// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Lang = imports.lang; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const FprintManagerIface = '<node> \ <interface name="net.reactivated.Fprint.Manager"> \ <method name="GetDefaultDevice"> \ <arg type="o" direction="out" /> \ </method> \ </interface> \ </node>'; const FprintManagerInfo = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml(FprintManagerIface); function FprintManager() { var self = new Gio.DBusProxy({ g_connection: Gio.DBus.system, g_interface_name: FprintManagerInfo.name, g_interface_info: FprintManagerInfo, g_name: 'net.reactivated.Fprint', g_object_path: '/net/reactivated/Fprint/Manager', g_flags: (Gio.DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES) }); try { self.init(null); } catch(e) { log('Failed to connect to Fprint service: ' + e.message); return null; } return self; }