred_size(); let childWidth = Math.min(natChildWidth, availWidth - 2); let childHeight = Math.min(natChildHeight, availHeight - 2); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); // The order of the labels here is arbitrary, except // we know the "real" label is at the end because Clutter.Group // sorts by Z order switch (i) { case 0: // top childBox.x1 = 1; childBox.y1 = 0; break; case 1: // right childBox.x1 = 2; childBox.y1 = 1; break; case 2: // bottom childBox.x1 = 1; childBox.y1 = 2; break; case 3: // left childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.y1 = 1; break; case 4: // center childBox.x1 = 1; childBox.y1 = 1; break; } childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + childWidth; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + childHeight; child.allocate(childBox, flags); } } }; /** * AppMenuButton: * * This class manages the "application menu" component. It tracks the * currently focused application. However, when an app is launched, * this menu also handles startup notification for it. So when we * have an active startup notification, we switch modes to display that. */ function AppMenuButton() { this._init(); } AppMenuButton.prototype = { __proto__: PanelMenu.Button.prototype, _init: function() { PanelMenu.Button.prototype._init.call(this, 0.0); this._startingApps = []; this._targetApp = null; let bin = new St.Bin({ name: 'appMenu' }); this.actor.set_child(bin); this.actor.reactive = false; this._targetIsCurrent = false; this._container = new Shell.GenericContainer(); bin.set_child(this._container); this._container.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getContentPreferredWidth)); this._container.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getContentPreferredHeight)); this._container.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._contentAllocate)); this._iconBox = new Shell.Slicer({ name: 'appMenuIcon' }); this._iconBox.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onIconBoxStyleChanged)); this._iconBox.connect('notify::allocation', Lang.bind(this, this._updateIconBoxClip)); this._container.add_actor(this._iconBox); this._label = new TextShadower(); this._container.add_actor(this._label.actor); this._iconBottomClip = 0; this._quitMenu = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(''); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._quitMenu); this._quitMenu.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onQuit)); this._visible = !Main.overview.visible; if (!this._visible) this.actor.hide(); Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.show(); })); Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.hide(); })); this._stop = true; this._spinner = new AnimatedIcon('process-working.svg', PANEL_ICON_SIZE); this._container.add_actor(this._spinner.actor); this._spinner.actor.lower_bottom(); let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); tracker.connect('notify::focus-app', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); tracker.connect('app-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onAppStateChanged)); global.window_manager.connect('switch-workspace', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._sync(); }, show: function() { if (this._visible) return; this._visible = true; this.actor.show(); this.actor.reactive = true; if (!this._targetIsCurrent) return; Tweener.removeTweens(this.actor); Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { opacity: 255, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); }, hide: function() { if (!this._visible) return; this._visible = false; this.actor.reactive = false; if (!this._targetIsCurrent) { this.actor.hide(); return; } Tweener.removeTweens(this.actor); Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { opacity: 0, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { this.actor.hide(); }, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _onIconBoxStyleChanged: function() { let node = this._iconBox.get_theme_node(); this._iconBottomClip = node.get_length('app-icon-bottom-clip'); this._updateIconBoxClip(); }, _updateIconBoxClip: function() { let allocation = this._iconBox.allocation; if (this._iconBottomClip > 0) this._iconBox.set_clip(0, 0, allocation.x2 - allocation.x1, allocation.y2 - allocation.y1 - this._iconBottomClip); else this._iconBox.remove_clip(); }, stopAnimation: function() { if (this._stop) return; this._stop = true; Tweener.addTween(this._spinner.actor, { opacity: 0, time: SPINNER_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: "easeOutQuad", onCompleteScope: this, onComplete: function() { this._spinner.actor.opacity = 255; this._spinner.actor.hide(); } }); }, startAnimation: function() { this._stop = false; this._spinner.actor.show(); }, _getContentPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) { let [minSize, naturalSize] = this._iconBox.get_preferred_width(forHeight); alloc.min_size = minSize; alloc.natural_size = naturalSize; [minSize, naturalSize] = this._label.actor.get_preferred_width(forHeight); alloc.min_size = alloc.min_size + Math.max(0, minSize - Math.floor(alloc.min_size / 2)); alloc.natural_size = alloc.natural_size + Math.max(0, naturalSize - Math.floor(alloc.natural_size / 2)); }, _getContentPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) { let [minSize, naturalSize] = this._iconBox.get_preferred_height(forWidth); alloc.min_size = minSize; alloc.natural_size = naturalSize; [minSize, naturalSize] = this._label.actor.get_preferred_height(forWidth); if (minSize > alloc.min_size) alloc.min_size = minSize; if (naturalSize > alloc.natural_size) alloc.natural_size = naturalSize; }, _contentAllocate: function(actor, box, flags) { let allocWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let allocHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [minWidth, minHeight, naturalWidth, naturalHeight] = this._iconBox.get_preferred_size(); let direction = this.actor.get_direction(); let yPadding = Math.floor(Math.max(0, allocHeight - naturalHeight) / 2); childBox.y1 = yPadding; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + Math.min(naturalHeight, allocHeight); if (direction == St.TextDirection.LTR) { childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + Math.min(naturalWidth, allocWidth); } else { childBox.x1 = Math.max(0, allocWidth - naturalWidth); childBox.x2 = allocWidth; } this._iconBox.allocate(childBox, flags); let iconWidth = childBox.x2 - childBox.x1; [minWidth, minHeight, naturalWidth, naturalHeight] = this._label.actor.get_preferred_size(); yPadding = Math.floor(Math.max(0, allocHeight - naturalHeight) / 2); childBox.y1 = yPadding; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + Math.min(naturalHeight, allocHeight); if (direction == St.TextDirection.LTR) { childBox.x1 = Math.floor(iconWidth / 2); childBox.x2 = Math.min(childBox.x1 + naturalWidth, allocWidth); } else { childBox.x2 = allocWidth - Math.floor(iconWidth / 2); childBox.x1 = Math.max(0, childBox.x2 - naturalWidth); } this._label.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); if (direction == St.TextDirection.LTR) { childBox.x1 = Math.floor(iconWidth / 2) + this._label.actor.width; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + this._spinner.actor.width; childBox.y1 = box.y1; childBox.y2 = box.y2 - 1; this._spinner.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); } else { childBox.x1 = -this._spinner.actor.width; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + this._spinner.actor.width; childBox.y1 = box.y1; childBox.y2 = box.y2 - 1; this._spinner.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); } }, _onQuit: function() { if (this._targetApp == null) return; this._targetApp.request_quit(); }, _onAppStateChanged: function(tracker, app) { let state = app.state; if (state != Shell.AppState.STARTING) { this._startingApps = this._startingApps.filter(function(a) { return a != app; }); } else if (state == Shell.AppState.STARTING) { this._startingApps.push(app); } // For now just resync on all running state changes; this is mainly to handle // cases where the focused window's application changes without the focus // changing. An example case is how we map OpenOffice.org based on the window // title which is a dynamic property. this._sync(); }, _sync: function() { let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); let lastStartedApp = null; let workspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace(); for (let i = 0; i < this._startingApps.length; i++) if (this._startingApps[i].is_on_workspace(workspace)) lastStartedApp = this._startingApps[i]; let focusedApp = tracker.focus_app; if (!focusedApp) { // If the app has just lost focus to the panel, pretend // nothing happened; otherwise you can't keynav to the // app menu. if (global.stage_input_mode == Shell.StageInputMode.FOCUSED) return; } let targetApp = focusedApp != null ? focusedApp : lastStartedApp; if (targetApp == null) { if (!this._targetIsCurrent) return; this.actor.reactive = false; this._targetIsCurrent = false; Tweener.removeTweens(this.actor); Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { opacity: 0, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); return; } if (!this._targetIsCurrent) { this.actor.reactive = true; this._targetIsCurrent = true; Tweener.removeTweens(this.actor); Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { opacity: 255, time: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } if (targetApp == this._targetApp) { if (targetApp && targetApp.get_state() != Shell.AppState.STARTING) this.stopAnimation(); return; } this._spinner.actor.hide(); if (this._iconBox.child != null) this._iconBox.child.destroy(); this._iconBox.hide(); this._label.setText(''); this._targetApp = targetApp; let icon = targetApp.get_faded_icon(2 * PANEL_ICON_SIZE); this._label.setText(targetApp.get_name()); // TODO - _quit() doesn't really work on apps in state STARTING yet this._quitMenu.label.set_text(_("Quit %s").format(targetApp.get_name())); this._iconBox.set_child(icon); this._iconBox.show(); if (targetApp.get_state() == Shell.AppState.STARTING) this.startAnimation(); this.emit('changed'); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(AppMenuButton.prototype); // Activities button. Because everything else in the top bar is a // PanelMenu.Button, it simplifies some things to make this be one too. // We just hack it up to not actually have a menu attached to it. function ActivitiesButton() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } ActivitiesButton.prototype = { __proto__: PanelMenu.Button.prototype, _init: function() { PanelMenu.Button.prototype._init.call(this, 0.0); let container = new Shell.GenericContainer(); container.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); container.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); container.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); this.actor.child = container; this.actor.name = 'panelActivities'; /* Translators: If there is no suitable word for "Activities" in your language, you can use the word for "Overview". */ this._label = new St.Label({ text: _("Activities") }); container.add_actor(this._label); this._hotCorner = new Layout.HotCorner(); container.add_actor(this._hotCorner.actor); // Hack up our menu... this.menu.open = Lang.bind(this, this._onMenuOpenRequest); this.menu.close = Lang.bind(this, this._onMenuCloseRequest); this.menu.toggle = Lang.bind(this, this._onMenuToggleRequest); this.actor.connect('captured-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onCapturedEvent)); this.actor.connect_after('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonRelease)); this.actor.connect_after('key-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyRelease)); Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.actor.add_style_pseudo_class('overview'); this._escapeMenuGrab(); })); Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.actor.remove_style_pseudo_class('overview'); this._escapeMenuGrab(); })); this._xdndTimeOut = 0; }, _getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) { [alloc.min_size, alloc.natural_size] = this._label.get_preferred_width(forHeight); }, _getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) { [alloc.min_size, alloc.natural_size] = this._label.get_preferred_height(forWidth); }, _allocate: function(actor, box, flags) { this._label.allocate(box, flags); // The hot corner needs to be outside any padding/alignment // that has been imposed on us let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; let hotBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let ok, x, y; if (actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.LTR) { [ok, x, y] = actor.transform_stage_point(primary.x, primary.y) } else { [ok, x, y] = actor.transform_stage_point(primary.x + primary.width, primary.y); // hotCorner.actor has northeast gravity, so we don't need // to adjust x for its width } hotBox.x1 = Math.round(x); hotBox.x2 = hotBox.x1 + this._hotCorner.actor.width; hotBox.y1 = Math.round(y); hotBox.y2 = hotBox.y1 + this._hotCorner.actor.height; this._hotCorner.actor.allocate(hotBox, flags); }, handleDragOver: function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (source != Main.xdndHandler) return; if (this._xdndTimeOut != 0) Mainloop.source_remove(this._xdndTimeOut); this._xdndTimeOut = Mainloop.timeout_add(BUTTON_DND_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT, Lang.bind(this, this._xdndShowOverview, actor)); }, _escapeMenuGrab: function() { if (this.menu.isOpen) this.menu.close(); }, _onCapturedEvent: function(actor, event) { if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS) { if (!this._hotCorner.shouldToggleOverviewOnClick()) return true; } return false; }, _onMenuOpenRequest: function() { this.menu.isOpen = true; this.menu.emit('open-state-changed', true); }, _onMenuCloseRequest: function() { this.menu.isOpen = false; this.menu.emit('open-state-changed', false); }, _onMenuToggleRequest: function() { this.menu.isOpen = !this.menu.isOpen; this.menu.emit('open-state-changed', this.menu.isOpen); }, _onButtonRelease: function() { if (this.menu.isOpen) { this.menu.close(); Main.overview.toggle(); } }, _onKeyRelease: function(actor, event) { let symbol = event.get_key_symbol(); if (symbol == Clutter.KEY_Return || symbol == Clutter.KEY_space) { if (this.menu.isOpen) this.menu.close(); Main.overview.toggle(); } }, _xdndShowOverview: function(actor) { let [x, y, mask] = global.get_pointer(); let pickedActor = global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.REACTIVE, x, y); if (pickedActor == this.actor) { if (!Main.overview.visible && !Main.overview.animationInProgress) { Main.overview.showTemporarily(); Main.overview.beginItemDrag(actor); } } Mainloop.source_remove(this._xdndTimeOut); this._xdndTimeOut = 0; } }; function PanelCorner(panel, side) { this._init(panel, side); } PanelCorner.prototype = { _init: function(side) { this._side = side; this.actor = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'panel-corner' }); this.actor.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._styleChanged)); this.actor.connect('repaint', Lang.bind(this, this._repaint)); }, _repaint: function() { let node = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let cornerRadius = node.get_length("-panel-corner-radius"); let innerBorderWidth = node.get_length('-panel-corner-inner-border-width'); let outerBorderWidth = node.get_length('-panel-corner-outer-border-width'); let backgroundColor = node.get_color('-panel-corner-background-color'); let innerBorderColor = node.get_color('-panel-corner-inner-border-color'); let outerBorderColor = node.get_color('-panel-corner-outer-border-color'); let cr = this.actor.get_context(); cr.setOperator(Cairo.Operator.SOURCE); cr.moveTo(0, 0); if (this._side == St.Side.LEFT) cr.arc(cornerRadius, innerBorderWidth + cornerRadius, cornerRadius, Math.PI, 3 * Math.PI / 2); else cr.arc(0, innerBorderWidth + cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 3 * Math.PI / 2, 2 * Math.PI); cr.lineTo(cornerRadius, 0); cr.closePath(); let savedPath = cr.copyPath(); let over = _over(innerBorderColor, _over(outerBorderColor, backgroundColor)); Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, over); cr.fill(); let xOffsetDirection = this._side == St.Side.LEFT ? -1 : 1; let offset = outerBorderWidth; over = _over(innerBorderColor, backgroundColor); Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, over); cr.save(); cr.translate(xOffsetDirection * offset, - offset); cr.appendPath(savedPath); cr.fill(); cr.restore(); if (this._side == St.Side.LEFT) cr.rectangle(cornerRadius - offset, 0, offset, outerBorderWidth); else cr.rectangle(0, 0, offset, outerBorderWidth); cr.fill(); offset = innerBorderWidth; Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, backgroundColor); cr.save(); cr.translate(xOffsetDirection * offset, - offset); cr.appendPath(savedPath); cr.fill(); cr.restore(); }, _styleChanged: function() { let node = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let cornerRadius = node.get_length("-panel-corner-radius"); let innerBorderWidth = node.get_length('-panel-corner-inner-border-width'); this.actor.set_size(cornerRadius, innerBorderWidth + cornerRadius); this.actor.set_anchor_point(0, innerBorderWidth); } }; function Panel() { this._init(); } Panel.prototype = { _init : function() { this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer({ name: 'panel', reactive: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; this._statusArea = {}; Main.overview.connect('shown', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.actor.add_style_class_name('in-overview'); })); Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.actor.remove_style_class_name('in-overview'); })); this._leftPointerBarrier = 0; this._rightPointerBarrier = 0; this._menus = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuManager(this); this._leftBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelLeft' }); this.actor.add_actor(this._leftBox); this._centerBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelCenter' }); this.actor.add_actor(this._centerBox); this._rightBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelRight' }); this.actor.add_actor(this._rightBox); this._leftCorner = new PanelCorner(St.Side.LEFT); this.actor.add_actor(this._leftCorner.actor); this._rightCorner = new PanelCorner(St.Side.RIGHT); this.actor.add_actor(this._rightCorner.actor); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); this.actor.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); /* Button on the left side of the panel. */ this._activitiesButton = new ActivitiesButton(); this._activities = this._activitiesButton.actor; this._leftBox.add(this._activities); // The activities button has a pretend menu, so as to integrate // more cleanly with the rest of the panel this._menus.addMenu(this._activitiesButton.menu); // Synchronize the button's pseudo classes with its corner this._activities.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(actor) { let rtl = actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL; let corner = rtl ? this._rightCorner : this._leftCorner; let pseudoClass = actor.get_style_pseudo_class(); corner.actor.set_style_pseudo_class(pseudoClass); })); this._appMenu = new AppMenuButton(); this._leftBox.add(this._appMenu.actor); this._menus.addMenu(this._appMenu.menu); /* center */ this._dateMenu = new DateMenu.DateMenuButton(); this._centerBox.add(this._dateMenu.actor, { y_fill: true }); this._menus.addMenu(this._dateMenu.menu); /* right */ // System status applets live in statusBox, while legacy tray icons // live in trayBox // The trayBox is hidden when there are no tray icons. this._trayBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'legacyTray' }); this._statusBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'statusTray' }); this._trayBox.hide(); this._rightBox.add(this._trayBox); this._rightBox.add(this._statusBox); this._userMenu = new StatusMenu.StatusMenuButton(); this._userMenu.actor.name = 'panelStatus'; this._rightBox.add(this._userMenu.actor); // Synchronize the buttons pseudo classes with its corner this._userMenu.actor.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(actor) { let rtl = actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL; let corner = rtl ? this._leftCorner : this._rightCorner; let pseudoClass = actor.get_style_pseudo_class(); corner.actor.set_style_pseudo_class(pseudoClass); })); Main.statusIconDispatcher.connect('status-icon-added', Lang.bind(this, this._onTrayIconAdded)); Main.statusIconDispatcher.connect('status-icon-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._onTrayIconRemoved)); Main.layoutManager.addChrome(this.actor, { affectsStruts: true }); Main.ctrlAltTabManager.addGroup(this.actor, _("Top Bar"), 'start-here', { sortGroup: CtrlAltTab.SortGroup.TOP }); Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._relayout)); this._relayout(); }, _getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) { alloc.min_size = -1; alloc.natural_size = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor.width; }, _getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) { // We don't need to implement this; it's forced by the CSS alloc.min_size = -1; alloc.natural_size = -1; }, _allocate: function(actor, box, flags) { let allocWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let allocHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let [leftMinWidth, leftNaturalWidth] = this._leftBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let [centerMinWidth, centerNaturalWidth] = this._centerBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let [rightMinWidth, rightNaturalWidth] = this._rightBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let sideWidth, centerWidth; centerWidth = centerNaturalWidth; sideWidth = (allocWidth - centerWidth) / 2; let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.y2 = allocHeight; if (this.actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL) { childBox.x1 = allocWidth - Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), leftNaturalWidth); childBox.x2 = allocWidth; } else { childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), leftNaturalWidth); } this._leftBox.allocate(childBox, flags); childBox.x1 = Math.ceil(sideWidth); childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + centerWidth; childBox.y2 = allocHeight; this._centerBox.allocate(childBox, flags); childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.y2 = allocHeight; if (this.actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL) { childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), rightNaturalWidth); } else { childBox.x1 = allocWidth - Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), rightNaturalWidth); childBox.x2 = allocWidth; } this._rightBox.allocate(childBox, flags); let [cornerMinWidth, cornerWidth] = this._leftCorner.actor.get_preferred_width(-1); let [cornerMinHeight, cornerHeight] = this._leftCorner.actor.get_preferred_width(-1); childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = cornerWidth; childBox.y1 = allocHeight; childBox.y2 = allocHeight + cornerHeight; this._leftCorner.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); let [cornerMinWidth, cornerWidth] = this._rightCorner.actor.get_preferred_width(-1); let [cornerMinHeight, cornerHeight] = this._rightCorner.actor.get_preferred_width(-1); childBox.x1 = allocWidth - cornerWidth; childBox.x2 = allocWidth; childBox.y1 = allocHeight; childBox.y2 = allocHeight + cornerHeight; this._rightCorner.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); }, startStatusArea: function() { for (let i = 0; i < STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER.length; i++) { let role = STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER[i]; let constructor = STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_SHELL_IMPLEMENTATION[role]; if (!constructor) { // This icon is not implemented (this is a bug) continue; } let indicator = new constructor(); this.addToStatusArea(role, indicator, i-1); } // PopupMenuManager depends on menus being added in order for // keyboard navigation this._menus.addMenu(this._userMenu.menu); }, addToStatusArea: function(role, indicator, position) { if (this._statusArea[role]) throw new Error('Extension point conflict: there is already a status indicator for role ' + role); if (!(indicator instanceof PanelMenu.Button)) throw new TypeError('Status indicator must be an instance of PanelMenu.Button'); if (!position) position = 0; this._statusBox.insert_actor(indicator.actor, position); this._menus.addMenu(indicator.menu); this._statusArea[role] = indicator; let destroyId = indicator.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function(emitter) { this._statusArea[role] = null; emitter.disconnect(destroyId); })); return indicator; }, startupAnimation: function() { let oldY = this.actor.y; this.actor.y = oldY - this.actor.height; Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { y: oldY, time: STARTUP_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); }, _relayout: function() { let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; this.actor.set_position(primary.x, primary.y); this.actor.set_size(primary.width, -1); if (this._leftPointerBarrier) global.destroy_pointer_barrier(this._leftPointerBarrier); if (this._rightPointerBarrier) global.destroy_pointer_barrier(this._rightPointerBarrier); this._leftPointerBarrier = global.create_pointer_barrier(primary.x, primary.y, primary.x, primary.y + this.actor.height, 1 /* BarrierPositiveX */); this._rightPointerBarrier = global.create_pointer_barrier(primary.x + primary.width, primary.y, primary.x + primary.width, primary.y + this.actor.height, 4 /* BarrierNegativeX */); }, _onTrayIconAdded: function(o, icon, role) { icon.height = PANEL_ICON_SIZE; if (STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_SHELL_IMPLEMENTATION[role]) { // This icon is legacy, and replaced by a Shell version // Hide it return; } // Figure out the index in our well-known order for this icon let position = STANDARD_TRAY_ICON_ORDER.indexOf(role); icon._rolePosition = position; let children = this._trayBox.get_children(); let i; // Walk children backwards, until we find one that isn't // well-known, or one where we should follow for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let rolePosition = children[i]._rolePosition; if (!rolePosition || position > rolePosition) { this._trayBox.insert_actor(icon, i + 1); break; } } if (i == -1) { // If we didn't find a position, we must be first this._trayBox.insert_actor(icon, 0); } // Make sure the trayBox is shown. this._trayBox.show(); }, _onTrayIconRemoved: function(o, icon) { if (icon.get_parent() != null) this._trayBox.remove_actor(icon); }, };