// -*- mode: js2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 4 -*- const ByteArray = imports.byteArray; const DBus = imports.dbus; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const GObject = imports.gi.GObject; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const NetworkManager = imports.gi.NetworkManager; const NMClient = imports.gi.NMClient; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const ModemManager = imports.misc.modemManager; const Util = imports.misc.util; const NMConnectionCategory = { INVALID: 'invalid', WIRED: 'wired', WIRELESS: 'wireless', WWAN: 'wwan', VPN: 'vpn' }; const NMAccessPointSecurity = { UNKNOWN: 0, NONE: 1, WEP: 2, WPA_PSK: 3, WPA2_PSK: 4, WPA_ENT: 5, WPA2_ENT: 6 }; // small optimization, to avoid using [] all the time const NM80211Mode = NetworkManager['80211Mode']; const NM80211ApFlags = NetworkManager['80211ApFlags']; const NM80211ApSecurityFlags = NetworkManager['80211ApSecurityFlags']; // number of wireless networks that should be visible // (the remaining are placed into More...) const NUM_VISIBLE_NETWORKS = 5; function macToArray(string) { return string.split(':').map(function(el) { return parseInt(el, 16); }); } function macCompare(one, two) { for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (one[i] != two[i]) return false; } return true; } function ssidCompare(one, two) { if (!one || !two) return false; if (one.length != two.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < one.length; i++) { if (one[i] != two[i]) return false; } return true; } // shared between NMNetworkMenuItem and NMDeviceWWAN function signalToIcon(value) { if (value > 80) return 'excellent'; if (value > 55) return 'good'; if (value > 30) return 'ok'; if (value > 5) return 'weak'; return 'none'; } // shared between NMNetworkMenuItem and NMDeviceWireless function sortAccessPoints(accessPoints) { return accessPoints.sort(function (one, two) { return two.strength - one.strength; }); } function ssidToLabel(ssid) { let label = NetworkManager.utils_ssid_to_utf8(ssid); if (!label) label = _("<unknown>"); return label; } function NMNetworkMenuItem() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMNetworkMenuItem.prototype = { __proto__: PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem.prototype, _init: function(accessPoints, title, params) { PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem.prototype._init.call(this, params); accessPoints = sortAccessPoints(accessPoints); this.bestAP = accessPoints[0]; if (!title) { let ssid = this.bestAP.get_ssid(); title = ssidToLabel(ssid); } this._label = new St.Label({ text: title }); this.addActor(this._label); this._icons = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'nm-menu-item-icons' }); this.addActor(this._icons, { align: St.Align.END }); this._signalIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: this._getIcon(), style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' }); this._icons.add_actor(this._signalIcon); this._secureIcon = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' }); if (this.bestAP._secType != NMAccessPointSecurity.UNKNOWN && this.bestAP._secType != NMAccessPointSecurity.NONE) this._secureIcon.icon_name = 'network-wireless-encrypted'; this._icons.add_actor(this._secureIcon); this._accessPoints = [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < accessPoints.length; i++) { let ap = accessPoints[i]; // need a wrapper object here, because the access points can be shared // between many NMNetworkMenuItems let apObj = { ap: ap, updateId: ap.connect('notify::strength', Lang.bind(this, this._updated)) }; this._accessPoints.push(apObj); } }, _updated: function(ap) { if (ap.strength > this.bestAP.strength) this.bestAP = ap; this._signalIcon.icon_name = this._getIcon(); }, _getIcon: function() { if (this.bestAP.mode == NM80211Mode.ADHOC) return 'network-workgroup'; else return 'network-wireless-signal-' + signalToIcon(this.bestAP.strength); }, updateAccessPoints: function(accessPoints) { for (let i = 0; i < this._accessPoints.length; i++) { let apObj = this._accessPoints[i]; apObj.ap.disconnect(apObj.updateId); apObj.updateId = 0; } accessPoints = sortAccessPoints(accessPoints); this.bestAP = accessPoints[0]; this._accessPoints = [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < accessPoints; i++) { let ap = accessPoints[i]; let apObj = { ap: ap, updateId: ap.connect('notify::strength', Lang.bind(this, this._updated)) }; this._accessPoints.push(apObj); } }, destroy: function() { for (let i = 0; i < this._accessPoints.length; i++) { let apObj = this._accessPoints[i]; apObj.ap.disconnect(apObj.updateId); apObj.updateId = 0; } PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem.prototype.destroy.call(this); } }; function NMWiredSectionTitleMenuItem() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMWiredSectionTitleMenuItem.prototype = { __proto__: PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem.prototype, _init: function(label, params) { params = params || { }; params.style_class = 'popup-subtitle-menu-item'; PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem.prototype._init.call(this, label, false, params); }, updateForDevice: function(device) { if (device) { this._device = device; this.setStatus(device.getStatusLabel()); this.setToggleState(device.connected); } else this.setStatus(''); }, activate: function(event) { PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem.prototype.activate.call(this, event); if (!this._device) { log('Section title activated when there is more than one device, should be non reactive'); return; } let newState = this._switch.state; // Immediately reset the switch to false, it will be updated appropriately // by state-changed signals in devices (but fixes the VPN not being in sync // if the ActiveConnection object is never seen by libnm-glib) this._switch.setToggleState(false); if (newState) this._device.activate(); else this._device.deactivate(); } }; function NMWirelessSectionTitleMenuItem() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMWirelessSectionTitleMenuItem.prototype = { __proto__: PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem.prototype, _init: function(client, property, title, params) { params = params || { }; params.style_class = 'popup-subtitle-menu-item'; PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem.prototype._init.call(this, title, false, params); this._client = client; this._property = property + '_enabled'; this._propertyHardware = property + '_hardware_enabled'; this._setEnabledFunc = property + '_set_enabled'; this._client.connect('notify::' + property + '-enabled', Lang.bind(this, this._propertyChanged)); this._client.connect('notify::' + property + '-hardware-enabled', Lang.bind(this, this._propertyChanged)); this._propertyChanged(); }, updateForDevice: function(device) { // we show the switch // - if there not just one device // - if the switch is off // - if the device is activated or disconnected if (device && this._softwareEnabled && this._hardwareEnabled) { let text = device.getStatusLabel(); this.setStatus(text); } else this.setStatus(null); }, activate: function(event) { PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem.prototype.activate.call(this, event); this._client[this._setEnabledFunc](this._switch.state); }, _propertyChanged: function() { this._softwareEnabled = this._client[this._property]; this._hardwareEnabled = this._client[this._propertyHardware]; let enabled = this._softwareEnabled && this._hardwareEnabled; this.setToggleState(enabled); if (!this._hardwareEnabled) /* Translators: this indicates that wireless or wwan is disabled by hardware killswitch */ this.setStatus(_("disabled")); this.emit('enabled-changed', enabled); } }; function NMDevice() { throw new TypeError('Instantanting abstract class NMDevice'); } NMDevice.prototype = { _init: function(client, device, connections) { this.device = device; if (device) { this.device._delegate = this; this._stateChangedId = this.device.connect('state-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._deviceStateChanged)); } else this._stateChangedId = 0; // protected this._client = client; this._connections = [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { if (!connections[i]._uuid) continue; if (!this.connectionValid(connections[i])) continue; // record the connection let obj = { connection: connections[i], name: connections[i]._name, uuid: connections[i]._uuid, timestamp: connections[i]._timestamp, }; this._connections.push(obj); } this._connections.sort(this._connectionSortFunction); this._activeConnection = null; this._activeConnectionItem = null; this._autoConnectionItem = null; this._overflowItem = null; if (this.device) { this.statusItem = new PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem(this._getDescription(), this.connected, { style_class: 'popup-subtitle-menu-item' }); this._statusChanged = this.statusItem.connect('toggled', Lang.bind(this, function(item, state) { if (state) this.activate(); else this.deactivate(); this.emit('enabled-changed'); })); this._updateStatusItem(); } this.section = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(); this._createSection(); }, destroy: function() { if (this.device) this.device._delegate = null; if (this._stateChangedId) { // Need to go through GObject.Object.prototype because // nm_device_disconnect conflicts with g_signal_disconnect GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._stateChangedId); this._stateChangedId = 0; } if (this._carrierChangedId) { // see above for why this is needed GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._carrierChangedId); this._carrierChangedId = 0; } if (this._firmwareChangedId) { GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._firmwareChangedId); this._firmwareChangedId = 0; } this._clearSection(); if (this.statusItem) this.statusItem.destroy(); this.section.destroy(); }, deactivate: function() { this.device.disconnect(null); }, activate: function() { if (this._activeConnection) // nothing to do return; // pick the most recently used connection and connect to that // or if no connections ever set, create an automatic one if (this._connections.length > 0) { this._client.activate_connection(this._connections[0].connection, this.device, null, null); } else if (this._autoConnectionName) { let connection = this._createAutomaticConnection(); if (connection) this._client.add_and_activate_connection(connection, this.device, null, null); } }, get connected() { return this.device.state == NetworkManager.DeviceState.ACTIVATED; }, setActiveConnection: function(activeConnection) { if (activeConnection == this._activeConnection) // nothing to do return; // remove any UI if (this._activeConnectionItem) { this._activeConnectionItem.destroy(); this._activeConnectionItem = null; } this._activeConnection = activeConnection; this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); }, checkConnection: function(connection) { let exists = this._findConnection(connection._uuid) != -1; let valid = this.connectionValid(connection); if (exists && !valid) this.removeConnection(connection); else if (!exists && valid) this.addConnection(connection); }, addConnection: function(connection) { // record the connection let obj = { connection: connection, name: connection._name, uuid: connection._uuid, timestamp: connection._timestamp, }; this._connections.push(obj); this._connections.sort(this._connectionSortFunction); this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); }, removeConnection: function(connection) { if (!connection._uuid) { log('Cannot remove a connection without an UUID'); return; } let pos = this._findConnection(connection._uuid); if (pos == -1) { // this connection was never added, nothing to do here return; } let obj = this._connections[pos]; if (obj.item) obj.item.destroy(); this._connections.splice(pos, 1); if (this._connections.length <= 1) { // We need to show the automatic connection again // (or in the case of NMDeviceWired, we want to hide // the only explicit connection) this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); } }, connectionValid: function(connection) { return this.device.connection_valid(connection); }, _connectionSortFunction: function(one, two) { if (one.timestamp == two.timestamp) return GLib.utf8_collate(one.name, two.name); return two.timestamp - one.timestamp; }, setEnabled: function(enabled) { // do nothing by default, we want to keep the conneciton list visible // in the majority of cases (wired, wwan, vpn) }, getStatusLabel: function() { switch(this.device.state) { case NetworkManager.DeviceState.DISCONNECTED: case NetworkManager.DeviceState.ACTIVATED: return null; case NetworkManager.DeviceState.UNMANAGED: /* Translators: this is for network devices that are physically present but are not under NetworkManager's control (and thus cannot be used in the menu) */ return _("unmanaged"); case NetworkManager.DeviceState.DEACTIVATING: return _("disconnecting..."); case NetworkManager.DeviceState.PREPARE: case NetworkManager.DeviceState.CONFIG: case NetworkManager.DeviceState.IP_CONFIG: case NetworkManager.DeviceState.IP_CHECK: case NetworkManager.DeviceState.SECONDARIES: return _("connecting..."); case NetworkManager.DeviceState.NEED_AUTH: /* Translators: this is for network connections that require some kind of key or password */ return _("authentication required"); case NetworkManager.DeviceState.UNAVAILABLE: // This state is actually a compound of various states (generically unavailable, // firmware missing, carrier not available), that are exposed by different properties // (whose state may or may not updated when we receive state-changed). if (!this._firmwareMissingId) this._firmwareMissingId = this.device.connect('notify::firmware-missing', Lang.bind(this, this._substateChanged)); if (this.device.firmware_missing) { /* Translators: this is for devices that require some kind of firmware or kernel module, which is missing */ return _("firmware missing"); } if (this.device.capabilities & NetworkManager.DeviceCapabilities.CARRIER_DETECT) { if (!this._carrierChangedId) this._carrierChangedId = this.device.connect('notify::carrier', Lang.bind(this, this._substateChanged)); if (!this.carrier) { /* Translators: this is for wired network devices that are physically disconnected */ return _("cable unplugged"); } } /* Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated (for example it is disabled by rfkill, or it has no coverage */ return _("unavailable"); case NetworkManager.DeviceState.FAILED: return _("connection failed"); default: log('Device state invalid, is %d'.format(this.device.state)); return 'invalid'; } }, // protected _createAutomaticConnection: function() { throw new TypeError('Invoking pure virtual function NMDevice.createAutomaticConnection'); }, _findConnection: function(uuid) { for (let i = 0; i < this._connections.length; i++) { let obj = this._connections[i]; if (obj.uuid == uuid) return i; } return -1; }, _clearSection: function() { // Clear everything this.section.removeAll(); this._autoConnectionItem = null; this._activeConnectionItem = null; this._overflowItem = null; for (let i = 0; i < this._connections.length; i++) { this._connections[i].item = null; } }, _shouldShowConnectionList: function() { return (this.device.state >= NetworkManager.DeviceState.DISCONNECTED); }, _createSection: function() { if (!this._shouldShowConnectionList()) return; if (this._activeConnection) { this._createActiveConnectionItem(); this.section.addMenuItem(this._activeConnectionItem); } if (this._connections.length > 0) { let activeOffset = this._activeConnectionItem ? 1 : 0; for(let j = 0; j < this._connections.length; ++j) { let obj = this._connections[j]; if (this._activeConnection && obj.connection == this._activeConnection._connection) continue; obj.item = this._createConnectionItem(obj); if (j + activeOffset >= NUM_VISIBLE_NETWORKS) { if (!this._overflowItem) { this._overflowItem = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem(_("More...")); this.section.addMenuItem(this._overflowItem); } this._overflowItem.menu.addMenuItem(obj.item); } else this.section.addMenuItem(obj.item); } } else if (this._autoConnectionName) { this._autoConnectionItem = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(this._autoConnectionName); this._autoConnectionItem.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { let connection = this._createAutomaticConnection(); if (connection) this._client.add_and_activate_connection(connection, this.device, null, null); })); this.section.addMenuItem(this._autoConnectionItem); } }, _createConnectionItem: function(obj) { let connection = obj.connection; let item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(obj.name); item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._client.activate_connection(connection, this.device, null, null); })); return item; }, _createActiveConnectionItem: function() { let title; let active = this._activeConnection._connection; if (active) { title = active._name; } else { /* TRANSLATORS: this is the indication that a connection for another logged in user is active, and we cannot access its settings (including the name) */ title = _("Connected (private)"); } this._activeConnectionItem = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(title, { reactive: false }); this._activeConnectionItem.setShowDot(true); }, _deviceStateChanged: function(device, newstate, oldstate, reason) { if (newstate == oldstate) { log('device emitted state-changed without actually changing state'); return; } if (oldstate == NetworkManager.DeviceState.ACTIVATED) { this.emit('network-lost'); } if (newstate == NetworkManager.DeviceState.FAILED) { this.emit('activation-failed', reason); } this._updateStatusItem(); this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); this.emit('state-changed'); }, _updateStatusItem: function() { if (this._carrierChangedId) { // see above for why this is needed GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._carrierChangedId); this._carrierChangedId = 0; } if (this._firmwareChangedId) { GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._firmwareChangedId); this._firmwareChangedId = 0; } this.statusItem.setStatus(this.getStatusLabel()); this.statusItem.setToggleState(this.connected); }, _substateChanged: function() { this.statusItem.setStatus(this.getStatusLabel()); this.emit('state-changed'); }, _getDescription: function() { let dev_product = this.device.get_product(); let dev_vendor = this.device.get_vendor(); if (!dev_product || !dev_vendor) return ''; let product = Util.fixupPCIDescription(dev_product); let vendor = Util.fixupPCIDescription(dev_vendor); let out = ''; // Another quick hack; if all of the fixed up vendor string // is found in product, ignore the vendor. if (product.indexOf(vendor) == -1) out += vendor + ' '; out += product; return out; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(NMDevice.prototype); function NMDeviceWired() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMDeviceWired.prototype = { __proto__: NMDevice.prototype, _init: function(client, device, connections) { this._autoConnectionName = _("Auto Ethernet"); this.category = NMConnectionCategory.WIRED; NMDevice.prototype._init.call(this, client, device, connections); }, _createSection: function() { NMDevice.prototype._createSection.call(this); // if we have only one connection (normal or automatic) // we hide the connection list, and use the switch to control // the device // we can do it here because addConnection and removeConnection // both call _createSection at some point if (this._connections.length <= 1) this.section.actor.hide(); else this.section.actor.show(); }, _createAutomaticConnection: function() { let connection = new NetworkManager.Connection(); connection._uuid = NetworkManager.utils_uuid_generate(); connection.add_setting(new NetworkManager.SettingWired()); connection.add_setting(new NetworkManager.SettingConnection({ uuid: connection._uuid, id: this._autoConnectionName, type: NetworkManager.SETTING_WIRED_SETTING_NAME, autoconnect: true })); return connection; } }; function NMDeviceModem() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMDeviceModem.prototype = { __proto__: NMDevice.prototype, _init: function(client, device, connections) { let is_wwan = false; this._enabled = true; this.mobileDevice = null; this._connectionType = 'ppp'; this._capabilities = device.current_capabilities; if (this._capabilities & NetworkManager.DeviceModemCapabilities.GSM_UMTS) { is_wwan = true; this.mobileDevice = new ModemManager.ModemGsm(device.udi); this._connectionType = NetworkManager.SETTING_GSM_SETTING_NAME; } else if (this._capabilities & NetworkManager.DeviceModemCapabilities.CDMA_EVDO) { is_wwan = true; this.mobileDevice = new ModemManager.ModemCdma(device.udi); this._connectionType = NetworkManager.SETTING_CDMA_SETTING_NAME; } else if (this._capabilities & NetworkManager.DeviceModemCapabilities.LTE) { is_wwan = true; // FIXME: support signal quality } if (is_wwan) { this.category = NMConnectionCategory.WWAN; this._autoConnectionName = _("Auto broadband"); } else { this.category = NMConnectionCategory.WIRED; this._autoConnectionName = _("Auto dial-up"); } if (this.mobileDevice) { this._operatorNameId = this.mobileDevice.connect('notify::operator-name', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._operatorItem) { let name = this.mobileDevice.operator_name; if (name) { this._operatorItem.label.text = name; this._operatorItem.actor.show(); } else this._operatorItem.actor.hide(); } })); this._signalQualityId = this.mobileDevice.connect('notify::signal-quality', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._operatorItem) { this._operatorItem.setIcon(this._getSignalIcon()); } })); } NMDevice.prototype._init.call(this, client, device, connections); }, setEnabled: function(enabled) { this._enabled = enabled; if (this.category == NMConnectionCategory.WWAN) { if (enabled) { // prevent "network unavailable" statuses this.statusItem.setStatus(null); } else this.statusItem.setStatus(this.getStatusLabel()); } NMDevice.prototype.setEnabled.call(this, enabled); }, get connected() { return this._enabled && this.device.state == NetworkManager.DeviceState.ACTIVATED; }, destroy: function() { if (this._operatorNameId) { this.mobileDevice.disconnect(this._operatorNameId); this._operatorNameId = 0; } if (this._signalQualityId) { this.mobileDevice.disconnect(this._signalQualityId); this._signalQualityId = 0; } NMDevice.prototype.destroy.call(this); }, _getSignalIcon: function() { return 'network-cellular-signal-' + signalToIcon(this.mobileDevice.signal_quality); }, _createSection: function() { if (!this._shouldShowConnectionList()) return; if (this.mobileDevice) { // If operator_name is null, just pass the empty string, as the item is hidden anyway this._operatorItem = new PopupMenu.PopupImageMenuItem(this.mobileDevice.operator_name || '', this._getSignalIcon(), { reactive: false }); if (!this.mobileDevice.operator_name) this._operatorItem.actor.hide(); this.section.addMenuItem(this._operatorItem); } NMDevice.prototype._createSection.call(this); }, _clearSection: function() { this._operatorItem = null; NMDevice.prototype._clearSection.call(this); }, _createAutomaticConnection: function() { // Mobile wizard is too complex for the shell UI and // is handled by the network panel Util.spawn(['gnome-control-center', 'network', 'connect-3g', this.device.get_path()]); return null; } }; function NMDeviceBluetooth() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMDeviceBluetooth.prototype = { __proto__: NMDevice.prototype, _init: function(client, device, connections) { this._autoConnectionName = this._makeConnectionName(device); device.connect('notify::name', Lang.bind(this, this._updateAutoConnectionName)); this.category = NMConnectionCategory.WWAN; NMDevice.prototype._init.call(this, client, device, connections); }, _createAutomaticConnection: function() { let connection = new NetworkManager.Connection; connection._uuid = NetworkManager.utils_uuid_generate(); connection.add_setting(new NetworkManager.SettingBluetooth); connection.add_setting(new NetworkManager.SettingConnection({ uuid: connection._uuid, id: this._autoConnectionName, type: NetworkManager.SETTING_BLUETOOTH_SETTING_NAME, autoconnect: false })); return connection; }, _makeConnectionName: function(device) { let name = device.name; if (name) return _("Auto %s").format(name); else return _("Auto bluetooth"); }, _updateAutoConnectionName: function() { this._autoConnectionName = this._makeConnectionName(this.device); this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); } }; // Not a real device, but I save a lot code this way function NMDeviceVPN() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMDeviceVPN.prototype = { __proto__: NMDevice.prototype, _init: function(client) { // Disable autoconnections this._autoConnectionName = null; this.category = NMConnectionCategory.VPN; NMDevice.prototype._init.call(this, client, null, [ ]); }, connectionValid: function(connection) { return connection._type == NetworkManager.SETTING_VPN_SETTING_NAME; }, get empty() { return this._connections.length == 0; }, get connected() { return !!this._activeConnection; }, setActiveConnection: function(activeConnection) { NMDevice.prototype.setActiveConnection.call(this, activeConnection); this.emit('active-connection-changed'); }, _shouldShowConnectionList: function() { return true; }, deactivate: function() { if (this._activeConnection) this._client.deactivate_connection(this._activeConnection); }, getStatusLabel: function() { return null; } }; function NMDeviceWireless() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMDeviceWireless.prototype = { __proto__: NMDevice.prototype, _init: function(client, device, connections) { this.category = NMConnectionCategory.WIRELESS; this._overflowItem = null; this._networks = [ ]; // breaking the layers with this, but cannot call // this.connectionValid until I have a device this.device = device; let validConnections = connections.filter(Lang.bind(this, function(connection) { return this.connectionValid(connection); })); let accessPoints = device.get_access_points() || [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < accessPoints.length; i++) { // Access points are grouped by network let ap = accessPoints[i]; if (ap.get_ssid() == null) { // hidden access point cannot be added, we need to know // the SSID and security details to connect // nevertheless, the access point can acquire a SSID when // NetworkManager connects to it (via nmcli or the control-center) ap._notifySsidId = ap.connect('notify::ssid', Lang.bind(this, this._notifySsidCb)); continue; } let pos = this._findNetwork(ap); let obj; if (pos != -1) { obj = this._networks[pos]; obj.accessPoints.push(ap); } else { obj = { ssid: ap.get_ssid(), mode: ap.mode, security: this._getApSecurityType(ap), connections: [ ], item: null, accessPoints: [ ap ] }; obj.ssidText = ssidToLabel(obj.ssid); this._networks.push(obj); } // Check if some connection is valid for this AP for (let j = 0; j < validConnections.length; j++) { let connection = validConnections[j]; if (ap.connection_valid(connection) && obj.connections.indexOf(connection) == -1) { obj.connections.push(connection); } } } if (this.device.active_access_point) { let networkPos = this._findNetwork(this.device.active_access_point); if (networkPos == -1) // the connected access point is invisible this._activeNetwork = null; else this._activeNetwork = this._networks[networkPos]; } else { this._activeNetwork = null; } this._networks.sort(this._networkSortFunction); this._apChangedId = device.connect('notify::active-access-point', Lang.bind(this, this._activeApChanged)); this._apAddedId = device.connect('access-point-added', Lang.bind(this, this._accessPointAdded)); this._apRemovedId = device.connect('access-point-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._accessPointRemoved)); NMDevice.prototype._init.call(this, client, device, validConnections); }, destroy: function() { if (this._apChangedId) { // see above for this HACK GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._apChangedId); this._apChangedId = 0; } if (this._apAddedId) { GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._apAddedId); this._apAddedId = 0; } if (this._apRemovedId) { GObject.Object.prototype.disconnect.call(this.device, this._apRemovedId); this._apRemovedId = 0; } NMDevice.prototype.destroy.call(this); }, setEnabled: function(enabled) { if (enabled) { this.statusItem.actor.show(); this.section.actor.show(); } else { this.statusItem.actor.hide(); this.section.actor.hide(); } }, activate: function() { if (this._activeConnection) // nothing to do return; // among all visible networks, pick the last recently used connection let best = null; let bestApObj = null; let bestTime = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this._networks.length; i++) { let apObj = this._networks[i]; for (let j = 0; j < apObj.connections.length; j++) { let connection = apObj.connections[j]; if (connection._timestamp > bestTime) { best = connection; bestTime = connection._timestamp; bestApObj = apObj; } } } if (best) { for (let i = 0; i < bestApObj.accessPoints.length; i++) { let ap = bestApObj.accessPoints[i]; if (ap.connection_valid(best)) { this._client.activate_connection(best, this.device, ap.dbus_path, null); break; } } return; } // XXX: what else to do? // for now, just pick a random network // (this function is called in a corner case anyway, that is, only when // the user toggles the switch and has more than one wireless device) if (this._networks.length > 0) { let connection = this._createAutomaticConnection(this._networks[0]); let accessPoints = sortAccessPoints(this._networks[0].accessPoints); this._client.add_and_activate_connection(connection, this.device, accessPoints[0].dbus_path, null); } }, _notifySsidCb: function(accessPoint) { if (accessPoint.get_ssid() != null) { accessPoint.disconnect(accessPoint._notifySsidId); accessPoint._notifySsidId = 0; this._accessPointAdded(this.device, accessPoint); } }, _activeApChanged: function() { this._activeNetwork = null; let activeAp = this.device.active_access_point; if (activeAp) { let pos = this._findNetwork(activeAp); if (pos != -1) this._activeNetwork = this._networks[pos]; } // we don't refresh the view here, setActiveConnection will }, _getApSecurityType: function(accessPoint) { if (accessPoint._secType) return accessPoint._secType; let flags = accessPoint.flags; let wpa_flags = accessPoint.wpa_flags; let rsn_flags = accessPoint.rsn_flags; let type; if (rsn_flags != NM80211ApSecurityFlags.NONE) { /* RSN check first so that WPA+WPA2 APs are treated as RSN/WPA2 */ if (rsn_flags & NM80211ApSecurityFlags.KEY_MGMT_802_1X) type = NMAccessPointSecurity.WPA2_ENT; else if (rsn_flags & NM80211ApSecurityFlags.KEY_MGMT_PSK) type = NMAccessPointSecurity.WPA2_PSK; } else if (wpa_flags != NM80211ApSecurityFlags.NONE) { if (wpa_flags & NM80211ApSecurityFlags.KEY_MGMT_802_1X) type = NMAccessPointSecurity.WPA_ENT; else if (wpa_flags & NM80211ApSecurityFlags.KEY_MGMT_PSK) type = NMAccessPointSecurity.WPA_PSK; } else { if (flags & NM80211ApFlags.PRIVACY) type = NMAccessPointSecurity.WEP; else type = NMAccessPointSecurity.NONE; } // cache the found value to avoid checking flags all the time accessPoint._secType = type; return type; }, _networkSortFunction: function(one, two) { let oneHasConnection = one.connections.length != 0; let twoHasConnection = two.connections.length != 0; // place known connections first // (-1 = good order, 1 = wrong order) if (oneHasConnection && !twoHasConnection) return -1; else if (!oneHasConnection && twoHasConnection) return 1; let oneHasSecurity = one.security != NMAccessPointSecurity.NONE; let twoHasSecurity = two.security != NMAccessPointSecurity.NONE; // place secure connections first // (we treat WEP/WPA/WPA2 the same as there is no way to // take them apart from the UI) if (oneHasSecurity && !twoHasSecurity) return -1; else if (!oneHasSecurity && twoHasSecurity) return 1; // sort alphabetically return GLib.utf8_collate(one.ssidText, two.ssidText); }, _networkCompare: function(network, accessPoint) { if (!ssidCompare(network.ssid, accessPoint.get_ssid())) return false; if (network.mode != accessPoint.mode) return false; if (network.security != this._getApSecurityType(accessPoint)) return false; return true; }, _findNetwork: function(accessPoint) { if (accessPoint.get_ssid() == null) return -1; for (let i = 0; i < this._networks.length; i++) { if (this._networkCompare(this._networks[i], accessPoint)) return i; } return -1; }, _accessPointAdded: function(device, accessPoint) { if (accessPoint.get_ssid() == null) { // This access point is not visible yet // Wait for it to get a ssid accessPoint._notifySsidId = accessPoint.connect('notify::ssid', Lang.bind(this, this._notifySsidCb)); return; } let pos = this._findNetwork(accessPoint); let apObj; let needsupdate = false; if (pos != -1) { apObj = this._networks[pos]; if (apObj.accessPoints.indexOf(accessPoint) != -1) { log('Access point was already seen, not adding again'); return; } apObj.accessPoints.push(accessPoint); if (apObj.item) apObj.item.updateAccessPoints(apObj.accessPoints); } else { apObj = { ssid: accessPoint.get_ssid(), mode: accessPoint.mode, security: this._getApSecurityType(accessPoint), connections: [ ], item: null, accessPoints: [ accessPoint ] }; apObj.ssidText = ssidToLabel(apObj.ssid); needsupdate = true; } // check if this enables new connections for this group for (let i = 0; i < this._connections.length; i++) { let connection = this._connections[i].connection; if (accessPoint.connection_valid(connection) && apObj.connections.indexOf(connection) == -1) { apObj.connections.push(connection); // this potentially changes the order needsupdate = true; } } if (needsupdate) { if (apObj.item) apObj.item.destroy(); if (pos != -1) this._networks.splice(pos, 1); if (this._networks.length == 0) { // only network in the list this._networks.push(apObj); this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); return; } // skip networks that should appear earlier let menuPos = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < this._networks.length && this._networkSortFunction(this._networks[pos], apObj) < 0; ++pos) { if (this._networks[pos] != this._activeNetwork) menuPos++; } // (re-)add the network this._networks.splice(pos, 0, apObj); if (this._shouldShowConnectionList()) { menuPos += (this._activeConnectionItem ? 1 : 0); this._createNetworkItem(apObj, menuPos); } } }, _accessPointRemoved: function(device, accessPoint) { let pos = this._findNetwork(accessPoint); if (pos == -1) { log('Removing an access point that was never added'); return; } let apObj = this._networks[pos]; let i = apObj.accessPoints.indexOf(accessPoint); if (i == -1) { log('Removing an access point that was never added'); return; } apObj.accessPoints.splice(i, 1); if (apObj.accessPoints.length == 0) { if (apObj.item) apObj.item.destroy(); if (this._overflowItem) { if (!apObj.isMore) { // we removed an item in the main menu, and we have a more submenu // we need to extract the first item in more and move it to the submenu let apObj = this._overflowItem.menu.firstMenuItem; if (apObj.item) { apObj.item.destroy(); this._createNetworkItem(apObj, NUM_VISIBLE_NETWORKS-1); } } // This can happen if the removed connection is from the overflow // menu, or if we just moved the last connection out from the menu if (this._overflowItem.menu.length == 0) { this._overflowItem.destroy(); this._overflowItem = null; } } this._networks.splice(pos, 1); } else if (apObj.item) apObj.item.updateAccessPoints(apObj.accessPoints); }, _createAPItem: function(connection, accessPointObj, useConnectionName) { let item = new NMNetworkMenuItem(accessPointObj.accessPoints, useConnectionName ? connection._name : undefined); item._connection = connection; item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { let accessPoints = sortAccessPoints(accessPointObj.accessPoints); for (let i = 0; i < accessPoints.length; i++) { if (accessPoints[i].connection_valid(connection)) { this._client.activate_connection(connection, this.device, accessPoints[i].dbus_path, null); break; } } })); return item; }, _clearSection: function() { NMDevice.prototype._clearSection.call(this); for (let i = 0; i < this._networks.length; i++) this._networks[i].item = null; this._overflowItem = null; }, removeConnection: function(connection) { if (!connection._uuid) return; let pos = this._findConnection(connection._uuid); if (pos == -1) { // removing connection that was never added return; } let obj = this._connections[pos]; this._connections.splice(pos, 1); let anyauto = false, forceupdate = false; for (let i = 0; i < this._networks.length; i++) { let apObj = this._networks[i]; let connections = apObj.connections; for (let k = 0; k < connections.length; k++) { if (connections[k]._uuid == connection._uuid) { // remove the connection from the access point group connections.splice(k); anyauto = connections.length == 0; if (anyauto) { // this potentially changes the sorting order forceupdate = true; break; } if (apObj.item) { if (apObj.item instanceof PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem) { let items = apObj.item.menu.getMenuItems(); if (items.length == 2) { // we need to update the connection list to convert this to a normal item forceupdate = true; } else { for (let j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { if (items[j]._connection._uuid == connection._uuid) { items[j].destroy(); break; } } } } else { apObj.item.destroy(); apObj.item = null; } } break; } } } if (forceupdate || anyauto) { this._networks.sort(this._networkSortFunction); this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); } }, addConnection: function(connection) { // record the connection let obj = { connection: connection, name: connection._name, uuid: connection._uuid, }; this._connections.push(obj); // find an appropriate access point let forceupdate = false; for (let i = 0; i < this._networks.length; i++) { let apObj = this._networks[i]; // Check if connection is valid for any of these access points for (let k = 0; k < apObj.accessPoints.length; k++) { let ap = apObj.accessPoints[k]; if (ap.connection_valid(connection)) { apObj.connections.push(connection); // this potentially changes the sorting order forceupdate = true; break; } } } if (forceupdate) { this._networks.sort(this._networkSortFunction); this._clearSection(); this._createSection(); } }, _createActiveConnectionItem: function() { let icon, title; if (this._activeConnection._connection) { let connection = this._activeConnection._connection; if (this._activeNetwork) this._activeConnectionItem = new NMNetworkMenuItem(this._activeNetwork.accessPoints, undefined, { reactive: false }); else this._activeConnectionItem = new PopupMenu.PopupImageMenuItem(connection._name, 'network-wireless-connected', { reactive: false }); } else { // We cannot read the connection (due to ACL, or API incompatibility), but we still show signal if we have it let menuItem; if (this._activeNetwork) this._activeConnectionItem = new NMNetworkMenuItem(this._activeNetwork.accessPoints, undefined, { reactive: false }); else this._activeConnectionItem = new PopupMenu.PopupImageMenuItem(_("Connected (private)"), 'network-wireless-connected', { reactive: false }); } this._activeConnectionItem.setShowDot(true); }, _createAutomaticConnection: function(apObj) { let name; let ssid = NetworkManager.utils_ssid_to_utf8(apObj.ssid); if (ssid) { /* TRANSLATORS: this the automatic wireless connection name (including the network name) */ name = _("Auto %s").format(ssid); } else name = _("Auto wireless"); let connection = new NetworkManager.Connection(); connection.add_setting(new NetworkManager.SettingWireless()); connection.add_setting(new NetworkManager.SettingConnection({ id: name, autoconnect: true, // NetworkManager will know to ignore this if appropriate uuid: NetworkManager.utils_uuid_generate(), type: NetworkManager.SETTING_WIRELESS_SETTING_NAME })); return connection; }, _createNetworkItem: function(apObj, position) { if(apObj.connections.length > 0) { if (apObj.connections.length == 1) apObj.item = this._createAPItem(apObj.connections[0], apObj, false); else { let title = apObj.ssidText; apObj.item = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem(title); apObj.item._apObj = apObj; for (let i = 0; i < apObj.connections.length; i++) apObj.item.menu.addMenuItem(this._createAPItem(apObj.connections[i], apObj, true)); } } else { apObj.item = new NMNetworkMenuItem(apObj.accessPoints); apObj.item._apObj = apObj; apObj.item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { let accessPoints = sortAccessPoints(apObj.accessPoints); if ( (accessPoints[0]._secType == NMAccessPointSecurity.WPA2_ENT) || (accessPoints[0]._secType == NMAccessPointSecurity.WPA_ENT)) { // 802.1x-enabled APs require further configuration, so they're // handled in gnome-control-center Util.spawn(['gnome-control-center', 'network', 'connect-8021x-wifi', this.device.get_path(), accessPoints[0].dbus_path]); } else { let connection = this._createAutomaticConnection(apObj); this._client.add_and_activate_connection(connection, this.device, accessPoints[0].dbus_path, null) } })); } if (position < NUM_VISIBLE_NETWORKS) { apObj.isMore = false; this.section.addMenuItem(apObj.item, position); } else { if (!this._overflowItem) { this._overflowItem = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem(_("More...")); this.section.addMenuItem(this._overflowItem); } this._overflowItem.menu.addMenuItem(apObj.item, position - NUM_VISIBLE_NETWORKS); apObj.isMore = true; } }, _createSection: function() { if (!this._shouldShowConnectionList()) return; if(this._activeConnection) { this._createActiveConnectionItem(); this.section.addMenuItem(this._activeConnectionItem); } let activeOffset = this._activeConnectionItem ? 1 : 0; for(let j = 0; j < this._networks.length; j++) { let apObj = this._networks[j]; if (apObj == this._activeNetwork) continue; this._createNetworkItem(apObj, j + activeOffset); } }, }; function NMApplet() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } NMApplet.prototype = { __proto__: PanelMenu.SystemStatusButton.prototype, _init: function() { PanelMenu.SystemStatusButton.prototype._init.call(this, 'network-error'); this._client = NMClient.Client.new(); this._statusSection = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(); this._statusItem = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem('', { style_class: 'popup-inactive-menu-item', reactive: false }); this._statusSection.addMenuItem(this._statusItem); this._statusSection.addAction(_("Enable networking"), Lang.bind(this, function() { this._client.networking_enabled = true; })); this._statusSection.actor.hide(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._statusSection); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._devices = { }; this._devices.wired = { section: new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(), devices: [ ], item: new NMWiredSectionTitleMenuItem(_("Wired")) }; this._devices.wired.section.addMenuItem(this._devices.wired.item); this._devices.wired.section.actor.hide(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._devices.wired.section); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._devices.wireless = { section: new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(), devices: [ ], item: this._makeToggleItem('wireless', _("Wireless")) }; this._devices.wireless.section.addMenuItem(this._devices.wireless.item); this._devices.wireless.section.actor.hide(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._devices.wireless.section); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._devices.wwan = { section: new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(), devices: [ ], item: this._makeToggleItem('wwan', _("Mobile broadband")) }; this._devices.wwan.section.addMenuItem(this._devices.wwan.item); this._devices.wwan.section.actor.hide(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._devices.wwan.section); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._devices.vpn = { section: new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(), device: new NMDeviceVPN(this._client), item: new NMWiredSectionTitleMenuItem(_("VPN Connections")) }; this._devices.vpn.device.connect('active-connection-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._devices.vpn.item.updateForDevice(this._devices.vpn.device); })); this._devices.vpn.item.updateForDevice(this._devices.vpn.device); this._devices.vpn.section.addMenuItem(this._devices.vpn.item); this._devices.vpn.section.addMenuItem(this._devices.vpn.device.section); this._devices.vpn.section.actor.hide(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._devices.vpn.section); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this.menu.addSettingsAction(_("Network Settings"), 'gnome-network-panel.desktop'); this._activeConnections = [ ]; this._connections = [ ]; this._mainConnection = null; this._activeAccessPointUpdateId = 0; this._activeAccessPoint = null; this._mobileUpdateId = 0; this._mobileUpdateDevice = null; // Device types this._dtypes = { }; this._dtypes[NetworkManager.DeviceType.ETHERNET] = NMDeviceWired; this._dtypes[NetworkManager.DeviceType.WIFI] = NMDeviceWireless; this._dtypes[NetworkManager.DeviceType.MODEM] = NMDeviceModem; this._dtypes[NetworkManager.DeviceType.BT] = NMDeviceBluetooth; // TODO: WiMax support // Connection types this._ctypes = { }; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_WIRELESS_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WIRELESS; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_WIRED_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WIRED; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_PPPOE_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WIRED; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_PPP_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WIRED; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_BLUETOOTH_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WWAN; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_CDMA_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WWAN; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_GSM_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.WWAN; this._ctypes[NetworkManager.SETTING_VPN_SETTING_NAME] = NMConnectionCategory.VPN; this._settings = NMClient.RemoteSettings.new(null); this._connectionsReadId = this._settings.connect('connections-read', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._readConnections(); this._readDevices(); this._syncNMState(); // Connect to signals late so that early signals don't find in inconsistent state // and connect only once (this signal handler can be called again if NetworkManager goes up and down) if (!this._inited) { this._inited = true; this._client.connect('notify::manager-running', Lang.bind(this, this._syncNMState)); this._client.connect('notify::networking-enabled', Lang.bind(this, this._syncNMState)); this._client.connect('notify::state', Lang.bind(this, this._syncNMState)); this._client.connect('notify::active-connections', Lang.bind(this, this._updateIcon)); this._client.connect('device-added', Lang.bind(this, this._deviceAdded)); this._client.connect('device-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._deviceRemoved)); this._settings.connect('new-connection', Lang.bind(this, this._newConnection)); } })); }, _ensureSource: function() { if (!this._source) { this._source = new NMMessageTraySource(); this._source.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._source = null; })); Main.messageTray.add(this._source); } }, _makeToggleItem: function(type, title) { let item = new NMWirelessSectionTitleMenuItem(this._client, type, title); item.connect('enabled-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(item, enabled) { let devices = this._devices[type].devices; devices.forEach(function(dev) { dev.setEnabled(enabled); }); this._syncSectionTitle(type); })); return item; }, _syncSectionTitle: function(category) { let devices = this._devices[category].devices; let item = this._devices[category].item; let section = this._devices[category].section; if (devices.length == 0) section.actor.hide(); else { section.actor.show(); if (devices.length == 1) { let dev = devices[0]; dev.statusItem.actor.hide(); item.updateForDevice(dev); } else { devices.forEach(function(dev) { dev.statusItem.actor.show(); }); // remove status text from the section title item item.updateForDevice(null); } } }, _readDevices: function() { let devices = this._client.get_devices() || [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; ++i) { this._deviceAdded(this._client, devices[i]); } }, _notifyForDevice: function(device, iconName, title, text, urgency) { if (device._notification) device._notification.destroy(); /* must call after destroying previous notification, or this._source will be cleared */ this._ensureSource(); let icon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: iconName, icon_type: St.IconType.SYMBOLIC, icon_size: this._source.ICON_SIZE }); device._notification = new MessageTray.Notification(this._source, title, text, { icon: icon }); device._notification.setUrgency(urgency); device._notification.setTransient(true); device._notification.connect('destroy', function() { device._notification = null; }); this._source.notify(device._notification); }, _deviceAdded: function(client, device) { if (device._delegate) { // already seen, not adding again return; } let wrapperClass = this._dtypes[device.get_device_type()]; if (wrapperClass) { let wrapper = new wrapperClass(this._client, device, this._connections); wrapper._networkLostId = wrapper.connect('network-lost', Lang.bind(this, function(device) { this._notifyForDevice(device, 'network-offline', _("Connectivity lost"), _("You're no longer connected to the network"), // set critical urgency to popup the notification automatically MessageTray.Urgency.CRITICAL); })); wrapper._activationFailedId = wrapper.connect('activation-failed', Lang.bind(this, function(device, reason) { // XXX: nm-applet has no special text depending on reason // but I'm not sure of this generic message this._notifyForDevice(device, 'network-error', _("Connection failed"), _("Activation of network connection failed"), MessageTray.Urgency.HIGH); })); wrapper._deviceStateChangedId = wrapper.connect('state-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(dev) { this._syncSectionTitle(dev.category); })); wrapper._destroyId = wrapper.connect('destroy', function(wrapper) { wrapper.disconnect(wrapper._networkLostId); wrapper.disconnect(wrapper._activationFailedId); wrapper.disconnect(wrapper._deviceStateChangedId); wrapper.disconnect(wrapper._destroyId); }); let section = this._devices[wrapper.category].section; let devices = this._devices[wrapper.category].devices; section.addMenuItem(wrapper.section, 1); section.addMenuItem(wrapper.statusItem, 1); devices.push(wrapper); this._syncSectionTitle(wrapper.category); } else log('Invalid network device type, is ' + device.get_device_type()); }, _deviceRemoved: function(client, device) { if (!device._delegate) { log('Removing a network device that was not added'); return; } let wrapper = device._delegate; wrapper.destroy(); let devices = this._devices[wrapper.category].devices; let pos = devices.indexOf(wrapper); devices.splice(pos, 1); this._syncSectionTitle(wrapper.category) }, _syncActiveConnections: function() { let closedConnections = [ ]; let newActiveConnections = this._client.get_active_connections() || [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < this._activeConnections.length; i++) { let a = this._activeConnections[i]; if (newActiveConnections.indexOf(a) == -1) // connection is removed closedConnections.push(a); } for (let i = 0; i < closedConnections.length; i++) { let active = closedConnections[i]; if (active._primaryDevice) { active._primaryDevice.setActiveConnection(null); active._primaryDevice = null; } if (active._inited) { active.disconnect(active._notifyStateId); active.disconnect(active._notifyDefaultId); active.disconnect(active._notifyDefault6Id); active._inited = false; } } this._activeConnections = newActiveConnections; this._mainConnection = null; let activating = null; let default_ip4 = null; let default_ip6 = null; for (let i = 0; i < this._activeConnections.length; i++) { let a = this._activeConnections[i]; if (!a._inited) { a._notifyDefaultId = a.connect('notify::default', Lang.bind(this, this._updateIcon)); a._notifyDefault6Id = a.connect('notify::default6', Lang.bind(this, this._updateIcon)); a._notifyStateId = a.connect('notify::state', Lang.bind(this, this._updateIcon)); a._inited = true; } if (!a._connection) { a._connection = this._settings.get_connection_by_path(a.connection); if (a._connection) { a._type = a._connection._type; a._section = this._ctypes[a._type]; } else { a._connection = null; a._type = null; a._section = null; log('Cannot find connection for active (or connection cannot be read)'); } } if (a['default']) default_ip4 = a; if (a.default6) default_ip6 = a; if (a.state == NetworkManager.ActiveConnectionState.ACTIVATING) activating = a; if (!a._primaryDevice) { if (a._type != NetworkManager.SETTING_VPN_SETTING_NAME) { // find a good device to be considered primary a._primaryDevice = null; let devices = a.get_devices(); for (let j = 0; j < devices.length; j++) { let d = devices[j]; if (d._delegate) { a._primaryDevice = d._delegate; break; } } } else a._primaryDevice = this._devices.vpn.device if (a._primaryDevice) a._primaryDevice.setActiveConnection(a); } } this._mainConnection = activating || default_ip4 || default_ip6 || this._activeConnections[0] || null; }, _readConnections: function() { let connections = this._settings.list_connections(); for (let i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { let connection = connections[i]; if (connection._uuid) { // connection was already seen (for example because NetworkManager was restarted) continue; } connection._removedId = connection.connect('removed', Lang.bind(this, this._connectionRemoved)); connection._updatedId = connection.connect('updated', Lang.bind(this, this._updateConnection)); this._updateConnection(connection); this._connections.push(connection); } }, _newConnection: function(settings, connection) { if (connection._uuid) { // connection was already seen return; } connection._removedId = connection.connect('removed', Lang.bind(this, this._connectionRemoved)); connection._updatedId = connection.connect('updated', Lang.bind(this, this._updateConnection)); this._updateConnection(connection); this._connections.push(connection); this._updateIcon(); }, _connectionRemoved: function(connection) { let pos = this._connections.indexOf(connection); if (pos != -1) this._connections.splice(connection); let section = connection._section; if (section == NMConnectionCategory.VPN) { this._devices.vpn.device.removeConnection(connection); if (this._devices.vpn.device.empty) this._devices.vpn.section.actor.hide(); } else if (section != NMConnectionCategory.INVALID) { let devices = this._devices[section].devices; for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) devices[i].removeConnection(connection); } connection._uuid = null; connection.disconnect(connection._removedId); connection.disconnect(connection._updatedId); }, _updateConnection: function(connection) { let connectionSettings = connection.get_setting_by_name(NetworkManager.SETTING_CONNECTION_SETTING_NAME); connection._type = connectionSettings.type; connection._section = this._ctypes[connection._type] || NMConnectionCategory.INVALID; connection._name = connectionSettings.id; connection._uuid = connectionSettings.uuid; connection._timestamp = connectionSettings.timestamp; let section = connection._section; if (connection._section == NMConnectionCategory.INVALID) return; if (section == NMConnectionCategory.VPN) { this._devices.vpn.device.checkConnection(connection); this._devices.vpn.section.actor.show(); } else { let devices = this._devices[section].devices; for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { devices[i].checkConnection(connection); } } }, _hideDevices: function() { this._devicesHidden = true; for (let category in this._devices) this._devices[category].section.actor.hide(); }, _showNormal: function() { if (!this._devicesHidden) // nothing to do return; this._devicesHidden = false; this._statusSection.actor.hide(); this._syncSectionTitle('wired'); this._syncSectionTitle('wireless'); this._syncSectionTitle('wwan'); if (!this._devices.vpn.device.empty) this._devices.vpn.section.actor.show(); }, _syncNMState: function() { if (!this._client.manager_running) { log('NetworkManager is not running, hiding...'); this.menu.close(); this.actor.hide(); return; } else this.actor.show(); if (!this._client.networking_enabled) { this.setIcon('network-offline'); this._hideDevices(); this._statusItem.label.text = _("Networking is disabled"); this._statusSection.actor.show(); return; } this._showNormal(); this._updateIcon(); }, _updateIcon: function() { this._syncActiveConnections(); let mc = this._mainConnection; let hasApIcon = false; let hasMobileIcon = false; if (!mc) { this.setIcon('network-offline'); } else if (mc.state == NetworkManager.ActiveConnectionState.ACTIVATING) { switch (mc._section) { case NMConnectionCategory.WWAN: this.setIcon('network-cellular-acquiring'); break; case NMConnectionCategory.WIRELESS: this.setIcon('network-wireless-acquiring'); break; case NMConnectionCategory.WIRED: this.setIcon('network-wired-acquiring'); break; case NMConnectionCategory.VPN: this.setIcon('network-vpn-acquiring'); break; default: // fallback to a generic connected icon // (it could be a private connection of some other user) this.setIcon('network-wired-acquiring'); } } else { let dev; switch (mc._section) { case NMConnectionCategory.WIRELESS: dev = mc._primaryDevice; if (dev) { let ap = dev.device.active_access_point; let mode = dev.device.mode; if (!ap) { if (mode != NM80211Mode.ADHOC) { log('An active wireless connection, in infrastructure mode, involves no access point?'); break; } this.setIcon('network-wireless-connected'); } else { if (this._accessPointUpdateId && this._activeAccessPoint != ap) { this._activeAccessPoint.disconnect(this._accessPointUpdateId); this._activeAccessPoint = ap; this._activeAccessPointUpdateId = ap.connect('notify::strength', Lang.bind(function() { this.setIcon('network-wireless-signal-' + signalToIcon(ap.strength)); })); } this.setIcon('network-wireless-signal-' + signalToIcon(ap.strength)); hasApIcon = true; } break; } else { log('Active connection with no primary device?'); break; } case NMConnectionCategory.WIRED: this.setIcon('network-wired'); break; case NMConnectionCategory.WWAN: dev = mc._primaryDevice; if (!dev) { log('Active connection with no primary device?'); break; } if (!dev.mobileDevice) { // this can happen for bluetooth in PAN mode this.setIcon('network-cellular-connected'); break; } if (this._mobileUpdateId && this._mobileUpdateDevice != dev) { this._mobileUpdateDevice.disconnect(this._mobileUpdateId); this._mobileUpdateDevice = dev.mobileDevice; this._mobileUpdateId = dev.mobileDevice.connect('notify::signal-quality', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.setIcon('network-cellular-signal-' + signalToIcon(dev.mobileDevice.signal_quality)); })); } this.setIcon('network-cellular-signal-' + signalToIcon(dev.mobileDevice.signal_quality)); hasMobileIcon = true; break; case NMConnectionCategory.VPN: this.setIcon('network-vpn'); break; default: // fallback to a generic connected icon // (it could be a private connection of some other user) this.setIcon('network-wired'); break; } } // cleanup stale signal connections if (!hasApIcon && this._activeAccessPointUpdateId) { this._activeAccessPoint.disconnect(this._activeAccessPointUpdateId); this._activeAccessPoint = null; this._activeAccessPointUpdateId = 0; } if (!hasMobileIcon && this._mobileUpdateId) { this._mobileUpdateDevice.disconnect(this._mobileUpdateId); this._mobileUpdateDevice = null; this._mobileUpdateId = 0; } } }; function NMMessageTraySource() { this._init(); } NMMessageTraySource.prototype = { __proto__: MessageTray.Source.prototype, _init: function() { MessageTray.Source.prototype._init.call(this, _("Network Manager")); let icon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'network-transmit-receive', icon_type: St.IconType.SYMBOLIC, icon_size: this.ICON_SIZE }); this._setSummaryIcon(icon); } };