// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const { Gio, GLib, Meta, Shell } = imports.gi; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Params = imports.misc.params; const { loadInterfaceXML } = imports.misc.fileUtils; // This module provides functionality for driving the shell user interface // in an automated fashion. The primary current use case for this is // automated performance testing (see runPerfScript()), but it could // be applied to other forms of automation, such as testing for // correctness as well. // // When scripting an automated test we want to make a series of calls // in a linear fashion, but we also want to be able to let the main // loop run so actions can finish. For this reason we write the script // as a generator function that yields when it want to let the main // loop run. // // yield Scripting.sleep(1000); // main.overview.show(); // yield Scripting.waitLeisure(); // // While it isn't important to the person writing the script, the actual // yielded result is a function that the caller uses to provide the // callback for resuming the script. /** * sleep: * @milliseconds: number of milliseconds to wait * * Used within an automation script to pause the the execution of the * current script for the specified amount of time. Use as * 'yield Scripting.sleep(500);' */ function sleep(milliseconds) { let cb; let id = Mainloop.timeout_add(milliseconds, () => { if (cb) cb(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(id, '[gnome-shell] sleep'); return callback => { cb = callback; }; } /** * waitLeisure: * * Used within an automation script to pause the the execution of the * current script until the shell is completely idle. Use as * 'yield Scripting.waitLeisure();' */ function waitLeisure() { let cb; global.run_at_leisure(() => { if (cb) cb(); }); return callback => { cb = callback; }; } const PerfHelperIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Shell.PerfHelper'); var PerfHelperProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(PerfHelperIface); function PerfHelper() { return new PerfHelperProxy(Gio.DBus.session, 'org.gnome.Shell.PerfHelper', '/org/gnome/Shell/PerfHelper'); } let _perfHelper = null; function _getPerfHelper() { if (_perfHelper == null) _perfHelper = new PerfHelper(); return _perfHelper; } function _callRemote(obj, method, ...args) { let cb; let errcb; args.push((result, excp) => { if (excp) { if (errcb) errcb(excp); } else { if (cb) cb(); } }); method.apply(obj, args); return (callback, error_callback) => { cb = callback; errcb = error_callback; }; } /** * createTestWindow: * @params: options for window creation. * width - width of window, in pixels (default 640) * height - height of window, in pixels (default 480) * alpha - whether the window should have an alpha channel (default false) * maximized - whether the window should be created maximized (default false) * redraws - whether the window should continually redraw itself (default false) * @maximized: whethe the window should be created maximized * * Creates a window using gnome-shell-perf-helper for testing purposes. * While this function can be used with yield in an automation * script to pause until the D-Bus call to the helper process returns, * because of the normal X asynchronous mapping process, to actually wait * until the window has been mapped and exposed, use waitTestWindows(). */ function createTestWindow(params) { params = Params.parse(params, { width: 640, height: 480, alpha: false, maximized: false, redraws: false }); let perfHelper = _getPerfHelper(); return _callRemote(perfHelper, perfHelper.CreateWindowRemote, params.width, params.height, params.alpha, params.maximized, params.redraws); } /** * waitTestWindows: * * Used within an automation script to pause until all windows previously * created with createTestWindow have been mapped and exposed. */ function waitTestWindows() { let perfHelper = _getPerfHelper(); return _callRemote(perfHelper, perfHelper.WaitWindowsRemote); } /** * destroyTestWindows: * * Destroys all windows previously created with createTestWindow(). * While this function can be used with yield in an automation * script to pause until the D-Bus call to the helper process returns, * this doesn't guarantee that Mutter has actually finished the destroy * process because of normal X asynchronicity. */ function destroyTestWindows() { let perfHelper = _getPerfHelper(); return _callRemote(perfHelper, perfHelper.DestroyWindowsRemote); } /** * defineScriptEvent * @name: The event will be called script.<name> * @description: Short human-readable description of the event * * Convenience function to define a zero-argument performance event * within the 'script' namespace that is reserved for events defined locally * within a performance automation script */ function defineScriptEvent(name, description) { Shell.PerfLog.get_default().define_event("script." + name, description, ""); } /** * scriptEvent * @name: Name registered with defineScriptEvent() * * Convenience function to record a script-local performance event * previously defined with defineScriptEvent */ function scriptEvent(name) { Shell.PerfLog.get_default().event("script." + name); } /** * collectStatistics * * Convenience function to trigger statistics collection */ function collectStatistics() { Shell.PerfLog.get_default().collect_statistics(); } function _step(g, finish, onError) { try { let waitFunction = g.next(); waitFunction(() => { _step(g, finish, onError); }, err => { if (onError) onError(err); }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof StopIteration) { if (finish) finish(); } else { if (onError) onError(err); } } } function _collect(scriptModule, outputFile) { let eventHandlers = {}; for (let f in scriptModule) { let m = /([A-Za-z]+)_([A-Za-z]+)/.exec(f); if (m) eventHandlers[m[1] + "." + m[2]] = scriptModule[f]; } Shell.PerfLog.get_default().replay( (time, eventName, signature, arg) => { if (eventName in eventHandlers) eventHandlers[eventName](time, arg); }); if ('finish' in scriptModule) scriptModule.finish(); if (outputFile) { let f = Gio.file_new_for_path(outputFile); let raw = f.replace(null, false, Gio.FileCreateFlags.NONE, null); let out = Gio.BufferedOutputStream.new_sized (raw, 4096); Shell.write_string_to_stream (out, "{\n"); Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, '"events":\n'); Shell.PerfLog.get_default().dump_events(out); let monitors = Main.layoutManager.monitors; let primary = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n"monitors":\n['); for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { let monitor = monitors[i]; if (i != 0) Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ', '); Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, '"%s%dx%d+%d+%d"'.format(i == primary ? "*" : "", monitor.width, monitor.height, monitor.x, monitor.y)); } Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ' ]'); Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n"metrics":\n[ '); let first = true; for (let name in scriptModule.METRICS) { let metric = scriptModule.METRICS[name]; // Extra checks here because JSON.stringify generates // invalid JSON for undefined values if (metric.description == null) { log("Error: No description found for metric " + name); continue; } if (metric.units == null) { log("Error: No units found for metric " + name); continue; } if (metric.value == null) { log("Error: No value found for metric " + name); continue; } if (!first) Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ',\n '); first = false; Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, '{ "name": ' + JSON.stringify(name) + ',\n' + ' "description": ' + JSON.stringify(metric.description) + ',\n' + ' "units": ' + JSON.stringify(metric.units) + ',\n' + ' "value": ' + JSON.stringify(metric.value) + ' }'); } Shell.write_string_to_stream(out, ' ]'); Shell.write_string_to_stream (out, ',\n"log":\n'); Shell.PerfLog.get_default().dump_log(out); Shell.write_string_to_stream (out, '\n}\n'); out.close(null); } else { let metrics = []; for (let metric in scriptModule.METRICS) metrics.push(metric); metrics.sort(); print ('------------------------------------------------------------'); for (let i = 0; i < metrics.length; i++) { let metric = metrics[i]; print ('# ' + scriptModule.METRICS[metric].description); print (metric + ': ' + scriptModule.METRICS[metric].value + scriptModule.METRICS[metric].units); } print ('------------------------------------------------------------'); } } /** * runPerfScript * @scriptModule: module object with run and finish functions * and event handlers * * Runs a script for automated collection of performance data. The * script is defined as a Javascript module with specified contents. * * First the run() function within the module will be called as a * generator to automate a series of actions. These actions will * trigger performance events and the script can also record its * own performance events. * * Then the recorded event log is replayed using handler functions * within the module. The handler for the event 'foo.bar' is called * foo_bar(). * * Finally if the module has a function called finish(), that will * be called. * * The event handler and finish functions are expected to fill in * metrics to an object within the module called METRICS. Each * property of this object represents an individual metric. The * name of the property is the name of the metric, the value * of the property is an object with the following properties: * * description: human readable description of the metric * units: a string representing the units of the metric. It has * the form '<unit> <unit> ... / <unit> / <unit> ...'. Certain * unit values are recognized: s, ms, us, B, KiB, MiB. Other * values can appear but are uninterpreted. Examples 's', * '/ s', 'frames', 'frames / s', 'MiB / s / frame' * value: computed value of the metric * * The resulting metrics will be written to @outputFile as JSON, or, * if @outputFile is not provided, logged. * * After running the script and collecting statistics from the * event log, GNOME Shell will exit. **/ function runPerfScript(scriptModule, outputFile) { Shell.PerfLog.get_default().set_enabled(true); let g = scriptModule.run(); _step(g, () => { try { _collect(scriptModule, outputFile); } catch (err) { log("Script failed: " + err + "\n" + err.stack); Meta.exit(Meta.ExitCode.ERROR); } Meta.exit(Meta.ExitCode.SUCCESS); }, err => { log("Script failed: " + err + "\n" + err.stack); Meta.exit(Meta.ExitCode.ERROR); }); }