// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const AccountsService = imports.gi.AccountsService; const Cairo = imports.cairo; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const GnomeDesktop = imports.gi.GnomeDesktop; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const TweenerEquations = imports.tweener.equations; const Background = imports.ui.background; const GnomeSession = imports.misc.gnomeSession; const Hash = imports.misc.hash; const Layout = imports.ui.layout; const LoginManager = imports.misc.loginManager; const Lightbox = imports.ui.lightbox; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Overview = imports.ui.overview; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const ShellDBus = imports.ui.shellDBus; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const Util = imports.misc.util; const SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.screensaver'; const LOCK_ENABLED_KEY = 'lock-enabled'; const LOCK_DELAY_KEY = 'lock-delay'; const LOCKED_STATE_STR = 'screenShield.locked'; // fraction of screen height the arrow must reach before completing // the slide up automatically const ARROW_DRAG_THRESHOLD = 0.1; // Parameters for the arrow animation const N_ARROWS = 3; const ARROW_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.6; const ARROW_ANIMATION_PEAK_OPACITY = 0.4; const ARROW_IDLE_TIME = 30000; // ms const SUMMARY_ICON_SIZE = 48; // ScreenShield animation time // - STANDARD_FADE_TIME is used when the session goes idle // - MANUAL_FADE_TIME is used for lowering the shield when asked by the user, // or when cancelling the dialog // - BACKGROUND_FADE_TIME is used when the background changes to crossfade to new background // - CURTAIN_SLIDE_TIME is used when raising the shield before unlocking // - INITIAL_FADE_IN_TIME is used for the initial fade in at startup const STANDARD_FADE_TIME = 10; const MANUAL_FADE_TIME = 0.3; const BACKGROUND_FADE_TIME = 1.0; const CURTAIN_SLIDE_TIME = 0.3; const INITIAL_FADE_IN_TIME = 0.25; const Clock = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ScreenShieldClock', CLOCK_FORMAT_KEY: 'clock-format', CLOCK_SHOW_SECONDS_KEY: 'clock-show-seconds', _init: function() { this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'screen-shield-clock', vertical: true }); this._time = new St.Label({ style_class: 'screen-shield-clock-time' }); this._date = new St.Label({ style_class: 'screen-shield-clock-date' }); this.actor.add(this._time, { x_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this.actor.add(this._date, { x_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this._wallClock = new GnomeDesktop.WallClock({ time_only: true }); this._wallClock.connect('notify::clock', Lang.bind(this, this._updateClock)); this._updateClock(); }, _updateClock: function() { this._time.text = this._wallClock.clock; let date = new Date(); /* Translators: This is a time format for a date in long format */ this._date.text = date.toLocaleFormat(_("%A, %B %d")); }, destroy: function() { this.actor.destroy(); this._wallClock.run_dispose(); } }); const NotificationsBox = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'NotificationsBox', _init: function() { this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, name: 'screenShieldNotifications', style_class: 'screen-shield-notifications-box' }); this._musicBin = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'screen-shield-notifications-box', visible: false }); this._scrollView = new St.ScrollView({ x_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START, hscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER }); this._notificationBox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'screen-shield-notifications-box' }); this._scrollView.add_actor(this._notificationBox); this.actor.add(this._musicBin); this.actor.add(this._scrollView, { x_fill: true, x_align: St.Align.START }); this._sources = new Hash.Map(); Main.messageTray.getSources().forEach(Lang.bind(this, function(source) { this._sourceAdded(Main.messageTray, source, true); })); this._updateVisibility(); this._sourceAddedId = Main.messageTray.connect('source-added', Lang.bind(this, this._sourceAdded)); }, destroy: function() { if (this._sourceAddedId) { Main.messageTray.disconnect(this._sourceAddedId); this._sourceAddedId = 0; } let items = this._sources.items(); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let [source, obj] = items[i]; this._removeSource(source, obj); } this.actor.destroy(); }, _updateVisibility: function() { this._musicBin.visible = this._musicBin.child != null && this._musicBin.child.visible; this._notificationBox.visible = this._notificationBox.get_children().some(function(a) { return a.visible; }); this.actor.visible = this._musicBin.visible || this._notificationBox.visible; }, _makeNotificationCountText: function(count, isChat) { if (isChat) return ngettext("%d new message", "%d new messages", count).format(count); else return ngettext("%d new notification", "%d new notifications", count).format(count); }, _makeNotificationSource: function(source, box) { let sourceActor = new MessageTray.SourceActor(source, SUMMARY_ICON_SIZE); box.add(sourceActor.actor, { y_fill: true }); let textBox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); box.add(textBox, { y_fill: false, y_align: St.Align.START }); let title = new St.Label({ text: source.title, style_class: 'screen-shield-notification-label' }); textBox.add(title); let count = source.unseenCount; let countLabel = new St.Label({ text: this._makeNotificationCountText(count, source.isChat), style_class: 'screen-shield-notification-count-text' }); textBox.add(countLabel); box.visible = count != 0; return [title, countLabel]; }, _makeNotificationDetailedSource: function(source, box) { let sourceActor = new MessageTray.SourceActor(source, SUMMARY_ICON_SIZE); let sourceBin = new St.Bin({ y_align: St.Align.START, x_align: St.Align.START, child: sourceActor.actor }); box.add(sourceBin); let textBox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); box.add(textBox, { y_fill: false, y_align: St.Align.START }); let title = new St.Label({ text: source.title, style_class: 'screen-shield-notification-label' }); textBox.add(title); let visible = false; for (let i = 0; i < source.notifications.length; i++) { let n = source.notifications[i]; if (n.acknowledged || n.isMusic) continue; let body = ''; if (n.bannerBodyText) { body = n.bannerBodyMarkup ? n.bannerBodyText : GLib.markup_escape_text(n.bannerBodyMarkup, -1); } let label = new St.Label({ style_class: 'screen-shield-notification-count-text' }); label.clutter_text.set_markup('' + n.title + ' ' + body); textBox.add(label); visible = true; } box.visible = visible; return [title, null]; }, _showSource: function(source, obj, box) { let musicNotification = source.getMusicNotification(); if (musicNotification != null && this._musicBin.child == null) { musicNotification.acknowledged = true; if (musicNotification.actor.get_parent() != null) musicNotification.actor.get_parent().remove_actor(musicNotification.actor); this._musicBin.child = musicNotification.actor; this._musicBin.child.visible = obj.visible; musicNotification.expand(false /* animate */); obj.musicNotification = musicNotification; } if (obj.detailed) { [obj.titleLabel, obj.countLabel] = this._makeNotificationDetailedSource(source, box); } else { [obj.titleLabel, obj.countLabel] = this._makeNotificationSource(source, box); } box.visible = obj.visible && (source.unseenCount > (musicNotification ? 1 : 0)); }, _sourceAdded: function(tray, source, initial) { // Ignore transient sources if (source.isTransient) return; let obj = { visible: source.policy.showInLockScreen, detailed: source.policy.detailsInLockScreen, sourceDestroyId: 0, sourceCountChangedId: 0, sourceTitleChangedId: 0, sourceUpdatedId: 0, sourceNotifyId: 0, musicNotification: null, sourceBox: null, titleLabel: null, countLabel: null, }; obj.sourceBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'screen-shield-notification-source' }); this._showSource(source, obj, obj.sourceBox); this._notificationBox.add(obj.sourceBox, { x_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START }); if (obj.musicNotification) { obj.sourceNotifyId = source.connect('notify', Lang.bind(this, function(source, notification) { notification.acknowledged = true; })); } obj.sourceCountChangedId = source.connect('count-updated', Lang.bind(this, function(source) { this._countChanged(source, obj); })); obj.sourceTitleChangedId = source.connect('title-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(source) { this._titleChanged(source, obj); })); obj.policyChangedId = source.policy.connect('policy-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(policy, key) { if (key == 'show-in-lock-screen') this._visibleChanged(source, obj); else this._detailedChanged(source, obj); })); obj.sourceDestroyId = source.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function(source) { this._onSourceDestroy(source, obj); })); this._sources.set(source, obj); if (!initial) { // block scrollbars while animating, if they're not needed now let boxHeight = this._notificationBox.height; if (this._scrollView.height >= boxHeight) this._scrollView.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER; let widget = obj.sourceBox; let [, natHeight] = widget.get_preferred_height(-1); widget.height = 0; Tweener.addTween(widget, { height: natHeight, transition: 'easeOutQuad', time: 0.25, onComplete: function() { this._scrollView.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC; widget.set_height(-1); }, onCompleteScope: this }); this._updateVisibility(); Shell.util_wake_up_screen(); } }, _titleChanged: function(source, obj) { obj.titleLabel.text = source.title; }, _countChanged: function(source, obj) { if (obj.detailed) { // A new notification was pushed, or a previous notification was destroyed. // Give up, and build the list again. obj.sourceBox.destroy_all_children(); obj.titleLabel = obj.countLabel = null; this._showSource(source, obj, obj.sourceBox); } else { let count = source.unseenCount; obj.countLabel.text = this._makeNotificationCountText(count, source.isChat); } obj.sourceBox.visible = obj.visible && (source.unseenCount > (obj.musicNotification ? 1 : 0)); this._updateVisibility(); if (obj.sourceBox.visible) Shell.util_wake_up_screen(); }, _visibleChanged: function(source, obj) { if (obj.visible == source.policy.showInLockScreen) return; obj.visible = source.policy.showInLockScreen; if (obj.musicNotification) obj.musicNotification.actor.visible = obj.visible; obj.sourceBox.visible = obj.visible && source.unseenCount > (obj.musicNotification ? 1 : 0); this._updateVisibility(); if (obj.sourceBox.visible) Shell.util_wake_up_screen(); }, _detailedChanged: function(source, obj) { if (obj.detailed == source.policy.detailsInLockScreen) return; obj.detailed = source.policy.detailsInLockScreen; obj.sourceBox.destroy_all_children(); obj.titleLabel = obj.countLabel = null; this._showSource(source, obj, obj.sourceBox); }, _onSourceDestroy: function(source, obj) { this._removeSource(source, obj); this._updateVisibility(); }, _removeSource: function(source, obj) { obj.sourceBox.destroy(); obj.sourceBox = obj.titleLabel = obj.countLabel = null; if (obj.musicNotification) { this._musicBin.child = null; obj.musicNotification = null; source.disconnect(obj.sourceNotifyId); } source.disconnect(obj.sourceDestroyId); source.disconnect(obj.sourceCountChangedId); source.disconnect(obj.sourceTitleChangedId); source.policy.disconnect(obj.policyChangedId); this._sources.delete(source); }, }); const Arrow = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'Arrow', Extends: St.Bin, _init: function(params) { this.parent(params); this.x_fill = this.y_fill = true; this.set_offscreen_redirect(Clutter.OffscreenRedirect.ALWAYS); this._drawingArea = new St.DrawingArea(); this._drawingArea.connect('repaint', Lang.bind(this, this._drawArrow)); this.child = this._drawingArea; this._shadowHelper = null; this._shadowWidth = this._shadowHeight = 0; }, _drawArrow: function(arrow) { let cr = arrow.get_context(); let [w, h] = arrow.get_surface_size(); let node = this.get_theme_node(); let thickness = node.get_length('-arrow-thickness'); Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, node.get_foreground_color()); cr.setLineCap(Cairo.LineCap.ROUND); cr.setLineWidth(thickness); cr.moveTo(thickness / 2, h - thickness / 2); cr.lineTo(w/2, thickness); cr.lineTo(w - thickness / 2, h - thickness / 2); cr.stroke(); }, vfunc_style_changed: function() { let node = this.get_theme_node(); this._shadow = node.get_shadow('-arrow-shadow'); if (this._shadow) this._shadowHelper = St.ShadowHelper.new(this._shadow); else this._shadowHelper = null; }, vfunc_paint: function() { if (this._shadowHelper) { this._shadowHelper.update(this._drawingArea); let allocation = this._drawingArea.get_allocation_box(); let paintOpacity = this._drawingArea.get_paint_opacity(); this._shadowHelper.paint(allocation, paintOpacity); } this._drawingArea.paint(); } }); function clamp(value, min, max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)); } /** * To test screen shield, make sure to kill gnome-screensaver. * * If you are setting org.gnome.desktop.session.idle-delay directly in dconf, * rather than through System Settings, you also need to set * org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power.sleep-display-ac and * org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power.sleep-display-battery to the same value. * This will ensure that the screen blanks at the right time when it fades out. * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=668703 explains the dependance. */ const ScreenShield = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ScreenShield', _init: function() { this.actor = Main.layoutManager.screenShieldGroup; this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.HIDDEN; this._lockScreenGroup = new St.Widget({ x_expand: true, y_expand: true, reactive: true, can_focus: true, name: 'lockScreenGroup', visible: false, }); this._lockScreenGroup.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onLockScreenKeyPress)); this._lockScreenGroup.connect('scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onLockScreenScroll)); Main.ctrlAltTabManager.addGroup(this._lockScreenGroup, _("Lock"), 'changes-prevent-symbolic'); this._lockScreenContents = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), name: 'lockScreenContents' }); this._lockScreenContents.add_constraint(new Layout.MonitorConstraint({ primary: true })); this._lockScreenGroup.add_actor(this._lockScreenContents); this._backgroundGroup = new Clutter.Actor(); this._lockScreenGroup.add_actor(this._backgroundGroup); this._backgroundGroup.lower_bottom(); this._bgManagers = []; this._updateBackgrounds(); Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateBackgrounds)); this._arrowAnimationId = 0; this._arrowWatchId = 0; this._arrowActiveWatchId = 0; this._arrowContainer = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'screen-shield-arrows', vertical: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.END, // HACK: without these, ClutterBinLayout // ignores alignment properties on the actor x_expand: true, y_expand: true }); for (let i = 0; i < N_ARROWS; i++) { let arrow = new Arrow({ opacity: 0 }); this._arrowContainer.add_actor(arrow); } this._lockScreenContents.add_actor(this._arrowContainer); this._dragAction = new Clutter.GestureAction(); this._dragAction.connect('gesture-begin', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragBegin)); this._dragAction.connect('gesture-progress', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragMotion)); this._dragAction.connect('gesture-end', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragEnd)); this._lockScreenGroup.add_action(this._dragAction); this._lockDialogGroup = new St.Widget({ x_expand: true, y_expand: true, reactive: true, opacity: 0, pivot_point: new Clutter.Point({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }), name: 'lockDialogGroup' }); Tweener.addTween(this._lockDialogGroup, { opacity: 255, time: INITIAL_FADE_IN_TIME, transition: 'easeInQuad', }); this.actor.add_actor(this._lockDialogGroup); this.actor.add_actor(this._lockScreenGroup); this._presence = new GnomeSession.Presence(Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, error) { if (error) { logError(error, 'Error while reading gnome-session presence'); return; } this._onStatusChanged(proxy.status); })); this._presence.connectSignal('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, senderName, [status]) { this._onStatusChanged(status); })); this._screenSaverDBus = new ShellDBus.ScreenSaverDBus(this); this._inhibitor = null; this._aboutToSuspend = false; this._loginManager = LoginManager.getLoginManager(); this._loginManager.connect('prepare-for-sleep', Lang.bind(this, this._prepareForSleep)); this._inhibitSuspend(); this._loginManager.getCurrentSessionProxy(Lang.bind(this, function(sessionProxy) { this._loginSession = sessionProxy; this._loginSession.connectSignal('Lock', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.lock(false); })); this._loginSession.connectSignal('Unlock', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.deactivate(false); })); })); this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: SCREENSAVER_SCHEMA }); this._isModal = false; this._hasLockScreen = false; this._isGreeter = false; this._isActive = false; this._isLocked = false; this._inUnlockAnimation = false; this._activationTime = 0; this._becameActiveId = 0; this._lockTimeoutId = 0; this._lightbox = new Lightbox.Lightbox(Main.uiGroup, { inhibitEvents: true, fadeInTime: STANDARD_FADE_TIME, fadeFactor: 1 }); this._lightbox.connect('shown', Lang.bind(this, this._onLightboxShown)); this.idleMonitor = new GnomeDesktop.IdleMonitor(); }, _createBackground: function(monitorIndex) { let monitor = Main.layoutManager.monitors[monitorIndex]; let widget = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'screen-shield-background', x: monitor.x, y: monitor.y, width: monitor.width, height: monitor.height }); let bgManager = new Background.BackgroundManager({ container: widget, monitorIndex: monitorIndex, controlPosition: false }); this._bgManagers.push(bgManager); this._backgroundGroup.add_child(widget); }, _updateBackgrounds: function() { for (let i = 0; i < this._bgManagers.length; i++) this._bgManagers[i].destroy(); this._bgManagers = []; this._backgroundGroup.destroy_all_children(); for (let i = 0; i < Main.layoutManager.monitors.length; i++) this._createBackground(i); }, _liftShield: function(onPrimary, velocity) { if (this._isLocked) { if (this._ensureUnlockDialog(onPrimary, true /* allowCancel */)) this._hideLockScreen(true /* animate */, velocity); } else { this.deactivate(true /* animate */); } }, _maybeCancelDialog: function() { if (!this._dialog) return; this._dialog.cancel(); if (this._isGreeter) { // LoginDialog.cancel() will grab the key focus // on its own, so ensure it stays on lock screen // instead this._lockScreenGroup.grab_key_focus(); } else { this._dialog = null; } }, _becomeModal: function() { if (this._isModal) return true; this._isModal = Main.pushModal(this.actor, { keybindingMode: Shell.KeyBindingMode.LOCK_SCREEN }); if (this._isModal) return true; // We failed to get a pointer grab, it means that // something else has it. Try with a keyboard grab only this._isModal = Main.pushModal(this.actor, { options: Meta.ModalOptions.POINTER_ALREADY_GRABBED, keybindingMode: Shell.KeyBindingMode.LOCK_SCREEN }); return this._isModal; }, _onLockScreenKeyPress: function(actor, event) { let symbol = event.get_key_symbol(); let unichar = event.get_key_unicode(); // Do nothing if the lock screen is not fully shown. // This avoids reusing the previous (and stale) unlock // dialog if esc is pressed while the curtain is going // down after cancel. if (this._lockScreenState != MessageTray.State.SHOWN) return false; let isEnter = (symbol == Clutter.KEY_Return || symbol == Clutter.KEY_KP_Enter); if (!isEnter && !(GLib.unichar_isprint(unichar) || symbol == Clutter.KEY_Escape)) return false; if (this._isLocked && this._ensureUnlockDialog(true, true) && GLib.unichar_isgraph(unichar)) this._dialog.addCharacter(unichar); this._liftShield(true, 0); return true; }, _onLockScreenScroll: function(actor, event) { if (this._lockScreenState != MessageTray.State.SHOWN) return false; let delta = 0; if (event.get_scroll_direction() == Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP) delta = 5; else if (event.get_scroll_direction() == Clutter.ScrollDirection.SMOOTH) delta = Math.max(0, event.get_scroll_delta()[0]); this._lockScreenScrollCounter += delta; // 7 standard scrolls to lift up if (this._lockScreenScrollCounter > 35) { this._liftShield(true, 0); } return true; }, _inhibitSuspend: function() { this._loginManager.inhibit(_("GNOME needs to lock the screen"), Lang.bind(this, function(inhibitor) { this._inhibitor = inhibitor; })); }, _uninhibitSuspend: function() { if (this._inhibitor) this._inhibitor.close(null); this._inhibitor = null; }, _prepareForSleep: function(loginManager, aboutToSuspend) { this._aboutToSuspend = aboutToSuspend; if (aboutToSuspend) { if (!this._settings.get_boolean(LOCK_ENABLED_KEY)) { this._uninhibitSuspend(); return; } this.lock(true); } else { this._inhibitSuspend(); } }, _animateArrows: function() { let arrows = this._arrowContainer.get_children(); let unitaryDelay = ARROW_ANIMATION_TIME / (arrows.length + 1); let maxOpacity = 255 * ARROW_ANIMATION_PEAK_OPACITY; for (let i = 0; i < arrows.length; i++) { arrows.opacity = 0; Tweener.addTween(arrows[i], { opacity: 0, delay: unitaryDelay * (N_ARROWS - (i + 1)), time: ARROW_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: function(t, b, c, d) { if (t < d/2) return TweenerEquations.easeOutQuad(t, 0, maxOpacity, d/2); else return TweenerEquations.easeInQuad(t - d/2, maxOpacity, -maxOpacity, d/2); } }); } return true; }, _onDragBegin: function() { Tweener.removeTweens(this._lockScreenGroup); this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.HIDING; if (this._isLocked) this._ensureUnlockDialog(false, false); return true; }, _onDragMotion: function() { let [origX, origY] = this._dragAction.get_press_coords(0); let [currentX, currentY] = this._dragAction.get_motion_coords(0); let newY = currentY - origY; newY = clamp(newY, -global.stage.height, 0); this._lockScreenGroup.y = newY; return true; }, _onDragEnd: function(action, actor, eventX, eventY, modifiers) { if (this._lockScreenState != MessageTray.State.HIDING) return; if (this._lockScreenGroup.y < -(ARROW_DRAG_THRESHOLD * global.stage.height)) { // Complete motion automatically let [velocity, velocityX, velocityY] = this._dragAction.get_velocity(0); this._liftShield(true, -velocityY); } else { // restore the lock screen to its original place // try to use the same speed as the normal animation let h = global.stage.height; let time = MANUAL_FADE_TIME * (-this._lockScreenGroup.y) / h; Tweener.removeTweens(this._lockScreenGroup); Tweener.addTween(this._lockScreenGroup, { y: 0, time: time, transition: 'easeInQuad', onComplete: function() { this._lockScreenGroup.fixed_position_set = false; this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.SHOWN; }, onCompleteScope: this, }); this._maybeCancelDialog(); } }, _onStatusChanged: function(status) { if (status != GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.IDLE) return; this._maybeCancelDialog(); if (this._lightbox.actor.visible || this._isActive) { // We're either shown and active, or in the process of // showing. // The latter is a very unlikely condition (it requires // idle-delay < 20), but in any case we have nothing // to do at this point: either isActive is true, or // it will soon be. // isActive can also be true if the lightbox is hidden, // in case the shield is down and the user hasn't unlocked yet return; } if (!this._becomeModal()) { // We could not become modal, so we can't activate the // screenshield. The user is probably very upset at this // point, but any application using global grabs is broken // Just tell him to stop using this app // // XXX: another option is to kick the user into the gdm login // screen, where we're not affected by grabs Main.notifyError(_("Unable to lock"), _("Lock was blocked by an application")); return; } this._lightbox.show(); if (this._activationTime == 0) this._activationTime = GLib.get_monotonic_time(); this._becameActiveId = this.idleMonitor.add_user_active_watch(Lang.bind(this, this._onUserBecameActive)); let shouldLock = this._settings.get_boolean(LOCK_ENABLED_KEY) && !this._isLocked; if (shouldLock) { let lockTimeout = Math.max(STANDARD_FADE_TIME, this._settings.get_uint(LOCK_DELAY_KEY)); this._lockTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(lockTimeout * 1000, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._lockTimeoutId = 0; this.lock(true); return false; })); } }, _onUserBecameActive: function() { // This function gets called here when the user becomes active // after gnome-session changed the status to IDLE // There are four possibilities here: // - we're called when already locked; isActive and isLocked are true, // we just go back to the lock screen curtain // - we're called before the lightbox is fully shown; at this point // isActive is false, so we just hide the ligthbox, reset the activationTime // and go back to the unlocked desktop // - we're called after showing the lightbox, but before the lock // delay; this is mostly like the case above, but isActive is true now // so we need to notify gnome-settings-daemon to go back to the normal // policies for blanking // (they're handled by the same code, and we emit one extra ActiveChanged // signal in the case above) // - we're called after showing the lightbox and after lock-delay; the // session is effectivelly locked now, it's time to build and show // the lock screen this.idleMonitor.remove_watch(this._becameActiveId); this._becameActiveId = 0; let lightboxWasShown = this._lightbox.shown; this._lightbox.hide(); // Shortcircuit in case the mouse was moved before the fade completed if (!lightboxWasShown) { this.deactivate(false); return; } }, _onLightboxShown: function() { this.activate(false); }, showDialog: function() { // Ensure that the stage window is mapped, before taking a grab // otherwise X errors out Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { if (!this._becomeModal()) { // In the login screen, this is a hard error. Fail-whale log('Could not acquire modal grab for the login screen. Aborting login process.'); Meta.quit(Meta.ExitCode.ERROR); } return false; })); this.actor.show(); this._isGreeter = Main.sessionMode.isGreeter; this._isLocked = true; if (this._ensureUnlockDialog(true, true)) this._hideLockScreen(false, 0); }, _hideLockScreenComplete: function() { if (Main.sessionMode.currentMode == 'lock-screen') Main.sessionMode.popMode('lock-screen'); this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.HIDDEN; this._lockScreenGroup.hide(); }, _hideLockScreen: function(animate, velocity) { if (this._lockScreenState == MessageTray.State.HIDDEN) return; this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.HIDING; Tweener.removeTweens(this._lockScreenGroup); if (animate) { // Tween the lock screen out of screen // if velocity is not specified (i.e. we come here from pressing ESC), // use the same speed regardless of original position // if velocity is specified, it's in pixels per milliseconds let h = global.stage.height; let delta = (h + this._lockScreenGroup.y); let min_velocity = global.stage.height / (CURTAIN_SLIDE_TIME * 1000); velocity = Math.max(min_velocity, velocity); let time = (delta / velocity) / 1000; Tweener.addTween(this._lockScreenGroup, { y: -h, time: time, transition: 'easeInQuad', onComplete: Lang.bind(this, this._hideLockScreenComplete), }); } else { this._hideLockScreenComplete(); } global.stage.show_cursor(); }, _ensureUnlockDialog: function(onPrimary, allowCancel) { if (!this._dialog) { let constructor = Main.sessionMode.unlockDialog; if (!constructor) { // This session mode has no locking capabilities this.deactivate(true); return false; } this._dialog = new constructor(this._lockDialogGroup); let time = global.get_current_time(); if (!this._dialog.open(time, onPrimary)) { // This is kind of an impossible error: we're already modal // by the time we reach this... log('Could not open login dialog: failed to acquire grab'); this.deactivate(true); return false; } this._dialog.connect('failed', Lang.bind(this, this._onUnlockFailed)); } this._dialog.allowCancel = allowCancel; return true; }, _onUnlockFailed: function() { this._resetLockScreen(true, false); }, _resetLockScreen: function(animateLockScreen, animateLockDialog) { // Don't reset the lock screen unless it is completely hidden // This prevents the shield going down if the lock-delay timeout // fires while the user is dragging (which has the potential // to confuse our state) if (this._lockScreenState != MessageTray.State.HIDDEN) return; this._ensureLockScreen(); this._lockDialogGroup.scale_x = 1; this._lockDialogGroup.scale_y = 1; this._lockScreenGroup.show(); this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.SHOWING; if (animateLockScreen) { this._lockScreenGroup.y = -global.screen_height; Tweener.removeTweens(this._lockScreenGroup); Tweener.addTween(this._lockScreenGroup, { y: 0, time: MANUAL_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { this._lockScreenShown(); }, onCompleteScope: this }); } else { this._lockScreenGroup.fixed_position_set = false; this._lockScreenShown(); } if (animateLockDialog) { this._lockDialogGroup.opacity = 0; Tweener.removeTweens(this._lockDialogGroup); Tweener.addTween(this._lockDialogGroup, { opacity: 255, time: MANUAL_FADE_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } else { this._lockDialogGroup.opacity = 255; } this._lockScreenGroup.grab_key_focus(); if (Main.sessionMode.currentMode != 'lock-screen') Main.sessionMode.pushMode('lock-screen'); }, _startArrowAnimation: function() { this._arrowActiveWatchId = 0; if (!this._arrowAnimationId) { this._arrowAnimationId = Mainloop.timeout_add(6000, Lang.bind(this, this._animateArrows)); this._animateArrows(); } if (!this._arrowWatchId) this._arrowWatchId = this.idleMonitor.add_idle_watch(ARROW_IDLE_TIME, Lang.bind(this, this._pauseArrowAnimation)); }, _pauseArrowAnimation: function() { if (this._arrowAnimationId) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._arrowAnimationId); this._arrowAnimationId = 0; } if (!this._arrowActiveWatchId) this._arrowActiveWatchId = this.idleMonitor.add_user_active_watch(Lang.bind(this, this._startArrowAnimation)); }, _stopArrowAnimation: function() { if (this._arrowAnimationId) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._arrowAnimationId); this._arrowAnimationId = 0; } if (this._arrowActiveWatchId) { this.idleMonitor.remove_watch(this._arrowActiveWatchId); this._arrowActiveWatchId = 0; } if (this._arrowWatchId) { this.idleMonitor.remove_watch(this._arrowWatchId); this._arrowWatchId = 0; } }, _checkArrowAnimation: function() { let idleTime = this.idleMonitor.get_idletime(); if (idleTime < ARROW_IDLE_TIME) this._startArrowAnimation(); else this._pauseArrowAnimation(); }, _lockScreenShown: function() { if (this._dialog && !this._isGreeter) { this._dialog.destroy(); this._dialog = null; } this._checkArrowAnimation(); let motionId = global.stage.connect('captured-event', function(stage, event) { if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.MOTION) { global.stage.show_cursor(); global.stage.disconnect(motionId); } return false; }); global.stage.hide_cursor(); this._lockScreenState = MessageTray.State.SHOWN; this._lockScreenGroup.fixed_position_set = false; this._lockScreenScrollCounter = 0; let prevIsActive = this._isActive; this._isActive = true; if (prevIsActive != this._isActive) this.emit('active-changed'); if (this._aboutToSuspend) this._uninhibitSuspend(); this.emit('lock-screen-shown'); }, // Some of the actors in the lock screen are heavy in // resources, so we only create them when needed _ensureLockScreen: function() { if (this._hasLockScreen) return; this._lockScreenContentsBox = new St.BoxLayout({ x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, x_expand: true, y_expand: true, vertical: true, style_class: 'screen-shield-contents-box' }); this._clock = new Clock(); this._lockScreenContentsBox.add(this._clock.actor, { x_fill: true, y_fill: true }); this._lockScreenContents.add_actor(this._lockScreenContentsBox); this._notificationsBox = new NotificationsBox(); this._lockScreenContentsBox.add(this._notificationsBox.actor, { x_fill: true, y_fill: true, expand: true }); this._hasLockScreen = true; }, _clearLockScreen: function() { this._clock.destroy(); this._clock = null; if (this._notificationsBox) { this._notificationsBox.destroy(); this._notificationsBox = null; } this._stopArrowAnimation(); this._lockScreenContentsBox.destroy(); this._hasLockScreen = false; }, get locked() { return this._isLocked; }, get active() { return this._isActive; }, get activationTime() { return this._activationTime; }, deactivate: function(animate) { if (this._dialog) this._dialog.finish(Lang.bind(this, function() { this._continueDeactivate(animate); })); else this._continueDeactivate(animate); }, _continueDeactivate: function(animate) { this._hideLockScreen(animate, 0); if (this._hasLockScreen) this._clearLockScreen(); if (Main.sessionMode.currentMode == 'lock-screen') Main.sessionMode.popMode('lock-screen'); if (Main.sessionMode.currentMode == 'unlock-dialog') Main.sessionMode.popMode('unlock-dialog'); if (this._isGreeter) { // We don't want to "deactivate" any more than // this. In particular, we don't want to drop // the modal, hide ourselves or destroy the dialog // But we do want to set isActive to false, so that // gnome-session will reset the idle counter, and // gnome-settings-daemon will stop blanking the screen this._activationTime = 0; this._isActive = false; this.emit('active-changed'); return; } if (this._dialog && !this._isGreeter) this._dialog.popModal(); if (this._isModal) { Main.popModal(this.actor); this._isModal = false; } Tweener.addTween(this._lockDialogGroup, { scale_x: 0, scale_y: 0, time: animate ? Overview.ANIMATION_TIME : 0, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: Lang.bind(this, this._completeDeactivate), onCompleteScope: this }); }, _completeDeactivate: function() { if (this._dialog) { this._dialog.destroy(); this._dialog = null; } this._lightbox.hide(); this.actor.hide(); if (this._becameActiveId != 0) { this.idleMonitor.remove_watch(this._becameActiveId); this._becameActiveId = 0; } if (this._lockTimeoutId != 0) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._lockTimeoutId); this._lockTimeoutId = 0; } this._activationTime = 0; this._isActive = false; this._isLocked = false; this.emit('active-changed'); this.emit('locked-changed'); global.set_runtime_state(LOCKED_STATE_STR, null); }, activate: function(animate) { if (this._activationTime == 0) this._activationTime = GLib.get_monotonic_time(); this.actor.show(); if (Main.sessionMode.currentMode != 'unlock-dialog' && Main.sessionMode.currentMode != 'lock-screen') { this._isGreeter = Main.sessionMode.isGreeter; if (!this._isGreeter) Main.sessionMode.pushMode('unlock-dialog'); } this._resetLockScreen(animate, animate); global.set_runtime_state(LOCKED_STATE_STR, GLib.Variant.new('b', true)); // We used to set isActive and emit active-changed here, // but now we do that from lockScreenShown, which means // there is a 0.3 seconds window during which the lock // screen is effectively visible and the screen is locked, but // the DBus interface reports the screensaver is off. // This is because when we emit ActiveChanged(true), // gnome-settings-daemon blanks the screen, and we don't want // blank during the animation. // This is not a problem for the idle fade case, because we // activate without animation in that case. }, lock: function(animate) { // Warn the user if we can't become modal if (!this._becomeModal()) { Main.notifyError(_("Unable to lock"), _("Lock was blocked by an application")); return; } // Clear the clipboard - otherwise, its contents may be leaked // to unauthorized parties by pasting into the unlock dialog's // password entry and unmasking the entry St.Clipboard.get_default().set_text(St.ClipboardType.CLIPBOARD, ''); St.Clipboard.get_default().set_text(St.ClipboardType.PRIMARY, ''); let userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default(); let user = userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name()); if (this._isGreeter) this._isLocked = true; else this._isLocked = user.password_mode != AccountsService.UserPasswordMode.NONE; this.activate(animate); this.emit('locked-changed'); }, // If the previous shell crashed, and gnome-session restarted us, then re-lock lockIfWasLocked: function() { let wasLocked = global.get_runtime_state('b', LOCKED_STATE_STR); if (wasLocked === null) return; Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.lock(false); })); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(ScreenShield.prototype);