# Slovak translation for gnome-shell.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-shell package.
# Peter Mráz <etkinator@gmail.com>, 2011.
# Michal Štrba <faiface2202@gmail.com>, 2011.
# Dušan Kazik <prescott66@gmail.com>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-shell\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-06 00:15+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-05 18:55+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Dušan Kazik <prescott66@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <gnome-sk-list@gnome.org>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 1 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 2 : 0;\n"
"X-DamnedLies-Scope: partial\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-screenshot.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Snímky obrazovky"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-screenshot.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Record a screencast"
msgstr "Zaznamenať dianie na obrazovke"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:1
msgid "System"
msgstr "Systém"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Show the message tray"
msgstr "Zobrazí lištu správ"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Focus the active notification"
msgstr "Zamerať aktívne oznámenie"

# tooltip
#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Show all applications"
msgstr "Zobrazí všetky aplikácie"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Open the application menu"
msgstr "Otvorí ponuku aplikácií"

#: ../data/gnome-shell.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "GNOME Shell"
msgstr "Shell prostredia GNOME"

#: ../data/gnome-shell.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Window management and application launching"
msgstr "Správa okien a spúšťanie aplikácií"

#: ../data/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop.in.in.h:1
#: ../js/extensionPrefs/main.js:152
msgid "GNOME Shell Extension Preferences"
msgstr "Nastavenia rozšírení pre Shell prostredia GNOME"

#: ../data/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Configure GNOME Shell Extensions"
msgstr "Nastavenie rozšírení pre Shell prostredia GNOME"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
msgid "Enable internal tools useful for developers and testers from Alt-F2"
msgstr ""
"Povoliť vnútorné nástroje užitočné pre vývojárov a testerov z dialógového "
"okna Alt-F2"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Allows access to internal debugging and monitoring tools using the Alt-F2 "
msgstr ""
"Umožňuje prístup k vnútorným ladiacim a sledovacím nástrojom pomocou "
"dialógového okna Alt-F2."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
msgid "Uuids of extensions to enable"
msgstr "Vlastnosť uuid rozšírení určených na povolenie"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
msgid ""
"GNOME Shell extensions have a uuid property; this key lists extensions which "
"should be loaded. Any extension that wants to be loaded needs to be in this "
"list. You can also manipulate this list with the EnableExtension and "
"DisableExtension DBus methods on org.gnome.Shell."
msgstr ""
"Rozšírenia pre Shell prostredia GNOME majú vlastnosť uuid; tento kľúč "
"obsahuje zoznam rozšírení, ktoré by mali byť načítané. Každé rozšírenie, "
"ktoré je potrebné načítať, musí byť v tomto zozname. Tento zoznam môžete "
"upraviť aj ručne pomocou metód DBus EnableExtension a DisableExtension v org."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
msgid "Whether to collect stats about applications usage"
msgstr "Či sa majú zhromažďovať štatistické údaje o používaní aplikácií"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
msgid ""
"The shell normally monitors active applications in order to present the most "
"used ones (e.g. in launchers). While this data will be kept private, you may "
"want to disable this for privacy reasons. Please note that doing so won't "
"remove already saved data."
msgstr ""
"Prostredie shell obvykle sleduje aktívne aplikácie, aby mohlo ponúkať "
"najpoužívanejšie z nich (napr. v spúšťačoch). Aj keď sú tieto údaje "
"uchovávané v tajnosti, môžete ich kvôli lepšej ochrane súkromia zakázať. Ak "
"tak urobíte, údaje, ktoré už boli uložené, zostanú zachované."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
msgid "List of desktop file IDs for favorite applications"
msgstr "Zoznam identifikátorov súborov plochy pre obľúbené aplikácie"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
msgid ""
"The applications corresponding to these identifiers will be displayed in the "
"favorites area."
msgstr ""
"Aplikácie zodpovedajúce týmto identifikátorom budú zobrazené medzi "
"obľúbenými aplikáciami."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:9
msgid "History for command (Alt-F2) dialog"
msgstr "História dialógového okna príkazov (Alt-F2)"

# * https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/LookingGlass
#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
msgid "History for the looking glass dialog"
msgstr "História dialógového okna integrovaného odlaďovača"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
msgid ""
"Internally used to store the last IM presence explicitly set by the user. "
"The value here is from the TpConnectionPresenceType enumeration."
msgstr ""
"Vnútorne použité na uloženie posledného stavu prítomnosti internetového "
"komunikátora výlučne nastavenej používateľom. Táto hodnota je z vymenovaných "
"hodnôt typu TpConnectionPresenceType."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:12
msgid ""
"Internally used to store the last session presence status for the user. The "
"value here is from the GsmPresenceStatus enumeration."
msgstr ""
"Vnútorne použité na uloženie posledného stavu prítomnosti relácie "
"používateľa. Táto hodnota je z vymenovaných hodnôt typu "

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:13
msgid "Always show the 'Log out' menuitem in the user menu."
msgstr "Vždy zobraziť položku „Odhlásiť sa“ v ponuke používateľa"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:14
msgid ""
"This key overrides the automatic hiding of the 'Log out' menuitem in single-"
"user, single-session situations."
msgstr ""
"Tento kľúč preváži automatické skrývanie položky „Odhlásiť sa“ v situáciách "
"s jedným používateľom alebo jednou reláciou."

# summary
#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:15
msgid ""
"Whether to remember password for mounting encrypted or remote filesystems"
msgstr ""
"Určiť, či bude zapamätané heslo pre pripojenie zašifrovaných alebo "
"prenosných súborových systémov"

# description
#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:16
msgid ""
"The shell will request a password when an encrypted device or a remote "
"filesystem is mounted. If the password can be saved for future use a "
"'Remember Password' checkbox will be present. This key sets the default "
"state of the checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Shell bude po pripojení zašifrovaného alebo prenosného súborového systému "
"požadovať heslo. Ak bude možné toto heslo uložiť pre neskoršie použitie, "
"zobrazí sa zaškrtávacie pole „Zapamätať heslo“. Tento kľúč nastaví "
"predvolený stav zaškrtávacieho poľa."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:17
msgid "Show the week date in the calendar"
msgstr "Zobraziť čísla týždňov v kalendári"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:18
msgid "If true, display the ISO week date in the calendar."
msgstr ""
"Ak je true, zobrazí v kalendári poradie dní v týždni podľa štandardu ISO."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:19
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu"
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na otvorenie ponuky aplikácií"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:20
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu."
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na otvorenie ponuky aplikácií."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:21
msgid "Keybinding to open the \"Show Applications\" view"
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na otvorenie pohľadu „Zobraziť aplikácie“"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:22
msgid ""
"Keybinding to open the \"Show Applications\" view of the Activities Overview."
msgstr ""
"Klávesová skratka na otvorenie pohľadu „Zobraziť aplikácie“ v prehľade "

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:23
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the message tray"
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na prepnutie viditeľnosti lišty správ"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:24
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the message tray."
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na prepnutie viditeľnosti lišty správ."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:25
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification"
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na zameranie aktívnych oznámení"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:26
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification."
msgstr "Klávesová skratka, s ktorou sa zamerá na aktívne oznámenia."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:27
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the screen recorder"
msgstr "Klávesová skratka na prepnutie záznamníka obrazovky"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:28
msgid "Keybinding to start/stop the builtin screen recorder."
msgstr ""
"Klávesová skratka na spustenie/zastavenia vstavaného záznamníka obrazovky."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:29
msgid "Which keyboard to use"
msgstr "Ktorú klávesnicu používať"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:30
msgid "The type of keyboard to use."
msgstr "Typ klávesnice, ktorá sa má používať."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:31
msgid "Framerate used for recording screencasts."
msgstr "Frekvencia snímkov použitá pri nahrávaní záznamu diania na obrazovke."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:32
msgid ""
"The framerate of the resulting screencast recordered by GNOME Shell's "
"screencast recorder in frames-per-second."
msgstr ""
"Frekvencia snímok (počet za sekundu) výsledného záznamu diania na obrazovke, "
"ktorý bol nahraný záznamovým programom Shellu prostredia GNOME."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:33
msgid "The gstreamer pipeline used to encode the screencast"
msgstr ""
"Zreťazenie systému gstreamer, určená na kódovanie záznamu diania na obrazovke"

# PK: rura, skor zretazenie, alebo take nec; viackrat
# Peter: vo všetkých prekladoch je myslím rúra - oprav ma ak sa mýlim
# PK: to neviem, len ak obezny user by som to nepochopil (mam sice IQ 103 :-D); nechavam na PŠ
# PŠ: zreťazenie je pekný preklad, zišlo by sa to použiť (zmeniť?) aj v iných moduloch
#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:35
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Sets the GStreamer pipeline used to encode recordings. It follows the syntax "
"used for gst-launch. The pipeline should have an unconnected sink pad where "
"the recorded video is recorded. It will normally have a unconnected source "
"pad; output from that pad will be written into the output file. However the "
"pipeline can also take care of its own output - this might be used to send "
"the output to an icecast server via shout2send or similar. When unset or set "
"to an empty value, the default pipeline will be used. This is currently "
"'vp8enc min_quantizer=13 max_quantizer=13 cpu-used=5 deadline=1000000 "
"threads=%T ! queue ! webmmux' and records to WEBM using the VP8 codec. %T is "
"used as a placeholder for a guess at the optimal thread count on the system."
msgstr ""
"Nastavuje zreťazenie systému GStreamer určené pre kódované nahrávok. Používa "
"rovnakú syntax ako gst-launch. Zreťazenie by malo mať ďalej nepripojený "
"cieľ, v ktorom sa video nahráva. Obvykle má nepripojený zdroj; výstup z "
"takého zdroja sa bude zapisovať do výstupného súboru. Zreťazenie je ale "
"schopné zabezpečiť i vlastný výstup, čo sa dá využiť na odosielanie výstupu "
"na server icecast cez shout2send a pod. Ak toto nie je nastavené, alebo je "
"to nastavené na prázdnu hodnotu, použije sa predvolené zreťazenie. Teraz je "
"to „vp8enc min_quantizer=13 max_quantizer=13 cpu-used=5 deadline=1000000 "
"threads=%T ! queue ! webmmux“, čo nahráva do WEBM použitím kodeku VP8. %T sa "
"použije ako zástupný symbol odhadu najvhodnejšieho počtu vlákien v systéme."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:36
msgid "File extension used for storing the screencast"
msgstr "Prípona súboru použitá na ukladanie záznamu diania na obrazovke"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:37
msgid ""
"The filename for recorded screencasts will be a unique filename based on the "
"current date, and use this extension. It should be changed when recording to "
"a different container format."
msgstr ""
"Súbor pre nahrané záznamy diania na obrazovke bude mať jedinečný názov na "
"základe aktuálneho dátumu a použije túto príponu. Pri nahrávaní do iného "
"formátu kontajneru by mala byť zmenená."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:38
msgid "The application icon mode."
msgstr "Režim ikonizácie aplikácií."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:39
msgid ""
"Configures how the windows are shown in the switcher. Valid possibilities "
"are 'thumbnail-only' (shows a thumbnail of the window), 'app-icon-"
"only' (shows only the application icon) or 'both'."
msgstr ""
"Konfiguruje, ako sa majú zobraziť okná v prepínači. Platné možnosti sú "
"„thumbnail-only“ (zobrazí miniatúru okna), „app-icon-only“ (zobrazí iba "
"ikonu aplikácie) alebo „both“ (zobrazí oboje)."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:40
msgid "Attach modal dialog to the parent window"
msgstr "Pripojiť modálne dialógové okno k rodičovskému oknu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:41
msgid ""
"This key overrides the key in org.gnome.mutter when running GNOME Shell."
msgstr ""
"Tento kľúč preváži kľúč v org.gnome.mutter po spustení Shellu prostredia "

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:42
msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
msgstr "Usporiadanie tlačidiel na titulku okna"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:43
msgid ""
"This key overrides the key in org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences when running "
"GNOME Shell."
msgstr ""
"Tento kľúč preváži kľúč v org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences po spustení "
"Shellu prostredia GNOME."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:44
msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
msgstr ""

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:45
msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
msgstr "Pracovné priestory sú spravované dynamicky"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:46
msgid "Workspaces only on primary monitor"
msgstr "Pracovné priestory sú iba na primárnom monitore"

#: ../js/extensionPrefs/main.js:124
#, c-format
msgid "There was an error loading the preferences dialog for %s:"
msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba pri načítavaní dialógového okna nastavení pre %s:"

#: ../js/extensionPrefs/main.js:164
msgid "Extension"
msgstr "Rozšírenie"

#: ../js/extensionPrefs/main.js:188
msgid "Select an extension to configure using the combobox above."
msgstr "Použitím ponuky vyberte rozšírenie na nastavenie"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:569
msgid "Session..."
msgstr "Relácia…"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:726
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Prihlásenie"

# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=659972
#. translators: this message is shown below the user list on the
#. login screen. It can be activated to reveal an entry for
#. manually entering the username.
#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:790
msgid "Not listed?"
msgstr "Nie ste v zozname?"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:967 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:137
#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:162 ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:373
#: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:195 ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:399
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:415 ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:178
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušiť"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:983
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Prihlásiť sa"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:983
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Ďalej"

#. TTLS and PEAP are actually much more complicated, but this complication
#. is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
#. (and don't even care of which one)
#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1091 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:260
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:278
msgid "Username: "
msgstr "Používateľské meno: "

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1387
msgid "Login Window"
msgstr "Prihlasovacie okno"

#. Translators: accessible name of the power menu in the login screen
#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:36
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Napájanie"

#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:93 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:679 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:683
#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:799
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Uspať"

#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:98
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reštartovať"

#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:103 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:681
#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:683 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:798
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Vypnúť"

#: ../js/gdm/util.js:152
msgid "Authentication error"
msgstr "Chyba pri overovaní totožnosti"

#. Translators: this message is shown below the password entry field
#. to indicate the user can swipe their finger instead
#: ../js/gdm/util.js:269
msgid "(or swipe finger)"
msgstr "(alebo prejdite prstom)"

#: ../js/gdm/util.js:294
#, c-format
msgid "(e.g., user or %s)"
msgstr "(napr., používateľ alebo %s)"

#: ../js/misc/util.js:92
msgid "Command not found"
msgstr "Príkaz nebol nájdený"

#. Replace "Error invoking GLib.shell_parse_argv: " with
#. something nicer
#: ../js/misc/util.js:125
msgid "Could not parse command:"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa analyzovať príkaz:"

#: ../js/misc/util.js:133
#, c-format
msgid "Execution of '%s' failed:"
msgstr "Spustenie „%s“ zlyhalo:"

#. Translators: Filter to display all applications
#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:259
msgid "All"
msgstr "Všetky"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:667
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Nové okno"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:670 ../js/ui/dash.js:289
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "Odstrániť z obľúbených"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:671
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "Pridať do obľúbených"

#: ../js/ui/appFavorites.js:87
#, c-format
msgid "%s has been added to your favorites."
msgstr "Program %s bol pridaný medzi obľúbené."

#: ../js/ui/appFavorites.js:121
#, c-format
msgid "%s has been removed from your favorites."
msgstr "Program %s bol odstránený z obľúbených."

#. Translators: Shown in calendar event list for all day events
#. * Keep it short, best if you can use less then 10 characters
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:61
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "All Day"
msgstr "Celý deň"

#. Translators: Shown in calendar event list, if 24h format
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:66
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "%H:%M"
msgstr "%H:%M"

#. Transators: Shown in calendar event list, if 12h format
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:73
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "%l:%M %p"
msgstr "%l:%M %p"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Sunday.
#. *
#. * NOTE: These grid abbreviations are always shown together
#. * and in order, e.g. "S M T W T F S".
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:104
msgctxt "grid sunday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "Ne"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Monday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:106
msgctxt "grid monday"
msgid "M"
msgstr "Po"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Tuesday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:108
msgctxt "grid tuesday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "Ut"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Wednesday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:110
msgctxt "grid wednesday"
msgid "W"
msgstr "St"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Thursday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:112
msgctxt "grid thursday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "Št"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Friday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:114
msgctxt "grid friday"
msgid "F"
msgstr "Pi"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Saturday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:116
msgctxt "grid saturday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "So"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Sunday.
#. *
#. * NOTE: These list abbreviations are normally not shown together
#. * so they need to be unique (e.g. Tuesday and Thursday cannot
#. * both be 'T').
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:129
msgctxt "list sunday"
msgid "Su"
msgstr "Ne"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Monday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:131
msgctxt "list monday"
msgid "M"
msgstr "Po"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Tuesday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:133
msgctxt "list tuesday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "Ut"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Wednesday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:135
msgctxt "list wednesday"
msgid "W"
msgstr "St"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Thursday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:137
msgctxt "list thursday"
msgid "Th"
msgstr "Št"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Friday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:139
msgctxt "list friday"
msgid "F"
msgstr "Pi"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Saturday
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:141
msgctxt "list saturday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "So"

#. Translators: Text to show if there are no events
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:674
msgid "Nothing Scheduled"
msgstr "Žiadne naplánované udalosti"

#. Translators: Shown on calendar heading when selected day occurs on current year
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:690
msgctxt "calendar heading"
msgid "%A, %B %d"
msgstr "%A, %e. %B"

#. Translators: Shown on calendar heading when selected day occurs on different year
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:693
msgctxt "calendar heading"
msgid "%A, %B %d, %Y"
msgstr "%A, %e. %B %Y"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:703
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Dnes"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:707
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "Zajtra"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:718
msgid "This week"
msgstr "Tento týždeň"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:726
msgid "Next week"
msgstr "Ďalší týždeň"

#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:90
msgid "External drive connected"
msgstr "Externá jednotka bola pripojená"

#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:101
msgid "External drive disconnected"
msgstr "Externá jednotka bola odpojená"

#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:292
msgid "Removable Devices"
msgstr "Vymeniteľné zariadenia"

# DK: doplnil som slovo "programu", aby to znelo prirodzenejsie. priklad:po pripojeni USB kluca bolo zobrazene "Otvoriť pomocou Súbory"
#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:591
#, c-format
msgid "Open with %s"
msgstr "Otvoriť pomocou programu %s"

#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:617
msgid "Eject"
msgstr "Vysunúť"

#: ../js/ui/components/keyring.js:82 ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:268
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"

#: ../js/ui/components/keyring.js:101
msgid "Type again:"
msgstr "Zadajte znovu:"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:132
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Pripojiť"

#. Cisco LEAP
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:223
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:235
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:262
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:282
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:292
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "Heslo: "

#. static WEP
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:228
msgid "Key: "
msgstr "Kľúč: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:266
msgid "Identity: "
msgstr "Identita: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:268
msgid "Private key password: "
msgstr "Heslo k súkromnému kľúču: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:280
msgid "Service: "
msgstr "Služba: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:309
msgid "Authentication required by wireless network"
msgstr "Bezdrôtová sieť vyžaduje overenie totožnosti"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:310
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network "
msgstr ""
"Na prístup do bezdrôtovej siete „%s“ sú vyžadované heslá alebo šifrovacie "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:314
msgid "Wired 802.1X authentication"
msgstr "Overenie totožnosti k drôtovej sieti 802.1X"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:316
msgid "Network name: "
msgstr "Názov siete: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:321
msgid "DSL authentication"
msgstr "Overenie totožnosti k DSL"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:328
msgid "PIN code required"
msgstr "Požaduje sa kód PIN"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:329
msgid "PIN code is needed for the mobile broadband device"
msgstr "Pre zariadenie mobilnej siete je potrebný kód PIN"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:330
msgid "PIN: "
msgstr "PIN: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:336
msgid "Mobile broadband network password"
msgstr "Heslo k mobilnej sieti"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:337
#, c-format
msgid "A password is required to connect to '%s'."
msgstr "Na pripojenie k „%s“ sa požaduje heslo."

#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:55
msgid "Authentication Required"
msgstr "Požaduje sa overenie totožnosti"

# PŠ: ináč toto je riadna hlúposť, keďže sa pýta heslo používateľa "root"
#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:93
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Správca"

#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:165
msgid "Authenticate"
msgstr "Overiť totožnosť"

#. Translators: "that didn't work" refers to the fact that the
#. * requested authentication was not gained; this can happen
#. * because of an authentication error (like invalid password),
#. * for instance.
#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:256 ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:383
msgid "Sorry, that didn't work. Please try again."
msgstr "Prepáčte, ale nezabralo to. Skúste to, prosím, znova."

# %d je datum, %t je cas
#. Translators: this is a filename used for screencast recording
#: ../js/ui/components/recorder.js:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screencast from %d %t"
msgstr "Záznam videa obrazovky dňa %d o %t"

#. FIXME: We don't have a 'chat room' icon (bgo #653737) use
#. system-users for now as Empathy does.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:238
msgid "Invitation"
msgstr "Pozvánka"

#. We got the TpContact
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:298
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Hovor"

#. We got the TpContact
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:314
msgid "File Transfer"
msgstr "Prenos súborov"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:418
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Rozhovor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:480
msgid "Unmute"
msgstr "Obnoviť zvuk"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:480
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Stlmiť"

#. Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a time string. i.e. "Yesterday, 14:30"
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:938
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Yesterday</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
msgstr "<b>Včera</b> o <b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time string. i.e. "Monday, 14:30
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:944
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>%A</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
msgstr "v <b>%A</b> o <b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the month name and day number followed by a time string. i.e. "May 25, 14:30"
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:949
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
msgstr "<b>%e.</b> <b>%B</b> o <b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the month name, day number, year number followed by a time string. i.e. "May 25 2012, 14:30"
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:953
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "
msgstr "<b>%e.</b> <b>%B</b> <b>%Y</b> o <b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the other person changing their old IM name to their new
#. IM name.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:981
#, c-format
msgid "%s is now known as %s"
msgstr "Kontakt %s odteraz vystupuje ako %s"

#. translators: argument is a room name like
#. * room@jabber.org for example.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1084
#, c-format
msgid "Invitation to %s"
msgstr "Pozvánka do %s"

#. translators: first argument is the name of a contact and the second
#. * one the name of a room. "Alice is inviting you to join room@jabber.org
#. * for example.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1092
#, c-format
msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s"
msgstr "Kontakt %s vás pozýva aby ste sa pridali do %s"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1094
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1133
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1173
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1236
msgid "Decline"
msgstr "Odmietnuť"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1095
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1174
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1237
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Prijať"

#. translators: argument is a contact name like Alice for example.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1125
#, c-format
msgid "Video call from %s"
msgstr "Videohovor od kontaktu %s"

#. translators: argument is a contact name like Alice for example.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1128
#, c-format
msgid "Call from %s"
msgstr "Hovor od kontaktu %s"

#. translators: this is a button label (verb), not a noun
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1135
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Prijať hovor"

#. To translators: The first parameter is
#. * the contact's alias and the second one is the
#. * file name. The string will be something
#. * like: "Alice is sending you test.ogg"
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1167
#, c-format
msgid "%s is sending you %s"
msgstr "Kontakt %s vám posiela %s"

#. To translators: The parameter is the contact's alias
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1202
#, c-format
msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online"
msgstr "Kontakt %s by chcel získať oprávnenie vidieť, kedy ste pripojený"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1294
msgid "Network error"
msgstr "Chyba siete"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1296
msgid "Authentication failed"
msgstr "Overenie totožnosti zlyhalo"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1298
msgid "Encryption error"
msgstr "Chyba šifrovania"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1300
msgid "Certificate not provided"
msgstr "Neposkytnutý certifikát"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1302
msgid "Certificate untrusted"
msgstr "Nedôveryhodný certifikát"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1304
msgid "Certificate expired"
msgstr "Certifikát s ukončenou platnosťou"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1306
msgid "Certificate not activated"
msgstr "Neaktivovaný certifikát"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1308
msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch"
msgstr "Certifikát s nesúhlasným názvom hostiteľa"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1310
msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch"
msgstr "Certifikát s nesúhlasným odtlačkom"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1312
msgid "Certificate self-signed"
msgstr "Sebou podpísaný certifikát"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1314
msgid "Status is set to offline"
msgstr "Stav je nastavený na odhlásený"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1316
msgid "Encryption is not available"
msgstr "Šifrovanie nie je dostupné"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1318
msgid "Certificate is invalid"
msgstr "Certifikát je neplatný"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1320
msgid "Connection has been refused"
msgstr "Pripojenie bolo odmietnuté"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1322
msgid "Connection can't be established"
msgstr "Nedá sa nadviazať spojenie"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1324
msgid "Connection has been lost"
msgstr "Spojenie sa stratilo"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1326
msgid "This account is already connected to the server"
msgstr "Tento účet je už pripojený k serveru"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1328
msgid ""
"Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource"
msgstr "Pripojenie bolo nahradené novým, ktoré používa rovnaký zdroj"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1330
msgid "The account already exists on the server"
msgstr "Účet na serveri už existuje"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1332
msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection"
msgstr "Server je momentálne príliš zaneprázdnený na zvládnutie pripojenia"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1334
msgid "Certificate has been revoked"
msgstr "Certifikát bol zrušený"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1336
msgid ""
"Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak"
msgstr ""
"Šifrovací algoritmus používaný certifikátom nie je bezpečný alebo je "
"kryptograficky slabý"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1338
msgid ""
"The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate "
"chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library"
msgstr ""
"Dĺžka certifikátu servera, alebo hĺbka reťazca certifikátu servera presahuje "
"limit stanovený kryptografickou knižnicou."

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1340
msgid "Internal error"
msgstr "Vnútorná chyba"

#. translators: argument is the account name, like
#. * name@jabber.org for example.
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1350
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to connect to %s"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa pripojiť účet %s"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1355
msgid "View account"
msgstr "Zobraziť účet"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1394
msgid "Unknown reason"
msgstr "Neznámy dôvod"

#: ../js/ui/ctrlAltTab.js:29 ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:81
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Okná"

# tooltip
#: ../js/ui/dash.js:253 ../js/ui/dash.js:291
msgid "Show Applications"
msgstr "Zobrazí aplikácie"

#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:91
msgid "Open Calendar"
msgstr "Otvoriť kalendár"

#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:96
msgid "Open Clocks"
msgstr "Otvoriť hodiny"

#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:105
msgid "Date & Time Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia dátumu a času"

#. Translators: This is the date format to use when the calendar popup is
#. * shown - it is shown just below the time in the shell (e.g. "Tue 9:29 AM").
#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:205
msgid "%A %B %e, %Y"
msgstr "%A, %e. %B %Y"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:61
#, c-format
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Log Out %s"
msgstr "Odhlásenie používateľa %s"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:62
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Odhlásenie"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:63
msgid "Click Log Out to quit these applications and log out of the system."
msgstr ""
"Po kliknutí na „Odhlásiť sa“ sa ukončia tieto aplikácie a budete odhlásení "
"zo systému."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:65
#, c-format
msgid "%s will be logged out automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "%s will be logged out automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Používateľ %s bude automaticky odhlásený o %d sekúnd."
msgstr[1] "Používateľ %s bude automaticky odhlásený o %d sekundu."
msgstr[2] "Používateľ %s bude automaticky odhlásený o %d sekundy."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:70
#, c-format
msgid "You will be logged out automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "You will be logged out automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Budete automaticky odhlásený o %d sekúnd."
msgstr[1] "Budete automaticky odhlásený o %d sekundu."
msgstr[2] "Budete automaticky odhlásený o %d sekundy."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:74
msgid "Logging out of the system."
msgstr "Prebieha odhlásenie zo systému."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:76
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Odhlásiť sa"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:81
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Vypnutie"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:82
msgid "Click Power Off to quit these applications and power off the system."
msgstr "Po kliknutí na „Vypnúť“ sa ukončia tieto aplikácie a systém sa vypne."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:84
#, c-format
msgid "The system will power off automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "The system will power off automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Systém sa automaticky vypne o %d sekúnd."
msgstr[1] "Systém sa automaticky vypne o %d sekundu."
msgstr[2] "Systém sa automaticky vypne o %d sekundy."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:88
msgid "Powering off the system."
msgstr "Vypína sa systém."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:90 ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:107
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reštartovať"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:92
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Vypnúť"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:98
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reštart"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:99
msgid "Click Restart to quit these applications and restart the system."
msgstr ""
"Po kliknutí na „Reštartovať“ sa ukončia tieto aplikácie a systém sa "

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:101
#, c-format
msgid "The system will restart automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "The system will restart automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Systém sa automaticky reštartuje o %d sekúnd."
msgstr[1] "Systém sa automaticky reštartuje o %d sekundu."
msgstr[2] "Systém sa automaticky reštartuje o %d sekundy."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:105
msgid "Restarting the system."
msgstr "Reštartuje sa systém."

#: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:199
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Inštalovať"

#: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:204
#, c-format
msgid "Download and install '%s' from extensions.gnome.org?"
msgstr "Stiahnuť a nainštalovať „%s“ z extensions.gnome.org?"

#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:289
msgid "tray"
msgstr "lišta"

#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:634 ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:314
#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:211
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Klávesnica"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:692
msgid "No extensions installed"
msgstr "Žiadne nainštalované rozšírenia"

#. Translators: argument is an extension UUID.
#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:746
#, c-format
msgid "%s has not emitted any errors."
msgstr "%s nevyslal žiadnu chybu."

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:752
msgid "Hide Errors"
msgstr "Skryť chyby"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:756 ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:816
msgid "Show Errors"
msgstr "Zobraziť chyby"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:765
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Povolené"

#. translators:
#. * The device has been disabled
#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:768 ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1830
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Zakázané"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:770
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:772
msgid "Out of date"
msgstr "Neaktuálne"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:774
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "Sťahuje sa"

# PK: ide tu o zdrojovy kod?
#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:798
msgid "View Source"
msgstr "Zobraziť zdroj"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:807
msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Webová stránka"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1151
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otvoriť"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1158
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odstrániť"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1629
msgid "No Messages"
msgstr "Žiadne správy"

# DK: zvazoval som pouzit "Panel správ"
# neviem co bude vhodnejsie ako preklad "tray"
#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1648
msgid "Message Tray"
msgstr "Lišta správ"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:2759
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "Informácie o systéme"

#: ../js/ui/notificationDaemon.js:627 ../src/shell-app.c:374
msgctxt "program"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznámy"

#: ../js/ui/overview.js:92
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Vrátiť"

#: ../js/ui/overview.js:139
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Prehľad"

#. Translators: this is the text displayed
#. in the search entry when no search is
#. active; it should not exceed ~30
#. characters.
#: ../js/ui/overview.js:218
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Vyhľadávanie…"

#. Translators: this is the name of the dock/favorites area on
#. the left of the overview
#: ../js/ui/overview.js:236
msgid "Dash"
msgstr "Dok"

#: ../js/ui/panel.js:613
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Ukončiť"

#. Translators: If there is no suitable word for "Activities"
#. in your language, you can use the word for "Overview".
#: ../js/ui/panel.js:642
msgid "Activities"
msgstr "Aktivity"

#: ../js/ui/panel.js:983
msgid "Top Bar"
msgstr "Horná lišta"

#. Translators: this MUST be either "toggle-switch-us"
#. (for toggle switches containing the English words
#. "ON" and "OFF") or "toggle-switch-intl" (for toggle
#. switches containing "◯" and "|"). Other values will
#. simply result in invisible toggle switches.
#: ../js/ui/popupMenu.js:727
msgid "toggle-switch-us"
msgstr "toggle-switch-intl"

#: ../js/ui/runDialog.js:205
msgid "Enter a Command"
msgstr "Zadajte príkaz"

#: ../js/ui/runDialog.js:241
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavrieť"

# DK: je tento format casu spravne? neviem zistit co ktore premenne znamenaju.
# ma sa v preklade zmenit "%e" na "%d" ?
# v ostatnych retazcoch je pouzite %e, tak to bude asi OK
#. Translators: This is a time format for a date in
#. long format
#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:115
msgid "%A, %B %d"
msgstr "%A, %e. %B"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:178
#, c-format
msgid "%d new message"
msgid_plural "%d new messages"
msgstr[0] "%d nových správ"
msgstr[1] "%d nová správa"
msgstr[2] "%d nové správy"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:180
#, c-format
msgid "%d new notification"
msgid_plural "%d new notifications"
msgstr[0] "%d nových oznámení"
msgstr[1] "%d nové oznámenie"
msgstr[2] "%d nové oznámenia"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:464 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:790
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Uzamknúť"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:615
msgid "GNOME needs to lock the screen"
msgstr ""

#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:430
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Hľadá sa…"

#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:478
msgid "No results."
msgstr "Žiadne výsledky."

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:26
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopírovať"

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:31
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Prilepiť"

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:102
msgid "Show Text"
msgstr "Zobraziť text"

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:104
msgid "Hide Text"
msgstr "Skryť text"

#: ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:370
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"

#: ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:391
msgid "Remember Password"
msgstr "Zapamätať heslo"

#: ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:403 ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:192
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Odblokovať"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:40
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr "Zjednodušenie ovládania"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:45
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Lupa"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:52
msgid "Screen Reader"
msgstr "Čítačka obrazovky"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:56
msgid "Screen Keyboard"
msgstr "Klávesnica na obrazovke"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:60
msgid "Visual Alerts"
msgstr "Vizuálne upozornenia"

# z gnome control center
#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:63
msgid "Sticky Keys"
msgstr "Lepkavé klávesy"

# z gnome control center
#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:66
msgid "Slow Keys"
msgstr "Pomalé klávesy"

# z gnome control center
#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:69
msgid "Bounce Keys"
msgstr "Poskakujúce klávesy"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:72
msgid "Mouse Keys"
msgstr "Myš klávesmi"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:76
msgid "Universal Access Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia bezbariérového prístupu"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:112
msgid "High Contrast"
msgstr "Vysoký kontrast"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:159
msgid "Large Text"
msgstr "Veľký text"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:28 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:32
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:289 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:321
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:357 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:388
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:826
msgid "Bluetooth"
msgstr "Bluetooth"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:45
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Viditeľnosť"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:59
msgid "Send Files to Device..."
msgstr "Odoslať súbory do zariadenia…"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:60
#| msgid "Set up a New Device..."
msgid "Set Up a New Device..."
msgstr "Nastaviť nové zariadenie…"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:84
msgid "Bluetooth Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia Bluetooth"

#. TRANSLATORS: this means that bluetooth was disabled by hardware rfkill
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:104 ../js/ui/status/network.js:178
msgid "hardware disabled"
msgstr "hardvér zakázaný"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:197
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "Pripojenie"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:208 ../js/ui/status/network.js:460
msgid "disconnecting..."
msgstr "odpája sa…"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:221 ../js/ui/status/network.js:466
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1546
msgid "connecting..."
msgstr "pripája sa…"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:239
msgid "Send Files..."
msgstr "Odoslať súbory…"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:246
msgid "Keyboard Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia klávesnice"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:249
msgid "Mouse Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia myši"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:254 ../js/ui/status/volume.js:316
msgid "Sound Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia zvuku"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:322
#, c-format
msgid "Authorization request from %s"
msgstr "Žiadosť o potvrdenie prístupu od %s"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:328
#, c-format
msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'"
msgstr "Zariadenie %s chce pristupovať k službe „%s“"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:330
msgid "Always grant access"
msgstr "Vždy povoliť prístup"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:331
msgid "Grant this time only"
msgstr "Povoliť iba teraz"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:332
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Odmietnuť"

#. Translators: argument is the device short name
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:359
#, c-format
msgid "Pairing confirmation for %s"
msgstr "Potvrdenie spárovania pre %s"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:365 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:396
#, c-format
msgid "Device %s wants to pair with this computer"
msgstr "Zariadenie %s sa chce spárovať s týmto počítačom"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:366
#, c-format
msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%06d' matches the one on the device."
msgstr "Prosím, potvrďte, či sa PIN „%06d“ zhoduje s tým na zariadení."

#. Translators: this is the verb, not the noun
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:369
msgid "Matches"
msgstr "Zhoduje sa"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:370
msgid "Does not match"
msgstr "Nezhoduje sa"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:389
#, c-format
msgid "Pairing request for %s"
msgstr "Požiadavka na spárovanie pre %s"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:397
msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on the device."
msgstr "Zadajte PIN, ktoré je uvedené na zariadení."

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:414
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ok"

#: ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:368
msgid "Show Keyboard Layout"
msgstr "Zobraziť rozloženie klávesnice"

#: ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:373
msgid "Region & Language Settings"
msgstr "Miestne a jazykové nastavenia"

#: ../js/ui/status/lockScreenMenu.js:43
msgid "Volume, network, battery"
msgstr "Hlasitosť, sieť, batéria"

# zariadenie
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:104
msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<neznáme>"

#. Translators: this indicates that wireless or wwan is disabled by hardware killswitch
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:200
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "zakázané"

#. Translators: this is for network devices that are physically present but are not
#. under NetworkManager's control (and thus cannot be used in the menu)
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:458
msgid "unmanaged"
msgstr "nespravované"

#. Translators: this is for network connections that require some kind of key or password
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:469 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1549
msgid "authentication required"
msgstr "požaduje sa overenie totožnosti"

#. Translators: this is for devices that require some kind of firmware or kernel
#. module, which is missing
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:479
msgid "firmware missing"
msgstr "chýba firmvér"

#. Translators: this is for wired network devices that are physically disconnected
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:486
msgid "cable unplugged"
msgstr "kábel odpojený"

#. Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated (for example it
#. is disabled by rfkill, or it has no coverage
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:491
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "nedostupné"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:493 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1551
msgid "connection failed"
msgstr "pripojenie zlyhalo"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:552 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1435
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1627
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Viac…"

#. TRANSLATORS: this is the indication that a connection for another logged in user is active,
#. and we cannot access its settings (including the name)
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:588 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1365
msgid "Connected (private)"
msgstr "Pripojené (súkromne)"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:667
msgid "Wired"
msgstr "Drôtové pripojenie"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:668
msgid "Auto Ethernet"
msgstr "Automatický ethernet"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:695
msgid "Mobile broadband"
msgstr "Širokopásmové pripojenie"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:728
msgid "Auto broadband"
msgstr "Automatické širokopásmové pripojenie"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:731
msgid "Auto dial-up"
msgstr "Automatické vytáčané pripojenie"

#. TRANSLATORS: this the automatic wireless connection name (including the network name)
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:861 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1382
#, c-format
msgid "Auto %s"
msgstr "Automatické pripojenie %s"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:863
msgid "Auto bluetooth"
msgstr "Automatický bluetooth"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1384
msgid "Auto wireless"
msgstr "Automatická bezdrôtová sieť"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1677
msgid "Enable networking"
msgstr "Povoliť sieť"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1719
msgid "Wi-Fi"
msgstr "Wi-Fi"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1738
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia siete"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1797
msgid "Network Manager"
msgstr "Správca siete"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1887
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Pripojenie zlyhalo"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1888
msgid "Activation of network connection failed"
msgstr "Aktivácia pripojenia k sieti zlyhala"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:2266
msgid "Networking is disabled"
msgstr "Sieť je zakázaná"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:55
msgid "Battery"
msgstr "Batéria"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:81
msgid "Power Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia napájania"

#. 0 is reported when UPower does not have enough data
#. to estimate battery life
#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:99
msgid "Estimating..."
msgstr "Odhaduje sa…"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:106
#, c-format
msgid "%d hour remaining"
msgid_plural "%d hours remaining"
msgstr[0] "zostáva %d hodín"
msgstr[1] "zostáva %d hodina"
msgstr[2] "zostávajú %d hodiny"

#. TRANSLATORS: this is a time string, as in "%d hours %d minutes remaining"
#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:109
#, c-format
msgid "%d %s %d %s remaining"
msgstr "Zostáva %d %s a %d %s"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:111
msgid "hour"
msgid_plural "hours"
msgstr[0] "hodín"
msgstr[1] "hodina"
msgstr[2] "hodiny"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:111
msgid "minute"
msgid_plural "minutes"
msgstr[0] "minút"
msgstr[1] "minúta"
msgstr[2] "minúty"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:114
#, c-format
msgid "%d minute remaining"
msgid_plural "%d minutes remaining"
msgstr[0] "zostáva %d minút"
msgstr[1] "zostáva %d minúta"
msgstr[2] "zostávajú %d minúty"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:117 ../js/ui/status/power.js:191
#, c-format
msgctxt "percent of battery remaining"
msgid "%d%%"
msgstr "%d %%"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:201
#| msgid "AC adapter"
msgid "AC Adapter"
msgstr "Napájací adaptér"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:203
#| msgid "Laptop battery"
msgid "Laptop Battery"
msgstr "Batéria notebooku"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:205
msgid "UPS"
msgstr "UPS"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:207
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Monitor"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:209
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Myš"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:213
msgid "PDA"
msgstr "PDA"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:215
#| msgid "Cell phone"
msgid "Cell Phone"
msgstr "Mobilný telefón"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:217
#| msgid "Media player"
msgid "Media Player"
msgstr "Prehrávač multimédií"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:219
msgid "Tablet"
msgstr "Tablet"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:221
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Počítač"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:223
msgctxt "device"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznáme"

#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:124
msgid "Volume changed"
msgstr "Hlasitosť bola zmenená"

#. Translators: This is the label for audio volume
#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:249 ../js/ui/status/volume.js:297
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Hlasitosť"

#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:258
msgid "Microphone"
msgstr "Mikrofón"

#: ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:203
msgid "Log in as another user"
msgstr "Prihlásiť ako iný používateľ"

#: ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:229
msgid "Unlock Window"
msgstr "Odomykacie okno"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:177
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Prítomný"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:180
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Zaneprázdnený"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:183
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "Neviditeľný"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:186
msgid "Away"
msgstr "Neprítomný"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:189
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "Nečinný"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:192
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Odhlásený"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:764
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Upozornenia"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:772
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:780
msgid "Switch User"
msgstr "Prepnúť používateľa"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:785
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Odhlásiť sa"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:805
msgid "Install Updates & Restart"
msgstr "Nainštalovať aktualizácie a reštartovať"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:823
msgid "Your chat status will be set to busy"
msgstr "Váš stav bude nastavený na zaneprázdnený"

#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:824
msgid ""
"Notifications are now disabled, including chat messages. Your online status "
"has been adjusted to let others know that you might not see their messages."
msgstr ""
"Oznámenia, vrátane správ rozhovoru, sú teraz zakázané. Váš stav online bol "
"nastavený tak, aby ostatní vedeli, že nemusíte vidieť ich správy."

#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:85
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Aplikácie"

#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:89
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hľadať"

#: ../js/ui/wanda.js:92
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, no wisdom for you today:\n"
msgstr ""
"Prepáčte, dnes nie je pre vás pripravená žiadna múdrosť:\n"

#: ../js/ui/wanda.js:96
#, c-format
msgid "%s the Oracle says"
msgstr "Veštec hovorí %s"

# %s je totiž titulok okna
# informacna bublina
#: ../js/ui/windowAttentionHandler.js:19
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is ready"
msgstr "Program „%s“ je pripravený"

#: ../src/calendar-server/evolution-calendar.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Evolution Calendar"
msgstr "Kalendár Evolution"

#. translators:
#. * The number of sound outputs on a particular device
#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1837
#, c-format
msgid "%u Output"
msgid_plural "%u Outputs"
msgstr[0] "%u výstupov"
msgstr[1] "%u výstup"
msgstr[2] "%u výstupy"

#. translators:
#. * The number of sound inputs on a particular device
#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1847
#, c-format
msgid "%u Input"
msgid_plural "%u Inputs"
msgstr[0] "%u vstupov"
msgstr[1] "%u vstup"
msgstr[2] "%u vstupy"

#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:2371
msgid "System Sounds"
msgstr "Zvuky systému"

#: ../src/main.c:347
msgid "Print version"
msgstr "Verzia pre tlač"

#: ../src/main.c:353
msgid "Mode used by GDM for login screen"
msgstr "Režim používaný GDM pre prihlasovaciu obrazovku"

#: ../src/main.c:359
msgid "Use a specific mode, e.g. \"gdm\" for login screen"
msgstr "Použitie zvláštneho režimu, napr. „gdm“  pre prihlasovaciu obrazovku"

#: ../src/main.c:365
msgid "List possible modes"
msgstr "Zoznam možných režimov"

#: ../src/shell-app.c:622
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to launch '%s'"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spustiť „%s“"

#: ../src/shell-keyring-prompt.c:708
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Heslá sa nezhodujú."

#: ../src/shell-keyring-prompt.c:716
msgid "Password cannot be blank"
msgstr "Heslo nemôže byť prázdne"

# rovnaký reťazec ako v PolicyKit-gnome
#: ../src/shell-polkit-authentication-agent.c:343
msgid "Authentication dialog was dismissed by the user"
msgstr "Dialógové okno overenia totožnosti bolo zatvorené používateľom"

#~ msgid "United Kingdom"
#~ msgstr "Spojené kráľovstvo"

# ide o APN (Access Point Name, pri GPRS pripojení) - názov, takže mužský rod
#~ msgid "Default"
#~ msgstr "Predvolený"

#~ msgid "Show full name in the user menu"
#~ msgstr "Zobraziť celé meno v ponuke používateľa"