/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ import Atk from 'gi://Atk'; import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import St from 'gi://St'; export const BarLevel = GObject.registerClass({ Properties: { 'value': GObject.ParamSpec.double( 'value', 'value', 'value', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, 0, 2, 0), 'maximum-value': GObject.ParamSpec.double( 'maximum-value', 'maximum-value', 'maximum-value', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, 1, 2, 1), 'overdrive-start': GObject.ParamSpec.double( 'overdrive-start', 'overdrive-start', 'overdrive-start', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, 1, 2, 1), }, }, class BarLevel extends St.DrawingArea { _init(params) { this._maxValue = 1; this._value = 0; this._overdriveStart = 1; this._barLevelWidth = 0; let defaultParams = { style_class: 'barlevel', accessible_role: Atk.Role.LEVEL_BAR, }; super._init(Object.assign(defaultParams, params)); this.connect('notify::allocation', () => { this._barLevelWidth = this.allocation.get_width(); }); this._customAccessible = St.GenericAccessible.new_for_actor(this); this.set_accessible(this._customAccessible); this._customAccessible.connect('get-current-value', this._getCurrentValue.bind(this)); this._customAccessible.connect('get-minimum-value', this._getMinimumValue.bind(this)); this._customAccessible.connect('get-maximum-value', this._getMaximumValue.bind(this)); this._customAccessible.connect('set-current-value', this._setCurrentValue.bind(this)); this.connect('notify::value', this._valueChanged.bind(this)); } get value() { return this._value; } set value(value) { value = Math.max(Math.min(value, this._maxValue), 0); if (this._value === value) return; this._value = value; this.notify('value'); this.queue_repaint(); } get maximumValue() { return this._maxValue; } set maximumValue(value) { value = Math.max(value, 1); if (this._maxValue === value) return; this._maxValue = value; this._overdriveStart = Math.min(this._overdriveStart, this._maxValue); this.notify('maximum-value'); this.queue_repaint(); } get overdriveStart() { return this._overdriveStart; } set overdriveStart(value) { if (this._overdriveStart === value) return; if (value > this._maxValue) { throw new Error(`Tried to set overdrive value to ${value}, ` + `which is a number greater than the maximum allowed value ${this._maxValue}`); } this._overdriveStart = value; this.notify('overdrive-start'); this.queue_repaint(); } vfunc_repaint() { let cr = this.get_context(); let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); let [width, height] = this.get_surface_size(); const rtl = this.get_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; let barLevelHeight = themeNode.get_length('-barlevel-height'); let barLevelBorderRadius = Math.min(width, barLevelHeight) / 2; let fgColor = themeNode.get_foreground_color(); let barLevelColor = themeNode.get_color('-barlevel-background-color'); let barLevelActiveColor = themeNode.get_color('-barlevel-active-background-color'); let barLevelOverdriveColor = themeNode.get_color('-barlevel-overdrive-color'); let barLevelBorderWidth = Math.min(themeNode.get_length('-barlevel-border-width'), barLevelHeight); let [hasBorderColor, barLevelBorderColor] = themeNode.lookup_color('-barlevel-border-color', false); if (!hasBorderColor) barLevelBorderColor = barLevelColor; let [hasActiveBorderColor, barLevelActiveBorderColor] = themeNode.lookup_color('-barlevel-active-border-color', false); if (!hasActiveBorderColor) barLevelActiveBorderColor = barLevelActiveColor; let [hasOverdriveBorderColor, barLevelOverdriveBorderColor] = themeNode.lookup_color('-barlevel-overdrive-border-color', false); if (!hasOverdriveBorderColor) barLevelOverdriveBorderColor = barLevelOverdriveColor; const TAU = Math.PI * 2; let endX = 0; if (this._maxValue > 0) { let progress = this._value / this._maxValue; if (rtl) progress = 1 - progress; endX = barLevelBorderRadius + (width - 2 * barLevelBorderRadius) * progress; } let overdriveRatio = this._overdriveStart / this._maxValue; if (rtl) overdriveRatio = 1 - overdriveRatio; let overdriveSeparatorX = barLevelBorderRadius + (width - 2 * barLevelBorderRadius) * overdriveRatio; let overdriveActive = this._overdriveStart !== this._maxValue; let overdriveSeparatorWidth = 0; if (overdriveActive) overdriveSeparatorWidth = themeNode.get_length('-barlevel-overdrive-separator-width'); let xcArcStart = barLevelBorderRadius + barLevelBorderWidth; let xcArcEnd = width - xcArcStart; if (rtl) [xcArcStart, xcArcEnd] = [xcArcEnd, xcArcStart]; /* background bar */ if (!rtl) cr.arc(xcArcEnd, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * (3 / 4), TAU * (1 / 4)); else cr.arcNegative(xcArcEnd, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * (3 / 4), TAU * (1 / 4)); cr.lineTo(endX, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(endX, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(xcArcEnd, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.setSourceColor(barLevelColor); cr.fillPreserve(); cr.setSourceColor(barLevelBorderColor); cr.setLineWidth(barLevelBorderWidth); cr.stroke(); /* normal progress bar */ let x = 0; if (!rtl) { x = Math.min(endX, overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2); cr.arc(xcArcStart, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * (1 / 4), TAU * (3 / 4)); } else { x = Math.max(endX, overdriveSeparatorX + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2); cr.arcNegative(xcArcStart, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * (1 / 4), TAU * (3 / 4)); } cr.lineTo(x, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(x, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(xcArcStart, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); if (this._value > 0) cr.setSourceColor(barLevelActiveColor); cr.fillPreserve(); cr.setSourceColor(barLevelActiveBorderColor); cr.setLineWidth(barLevelBorderWidth); cr.stroke(); /* overdrive progress barLevel */ if (!rtl) x = Math.min(endX, overdriveSeparatorX) + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2; else x = Math.max(endX, overdriveSeparatorX) - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2; if (this._value > this._overdriveStart) { cr.moveTo(x, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(endX, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(endX, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(x, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(x, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.setSourceColor(barLevelOverdriveColor); cr.fillPreserve(); cr.setSourceColor(barLevelOverdriveBorderColor); cr.setLineWidth(barLevelBorderWidth); cr.stroke(); } /* end progress bar arc */ if (this._value > 0) { if (this._value <= this._overdriveStart) cr.setSourceColor(barLevelActiveColor); else cr.setSourceColor(barLevelOverdriveColor); if (!rtl) { cr.arc(endX, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * (3 / 4), TAU * (1 / 4)); cr.lineTo(Math.floor(endX), (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(Math.floor(endX), (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); } else { cr.arcNegative(endX, height / 2, barLevelBorderRadius, TAU * (3 / 4), TAU * (1 / 4)); cr.lineTo(Math.ceil(endX), (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(Math.ceil(endX), (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); } cr.lineTo(endX, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.fillPreserve(); cr.setLineWidth(barLevelBorderWidth); cr.stroke(); } /* draw overdrive separator */ if (overdriveActive) { cr.moveTo(overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX + overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height + barLevelHeight) / 2); cr.lineTo(overdriveSeparatorX - overdriveSeparatorWidth / 2, (height - barLevelHeight) / 2); if (this._value <= this._overdriveStart) cr.setSourceColor(fgColor); else cr.setSourceColor(barLevelColor); cr.fill(); } cr.$dispose(); } _getCurrentValue() { return this._value; } _getOverdriveStart() { return this._overdriveStart; } _getMinimumValue() { return 0; } _getMaximumValue() { return this._maxValue; } _setCurrentValue(_actor, value) { this._value = value; } _valueChanged() { this._customAccessible.notify('accessible-value'); } });