// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported WorkspacesView, WorkspacesDisplay */ const { Clutter, Gio, GObject, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const Layout = imports.ui.layout; const Main = imports.ui.main; const OverviewControls = imports.ui.overviewControls; const SwipeTracker = imports.ui.swipeTracker; const Util = imports.misc.util; const Workspace = imports.ui.workspace; const { ThumbnailsBox, MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE } = imports.ui.workspaceThumbnail; var WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME = 250; const MUTTER_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.mutter'; const WORKSPACE_MIN_SPACING = 24; const WORKSPACE_MAX_SPACING = 80; const WORKSPACE_INACTIVE_SCALE = 0.94; const SECONDARY_WORKSPACE_SCALE = 0.80; var WorkspacesViewBase = GObject.registerClass({ GTypeFlags: GObject.TypeFlags.ABSTRACT, }, class WorkspacesViewBase extends St.Widget { _init(monitorIndex, overviewAdjustment) { super._init({ style_class: 'workspaces-view', x_expand: true, y_expand: true, }); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); global.focus_manager.add_group(this); this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex; this._inDrag = false; Main.overview.connectObject( 'window-drag-begin', this._dragBegin.bind(this), 'window-drag-end', this._dragEnd.bind(this), this); this._overviewAdjustment = overviewAdjustment; overviewAdjustment.connectObject('notify::value', () => this._updateWorkspaceMode(), this); } _onDestroy() { this._dragEnd(); } _dragBegin() { this._inDrag = true; } _dragEnd() { this._inDrag = false; } _updateWorkspaceMode() { } vfunc_allocate(box) { this.set_allocation(box); for (const child of this) child.allocate_available_size(0, 0, box.get_width(), box.get_height()); } vfunc_get_preferred_width() { return [0, 0]; } vfunc_get_preferred_height() { return [0, 0]; } }); var FitMode = { SINGLE: 0, ALL: 1, }; var WorkspacesView = GObject.registerClass( class WorkspacesView extends WorkspacesViewBase { _init(monitorIndex, controls, scrollAdjustment, fitModeAdjustment, overviewAdjustment) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; super._init(monitorIndex, overviewAdjustment); this._controls = controls; this._fitModeAdjustment = fitModeAdjustment; this._fitModeAdjustment.connectObject('notify::value', () => { this._updateVisibility(); this._updateWorkspacesState(); this.queue_relayout(); }, this); this._animating = false; // tweening this._gestureActive = false; // touch(pad) gestures this._scrollAdjustment = scrollAdjustment; this._scrollAdjustment.connectObject('notify::value', this._onScrollAdjustmentChanged.bind(this), this); this._workspaces = []; this._updateWorkspaces(); workspaceManager.connectObject( 'notify::n-workspaces', this._updateWorkspaces.bind(this), 'workspaces-reordered', () => { this._workspaces.sort((a, b) => { return a.metaWorkspace.index() - b.metaWorkspace.index(); }); this._workspaces.forEach( (ws, i) => this.set_child_at_index(ws, i)); }, this); global.window_manager.connectObject('switch-workspace', this._activeWorkspaceChanged.bind(this), this); this._updateVisibility(); } _getFirstFitAllWorkspaceBox(box, spacing, vertical) { const { nWorkspaces } = global.workspaceManager; const [width, height] = box.get_size(); const [workspace] = this._workspaces; const fitAllBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [x1, y1] = box.get_origin(); // Spacing here is not only the space between workspaces, but also the // space before the first workspace, and after the last one. This prevents // workspaces from touching the edges of the allocation box. if (vertical) { const availableHeight = height - spacing * (nWorkspaces + 1); let workspaceHeight = availableHeight / nWorkspaces; let [, workspaceWidth] = workspace.get_preferred_width(workspaceHeight); y1 = spacing; if (workspaceWidth > width) { [, workspaceHeight] = workspace.get_preferred_height(width); y1 += Math.max((availableHeight - workspaceHeight * nWorkspaces) / 2, 0); } fitAllBox.set_size(width, workspaceHeight); } else { const availableWidth = width - spacing * (nWorkspaces + 1); let workspaceWidth = availableWidth / nWorkspaces; let [, workspaceHeight] = workspace.get_preferred_height(workspaceWidth); x1 = spacing; if (workspaceHeight > height) { [, workspaceWidth] = workspace.get_preferred_width(height); x1 += Math.max((availableWidth - workspaceWidth * nWorkspaces) / 2, 0); } fitAllBox.set_size(workspaceWidth, height); } fitAllBox.set_origin(x1, y1); return fitAllBox; } _getFirstFitSingleWorkspaceBox(box, spacing, vertical) { const [width, height] = box.get_size(); const [workspace] = this._workspaces; const rtl = this.text_direction === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; const adj = this._scrollAdjustment; const currentWorkspace = vertical || !rtl ? adj.value : adj.upper - adj.value - 1; // Single fit mode implies centered too let [x1, y1] = box.get_origin(); if (vertical) { const [, workspaceHeight] = workspace.get_preferred_height(width); y1 += (height - workspaceHeight) / 2; y1 -= currentWorkspace * (workspaceHeight + spacing); } else { const [, workspaceWidth] = workspace.get_preferred_width(height); x1 += (width - workspaceWidth) / 2; x1 -= currentWorkspace * (workspaceWidth + spacing); } const fitSingleBox = new Clutter.ActorBox({ x1, y1 }); if (vertical) { const [, workspaceHeight] = workspace.get_preferred_height(width); fitSingleBox.set_size(width, workspaceHeight); } else { const [, workspaceWidth] = workspace.get_preferred_width(height); fitSingleBox.set_size(workspaceWidth, height); } return fitSingleBox; } _getSpacing(box, fitMode, vertical) { const [width, height] = box.get_size(); const [workspace] = this._workspaces; let availableSpace; let workspaceSize; if (vertical) { [, workspaceSize] = workspace.get_preferred_height(width); availableSpace = (height - workspaceSize) / 2; } else { [, workspaceSize] = workspace.get_preferred_width(height); availableSpace = (width - workspaceSize) / 2; } const spacing = (availableSpace - workspaceSize * 0.4) * (1 - fitMode); const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); return Math.clamp(spacing, WORKSPACE_MIN_SPACING * scaleFactor, WORKSPACE_MAX_SPACING * scaleFactor); } _getWorkspaceModeForOverviewState(state) { const { ControlsState } = OverviewControls; switch (state) { case ControlsState.HIDDEN: return 0; case ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER: return 1; case ControlsState.APP_GRID: return 0; } return 0; } _updateWorkspacesState() { const adj = this._scrollAdjustment; const fitMode = this._fitModeAdjustment.value; const { initialState, finalState, progress } = this._overviewAdjustment.getStateTransitionParams(); const workspaceMode = (1 - fitMode) * Util.lerp( this._getWorkspaceModeForOverviewState(initialState), this._getWorkspaceModeForOverviewState(finalState), progress); // Fade and scale inactive workspaces this._workspaces.forEach((w, index) => { w.stateAdjustment.value = workspaceMode; const distanceToCurrentWorkspace = Math.abs(adj.value - index); const scaleProgress = 1 - Math.clamp(distanceToCurrentWorkspace, 0, 1); const scale = Util.lerp(WORKSPACE_INACTIVE_SCALE, 1, scaleProgress); w.set_scale(scale, scale); }); } _getFitModeForState(state) { const { ControlsState } = OverviewControls; switch (state) { case ControlsState.HIDDEN: case ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER: return FitMode.SINGLE; case ControlsState.APP_GRID: return FitMode.ALL; default: return FitMode.SINGLE; } } _getInitialBoxes(box) { const offsetBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); offsetBox.set_size(...box.get_size()); let fitSingleBox = offsetBox; let fitAllBox = offsetBox; const { transitioning, initialState, finalState } = this._overviewAdjustment.getStateTransitionParams(); const isPrimary = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex === this._monitorIndex; if (isPrimary && transitioning) { const initialFitMode = this._getFitModeForState(initialState); const finalFitMode = this._getFitModeForState(finalState); // Only use the relative boxes when the overview is in a state // transition, and the corresponding fit modes are different. if (initialFitMode !== finalFitMode) { const initialBox = this._controls.getWorkspacesBoxForState(initialState).copy(); const finalBox = this._controls.getWorkspacesBoxForState(finalState).copy(); // Boxes are relative to ControlsManager, transform them; // this.apply_relative_transform_to_point(controls, // new Graphene.Point3D()); // would be more correct, but also more expensive const [parentOffsetX, parentOffsetY] = this.get_parent().allocation.get_origin(); [initialBox, finalBox].forEach(b => { b.set_origin(b.x1 - parentOffsetX, b.y1 - parentOffsetY); }); if (initialFitMode === FitMode.SINGLE) [fitSingleBox, fitAllBox] = [initialBox, finalBox]; else [fitAllBox, fitSingleBox] = [initialBox, finalBox]; } } return [fitSingleBox, fitAllBox]; } _updateWorkspaceMode() { this._updateWorkspacesState(); } vfunc_allocate(box) { this.set_allocation(box); if (this.get_n_children() === 0) return; const vertical = global.workspaceManager.layout_rows === -1; const rtl = this.text_direction === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; const fitMode = this._fitModeAdjustment.value; let [fitSingleBox, fitAllBox] = this._getInitialBoxes(box); const fitSingleSpacing = this._getSpacing(fitSingleBox, FitMode.SINGLE, vertical); fitSingleBox = this._getFirstFitSingleWorkspaceBox(fitSingleBox, fitSingleSpacing, vertical); const fitAllSpacing = this._getSpacing(fitAllBox, FitMode.ALL, vertical); fitAllBox = this._getFirstFitAllWorkspaceBox(fitAllBox, fitAllSpacing, vertical); // Account for RTL locales by reversing the list const workspaces = this._workspaces.slice(); if (rtl) workspaces.reverse(); const [fitSingleX1, fitSingleY1] = fitSingleBox.get_origin(); const [fitSingleWidth, fitSingleHeight] = fitSingleBox.get_size(); const [fitAllX1, fitAllY1] = fitAllBox.get_origin(); const [fitAllWidth, fitAllHeight] = fitAllBox.get_size(); workspaces.forEach(child => { if (fitMode === FitMode.SINGLE) box = fitSingleBox; else if (fitMode === FitMode.ALL) box = fitAllBox; else box = fitSingleBox.interpolate(fitAllBox, fitMode); child.allocate_align_fill(box, 0.5, 0.5, false, false); if (vertical) { fitSingleBox.set_origin( fitSingleX1, fitSingleBox.y1 + fitSingleHeight + fitSingleSpacing); fitAllBox.set_origin( fitAllX1, fitAllBox.y1 + fitAllHeight + fitAllSpacing); } else { fitSingleBox.set_origin( fitSingleBox.x1 + fitSingleWidth + fitSingleSpacing, fitSingleY1); fitAllBox.set_origin( fitAllBox.x1 + fitAllWidth + fitAllSpacing, fitAllY1); } }); } getActiveWorkspace() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); return this._workspaces[active]; } prepareToLeaveOverview() { for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) this._workspaces[w].prepareToLeaveOverview(); } syncStacking(stackIndices) { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) this._workspaces[i].syncStacking(stackIndices); } _scrollToActive() { const { workspaceManager } = global; const active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); this._animating = true; this._updateVisibility(); this._scrollAdjustment.remove_transition('value'); this._scrollAdjustment.ease(active, { duration: WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_CUBIC, onComplete: () => { this._animating = false; this._updateVisibility(); }, }); } _updateVisibility() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); const fitMode = this._fitModeAdjustment.value; const singleFitMode = fitMode === FitMode.SINGLE; for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) { let workspace = this._workspaces[w]; if (this._animating || this._gestureActive || !singleFitMode) workspace.show(); else workspace.visible = Math.abs(w - active) <= 1; } } _updateWorkspaces() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let newNumWorkspaces = workspaceManager.n_workspaces; for (let j = 0; j < newNumWorkspaces; j++) { let metaWorkspace = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(j); let workspace; if (j >= this._workspaces.length) { /* added */ workspace = new Workspace.Workspace( metaWorkspace, this._monitorIndex, this._overviewAdjustment); this.add_actor(workspace); this._workspaces[j] = workspace; } else { workspace = this._workspaces[j]; if (workspace.metaWorkspace != metaWorkspace) { /* removed */ workspace.destroy(); this._workspaces.splice(j, 1); } /* else kept */ } } for (let j = this._workspaces.length - 1; j >= newNumWorkspaces; j--) { this._workspaces[j].destroy(); this._workspaces.splice(j, 1); } this._updateWorkspacesState(); } _activeWorkspaceChanged(_wm, _from, _to, _direction) { this._scrollToActive(); } _onDestroy() { super._onDestroy(); this._workspaces = []; } startTouchGesture() { this._gestureActive = true; this._updateVisibility(); } endTouchGesture() { this._gestureActive = false; // Make sure title captions etc are shown as necessary this._scrollToActive(); this._updateVisibility(); } // sync the workspaces' positions to the value of the scroll adjustment // and change the active workspace if appropriate _onScrollAdjustmentChanged() { if (!this.has_allocation()) return; const adj = this._scrollAdjustment; const allowSwitch = adj.get_transition('value') === null && !this._gestureActive; let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); let current = Math.round(adj.value); if (allowSwitch && active !== current) { if (!this._workspaces[current]) { // The current workspace was destroyed. This could happen // when you are on the last empty workspace, and consolidate // windows using the thumbnail bar. // In that case, the intended behavior is to stay on the empty // workspace, which is the last one, so pick it. current = this._workspaces.length - 1; } let metaWorkspace = this._workspaces[current].metaWorkspace; metaWorkspace.activate(global.get_current_time()); } this._updateWorkspacesState(); this.queue_relayout(); } }); var ExtraWorkspaceView = GObject.registerClass( class ExtraWorkspaceView extends WorkspacesViewBase { _init(monitorIndex, overviewAdjustment) { super._init(monitorIndex, overviewAdjustment); this._workspace = new Workspace.Workspace(null, monitorIndex, overviewAdjustment); this.add_actor(this._workspace); } _updateWorkspaceMode() { const overviewState = this._overviewAdjustment.value; const progress = Math.clamp(overviewState, OverviewControls.ControlsState.HIDDEN, OverviewControls.ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER); this._workspace.stateAdjustment.value = progress; } vfunc_allocate(box) { this.set_allocation(box); const [width, height] = box.get_size(); const [, childWidth] = this._workspace.get_preferred_width(height); const childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.set_origin(Math.round((width - childWidth) / 2), 0); childBox.set_size(childWidth, height); this._workspace.allocate(childBox); } getActiveWorkspace() { return this._workspace; } prepareToLeaveOverview() { this._workspace.prepareToLeaveOverview(); } syncStacking(stackIndices) { this._workspace.syncStacking(stackIndices); } startTouchGesture() { } endTouchGesture() { } }); const SecondaryMonitorDisplay = GObject.registerClass( class SecondaryMonitorDisplay extends St.Widget { _init(monitorIndex, controls, scrollAdjustment, fitModeAdjustment, overviewAdjustment) { this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex; this._controls = controls; this._scrollAdjustment = scrollAdjustment; this._fitModeAdjustment = fitModeAdjustment; this._overviewAdjustment = overviewAdjustment; super._init({ style_class: 'secondary-monitor-workspaces', constraints: new Layout.MonitorConstraint({ index: this._monitorIndex, work_area: true, }), clip_to_allocation: true, }); this.connect('destroy', () => this._onDestroy()); this._thumbnails = new ThumbnailsBox( this._scrollAdjustment, monitorIndex); this.add_child(this._thumbnails); this._thumbnails.connect('notify::should-show', () => this._updateThumbnailVisibility()); this._overviewAdjustment.connectObject('notify::value', () => { this._updateThumbnailParams(); this.queue_relayout(); }, this); this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: MUTTER_SCHEMA }); this._settings.connect('changed::workspaces-only-on-primary', () => this._workspacesOnPrimaryChanged()); this._workspacesOnPrimaryChanged(); } _getThumbnailParamsForState(state) { const { ControlsState } = OverviewControls; let opacity, scale; switch (state) { case ControlsState.HIDDEN: case ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER: opacity = 255; scale = 1; break; case ControlsState.APP_GRID: opacity = 0; scale = 0.5; break; default: opacity = 255; scale = 1; break; } return { opacity, scale }; } _getThumbnailsHeight(box) { if (!this._thumbnails.visible) return 0; const [width, height] = box.get_size(); const { expandFraction } = this._thumbnails; const [thumbnailsHeight] = this._thumbnails.get_preferred_height(width); return Math.min( thumbnailsHeight * expandFraction, height * MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE); } _getWorkspacesBoxForState(state, box, padding, thumbnailsHeight, spacing) { const { ControlsState } = OverviewControls; const workspaceBox = box.copy(); const [width, height] = workspaceBox.get_size(); switch (state) { case ControlsState.HIDDEN: break; case ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER: workspaceBox.set_origin(0, padding + thumbnailsHeight + spacing); workspaceBox.set_size( width, height - 2 * padding - thumbnailsHeight - spacing); break; case ControlsState.APP_GRID: workspaceBox.set_origin(0, padding); workspaceBox.set_size( width, height - 2 * padding); break; } return workspaceBox; } vfunc_allocate(box) { this.set_allocation(box); const themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); const contentBox = themeNode.get_content_box(box); const [width, height] = contentBox.get_size(); const { expandFraction } = this._thumbnails; const spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing') * expandFraction; const padding = Math.round((1 - SECONDARY_WORKSPACE_SCALE) * height / 2); const thumbnailsHeight = this._getThumbnailsHeight(contentBox); if (this._thumbnails.visible) { const childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.set_origin(0, padding); childBox.set_size(width, thumbnailsHeight); this._thumbnails.allocate(childBox); } const { currentState, initialState, finalState, transitioning, progress, } = this._overviewAdjustment.getStateTransitionParams(); let workspacesBox; const workspaceParams = [contentBox, padding, thumbnailsHeight, spacing]; if (!transitioning) { workspacesBox = this._getWorkspacesBoxForState(currentState, ...workspaceParams); } else { const initialBox = this._getWorkspacesBoxForState(initialState, ...workspaceParams); const finalBox = this._getWorkspacesBoxForState(finalState, ...workspaceParams); workspacesBox = initialBox.interpolate(finalBox, progress); } this._workspacesView.allocate(workspacesBox); } _onDestroy() { if (this._settings) this._settings.run_dispose(); this._settings = null; } _workspacesOnPrimaryChanged() { this._updateWorkspacesView(); this._updateThumbnailVisibility(); } _updateWorkspacesView() { if (this._workspacesView) this._workspacesView.destroy(); if (this._settings.get_boolean('workspaces-only-on-primary')) { this._workspacesView = new ExtraWorkspaceView( this._monitorIndex, this._overviewAdjustment); } else { this._workspacesView = new WorkspacesView( this._monitorIndex, this._controls, this._scrollAdjustment, this._fitModeAdjustment, this._overviewAdjustment); } this.add_child(this._workspacesView); } _updateThumbnailVisibility() { const visible = this._thumbnails.should_show && !this._settings.get_boolean('workspaces-only-on-primary'); if (this._thumbnails.visible === visible) return; this._thumbnails.show(); this._updateThumbnailParams(); this._thumbnails.ease_property('expand-fraction', visible ? 1 : 0, { duration: OverviewControls.SIDE_CONTROLS_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => (this._thumbnails.visible = visible), }); } _updateThumbnailParams() { if (!this._thumbnails.visible) return; const { initialState, finalState, progress } = this._overviewAdjustment.getStateTransitionParams(); const initialParams = this._getThumbnailParamsForState(initialState); const finalParams = this._getThumbnailParamsForState(finalState); const opacity = Util.lerp(initialParams.opacity, finalParams.opacity, progress); const scale = Util.lerp(initialParams.scale, finalParams.scale, progress); this._thumbnails.set({ opacity, scale_x: scale, scale_y: scale, }); } getActiveWorkspace() { return this._workspacesView.getActiveWorkspace(); } prepareToLeaveOverview() { this._workspacesView.prepareToLeaveOverview(); } syncStacking(stackIndices) { this._workspacesView.syncStacking(stackIndices); } startTouchGesture() { this._workspacesView.startTouchGesture(); } endTouchGesture() { this._workspacesView.endTouchGesture(); } }); var WorkspacesDisplay = GObject.registerClass( class WorkspacesDisplay extends St.Widget { _init(controls, scrollAdjustment, overviewAdjustment) { super._init({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), reactive: true, }); this._controls = controls; this._overviewAdjustment = overviewAdjustment; this._fitModeAdjustment = new St.Adjustment({ actor: this, value: FitMode.SINGLE, lower: FitMode.SINGLE, upper: FitMode.ALL, }); let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; this._scrollAdjustment = scrollAdjustment; global.window_manager.connectObject('switch-workspace', this._activeWorkspaceChanged.bind(this), this); this._swipeTracker = new SwipeTracker.SwipeTracker( Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup, Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, Shell.ActionMode.OVERVIEW, { allowDrag: false }); this._swipeTracker.allowLongSwipes = true; this._swipeTracker.connect('begin', this._switchWorkspaceBegin.bind(this)); this._swipeTracker.connect('update', this._switchWorkspaceUpdate.bind(this)); this._swipeTracker.connect('end', this._switchWorkspaceEnd.bind(this)); this.connect('notify::mapped', this._updateSwipeTracker.bind(this)); workspaceManager.connectObject( 'workspaces-reordered', this._workspacesReordered.bind(this), 'notify::layout-rows', this._updateTrackerOrientation.bind(this), this); this._updateTrackerOrientation(); Main.overview.connectObject( 'window-drag-begin', this._windowDragBegin.bind(this), 'window-drag-end', this._windowDragEnd.bind(this), this); this._primaryVisible = true; this._primaryIndex = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; this._workspacesViews = []; this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: MUTTER_SCHEMA }); this._inWindowDrag = false; this._leavingOverview = false; this._gestureActive = false; // touch(pad) gestures this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); } _onDestroy() { if (this._parentSetLater) { const laters = global.compositor.get_laters(); laters.remove(this._parentSetLater); this._parentSetLater = 0; } } _windowDragBegin() { this._inWindowDrag = true; this._updateSwipeTracker(); } _windowDragEnd() { this._inWindowDrag = false; this._updateSwipeTracker(); } _updateSwipeTracker() { this._swipeTracker.enabled = this.mapped && !this._inWindowDrag && !this._leavingOverview; } _workspacesReordered() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; this._scrollAdjustment.value = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); } _activeWorkspaceChanged(_wm, _from, to, _direction) { if (this._gestureActive) return; this._scrollAdjustment.ease(to, { mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_CUBIC, duration: WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME, }); } _updateTrackerOrientation() { const { layoutRows } = global.workspace_manager; this._swipeTracker.orientation = layoutRows !== -1 ? Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL : Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL; } _directionForProgress(progress) { if (global.workspace_manager.layout_rows === -1) { return progress > 0 ? Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN : Meta.MotionDirection.UP; } else if (this.text_direction === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { return progress > 0 ? Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT : Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT; } else { return progress > 0 ? Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT : Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT; } } _switchWorkspaceBegin(tracker, monitor) { if (this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimary && monitor !== this._primaryIndex) return; let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let adjustment = this._scrollAdjustment; if (this._gestureActive) adjustment.remove_transition('value'); const distance = global.workspace_manager.layout_rows === -1 ? this.height : this.width; for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].startTouchGesture(); let progress = adjustment.value / adjustment.page_size; let points = Array.from( { length: workspaceManager.n_workspaces }, (v, i) => i); tracker.confirmSwipe(distance, points, progress, Math.round(progress)); this._gestureActive = true; } _switchWorkspaceUpdate(tracker, progress) { let adjustment = this._scrollAdjustment; adjustment.value = progress * adjustment.page_size; } _switchWorkspaceEnd(tracker, duration, endProgress) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let newWs = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(endProgress); this._scrollAdjustment.ease(endProgress, { mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_CUBIC, duration, onComplete: () => { if (!newWs.active) newWs.activate(global.get_current_time()); this._endTouchGesture(); }, }); } _endTouchGesture() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].endTouchGesture(); this._gestureActive = false; } vfunc_navigate_focus(from, direction) { return this._getPrimaryView()?.navigate_focus(from, direction, false); } setPrimaryWorkspaceVisible(visible) { if (this._primaryVisible === visible) return; this._primaryVisible = visible; const primaryIndex = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; const primaryWorkspace = this._workspacesViews[primaryIndex]; if (primaryWorkspace) primaryWorkspace.visible = visible; } prepareToEnterOverview() { this.show(); this._updateWorkspacesViews(); Main.overview.connectObject( 'windows-restacked', this._onRestacked.bind(this), 'scroll-event', this._onScrollEvent.bind(this), this); global.stage.connectObject( 'key-press-event', this._onKeyPressEvent.bind(this), this); } prepareToLeaveOverview() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].prepareToLeaveOverview(); this._leavingOverview = true; this._updateSwipeTracker(); } vfunc_hide() { Main.overview.disconnectObject(this); global.stage.disconnectObject(this); for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].destroy(); this._workspacesViews = []; this._leavingOverview = false; super.vfunc_hide(); } _updateWorkspacesViews() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].destroy(); this._primaryIndex = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; this._workspacesViews = []; let monitors = Main.layoutManager.monitors; for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { let view; if (i === this._primaryIndex) { view = new WorkspacesView(i, this._controls, this._scrollAdjustment, this._fitModeAdjustment, this._overviewAdjustment); view.visible = this._primaryVisible; this.bind_property('opacity', view, 'opacity', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); this.add_child(view); } else { view = new SecondaryMonitorDisplay(i, this._controls, this._scrollAdjustment, this._fitModeAdjustment, this._overviewAdjustment); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_actor(view); } this._workspacesViews.push(view); } } _getMonitorIndexForEvent(event) { let [x, y] = event.get_coords(); let rect = new Meta.Rectangle({ x, y, width: 1, height: 1 }); return global.display.get_monitor_index_for_rect(rect); } _getPrimaryView() { if (!this._workspacesViews.length) return null; return this._workspacesViews[this._primaryIndex]; } activeWorkspaceHasMaximizedWindows() { const primaryView = this._getPrimaryView(); return primaryView ? primaryView.getActiveWorkspace().hasMaximizedWindows() : false; } _onRestacked(overview, stackIndices) { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].syncStacking(stackIndices); } _onScrollEvent(actor, event) { if (this._swipeTracker.canHandleScrollEvent(event)) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (!this.mapped) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimary && this._getMonitorIndexForEvent(event) != this._primaryIndex) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; return Main.wm.handleWorkspaceScroll(event); } _onKeyPressEvent(actor, event) { const { ControlsState } = OverviewControls; if (this._overviewAdjustment.value !== ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (!this.reactive) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; const { workspaceManager } = global; const vertical = workspaceManager.layout_rows === -1; const rtl = this.get_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; let which; switch (event.get_key_symbol()) { case Clutter.KEY_Page_Up: if (vertical) which = Meta.MotionDirection.UP; else if (rtl) which = Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT; else which = Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT; break; case Clutter.KEY_Page_Down: if (vertical) which = Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN; else if (rtl) which = Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT; else which = Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT; break; case Clutter.KEY_Home: which = 0; break; case Clutter.KEY_End: which = workspaceManager.n_workspaces - 1; break; default: return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } let ws; if (which < 0) // Negative workspace numbers are directions // with respect to the current workspace ws = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace().get_neighbor(which); else // Otherwise it is a workspace index ws = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(which); if (ws) Main.wm.actionMoveWorkspace(ws); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } get _workspacesOnlyOnPrimary() { return this._settings.get_boolean('workspaces-only-on-primary'); } get fitModeAdjustment() { return this._fitModeAdjustment; } });